tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle March 1, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm CET
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this is due to the news come to learn from berlin because infiltrate some of germany's little sensitive networks the government confirms reports of a cyber attack on federal computers through it's unclear what did don't was told in german media see a russia bag group project claimed also on the program in russia president got in the lease of an ambitious vision for the country he says in all the two raids and made russian great again with an impressive new nuclear arsenal be here from an
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opponent of office plans and police in slovakia detained drops off specs named by unloaded journalist in his final article alleges he alleges links to the italian mafia at the highest levels of kabul and we take a look at the after the explosive claims accompli. glass in the next sixty minutes use one of the most famous german authors of the twentieth century a new exhibition. shines a spotlight on max beckmann we flew to take a look at his book and captured the decadence and political turmoil of pre-war germany. i don't have a bone welcome to you i'm on the thought she. we start. to see hackers have infiltrated sensitive government nets. it's believed to belong to the defense and
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foreign ministries media reports say the cyber attack has likely been going on for more than a year and to do it a parliamentary committee said the attack might still be underway security agencies recognize and started monitoring the breach in december a group with links to the russian government is thought to be responsive to the interior ministry has given very few details so far just a brief statement sources say russian hackers have been trying to attack the government they planted spying software that could have tapped sensitive data the hackers apparent targets where the foreign and defense ministry as they search for information about russia and ukraine lawmakers are now why they heard nothing in their intelligence briefings even though the agencies apparently knew about the breach of a government to have said nothing possibly for months which is what we have to clarify it's completely unacceptable we're waiting intelligence on the reason
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something i cannot make sense of this is a clear violation of the law. refers to night we see germany is clearly not well prepared for cyber attacks it can't be interpreted in any other way as russian hackers appear to be going and i have the foreign and defense ministries fatah defense minister i don't always. cyber attacks against german authorities are nothing new insiders say the government server is attacked more than a thousand times a day the government already sounded warnings about russian hacking last year. yes we have noticed that time and again german parties german politicians and individuals have been subject to cyber attacks by the hacking group a p t twenty eight or other collectives that we would associate with russian service providers and. i would like to take the opportunity to again make unmistakably clear that
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germany does not tolerate spying activities or intelligence operations of any kind by any country. that came after a twenty fifteen cyber attack against the german parliament a hack allegedly controlled from moscow it said this new breach could have been even more sophisticated and dangerous as workers but this is a real threat a virtual war is taking place against germany possibly with the help of russian intelligence services we now need clarity. but for now you the government is remaining tight lipped about this latest attack even as parliamentarians demand answers. and to discuss this issue with me i have in the studio let us should say he's an expert for cyber security at the german think tank w.p. welcome matusow first of all how do you explain that one of jimmies best protected networks was susceptible to a cyber attack of this kind well this is pretty much standard practice receive government network breaches around the world in the last month so this is nothing
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new the reason why it's because it's really hard to keep a persistent actor out of the network you have thousands of users in these networks they sometimes they are not really skilled and have no awareness about cyber security and they click on a malicious link and then the network is infiltrated just as easy as that and this time a group which is called the a p t twenty it was is believed to be behind this attack tell us more about this group is also known as fancy bet it would be careful with the attribution question right now it is really hard to attribute who is responsible for any cyber activity because digital traces can be minute manipulated it can be easily forged language indicators and stuff like that is easily manipulated so it's really hard to tell right now but there are some indicators that point into the direction but there is no smoking gun evidence so far and what do you know about this group and do you know whether this group is known to have links with the russian intelligence again the problem here is that we can determine
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technical things probably the model that is used for example could be russian origin is true but it's really hard to tell you about social ngs whether they are in fact instructed by the russian government or not so the social attribute in question is even more complicated to answer here that there was as you saw in our report another cyber attack in germany on the german parliament the bundestag back in two thousand and fifteen in the same group the a.p. twenty eight was believed to have been behind that attack one of the lessons learned on cyber security after that attack well there were lessons learned absolutely but as i mentioned it's really hard to keep people out but just to give you a little bit of background the trying to fifteen attacked. was discovered not by german authorities but by a but a foreign actor or intelligence partners and we were informed today we did it to discovered it ourselves so this is a little bit of an improvement i would say but there's much much more to do of course so as the cyber security expert what does the german government need to do to improve security because as we heard in article one person said the appears to
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be a cyber war against germany yeah i would be careful with the terminology here this is standard is fear not practice this is nothing like an armed attack or even a war so the term is a little bit misleading here what we need is better cyber hygiene within the ministries we need better educated people that are trained and have awareness not to click on every e-mail attachment that they receive we could also talk about better technical measures better network measurement techniques in the ministries but i think the education part is probably the easiest and the most effective for now right a cyber security expert from the german thing to. be done just to have you on the program basher. russian president vladimir putin says his country has tested a new missile that could reach anywhere in the wide you know as the showcased a range of new weapons a short while ago during his annual state of the nation address delivered to talk russia nor make us he said the united states and abandon nuclear arms reduction
