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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2018 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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this is. from berlin tonight calls for calm after tensions between israel and iran so israel launched massive air strikes overnight only bringing in targets in syria and after rockets landed on israeli positions also coming up closing ranks in foreign relations germany and russia seeking new ground on the latest mideast crisis and the iranian nuclear deal. and they have said the dame's us president trump will meet north korea's supreme leader kim jong un in singapore on june
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twelfth the announcement came hours after three u.s. prisoners in north korea arrived home plus a dam bursts in kenya killing dozens under once being called a wall of water the east african country is reeling from weeks of catastrophic flooding we'll speak with survivors who say they've lost everything. it's good to have you with us tonight worries that a new war may be in the making in the middle east europe and the u.s. are calling for restraint after the most serious military confrontation between israel and iran in years last night israeli airstrikes hit a radian targets across syria it was the largest attack by israel on syrian territory since one thousand nine hundred seventy four israel's prime minister says the attacks were appropriate because iran had quote crossed
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a red line. a fireball in the sky over damascus syrian state television showed these images said to be syrian anti-aircraft defenses targeting israeli rockets israel's defense ministry said its forces hit over fifty iranian positions across syria prime minister binyamin netanyahu case the justification. has crossed a red line our response was appropriate our army has carried out a large scale attack on iranian targets in syria we're engaged in a long term conflict and our policy is clear we will not allow iran to establish a military presence in syria. iran provides political and military backing for the regime of syrian president bashar al assad in the country's civil war israel says it strikes a retaliation for a rocket attack on territory a talkie pi's in the golan heights according to israel iranian militants fired the
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rockets from syria but none of them reach that target. the iranian leadership has not commented on the events and use read only said that syrian defense forces had been fairly successful accounts of casualties and damage caused very widely. as you can actually get. the israeli rockets took the lives of three martyrs two others were injured a radar station and an ammunition depot were destroyed. but syrian opposition sources say losses were much higher with at least twenty three dead. tensions remain high on the golan heights the israeli army has sent reinforcements to its nose and vote. with the crisis in syria is demanding attention from both germany and russia today in moscow and german foreign minister who must held talks with his russian counterpart sergey lavrov while russia is a firm backer of iran germany insists that israel has the right to defend itself
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but there was one key issue that the diplomats did agree on. paying respects to the rick tim's of the world was an obligato stop for german foreign minister visiting russia for heikal mass it's a symbol for how much is at stake in biliteral relations massa's host and brushing counterpart sergey lavrov says just saying that direct talks are better than what he calls microphone diplomacy during his first streaks in office mass had urged a strong stance when it comes to russia despite the differences now there are many coming issues to discuss both ministers criticized the military escalation in the middle east. these attacks are provocations which we condemn for time as we have underlined many times before he still has the right to self-defense. lever of to just both iran and israel to refrain from further provoke asians regarding the nuclear deal with iran massive level of stress than tension to preserve what is left of the agreement after the rethrow by the us meanwhile other issues such as
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the crisis in ukraine are not moving forward. i believe that an open and honest dialogue is key for solid partnership we have to be able to figure out if we are still playing by the same rules. talks instead of bigger illusions germany's new foreign minister struck a new path in german russian relations. well a warning to europe from the french president emmanuel micron's speaking in the german city of today said that the idea of european integration has been thrown into doubt and whether it lives or dies he says it is up to today's leaders he was speaking after receiving arkan's prestigious charlemagne. an award for contributions to european unity a topic very close to french president emmanuel maccollins heart many of the dignitaries attending the ceremony had warm words for mccaughan including the
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german chancellor angela merkel she said she thought mcconnell was the perfect recipient for the prize. emanuel mccall knows what binds europe together if the man has a clear vision of how europe should move forward. and a man who has a capacity to inspire others in the service of you. know call refer to global conflicts european space and stress the need for calm in the middle east and demand the mamby all we know that we are facing an extremely complicated situation on the recent escalation shows us that this is really about war and peace and i can only call all participants to exercise restraint. freedom in his acceptance speech mccaughan urge the nations of europe to rise in unison to the challenges they face and not to turn inwards let don't go on in difficult times the temptation to be nationalistic must be one to close ourselves in and to think of it
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on a national level it is easier to master challenges and to find our sovereignty because on the european level it is still nascent and fragile. and the french president spoke of the importance of the franco german partnership only only in france many people tell us go ahead go confront germany this is the solution germany is old they don't want to reform europe they only want to benefit from europe i know that this is wrong and i'm never going to listen to that temptation just because you know man you. agree but those sentiments should reaffirmed her commitment to mcallen's vision and she said she would follow him as he attempts to implement his plans the real task for the french president however is to persuade his skeptics. here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world are former carillon leader. does not want his job back today he ruled out re
