tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle March 8, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm CET
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this is deja news coming to you live from berlin chile's fondness to be pushed out of office a cigar bill says he's leaving exposed after a bitter row with his spotting leadership that means he won't be part of chance i love that this new coalition government led to this last couple is to let it to. its own lawyers and blocked again as you sort intensifies a nice includes us syrian government forces off of the rebel territory around four hundred thousand people remain trapped as the bombs keep falling. danish inventive
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peter matson goes on trial for killing journalist kim all in a submarine prosecutors say hope module was premeditated. also in the program it's international women's day we look around the globe a village what changing there was we go to moscow to make sure we are trying to make a living in an ad and job that's off limits to women and russia it's one of hundreds of professionals. i meant that she we begin to want the country's most popular politicians foreign minister sigman gabi has announced he will not be included in chancellor merkel's new coalition government gabi posted a lengthy tweet saying he'd been informed by a spotty the social democrats that he would not receive a cabinet position gobby leaves his post to offer
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a bitter brow with the party leadership. joining me now on the studio is our chief political editor. welcome as you mentioned result the most popular politicians in the country what led to this kind of party which led to this development already seeing a leadership meltdown in the social democrats and now manifested itself in. not once again becoming foreign minister he of course is the form of party leader of the social democrats and he we saw a very public breakdown of his friendship actually what was able as a friendship with martin schulz also the former party has a much insults announce that he would become foreign minister if in a potential new cabinet well he won't either but at that very moment in time they would actually quoted his daughter saying that of course now he shouldn't be sad he could now spend more time with his family instead with that man with the hair in his face now this quote really led to losing a lot of political credibility so
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a lot of attacks also from within his own party and also spoke of a broken promise alluding to him having been promised to remain in office as foreign minister this cost him a lot of political capital as we learned of the past week he's really a campaign to remain in the foreign minister here but it really looks like those ties with the party have broken down so badly that despite his popularity and respect that he has all around his personal flaws as also seen across the board his temper now cost him his chances of remaining in the cabinet so despite all this political capital he's now out sigma gobby who do you think is likely to replace him amongst the social democrats well there's several leading figures that have been speculated about amongst them the current justice minister i would actually expect him to remain justice minister cutting a body also the leading figure also bush sr in the leadership and a man who is the parliamentary form of parliamentary party leader i would put my
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bets on him. really he's not that well known but that could soon change and how do you think this is going to play out in the s.p.d. do you think the s.p.d. goes into this look a bit reconned with the loss of sigma garble who we mention is well known and popular well this is a democrat a bruised and battered after being in coalition of with angela merkel and they took leadership votes really of grassroots vote which was won by the positive two thirds vote in favor of staying in this abusive political relationship as many feel is has been there was an argument they are going to against it he was saying that this is democrats to go into opposition. so they can get a giant again is how the leader of the youngsters the democrats put it while the party leadership got their own way and now they have to prove that a renewal of the party is possible despite being in the so-called grand coalition with i'm going to michael c.d.u. c.s.u. right thank you very much for that assessment you're welcome. let's all take
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a look at some of the stories making news around the world japan's chief nuclear regular just says the two thousand and eleven fukushima disaster is not over. to waste to still be removed from the tree crippled reactors a hugely challenging task that could take decades this weekend marks the seventh anniversary of the new kit accident and the tsunami of course to. be released in sierra leone have have pushed clashes in the capital freetown following wednesday's election tensions mounted often opposition spokesman said the parties had come to such the parties offices without a bar and at least one person was stabbed in the scottish is vote counting is ongoing but the initial results expected by friday night. saudi arabia's crown prince mohamed bin salon has arrived in the u.k. for an official visit at the event a sparked controversy with critics staging a protest over saudi arabia's involvement in yemen's civil war it also led to cause
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in parliament for the u.k. government to take a stronger stance on human rights abuses in the kingdom. and each convoy bound for the besieged syrian opposition enclave refused huta has been postponed as fighting intensifies syrian government forces have seize half the territory held by rebels in the damascus suburbs last opposition stronghold close to the capital around four hundred thousand people are believed to be trapped there the u.n. has. to abide by a cease fire in order to deliver aid and evacuate the wounded the syrian government says it has now opened a second evacuation corridor out of the area. joining me now is syrian journalist dan he's also resident in easton who tell where the fighting as we heard is continuing welcome to what are you going through right now
