tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle June 6, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST
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they're going to be born to be people who know the true value of the garbage. it is created to try to currently clinton. would dismiss me for economic inequality gary you guys are starting class warfare the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to as want people. to reach the trash and exclusive reports are starting to live on t w. i want to welcome to another exciting edition of your own max i'm your host meghan lee from eating out in the city of love to vacationing on an isolated island we've got lots in store on the show today here's
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a look at what's coming up. white nights diners in paris is down to the thirtieth annual do you need all day long. in full bloom dr duals good lord on syria's biggest flower festival. and painterly passion a dark part is with a celebrity following. paris has long been a trendsetter when it comes to culture fashion and cuisine and nothing combines all three better than the d.n.a. all glow or white dinner which has taken place in the french capital for the last three decades last weekend some seventeen thousand participants dressed in their best white attire for a feast often imitated but never duplicated their friends did they all belong is always a night to remember. it's a dinner with a strict dress code and this year thousands toasted the thirtieth anniversary
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edition of the d.n.a. on blank this time at the plastics in valley. seventeen thousand guests turned out for what was likely the world's largest cullen ery flash mob around a third came from abroad. see its unique and almost into size test or a group of friends were all together because we dressed in like oh no no it's amazing you got to leave my will to be in a spot where so many of you have been so much fun dressed the same. you know i'm just the atmosphere is original extraordinary and everyone plays along that's what's really nice i'm from philadelphia and they have been there every year different places and i think at this time i'm going i always want to come to paris so this is the way. the guests only learned where the dinner would be held one hour in advance dining outside with friends and friends of friends that's the idea
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behind the d. me. anyone who's attended a past dinner and white can invite a new guest. the thirtieth anniversary of the chic picnic was a special affair aeration c.e.o. of the little chunk has been taking part for two decades. and out it is the same every time every year you arrive at lydney loan knowing they'll be lots of people dressed in light of the goodness and suddenly paris is a sea of white one love that's the goal was. two hours earlier on a boat on the river said. cyril and his dinner companions are making the final preparations aside from the food they put the finishing touches on their outfits subdued or extravagant anything goes as long as it's white but there are plenty of other guidelines to. although. all the book of the day over there are lots of rules that bring a table to people chairs table cloth white dishes and classy glassware. but
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these very strict rules make people feel invested in the event and of course i'm the first one to forget my classy glass so my plate but in the end you eat very little more fat that. francoise passkey a founded the d.n.a. on blog in one nine hundred eighty eight the parisian wanted to meet new people so he invited friends to a picnic in the park and told them to bring acquaintances along they'd recognize one another from their white clothing it was the start of what would become an annual event. years ago it was a dinner among friends the kind everyone hosts nothing more than that and then it developed the following year the numbers increased because it went so well and the year after that and so on yes it's. now spin off of events are held around the world whether in honolulu sydney. or new york people
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celebrate the french way of life in public spaces. to this day francois pesky a is still amazed by the enthusiasm for the dinner party he created. not all for i know for some it's like making a baby you hadn't really planned for you have to assume responsibility and hope you will be happy and develop well that's pretty much what happened. to the priscus a person. first serial of chan is still a dinner among friends it's just that his circle of friends has grown exponentially he's even learned to love the strict rules. don't have a good look at rigor makes for bigger if i can put it that way sure it's rigorous but look at all the happy folks we've spent three nights thomas to go. a lot of time preparing it's great this is you know. maybe that's the secret ingredient
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that's made that e-mail so successful it's about enjoying the moment but with style just the kindness of all of you that the french are famous for and what better place to experience it than in paris. well now is a good time to let you weigh in on this week's draw we would like to know in what sending you enjoy your dinners let us know by going to our website and by taking part you can qualify to win a year old max watch all right moving on now to a very special birthday this the broadcaster diesel view has been in existence for sixty five years now a good reason to celebrate along with the german chancellor more on that in today's express. from german chancellor angela merkel has led a ceremony in berlin marking doidge about his sixty fifth anniversary of. the name off we sense a growing interest in germany in europe and germany is valued as an important
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partner in the world my good mind the people who want to know what we think here in germany and in europe if you know what's happening here and how we live. to see it would be money lead. d.w. direct to general peter limbaugh said he's pleased that votes are better has become a modern and diverse international broadcast we want to bring more information to more people especially in regions subject to propaganda and censorship we want to better inform them about germany and europe. more than three thousand employees from sixty countries produced content for t.v. radio and the way up in thirty languages for t.w. . and early work by dutch painter vincent van gogh has been sold at auction in paris for more than seven million euros. his eight hundred eighty two painting fishing net menders in the dunes fetched a much higher price than our experts had estimated the sale is seen as extraordinary as only few vend dogs are still in circulation until recently the
