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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2018 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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on any was deemed necessary for him and his daughter mr speaker this morning the conservative chair of the foreign affairs committee said i'd be surprised if the prime minister did not point the finger at the kremlin yodel members of tonbridge and molding also accuse the russian government to behaving in an aggressive and corrupting way in this country. mr speaker we need to continue seeking a robust dialogue with russia on all the issues currently dividing our countries both domestic and international rather than simply causing off contact and letting the tensions and divisions get worse and potentially even more dangerous and mr speaker we're all familiar with the way huge fortunes often acquired in the most dubious circumstances in russia sometimes connected with criminal vatican's have ended up sheltering in london and trying to buy political influence in british
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party politics. meddling in elections as the prime minister portage. has and there has been over eight hundred thousand pounds worth of donations to the conservative party to the conservative party from russian oligarchs and their associates. so. this just big. if that is the evidence for the government even before the investigation into soulsby is complete the government could be taking action could be taking action to introduce a new could be could be taking action to introduce a new financial sanctions powers but instead mr speaker they are currently resisting labor's amendments the sanctions and money laundering bill which could introduce this so-called magnitsky power was so will the prime minister
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agree to day to back those amendments to the sanctions a money laundering bill. more specifically mr speak out when it comes to they. could be strongly held and inflamed passions but i do appeal to colleagues who sincerity and integrity i doubt. to remember we here. will be her the right honorable gentleman must be her jeremy calling you mrs big most specifically when it comes to the souls reattack water actions all the local police taking to identify fellow diners diseases restaurant and the mill pub in salzburg on the day in question and ensure they come forward and are checked what extra resources are being provided to the local police force which quite understandably have never had to deal with such an instant before we know that
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across the country the national health service is under incredible pressure as at the moment but what extra resources have been provided to the n.h.s. hospitals in and around souls and what training has been given to n.h.s. staff and g.p.'s in identifying the symptoms from a nerve agent attack mr speaker the events in salzburg on the fourth of march have appalled the country and need thorough investigation the local community and public services involved need reassurance and the resources necessary the action the government takes once the facts are clear needs to be both decisive and proportionate and focused on reducing conflicts and tensions rather than increasing them i join the prime minister in paying tribute to the magnificent work of our public services responding to this attack the n.h.s.
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staff the police and security services the armed forces and the analysts from portland. let us mr speaker do everything we can to ensure this never ever happens again. i. can i will say to. one of the gentleman i'm sure everybody in the whole house sends that best wishes to all those who have suffered as a result of this incident and wish them a recovery in the case of detective sergeant nick bailey. you have been watching british prime minister to resign may addressing the house of commons on the nerve agent on former double agent sergei scribble and his daughter yulia they have of course been in hospital in a critical condition for over a week after they were found unconscious on a bench outside of a shopping center in the southern english city of solsbury we heard the british
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prime minister commenting on the fortitude and the calmness of the people of solsbury in addressing the incident she also mentioned that a military grade nerve agent was apparently used the type produced by russia she called the action the on lawful use of force against the united kingdom and she promised a response within the week. for more let's bring in d.w. news editor hannah cleaver who joins us here in the studio hanna what do you think what do you make of what we've heard from may quite a strong response i mean people were not expecting i think such a decisive response from her. what she actually said was that there were two possibilities of how this nerve agent came to be released in a tiny little town in the middle of england i mean it's not the kind of place where you expect former russian spies to be poisoned she said that the first possibility is that it was a direct act by the russian state the second possibility and i don't know whether
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she was being in tongue in cheek about this she said and the other option was maybe the russian state had lost control of this military grade nerve agent she's now summoning the ambassador from russia to the foreign office where he will be asked what is it you know did did did the russian state actually do this themselves or have they lost control of the nerve agents. and has somebody else taken part taken taken the initiative. she then listed a whole load of reasons why britain is very suspicious of russia and that range from what happened in crimea the space violations of various different nato countries she mentioned cyber espionage the interference of various different elections including the hacking of the german parliament here. and not last but not least also the radiological poisoning of a full russian spy in the u.k. previously there are a whole bunch of measures that were taken then including the expo they expelled
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a whole bunch of russian diplomats then they restricted visas for many people and these are still in place so what you make decide to come up with next is really difficult to tell because we need russia and she mentioned a pattern in fact of russian aggression she she listed a whole host of actions that russia has taken internationally over over the past few years she also mentioned those measures following alexander litvinenko stepped up was of course the russian spy who was poisoned it was later found in russia by me in the u.k. by russian agents that case in particular it took a long time to come to that conclusion now didn't it she's. been much faster what do you make of that. she's feeling the political pressure or i mean the other things that she listed are you know many of them have happened since then so there's many many factors many things that the russian state has undertaken since then include you know the meddling in the in the american election and these these
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things with the cyber espionage which have really been damaging to russia's reputation among other governments that has made putin much more of a suspicious character and if she has the actual the knowledge from putting down the. the poisonous experts in the. u.k. to show that this is weapons grade. nerve agent it was used it's fairly clear and she's going in strong and how much evidence do you need that she's not talking about who did this she's talking about whether it was the state of russia who did this or whether they have lost control of stuff and she mentioned the russian program specifically she said it whether it was part of the nova check program apparently so it seems as if they do you know at least have some initial leads as to what this could possibly be and a cleaver with the very latest as we mentioned british prime minister theresa may addressing the house of commons after this nerve agent was was years on this form of double agent service cripple and his daughter yulia we appreciate it and.
