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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm CEST

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i am i am. union and i am . sure this is italy news live from berlin the honeymoon ends for south africa's new president cyril ramaphosa rushes back home for talks in london and says police fire rubber bullets at protesters demanding an end to government corruption and better public services will get the latest for you from johannesburg also coming up experts to fuse an unexploded world war two bomb in the very heart of berlin and that means force the houses of people are forced to clear the area and the city's main railway station is brought to a complete standstill and also students across the u.s.
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walk out of class to mark the nineteenth anniversary of the columbine high school massacre i'll ask our washington correspondents if lawmakers are paying any attention to their demands for gun control legislation closely and of a sporting era premier league soccer club arsenal announced the departure of close coach arsenal gingerich at the end of the season he's been in charge for over two decades and zero tolerance d.w. launches a new investigative series first following the rise of islamic extremism in bangladesh and why is the country finding it harder and harder to reconcile free speech and religion. be a man. i am. i'm well of iraq it's a pleasure to have you with us everyone. south african president sarah ramaphosa
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has cut short his trip to britain to deal with violent protests back home is that the commonwealth summit in london early to travel to making the provincial capital of the north west province their protests broke out there earlier this week over poor public services and allegations of corruption police fired rubber bullets at protesters after shops were looted and cars were set on fire aber in botswana on the wild has closed its border with the province and with the growing chaos. alright i'm now joined by correspondent to two so akumal in johannesburg for the very latest a very good evening what are these protests about given to you and the listeners this is one protest that people in north west are saying the government has lifted them out of development remember this is
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a program where you've got a lot of mines in the mine is that it is a money grab to the conditions there in terms of the housing was to live in shacks and the roads in most parts of them who are poor and in fact this it was delivered last pick up by two people died in the local cleaning and the residents accused in the beginning not kidding for them because the service is bad just not bad when so these are people that are saying we want homes one electricity we went to one of the one behind i think it moves toward us some to put in for the cleanup people just to go saying yes let us down and so they want the government to listen in here and did it they want to be born and going. to so this protest that we're saying i'm making isn't the only protest it's not a one off i mean there's been protest all over so what exactly is it about this particular protest that has prompted president ron oppose it to abruptly leave the summit and rush back home. remember him of course has just been appointed not long
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ago as president south africa and there's promise of africans that is going to listen and listen big whoop and attend to the issues so i think for them of course it was a more of a p.r. exercise imagine i'm across the city to be in front of this doesn't mind i'm tipping the comment in business of africa because when they look at best friends they see people bending investments they lost trying to make a point to say is i encourage you to come in investors are going to go this is what it can do i'll do it there was to protect that investment so he went down to the problem is as we speak now he's known to meetings with a stick or does that to try and sell his home so this is one course of trying to say i'm a president grounded i'm going to do everything to protect investors so how do you see the south holding a very briefly if you can't we'll present ramaphosa be able to bring back calm it is going to be very difficult for them oppose it because the people are saying they want it immediate solution and one of the conditions that they want to include
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get my head is going to take a long process to what the aims are to discuss the so how close it is just in their political position no but of course and don'ts of the what is good instruct people to stop working on it but in terms of getting the premier fine it is going to be very difficult to program in c. per's this is a particular before that happens to so reporting from johannesburg thank you so much. all right i'm back here and germany's capital it was brought to a standstill today by this that you're about to see behind me a massive world war two bomb experts were able to defuse the bomb but the operation forced the a shutdown of a large part of the city center seven decades after the wars and germany still finds more than two thousand tons of unexploded wartime ordinances every year but this was the most significant on the supposal operation in the german capital in
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yours. yet. you form one of the members all on how you have an unusual sight on central berlin straits police urging residents to evacuate and offices going door to door to make sure buildings were cleared. the biggest evacuation in berlin in his came as bomb disposal experts moved in to diffuse an unexploded second world war bomb that had been on earth on a construction site inside the exclusion zone an army hospital part of the german intelligence agencies headquarters a ministry building embassies and a number of hotels in the city that likes to wake up late some were caught by surprise. we took a shot from denmark and we were not informed by hotels dot com that we were going
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to be created yet frustratingly. so you went very. together with the it out. for those with nowhere else to go emergency shelters were set up around the exclusion zone. but the biggest disruption perhaps came for the thousands of commuters travelling from one side of the city to the other. also located within the exclusion zone in central station went from buzzing travel hub to go station as it too was cleaning it ahead of the destination. but by around one thirty pm local time it was mission accomplished for the disposal tain as authorities announced the world war two bomb had been made safe. this is the site where the bomb was discovered and successfully disposed of and was findings like this are quite common in germany so common in fact that eight state
