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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2018 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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in months of political deadlock and in germany the social democrats vote to join a coalition government led by chant blackall america all over five months after germany's election this paves the way for a new government we'll talk about the implications for germany and europe also ahead. italy votes in an election whose outcome in anything but certain gains are expected for an anti is doubtless meant and why it wing parties with migration and the economy among the key issues. and they're getting ready to roll out the red carpet for the film industry biggest night as the stars descend on hollywood for the academy awards we preview the contenders hoping for oscar glory.
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and welcome to the program the wait for a german government is over and that's because the social democrats have voted yes to joining forces yet again with chancellor angela merkel's conservatives two thirds of s.p.d. members voted in favor of the coalition deal hammered out by their party leaders and merkel's christian democrats this gives the chancellor another term in office her fourth and a new government is expected to be in place within just two weeks. krentz of journalists and much anticipation at the social democrats headquarters after speculation about a close result all eyes were on the s.p.d. as it revealed its decision one hundred sixty days after germany's election but the mood in silent restrained half. the result was announced meet young at heart and
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thirty nine thousand six hundred four s.p.d. members voted in favor one hundred twenty three thousand three hundred twenty nine s.p.d. members voted no this corresponds to a true full of sixty six point zero two percent of the votes cast on six and six is common sense the up you gave in and stephen no applause no cheering and a cautious party leader who fought very hard for this yes it. is a social democratic party did not take this decision lightly in the past few weeks they discussed the results of the coalition agreement openly and transparently these were important and exciting debates in which many members of the s.p.d. actively participated with the two fatalities topped the result of the members vote is not exactly cause for showing off s.p.d. leaders know that many in the party have struggled with this decision fearing that the s.p.d. will be completely sidelined in another grand coalition. as p.d.u.
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swing boss kevin cornered back in the spotlight he became the figurehead of the resistance against a grand coalition and despite his disappointment is rick conciliatory significant it is the democratic total and of course makes up this result that we are not sore losers and we will try to make the best of it can dispense to tulsa mom andre knowledges the s.p.d. is most powerful woman at the moment is pleased with the result but doesn't want to say who will get which ministries. but if you can when will you announce the s.p.d. personnel lineup. on monday week from monday or maybe earlier but soon. people where's my car. how does the germans feel many are just happy to see a government take shape. we've been going through a period of standstill in business as well as to and i believe that now there is security and soon we can begin making progress if it's actually the s.p.d. in the long run i don't know but how long this back and forth continue it's been
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months if they can push through everything they're planning floodlit otherwise new elections what good would that do us now live on its cost now until america is due to be sworn in again as chancellor within the month and scrutiny returns to a new edition of the grand coalition. to discuss this further let's go now to our political correspondent yes good to see you how should we interpret this result it's not exactly a ringing endorsement for the social democrats is that going to bring up a quick graphic right here to show you some of the numbers as you can see thirty four percent of the members rejected that deal you know should the s.p.d. be concerned that a third of their members are opposed to what unfolded here today. i think on the contrary the s.p.d. leadership is probably extremely relieved because many experts had expected a much much narrower result and so at the end of the day two thirds in favor of
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entering another america led coalition government is actually a success for the s.p.d. leadership it doesn't really look like that but if you look at what's been going on these past few weeks the s.p.d. looked like it was totally breaking into two separate parts one parts which didn't want to go into this next coalition and the other part saying we've got to show some sense of responsibility now we've got to do this again you have to remember of course that this reluctance to enter they say nother nother addition off this american led coalition goes back to the fact that the many in the s.p.d. feel like they've lost a sense of their own identity eight of the past twelve years they've spent in a coalition with anglo american they feel like justifiably merkel has reaped some of the benefits for s.p.d. policies that actually were pushed through in this center left center right coalition government and so the s.p.d. really wants to rediscover its identity many say they can only do so outside of
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a grand coalition but now they also say that they have said yes to another edition of a macro government and they're going to stick to it you mentioned this problem in terms of identity the youth wing was specifically talking about that do you think van and those others who are opposed to joining this grand coalition will be now able to accept this result. i think this was visible on sunday when the results were presented there was silence in the room so the s.p.d. leadership afterwards explained that there have been discussions about how to treat this result and how to treat this presentation off the result and they said you know we need to demonstrate to the outside world that we're standing here as a united party and now that we've got a result there are no winners or losers yes we have said yes to this coalition but that doesn't mean that we're the windows of this other loses and so i think this is
