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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm CET

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immortality is really reach. but what trunks can remember you can words when you move it's we need to plan it and make sure it unwarranted. brain surgery starting march twenty fourth on d w. welcome to the show great to have you here let's have a look at what we've lined up for you today. actually woman swedish actress and he said we cannot is the new lara croft. the magic man hans clock was found with this amazing illusion. and i feel at home
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living the concrete dream neal the conus capital. in one thousand nine hundred ninety six the action hero lara croft was born as the main character of the computer game to merida the game soon developed into a serious and nearly sixty million copies were sold worldwide this makes to radio one of the most successful computer games ever over the years lara croft has changed to look in two thousand once she made it onto the big screen followed by the second firm in two thousand and three back them she was played by actor angelenos really you know and you to write a movie a song release action guaranteed but one thing has changed os going to have become the from sweden is the new lara croft. swedish actress aleesha condor is lara croft in the latest film version of to merida. lara.
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croft. the movie follows laurel's the very first adventures her father disappeared when she was a young girl and. years later she still refuses to believe he's dead and sets out in search of him it's the start of an action adventure and soon the fate of humanity is at stake. don't be too careful these days the world has gone bloody much. take two years for academy award winner alicia kandor the role was a trip back to her own childhood. lara croft in the tomb rated games have been quite groundbreaking i mean he was the first female protagonist in a video game i was a nine ten year old girl standing in the living room i you know so curious i wanted to be part and try this adventure on with finally was the girl that i was you know
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it was conflate. a former ballet dancer the countess devoted seven months to intent to strengthen didn't durance training before shooting began. and she performed many of her own stunts and fight scenes in the film. she was a real trooper i mean you know we put her through a lot we had to rid some women. even for her doll olympic white water rafting course i wasn't prepared how tough it was going to be to do all these water sequences much to you know water cannons i mean that was tough but we have these huge crowds which means when the wood actually hits here it's kind of turned into ice so it got really cold it was a problem in like the toughest out of all the action sequences surprised me.
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and it paid off with action packed scenes and a convincing screen character. the condor had a tough act to follow after all the same role made a star she played lara croft in the first two movie versions of to greater in two thousand and one and two thousand and three to gether the films have raked in nearly three hundred fifty million euros worldwide. i think the only reason i came aboard this film was because i found out it was going to be a very different take on it like myself that i watched but i think it was more maybe the pressure but i. felt more that it's hard to from the beginning that now even you know twenty two years later it still has a huge following and a big fan base and of course i want to make sure that i own the character that they
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already love. most of the filming was done in south africa some scenes required studio work but preference was given. real settings as much as possible instead of green screen and computer animation very few minutes is now when you're. the director wanted the fantasy world to look as genuine as possible it wasn't the action scenes that were pivotal to the condor but the narrative ones especially those involving lara's relationship with her father leaves a mark i found but relationship especially when i was introduced to what they wanted to do with this film when i met the director and the produces is that the father daughter relationship is really at the core of the story and you could pull that one out and put it any sean and it will be a fact full and something that you will want to follow. but action fans have nothing to worry about the new toon raiders still has plenty of thrills.
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a definite they watch the new movie let's find out now what is going on in europe and today's express our roundup of cultural events and it starts in paris with an extraordinary exhibition. ten paintings including box five cassar and monet on display at christie's paris hilton house the artworks will go on tour before their options off in new york is matters the paintings come from the collection of u.s. billionaires peggy and david rockefeller they're expected to fetch as much as four hundred million europe's the jewel in the crown is picasso's young girl with a flower basket from nice you know fine and gets valued at around one hundred million euros. him while he
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is back her thirteenth studio album goes on release on march sixteenth with the otherworldly title here come the aliens. the reason for that is because of an event that happened to me back in two thousand and nine when i witnessed some astonishing lights in the sky which i can only describe as ufo. plenty of other people saw them too and so of course it was going to be the inspiration for the artwork. with over thirty million albums sold to date the british singer is one of the world's most successful recording artists her european tour kicks off at the end of march. berlin's museums will add almost one hundred works by german artists marc speck none to their collection but man grants among the most important modernist artists
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the collection was a bequest from art historian powerbroker. among the works are numerous self portraits an exhibition has been planned for the coming fall. when he got a magic set from his grandfather at the age of ten o'clock probably never guessed that he would later become one of the world's most successful musicians he has followed his passion since as child it in the beginning his father an engineer but many of his tricks sent them a lot of things have happened the award winning illusionist has made a name for himself as the fastest in the world clarke is currently on tour with a new program one that is both magical and mystical at the same time. comstock has been working his magic for over thirty years ever since he was a child he dreamt of being a world famous british and with his own show in las vegas. he's done it all now
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he's on the road with his new show. basis that it was noised you always have to come up with a. if you go see tina turner for example you wanted to do all the big hits but with me or david copperfield people want to see something new. from this book of them so i'm always on tour always on the bus and that's when i write down ideas and think about what would work and it doesn't encourage me i'm busy with a new things but i'll probably just only keep about three before the us like if you've been. in a show house of mystery clock wants to do more than just perform tricks she wants to tell a story as the world's fastest illusionist he must fight for a book of spells that contains the greatest magic secrets. in the zombies in some tricks harmless but a dangerous while others look dangerous but they're harmless when that's going done