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right now. and more than fifteen people killed just. a few hours and yesterday. going to the night as a government that. more. forceful and. and now the syrian government says it start getting very bad as you are now in the rebel held area have you seen any sign of rebels there. no they. cannot. break the law because the rebel here are trying to defend the towns and to be told here and they will fight again but the government tried to use also the war bands and their belongings and she's getting
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and then it's a break of the good guy with the horses and the ground and. reach your neighborhood . you know actually a. few a few days. more than if you did that they come just for doing nothing and nothing else for like five percent from the people here there was a single for four hundred thousand people trapped here and i mean there's not enough for like five percent from the people here they will be boys and girls this woman did not eat anything from the four days until now. i was given just a lack of food and lack of aid coming to the end of relentless bombing which has been going on what is the more honest of people like in the area of a you are. the people here why didn't the women and children the bannock today. they don't know how much did they really. ought to do
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then you know when they get into food i mean we've done here twice once that because of the look of the food and the medical supplies and once because of the warming. you know i've been through this and. you still go ahead and government trying to bring the good the from the many many for one thing it's a good show and the war going to not go to night and the morning and yesterday. we had going to get there today i mean yesterday before that the government hit us with the voting. so you can confirm that people have been attacked it has been a toxic attack and in the area. yes. yes more than one hundred more than two hundred. women write them in eastern kuta a journalist who is based there thank you very much for talking to d.w.
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and. turning now to denmark where the danish inventive peter madsen has denied killing swedish journalist give war as his much anticipated murder trial opens in denmark war disappeared last august after boarding a submarine belonging to manson she intended to profile him but never return her headless torso was later found in copenhagen. prosecutors are now seeking to have months in jail for life he denies murder but he has admitted to dismembering one's body before dumping her body parts at sea. her killing shocked the world prosecutors say the swedish journalist ken wall died under horrific circumstances. inventor peter madsen invited her to interview him on his private submarine the nautilus in august last year these pictures are said to show the vessel leaving port the indictment says manson had planned the murder because he took
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a saw and naives with him the next day the submarine sank police state deliberately only maps and was on board and he was rescued on harmed i'm falling off a bill so obviously seeing novelist go down was unfortunate but oh well. first manson told police he dropped fall off a denial and then he changed his story saying she died in an accident and he'd buried her at sea he still denies killing her. later walls mutilated torso washed ashore and divers pulled her body parts from the sea her blood was find in the recovered submarine it's here that investigators say manson cut and stopped wall before killing and dismembering her the nautilus is now wrapped up but the trial is only just beginning prosecutors want manson jailed for life for so brutal a crime the varitek is expected at the end of april. british
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police are racing to find out who poisoned a former russian double agent and his daughter with a nerve agent last weekend there has been speculation by top lawmakers and the media the vasher is behind the attack sparking a row between the u.k. and moscow investigators are treating the case as attempted murder but much still remains unknown about how the crime unfolded. surrogates lived a quiet life in the english cathedral town of solsbury this c.c.t.v. footage was captured d.s. before the former russian spy and his daughter yulia collapsed in a shopping center. british police now say he was deliberately poisoned so having established a nerve agent is the cause of the symptoms leading us to treat this is attempted murder i can also confirm that we believe the two people originally who became a world works talk through it specifically. scruple worked as
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a connal in russia's military intelligence service. in two thousand and four he was arrested for selling russian secrets to british intelligence six years later the double agent arrived in britain as part of a spy swap. russia has strongly denied any involvement in scruples poisoning just not going to be honest it's difficult to evaluate this story as anything other than provocative media allegations intended to further exacerbate relations between our countries solution but london has threatened a robust response if the trail of the poison leads back to moscow that if this does turn out to be in any way. the result of hostile activity by another government or directed led by another government. then the people of this country can be absolutely sure that the u.k. will respond. no details about the nerve agents have been released but experts say
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this kind of substance is difficult to produce and not available to the general public some areas of salzburg still cordoned off the first police officer on the scene is now in serious condition in hospital. you're watching news coming up ahead what these women are doing is considered illegal here in russia they've started a horn repair business one of one hundred professions off limits to women in the country. but first we had enough from our business desk and despite international donald trump strict policy continues despite the controversial it looks like he may just be pushing ahead with that despite the fact that many people including his top economic adviser resigned from the white house very concerned about that now just a week off to donald trump announced plans for new trade tariffs on imported a million and steel us president is reportedly ready to sign off on the potentially
