tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle April 18, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST
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i'm not. tangling the dawn of islam this is an exclusive d.w. report starting april twenty first. this is you don't use life from berlin a secret meeting between a superpower and a pariah u.s. president donald trump confirms via twitter a meet up between cia director mike comp a.o. and kim jong un in north korea what does that mean for peace on the korean peninsula also coming up. israel remembers the victims of its struggle for statehood this seventy years after the country's first declared independence. meanwhile here in berlin the specter of
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anti semitism rears its head police investigate after a man attacked two men in a jewish style skullcaps. and is forced to show the host friends for tonight in the second german cup semifinal the high flying hosts have a firm grip on second place in the bundesliga while frankfurt are hot for another shot after losing in a final last year. thank you very much for spending time with us we start off with a top secret meeting u.s. president donald trump has confirmed that cia director mike pompeo travel to north korea and met leader kim jong il on twitter at that secretive went very smoothly the u.s. leader is currently at his mar-a lago resort in florida hosting another key stakeholder
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in the north korean nuclear arms race japanese prime minister shinzo up a. after welcoming shinzo abbe and his wife donald trump wasted no time in addressing one of the main issues on their agenda north korea the u.s. president revealing a breakthrough in relations between washington and pyongyang. were also a story talking to north korea directly we have had direct talks at very high levels remain high levels with north korea. and i really believe there's a lot of goodwill a lot of good things are happening and see what happens as i always say we'll see what happens a response has now confirmed that cia director and secretary of state nominee mike pompei o met with north korean leader kim jong un last week. a stunning turnaround just three months ago trump and kim were engaged in a war of words sparked by p.r.
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yang's nuclear program and long range missile launches but the new year marked a new direction for the isolated country there was a thaw in relations with south korea with the north participating in the winter olympics and a joint korean talks move to end hostilities as well as talks of denuclearization. in early march kim offered to hold talks with washington to the shock of many observers trump except it. whomp a a secret trip to pyongyang is further evidence that those talks could go ahead five different locations are reportedly under discussion with trump adding that he's expecting to meet kim in late may early june. all right interesting development there let's bring in our correspondent carson phenomena who is in washington the person that would make it the highest level contact between the u.s. and north korea that secret meeting. yes
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absolutely it's very significant as we know it's the first time that the leader of north korea and someone so high up in the u.s. administration meet in eighteen years trump himself three toads that pump a.o. and north korean leader kim established a very good relationship and that is indeed has been received quite positively here in the united states one point of criticism or maybe more astonishment that was mentioned by some pompei you didn't manage to get a more concrete sign of goodwill from the north koreans for instance the release of one of three american citizens currently held in north korea but still this is a significant development and it seems that both sides are very serious about putting together a meeting of kim and the president from right well the carson the as you would
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refer there with the person slated to become the secretary of state mr pompey pompei laying the groundwork can we now assume that a meeting between trump and kim jong un will happen. there's a very good possibility that this will happen indeed both sides really seem to be interested in that. when of course it would be a major propaganda coup because he could claim that he is now seen as someone who speaks. to the leader of the most powerful nation in the world that north korea is a major player on the world stage and also going to trump seems to be interested in this and if only because it has never done before donald trump of course ran as someone who said i would do things differently i'm an unconventional president and he wants to do things differently other presidents obama bush clinton could have met the then respective leader of north korea before but it was always held by the
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american said this was the ultimate reward at the end of a process. but not anymore all right well to that point because that was supposed to be the reward and he's already giving it up before anything has been promised i mean the u.s. is expected to demand that young abandon its nuclear program if they don't do that will this push for diplomacy fail. that is a possibility as well and actually i'm quite skeptical about this that this could end in a major success meaning the denuclearization of the korean peninsula because the americans want north korea to give up the nuclear arms but why should came do that because those nuclear bombs are his insurance policy for the survival of his regime he says all of the north koreans say they are ready for denuclearization but what they mean is only after all american troops have left the korean peninsula that of course is