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agreements and the joshua had been developing the weapons in response to you know to outline domestic goes in the speech going to cut poverty hop over the next six years and strengthen what he called the country's democratic institutions. but joining me now from moscow is a bloody of naval officer a former deputy energy minister turned opposition politician and is a strong supporter of a trend in critic alexa the bunny who's been barred from running in this month's presidential election welcome to you now do you think a speech president to science at russia needed for to expand liberties and all spheres and strengthen institutions off democracy that's surely something you're welcome one to you oh i think everybody who is interested in the subject have observed dynamics of russian civil rights democratic institutions or the best couple of decades well who was in power we are in the company of the war scoundrels in the world in terms of civil liberties in terms of political freedoms and less
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not a secret to anybody so i think this is just one another example of for total detached demagoguery about we heard from many years including many other issues that have said today and not only the election is in less than three weeks it seems a fairly foregone conclusion that putin will win your body has called for a boycott of the poets what do you hope to achieve by that. i think we want to stay on the same side as the great majority of the russian population which basically shows no real interest in the procedure the whole the elections because you can see that basically on a very low interest on the t.v. debates between kind of the. tremendous efforts while all the administrative folks across the country to bring people to the polls were us ordinary russians are not political enthusiastic so i think really the societies on our side people demand
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answers they are fed up with them margaret you know they just don't want to plea puppets and there's some other reinstalled i'm sure we'll have that but president bush is expected to win by a huge majority another me has been bought from running and so you're encouraging people to not to would why didn't you or the party put forward have another candidate to give us support is a chance to vote for someone else because if you take a look at the real russian reality on the ground it took more than a decade to actually bring this national wide known and recognized skin to that there's not violently we just don't have to in the years ahead of us we have only three weeks to push forward absolutely on lone person would be really the systems to put in will be just another puppet kind of that will help with the mise his election we want to do their jobs we want our candidate to be registering holds of them with constituent constitutional rights to run and give us a sense of how difficult has it been for you to being
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a member of the opposition in today's russia it's extremely difficult to know when every day when i will consume my home i have to look around because just a couple days ago one of the opposition heads of municipal councils in moscow was badly beaten and his car park when he was blocking his car to go home just because of his position he firmly opposes authorities in his district. co-author overweighted war is named sort of we just recently commemoratives another anniversary of his murder it's not easy but we have to continue someone has to do this and stand up for russians for their rights and for their liberties and for the future of russia that to be rid of a former deputy energy minister turned opposition politician thank you very much for talking to d.w. monica joins me now and jim and business leaders are closely listening to president putin speech today yeah and there's
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a very very important reason certainly for those business leaders germans business community would like to see sanctions on russia scaled back now those sanctions of course were imposed after moscow annexed the crimean peninsula that was almost four years ago and trade between russia and germany suffered significantly at least at first because meanwhile things are picking up again last year germany exported goods was a total nineteen point seven billion euros to russia that is some twenty five percent up on twenty sixteen russia on the other hand was able to boost its exports to germany by twenty percent to twenty one billion euros mainly in rule materials now the sanctions ban the sale of weapons to russia as well as the export of g. will use technologies exports of energy related technologies and equipment to russia are also subject to license and on top of that you lenders are not allowed to give loans to russia's five largest state owned banks so there are also actions
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but bilateral trade between germany and russia is looking good right now earlier i asked irina filatov of from t w in bonn whether she things those sanctions are having any impact at all. sure they do their western sanctions against russia have affected its business ties with may know if it's western business partners some companies just stopped working with russia because they're facing penalties for that in their home countries others became very cautious about working with russia and the ties between russia and germany severed as well when it comes to the trade between russia and germany it indeed picked up last year for the first time over the last five years the reason for that is that russia is finally recovering after a two year recession the g.d.p. last year expanded by one point five percent and the inflation reached its all time
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low two point five percent also their appreciation of the russian ruble resulting from the recovery of oil prices have been has boosted the employers however it's still too early to say about the complete recovery over the mutual trade between two countries it can't has to be reached their progress is falling of a two billion dollar is last year it only reached peak to them ok but there has been some recovery and you marette to mention that the russian economy obviously took a hit because of the sanctions but it is covering so do those sanctions have make any sense still. yes sure they do i mean it is not possible to say that they didn't heed russia's economy at all the heat was basically really have you first of all the three sectors that against which the sanctions were introduced to finance the energy sector in the defense they may simply go to a severe hit equating to their estimations of my international monetary fund
