tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle April 19, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm CEST
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well we're talking about a system within the european union within the eurozone that can weather storms like we had with the financial crisis in the past in a much better way to make this much more stable and most people would agree for example that the german imposed austerity was bad for the southern states it hurt the e.u. it created a rift between the north and the south that's one point but what is right for the e.u. and maybe even i'm going to mecca would agree on that is not necessarily something that is supported politically by the different populations for example in germany it's very hard to push through the ideas like mccraw is mentioning them right now because germans easily get the impression that they're just paying for the rest of the european union to bail them out without having control over where this money goes but it seems fairly well i can sensual on an expert level of people we talked to that you need to share the burden more that the construction as we have it now
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won't work for a future financial problem and that's an issue that you mentioned is not quite so popular domestically in germany but how about in france itself tell us a little bit more about the situation facing micron at home and whether or not you know his own people support his reform agenda as strongly as they did when they elected him. so you have to probably make the difference here between the reforms he's having planned for the european level i would say that most french are in agreement with that that germany should bear more responsibility also financially that the european union should back away from austerity but of course as you mentioned he has a whole set of problems here that are homemade we're going to go for example to one of those many demonstrations we saw in the past that's about to start in an hour or so from the railroad workers that are on strike until june not every day but many of those days and those are not the only ones that don't think that the reforms
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that i'm underway michael has in store for the french economy are a great thing you also have students that will go on strike also workers from the local metro system here but the difference of course in france and on the european level is that michael has a very solid majority here in the parliament so even if there are strikes even if a lot of people aren't happy with what is happening he can still push this through parliament that's exactly what's happening on the european level he doesn't have a majority he needs to find compromise so max i'm going to ask you to break out your crystal ball now and just get real with us for here for a minute if you can predict perhaps what might come out of the meeting today and what we might realistically see in june. i think we shouldn't expect too much from that meeting today because as we said earlier they still want to show unity but probably what they're going to do behind closed doors is again say listen
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this is where we have the differences and this is what we need to work on until june and if the past is any indication with our get america that's the chancellor then what we've heard from michael in the past will in some ways be watered down many people fear that the june e.u. council where we have large expectations that one also in the new michael as we just heard has huge expectations for might not produce the kind of yeah result that really is the starting point for big reforms in the european and we saw perhaps anglo-american managing some of those expectations today in fact max hoffman with the latest from paris thanks max. and from paris now we're going to head to berlin where our chief political editor mikhail across america has been standing by with reaction from there so tell us michela what did you make of this press conference.
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actually hearing from my producer that is not available at the moment but just to give you a quick rundown of what has been discussed over the past half hour as we mentioned we had this press conference from german chancellor angela merkel and french president emmanuel we heard the two of them as centrally discussing what could be a reform roadmap which they're trying to get together in time for and eve summit in june a manual of calling for his part he has the goal of breathing some fresh life into his vision for reforms and we heard that you know his reforms in fact he would primarily like to focus on the banking union and the e.u. economic and monetary union as for angela merkel she mentions that as one of her goals as well however she added on to others including the common european asylum system and a common european foreign policy as well. and
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i'm told now by my producer and i can see our correspondent there mayfair looking for that michelle i can now hear us and can hopefully answer our questions and you were actually at this press conference so what were your impressions. well really the notable thing here is that both spoke before they really get down to work and afterwards we won't be able to speak to both of them we heard from the german chancellor reiterating that both sides would need to be able to make compromises she spoke of course also about this banking union this larger project in europe where both sides really want to make headway but it's not just two sides in this i mean fundamentally this larger project of stabilizing the very foundation of how financial business is done in europe that's pretty much a done deal the one thing that hasn't been discussed in fact many aspects of that is how that will look into the nitty gritty and this press conference today was a far cry from really going into that in much detail it clearly was also to
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demonstrate european union a unity as far as that is possible certainly that this frank german engine is working rather well particularly ahead of the visit both leaders will make in the coming week which is first french president manuel mccall heading to washington meeting with donald trump and then at the end of week the german chancellor but how high is the pressure would you say to find some common solutions here i mean is it likely that we're going to see some major breakthroughs in june or ahead of june even. well the big question is will they be able to press present a major. while the major architect of both the banking union but also something a kind of buffer for states that could be heading for trouble by june now if you talk to parliamentarians from angela merkel's own party here in germany they simply do not see that there's a lot of internal pressure here in germany for germany not to be too loose with
