tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle April 24, 2018 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST
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this is deja vu news live from berlin and posturing pomp and policy at the white house tonight u.s. president donald trump and friends of mine will microland are talking tough on global challenges including syria north korea and the iran nuclear deal and despite the smiles and the romance handshake there were disagreements we'll go live to washington for more also coming up a court charges a twenty five year old suspect in connection with monday's toronto van attack alec admin aasia faces multiple counts of murder and attempted murder after ten people
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were killed and fifteen injured and as the syrian conflict enters its eighth year an international fund raising drive begins today in brussels can it make any difference so. i bring it's good to have you with us tonight in washington or in french president manuel has just held a joint press conference with his u.s. counterpart u.s. president donald trump it's the second day of macaroons first state visit to washington since trump took office now ahead of the press briefing the team and put on a show of unity their agenda contains some tough topics which they don't necessarily agree on but as their white house he got under way mr trump pulled out all the stops as you can see there to. welcome the leader seen as his closest contact and.
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honor. well at the press conference following those dogs lavished praise on for hints for its help in global challenges including attempts to halt new thin north careers nuclear weapons program we are grateful for france's keep partnership in our campaign of maximum pressure on the north korean regime. as you know i will soon be meeting with kim jong un as we seek a future of peace harmony and security for the whole korean peninsula and in fact for the whole world however in pursuit of peace we will not repeat the mistakes of past administrations. the campaign of maximum pressure will continue. president mccrone joined in expressing concerns with the
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iran nuclear deal and he said that paris in washington will seek a better agreement with tehran in the future yep and me step with the it's no mystery that we have different starting positions on iran and neither you nor i have a habit of changing our opinions we find very frank discussions when you consider the iran deal negotiated in twenty fifteen to be a deal for a number of months i've been saying it's not a sufficient deal but it has enabled us until twenty twenty five to have some sort of control over their nuclear activities we want to work on a new deal with iran. i want to go now to washington or washington bureau chief alexander phenomenon is on the story for us tonight good evening to you alexandra let's talk about this meeting between mr drop and mr micro-loan the u.s.
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president today heaping watts of praise on his french counterpart a lot of people even writing that this is a budding new bromance so why are we seeing such a charm offensive. well what we can say is that both leaders seem to have established a good personal connection good for the poor and that is what is top priority for president trump dealing with foreign leaders that's why he has been repeated to the very positive about china as the president xi he has traced three pieces to the prime minister of japan and in this case you have to say that it was a president small cuomo who has been very positioned in trying to forge presidents tromp he has taken a much softer line on president trump then you ropey in the there is both
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leader as the french president and do you ask president share their love for pomp and circumstance for countries are on the same page when it comes to fighting against terrorism working together to solve problems in the middle east and in north africa alexandra what about the differences here we know that they went into these dogs with differences on the iran nuclear deal they came out of that with. mr trump saying that he's willing to talk about a new deal with mr microland saying that. as well how do we read that. well the differences remain that's for sure i think that's mccrone strategy here is to say that he admitted. that the current iran deal is not sufficient but that that controls some of iran's nuclear activities until twenty twenty five and the prats that's the french president is ready to work on the new deal so his strategy here
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seems to be to tell mr trump let's stick to the current deal please do not pull out of it and while we are working to try to achieve a better deal a deal that would be addressing other problems like iran's activities in places like yemen and syria and iran missile program and alexander we know that this is a week of european while being in washington german chancellor she's expected in washington on friday will i'm going to merkel is she going to get such a warm welcome in reception the way mr macro got today at the white house. i don't think so at the visits are totally different the german chancellor is coming to the white house on friday as you said it will be a working physics so there are going to be a few meetings in the white house and
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a joint press conference no dinner no military will come ceremony and we have to say that the german chancellor has been a more critical of president trump the french president has been and that is something that. doesn't forgets and to the u.s. president has been very critical of germany germany's trade surplus and that is going to be on the agenda on friday i would say our washington bureau chief always on the phenomena at the white house for us tonight always under thank you very much . for least six police officers have been killed troops wounded in separate suicide bombings in the pakistani city of. one attack took place at. a paramilitary checkpoint on the city's outskirts the other hit close to the airport an offshoot of the taliban has claimed responsibility. dramatic pictures have been released