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russia's losses from the sanctions amounted to one point five percent of his g.d.p. and these figure might also expand to nine percent till two thousand and twenty also the russian economy as a whole was here to fill it because the introduction of sanctions. coincided with a huge slump in oil prices these do that or is put together basically put a heavy pressure on their rebel evaluate depreciated havoline twenty right he'd see later only that until march they would like to ask you i would ask you just one last question briefly your arm so if you would german business is really hoping for those sanctions to be scaled down do you understand their wishes do they have a point in that. you know sure they have a point on the twenty three percent of companies say that they were not affected by sanctions the question is whether lifting the sanctions will result in a boosting to trade because their recent love that we have seen in the trade
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resulted from their russian recession much more than in the election center that had been introduced ok enough in the top of their from d.w. in the bombs thank you so much for this. thank you the world's biggest component supplier for the car industry bush is back paddling on its evil billet ambitions the company announced it was giving up on the research of new batteries for electric cars a project bush has invested heavily into it is unclear why bush is taking this step and hansing a battery efficiency and thereby extending the range of electric cars has been a key challenge for the automotive sector by twenty twenty five the battery market should be worth two hundred fifty billion euros and now it looks like they'll be built without any german or european influence leaving european car makers dependent on foreign suppliers. and with us i would like to cross over to our financial market risk correspondent daniel cole paul is hopefully standing by
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for us in frankfurt daniel there you are then you why would bosh drop its research in electric vehicle batteries especially now after a court here in germany ruled that diesel engines could be banned and everything points towards electric cars well you're right it seems to me that the timing would be great to make a lot of money with mobility bosch has announced it is still going to be their focus they want to rewire twenty twenty the number one in the immobility sub contractor market but for them it seems that financially speaking the production and research in the battery market would be too risky to see also stated that for them it's important to understand how those battery works but there's no need for them to produce them industry has tried for a long time to produce batteries that would allow the cars to drive similar distances like a regular car but still with very very little success and danny just briefly we just heard that opel loss making opel continues to make losses even though it now
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has a new mother a new parent company p.s.a. situation when they ever return into the black you think. well when you look at the numbers those don't look very promising and remember that the company needs to be providing again when it's asked me back in the winning zone by twenty twenty and opel analysts here in germany only have a job guarantee on till the end of two thousand and eighteen many of them are already on reduced working hours so if this is really going to meet by twenty twenty many investors here actually have great doubts or identical in frankfurt thank you so much. over to a region now and it's all about addressing the fallout from one of germany's worst terrorist attacks that's right monica today jim lawmakers are looking at the missteps that prevented authorities from stopping the deadly two thousand and sixteen christmas market attack in berlin twelve people were killed when
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a field asylum seeker gruber truck into a crowded hunted to market in the city center italian police shot and killed the tinnies in a tackle four days later in a shootout in milan after he eluded german police especially on a mentor committee will investigate a series of police and security failures that allowed the suspects to stage a terrorist attack and escape the scene. on december nineteenth twenty sixteen terrorist and nice amery steered a hijacked truck into a busy christmas market on berlin's bright child plants twelve people died and many are still suffering today from serious injuries it was the first serious jihadist attack in germany but could it have been prevented a committee of inquiry is set to investigate this question in retrospect it is clear that security authorities knew a great deal about an ace amery they had already identified him as a threat one year before the attack they were aware of his drug trafficking his
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phones were intercepted and his internet connections were being monitored. in the state of north rhine-westphalia several officers were on his case am raise a silent application was rejected although he should have left germany he remained when he was once briefly detained he could have been deported instead he was released and he changed his identity multiple times at the start of two thousand and sixteen the state criminal police office in berlin was informed that emery was on his way to the capital security officials knew that he was in contact with a terrorist cell of a radical islamist. they also knew that he sympathized with the islamic state and wanted to get a kalashnikov am i often visited the foo select mosque a meeting place for violence oriented salafist it was being observed but only from monday to friday despite the fact that amery counted as
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a leading potential threat he was only placed under surveillance by the state police in the summer with bloody consequences how did security officials loose sight of a terrorist an answer to this question is not only important for germany but especially for the victims' loved ones. there's been i've been up to date that some other stories making news around the world white house communications head whole picks is announced her resignation she's seen as one of president donald trump's most trusted and long serving aides six saves her resignation has nothing to do with a testimony this week to a congress panel probing alleged russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen election. u.s. retail giant wal-mart has said it will stop selling firearms and ammunition to people under the age of twenty one the announcement follows a similar move by fellow retailer dick's sporting goods goods fresh debates about gun control have broken out after last month's deadly school shooting in florida.