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not acceptable for the americans so we might see a kind of compromise north korea keeps its nuclear spots gives up its program for long range intercontinental missile it's even that is a long shot. cost and phenomena reporting from washington thank you very much. when i say now but some of the other stories making news around the world. a team of united nations inspectors in syria have come under fire while attempting to reach the site of an alleged poison gas attack they were trying to access the site in dumas where a suspected attacker earlier this month killed dozens international investigators want to establish whether the attack actually took place and what chemicals may have been used. turkish president's rhetoric tie of air to wind has announced plans to hold early elections on june twenty fourth the early polls will hasten turkey switch from a parliamentary system to a presidential one that will strengthen the ones power the announcement came just
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before turkey's parliament voted to extend the country's state of emergency which grants the government's sweeping powers. lawmakers in cuba have begun the process of electing a new president to replace. a huge favorite to take his place is fifty seven year old money where the u.s. can now he's a communist party loyalist and cost rose hand picked successor his kind o. would be the first person from outside the castro family to lead cuba in nearly six decades. are you watching the news we still have a lot more to tell you about including. shock and frankfurt are set to lock horns in the second german cup semifinal which will kick off just over two hours from now . but first the bench here with stalled hopes for
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european reform as you know the french president about well about choirs laid out his plans for europe just yesterday but the germans are already slamming on the brakes they don't want to foot the bill for other states states when it comes to reform ideas like a common eurozone budget mccall will be here in berlin tomorrow there's a lot to talk about. a red carpet for europe french president manuel mccomb is pushing for big changes soon he thinks there is strength and more unity and wants more confidence ease in defense law and asylum now the phone didn't drift form is the third indispensable front before the end of this term of office we need to define a roadmap for progress on the banking union and the establishment of a budgetary capacity promoting stability and convergence in the euro zone business but as you know. the vision more money and responsibility for europe and manuel says it's the only way to make the e.u.
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stronger as well as more efficient and united. not pay everyone is applauding though germany in particular is skeptical conservatives they're saying the plan sound like they carry a hefty price tag there is concern germany will be given a big bill but have little influence on where the cash is spent but time is running out european elections are set for next year by then member states should have a road map for the unions future. member of the german parliament joachim pfeiffer is here he's a commie spokes person for the city you see su and i doubt he's a fan of those french proposals but you can tell yourself france was a stronger more deeply integrated europe why doesn't germany want that that's not true when he wants also a strong europe because europe is the critical mass to play a key role in the future in the economic and political in social in cultural
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sectors what about the financial side of things why not a finance minister then he could. step in the job and he's huge opossum role of lace as the person who's been knocking. the groups the greeks about trying to get them to reform their country and the portuguese the spaniards why why can't we have a finance minister who does that white washing gently take all the flak i think we should indeed develop european there's a decision structure so maybe a finance minister can be the final. popped of a solution but it should not be the first one and so we we should strengthen a couple of pillars to praying europe for what i think first is that we should join forces coming european security policy and foreign policy therefore we
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need not only works we need a common european. defense and security industry which develops woods for juices and also we have common european export rules for example out of was who are not people that spawns from below the second is the financial. i think it's good that we stay with the way that you get money if you would deliver reforms that i think that was right in the crisis but we are no longer in the krises anymore so we should switch to a future again die and therefore there are countries who still need to reform though and your colleagues say they want a full banking union once the southern european states clear up their bad dates but that could be a long way that could drag on growth germany has done it before i mean why not
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clear the slate as west germany did in reunifying with the east why not take an approach like that where germany helps out the southern states and get something out of it get stability that's that's what reunification brought. maybe that's what could ensure future stability for europe and but i think it was derived from a we we took in the crisis that we were case solidarity and we were. helped. countries like greece or portugal or spain but it has to be linked to reforms to reform the to make the economy more competitive to do financial and structural reforms and as we see the countries who did these reforms if you look to ireland if you to spain as well now they have growth rates again and we should keep on track of this way so you'd like those financial reforms
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from the other states what about the reforms the french want for europe that germany doesn't like i think we would there are a lot of good ideas for which french president and we are discussing that have to find answers on missions foreign and security bill and i want to mention the economic future again we should for example talk about trade we have a multilateral approach approach in europe and we should for. it create a coalition of the willing with the japanese with the new zealand with australia's mark to or to implementing a multilateral approach is on trade and that's the best we can do because through trade was in the last fifty years the growth engine of the world and it needs openminded we should also have come on our india.