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a clear sign that the s.p.d. leadership is going to try and get the other side the other side within its party also on board to fight through some of the desired changes that the people under the youth leader kevin could not have demanded kevin community of course himself has said we want to help rejuvenating the party we're going to stick to the decision we're going to show some party discipline and now of course the discussion is going to go on about how many new faces does the s.p.d. need they have actually negotiated an extremely good deal with uncle i'm ackles conservatives and they're going to get a few really important ministries and the question is does this call for rejuvenation within the party also translate into new cabinet positions you know political correspondent thank you very much we're going out to brussels to look at the european picture with political correspondent barbara vai's
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all barbara there you are relief is the word of the day here is that the outlook from the e.u. is powerbrokers. oakum pleat lee hugh relief you can say anything else congress relations from all sides particularly of course from paris where the french president. said no the decision of the social democrats was good news for europe with the belgian prime minister shots michel he said that now is the time where germany has to germany has to show some leadership in europe again and let's go forwards together the french nurin the dutch you commissioner and everybody who sort of send their good wishes will come this result because what the last thing that european union wanted was an evil german government is so much hinges on bullen and paris working together well and working in a solid an unchallenged men are far from like internal strife and internal wars and
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so there isn't fact nothing but relief here nothing but relief from brussels now what can brussels in terms of priorities look ahead to now that berlin is going to have a government. quite a number of priorities but you have of course the beginning burke said negotiations during the summer of this year this will heat up a bit so far we've just seen the preliminaries we do have a rather sincere problem a severe problem with some eastern european countries and at the upcoming summit at the end of march. the heads of state and government will be talking about the situation poland developments where countries that you membership member countries are turning away from democracy and so that will take some very sort of strong leadership on this on the part of the other countries then there is the upcoming euro reform of course we will look for instance for the summer for
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the true turning off the e.u. fund the crisis fund of the eurozone into a real sort of european monetary fund that might be one of the first steps to give something to in one room across what started out was a very strong european and a very strong reform platform so there are still many issues this european defense that goes on and on so many urgent things to do and also we don't know what will happen in italy so yes great relief and everybody says all right no get down to work get going do that and work solidly together work solidly together but there was a potential for another coalition before this one with the f.d.p. and the greens brussels have while combat as well. no brussels was looking rather skeptical at that coalition of course because the greens are a known factor here the greens in the european parliament are very pro european are
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strong on the environment strong for solidarity but this is the s.t.p. the liberal party had shown a certain skepticism it was also strong on the tight fiscal policies things that are not welcomed in brussels and so this is really the desired result this is the favorite result for the european union what happened today in bowlen d.w. political correspondent barbara vai's all thank you very much meanwhile another european countries facing some uncertainty this hour italians are casting their ballots in a general election that's turning out to be a tightly contested race a center right coalition anchored by former prime minister silvio berlusconi's fourth party could come out with a majority the economy and immigration have dominated what's been unpredictable campaign and there are more surprises on election day. former italian prime
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minister and leader of the right wing coalition silvio berlusconi prepares to cast his vote in milan but like so many things in this eighty one year old's life nothing is predictable. a topless activists from the women's group femen shouts time's up bella stony and your expired dallas county. but a lot. but there's little that can deter this veteran politician is barred from holding office because of tax evasion his coalition no could emerge as the largest bloc in parliament making him the kingmaker. and he's like a cartoon character who wants everybody to like him makes me laugh it's the fact that in two thousand and eleven he was absolutely finished destroyed devastated to detect by everyone but now he's supposed to be the savior of the country. is unique only he can adapt this way. i
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admire him a lot for his tenacity. but bella skinny isn't the only politician who gets attention of the anti establishment five star movement led by luigi to my own could end up with the most votes but that may not be enough for an outright majority. another challenger and also former prime minister is metate renzi who leads the center left democratic party but he's expected to limp home in third place. from immigration to the struggling economy this election has been dogged by division and with a new election law and indecisive result likely italians may end up wondering what exactly they voted for. joining us now from rome as our correspondent. out of a number of political alliances no one looks set to win the majority what possible
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scenario is italy facing. a number of scenarios basically let's start with the most likely version and that is silvio berlusconi's center right political coalition looking for another partner and that could be the center left political party of the current government and it would basically be a ground to aleutian but there's been a lot of fighting in the can pay me so i don't think that will happen another option is of course a populist surge in italy some voters here have told me today the country is ripe for it and of course you have the five star movement we've seen it in the report they have come out very strong their leader by the way hof a century younger than bella schoolie but the problem they have is they have categorically ruled out a coalition and boldly they will just not have enough to it to gain a majority of the seats and then finally there's the likelihood of