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european commission president as you include you know is attending an event would reach the leaders in the bulgarian capital sofia today he's just wrapped up a visit to the western balkans where the e.u. is seeking to expand six balkan countries are hoping to join the bloc four of them are candidate countries there binya macedonia serbia and montenegro they've applied to become members and have started negotiations with the e.u. two other borken states was to have to go vienna and possible viewed as potential candidates meaning they haven't formally applied for membership as yet don't go due to wants to encourage political reforms and the resolution of outstanding conflicts between neighboring states to ease integration into the e.u. did. show it to sick has to strip out. because on the left a kiss on the right a warm reception and
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a wet and chilly tirana for european commission president john plourde younker but there's little time for pleasantries this convoy has to head straight into the city first person get your appointment i've it's with all being in prime minister bt rama last just half an hour. at the press conference afterwards. doesn't mince his words. albania is a profoundly european country we've welt on the difficulties of the past for too long and we cannot waste anymore time. all. it is time now to grow closer together. this western balkans tour is a delicate balancing act for the commission president he wants to highlight the prospects of belonging to the e.u. without making too many promises i would like a session talks to begin as soon as possible it is one of the most eager of there
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would be in the new candidates. it's unique tool for modernizing our states and our societies for building credible democratic institutions is. very very important is unique and is not replaceable but feels but is unable and unwilling to make binding promises here is i dinner every means it's time to leave for some rest at a hotel before departing for the next aspiring e.u. member. serbia it's just a thirty minute flight so there scant time to prepare. touchdown in belgrade. the weather here might not be much better than inch iran but the country's prospects for e.u. membership are president aleksander bullshits welcomes the commission president the two men i know and respect one another serbia is seen as one of the most likely
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candidates the country has already fulfilled several of the required reforms but accession won't be before two thousand and twenty five at the earliest. the. mission is i'm not making myself very popular on this trip because i can't promise any dates just here are the things you have to do to fulfill and carry out so i have the impression that i'm being received with open arms but i'm being let go with a pinch smile of magick and if the results should've been just a bit. perhaps that's why young guy has brought some back up in the shape of flow and large men commissioner yohannes hahn he's already been to the balkans several times this year. we should see this here this but then i appreciate that president is making the effort to visit these six aspiring new countries but also to signal how important the development of the e.u. in the western balkans is and stressful travelling like this is something that we
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are quite used to be able to see out there is a days and seasons the end given if you know because the last stop in serbia is a meeting with prime minister and up on average well. it's scheduled. last an hour a relative luxury. but then it's on to the next stop want to nag grow another country hoping keenly for the green light. for commission president claude young. now europeans might be surprised to learn that spring has begun at least according to the calendar used by weather experts because the continent still remains in the grip of an icy front from siberia and although the sun is shining in some places looks out deceptive. the sun rises over renishaw in western germany the clear skies belie the freezing temperatures across the rest of the country. it may be meteorological spring
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but winter isn't going away without a fight like here on lake constance in southern germany where the beach is frozen solid. even the sun is no match for the so-called beast from the east the siberian cold front blanketing much of europe temperatures have plunged across the continent but not everyone is letting the chill get them down. and it's nice to drink something hot under the sun cinnamon bizarre and constantly complaining about the weather but we can enjoy the nice cold days to get more inspired i go barefoot on my terrace in the morning it doesn't bother me as oh no shown by the sun is warm and beautiful if you dress properly and it feels like the beginning of spring to start from for yahshua nervy. the sun has officially set on winter but it's not ready to get it
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you the freezing winds and heavy snowfall are expected to continue in much of europe. more news coming up here shortly to stay with us on the w. news. it is a bitter power struggle. versus politics the public prosecutor says the government is a good. brazil the corrupt elites maintain that choke hold on the country. people up paying the price for. brazil. the power lines drawn public places implement doubling. every
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journey begins with the first step and every language of the first word american eagle nico he's in germany to germany. why not listening. in simple online on your own bio and for a. double using a learning course. maybe see. birth. home unions of species. a home worth saving and. those are big changes and most start with small steps global interiors tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. like deals that protect the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation.