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has its own bomb disposal unit the size of this bomb and its proximity to the city center meant a widespread police action. bill in central station was reopened within an hour of the diffuser all allowing the city to get back to business as usual. i want to bring up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. nurses and by the way have staged a protest in the capital there among sixteen thousand nurses sacked by the government this week for going on strike to demand higher pay the mass firing in turn has led to the shutdown of major public hospitals posing a test for zimbabwe's new government. leaders of the fifty three commonwealth countries have approved prince charles as their next head he replaces queen elizabeth the second who said it was her sincere wish for him to be given the role and continue the work her father began back in nineteen forty nine. and breaking
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news just coming in the d.j. and music producer known as a vici has been found dead in oman a twenty eight year old swede who was born tim burgling was a pioneer of the electronic dance movement is greatest hits included levels wake me up and he rather. sued us across the u.s. have walked out of class to mark the ninety's anniversary of the columbine school massacre while the protest comes after continued gun violence at american schools including the recent mass killing in the parklane florida gun control advocates have been have seen little change in the aftermath of school shooting sprees is something a new generation of activists is determined to change. their message couldn't be clearer. than just a handful of the tens of thousands of students to have done and to demand tougher
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gun controls from new york. to michigan. and even the white house they made their point basically we just want to see some type of preventative measures taken you know the change has been powered was school we can feel it in the school security measures we feel that the onus should not be on the school to take security measures to prevent their students from being killed in gunfire there should be some type of preventive measure taken some type of change it was not all chanting thirteen seconds of silence were held to remember the thirteen victims of the columbine school massacre they were killed nineteen years ago to the day when two students opened fire on their classmates their slaughter into a school shootings into the global consciousness two decades gone on thousands of deaths later many of america's students have seen enough. at our school our t. shirt was shot and killed at the beginning of the year so this is something that we
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take very personally and we feel it need to advocate it for us the people. organizers say teenagers for more than two thousand schools took part in the walkout the latest wave and a nationwide effort to end the killing it. was a washington correspondent claire richardson is one of the protests in the u.s. capital clara what was the turnout like today. hailo we saw a couple hundred people here today which really pales in comparison to the kind of turnout that we've seen in the past from these national demonstrations remember this was the third nationwide effort to really draw attention to the issue of students demanding more gun control we saw the march for our lives protest in march and another national school walkout also earlier in march and those really drew much larger crowds than what we saw today now that being said it is an effort for people to walk out of their classrooms the people who made it out here to the u.s.
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capitol where just a small subsection however like i said it was not such a strong showing right so what does that mean does that mean that the movement is running out of steam. certainly the national attention seems to be starting to shift away from this issue but not necessarily joe i don't think it necessarily means that the movement has run out of steam the real test is going to come in november's midterm elections to see whether these students can actually translate their anger into votes whether they can make it to the polls and send the message that they say they're going to lawmakers that they won't vote for a candidate that takes money from a gun lobbyist or that does not vote in favor of what they call commonsense gun legislation and also clear as you know of course today is the anniversary of the columbine high school shooting has it taken on a special significance this year. that's right it's the nineteenth anniversary today and they've really tried to tie this date to the movement that's
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taken shape since the mass shooting at a park in florida high school they're saying a lot of these kids are not even old enough to remember columbine which at the time was the largest school shooting in the united states of course that's since become much more of the normal twelve people in a teacher were killed in columbine at the time and so these students who are thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen years old were not even around then they're saying that they're really upset with the fact that there haven't been big changes since columbine and even since this protest movement really began after parkland they've had fairly limited success at least on the national level it does not seem like congress hasn't really heard them yet there have been a minor minor reform passed safety measures but nothing in terms of serious gun control at the state level they've been a bit more lucky the states of florida and illinois have passed measures that have increased the age at which someone can buy a gun but overall it's been a rather
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a success all right claire richardson that reporting from washington d.c. thank you. facebook is rolling out changes this weekend to help protect private data users in europe are the first to see the new settings and part of the goal is complying with tougher laws on privacy that go into effect next month facebook says it will ultimately offer the same protections everywhere but the companies are already facing questions about how serious it is on that count and every on call nasa is of course across this story for you and for us big changes coming up for users here in europe as facebook prompt you to review your settings yet i feel so left out and other members of the social media team have seen these notifications of this is basically facebook getting an early start on the use general data protection regulation or g.d.p. are you'll be hearing those four letters a lot to coming up it's going to starting may twenty fifth so this is kind of a preview of what you can say expect if you were
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a facebook user even though if you're not in europe take a look at some of these new privacy controls that are being rolled out here either users can actually now opt in to using facial recognition technology it had been banned here since two thousand and twelve you can limit the use of political religious or relationship information that you might have shared you can also say you don't want facebook to use information from partner websites when targeting it's ads for you and there are some new features specifically for minors as well and that requires parental consent for data collection there's a few others of course but those are the basics these are the ones to look out for right and they've already come under fire this is facebook of course under fire of it. so it turns out that facebook really isn't giving its users as much protection under the g.d.p. our as we thought they would so for example the g.d.p. or prohibits companies from collecting sensitive information about you without your consent and here's how facebook is dealing with that and this is from these notifications you're given just two choices here in terms of collecting this
