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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm CEST

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this is news coming to you live from berlin north and south korea for a historic summit the leaders will need in this room to salt book which divides the korean peninsula officials have been trying to song and put days they want. we'll go live to so also coming up. a quarter of the opposition journalists on terrorism charges amnesty international kicks out saying to stop using the phrase cool two thousand and sixteen as an excuse to crackdown on free speech.
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and jellies. follows president across the white house it's hoped there would be no no handshake moments like this. with drugs in. five minutes tumbles in the crash of the types of coach says his team deserved to win the champions league semifinal match but they've gone by injuries and missed opportunities against defending champions madrid. a historic summit on the korean peninsula the south is preparing to welcome north korean leader kim jong un for talks about peace and new good disarmament he made the first north korean leader to set foot on south korean soil in more than sixty
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years the band insular has seen some dramatic diplomatic strides in recent weeks and expectations are high that the two sides will come a step closer to easing their tensions pending messages of hope to the fence dividing the two nations it's here in the border village of panmunjom that kim jong un will make history on friday. when he crosses this border marker to attend the into korean summit he'll be the first north korean leader to set foot on south korean soil since the korean war ended more than sixty years ago it's a significant location inside the demilitarized zone straddling the border to north korea that pyongyang has promised to end nuclear and missile tests hoping for a lifting of sanctions in exchange in south korea many see the summit as a cause for optimism. and agreement on people see if you will come out of the summit. in aeration has been through
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a lot of pain due to political chaos so i hope the summit ensures our next generation have to experience that. you know i hope the two leaders work together to prevent another war like the korean war. before countrymen but i hope some of the dresses human rights issues in north korea another how could it be about. others however as skeptical. even their own ego is saying that he will complete denuclearization and close the nuclear test site through the into korean summit but we cannot believe it helps you navigate them with it undeniable as officials in panmunjom complete the final preparations for the summit it's clear that achieving any official agreements in just a day of talks will be difficult to say the least but friday's summit is a breakthrough in itself and if the meeting goes smoothly it should lay the
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groundwork for something even more unusual talks between north korea and the u.s. . joining me now is our south korean correspondent jason strother he joins me now from seoul just in a what it is a soul and south korea hoping to achieve from the summit. right well just a deescalation intentions that really characterized the past couple years would be a good starting point but i think more lofty would be to get ruler kim jong un to commit to some kind of denuclearization already he said he's frozen his nuclear weapons program and missile testing programs but that doesn't mean that he's actually going to give up his nukes another issue would be getting talks started to officially end the korean war which only came to us with goni came to an end with the cease fire agreement back in one nine hundred fifty three and replaced an armistice with an actual peace treaty in fact when the north korean leader kim jong
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un crosses the line into the across the border into the south it would be a hugely symbolic stuff a step now before we discuss any for that let's take a look at just how important this step is in the context of the history of the two koreas and i just be it would just be the third time that the internet korean summit will take place how do we get to this point let's have a look korea was first put out the second world war following decades on the japanese road in nineteen forty five which was divided into the u.s. backed south and the thought of it backed north north korea's invasion of the south in one nine hundred fifty spock the korean war in which twenty five million people died three years later and this just ended the hostilities but a formal peace treaty was never signed and the two nations technically still at war in the following decades ties between north and south korea remained hostile
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a landmark summit took place in two thousand followed by a second one in two thousand and seven raising hopes of an end to the enduring war but those hopes were dashed when north korea continued to develop its nuclear program despite widespread criticism several new kit and missile. led to international sanctions and a hot air line from south korea to what's young so the fry this summit is the first of its kind in a decade the latest development in a new phase perhaps a warm relations between the two countries let me now return to our correspondent jason strother who was monitoring developments from so jason remind us how did this summit come about and why now at the beginning of the year kim jong un after months of conducting a multiple missile tests nuclear tests said in his start of the year is beginning of the year address that he wanted north korea to participate in the winter
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olympics and that unleashed a flurry of diplomatic activity north korea sent to athletes they marched together with south korean athletes during the olympic opening ceremony north korea also sent athletes to participate in the paralympic games and led to diplomatic exchanges and then after a trip by south korea's national security chief to pee on young they returned saying that kim jong un not only wanted to have talks with south korea's president but also with president trump the critics dictations of course very high on this meeting due to take place tomorrow how much will the outcome of this meeting nat'l for the next summit would you talked about or just said you know between donald trump and kim jong un. i think this summit here in south korea on friday will really set the agenda for the potential trump kim
