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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2018 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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and sentenced to life in prison volume bench to interview invent if he did not sin on his self made submarine that he killed and dismembered her body. u.s. president donald trump and his french counterpart in money look cruel have hinted at an update on the two thousand and fifteen iran nuclear accord but the iranian president said he would accept no changes to the deal. stay with the news. business drop coming up in just a bit. global inequality. what does inequality mean. connected well. known to the media play. join the discussion and have your. media forum claims the eighteen would be fighting for the case to be taken
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seriously in the world of work here's what's coming up. on oh they do still feel superheroes on a mission to change how to smart women spot smart talks smart strange and legend theirs and by no means missed out on a brain creasing lean dangerous stunt. double made. to. shine a. bright leak this time to propel it's also. the electric vehicle. show. out of the say it's well on its way to become the world's most important call. of the program right. this is in its
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minimum use a rage in europe why is it a big deal you can ask your children. and meet your future colleagues their hand over industry fare shows robots might not be the new or old they. used to have your business i'm gaggles as welcome serving the biggest car market of the world beijing motor show kicked off in the chinese capital that comes as growth of new car sales that has to be slowing for the first time still consumers drove more than twenty nine million new vehicles of showrooms around the people's republic last year chinese drivers love their s.u.v.s which make make up around forty percent of new sales but electric car sales are also booming they jumped by more than fifty percent last year to seven hundred eighty thousand vehicles that may be a fraction of new registrations bought it still makes china the world's leader in the business and sales are in for an extra boost next year with beijing's plans to
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tackle smaug with an electric car quota german manufacturers' wants a piece of that pie although having been slow in the econ development the new head of fox saga has even made the china business a freestanding unit within the company he has. and their ideas is exactly where he wants to be leading vokes wagon and just like his predecessor his sights are set on china this is where big bucks are made with brand new s.u.v.s or with a new levy to limousine had a decent chance to pick up the pace according to his vision the company will develop and build new models faster and cheaper. why do good just because we're doing well now doesn't mean it will be the case in the coming years of course it's good when the brand is strong and you have the technology but product decisions like anticipating trends that's our main job and that is always
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exciting and full of risks. and equalling starting in twenty nine thousand almost every brand will be introducing new e-cards to the market drivers in china are already using an electric vehicle produced by the sole brand sold is built and developed by a v.w. joint venture in central china the industry is in agreement that china is leading the way any mobility china's policy is very much committed to electric vehicles. all the government rules and regulations are towards strengthening electric cars electric car production beyond electro mobility their central government wants to be a trailblazer in autonomous striving to that's why folks wagon has just opened its new future center in beijing their vision is a car that's a lot like a smartphone on wheels. with our future center we combine vehicle design user
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experience as i am but also future mobility concepts to really understand chinese customers customers here in asia and we actually see differences in the urban mobility developing here. the daily traffic in beijing shows just how important new traffic concepts are for most of the day millions of cars here are stuck in traffic jams. of the car industry porsche as moves to block an investigation into diesel gates police raided the offices of several executives last week seizing documents now the german sports car maker has objected to the confiscation a court must now decide whether state prosecutors are allowed to browse the files for infirmity evidence reasons for the raid was fortune's possible involvement in its own company's v.w. emissions scandal or an s.u.v. used the same cheating software to skirt around environmental regulations
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messaging service wazza is raising its minimum user age in europe from thirteen years to sixteen it's to help the company owned by facebook comply with new european data privacy rules users will have to confront their over sixteen years of age when they agreed to new terms of service and privacy policies that's bad news for many parents too as whatsapp is a popular way for parents to keep tabs on their offspring. no that's more on the base without check out of the until watson says it wants to comply with new european legislation what do these new rules demobbed well the new g.d.p. are the general data protection regulation which is due to be introduced next month here in the e.u. basically wants to give consumers more control of the information that services and social media services like whatsapp are gathering over them it gives them the right to know what happens information is being gathered and also requests those
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companies delete that information if they're a little bit uncomfortable with it and in the case of what's app and other social networks it also raises the minimum age to consent to use these type of services to sixteen and what we're seeing right now is basically what's app kind of getting a little bit ahead of the game and making sure they comply with those regulations how how is what's applying to force these regulations well that is really kind of the big question i mean right now they're just adding another addition to their terms and services and i mean everybody skips through those at the beginning when they start up a new app sort of a new device you just kind of glance through it i mean it takes i think apple's once for a new cell phone takes thirty six hours if you read it all straight through as ever at all these no one actually pays attention to it so right now there isn't a lot of enforcement that's going to be involved but at least what's app can claim that they're trying to be conform conform with the new regulations so it's rather a cosmetic step but what does that mean on a larger scale well we are seeing services at least when it comes from like the facebook community so facebook what's app instagram we're seeing them to have the