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information like your ethnicity or your religion either you can sense and you let the company gather it all. or you have to completely delete it from your profile so there's nothing in between that's allows you to say hey i'm a catholic but tell facebook not to gather that information it's even worse later when it comes to privacy controls for minors and here's how facebook is dealing with that it's not so good under the g.d.p. our users younger than sixteen they need consent from parent or guardian for companies to gather data facebook's system for this is really bad it turns out a teen user can simply select any facebook friend or enter right there where we circled any email address as their guardian so they can easily get around this control they can put their friends e-mail address there doesn't have to be the parent there's no way to check that from facebook ok so that's not really his it's and there were forces which have raised a fresh concerns again about how facebook is handling its new privacy features tell us more about that well we had heard from mark zuckerberg last week he told
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congress that he'd be giving all facebook users around the globe these same privacy protections it looks like he might be walking that back and here's of how we know there's a new change that could be happening with facebook users currently if you're outside of the of the u.s. or canada then your government here in ireland that's where your privacy restrictions are governed but now they're taking all of these countries and they're putting it into california so these users about one point five billion people you see them all highlighted in orange they would have had these legal protections under the g.d.p. g.d.p. are now they no longer will facebook says they'll still give them the same protection but the legal requirement is no longer there are chrome has one hundred i have a feeling we're going to be talking a lot about oh. thank you so much to have a great weekend. all right and here in germany well actually here in germany in washington because germany is lobbying for europe in washington and how it has all
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the details. they left thank you very much for the french economy minister has a lashed out at washington saying it's true. aid war with china is made and pointless as he refuses to be drawn into the dispute he argues europe should be permanently exempt from steel tariffs well germany's vice chancellor shorts says he is optimistic that the european union will be granted an exemption now he made those comments off for a meeting with vice president mike pence the e.u.'s temporary exemption to tariffs on steel and other metals expires on the first of may german chancellor angela merkel will travel to washington next week's you personally make the case for an exemption and we've been told schultz is meeting yesterday was delayed leaving him to stroll around along the fence in front of the white house for an hour but let's get more facts now with our washington correspondent cost and phone naaman he's in front of the international monetary fund that will be talking about those i.m.f.
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pronouncements in a short while but first cost it does seem that germany may be let off the hook in this trade dispute between the u.s. and china for now at least we are still waiting a concrete solution what are you hearing that. well we're hearing that it's still difficult yes they are all off scholtz the german finance minister and vice chancellor said he was optimistic that a solution could be found that there would be a permanent exemption for the europeans from those tariffs today he sounded a bit more cautious again saying he didn't know if that would happen by the time the temporary exceptions run out at the end of april so we don't know simply what's going on talks on the way you mentioned the chancellor she would come to washington next week also french president mccrum will be here next week and what the europeans tried to point out all the time is this is an issue where europe is
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united of course because trade is the affair of the e.u. and they make this point to the american counterparts and all of shoals told us today he had the impression that his american counterparts were understanding that this was the case now at the i.m.f. chief christine that god has been speaking she's pointed to strong global growth that she has warned of course that trade tensions could hurt the global economy in the long ten all the u.s. and china hating her warning to you think. i'm not so sure and they might be listening to what she has to say for now it doesn't appear like they are following her by is neither side seems to be ready to back down at this point so it's completely unclear whether this conflict can be resolved. or i washington correspondent coston phenomena at the
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international monetary fund for us thank you. here in germany police are reported to be holding porsches head of power train development on or amman that is according to sources speaking to the reuters news agency they say that you can as arrest is related to inquiries into admissions manipulation and that he's considered a flight risk well can i was the man in charge of pushes engine division when the diesel gate scandal broke in twenty fifty the rest follow thursday's raid of several properties linked to three executives at the first falcon subsidiary of financial correspondent daniel cool is tracking the story. we're hearing that the man a child was on the way to work when he received a call from a family member that his home was being raided by police authorities apparently then cannot turned around race told but his sudden change in destination made investigators think that he was attempting to flee thereby prompting them to take
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him into custody but he's not the only one in the focus off prosecutors at the moment also it seems to be the case that the head of the development department mikhail steiner who's also a porsche management board member so with even a higher position is facing tough questions from authorities at the moment the company has only say to two employees in an e-mail that they will try to clear up the facts of the case as soon as possible it's going to be really interesting to see what portia is going to do about the case and about this employee we have to remember the case of the vox fire. in miniature all of a shrimp he was put on trial in front of a court in the united states and was then even sentenced to seven years in prison after he was sentenced works wagner also fired him so we have to see if what is going to happen now with cana or mco dyna if they will be able to continue their work at the carmaker or if porsche maybe will fire them as well. daniel cope in frankfurt now to a u.s.