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german taxpayers' money which still is the underlying fear here that countries that are heading for trouble that particularly it's really could be having an eye on solving its own domestic issues particularly its teetering banks that on the back of german taxpayers' money there simply is no appetite for that and this is been the national debate here certainly in germany so the macro is under pressure to look very stern on that particular issue at the same time it's notable that mano a markhor prefers to also talk about the larger issue when he spoke before the european parliament on to say he spoke about european values that this really is high time to stop countries looking inward now this is something that german chancellor merkel herself is also very aware of but we can't really expect any big announcement to come out of this meeting today
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a lot of this is symbolism and showing common intent to simply make europe work because that's one thing both sides definitely agree on that this simply is no alternative. that going back into the nation states comfort zone is not something either leaders really want to head down that particular road which of course is something that is looming large when you look at hungary particular eastern states that see this joint year of the future of europe in a very different more nationalistic at times light. but the latest from berlin thank you. and we just want to recap our viewers of the top stories that we have been following for you here at the w. as we mentioned german chancellor angela merkel and french president a manual must have put on a united front during meetings been going to lend but divisions have still shown up through prong has called on germany to join his push for e.u. wide economic reforms by june merkel meanwhile says that germany wants to stand
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with france but that her government must first assess the risks. let's get a quick check now some other stories that have been making news around the world turkish president recha type faired one has announced plans to hold early elections on june twenty fourth the early polls will histon turkey's switch from a parliamentary system to a presidential one that will strengthen their dwan's power the announcement came just before turkey's parliament voted to extend the country state of emergency which grants the government sweeping powers. police in our many as capital a year of on have arrested dozens of opposition demonstrators protesting constitutional changes allowing a former president to become prime minister protesters claim that the move is an attempt to consolidate the government's grip on power it is the seventh consecutive day of protests in the city. and queen elizabeth has welcomed the leaders of the fifty third commonwealth countries to buckingham palace they will discuss issues
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including climate change terrorism and cyber security the queen says that it is her wish that prince charles becomes the group's next head of savings. israel is celebrating seventy years since its founding according to the hebrew calendar that anniversary began at sundown on wednesday to honor the moment founding father david ben gurion and now it's the state of israel into existence the following year saw the jewish state and better odds with its arab neighbors but prime minister benjamin netanyahu told crowds in jerusalem that real seeds of peace were beginning to sprout in the region. in a blaze of fire the menorah the symbol of the state of israel comes to life. with a colorful ceremony the country marked its independence day. seventy years since
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the jewish state was founded in the middle east israelis celebrated the country's economic and cultural accomplishments. the event also marked israel's memorial day a fleet of drones in the night sky formed the star of david over jerusalem to honor those who died for the country. prime minister benjamin netanyahu that an honorary torch to remember those killed in his speech he issued a warning to the world that israel would defend itself against any would be aggressors. today we are not deterred from a struggle against those who strive to annihilate us because we know how to defend ourselves with our own forces which is the essence of independence we are as determined as ever we are as strong as ever. just weeks ago saudi arabia signaled
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a something of its fully anti israel stance that's and you know also emphasize israel's hand is quote outstretched in peace to all our neighbors who wants peace. nations traditional narratives welcome to you and thank you so much for joining us i'd like to first begin by asking you because for the seventieth anniversary of israel's founding you actually just completed a biography of the state's founder it's called david ben-gurion a state at all costs tell us what's behind the title. behind the title of the year for two of their would be glory them to establish a jewish state their willingness and awareness that the price will be very high as early as nine hundred nineteen mingora and actually stated that the conflict
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between israelis and palestinians cannot be solved it can only be managed and so at all costs means among other things that life in the jewish state would be life without peace so that's quite a high price to pick. and in fact he articulated that as long as there is no peace the state of israel has yet to be created what would you say is left of his dream is there any hope there. oh if. would appear here today he would. be amazed that it's going to find israel is in fact one of the most dramatic success stories of the twentieth century if you compare international statistics you see that israel is always among the top fifteen countries which means that most israelis live better lives than most other people in the world but of course the future is quite bleak and our major problem