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a caretaker government that will be put in place until there's another election in italy mentioned berlusconi he's in the thick of things yet again despite scandal after scandal and we've seen the italians have mixed feelings about him but just how likely is it that he going to climb back to the top of that italian political mountain nobel a scone he's an experienced mountaineer he's been up on that summit four times why not try to the fifth time and he actually has a plan how he wants to do it as we've seen he's he's barred from a political office for two years but in the meantime he has asked the president of the european parliament style yani if he wants to be prime minister until maybe in two years time he he could take over and fulfill that promise that you see on election poses throughout the country but has he done to battle stonie president have berlusconi a possibility now europe's i'm watching the german situation there obviously looking at what's happening in italy very closely do european leaders have cause
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for concern about the result here. they will particularly carefully have to observe how material salvini a key coalition partner in that center right coalition is doing because he and dallas county agree to whoever comes first among the the center right coalition will become prime minister and not to. is this is a far right anti immigrant on to european a leader who's been very outspoken very euro a critic if he would become prime minister that would send shock waves through europe jungle gym get ahead of the european commission has said a dysfunctional government in italy would be the worst case scenario that you're best to prepare for well i think he hasn't thought of the option that salvini could become prime minister. mathis and ron thank you for insight. you're watching the news still to come the film industries biggest and brightest
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stars are descending on hollywood for the ninetieth academy awards we preview the contenders hoping for oscar glory tonight. absolutely other stories making news around the world syrian troops and allied militias have captured a number of villages and towns near braben held eastern ghouta hundreds of people are reportedly fleeing the largest advance since an offensive began last month to crush the last major rebel stronghold near the capital damascus. swiss voters have overwhelmingly rejected a plan to abolish their t.v. license fee more than seventy one percent voted no in sunday's referendum on whether to act a mandatory fee for radio and television programming this license fee is around four hundred euros annually and provides funding for public broadcasters. a century after british woman won the right to boast activist and celebrities and politicians are joining
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a rally for gender equality on the streets of london demonstrators on the march for women are calling for an end to violence and discrimination in the workplace. u.s. president donald trump has threatened to impose new tax on european cars tweeted quote that if the e.u. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on u.s. companies washington will simply apply a tax on their cars which he says for freely into the united states in two weeks russians will head to the polls for national elections and president putin faces no serious challengers and his reelection isn't in serious doubt but that hasn't stopped him from campaigning in the past week he's boasted of russia's military might and sought to stoke the nationalist fervor in moscow over one hundred thousand people gathered for a star studded rally to support their president at the city's main sports complex.
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tickets to see russian pop star. usually cost up to one hundred seventy euros but on saturday more than one hundred thousand people saw him perform for free along with a host of other russian celebrities an extravagant campaign rally for the timea putin whose election victory is over but so. loosely here we should look he's a real man a strong president a great person but. russia is doing so much better than in the ninety's we have putin to thank for that i see is that all of it is we were told to come here. as well as public sector workers the audience included delegation said from chechnya and other russian federation republics apache arctic backdrop for putin's latest appearance days after he set the course for a new arms race with washington on saturday he sought to whip up nationalist fervor . we stand together i believe we will achieve stunning victories in the coming decades of the twenty first century we will do that yes we feel that there's.
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the russian national anthem topped off an appearance of just seven minutes putin seems confident that's enough to secure the support of photos in two weeks' time. you're watching news if you're just joining us the center left social democrats here in germany have voted yes to once again for general lyon's with anglo-american conservatives and form a so-called grand coalition two thirds of as p.d. members voted in favor of the coalition deal hammered out by their party leaders and their calls conservatives this gives the chancellor another term in office or fourth the new government could be in place in less than two weeks time. just ports now are there some tragic news from italy's football league syria or fear and unite captain david day a story has died. the club rather confirmed a story passed away overnight after what it was called
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a sudden illness the on play in florence the thirty one year old has also played for italy's national team he was found early this morning in his hotel room just hours before his club's match against luton they say all seven of syria's sunday matches have been postponed. and here in the bundesliga game of the week on saturday leipsic hosted dortmund in a key clash for the champions league slots the top half of the german league is so tightly bunched that a win could have done wonders for leipzig but instead they had to settle for a draw. as players dortmund's pater's digger and leipzig zuroff causing her to won titles together in their native austria now the old friends are rivals the stakes were high but somebody should have told the visitors manuella kanzi his slack touch that in team over an hour for the game's first chance and nine minutes. remember the equal to the shot. dortmund were also a threat andre sure left lady
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a me she but you i i but the goal was ruled out for offside soon after a near repeat scenario this time marco toys was on target the officials deny and dortmund again the other end not the case at times his past better phrase junk and i was down one nil to the hosts after twenty nine minutes dortmund wasted no time in hitting back though my sense royce through on goal no upside this time royce rounding the keeper and slotting home. the friends level at half time. the game got scrappy after the break. but you are you with the best chance of the second half but the cross from diode on the touch from the chelsea loney where both lacking that cutting edge leipzig brought bruma for more attacking threat but winders trust sailing agonizingly why and so it ended one all a result that helps neither side if nothing else an old friendship remains intact.