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of migrants being rescued from the mediterranean sea italian coast guard saved sixty three people from drowning after their boat capsized on monday the u.n. says that around eighty two hundred migrants have arrived in italy by sea so far this year. mexican authorities have arrested a man suspected of involvement in the killing of a renowned mexican journalist. was gunned down close to his office in the lowest state last may valdez was known for his reporting into drug trafficking and organized crime police say is killing was linked to the cartel this. incident in canada of a toronto court has charged the suspect in yesterday's van attack with multiple counts of murder and attempted murder prosecutors are alleging that the twenty five year old deliberately drove into pedestrians on the busy city streets ten people were killed fifteen others injured police arrested alec manasse and shortly after
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the incident in an operation that has been praised for its level headedness. standing next to a van and appearing to point a weapon at a police officer. this is the suspect in the toronto attack the tense exchange was captured by several witnesses. the officer was praised for his bravery and for not shooting when others might have pulled the trigger. the suspect twenty five year old alec. has now appeared in court he's been charged with ten counts of murder and thirteen counts of attempted murder. he's alleged to have deliberately driven a van into pedestrians along this busy street in toronto the motive is still
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unclear and so far it has have sought to play down terrorism links. looking visibly upset manasse as father was filmed leaving court thank you for you . to start. putting the canadian prime minister just in trudeau was among those to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks but he also warned against living in fear. we need to continue to reflect on the changing situations of which we are in that we can do everything we can to keep canadians safe but we can all this canadians choose to live in fear every single day as we go about our daily business a makeshift memorial has been set up near the scene of the attack as toronto
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becomes the latest city to deal with such a tragedy. for more on the story i'm joined on the phone now by moving correct he's a journalist covering this story for six eighty radio news in toronto for me that's good to have you on the program we understand that toronto police have just held a press conference what more do we know about this apparent attack. yes the police to tell the fairly lengthy almost hour long news conference but to be honest if they didn't really say too much it seems that the translator playing a very cautious at this point just basically giving an update saying even at this point they haven't officially identified any of the victims they say they have found several pieces of identification but they want to go through the process very carefully they don't want to wrongfully identify any of the victims so they say they're going to use dental records medical records they have forensic pathologists on scene and they're going to go through that process step by step so not officially identifying any of the victims as far as
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a motive goes police are also saying very quiet on that front basically saying that it's too early to say that this is now all part of a criminal investigation so they don't want to give any details of basically just trying to reassure the people of toronto that there is no need to be scared or concerned that everything is running as normal and that even that stretch two kilometers where the whole incident took place should be open and up and running fully normally by the by the end of tonight and that also speaks to what the canadian prime minister mr trudeau what he said earlier appealing to people not to be motivated by see here so a day after the attack and how are people in toronto i mean how are they reacting to what happened. i think that that's exactly how people are reacting i mean obviously people are pretty stunned and shocked by what happened but you know i got up today everybody seems to be going to work and school normally tropical is the same tough two hour traffic that it normally is and everybody everything seems to
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be functioning quite normally and i think that speaks volumes to the reaction of toronto police and to our city government and our to our provincial and federal government deciding even at the height of the attack yesterday not to close down the rest of the city the subway remained open the city streets remained open and you know we even had a hockey game here last night with our with our local team in the playoffs and that went off the schedule so everything seems to be functioning kirti much as normal even though people are obviously sad and upset by what happened but nothing seems to have dramatically changed the way people are going about their lives the good strong resolve of the people in toronto let me correct tonight joining us from city radio news in toronto thank you thank you. aren't business news now we're going to look at markets also in north america in new york and they are taking a dive today that's right brant the dow down by one point seven percent tonight the specter of increased inflation and rising interest rates is haunting the markets
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u.s. ten year bonds hitting three percent for the first time in four years is that means that debt is becoming more expensive for companies which will eat into their profits quarterly earnings couldn't boost the mood either google parent company alphabet disappointed with its low profit margin losing as much as five percent and after a strong start construction equipment make a caterpillar sell back sharply into negative territory investors worried about higher material costs his young colt. the day on wall street started on a positive tone but then trouble started to end the year old of the ten year you as treasury for the first time in over four years reached their three percent mark what does that precisely mean well on the one side it doesn't mean that there is optimism about the future growth in the u.s. so that's a positive not so positive is that money becomes more expensive was yields and
