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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2018 5:02am-5:16am CEST

5:02 am
is germany a war profiteer former staff of a german gun maker on trial for alleged illegal exports used to kill thousands of people in mexico's drug war also coming up our a.w.t. over ruling on air boss paves the way for us to sanctions against the new. on the west sanctions on russia of buying back we talked to the german economy minister about the consequences. this is your business update on having a home free in berlin glad you could join me now weapons exporting can be a murky business and here in germany six former employees of gun maker heck and call have gone on trial there facing charges of illegally exporting weapons to mexico prosecutors accuse the company of supplying rifles used in abuses like the suspected massacre of forty three mexican students they say shipments breached germany's weapons control nor by ending up in especially violent states now if
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found guilty the defendant scruton face prison terms of up to five years. well guns tanks and i mean ish made in germany a popular making at the world's fourth biggest arms exports last year german foreign firms sold forty percent of their weapons to the e.u. and to nato countries now you can see the sixty percent went to see other countries around the world every german export needs a government license deliveries to nations outside of the e.u. and nato came under particular scrutiny to ensure that they comply with the following criteria so they have to meet human rights standards they must not endanger regional political stability and they shouldn't clash with germany's the european union's political interests or who it is to the principles with the court rules that the company had and call did not it could face a fine or reporter going to kettle's went to the town where the firms based opened off a neck a major center of the german weapons industry those who want to understand
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germany's weapons capital need to go to church says for you what if that's why when it was here that weapons manufacturing began an open door of them about two hundred years ago in august an aeon monastery or actually in this church where we're standing in these the who could be married to god in the highest heaven as they go and jews on earth and goodwill to men it's grotesque that we believe this message of peace weapons were produced and so free with which millions of people were killed off or do three of would move you in from and should one of the only opinion makes him an outsider and opened off there are three weapons manufacturers in this small town in southern germany and cruising heck not own cause. many of the roughly fifteen thousand residents are directly or indirectly involved in the arms
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industry. you don't really think about it they have to be produced somewhere and now they're here. the company has to make something one make sugar others make candy make weapons without weapons what should they make maybe make chocolate or something now. they. learn cost doesn't make it someone else will then somebody else will produce weapons and they're not just making weapons for the military but also for the police and we need them to use. guns have been manufactured and opened off for two hundred years the first rifle factory opened in eight hundred twelve the local weapons museum shows the development from the early days to modern military weapons by headline co. so this g thirty six assault rifle takes center stage it's been the standard weapon of germany's armed forces since about two thousand since one thousand nine hundred seventy it's actually true that
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the standard infantry arms have come from off to this day except for a very very short break first for the imperial army then for the army of their life during the weimar republic for the value of the nazi era and then for today's been despair. over worked for heck on call in his youth today he's involved in activism against weapons exports from his hometown. everyone knows that every fifteen minutes every fourteen minutes to be precise someone is shot dead with a weapon and made by headline call it matters to some people this is the he. had and call not just a company like every other even if as seen from off that's easy to forget. the world trade organization says the e.u. has been illegally providing subsidies to european plane maker could retaliate three measures worth billions of dollars from the united states in the ruling is
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the latest twist in a dispute it dates back well over a decade. at the center of the dispute are the world's two largest plane makers european aviation giant airbus and its u.s. rival boeing the w t o ruling upholds a claim by the united states that the european union has been illegally subsidizing two kinds of aircraft made by air bus the a three eighty super jumbo and the a three fifty twin aisle jess that says the trade body has led to lost sales for boeing the decision enables the united states to seek the right to impose sanctions against the e.u. u.s. trade representative robert litan hisor had this to say in response. this report confirms once and for all that the e.u. has long ignored w t o rules and even worse aircraft subsidies have cost american aerospace companies tens of billions of dollars in lost revenue. the e.u.
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says it will take swift action to ensure it's in line with w t o rules but pointed out that the vast majority of u.s. claims were rejected but the story doesn't end there the e.u. has brought its own case against the united states accusing is of illegally subsidizing boeing the outcome of that case won't be known until later this year the tit for tough battle to dominate the skies comes at a time of already soaring trade tensions between the united states and think european union most recently concerning the threat of u.s. tariffs on steel imports the upcoming ruling on alleged u.s. subsidized ation of boeing is likely to lead to further turbulence. and in new york standing my first is our financial correspondent yes cool to see and we have another fascinates in the global trade dispute brewing what response can we expect from washington at this point it seems pretty likely that the
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u.s. so will impose a mess of tariffs maybe already at the start of twenty nineteen and when i say a mess of expectations are we are talking billions of dollars maybe up to nine billion dollars and those terrorists will probably be not imposed on planes but on any product out of europe that the u.s. pleasers we have to wait and see if it is going to comply with the w two your rules rather quickly and then maybe you can avoid some of those terrorist but at least of this point that's the likely scenario by the way there's also a case pending at the w t o regarding boeing that they also received subsidies from the u.s. side but this case is probably going to take a hears to be decided and of course we also have the chinese trade delegation on
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a return visit to the u.s. what do we know so far. well we do not have that many details yet on the chinese delegates being here in the united states an old saw the general. tone out of washington is the narrative is not necessarily consistent on one side we had the u.s. ambassador on china saying that the two sides are still well apart far apart to read it comes to the trade talks on the other side larry kudlow one of the economic advisors to the u.s. president in an interview i was talking about a bromance between the u.s. and the chinese president and the good relationship that the two are having eventually could lead to a successful trade talker but it's really a wide open if those two countries the two biggest economies on the planet will find some common ground all right yes quarter for us in new york thank you
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the west sanctions on russia appear to be biting back at german wholesale a metal has posted a quarterly loss of over fifty million euros it's a steep drop since the same quarter last year when metal posted a forty eight million euro profit russia's one of the group's most important markets but growing economic uncertainty has led to fall in consumer spending metal plans to change its pricing policy to reignite business in russia well the economic sanctions on russia are topic all moscow bureau chief has spoke about in the exclusive interview with german economy minister peter. i mean. he spoke this morning with german business representatives because complaining that the sanctions on russia have made it difficult going to be generate the revenues we thought would otherwise been possible and this i think. you've got to look after german industry once the sanctions removed at least partially. we could make that
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happen because. it was important to me to speak to german business representatives there are many companies here mid-sized firms but also very big ones are present here they create jobs and make money and it's important to me to be able to protect these companies from the negative effects of the american sanctions. gauging into print discussion by first with the american government to see whether deadlines can be extended in certain cases and exceptions made possible but we're also speaking with the russian government because we want to make certain that russian countermeasures won't exacerbate the situation for german companies. that's it your stay with the latest from the world of business from all find us on facebook follow us on twitter d w business that is a handle on there as well on the c humphrey is mine i'll be back tomorrow same time
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same place right now has a look at the wall clock at. the top of. the.
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earth's. comb jeanne moos of species. worth saving and. those are big changes and most start with small steps global indios tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. the protect the climate boost green energy solutions and resources should. result to people you can help with their kapoor's create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection right. and using all channels available to inspire people to take action and we're determined to build something here for the. next generation global ideas feel i am in series of global three thousand on t.w. and on line. count the germans came together in one nation from shanda
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minute to chancellor also from bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped by great rulers. i swear always to bring my royal politics to protect christendom and spread the divine truth. are we to feel good to put the enemy on top of. steered by courageous decisions tell your master that we have received the crown of the realm from god because. we must forge peace. the germans every week long d.w. .


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