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hamburg is the only founding member of the bundy's league that's never been relegated that's almost fifty five years in the top tier that saturday hamburg saw its chances dwindle to just about nothing when the team failed at home to take three points from another cellar dweller minds. staring relegation in the face time the coach pants hollaback took his team wanted to date boot camp in midweek for the parents' minds also in danger this was a veritable six pointer that had started with the necessary urgency that it cost each rational the crossbar points grateful for the fingertips of florian malone who has been his league it debut. hamburg then had to go chalk tossed by v.a.r. on the day it was approved for the world cup cross stitch thought he scores replay showing this time the technology d.x. definitely get it right. into the second half and hamberger afforded
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a lifeline. dismissed after picking up a second yellow for the foul in the box. that man cost it stepped up but it wasn't looking like his or hamburg stay with more magic for months. despite that dominance hamburg can make the extra man count hollaback still looking for his first win it's coach little as it's one point isn't enough but in the end you don't know we still have nine games left we mustn't give up. as they go through . but actually for comfort to be as angry fans their view was clear thanks for nothing. to some hollywood glitz and glamour now hours from now the stars will hit the red carpet for this year's oscars and the award for best picture is already shaping up to be a tight race a fairy tale romance and a dark murder mystery are both in the running for the top prize here's a look at those films and some other contenders hoping for oscar glory later
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tonight. cast from bronze freed from their molds then filed and polish to perfection. the final touch is a golden coating. oscar statuettes have been made this way since one nine hundred twenty nine these are the first steps in their journey from new york to los angeles its late night talk show star jenny kennels joel to host the ceremony. there will be a. big on scripted surprise in the show. real session they want to avoid a nasty surprise like the one that happened last year confusion over an envelope led to the wrong film being named best picture this year it's the sheet of water which has received the most nominations it tells the story of an unfair b.s. creature he falls in love with a meat cleaner while trapped in a us the forestry. the big favorite for
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best actor is gary oldman for his role as winston churchill in darkest hour. if. you will you should what i try. my daughter angela frances mcdormand is up for best actress in three billboard cites a day being the siri she plays a mother who tries to shed light on her daughter's rape and murder in the middle of our goddamn easter dinner for years i'm no chief but i think we're kind of a broad where like oscar hopes to for this women series sharon and place a teenager who wants to escape from the banalities of life in suburban california in the tragicomedy ladybird and then back to city college and then maybe you're going to pull yourself off about expect everybody to know everything. do you have the papers. less surprising though is meryl streep's best actress nomination for the post it centers around the washington newspaper's decision to publish
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a secret government report on the vietnam war during the presidency of richard nixon the film is also up for best picture. that's a voter is one of two german backed films hoping for an oscar the short film is based on a real life event when islamist terrorists stormed a bus on the border between somalia and kenya wanting to kill the christians on board the misl protected them. it's a story about saw the diary which knows no religious by injuries oh. god the. class of not everyone here will be able to take home an oscar but many will count the nomination alone among their greatest achievements. in our mind of the top stories we're following for you germany social democrats have voted in favor of entering a so-called grand coalition of anglo-american conservatives it will give the chancellor a fourth term in office and a new government is expected within just
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a couple of weeks. watching the news live from berlanti quite often more coming up at the top of the hour join us if you can't i for now. this move purchased and community in the last an american country of syria is located at eight thousand kilometers from the town of truth in saxony germany. but the. bone. through the legacy of the missionaries from the radiant sense who came here to do good. in the radiance of serving the. next to. his productions have achieved hold status. comes from
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his energy is contagious. operas by director barry kosky are setting new standards see. who is the man behind these masterpieces. sixty minutes. yes the end of gridlock of the geminis new government mendel's of jim an essential democrat tottenham's budget dates back to deal to reenter television with the knuckles conservatives. happy ending what will remain the same blood will change. the grand coalition revival. today. d.w. news. story that people the world over information they provide. the means they want to
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express g.w. on facebook and twitter are up to date and in touch follow us. in seven hundred thirty eight a dutch missionary arriving in suriname described the atlantic crossing the headwind raged for three weeks i was sick and miserable for a long time but the savior granted me much grace. finally he disembarked at part of my ribault on the northeast coast of south america.


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