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probably also interest rates might be increasing higher than estimated we shouldn't forget a lot of the growth that we've seen in the past couple of years has been achieved with debt so now money becomes more expensive and also debt becomes more expensive also in the past the developments that we're seeing right now at the bond markets have been for shadowing a possible start of a recession we're not quite there yet but the discussion is on and we did see a lot of pressure also on stock prices here on wall street. and culture that ireland's tax man is taking a big bite out of apple's profits doublet has reached an agreement with the u.s. based text regarding some thirty billion euros in back taxes the bill stands for the twenty sixteen e.u. decision that determined apple had illegally profited from the sweetheart deal with the irish government apple is still appealing the decision but the company has
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agreed to begin paying into an escrow account as it waits revert. ople workers have taken to the streets again new french own a p.s.a. looks set to slash jobs at the german comic despite guarantees p.s.a. has money in the past three months of this year it sold more than one million cars now that's a record for the group so it's on track to hit its target of four million this year opel vauxhall accounted for more than a quarter of cars sold but the brand posted significant losses last year and it remains in the red now that's why p.s.a. is trying to cut costs the workers aren't buying it. workers came from around germany for the ice and protest organized by the egan mattel union the automotive workers want to show their solidarity parent company p.s.a. is said to be planning to fire around eight hundred employees almost half of its
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employees in the eyes in the region if it doesn't get wage concessions. to half the team could face the chopping block eight hundred or nine hundred people could be fired that's why i thought i should come here to show i'm against it i want our jobs all our jobs to stay in the region. with example but. we're not giving up our wages we've earned it and fought for it you get mattel fought for it and we're not giving it up. at the moment there's no plan for the future of the german operation they're looking at firing half their employees here. the majority of the plants morning crew joined the demonstrators at the gate. including many local politicians concerned about their constituents jobs. and even state premier bodo around mello who called on p.s.a. to honor its promises. c.s.a. assured us that okla would remain a german car company. that's why we're fighting for these three facilities and
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won't trade them for more promises. and also. works council members that are leading talks with p.s.a. say opel can become competitive again without cutting staff they say many employees will soon retire and that others are willing to be bought out of their contracts. and they're losing one solution would be to get back to the negotiating table and go through the union deal with a clear head we need constructive offers from company management and then we can see if we can reach an agreement. talks are set for the next several weeks but if both sides can tinker deal including drastic cuts the future of the opel factories throughout the region is anything but certain. it was the deadliest accident of its kind five years ago today the collapse of a textile factory in bangladesh killed over eleven hundred workers the rana plaza disaster shed
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a painful light of the budget fashion industry with sweatshop conditions and little regard for workers health and safety brands unions and the government pledged to improve factory safety but the risk of another deadly disaster remains. every step hurts she hasn't been able to walk without crutches for five years. new for big of them was working as a seamstress at ronda plaza when the nine story building collapsed pinning her legs under the rubble for ten hours the compensation she received thirty five hundred euros wasn't enough to cover her multiple operations her family has had to scrimp and save. what i want compensation from the government none of the affected workers have been properly compensated they give us hardly anything what happened to all the aid money that came from abroad we need that money. there was
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a powerful outcry from the international community after the disaster working conditions in bangladesh improved a bit for the garment workers the owners addressed safety issues and improve their structural integrity benton's month from in kota clean clothes campaign says that another round of plaza could happen at any time in bangladesh although there has been some progress kind of. foot there's no way all the factories in bangladesh are party to this agreement and not all the hazards have been sorted but there's been some serious progress on safety it's much safer than the year run a plaza collapsed it covers structural safety fire safety and it's partly due to the fact that the buyers had to fork out along with the suppliers to ensure the safety regulations are enforced. the textile industry freely decides whether or not to produce sustainably or offer fair working conditions germany's development ministry set up the textile partnership following the run
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a plaza disaster but only fifty percent of german textile companies are members of the agreement on factory structural safety and seen a few days but one signature is missing from the follow up agreement that of the bangladeshi gov. went. and activists also wanted to be obligatory for employers to give their employees accident insurance cover. so that people like needle for bedroom don't have financial worries to add to their problems. onto efforts to focus attention on the suffering in syria it's back to back they very much to know that's right the you when he has told a donor conference in brussels that a fresh humanitarian crisis must be avoided in syria tensions have escalated there are very suspected chemical weapons attack in duma earlier this month with international stakeholders in the crisis at loggerheads the u.n.