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summits north korea has always regarded south korea as more or less the junior negotiating partner and any real deals would have to be brokered between pyongyang and washington it's not that's not to say that the summit this week isn't important but if north korea is going to make any real concessions it's only going to be when he has some sort of agreement reached with the u.s. president right jason strother in so it's outgoing i thank you very much for that thank you. you know being up the if it's along the stories making news around the. the deadly van attack in the german city of mr three weeks ago has now claimed a fourth life police say a seventy four year old man who'd previously been seriously injured in the rampage has died in hospital the driver who killed himself is thought to have had mental health problems. armenia's parliament says it will elect
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a new prime minister on the first of may this follows a massive anti-government demonstrations in the country that force veteran leadership. to resign from the post of prime minister on monday he was accused of making a power grab opposition leaders are calling for protests and demanding the governing party also gives up power. the philippines has closed its most famous holiday. to tourists for a six month clean up heavy commercialization over development have taken a toll on the ones pristine island security forces have been deployed to enforce the shutdown but businesses relying on tourism say the closure puts their livelihoods at risk. u.s. president donald trump has trying to kanye west for praising came on twitter the rapper posted
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a series of tweets including one signed make america great again hat. west posting spree sparked an online backlash but his wife reality star kim kardashian defended him saying west didn't say he agreed with trump's politics. ok monica joins me now and fuzz results coming out of the european central bank policy meeting monica is always about this time where we get sort of the first idea what the easy be is planning and what we know now is that the european central bank has kept its key interest rate at zero percent now while the decision was widely expected the markets watching closely for more clues on future rate hikes and the end to stimulus the rate on the deposit facility stated minus northpoint forty percent meaning banks have to pay to park their excess cash with the bank policymakers also stuck to the bank's thirty billion euro bond buying program which is scheduled to run at least until september. so let's find out what more
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we know about it in the standing by for us in frankfurt of course the home of the euro not yet the statements that the european central bank sent along with the interest rate numbers were exactly the same stay. the e.c.b. gave out the last meeting the e.c.b. says that interest rates are to remain at their present levels for an extended period of time and well past the horizon of the net asset purchases that's of course a bit of a disappointment to the monetary policy hawks people that had hoped for more precise indications but well i have to say on the markets very few people have been expected more precise wording today the euro dollar exchange rate. lost about two u.s. cents in the course of last week we could go one euro was worth one dollar twenty four now it's worth a bit less than one dollar twenty two and that indicates well no clue on when the
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wide rates are going to be or is rising ok so people don't have a clue right now and it's just been another meeting without any major changes i mean what's next. well what's next is the press conference which is due in about twenty minutes where my view dr you will of course have to answer questions about the weakening economy in the eurozone of course everything is still going smoothly but we've seen especially this week with the fall business climate index and with the french klimov is a fairly even say business climate index from france they came down and they indicate that well the growth perspectives of the economy have not remained on this super high level what is the e.c.b. expected to do about this this is what might be a drug that will have to answer and you will listen closely for us can lead listen
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fine thank you so much. well german government sources are expecting that the european union's extension from high u.s. metals tariffs will not be extended when it expires on may the first news comes as german chancellor angela merkel is scheduled to meet with the u.s. president on a trump on friday to discuss the terrorists trump announced high a terrorist for u.s. steel and allen mini and imports in march but granted the e.u. and certain other countries exceptions pending the outcome of new trade talks the e.u. has said it will apply counter measures if the u.s. threatens its metal industries and that meeting between angela merkel and donald trump is something that also keeps a rita and my colleague peter craven busy that's right monica thank you very much and credit we want the issues that german chancellor angela merkel will be discussing with donald trump during her visit to washington the two leaders also expected to talk about the iran nuclear deal with germany supports and donald trump
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has threatened to scrap the saving the iran deal was also high on the agenda of french president in modern the crawl has just completed his own three day visit to washington mcroy used his speech to a joint session of congress to urge the u.s. to stick to the iran nuclear deal even if it did not address all concerns. now with me i'm pleased to welcome our political correspondent and colleague peter cave in to welcome peter lovely to see you in the studio here in richmond you know it when we talk when mccraw and mack and who has a better relationship with donald trump other any clues in the body language course there are plenty of this interference go through well i never got in there everybody in washington around the world they love the last twenty four hours or so has been talking about the bromance between the two presidents of france and the united states of america clearly the burden president donald trump favors