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we treat is the problem over or future relations with the palestinians remains unsolved absolutely and i want to ask you a little bit more about you know potential solution there because today of course a lasting peace that seems more distant than ever many peace plans failed in the past the major stumbling block usually this goal of this this two state solution which has been proposed do you see peace between israel and the palestinians still is possible will we ever see a two state solution implemented. well i must warn you that i'm always wrong about my predictions if you were to ask me that forty years ago i would probably tell you that by now we would have peace at the present time i am quite pessimistic and as far as i can see most israelis and most palestinians don't believe in peace but i think that the situation can be managed in a much better way than it is particularly in the direction that. people
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particularly palestinians will lead better lives than they do today to do most palestinians are under israeli occupation and their. civil rights are human rights are systematically violated and i think that's something that can be changed for a first step and from the palestinian perspective i mean they might also argue that they have been provoked recently after u.s. president donald trump. you know came up with this formal recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel saying that he's going to move the embassy there where does that leave israel and the prospects for peace. i think that that's like many things president trump duties don't really very significant and that's not something that changes the everyday life over the other students or israelis it's really are you seeing bali just true i don't think it has
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a very big significance we want to thank you so much tom sagan israeli historian and journalist we thank you so much for sharing your insights on this anniversary seventy years since the founding of israel we appreciate it. well here in germany an attack on tuesday evening has raised concerns for the safety of jews in the capital city berlin two young men say that they were beaten up for wearing a traditional head covering for jewish men in a twist it turns out that the pair aren't jewish but wore the cap to show its friends that it wasn't dangerous german chancellor angela merkel has condemned the alleged incident and promised to take action. the victim recorded the incident with his smartphone but that didn't stop his attacker. the attacker repeatedly shouted. which means do and with his victims a twenty one year old israeli just twenty four year old german moroccan friend. and
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the attacker was led away by his companion there were no further attacks. the two victims spoke with d.w. and explained that they are not even jewish that the yarmulke was a bit of a game an experiment to find out how dangerous it would be to walk around berlin as a jew the result a shotgun and let's not. i could not sleep all last night. my body in various places. and i must say i just feel less safe. the incident took place in berlin's trendy middle class prince lower back district not a high crime neighborhood it's an area where residents rarely encounter violent alter cations. i think it takes place in the city's outskirts of the districts you think are violent anyway but this year i don't get. this. come on you.
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have to do something about this from the very standard schools training centers and have more reports from people who experience this kind of thing. jewish community has been growing in recent years many have been moving here from russia but also many young israelis. livable and less as the place. originated but it seems to have become risky again. in public. we've recently experienced increasing anti-semitic incidents seen here they include physical threats and injuries so we have to say that the security situation for people who were clearly identifiable as jews has worsened even if. the german government appointed its first commissioner to combat anti-semitism just a few days ago and. we have to prepare the schools equip the teachers with learning
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materials maybe also with additional training in order to respond to these things and to make people aware of what's happening. sustained some minor injuries but nothing is known about his attacker that police are investigating. though. you're watching news still to come on the program cuba will soon be castro country no more and this man is likely to be handed the presidency will he take the country in a new direction. but first as german chancellor angela merkel on a monumental mccraw meet one thing is certain to come up that is of course money gardell first is here with the economic angle that's right ceremonious of course always an issue and i want to also see here to seek other support force reforms at home and crucially for his dream of giving the eurozone its own budget and finance
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minister but on that subject only hears from berlin is ninety nine. unlikely to be moved by a friend to open her purse because german voters for peter to be made very very clear they do not want to foot the bill for other countries debts. a red carpet for europe french president manuel mccomb is pushing for big changes soon he thinks there is strength and more unity and wants more confidence sees in defense law and asylum now the phone didn't drift form is a third indispensable front before the end of this term of office we need to define a roadmap for progress on the banking union and the establishment of a budgetary capacity promoting stability and convergence in the euro zone business but as you know. if you see. the vision more money and responsibility for europe and manuel mcconnell says it's the only way to make the
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e.u. stronger as well as more efficient and united. not everyone is applauding though germany in particular is skeptical conservatives there say the plan sound like they carry a hefty price tag there is concern germany will be given a big bill but have little influence on where the cash is spent but time is running out european elections are set for next year by then member states should have a road map for the union's future. the road map and the european superstate that everybody is afraid of with meeting he's the chief economist there and back bank and joins us now from our parliamentary studios in. that does the eurozone really need its own bonds it wants. no i don't think that it really needs its own significant budget it already has in the european stability
