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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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bridge. the truck exclusive report starting june eleventh on t w. this is d w news from berlin tonight washington lays out its tough new law and to reign in iran. i don't know what gratian arraigning kleptocrats no more acceptance of missiles landing in riyadh in the golan heights no more posturing expansions iranian power the us secretary of state might pay you know adding that
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the u.s. will impose its toughest sanctions ever on iran also coming up italy's populist coalition nominates geo setback conte for prime minister meaning that the country could finally see a new government sworn in we'll bring you the latest from wrong and russia faces a new doping scandal with less than four weeks until the soccer world cup begins german journalists have uncovered suspicious test results of russian soccer squad member. it's good to have you with us two weeks after withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal the united states has pledged to impose the toughest sanctions ever on iran u.s. secretary of state laid out the twelve point plan. and today in washington while
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other g. twenty foreign ministers were meeting in buenos aires germany france and the u.k. are fighting to hold the iran deal together but progress will be difficult with russia and the european union also absent from that meeting in brightness ours appears more of what might prompt a i've said about iran in washington today we will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the iranian regime the leaders in tehran will have no doubt about our seriousness the iranian regime should know that this is just the beginning the staying up sanctions will be painful the regime does not change its course from the unacceptable and unproductive path it has chosen to one rejoin the league of nations these will indeed end up being the strongest things in history when we are completely that was my compare their earlier a senior policy adviser to mr frum pay at the u.s.
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state department brian hook spoke to our washington bureau chief alexander phenomena here's more so mr huq the announcements today and the sanctions do you really believe that stay can bring about that change a you expect from iran well it certainly will bring about more change than we've had under the j c.p.o. way since adoption of the iran nuclear deal iran has actually increased its destabilizing behavior across the middle east and it also has not deterred iran's intent to acquire a nuclear weapon and so we're putting in place a new security architecture that we think is going to actually achieve our national security objectives not just for the united states but for the world. however many experts are skeptical saying that you are telling huron to stop being iran and its rival on the other on the realistic that the iran iranian regime is going to comply with these demands so are they on realistic well if they want if iran wants to be
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treated like a normal nation it has to start behaving like a normal nation and this is a still there is no country in the world that sponsors more terrorism than iran and so much of its terrorism and sectarian violence that it has been fueling across the middle east has occurred during the iran nuclear deal and so we don't think that this is a framework that has achieved the goals that are needed around nonproliferation and also counterterrorism. we have already seen some reactions from iran iranian officials saying that that you goal is a regime change in iran so is it your goal no our goal in these of iran is for them to and their nuclear weapons program and their nuclear program which has the intent to become to achieve a nuclear weapon we also want them to stop the terrorism in the violence across the middle east we want them to stop violating the human rights of their own people and these are all reasonable demands so i think that we've become desensitized to
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a lot of what iran has been doing over these last many decades we've gotten used to it in some ways and we need to change that paradigm we really need to get iran to join a more civilized sort of community of nations than it has been we've seen over these last many years u.s. secretary of state my company has said today in his speech that the u.s. . would like to continue cooperating with its allies however we have to say that some of these allies including germany would like to save the existing iran nuclear deal and there is actually a meeting at g twenty foreign ministers meeting taking place in argentina and this to compete not taking part in this meeting instead the if this speech today sending maybe a message that you know the u.s. is ready to move forward with all its consulates talking to its allies you know the secretary has actually already spoken with the foreign ministers in germany
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france and the united kingdom will continue consulting with allies in europe and also in the gulf the middle east other parts of the world this speech today he asked countries around the world who care about this halting the spread of nuclear weapons who care about fighting terrorism to join the united states in this historic effort to promote peace. and you come in on that the attempts by the europeans in germany trying to sell that steve you are iran nuclear deal secretary pompei oh said today that the united states has it made its decision to leave the iran nuclear deal other nations who are part of the iran nuclear deal have to make their own decision but the united states has made ours today the secretary presented a very positive vision that was addressed to the iranian people that would give them a brighter future and would certainly help reduce the violence in the terrorism that iran is engaging in through its foreign wars around the middle east. and that was
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brought in hook a senior policy adviser to u.s. secretary of state mike pompei of speaking to our washington bureau chief alexander fun not here is some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world india has dispatched medical teams to the southern state of kerala after the outbreak of a deadly virus officials say up to six people may have died from the illness which is known as nepa that virus with no vaccine against it has a mortality rate of around seventy five percent authorities in pakistan have urged people to stay indoors as temperatures hit forty four degrees celsius in the southern city of karachi there are fears of widespread heat stroke as many people are refraining from drinking during the daytime in observance of the islamic month of ramadan former u.s. president barack obama and his wife michelle have signed a deal with the online streaming company netflix the company says under the multi-year agreement the couple will produce films a series under the name higher ground productions netflix has one hundred twenty