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well it should look easy as it's like dance or playing the piano the audience should be relaxed they should believe that i really am a magician sort of. like you. that. i'm not sure why this is still so popular ship people are so busy online and technology is everywhere at the sword and then they come to my shows to watch someone levitate or watch something comprehensible so i can see the day. this trick earned him an award at monte carlo famous circus festival in twenty fourteen he was the first illusionist ever to win. the biggest i'm proud of the award a magician deceives the public but when you're good you see in people's eyes it's like they're having a waking dream that they like it and that makes me happy. that i
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. want to and it isn't a good toys that you wonder how your eyes can be deceived like that in this. it's fascinating to look carefully you think you should be able to figure out how it works and yet victor started out you'll never figure it out so you might as well sit back and just enjoy it. and like all great illusionists hums cluck takes care never to reveal any of the secrets. that would be kind of boring wouldn't it in any case it never gets boring here in berlin often living here for almost five years now and there is always something new to discover the history of the city is extremely fascinating and you can still see this in many places we're showing you some of them this week in our series a trip back in time today we'll have a closer look at the wall once it's divided the city into east and west berlin and
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even east berlin was extremely difficult for most people it was simply impossible in one thousand nine hundred nine the historical moment came the fall off the wall today little remains of it perhaps that's why the three hundred sixty degree wall panorama is so popular. only a few sections of the berlin wall remain the longest is the famous east side gallery the surviving pieces are a reminder of the border that once divided by land paving stones marked the course the berlin wall once took across the city this chapter in history is still of particular interest to tourists. i think it could be considering how historic it was like here we love the world but i think it's it stand out. to be. more precise if it's historic. that's exactly what the three hundred sixty degree panorama hopes to achieve opened in two thousand and twelve visitors are
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transported back to the divided city to get a taste of life back down. they are surrounded by nine hundred eighty s. berlin on a gray november day looking out from west to east berlin. music and various sound bites from the time help visitors feel how it was back then. i still have goosebumps so you could never imagine it i mean you see the pictures on t.v. that this puts you right there in the middle of it i have to say i found it really fascinating step by. and it was really impressive the room even gives you a sense of the historical background of artistry at a gas easy took three and a half years to complete the image. we're standing five meters away from the wall looking over it towards the east when we
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see people living there just like anywhere else without being aware or at least registering that they're living right next to the berlin wall. jadick at assisi portrays life under the shadow of the war creating the right up my sphere was more important to him than being rigidly factual. he himself is a witness of the era. for years he lived in the section of the features and his panorama . almost everything you see here is a part of my own experience so i didn't have to do research. to get a c.z. was born in vienna but grew up in former east germany in one thousand nine hundred seventy eight he was deported to west berlin and lived near the border the concrete walls was a part of his everyday life. his world from back then on
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a computer with drawings and countless photos he took using extra as subjects'. sights of creating the look of the times wasn't easy at all finding accessories to bring the era back to life is everything from the dilapidated buildings to the old showing the machines you have to be consistent as a. consequence and. i returned with a visitor tower was built to house the panoramic screen which is fifty meters high and sixty meters wide. twenty fabric strips were printed and stapled together. both the logistical and financial demands were streaming high. for very much with a panorama everything is enormous and costs a lot of money as a solo artist you never think something might this be possible by. this three
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hundred sixty degree kind of the war is a tribute to this historical era the images reflect the banality of everyday life even under such bleak circumstances rather than you're also seeing that people will leave here and say i stood right next to the berlin wall the memory will be even stronger than the real thing maybe it also reflects on how they were just if something like that happened to them or they'll go home and think i already do have to adjust in my life in my job and so long i think it opens up a lot of questions but maybe some answers to. the panorama is sure to bring back memories to those who experience to divided by and offers others a good idea of what it was like. this trio of berlin is featured all week long in our series a trip back in time and because of that but then it's also the topic off our drawl of the week we would like to know which of the well known landscapes here
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like most current day of the brandenburg gate it's the list but that concert change so join in tell us what your favorite is. you find a selection on our website at d w dot com slash lifestyle among all participants we'll be giving away a euro mix watch so good luck with that and we continue with a new episode of your magazine in this weekly series we show you extraordinary architecture from all over europe the following birding fits that description really well according to the architects for this house in poland more concrete was used for any other private house in europe before well doesn't sound very cozy right with a little trick the building almost looks like it's made of book. national park is just outside the polish capital or song here you can find
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a house that looks like it's made of timber but the facade is actually made of concrete. one work amount to get inside my house six hundred tons of concrete going into the house which is owned by a banker your chromeo costs. make us look natural in this location because the location is so are with find. and we didn't want to be. intruders or even very close into this place we wanted to be a. concrete plays a major role in the interior as well. the would like appearance of the walls gives this normally harsh and cold material an entirely different feel.