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regulators to find the bank wells fargo one billion dollars for mortgage an auto loan violations it is the toughest penalty against a wall street bank during the trumpet administration last year wells fargo admitted charging over half a million clients for car insurance they didn't meet and force the customers to pay fees for mortgage delays which were the bank's fault. meanwhile deutsche bank is making headlines again for all the wrong reasons this time they made an accidental chance which you might say happens to the best of us spots i'm pretty sure that you've never accidentally transferred this kind of cash into the wrong account we're talking twenty eight billion euros ouch well to their credit the bank realized their mistake after a few minutes and no harm was done but of course the incident throwing the spotlight on the banks risk and control processes and it's creaking much criticized i t system so high time you might say for more than just a repute. all right. now in
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a changing of the guard at one of the walls most popular football clubs. and we've got that major soccer news for you everybody's talking about it from the english premier league arsenal manager arsene wenger will be leaving the club at the end of the season and our very own mark meadows from the resource is here with me is this a bolt out of the blue it is slightly yes he's been there twenty two years so it's a long time and actually quite a lot of the fans were a bit frustrated because of not an english league title since two thousand and four so there's been a kind of out grey for quite a few seasons so in that way it's not a surprise but the timing is maybe a surprise we expected the announcement the end of the season they've suddenly come out with it today it might be to do with the success actually i think the real reason of the do it now is to give the players a bit of a jolt and say hey let the guy go out in style go and win
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a trophy for him in the last few weeks and the europa league is a trophy they really want to win no pressure there what legacy whatever legacy is he leaving behind oh massively i mean look at the stats first of all three premier league titles the last one of those in two thousand and four it was the invincible season they went the whole season unbeaten in the premier league no premier league manager has done that before or since they won three probably titles in total seven f.a. cups research is the final in two thousand and six but his real legacy is how we revolutionized the game when he came in he looked at the diets you know the before matches bad idea there's some great anecdotes sol campbell the defender once told how things are told them all have to still. so the sugar granules will be completely dissolved it was that obsessive and so the football as well i mean it completely changed how often i play it's great second football lots of goals very very different to how it was and what are some of the reactions that you've been seeing yeah i mean ex play is both to play for him and against him i said look this
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guy is a great we should really really laud and then go for what he has achieved and also some premier league managers have chimed in we can have a listen listen now. you always develop teams brought always fantastic players and . the dominating guy mid ninety's maybe early two thousand when he was really winning pretty much everything played wonderful football so i i admired his work always it was always been since i'm in england it's a bit different because now we have to challenge them of course but from from germany he was always it was always a big big role model in the home i respect who has put the course he has done so premier league is with the premier league right now think a huge personality like arson not only for the premier league is the premier league things would he have he has done. his vision a lot of respect for the poor. wow some big big shoes to fill mark
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so who is being lined up as a potential successor thomas talk is top of the betting at the moment the former you don't mind manager i'm not so sure that's likely because i think he may have got a deal with the man already so we'll see how that pans out outside bet your human urge every coach if it goes out on a high with germany or on a low but he has actually got a contract still with journey beyond the world cup he's not the sort of guy who would would leave a job like that i think color watch a lot in peace free obviously left by munich this season but given he left by munich in a bit of a messy situation maybe a great little end to his c.v. there so it's a tough one x. players like tyrian re perhaps past vieira not got the managerial experience of those of the guys so it's wide open to be honest really feel this wide open i want to start doing see hoops well succeed the great thing or thank you so very much
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mark meadows. and you're watching every news we still have a lot more to tell you about including as long as extremism on the rise in bangladesh a new d w documentary investigates growing intolerance in the south asian country we'll get a sneak peek and talk to one of the filmmakers. that on a whole lot more coming up in just a few. european stars deliver a rousing performance or submit. a. delicate vocal. and when he sounds game says the man. in modern electronic upload compulsed you. sure of that in concert in forty five minutes you. wouldn't be fighting for the case
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to be taken seriously in the world of war here's what's coming up. on this talk on g.w. oh they'd use the veto superhero on a mission to change attitudes on smart women because smart talks smart station and legend is in fine no means missed out on a brain creasing lean dangerous time tough to. make sure my. first was going to survive where it's night time here i've been getting to. be able to state the movie to do with my focus i do consider bangladesh what is the true face of the country to look like freedom independence a separation of state and church that used to be important but for decades political infighting here has hindered progress and islamist extremists. for