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five million subscribers worldwide. well tonight italy is edging closer to a new government a love in weeks after that inconclusive election today the country's populous coalition nominated the man you see right here gio set because to be prime minister now conti is a newcomer to would tell you politics and compromise pick from two uncomfortable bedfellows the end talking establishment five star movement and the far right leak this defeat he made to pick the close relationship between luigi de morrow and matteo salvini but they certainly weren't allies during the election campaign now the populous leaders of the far right the and the five star movement have asked president sergio martha rela to approve their new alliance. today we can say we are faced with a historic moment i also say this to our international partners let us begin then
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you will criticize but at least let us begin first this is perhaps an unexpected government but it has been elected. misrule know that they mean nobody has anything to fear. we want a government that puts national interests first and foremost as we proposed to italians during our election campaign. we will respect everybody who put italy in the center italians. yanni. the league from the north and the five star movement from the south spent two weeks hammering out a programme it calls for the deportation of half a million asylum seekers costly campaign promises such as tax cuts early retirement and a basic income are to be paid for with more debt. this contract is the heart of the government of change i see many people concerned about the international and european context that they have nothing to fear the contract is the will of the
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italian people who want change given it. italy's european partners are alarmed the euro zone's third largest economy is already among the world's most indebted countries but the coalition hopes a political novice to separate content will ease the concerns of italy's partners the law professor has been proposed as prime minister the two party leaders agreed on the unknown technocrat as a compromise for the top post now president sergio mata rela has to approve the new coalition's choice. let's bring in our very own bantry good he is covering the story for us tonight in rome good evening to you there so what is this man and if they conte and what is it about him that means a far right and a far left party can agree on him to be their prime minister. politics in italy works differently and it's no surprise that the prime minister
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shows no who's not a member of the coalition parties it's not so unusual that happened before but this time it's very extreme because the populous parties are extreme and mr condit is very unknown to everybody in italy he's a law professor and he's an expert of administrative law but he never appeared publicly he never had public office but he's leading to the chain cristela movement and that that may be the reason that he was chosen to lead this government and both parties both party leader as. will hope to control him from behind so to say and it may be that both of them will be in the cabinet of this prime minister and he will be their puppet on the string yeah i mean this is a political no name it still remains to be seen whether or not he will be a puppet to one of those parties and we know he has to get the approval of the italian president how widely is that it.
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that's quite likely that that l a the president will approve this choice because the new prime minister have a broad majority in both houses of parliament and also sixty percent of all italians according to a new poll supporting this populist government this new approach this revolution as you said so much to read a visit go along with that otherwise he would just cause an institutional or. governmental crisis but he would not do that and we know that five star and the league of me they've both been very critical of the european union so how is brussels likely to respond to all of this. but the populace have watered down the rhetoric a little bit but of cause europe and the very suspicious to see what now happens
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what were they actually do the contract of the coalition is a long list of wishes and also you can say aggression against the e.u. because the government says they will not loan no longer to the rules of the european union they want new treaties in favor of italy in this of course cannot happen france and germany have already warned that if they can. the eurozone and everybody will watch how the markets will react italy is heavily indebted one hundred thirty percent of g.d.p. is similar to the debt so it's very very difficult for an italian government actually to spend so much money and the you will watch closely and. then say stop if it's necessary are bent records in rome tonight thank you very much. ok i'm thinkin palace has released the first official photos of britain's prince
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harry and meghan markle on their wedding day the pictures show the couple appearing relaxed and happy alongside page boys flower girls and royal family members the queen granted harry and meghan the titles duke and duchess of sussex as they married at windsor castle on saturday. arriving there now did you watch that royal wedding of course i did it reminded me of my own. i don't there's a little bit less expensive here probably your veil was a little shorter than her out of the train just as longer so let's talk about well the switch gears here and talk about china in the u.s. what a virgin trade war for now yeah china has done its best here by the looks of economic superpowers china around the u.s. have agreed to hold off on imposing new tariffs the temporary deal ends months of tension for financial markets beijing a gray agreeing in a joint statement with washington to substantially reduce america's trade deficit with china the crux of the dispute the chinese didn't commit to cutting the gap by
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any specific amount and some analysts doubt the truce will last for long but at least the two sides are talking. oranges from the u.s. could soon be a regular fixture in some chinese supermarkets the asian country has agreed to import more goods that inmate in the usa for a u.s. president donald trump it's a cool is a celebration china has agreed to buy massive amounts of additional farm agricultural products would be one of the best things to happen to off on the in many years. on china barry isn't tyrus to come down for the first time. president trump has previously criticised china for exporting more goods to the u.s. than vice versa but now the agreement could begin to reduce america's three hundred seventy five billion trade deficit with the nation yet concrete numbers remain unclear with any substantial amount being mentioned how substantial it began there