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mechanism a major anti-crisis fund or so the european union has significant fiscal capacities to help we can member states over time to have a little extra anti cyclical buffer would be nice but it's not really essential for the future of the euro the eurozone finance minister could distribute lots of cash and asked for return favors like reforms of labor markets and health sectors and stuff like but wouldn't that be useful to harmonize things in europe it would be quite useful to reward countries that are pursuing serious reforms that idea is very good the problem from a bilin perspective is who is the judge of how the money is spent and to benefits from that and the german perspective is very much that this truth will not be so d. and trusted to say the european commission bought that were to lead the national
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parliament of germany needs to have a veto over serious amounts of money when it comes to them. germany and france other the two most important players in europe no no doubts about nothing will ever be get done the against the will of one of them but does that mean that germany always have to support everything france wants. no germany does not have to support everything from swan's but france has brought up some good ideas some ideas which as seen from berlin need a lot of refining we are now at the very very opening stage of the serious discussions i think the result will be a lot of noise first and in the end some result that goes to say a little less than halfway through words what micro wants but some result that in the end would strengthen the euro though without encouraging for instance a fiscal irresponsibility how strong is his position at home right now how difficult is his fight with the unions what his fight with the unions is difficult
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so far he is doing it rather well and of course the general desire in berlin and elsewhere in europe is to hope in this confrontation at home as much as possible for the future of europe it's actually much more important whether france does reform itself and become a more dynamic economy than whether the e.u. commission or some other body or the german parliament maintain a significant say over say future european funds micros are demanding a road map for europe from all member governments what should be on germany's road map the first item on the road map should be the completion of the banking union where germany is ready to take on more risks over time for instance with a common deposit insurance but only if member states have reduced risks in their banking system before hand so i think a roadmap to words banking union is something which we can actually get perhaps even by the jew e.u.
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summit beyond that we will only get rather lofty ideas instead of concrete steps for the time being after all we now have another good year to discuss these issues before roughly in may two thousand and nineteen key decisions need to be taken. meeting there from mine thank you very much for this analysis. you're welcome and that's all your business for now been physical will have an update for you in an hour's back to sara thank you so much harder reading to cuba now because cuban leader raul castro has moved a step closer to retirement after ten years in office the country's parliament has proposed vice president miguel diaz and now as his successor he was born after the one nine hundred fifty nine revolution in which fidel castro was ousted by the u.s. backed dictator denselow but. after years climbing the ranks of the communist party lawmakers consider him to be a safe bet to inherit the ideological legacy of castro he is an engineer by trade
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tech friendly and he is viewed as a socially liberal politician and if confirmed as will be the first person outside of the castle family to lead under communist rule now in a moment we will be asking what changes might lie ahead but first a look at some of the expectations that cubans have for their new leader. a regime change it is not the era of fidel and raul castro may be coming to an end but the cuba they built remains largely unchanged cubans expect the new president to continue his predecessor's legacy of slowly modernizing the communist country. i mean most of all honestly it's all the same to me as long as things keep improving all is well. thought out the. nominee miguel diaz can now would be the first leader of communist cuba who was not a member of the revolutionary generation he is likely to carry on reforms
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introduced by current president raul castro such as allowing citizens to run small businesses and reducing restrictions on foreign travel cuba's new generation is optimistic. that i would like to travel i'd like to travel and see the world. while many cubans dream of change the social programs of the castros communist party remain popular d.s. can know a party loyalist is a cautious choice for a cautious country. in cuba the revolution will not be jeopardized. but like a mind in our top story here a german chancellor angela merkel and french president among lacan have put on a united front during meetings in our land but divisions have still shone through mcallen has called on germany to join his push for the wider economic reforms by june merkel meanwhile says that germany wants to stand with france but her
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governments must first assess the risks. you have to date news i'm sarah kelly in berlin thanks for watching. to. enter the conflict zone come fronting the powerful. it's no secret that the west is on. with russia on a whole range of issues but the feeling here in moscow is decidedly new killed by guest this week is russia's deputy foreign minister sergei three outcomes one of the shows is a coal seam sliding east west relates. their west the. next such. a line of. furnishings cameo much more than just functional. playing with planes
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combining the. reason venting interiors. personalized moving spaces into sensuous design your lomax in sixty minutes on. make your smart t.v. smarter. or smart. what you watch what you want to up to date extraordinary. to decide what's on sunday morning. dot com smart t.v. . the seventieth anniversary of israel's founding. featuring eyewitness accounts. current trick or. plan the independence day ceremonies in jerusalem. israel seventeen years today.
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it's no secret that the west is angry with russia on a whole range of issues but the feeling here in moscow is decidedly mutual my guest this week is russia's deputy foreign minister sergei riyadh cuffe what are the chances of halting this current slide in east west relations or is there worse to come. from going to have gulf welcome to come.
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