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democracy and the rule of law on shaky ground but to love it should be. great britain. cannot. thank the dawning of islamism an exclusive d.w. report starting april twenty first. great to have you back with us you're watching the reason why i love rock in berlin these are main headlines right now. south african presidents are around opposing has been forced to leave talks in london early as after police fired rubber bullets at rioters demanding an end to government corruption and better public services it's the first crisis ramaphosa young presidency. and experts in berlin have the fuse to a mass of world war two bombs after and brought the center of the city to a standstill and closed the main railway station.
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north and south korea have opened a telephone line hotline ahead of next week's historic summit leaders of the countries plan to speak on the phone before meeting face to face in an effort to end the nuclear standoff with the north well technically the two nations are still at war they signed an armistice back in one nine hundred fifty three south korean president moon j m is now hoping to replace that arms this with a lasting peace accord at the last summits in the two thousand and seven former leaders of north and south korea tried to put failed to reach a peace agreement. the us democratic party is suing top officials from president donald trump's campaign as well as russia and we keep leaks the democrats contend they all conspired to help trump when the twenty sixteen presidential elections the lawsuit says they. had
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relationships with russia that unable to creation of a trump russia conspiracy democrats say russia quote mounted a brazen attack on american democracy which started with a cyber attack on its computers trump has repeatedly denied any collusion between his campaign and russia. all right let's get you more on this developing story from the tom hamburger of the washington post a very good evening sir why has the d.n.c. decided to do this now special counsel robert rowe is still investigating allegations of collusion yes well there are there are a few reasons for perhaps the. the most obvious since this is a political party is they're doing it for a political advantage perhaps to to really that they didn't even. do some fundraising but it also has some legal and potentially historical advantages for
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the democrats it doesn't come without risk at where is the president for this mess and. yes so one of the echoes which i think the democrats are are not his needed to point to is that there was a similar some lawsuit filed in one thousand nine hundred seventy two against richard nixon by the democratic national committee willie a very similar suit alleging by elations of law. by the opposing political party. to take advantage of the democrats and to help win the election of richard nixon at the time when the suit was filed it was all laughed off by richard nixon's attorney general at the time john mitchell but eventually in nineteen seventy four the very day richard nixon resigned the presidency their republican party settled with the democratic. so have we heard it from the republican senator from the white house. we. had only not heard white house
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just yet we heard from attorneys for some of the aimed and the last of the allies. some of our russian nationals as well and they have referred to this wasin by the democratic party as a joke list of these they don't think that it they think that it lacks maritally by and and the risks of possibly undermining the credibility of i thought it best. well not a day and that brings me to mr comey because not a day has gone by this week without fired f.b.i. director james comey making a media appearance the memos now that he has kept his interactions with the president have been made public how compromised is the president's position today. this is. yet another in a long running battle over this. investigation of the trump campaign and the
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question it's still very much for us to know whether there was collusion with the russians and in the course of the president's reputation of course is caught in the crossfire as you mentioned how many internal memos memos that he wrote to him stop in effect to the pile after each of those encounters with president trump have now been released publicly and the republicans insisted that they be released the general impression at least is i'm hearing it is that the memos for comi and they tend to undergird the claims that he has already made in his book and in and in public appearances tom hamburger from the washington post thank you for joining us thank you. zero tolerance that's the title of a new series of documentaries focusing on asia the series will explore what is happening in the world's most populous continent as intolerance and religious fundamentalism are on the rise we start our journey and bangladesh
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a wave of attacks by radical islamists has swept over the country in recent years many of the victims have been liberal bloggers apparently targeted for criticizing islam. and the students at dachau university alleging they had on their semester is over. just a few meters away is the spot where blogger average roy was murdered in february two thousand and fifteen the atheist writer was paying a visit to duck as bookfair while walking home with his wife he was attacked by radical islamists wielding machetes. royce father is heartbroken ajor roy's a retired professor of physics his son of egypt was one of five sexual murdered in two thousand and fifteen three years later and none of his killers has been convicted average roy's father laced the greatest share of the blame with the government. to have a do good. all. in