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was a reason why we didn't put a specific number and i would also say what the specifics of that is because there's a specific number again whatever we agree to that you're not government to government purchases we have very specific targets industry by industry is now have to be executed china is also pleased with the deal and with it the avoidance of a difficult trade will. borrow from it we believe that the chinese and u.s. governments have reached a good agreement i think an outcome acceptable for both sides of course both governments should on such agreement. economists believe that the chinese government will now instruct companies to focus more on u.s. products but the agreement could be bad news figure. especially german automotive and mechanical engineering companies who rely on the chinese market. and while asian markets greeted the news with understandable relief the opinions vary on the
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streets of beijing and we should try to be the first in as many fields as possible so china can come to the us is a good word for what the you. will trade war could harm investors so there shouldn't be one that china and the u.s. should work together from the same foundations that you did to your town but i'll do what i think i can buy luxury goods such as cars or watches at lower prices ok. and scott joins us now so is this a victory for trump some are saying china has won the trade war. well at least here on wall street there was certainly quite some relieve there an agreement could be on the table of the dow jones industrial average for the first time in two months trading a buffer twenty five thousand points but we are still short of any details if we
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have just heard past week there was this number out in the media that the u.s. is looking to cut the deficit with china by two hundred billion dollars that certainly will not be achieved even close so it really depends on the details so we have wilbur ross going to china this week and we have to wait and see of the hopes that we got here at the beginning of the week will also materialize so positive reaction but still an wait and see mode and moving on as we saw earlier u.s. secretary of state mike form peo is taking a hard line against iran the europeans have dived into investing in iran other plenty of u.s. companies also regretting the decision by the trumpet ministration. overall and even if you look at business between the european union and iran and that is certainly true for u.s. corporations the business overall is minimal yes you have
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a couple of companies like boeing indirectly general electric who have a deal pending with iran but it really does not matter that much for the u.s. economy what you did see is that was all those tensions with iran also was venezuela by the way as all the geopolitical tension that is going on you see oil prices moving higher here on monday by another one and a half percent an oil actually trades at the highest level in three and a half years but for u.s. companies all the iran talk in general doesn't really matter that much so that oil slick skids high and briefly all americans broadly welcoming trumps trade policies . well it really depends what angle you're looking at when it comes to iran i have the feeling that a lot of americans especially conservatives evangelicals and other groups or coal
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voters of donald trump they actually support the u.s. president when it comes to try and it really depends on the industry of the agricultural industry for example here in the u.s. they we do hold that the trade tensions do not escalate so mixed reactions that in wall street thank you very much. and that's back to brant and the fallout from venezuela's presidential election that's right the u.s. has added its voice to the international condemnation of the venezuelan election vice president might pence described president maduro as a landslide win today as a sham he also demanded that madeira allow humanitarian aid into the country but it's one of those opposition parties boycotted the vote today maduro celebrators winning a second term. a new morning in venezuela with the same president nicolas maduro has won a second six year term to lead the once wealthy latin american country majority
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captured more than two thirds of the vote but with popular opponents banned from running the opposition sitting out the election in protest and an official turnout of only forty six percent many venezuelans are unhappy with the result. we have no food we have no transportation there's no medicine what do we want we want this government to leave leave us in peace so we can once again be the venezuela we were when i was a child not this destruction that we have here today i'm truly tired i'm not satisfied with this election because it was a total sham. much of the international community including the u.s. agrees the trump administration on monday banned american citizens and companies from buying venezuelan state debt as a means of further isolating them adore a government however the measure stopped short of imposing new sanctions might doro the socialist successor to the late hugo chavez calls his electoral win a victory against imperialism but it is next term health face a potentially bigger challenge than any external for writing venezuela's sinking
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economy. forty's in hawaii or warning residents of another hazard caused by the killer more than two weeks after it began a rough day officials say the waba flowing from the peak is producing noxious cleland's as it reaches the pacific ocean they're telling residents to stay away from the fumes off the south coast of the state's big. they are a mix of hydrochloric acid steam and extremely fine shards of glass produced by a chemical reaction when the lava hears the ocean water authorities say the fumes can cause lung damage and skin. irritation. or german journalist have revealed evidence suggesting that russian authorities covered up doping test results for soccer players in the country's world cup squad the revelations come just weeks before the world cup tournament kicks off in moscow on the german investigative reporter hi example helped to uncover
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a state run doping program in russian athletics and he says now russian soccer players and authorities they've got some questions to answer the russian doping scandal may also extend to the national football team russian officials are suspected of covering up test results making samples disappear which had the potential to implicate football as some of whom have been selected for the hosts world cup squad german t.v. channel has obtained a list containing player names and code numbers of doping samples the list is based on information from investigators and intelligence gathered from a twenty fourteen raid on the moscow doping control board in that raid the world anti-doping agency wada seized samples with a typical test results that had not been investigated further by russian authorities samples from players in the current world cup squad were among them what we labeled the disappearing positive methodology. which is the labs mechanism by which they falsely reported results d.