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result of people you can not protect afford to create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. using all channels available to inspire people to take action and we're determined to build something here for the next generation. global audience a multimedia environment series on d.w. . you're watching news coming to you live from berlin and i'm on it that she not patient to have your company on top story germany's trying to determine the extent of a cyber attack on its government ministries a russian hacker group is believed to have broken into the high security network it's accused of previous attacks on u.s. and german political parties. so how dangerous is social media especially for kids that's what a new study in germany hopes to shed light on to discuss this its findings i had
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with nick on last month from social media discs welcome gonna what is this new study say i mean this was actually just released a few hours ago here in germany and it is really the first study in this country to tackle and try to measure social media addiction amongst teenagers it surveyed around one thousand german youth aged twelve to seventeen and looked at the usage of social media apps like snap chat whatsapp and instagram and we have for you some of the main fire. endings of the study take a look at these numbers here and the first one is the big number nearly three percent of german youth are addicted to social media that's sounded like a low number to me but we're talking about showing clinical signs of addiction like something like a drug youth uses social media about two and a half hours per day but interestingly the numbers are different for girls they're higher so they're on social media longer about three hours per day and they're more addicted three point four percent and now this is also concerning i mean to social media addiction is linked to
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a higher risk of depression and one third of youths say that they're using social media to avoid unpleasant thoughts so some interesting and kind of concerning numbers there in this study we actually asked the chair of the german insurance company dak which helps lead this study we asked him about the findings here's what he had to say because. the major problem center on our inability to live anymore without regularly using social media is. social media is used to escape everyday problems and challenges. one consequence for adolescence is decreasing contact in the real world not only with parents but with those of the same age. hoes who communicate solely over social media and get lonely very quickly to media. but on the to see if. results of a day running for parents and educators what kind of recommendations is this study
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for them i mean there's no easy answers here because digital technology social media is just becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives but the study does give some suggestions especially for combating social media addiction and honestly a lot of it is just kind of common sense stuff and here's some of what the study recommends it says limiting or banning social media use in schools is very important there's even some schools here in berlin that are smartphone free now you can install digital tools or filters on phones that would block social media apps funding is important for better media education and for students and you have to get the parents involved parents should said rules at home for phone free time maybe at the dinner table no phones allowed and i personally think parents have to set the example so if you want your children to stop using social media phones you got to put your own phone away first right that's important as well and said social media companies reacted to these findings or companies are under more and more pressure now especially facebook but of course they make their money the more time
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we use their apps right the longer you're on instagram the more money mark zuckerberg is making facebook owns instagram they own whatsapp of course they own facebook so they're under a lot of pressure mark zuckerberg recently announced a new algorithm for facebook that but actually decrease he says the amount of time that we spend on the platform so that's one step at least but they might be going in a different direction at the same time take a look at this video this is a promotional video for a new app which is literally called facebook messenger kids it's meant for kids as young as six years old youth health experts have called the app irresponsible and they're asking for it to be taken from app stores this was released late last year facebook those as it helps parents to stay in touch in touch with their kids although if you look at his videos mostly kids talking to her kids you know i think we're going to see more and more pressure on companies like facebook. really take concrete actions to address social media addiction so we'll see what happens with
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this pressure but this apathy end up taking it down an operating facebook and other companies under a lot of pressure especially now after the study so lots of food for thought the last one from a social media disc thank you very much johnny not just the police have arrested several italian businessmen named via mudda journalists having links to government corruption twenty seven year old was shot dead at his home last week along with his feel see shortly off his model the news website he worked for published his last unfinished article it claims have shocked the nation. journalists young could see x. final story was the most explosive in his short career it may also have cost him his large. the story details alleged links between the italian mafia and officials working in the prime minister's office. it was published by his colleagues days after the bodies of and his fiance martina course than over were found in their bratislava home. in one thousand nine percent convinced that the murder is