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developing a more of a sense of billet towards europeans sensibilities when it comes to data protection i mean mark zuckerberg isn't been in quite hot water over facebook's use of consumer data especially you know with the cambridge analytical scandal that's been going on and he said he actually welcomes the new e.u. regulations and would like to see those expanded out throughout all of facebook's subsidiary companies on a world scale maybe not specifically in terms of every individual regulation but he said. he agrees with them in spirit and wants to adapt them in a more global fashion why do you think that he's he's now sort of adept rob a straight european discovered the roof of his great european regulation warning everybody knows facebook and companies like this aren't offering their services for free well they are but basically they are selling a product and you and me and everybody who uses those services are that product they sell our data to other companies right and you know i think there was kind of a cowboy attitude when it came to that initial years the initial ten fifteen years
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of corporate life and now with all the scandals we've seen cropping up in the last two years with the russian trolls election manipulation cambridge analytical they're starting to realize that getting those type of headlines is very very bad for business in the long term so i think they're kind of pushing back against that and saying look these new e.u. regulations are the most stringent that have ever existed and it's in our company's best interest to at least seem like they're embracing them on a worldwide scale very briefly do you think that will impact on the future growth of facebook you know i don't want to make any predictions there at least we have to really see how this is going to be adopted moving forward i mean anything's possible of course as usual until thank you very much for this analysis in germany the house of a trade fair is in full swing the annual gathering is the one of the best places to get a look at the cutting edge technology which is transforming the manufacturing industry
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advances and also mation are coming fast and furious these days but according to a recent study by the organization for economic cooperation and development the threat of robots replacing work this is a lot less than once fit. fears that factories will soon operate without human labor are easing it likely has something to do with changing attitudes about robots they were once seen as brutish work courses that would make human workers obsolete now they're acknowledged as skilled in agile collaborators. advances in artificial intelligence have made machines smarter and easier to operate they don't require programmers today's robots can even respond to simple hand gestures. they're also aware of their surroundings able to pause if there's any interference researchers or even developing a kind of electronic skin that can sense objects without direct contact.
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people but i was gutted i know but don't need to stop these sensors can allow them to interact with humans with a kind of physical give and take of a dings and approaching. or a new or class of lightweight robots that work closely with people they're a nice product that have been around about ten years now. danish company universal robots are pioneers in the sector. the original idea came from three students who basically wanted to design a robot that could help them make a pizza in the evening and if so it was just a crazy idea from students thinking outside the box that ended up becoming an industrial product with. a product projected to see rapid growth the market is expected to increase ten fold over the next five years meanwhile more and more data is being collected uplink and analyzed allowing systems to run more seamlessly many customers are nervous about their personal data disappearing into the cloud so now
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with the edge computing data can be processed near the source instead of in the cloud. it was a. big advantage is that the technological domain is very localized now which allows me to apply our domain technology know how quickly right at the source. that may be enough to convince the naysayers we may soon see a workplace where humans and machines create products together as a team a harmonious work environment with data gloves and artificial intelligence it's still just the developers vision but even that underlines the likelihood that humans will remain in control. of the time being at least that's it for me and the business team. in the next stuff thanks for staying up.
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on. the floor of our. car culture. hair. superman. superfood story would go a long call on the job. lifestyle you're
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a. good. job. my first boss was a sewing machine. where i come from women are almost by this oceans will remember something as simple as a learning how to write them by side those isn't. since i was a little good i wanted to have them by sight the lost my home and he took me as the pundits might. finally be thinking about been mentioned by me on my side those hundred times because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for goes than rising i'm biased as knowledge i want to meet those women back home who are bones by the juneteenth and social norms and informed him of old dead basic rights my name is dave out of the home and a war that's easy to move. move move. the
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dangerous battle for images finds women. some have exceptional stories. and one calling mr thomas ring dramatic pictures from the front lines capturing street food moments in time and even risking death. she gave her life to others for . as of people who ended up killing. women more photographers starting research on t w. o from the end good to have a hero get on well hop on today we are taking a ride stopping at these stations. beautiful buses that come by.


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