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of just couldn't get in the way. they should be. anybody. and i think. the country has been governed by prime minister shake. extends two thousand and nine once the ruling party stood for liberal values and a clear separation of state and religion nowadays it seems to show more sympathy to the murderous than the bloggers. new distort the good which is only more income or only life and profit some people are incensed. we lose the ones there's. no grass brought it on themselves the government claims to pursue a policy of zero tolerance against militancy while islamists are becoming increasingly assertive them address us are considered by many to be breeding
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grounds of fundamentalism mufti pfizer like teaches islamic sharia law and to koran school in dhaka and has repeatedly been accused of hate speech in this video he calls for the death penalty off a politician who criticised paper images to mecca talking to t w he explains why. the. motto be in his. allah and the prophet. if you insult or abuse them up with the whole be a hotspot. so what should you do if you are hurt do you pick up a weapon with them but you know that it is law does not permit that is what when it comes to those who hurt you and make your heart. at least you can ask for their punishment i was told biblical to have it. not only atheist bloggers but also artists and people of different faiths have been under oppression bangladesh in early march there was yet another attack attack against
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a renowned writer and eminent scientist the motive of the young perpetrator he saw his victim as an enemy of islam. while the full documentary the dawn of islamism will air tomorrow right here on d w and in the studio with me now is one of the filmmakers sundra peters meant thank you so much for being here sandra i mean the thing that stands out is of course is a coup some way which these bloggers have been have been killed in public and then you hear the advisor to the prime minister basically condoning what has happened i mean is that belief widespread in bangladesh i think yeah widespread is the belief that you shouldn't criticize. religion but of course people this way know not kill people this way but you know generally there is a belief in people that you should not touch upon religion critically it is a very conservative society when it comes to religion but i mean it's not happening
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on every day basis that liberals get killed but it is on the right there is a rise of intolerance and bangladesh and that's why we focus on this this killing of bloggers started in two thousand and thirteen and it hasn't stopped and yes it's single cases but if you piece that picture together i think it is a story worth to be told and this adviser he took his argument further by saying you know they have both extremists the bloggers and those who killed them and we have to bring them into the mainstream now what that mainstream is i think that is really under debate in the church right and it's not on the same moral moral level either you have the opportunity to visit which i thought was really interesting one of one of the madrid conservative mcgraw says which is the name for a muslim schools in the country. i mean how do they see it as we see it in the outside world this rise of intolerance so they perceive it in the same way that there is a rise of intolerance in their society they see it the other way around they also
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perceive the rise of intolerance directed at them i mean first of all i must say that getting access to how desiring my dress and chittagong as a woman is quite a thing we were invited and people all our questions but we didn't get the sense that they think you know islam is kind of a victim off the west and cons variously theory and that we try to know you know to tarnish the picture. and when we said well do you really think that having an islamic state in bangladesh what make things better because bangladesh has to deal with a lot of issues they said yes and they even went as far as saying you know if we were a true islamic state we wouldn't have these murders of bloggers there but it's not as i was there because there's christians and. living there as well how are they experiencing life in bangladesh today well i mean we spoke to a young hindu a man and his village was attacked in two thousand and thirteen by an islamist will gather to join in friday prayers after an islamist leader had been sentenced to
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death by war crimes tribunal and soul death anger unleashed in this village and he said immediately after the attack he thought it would be better to leave india to leave bangladesh and become a refugee in india but then he kind of changed his mind and set no this is our country too we want to stay here but the number of hindus in bangladesh is dwindling and some people do migrate to india ok now i only have thirty seconds left to talk to us a little bit about this this new series that will be broadcasting at zero tolerance . on the rise in some countries how do you see bung the dish evolving well i mean if you compare it to afghanistan and pakistan of course it's a lot better there is still a secular nature but it's under threat and we need to talk about this and bangladesh should not brush this off the table. right to sandra peterson thank you so very much for coming to talk to us and i warmly recommend our viewers to go and watch their full length documentary is zero tolerance bangladesh beginning tomorrow
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on g w and of course you can also catch it on demand dot com. it. is a great time of year hey in germany when spring brings gardens a life that you may notice less buzzing this season experts have long been sounding the alarm about declining honeybee populations worldwide some blame climate change others disease of course bees are essential to food production pollinating seventy percent of global crops they contribute an estimated two billion euros a year to the german g.d.p. alone the french research in this just shoots the sea and says the insects are responsible for two hundred billion euros in global economic output an incredible figure but hoff of european be call it he's have died out many scientists blame mites but monocultures and loss of habitat also play a role u.s.b.