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connected with his writings about a link between italian mafia and slovakian politics political story name two officials who have now resigned pending an investigation one of them mario told us called or a chief advisor to the prime minister another really i mean chair of the state security department both have denied any link to the killings prime minister robert fitz so seen here with toskala has cautioned against judging the pair without evidence he's offered a reward of one million euros for information about the murders slovakia's culture minister also resigned ashamed that something like this could happen in his country for the. us culture minister i can't deal with the fact that the journalist was killed during my term in office. in brussels european parliamentarians held
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a minute of silence to honor the journalists of government is it me that's. the truth with determination and didn't answer to anyone. the police to clear that he was almost surely killed to stop his investigation. incased could six grieving supporters want his work to be continued they marched and brought to slaughter demanding safety for journalists and an end to corruption could see acts reporting may now have more impact on slovakia than he could have ever imagined. this sullivan he's the editor of the organized crime and corruption reporting project a consortium of investigative journalists welcome judy did you see i personally in the kind of still receive was working on but i didn't know him personally he was working with us on this particular story and so he was working with one of our regional editors i didn't get a chance to ever meet him but i was aware of all his work on our weekly basis how
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did these other young was working with your organization when he was investigating the italian mafia and links with the politicians and still walk in do you think there was a link between his story and his killing. i think the police think there's a link in fact some breaking news they've arrested two of the italian businessman who are in our story mr modahl and mr kalpoe and have charged them with the murder . and do you know what the young because it was aware of the danger he was in by doing this story. i don't think so i think you know nobody has ever been killed in slovakia for their stories and that's the problem these these groups they move through the region people don't know how dangerous they are we had warned him a couple weeks before he was killed but we had talked with them and he was only polling records for the story is only making of information requests just normally
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a very safe thing to do and what do you know about the people in that final story that was published posthumously by your organization now these are the series of italian businessmen who seem to be all interconnected they have some family relations they have personal relations and they own a significant part of the one of the main districts in eastern slovakia and so they have over twenty about twenty thousand hectares of land there very wealthy businessman there worth over one hundred million dollars but they have very disturbing and deep ties to a number of other businessmen who have been. confirmed as members of the end around it a crime family is right drew some of them from the organized crime and corruption reporting project thank you very much for talking to you thanks so much. jim is federal court has just overturned a model verdict in a case involving
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a death caused by street creasing the case concerns a man who was killed as a result of a navy get congress on one in spain to call for us to live on a boat in court had earlier found the two races give because they were aware the actions could cause the death of this but the federal court ruled that intention to kill was not proven and said the man should face manslaughter charges instead. for more on this case i'm joined now by professor a constant monson from the department of law at the fee university here in london he was involved in filing today's appeal welcome professor months another view of what the ruling what you had expected what's your reaction to the verdict. yes after the auroral session three weeks ago this rule could be expected and my reaction is that i think the federal court did right and second the bird and caught
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conviction why. yes we have two reasons one it's a question of evidence and one is a question of categories in criminal law first the question of evidence is that we have to prove that the offenders act intentionally and the intention can only be made at the moment when the offender recognises the situation otherwise. we will miss the so-called principle of coincidence so you have to act at a tent at the same time and that has to be proven in what is of course difficult because a lot of well defended offenders would activate their right to silence and don't make any statements and follows it reasoning in my view but in caught. substituted. concrete evidence by general probability statements
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they said people usually in such situations would have this is that intention intentional to murder and yes i see because there's been a lot of interest in this case at professor casa mums and thank you very much for sharing your legal expertise on this with us. now to monica for business use and one of the most contentious issues for workers in europe that's right henri to everybody who wants to get the same pay the same pay for the same work at the same location that is the goal of an e.u. workers' directive from last year designed to protect domestic work forces in high wage countries but work is imported from so-called no wage countries such as poland don't want to give up their status arguing it threatens their livelihoods if they have to compete on a level playing field while brussels is now taking action. whether on building