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the french president over. the. extent to which angela merkel and donald trump do not get a well let's just have a look at this for teach here from march to last year we can see the two they met in the oval office there and the photographers are gathered there and one of the photographers said hunch a can shake in the others joined in the chorus and then under the battle began to realize that maybe she should lean over and suggest to donald trump do you want to hunch a she's going to do that just now if you can do a little bit world about the situation and she's got a bit of a mischievous grin on her face she's never seen anything like it in our life before it's an excruciating situation so those two do not get on well what they have made several times after that where things have looked like they have been seconded here the g twenty summit in hamburg and there was some sort of there was some kind wording from the from the u.s. president frank of america but you can go much further than that they don't get on well they don't have much to talk about really this far and we don't know how it's going to pan out in the next twenty four hours among the crew and other trump had
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a lot to talk about and they were causing up to each other throughout the three day visit now what we know but. did he use his address to the u.s. congress to see if some shopping stood on including on his protectionist policy this let's have a listen to what he had to say we can choose isolationism withdrawal and nationalism this is an option it can be tempting to us as a temporary remember if you all fears but closing the door to the word will not stop the evolution of the word it will not dollars but inflame the fears of all citizens. so they do strategy would be more effective with trauma krol flattery combined with criticism all macro with professional back might as them they will have to wait and see because america wasn't right here but i don't
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mind but my bet is that neither of them are going to prove effective on the two key issues of the of the moment that's the iran nuclear deal which the us is threatening to walk away from in just less than two weeks time and then there's the the question of whether the us is going to impose punitive tariffs on the you all know it imports from the e.u. of steel another million and he certainly looks as though the us is going to do that so on neither of those critical issues is the us going to budge whether you know this is a good cop bad cop operation between micron america we don't know but it does i don't think is going to prove very effective on those two issues well you know some people are talking about this being a diplomatic strategy from the europeans you know you have a crawl going there softening up trunk and then you have america who comes with her own kind of approach that has it would be effective in any way well that the one hope we can have i mean if we look at the track record of angela merkel strunk she's been in office for twelve years in that time she's she struck up a really
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a very warm relationship with george w. bush a very warm relationship with president obama she is a person who has a great sense of humor and. a lot of sort of he. she likes people she's a people person he's very musk's with anglo-american but anybody who knows her from private settings even private setting between politicians they say she can get on with people she can strike up relationships with people and maybe she will just yet strike up a relationship with donald trump that's right because she's extremely shoot politicians and also understands difficult either particularly well about a political career basically even a visit to have you with me on this idea my pleasure. if finnish saima security researchers have discovered that hotels are using an electronic lock system that could be exploited by criminals to gain access to any room the design of flaws in the lock systems software have prompted the was just luck manufacturer to issue software updates with security fixes. an attack on the
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privacy and security of hotel guests around the world. within a matter of seconds all it takes is for hackers to hold a key card to a reader which copies data and then any hotel room can be accessed without leaving a trace you can read cards you can write them you can clone them however if you want to implement these attack then you need to understand what's actually on those hotel key cards you need to be able to understand the structure and that's to be. experts from the finish cyber security firm if secure have spent more than ten years researching hotel security they discovered a serious design flaw in the software used for electronic door lock systems they showed journalists how such a so-called master key works and how hotel guests data can be manipulated. according to f. secure millions of hotel rooms around the world could be affected. the
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swedish manufacturer of the electronic lock system has played down the risk the company claims that hacking into the software is extremely difficult. but experts from the germany chaos computer club say the danger is real. as is. the system is not as secure. the manufacturers use that certain parts to thailand certain bits of information can't be read by an authorised people. and in my opinion feel this is a systemic error that can be found across the entire key card industry with key contest in the secure says it's been working with a lock maker to implement software fixes but it's not clear how many hotels are updating the affected systems so it's probably still a good idea to avoid leaving valuables in an unintended hotel room. the human rights group amnesty international says turkey must stop using its ongoing