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landscape as a private loan in amsterdam's van gough museum. beyond the. shock rocker alice cooper aerosmith lead guitarist joe perry and american actor johnny depp performed together in berlin on monday. the three stars have formed a rock super group called hollywood vampires they're currently on a european tour which is scheduled to wind up in rome next month. daffodils are a delicate flower and have been the subject of writers for centuries william shakespeare for example wrote about it in a winter's tale but there's probably no other place on this earth where this flower
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is celebrated more than in austria every year a daffodil festival takes place with straws tourists from as far away as asia but we were also on hand for the festivities. iraq. and howled. and the snowman in spring they're just some of twenty four figures decorated with daffodils floating on lake out as the in austria. it's one of the venues for the country's biggest flower festival the highlight of the year in this region. some twenty thousand visitors come to watch the annual spectacle. i've never seen like this person to have in my life and i've come in for longer than you know how large is pelvis to have in all candor the north of really our most in the world was supposed to experience for my life if they did this i'm stressed that they made such an effort for us and we're grateful everyone
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came together on that link of the. film with us that i thought the animals dressed in later hosen and traditional costumes were very very funny and very enjoyable and this is a ruse to see or hear for. in fact a great deal of effort and tens of thousands of daffodils each figure. often the sculptors work through the night. elf the goodness knows this from experience. she's been taking part in the daffodil festival for some twenty years she says that the dales are an ideal material for this craft. vale see can replace the hope is because they have no leaves they have one long snooze down that's heavier than the blossom so they hang on nicely as of a mother flowers have to have really long stem so they'll stay hanging in the frame but it doesn't work as well with other flowers. around them due to. every spring
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i'll see a land south come a good region is carpeted in the fragrant see a flower as the white poet's not the suspicions here for mitt made to make june the definition. the floats up picked by hand this does no damage to the flowers it actually helps them reproduce for the next year to keep the process fresh the participants have to handle them very carefully never limply piers and i found it's very important that they be picked up no more than three days ahead of time they have to be refrigerated and kept dry because if they get wet they'll turn brown. in three preparations are in full swing lots of volunteers help thread the flowers they take three to four daffodil blossoms tie them together and stick them through the next hole which gives them ideal support at least a bit so shark lives now f.e.n.'s common just for the festival def adele's are one of her favorite flowers and this is
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a childhood dream come true. if you haven't done quietly or up on the mountainside early this morning gathering flowers it wasn't easy our shoes are all wet but everybody was happy with what we brought even if the blossoms aren't absolutely perfect now i get threading them is a great experience a feeling of working together. normally the floats must consist of at least seventy percent daffodils this year a pull harvest prompted organizers to relax the rules so often blossoms like days is a natural materials like moss could be used as well. the participants in the bald i'll say pageant i'm making the most of it this is where all of the figures animal of fantasy are presented to the public when it comes to creativity the sky's the limit . what matters is winning over the public and the twenty member jury. her is prepared to be at them scott the cboe there is an evaluation catalogue
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comprising seven points including the death it will stick ness the overall impression and the size of the group those are the seven different points and it will say you can weigh up how well a float will do everything we thought of on the block to. if you. are in the contest for the best it's a runoff between the rock who the owl and the clown. rounded shapes give contestants an edge with the judges because they're harder to cover over with blossoms but that's just part of the. mind's by saints going to stars i can tell it has to be funny something good natured the whole thing has to make a good impression of a compass gun so i could be. india and the biggest winner is always the daffodil itself and this whole the breathtaking mountains and lakes of austria. i would have picked the raccoon as well our next step a painter who has been known to wow some of hollywood's biggest stars like
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sylvester stallone or will smith german artists a mile a cast and paint with a passion that sometimes overtakes other priorities in his life but he makes no exceptions for his paintings who even go without sleep as we found out when we met the artist in his studio. paint eat sleep and paint again carsten biden voice. hardly does anything else it turns out more than three hundred paintings a year aside from a three day break for christmas he's holed up in his dusseldorf studio day and night. or i might say honey i won't be able to make the barbecue at the neighbor's by five o'clock i'm too involved here in the studio and she'll say don't worry about it it was yesterday at five o'clock. it doesn't matter what time it is. in that sense no. when i'm totally involved in