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sites in the freight sector already caring professions hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans head to richer western european countries for work their contracts don't have to stick to the host countries pay rates making their labor cheap it's long been an issue in countries like germany and france now brussels has reached initial agreement on tightening the rules. at the heart of our proposal is the principle of equal pay for equal work at the same place and we now confirm this principle in legislation this directly responds to the concerns of many citizens the agreement opens a new phase for fair degree of the internal markets our single market works for goods and services as capital it should also work for people. in future workers from pora e.u. countries will earn the same as their native colleagues contracts will be limited to fifteen months an attempt to curb wage dumping but employing eastern europeans
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will still be the inexpensive option for one workers will still have access to state insurance back home which is often cheaper than in wealthier countries that's a compromise for years the eastern european countries have staunchly opposed restrictions keen to retain their competitive advantage thursday's decision has to pass through several committees before being finalized later this summer. the world mobile congress in barcelona draws to a close today this year's buzzword at the world's biggest fair for mobile communication has been five g. promoters say the unable ultrafast transmission of large quantities of data will rapidly transform our lives starting right at the moment we walk out of our front door through. the click on the up front is not long to wait before the
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electric car comes rolling along. just to be on the safe side b m w's driver sits in the front passenger seat. the driver's seat remains empty the whole time. passengers in the back seats can use a display to do things like sound the horn or even stop the car one of these like the german alternator wants its first driverless model on the road by twenty twenty one. but almost entirely autonomous vehicle. in the immortal can a demo showcase which we put on at the mobile world congress to see also navigate using a digital map we've made of the exhibition ground. in practice it takes the latest five g. mobile technology to enable autonomous driving at the recent south korea winter olympics korea telecom set up the world's first public five g. network in barcelona it's launched a five g.
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virtual reality game. the technology transfers gigantic data volumes from the players vests with a response time of only ten milliseconds. be the five g. is a more much a faster than four g. twenty times twenty times and more. we've reduced our let's see are a result case you sir ok to step on that as you called to be at work or you don't have to way or go heavy you could. i meant and i say it's a totally wildlife mobile data network so the hot topic in barcelona this year the number of network gadgets is expected to grow rapidly from twenty twenty on along with the attendant risks i think five g. represents an opportunity it's going to signal the entrance of multiple devices that are literally going to revolutionize the way that we live the way that we what every component of our lives is going to be impacted but i think what that also
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represents is potential risk as well because you know things like driverless cars i mean everybody's health care and social security and privacy are going to be literally being number one question that we'll be it's more than just a game it's a serious matter of evaluating and minimizing the potentially disastrous risks of a new technology that would be rolled out within the next two years. the u.s. olympic committee has announced the resignation of its chief executive scott blackmun the phone is criticism over the sex abuse scandal involving former gymnastics a doctor larry. the u s o c's cited ongoing health issues as a reason for blackman's departure and monster reforms aimed at protecting future athletes from abuse was sentenced to life in prison off the beating guilty to molesting women under the guise of medical treatment. the three time
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surfing was champion mick fanning has announced that he will retire after this month's rip current pro event in his native history of them the thirty six year old grabbed headlines in two thousand and fifteen after his tussle with the great white shark that was captured live on t.v. at an event in south africa these speeches have been washed over twenty five million times on you tube he was attacked by another shock at the same event two years later despite these terrifying encounters fanning quickly returns to compete at the highest level his retirement is not too late it to the shark attacks. on the mexican open enters the quarter final stage on friday after a dramatic round of sixteen was settled in acapulco on wednesday what the day's more thrilling encounters so argentina a martin del potro take on spaniard david ferrer in
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a three set thriller and germany's alexander was also in action. martin del potro looked comfortable after climbing the opening set of his last sixteen encounter against david farah a spaniard hit back however taking the second set by the same scoreline to set up the tents finale. i but del potro held his nerve emerging with a six three victory to set up a quarter final showdown with austria's dominic traina. germany's alexanders better have also booked his place in the last eight overcoming compatriot pizza guy off chicken straight sets he faces usas ryan harrison on friday. max big man is want the most celebrated jim an artist of the nine hundred twenty s. and thirty's
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a new exit mission of his books is just opened at the now one famous museum body any potsdam just outside but in roman letter from a culture this is vic me and has mall welcome robin food for tell us about max back money was a bit of a trouble so he was indeed because of his experience in the first world war he was twenty when and nine hundred fourteen when the war started he volunteered as a medic because he didn't want to fight for the coals as a medic you see her ific injuries you see terrible things and it really did scar him for life it has to be said i mean post-war back beckman became a leading exponent of a new kind of hard age realistic that emerged in the early twenty's he famously did many self portraits tribe's his life and i think he did all of that sort of staring intensely i which of the painting somehow you can often see like here the darkness and disillusionment in him there's no doubt his psyche was scarred for life it's