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this afternoon that they would take effect within a month canada mexico could be exempt according to the white house but not the european union and brussels announced yesterday that it's poised to strike back in what could be the sounding start gun for a trade or. donald trump's tariffs could soon drive up the price of imported steel and aluminum in the u.s. but with talks underway to renegotiate the north american free trade agreement the white house now says its neighbors might not be included. and there are potential carve outs for mexico and canada based on national security and possibly other countries as well and if that's a sign the nafta talks may be going trumps way other u.s. allies have so far been restrained in their response the european union has threatened to retaliate. by slapping tariffs on a number of iconic american products like motorbikes and whiskey that don't account for a huge share of transatlantic trade meanwhile trump's democratic rivals have warned
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against the danger of a trade war saying he should focus his energies on where the trade deficit is biggest the president's instincts to go after china are correct but the policy proposes doesn't fit the bill it's not well targeted it's not precise and as a result it could cause a mess of collateral damage that hurts america more than it helps. a more subtle approach levying the tariffs provide some hope to european steel producers they're worried about a major upheaval in the pricing structure of their most important market and a potential flood of cheap steel from china that is no longer going to the u.s. . let's get more on this now with our financial correspondent. at the frank stock exchange now with the u.s. tariffs the tension being signed off on today are investors getting just just three . well like everyone else they're waiting to hear whether it will actually happen today there's quite a lot of reporting that indicates it could spill over onto tomorrow as this tariff
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proclamation awaits legal clearance so there's that uncertainty and it's made for a pretty weak trading all across the european markets today just in general however investors are concerned about this tit for tat spiral could descend into went all out trade war with no obvious way out now there are of course dispute mechanisms within the world trade organization but this could blow up into the kind of mess that would be too big for them to mediate we have to consider the possibility that trump is using the national security argument as a way to circumvent trade rules if he's successful this could open the door for other countries to whip up their own obscure laws that would allow them to get their own exemptions and you know where you are of course the e.c.b. the european central bank is headquartered in frankfurt set to meet today we were expecting to hear about interest rates but of course with all this talk of the prospect of a trade war do you think that they now will have to say something about. well
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he's likely to be asked about it at the press conference that will follow the policy statement that he's releasing within the hour now now he will be asked about it but he's not expected to say very much about it now that you see the of course has to be very careful with the signals that it sends the markets and especially all this talk of a trade war there is some built in potential for volatility there also we have to bear in mind that he also hasn't achieved his policy target of getting inflation up to just below two percent so that would be a nother cause for restraint as well but investors will be looking for signs in the policy statement that concession concessions were made to policy hawks that would like to see a quicker and to stimulus. at the front for the stock exchange for us to to talk. well french companies will have three years to raise their gender gaps or face possible fines that's under plans presented by the prime minister filipe and there was
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a special women's day message as well not on their gene now we take action lighting up the eiffel tower the government says it is time to implement a french law requiring equal pay for the same work it's been around for forty five years but the government says men are still paid on average nine percent more than women. of course not just in paris women around the world are making their voices heard today amrita absolutely and so they should helena to there is international women's day and there are demonstrations across the world as women press for progress protesters in spain got an early start launching a twenty four hour women strike there demanding an end to unfair wages domestic violence and the country's prevailing macho culture similar sentiments were echoed around the globe as women gathered in solidarity with the need to movement in cities including the so south korea new delhi and should receive them. not to mark international women's day did obvious profiling women of around the
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globe who are working to change this aside progress has been made in many areas it often looking at milestones also illustrates just how much more is needed to reach levels off equality and break down gender stereotypes russia can boast that it has got the highest percentage was wide of women in senior business roads but the hundreds of jobs them in legally barred from holding let's meet she runs a home repair business in moscow and although it's technically in the good according to a list of banned professionals updated in two thousand the us under president putin's watch. correspondent emily chevon caught up with the media and a business. a passion for power tools is hardly a crime but in russia this repair and remodeling business is officially illegal because yulia and nadia run it and their women in russia women are bound for more than four hundred fifty jobs they're considered too dangerous carpentry plumbing