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to it it feels good to know and if you look at the structure since it. resembles wood and they still have. wooden parts. it is not i think you know this is a very warm. sunny. moved into the four hundred fifty square meter house with his wife and three children some eight years ago. at first he had some doubts about the use of concrete but not anymore. we can feel that this place for. most of us easily. bring some sort of stability. so i i like it. stability
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comes out of price you can't simply hammer a nail into a concrete wall and hang a picture for example. has a simple trick. this is one of the versions of the start of. this one goes like you know sometimes you have to. fix it like this so just a toy. stick it to the wall. and the other part. to the picture. just. asked here and that's. most of. the media cough ski family enjoys being close to nature the house has a rooftop terrace and stands on six hundred square metres of land.
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the inner courtyard has a pool planning and building lasted three years it took time to develop the perfect texture and color to achieve the illusion of wood on the concrete surface. we're experimenting quite a lot and i were happy to find people who are enthusiastic about working with with concrete so we found this provided there are some around and a company from truck over the second story except softball and. brought not to. rock. storing up by the faucets off. buildings in cracow and this is how the mixture was created. a house that has a warm and natural feel troof that concrete is more versatile than it may appear you just have to be prepared to experiment.
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you can find more awesome architecture and also food fashion and much more in our instagram account so please pay us a visit. europe at its best your imax brings you the highlights on instagram stunning landscapes spectacular buildings and mouthwatering delicacy our reporters are constantly on the look out with their cameras we look forward to your comments . check out our duramax instagram stories and discover how exciting and diverse europe can be. on instagram. and we round off the show today with the latest craze to arrive in europe from the united states is a yoga session where you can bring along your full legged friend and even if he's more interested in the other canine participant the looters position both docs and
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owners seem to have a whale of time. a yoga class with a difference in london. the downward facing dog posture shouldn't be any problem for these pooches as long as they manage to concentrate. in stress and tension or just answer the way. it's yoga for you and your dog a lot of people think it's tokyo go but actually dogs don't do yoga and they don't need to do go to poses it is actually human yoga in which dogs are invited into the session and they are allowed to roam around freely the. money john green helped bring to britain it first appeared in two thousand to the united states. in london
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sessions are generally held in rented cafes or nightclubs since many gyms don't allow dogs but nobody seems to mind. right for the dogs so the first thing is quite shy we will have a dog a quiet shy dog. but gradually it gets more comfortable i think the dog. interact with you in feel everything you feel i truly believe and when you get to that state the pay for the dog gets to a state that says well. i'm the humping is part of you know you're working with animals what are you going to do. in spite of these minor distractions after ninety minutes of the dogs and their owners are thoroughly relaxed.
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well i think i'll stick to the dog we worship and on that note it's time for me to sign off but i hope you join us again and then the next time for more stories from around europe under them for myself and the entire year make steam thanks for watching and as i. x. time on your imax wind waves and swiss adventure i yvonne bourne your sound his count him run around the world and on thursday a film about his journey will be available at the international ocean film talk together with other captivating films from the high seas dive in next time on your a max.
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thank you.
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top stories followed across social media share your comments and content welcome to . news. we make up of what we watch as a half of the under budget fight we are the civil service or. the want to shape the continent's future to. be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories of their dreams and their challenges. the seventy seven percent . platform africa is charging.
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they require. and the folks that are in the back of the movement for. the last half an hour or first but as i walk the walk of life. i'm. aware that i have family there. and i have told them. i will fight. for. their my i want. the gal
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will read the book. what i meant was i say it's the our. lead. player.
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this is the w. news live from berlin britain's allies declare their support and its standoff with russia prime minister to resume a visit to the city where the former russian spy and his daughter were poisoned nato the u.s. france and germany are all rallying to her supporters also coming up thousands of syrians lead to seize eastern good time as government forces close in the battle for the rebel held enclave has been one of the deadliest in the country's seven year civil war plan.


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