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populations a shrinking by thirty percent every year they've become so rare in parts of china thousands of farm workers have to pollinate trees i'm crops by hand. when the cherry blossoms are out it's time for watching you know to start work on something that's normally taken care of by nature the farmer pollinates her trees by hand it should be bs doing this work but here in the honey one region of southwest china there simply aren't enough of the beneficial insects to go around. so it's not been our yields were simply too low the trees were flowering well but only produced a few fruit seed at the heart then we heard about hand pollination we checked it out and then started doing it ourselves. hand pollination is a painstaking task first farmers have to find flowers which have only just opened
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the pollen dust has to be fresh and clean and removed very carefully. and her husband. colony each tree three times. nowadays it's really hard work being a fruit grower. we have to spend a lot of time tending our trees that if it's in the course of the. global be populations are on the decline and china is especially badly affected most regions no longer have any native varieties the main problem is the widespread use of chemicals in the district capital cinci farmers come to general store to stock up on fertilizers herbicides and insecticides. you want to tell farmers not to spray during the flowering period because then the bees won't go on the blossoms. at all other times though the farmers happily spray away on average chinese farmers use twice as many pesticides as their european counterparts meanwhile beekeeping has
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become a profitable business here. leases his piece to local farmers on a daily basis he charges five euros per hive per day. when a famous poet. they only roughly distribute the pollen on the blossom like bees go right into the center of the flower and take the pollen exactly where it needs to go it sounds like easy cash but these need a lot of attention and the keeper has to know precisely what local farmers are up to at all times. particularly their start spraying the apple trees so i packed up my beads and take them over the forest otherwise they'll die you. know and her husband though i don't want to spend money on renting bees so instead for the next three weeks they'll be in their orchard pollinating their trees by hand. what does city dwellers do when there's
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a crisis but no central emergency phone number in the teeming metropolis of nairobi there are around fifty different emergency numbers but no central dispatch and no guarantee that ambulance will arrive on time now a start up has developed. so that people in nairobi can get medical attention faster but every second counts. nairobi is home to almost four million people. it's a busy bustling city. but a medical emergency here can quickly become a personal catastrophe. i don't know how i want to. even need to know i don't i can't call nine one one is not liking you can call it call it it is much easier to get a tax than an ambulance. there is a good number but it only gets you through to the police and that's only if you're
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lucky they in turn try to track down an ambulance coom has worked as a paramedic for three years he says while there are plenty of private ambulances around they're not centrally coordinated. we don't have general number for quoting . a couple of. days so who do you call in an emergency take lindahl carton memory or a being of each ask themselves that very question they were shocked to discover just how long it took for an ambulance to reach a patient. previously it could take anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours we've heard from some cases and now we're able to respond in under fifteen minutes they launch their start up flare flares team can be contacted via apple phone in an emergency the team can see in real time the exact position of their partner company's ambulances and which vehicle has what equipment and in return they send the most suitable and quickest to help. initially flare was planned is just
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a nap then they realized how important personal contact can be they got qualified and now work around the clock it's a challenging role. every single hole that comes in you do you kind of like perk up and you're like oh my god we've got to do this right and i think that's part of it we have to continue to care more than everyone else and make sure. that we're here for you. the private avenue hospital also works closely with flare staff there are concerned about the numbers of people essentially abandoned in a medical emergency you can only get. out of my distress calls hospice pons. it's not. this one snack though it's less customers have to pay fifteen dollars a year to finance the project too much for many here in nairobi paramedic peter kuhn thinks flair is a great start but he says more governmental support is needed too if he thinks that once the government and everyone else understands just how important ambulances are
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it will become easier for people to access them. and their nairobi citizens could finally rest assured they'd not be abandoned in a medical emergency. they are now taking a look at the latest from the condom of performance art. marina abramovic she is one of the most fearless and radical artists working today the seventy one year old servant is referred to as the grandmother of performance art having broken new ground already back in the early seventy's by pioneering participation of an audience and the retrospective exhibits has opened now in a bonnet carre house that is here to tell us more about it karen the first thing the springs to mind when i hear the name marina abramovic is intense absolutely she's she's unbelievable and she's certainly not for the faint of heart she will