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also interesting to note that the two of the great exponents of this sort of realistic german expressionism also dick's and george crossed exactly the same they they served and suffered in the in the great war and you could see the pinned in there was so what could be expected from this exhibit been well it's cold the world as a stage because beckmann loved this because he loved the theater he loved the musical and he set a lot of his paintings in that but it goes. inside these paintings as topics you see to express the catastrophic situation he felt the world was in i mean so on the surface paintings of the stage but very emotional the current. she says granddaughter the executor of his estates and she also bears more than a passing resemblance to have famous grandfather max back mn but mine beckman never really got to know her grandfather she was only two years old when he died in
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america. the first things i learned about him were hanging on the wall. of course there was a lot of talk about him. because in the period around nine hundred fifty everyone was trying to rehabilitate artists who had been forced out by the nazis. even before the nazis came to power beckman this was a world of masquerade of the theater it fascinated me expectation throughout his life his first family picture from one nine hundred twenty on stage self portraits in a dressing gown like a musician in his dressing room or here mack spector as clown clown can. you mentioned the clown can make people laugh. but this is certainly a sad white clown. one who takes away the sadness of people by taking it on
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see. the world as a stage as the title of the exhibition beckmann love the theatre in one thousand twenties he wrote a few plays himself and drew wherever there was a stage nearby. he painted his friend the actor harnish dior and his family and even visited the film studios in barbados berg in its early days but he also posed questions in his pictures what role does the individual the artist play in this world theater. i wish of a where do i stand which stage of my on this is of course a big topical issue in our time when self-expression is a huge topic in politics and in social networks. there's an extensive program of cultural events around the exhibition the theme is politics as a stage for discussions with theatre people and in the summer
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a real circus will drop by max backbone as another big hit for the museum barberini. the sec is that a museum that sounds interesting but they were in the well bob arena has been collecting accolades ever since it opened at the beginning of last yeah it has and rightly so it is the most stunning museum and it's down mainly to one very generous benefactor this is a man called hasso plattner a sort of software billionaire who's also a very major collector and a lot of his office is in the museum the move to potsdam some years back he did i sorry i bought this plot so the building was destroyed during the second world war reconstruction began in two thousand and thirteen and the facade looks like the original building the rooms inside are completely mold the first exhibition by the way had there you see here a complete room complete with road sculptures and also there was
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a painting that is very significant now because it's a girls on the bridge a very famous painting by edward monk minch and he was of course a great influence to the german expression the freshness of the treasure sentry like beckman instead of the guardian version that the best museum opening of the last year you know that seemed to say i haven't been there and how does this exhibit hust and has to go that it was old until june and there are one hundred twelve paintings sculptures and drawings of my expect and so it's that is looking forward to that job and never marketed as thank you very much. you're watching the dog news our top story this hour chile is trying to determine the extent of a cyber attack on its own government ministries a russian hacker group is believed to have broken into the high security networks is accused of previous attacks on u.s. and german political parties. that's it for me and without you more and judging
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german state by state. colors. was. the most traditional. minded all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. the stasi made a point of still. representing. ilish meta architect of east germany's police states. to clinton if i had my way. east germany would still be delish me pastor. yes but you know. starting march thirteenth off d w. the.
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scars. of the pain still tangible. the suffering for god. for city's edge but. they have survived but do they also have a future. i really understand people who say they don't want to stay here. but i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something . new beginning in peace. time. of the people making it possible what needs to happen to tolerance and reconciliation or to stand a chance. darkness cities during the war. starting march tenth on t w.
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this is d w news live from berlin high because they tried some of germany's most sensitive networks the government composed the force of a cyber attack on computers in the defense of foreign ministers there were some clear what dates it was don't look for german media santa russia group is to blame . also and russian president vladimir putin has laid out his vision for the country he says he will.
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