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well now we're going to head over to monica jones who is standing by with the latest business news around the world. that's right and we start with a major shuffle in the german energy sector utilities heavyweight eagle has agreed to acquire a large stake of in zero g. the sustainable subsidiary of its competitor efore twenty two billion euros the deal will leave r w e s the continent's second largest producer of green energy with as europe's largest operator of electricity grids and retail. in a g.e. is a subsidiary of the energy giant w a it was set up two years ago to bundle of renewable network and retail businesses into a separate company this sudden restructuring deal has come as a surprise to many energy will now be divided up w.
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e will take care of energy production and renewable energies while german compared to the on manages the grid and retail whether or not this reshuffle between the two giants will be beneficial to the customer is yet to be seen. the business is about the customer it doesn't matter if the company is local or international has to suck to survive the needs of the customer where they are and whether or not the structure will provide better customer satisfaction i have my doubts clinton. the deal between eon an odd w.-e. still needs approval from the boards of both companies as well as the competition authorities. for more of this reshuffle and what triggered it i'm joined by felix much as research coordinator for energy and climate policy at the institute applied ecology so we've just seen this strategy that could be behind this reshuffle explained in the piece could you put
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it clearer for us in your own words it's a rather surprising turn in a longer term journey we had two former giants integrated giants networks retail power generation part of renewals both split up into an all part in a new part and no these guys are splitting the assets and as a result we have two new giants the one giant is has and has an extremely strong market position on network operations and retail business and the other company is covering the full range of power generation from nuclear and coal to gas and also renewables so we have new two new very specific specialized very focused giants and in the market that we had more giants before we have less now what's that mean for the customer will be the much more difficult for the customer because we have no to give no to focused giants and that will be less competition than before but is it
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better for renewables certainly to germany's decision to face out from nuclear we will see because also in the in the future of unknowables you need competition and now we have one company which covers the old world the new world and i'm a little bit skeptic if hosting both worlds in one company was a bunk company structures could be an interesting or forward looking recipe so it's likely optimism i can read through the lines of this research coordinator for energy and climate policy at the institute for applied ecology thank you so much. and that's your business update thanks for keeping us company.
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a weapon in the fight against smog cobblestones scientists and researchers from all over germany are at work using construction materials to filter out emissions. the air can be cleaned right at the pollution source. is it a breath of fresh air for a choking city. tomorrow to the next w.
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w's program guide to. the whole. dot com quite a large. climate change. waste. pollution . isn't it time for. eco africa people and projects that are changing nowhere and for the better just so. much for good. g.w. . bush just as you say that sometimes the. represented. we have to find out everything. you wish mr architect of east germany's police state. he was a mole from and a bunch of with a lot of these hands you could stalinist and minister for state security. and if i
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had my way. east germany would still be here. missionaries could master a fear. here what do you know about fear. starting march thirteenth d.w. . hello and welcome to tomorrow today coming up. purifying pay this color red additive could help muppets diesel pollution. ecology experiments a long term study of the middle brings some surprises. and feline fascination why everyone loves cats videos. nitrogen dioxide is the one.


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