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fulfill the european single market that is about it if i did should will sector as well if michael comes here tomorrow and he doesn't get what he wants he has lofty reform ideas for europe if germany puts on the brakes what's going to. well with german franco tandem which has been so important in pushing your but we are not going to break that's what about i mentioned we should not reduce europe only what we do want to be very very huge to the french the germans no i don't see that i see as see a lot of points where we agree and we have to find to get on definitely i think that would be enough to outweigh the negatives that i think still but dilip d'souza of europe is also not only just distribute money and some of the. things such as the mike or. not. but not for the make the european economy more competitive i think well let's see
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how those talks go i wish you all the best in your position as c.d.u. c.s.u. called respects post and thank you very much for coming in today mystified. israel is celebrating seventy years of independence today the country's anniversary began with the observance of the annual memorial day a somber occasion that brought the country to a standstill. at eleven o'clock israelis pause for two minutes to remember fallen soldiers victims of terrorism and other israelis killed in hostile acts more than twenty four thousand israelis have been killed since the establishment of the state seven decades ago. all right and now i'm joined by yuri droney the director general of the jerusalem press club a very good evening sir seventy years of israel
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a story of success story also of expulsion war and violence what are your feelings about the festivities and israel marking this historic event. good evening from jerusalem. it's a mixed feeling on one hand a lot of. cries and says fiction for accomplishment over seventy years and in the same time concerns about the challenges both from outside and inside. there i'd also like to ask you about well that the recent violence that escalated along the border with gaza protesters as you know are planning to hold a march on may fifteenth it will also incidentally be when the trumpet administration plans to officially move its embassy to jerusalem i believe the day before that do you think that we could see another escalation ng ask elation happening israeli troops possibly crossing the border this time i hope
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not. i hold. then the most ration is which are ah going on for a while will not escalate into the middle all to. war over a sion again and generally speaking i think we really should look at gaza and see oscar sort of what we can do to relieve the conditions of living there on i think israel is really should know that this is not just a problem of gaza this is our program as well because if we have neighbors over there who are so. stuck in such a situation there's a need to do something for them and i think a lot of people here in israel's who believe this we should the israelis should. have the whole hopefully initiate something to alleviate living conditions in gaza . mr jeremy the reason also we're talking to you is that you were the spokesman of
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the uber being and paris governments back in the one nine hundred ninety s. and back in that time there was still hope for the oslo peace process and reconciliation between israelis and the palestinians was a distinct possibility it just seems such a long time ago do you still believe in a solution to this conflict but i'm sworn off to mr you know you have to be one if you want to live in israel or in this region i believe the two peoples is really is a policy is are bound to live next to each other in peace and also prosper it will take time. yes you mentioned the stock of being he gave his life trying to accomplish that and i personally i miss him a lot to be old miss him and he showed us the way and i was there when the shot in washington of the south lawn of the white house on september thirteenth and i can i
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just read when that to enemies shook hands so i i know from first hand. it is possible it takes a will. takes i understand it from both sides that we need to create a better future for our children and grandchildren and i'm i'm sure we will see peace in our lifetime well i'm not optimistic note drew me the director general drew some press club thank you for spending time with us sir. thank you thank you. and stay with jewish life and here in berlin police are investigating a suspected anti semitic attack as after a man assaulted two friends who were jewish style skullcaps for the first time one of the victims told delia news the pair wanted to show an israeli friend that it was safe to wear the keep up in berlin but the attack on tuesday evening has raised concerns for the safety of jews in the german capital. no the victim recalled of
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the incident but this smart phone call that didn't stop his attacker. no you know the attacker repeatedly shouted jehudi which means do and with his victims a twenty one year old israeli just twenty four year old german friend but the belt in the end the attacker was led away by his companion there were no further tax something victims. as a senator and course it's disappointing there were so many people around but only one woman reacted and said something about. the incident took place in billings trendy middle class plans lower back district not a high crime neighborhood it's an area where residents rarely encounter weiland all to cations. monday and you always think it takes place in the city's outskirts or the districts that are said to be violent anyway this is here i don't get it yes.