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know her entire journey as an artist really is all about exploring her limits both physical and mental she also pioneered this idea of using her own body actually as the medium which can result in some pretty brutal scenarios when she in terms of when she's subjecting herself to either things like aggression or pain and even severe danger this is the first major retrospective of her work that's ever shown in europe it's already had stations in scandinavia before coming to bondi let's hear what she has to say about it herself. very easy to do things you like but you're not going anywhere or this you repeat the same pattern same system same everything but when you do things you're afraid of things you don't now that's a big possibility of real change. you can be shy person i cannot talk publicly somebody is walking behind me have to stop i was traumatized for any anything to do with. people watching me or i have to you know
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even in school not talk to the professor. credibly introvert and when i do use performance in the moment i start to feel superior and it was like transformation is not me anymore it's not me this little traumatized african marine or clearly other marine a came out which was fearless can do anything and and it was like wow this was the marine i i want to be there and he was the cleaner is such a long long history scums really from a childhood because my mother was obsessed with cleaning clean bananas for the turgid because they come from the hard way and they can add the bacteria and then a straw has said this this. sentence that follow me all my life bottom three so that means i can go to the bathroom and wash myself again and again and again so there's always this cleaning kind of session but later on i found that i have so
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much on my mother's syndromes and i was really interesting in the way how i organize my life and i was to be very very kind of strict and clean and i would never put any any photographs or on my own work or anybody else work on the was you know when you're younger artists you're so afraid that it's not enough so you just at things and the more stuff more if you have to do performance you had the sound you had imagery and die. you know what's going to happen performances his energy and energy. and mission and. turned. fifty you. have to this point. just being there.
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can what's so amazing about her is that she keeps pushing herself pushing herself to the very limit even though it might cause her pain physical and mental pain yes and it has a lot to do with i mean that she obviously confronts a lot of fear and has a lot to do with her upbringing she grew up in belgrade after world war two and both of her parents had been partisan fighters against the nazis and what became yugoslavia so she had she had a very strict upbringing initially raised by a really heavily religious grandmother a mother also physically abusive in her young life so painting is a way of really freeing herself from her own pain also from things like shame a lot of naked bodies in her work a lot of blood. she mentioned that energy of performance she finds or mazing one of her most famous works was in two thousand and ten in the moma in new york it's called the artist is present and that's where she simply sat in not chair across from other people and sort of let visitors sit across from her and stare and see
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what came up and the results were surprising it's so simple but it's really intense because she was there for days and days on eight hours a day for three months and now i've got thirty seconds left unfortunately. she exuded so much peace when we saw her there tours the end is she finally at peace with herself i think i think it grows with every one of these projects i think there is definitely a sense of freedom she says that now she's at the state she so free she could just take off for anywhere in fifteen minutes to do. so we can we still have just prior to. this a level of detachment that on one hand is in possibly really an inspiration tony snow over the probably wrong it's about a level we're going to start in salute in bonn and there's more on the web site and we also have an arts twenty one special coming up this weekend on arena and i'm amazed until june a threat thank you so much karen everybody and we can do our before i let you go and remind you of our main headline this hour south african presidents are around
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a khoza has been forced to leave talks in london early as after police fired their rubber bullets at rioters demanding an end to government corruption and better public services is the first crisis of rahm opposes young presidency. here in washington we do use only one rock n roll and drink coffee is up next and if this is your weekend i wish you a great weekend. thank you. bill .
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european stars deliver rousing performances. delicate phone calls. and when the soundscapes that. modern electronic upload come close to. europe in concert. t.w. . reliable
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data. systems for the club system. of automotive history the first drive. every journey begins with the first step and every monday each of the first words american eagle nico he's in germany to son sherman. assessment why not move him. in simple online on your old mile and for a. soft. music to learning course. maybe.
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wonderful not to be through arms and tribal music i also know that it's fear that may have been a time before. been there from four to four hundred a one. listen to be of interest plus and me under oath one community. he did have a good time. with the dismissal com newsroom and other things. in the open but though it can be me or close. the once in fuel consumption the people come to. this most you don't put in your own business reason to me dozens of police .
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this is d. w. do is live from berlin was there a conspiracy to keep hillary clinton al of the white house the democrats say yes and they are suing the democratic national committee today launching a lawsuit against the russian government donald trump's campaign leaders and with the party saying never before has a candidate conspired with a foreign enemy to become president we'll go to washington and ask what does this mean for robert muller's russia investigation also coming up students across the u.s. walk out of class to mark the now.


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