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says wada also obtained a separate database with atypical test results from almost one hundred russian footballers this information was also passed on to fee for following a request for comment fee for said investigations are under way and they are hoping to report new developments in the coming weeks we asked the journalist polled how these latest revelations can impact the world cup which is just weeks away. we will know in a couple of weeks i guess in the moment it looks like that is really investigating at least on. outcome of the results of a doctor base which has been given from a whistleblower to wada last year in two thousand and seventeen sixty three cells and samples from different sports nine top one thousand of them have been suspicious and i guess. almost hundred of them are now under investigation
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and coming from football so we don't know what would be the outcome what we can say we just talk about a presumptive screening which might be doping must not necessarily be doping it cannot also have other reasons but it needs to be. scrutinized that these to be checked that was the investigative journalist their high use about speaking with us earlier well it is one of prague's biggest tourist attractions the astronomical claw has been telling time in the old city for more than six hundred years or now for just the third time in those six centuries the clock is being cleaned and restored. a hole in prague sold that's what clock master paper scholar thinks of this construction site usually home to the city's astronomical clock. that is it says that this imagine that he would be told for would steal machinery
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here the timing mechanism the huge his and the axis and right now all of that is dismantled being repaired. can january the cogs turned one last time and then the or lloyd as the czechs call it was taken apart for repairs just the third time since it debuted in the fifteenth century. hundreds of years of dirt must be removed stone mason remey to cal gets to work on it with a high pressure cleaner the clock master looks on call at the moment a photo rendering of the oil hangs here well so that dirt and bird dog are removed from the oldest parts. this is like a crust which church the stone tools of poets and precious details are lost like the spikes on the head child's. pay to scale and renee teco should be finished by july the city's putting on the pressure to restore the tourist bagnet the photo on the scaffolding hardly does it justice we will have to come bag. you've got
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a good excuse to come back and we did many beautiful country we love it. scholar does some of the most sensitive work in his own garden here he scrubs the fifteenth century clock hands and restores bit by bit each of the seven hundred fifty individual parts when he's done it must run well like clockwork. the oil law is a master work of precision and beauty but prague and its tourists must wait a few months to set their watches by the or a lawyer. or a deaf or short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for that will be right. bueller bueller.
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bueller. bueller bueller. move move. move. climate change. sustainability. environmental projects. give globalisation the face biodiversity species conservation exploitation equality. rights displacement. of the global and current of local actually
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global three thousand to sixty minutes on. the top stories followed across social media to share your comments and content welcome to the news. how the germans came together in one nation from shallow money to chancellor although from bismarck book the history of the germans has been shaped by great colors. nice well all ways to bring my royal college of that to protect christendom and spread find truth. the heathens would love to see. are we to fall back before the enemy in taco lemon. and steered by courageous decisions based above alcohols those who chose your masters like we have are seen as the crown of our rome from god and not from his presumptuous servant. realm his whole class are coming here.
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tomorrow we're going to have defeated the enemy or we'll never see one another again but. we must peace. the germans every week on. it's a dangerous assumption yet to be tested the u.s. policy of maximum pressure on north korea trump believes that he can force the regime to change its ways for good well today the u.s. secretary of state announced what he calls a new plan on iran using the same old assumption and tonight the one assumption that has proven true tehran's rejection of the plan i brought golf in berlin this
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is the day.


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