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and electrical work. also legally off limits for women at work lifting more than ten kilos more than twice an hour and nadia are pushing back against these laws against gender stereotypes this is. people only very rarely react well to our work especially men people don't say it's great that you do that they're usually incredulous or they just laugh they react negatively. gender roles are deeply entrenched in russia and russian law enforces that apparently doing too much heavy lifting at work can harm a woman's house and also harm her. childbearing function. protecting women and their reproductive organs from dangerous. work is a remnant from post-war soviet russia when the government wanted to increase the
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birth rate but the latest list of banned professions was passed in two thousand and many russians still approve of its spirit. earning money earning an existence with a family that's men's work. for a long long time and while hundreds of those women go to the hall for. women probably can't carry railway ties and men would probably find it hard to knit or do embroidery so everyone has their role. up you were to marry. you yes through scale from the center for social and labor rights in moscow the list of banned women's professions is outdated sound discriminatory. just it's not so new to press his knees to list of professions needs to be reviewed to see if that dangerous nowadays. and if the working conditions are dangerous then they
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would have just as negative an effect on men as on women this lower treats women and men differently. with gnashing emotion. for union and nadia changing attitudes to gender is as important as renovating apartments they make a point of only working for women and of treating their clients as if what would have come time is a client will say that's interesting that's probably hard we tell her grab the wrench and don't pull it too tight and often our clients end up helping with the repair as of course we don't charge them. unlike when i have worked with men not to join you the i treat me as an equal and they actually listen to what i want. to do . instead of sticking to russian labor laws and not idea hope to expand their business hire other women and put such work within the reach of a new generation. that support by and many when
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and or a full gust football team has given brandon refugees a real hope in the largest refugee camp of the democratic republic of congo the morningstar squad has few resources but lots of optimism and todd and. the morning star. these young girls were forced to flee burundi in twenty fifteen but have discovered a love of football in their to march was lives now in the democratic republic of congo they have formed an all girls football team in the us and the refugee camp oh me forget we are refugees when we are playing we could be anywhere in the world. despite lacking football boots or even their own bar the girls are making the most of what they have. we are the best football team in this camp
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everyone has their own style of playing in their own nicknames. this is louis auroras that has packed a. business either to run at this or via lack of funds the girls rely on volunteers coach and fellow refugee eric in town is their biggest fan i'd like to see the girls be encouraged to play and to have the equipment they need to play sports. while during the refugees continue to face hardships in neighboring countries the morning stars provide a glimmer of hope and the girls have big ambitions as well. as seeing your member barely hear that they are refugees playing in the olympics that is our dream. parindey has never sent a football team to the olympics with passion and dedication these morning stars are determined to make history. footballer of the u.s.
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side reclaim the she believes cop the beast in london a tightly contested match in orlando england needed just a point to win the title but the u.s. came out on top the results hinge on a slice of luck in the fiftieth minute england's million dried deflects of the board it hits a keeper and went into the net for an own goal to win so the united states topped the table for a second consecutive title. and the champions league last night here ventus produced a resilient performance against tottenham to progress the quarterfinals tottenham took an early lead to a through train and looked to be on their way to victory if you went to still the tie on its head in the second half gonzalo higuaín equalized in the sixty fourth minute and palmer ivanna netted just three minutes later to give your dentist a two one victory they went through to the next round for three an advocate. here's a recap of the top stories appear falling for your own children foreign minister
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sigmund godfrey has announced that he will not be included in chunks on them after seeing a coalition government not be exposed to a lengthy treat saying that he had been pushed out after a feud with his party the social democrats. and today on international women's day of the protests across the wind as women press the progress spin got an early start with a twenty four hour strike against british disparities and domestic violence and south koreans are rallying in support of the me too movement against sexual harassment. is lost on our website that speed up you talk on i'm such email from him being time you seem thank you very much for company a see you again and how about.
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it's all about george dance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us sponsored by distinctive instagram others. d.w. stories topics each week. to grant. the palestinian president was outraged when donald trump recognized jerusalem as israel's capital but telling the white house down your money and may your house be destroyed wasn't perhaps the best way to enhance his cause my guest this week is abraham cracy palestinian ambassador to the u.n. here in geneva his government once a middle east peace conference but does he seriously think anyone will show up.
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