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come on you. have to do something about this from the very start and in schools training centers. and having more reports from people who experience this kind of thing. jewish community has been growing in recent years many have be moving here from russia but also many young israelis nessa foldable livable and less as the place where the holocaust originated but it seems to have become risky again to where you are in public. via leave in let's we've recently experienced increasing anti-semitic incidents and a scene here they include physical threats and injuries so we have to say that the security situation for people who are clearly identifiable as jews has worsened came in. for. the victims sustained minor injuries the attacker high. b.
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no identifiable and police are investigating. well earlier i spoke with germany's new commissioner for anti semitism felix klein and the israeli ambassador to germany jeremy sakharov and asked for their reaction. mr ambassador i like to start off with you very disturbing incident what do you make of it all sort of this film video in the morning and i immediately reacted to it i think it's incredibly regret to regret i think it's very distressful the way this person related to the person who you regarded and slowed as a jew. and i think that it would be very appropriate for this guy to be arrested and prosecuted with the full force of the law having not only been abusive but also been physical and attacking this person so i you know i'm very disturbed by what has happened this is
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a hate crime that we're witnessing here mr crump we're able to talk to the victims or find out more what happened here i haven't personally not talked to you have to because i also saw the video which i found talking as well. and i hope that now police and prosecution do their work and. put these people. to court and that the state is reacting so mystically put this into context for us for international viewers especially how common is are these acts in germany today . unfortunately we have. to see an increase of these this kind of cases crime statistics on the whole is is stable has so far which means that one thousand five hundred. submitted attacks are registered by by police every year but these cases that are.
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under. stress they are not not. real crimes yet are increasing very much but of course the video. showed clearly a crime attack mr ambassador do you feel germany is doing enough should it be doing more. well first of all i think it's done a very important step by appointing my good friend fidgets line to be the federal commissioner to combat anti semitism i know felix he is a very professional highly professional and very serious person in relations of this particular subject i think he's got a very important track record in this regard and i and i think there are there is clearly a problem i think it's a problem that the moans a range of responses in different areas in terms of enforcement in terms of education in terms of zero tolerance in terms of these type of us asked mr klein how do you plan to tackle this problem the prevention is of course the key and
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there i think we have to start with education we have to enable schools to deal with a problem. with early enough we need to teacher training how do you do that i mean how do you concretely do that is it just teaching people that i mean i've got like this is wrong to do. that how do you do it well first of all i think it's the directors of the schools they have to create a climate where an anti-semitic attack is possible is being seen as a problem for the whole school community and not only for the jewish. american everybody's problem everybody does not that's a first step mr klein thank you so very much for some vassar thank you very much thank you happy celebrations. all right and now before i go i want to remind you of the top stories that we're following for you right now. u.s. president excuse me u.s. president donald trump has confirmed that cia chief mike comp aoe has met with north korean leader kim jong un a secret trip was reportedly to lay the groundwork for
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a plan talks between trump and kim. and israel has held a memorial for soldiers and civilians killed since it declared independence the country is celebrating seventy years of statehood. and police in berlin are investigating an alleged anti semitic attack that's after a video surfaced of a man assaulting two people wearing jewish skullcaps the german government called the incident in tolerable. don't forget you can always get the daily news on the go just download our app from google play for from the apple store they'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use if you don't we have to send us your photos and videos. for now thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us news continues at the top of the hours even.
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ago the good friday agreement paved the way following the end of two decades of the conflict in the law but the results have been mixed my guest this week here in dublin is. prime minister just how fine john is the process now. in sixty minutes on t.w. the first. i'm not proud of and they will not succeed in dividing us out not succeed in taking the people off the streets and because we're tired of this dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters d w made from mines. the dangerous battle for images five women. five exceptional stories the first one
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calling more photography going to dramatic pictures from the frontlines capturing faithful moments in time and even risking death she gave her life to tell the stories of people who ended up killing. women more photographers starting may third on t w. yes it's a fun and old one but it still works when it was invented it was the height of technology but it's not a patch of the smartphones we have now things move quickly the latest generation of mobile an airport technology five g. eight is just around the corner.
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