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says more needs to be done to ease the suffering of ordinary syrians. the war in syria has claimed an estimated half a million lives according to monitors as hopes for peace are shattered daily aid organizations have run out of funds to provide humanitarian assistance at a conference in brussels donors are trying to raise three and a half billion dollars to help poor refugees. who work together to make it to for instance a bit of life's wherever we can and will try to support those communities. and the host countries to shoulder the enormous responsibilities as they have to take them all of the people. of the eleven million syrians who've been driven from their homes six million are internally displaced while more than five million were forced to flee their country most of them are in turkey lebanon jordan iraq and egypt the
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e.u. and un have been able to do little more than appeal for an end to hostilities the u.s. and russia are yet to reach an agreement over how to end the fighting. syria is not a chessboard it's not a geopolitical day syria belongs to the syrian people and the syrian people have to decide themselves about the future of the country. delegates at the last syria conference a year ago were unsuccessful in their attempt to resolve the conflict which spawns fresh bloodshed from week to week while in a rare concession by the iranian regime a team of female weightlifters was recently given permission to compete abroad for the first time of the girls have traveled to the asian youth junior championships in stand the w. called up with them in tehran just before they left for what is truly historic trip . it's training
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time in this gym and western to run with champions have pumped i run for decades the weight said just as heavy as they look at four and nasm the other girls lifting them is the dream come true. my dad was a weightlifter i've loved the sport ever since i was a child and i watched every competition hard. and then member of us so as soon as it was possible i started lifting weights myself. and the last is probably to continue the family tradition and to passion has paid off. she's the strongest of the four girl to so far. the brains behind the goal success has this office just one floor higher than i lead what i do he is president of iran's weightlifting association and perhaps the girl's biggest fan he says there should be a difference between men and women in his sport. we
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have many iranian men who have many championship titles on our record holders in the field of weightlifting. the word strongest man right now is an iranian. soon as we want to achieve the same with our women. we hope that in the future not the far future i'm talking about the olympics of twenty twenty four that the arena women can add to these glories but. to make that happen the girls work hard every day just like the men they live in the compound of the association under close supervision by doctors and coaches. in just a few months and it's come a long way. from over. time i mean they don't have any
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experience yet and next year they'll do very well in competitions for sure. but for now we just want them to build up confidence. after all this is their first international competition. and now as and the others excited to leave to iran for to speak is done it's a historic first for the girls and for iran's female weightlifter us all together. marrying me than i was to date i think it what men can do women can do to in the first five or six months since we started weightlifting we've already broken more than half of the women's weightlifting records that's glorious well i was up with only if they caught it at glory they plan to continue at this week's tournaments and beyond confident well prepared and determined to show the world how strong iranian women can be. and from one feat to
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another paul robinson the man you see there is an irish one or he has clocked the fastest mile ever run at the north pole and braved temperatures of around minus thirty degrees celsius even suffering frostbite on his right ear but he didn't let that stop him as you cross the line in four minutes and fifty seconds the twenty five year old is now the fastest both poles having previously run in and arctic in november twenty seventh seen. but i hear he's very slow at the equator after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stay with us for that.
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what exactly is this way about. how long has this existence since. and why did come months sometimes on just. a short history of. it's worth watching a promise. made in germany sixty minutes i'm teetotal. as you accidentally shed some function to get. into trouble. time in the field. how can you get out. with code that oh
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i'm serious. this week on d w. time for an upgrade. grows all by. close with. design highlights you can make yourself. troops tips and tricks that will turn your home to something special. upgrade yourself with d w's interior design channel on you tube. the dangerous battle for images five women. five exceptional stories. one calling your photography dramatic pictures from the frontlines capturing faithful moments in time and even risking death. she gave her life to tell the
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stories of people who ended up killing. women war photographers starting may third on t.w. . this morning the u.s. president called the iran's nuclear deal insane then he met with a french friend and his position shifted somewhat tonight a budding bromance is emanuel macron becoming europe's trump whisperer or is he just a french flash in the pan i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day.
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