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state of emergency as an excuse for silencing takes its report comes a day off in istanbul court jailed journalists at the leading opposition newspaper . on terrorist charges they were accused of supporting a group that the government blames for the failed coup in two thousand and sixteen fourteen people receive prison terms are ranging from three to eighty s. three were acquitted those convicted will remain free while an appeal is pending but they are barred from leaving turkey joining me now from london is a million away on from amnesty international the organization which has just released that report on to amnesty international accuses the turkish government of creating a so-called chilling climate of fear across society tell us well what are your concerns. well the state of emergency that you have mentioned has is in seven's renewal now it's going to be two
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years since it was started and in that period. of journalists being detained human rights activists including an esteemed to national. former chair now chair to collect as being imprisoned he still imprisoned ten months. in absence of any concrete evidence of criminal activity that would be that would stand. in the international scrutiny international court of human rights court so we are concerned about the tensions we are concerned about. lengthy imprisonments o'keeffe of. people who just think sizing their rights for months on end we are concerned about smear campaigns threats and intimidation of activists human
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rights activists but also people with you know different views different opinions that may not be liked by the authorities who have real concerns about in the sun said so you have a clear range of concerns how does the government respond when you raise these issues with them. reveal sorties i've been saying that for instance no journo this is imprisoned for their journalistic work the jury and case you refer to is an interesting example over the course of the last several months trial court has heard alleged changes to oriel line up to newspaper quotes from articles written by journal of this in not use paper as. supposedly evidence of their support for. terrorist organizations they don't these things do not constitute material evidence
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of criminal acts just not the case so the legal searches have one narrative which is all about nobody's imprisoned or do you know the agent to pay for either legitimate reasons and the reality is why the reverse unfortunately and there is a climate of fear that he's aiming at sign and saying and clamping down on any kind of sense but also an illegitimate activism for his rights writes a complete denial from of the government's perspective them in a billion from amnesty international thank you very much for talking to us on new day. ok enough of some sport and a night of high drama in the champions league last night as a blunder sega's by munich host to defending champions real madrid it was the first leg of the two x. seventy fun and match up the german league champions for red treble of trophies
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this season but their boss was made more difficult by the loss at home. if by and it's a win the trouble this season a champions league semi final showdown with real madrid represents the greatest test of all and they got off to a dream start you're sure kimmage finishing in the twenty eighth minute off to have as rodriguez found him on the run but with biden's back line already missing several key faces an injury to jerome boyd taking the thirty fourth minute spell danger by robin had already lived off early in the match marcello capitalized on the germans absence to fire a low volley past spain all right and draw his side level on the stroke of half time. and marco sends you a rounded off a lightning fast counter to put the visitors ahead in the fifty seven minutes and so it would remain two one the final score and nights of contrasting emotions for the coaches you know what. it's not easy to come here and supply and we know this
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is not flashy. we know we can do better but we can be happy and satisfied with the match tonight to put most of the content to satisfactorily. to. the johns and some notes and we didn't know how to take advantage of our chances. we weren't as a fission as we usually are does come to even though he does this year i don't top of that we handed out gifts and then didn't use the chances we created for ourselves properly. did not stand a difficult night for you can't decide the coveted treble slips a little further from reach. did you ever get the feeling that it is missing a feature film wet how about the ability to turn itself into a robot do japanese engineers who obviously watch too many transformer episodes as
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kids have developed just that the robots can turn itself into a two seater sports coupe a. within a minute's time but the guide self is not particularly fost it has a top speed of only thirty kilometers but still you won't get any parking tickets if you pocket in a robot mode and the developers want to use the robo calls to transform amusement parks around there was a. nifty idea that it was indeed of the news i have more news to huff and i look forward to seeing you then.
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entered the conflict zone fronting the powerful twenty years ago the good friday agreement paved the way to decades of bitter conflict in the not but the result of the mixed bag use this week here in dublin ohio. prime minister just how fine john is the process not. the first. what's even more german the noise finest tynecastle. the brandenburg gate. or the rhine river. sausage is.
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processed meat him a piece of cultural identity. evolution of a national company every. sixty minutes. your smart t.v. smarter with t.w. for small change. what you want what you want. to do extraordinary. you decide what songs find out more. dot com smart t.v. . ten year old has got you to show a lady she's a refugee from the civil war in syria now she and her family and even in turkey she's also getting help for coming invisible. to children of war.
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and d.-w. . twenty years ago the good friday agreement paved the way for an end to decades of bitter conflict in though the novel and but the results have been mixed my guest this week here in dublin is but for my irish prime minister and one of the co signatories of the agreement in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight just how fragile is the peace process now and what would it take to get it back on track.


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