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appointment as president of the semiautonomous spanish region instead proposing quinto a regional parliament. kettle on lawmakers must pick a leader by may twenty second to avert a new election separatists won a slim majority in december elections called by madrid madrid you may remember sacked the previous administration for illegally declaring independence mahathir mohamad has been sworn in as malaysia's prime minister he is a shock election victory on wednesday into more than sixty years of rule by the barest national coalition the ninety two year old opposition leader is no newcomer having previously served as prime minister for twenty two years he takes over from his former protege. who had become him boiled in a corruption scandal. a one hundred four year old man who drew international attention with his right to die case has ended his life in a swiss clinic in his final hours david goodall listen to beethoven's ode to joy
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and ate fish and chips and cheesecake his favorite food biologist had to travel to switzerland from his home in australia where assisted suicide remains illegal. at least forty two people are dead and many more are missing after a dam burst in kenya's rift valley on wednesday evening homes were swept away as water rushed down a hillside and submerged a two kilometer area kenya has been suffering from severe drought but authorities say that seasonal rains have now overwhelmed the parks and caused the dam to burst . weeks of heavy rain in kenya have now caused the deaths of more than one hundred people and displaced more than a quarter of a million many schools in the affected region have either been submerged or are being used as shelters or used catherine on wonder traveled to the hard hit region of my lindy on kenya's east coast where displaced people there having just lost their homes they've also lost hope. another
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family arrives at one of the shelters in the russian remote area in kenya's coastal region this camp is the temporary home a good at least two thousand two hundred people from surrounding villages it's. christina murray a single mother of six arrived here two weeks ago the family was evacuated by boot those two time to save their belongings most of what they have is borrowed including her children's textbooks. i'm a farmer and i had my little piece of land. i would sell the crops from the land to pay the school fees for my children now for you as. i have children and primary and secondary school knowing i also had a little song but that all went with the floods it's all gone so i and. christine story reflects that of five thousand people living in shelters in the
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region. many of them with just recovering from the severe drought that hit kenya last year local chief hopes that a majority will be able to return to their land and rebuild their lives have a his worried that some farmlands have been so badly affected that some people may not be able to harvest anything for the seasons to come. he says weather extremes have worsened over the last decades. but you may find them a people saying that this plan is similar to the one that took place in one thousand nine hundred sixty one. this is the worst of the oldest can remember he even the frequent el nino rainfalls that we get here is a one compared to what is happening at the moment sick one hifi. only across the country which is sources have been contaminated by the floods thirty help sent is two hundred schools and thousands of homes have been damaged the kenya red cross says it needs about four million euros will show to food water and sanitation
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support for the survivors. the coastal region is one of the west affected regions aid agencies warned of the high risk of the outbreak everybody leiria not just here in the bus the city but also of the rule areas that have been badly affected and the situation could get worse given that the rains don't seem to be letting up any time. back at the camp in the russian christine's children can't wait to return to school but it's not clear if the schools in the region will open again christine has no idea how she will afford the fees for the next term. when tonight's we know the date and location for that much anticipated summit between us president double trump and north korean leader kim jong on june twelfth in singapore mr trump tweeted the announcement today shortly after welcoming home three american prisoners who north korea had earlier released truck called their release a goodwill gesture from pyongyang. he was nearly three in the morning but the
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u.s. president and the first lady were on hand to greet the freed captives from a north korean labor camp her reception with the u.s. president it all happened in less than a day for these three men their release was the moment their families had dreamed of. really great. right. the three men are kim jong schol tony kim and kim hawke song all are americans who
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were imprisoned in north korea for between one and two years for quote anti-state activities the charges are widely seen as bogus secretary of state mike pompei i made a thirteen hour visit to the hermit kingdom to arrange the plan to summit between trump and kim jong on in the process pompei are also secured the men's release. yes the country is notorious for its harsh labor camps. you're going to go we were treated in many different ways. and for me i had to do a lot of labor for the illegal the one minute but when i got sick i was also treated by them enough so that the unspeakable don't. trump seems to think this is a sure sign that kim is ready to reconcile he even thanks the north korean leader for freeing the man but kim is every bit as unpredictable as his american
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counterpart and it's unclear if today show peacemaking will lead to actual peace. or you have to dig with d.w. news i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see that. climate change. waste. pollution. and isn't it time for a good. go at africa people and projects that are changing no one's government for the better so what's the difference if you could come. along t.w. .


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