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a painting i can just say whoa it's already five o'clock i have to stop now and. then the picture would say hey look dude keep on painting. this artist doesn't feel so much captivated by painting as driven. but he does have a partner and a child but he's married to his canvases and acrylics. has he ever dropped off to sleep while painting. you know if i thought about yes but don't tell anybody and the monument i really have of her and the few times in my head leaning on the painting and since i generally use acrylics i had to get into the shower with the paintings like this and wash my hair. but it doesn't really hurt the paintings. i would have. the impetus for his images may come from
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a commission or simply inspiration his patrons can usually request a subject and have a say in how it's done prices are negotiable too. or through from the other guy for if someone at an exhibition were to stand in front of a picture for three hours just dying to have it but didn't have the cash. and then if somebody else came along with keys to a portion said all right you could load this one into the car it's mine now a lot more than again i might say maybe next time and give the painting to the guy who's in love with it. and a pack of cigarettes on top three books. on occasion and departs from his usual format and paints buildings like this one into. it was a commission from the city. his colors also look good on clothes as celebrities he's gotten to know in los angeles can personally attest. sylvester stallone wears
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an original mark austan blazer his agent met the artist at an event and share personally sent a blouse to do the door for carson to illustrate to the tune of more than two thousand euro's. and i think click on the if there's a spot in it then final words i'll work it into the piece so it is what it is on the highway this music is. seen here is motorhead to late frontman lemmy kilmister with his own porch and by carsten the artist has just returned from con where he was busy networking with stars. through forms of men's x. will smith and german jackson have noticed my quirks like i'm the world's only painter more but it was cool flying down for the weekend. cost and from dusseldorf gathering fans from all walks of life.
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it's almost summer time so there's good reason to celebrate but as always it's the location location location that is the deciding factor when it comes to a really fun party for the latest episode in our high five series we found some party venues that are so when usual that even the most seasoned of party goers might be surprised so here are. five ordinary locations that make for a great party then use. this could well be the world's smallest nightclub number five on our list is a good old telephone booth get it out with strobe lights a fog machine and your favorite tunes there are six tele discos worldwide two of them here in berlin concert your calling and a party starts you even get a photo as proof.
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if you're lucky you might stumble upon a party almost by chance for example on the underground subway parties or a popular trend in several european cities and they're in fourth place on our list although they may look spontaneous they're usually organized flash mobs but even in techno crazy berlin rocking out on the subway is still a fairly rare event. this party is a real roller coaster ride well not exactly it's a cable car ride complete with a d.j. this gondola turned disco clocks in third on our list these days it's how the alpine resort. in austria celebrates the start of the winter season.
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instead of a commute how about a celebration. there are no traffic jams here just jamming out it's number two on our list of unexpected places to throw a party out obama. admitted early an out obama isn't usually this chill but in summer two thousand and ten the city of s. and decided to turn over the a forty eight to party goers for six hours maybe this could be another way to cut those diesel emissions. grocery shopping there's no getting around it a chore that's usually something of a yawn. but then suddenly a party breaks out strobe lights a disco beats right between the fresh veggies and the freezer section it tops our list of memorable party locations in the netherlands and here in berlin the supermarket owner didn't mind they might be rocking the house down but most things
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on the shelves came through i'm states. now there are many places in the world where it seems like time has stood still but the remote village of gaza who are in the faroe islands is certainly one of them denmark maintains control of the palette go and the only eighteen residents actually called the our home because suction of a tunnel in recent years has connected it to the rest of the island that has been drawing interest to the hamlet so we went there to take a closer look. goes
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a duluth is one of the most remote and one of the most photogenic villages on the ferro i thinks. its population numbers less than twenty. one of those residents is easily when fifth he lives in the old mail station where the postman used to work they had to walk over the mountain there. on the grass. and down to the other side. to bring the post. so it's. a tunnel was blasted through the mountains in two thousand and four and now the postman drives to the village tourists also come through attracted by the villages renowned beauty. in fifth likes to welcome visitors to be home he invites them in
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for a postman's coffee as it's known it's an old tradition. but it's true of the postman he used to. take people with him when he was walking ok because they were secured to. the. kitchen drying their socks getting heat and drinking on top so my wife likes to keep that traditionally through him with his wife and damn ernest stein is the last postman's granddaughter she worked in mainland denmark for several years as a textile designer she's now back to reintroduce the pharaohs each to their own traditional wool. this is so beautiful and i really want to work with it and then we all use for in the old it's dismissal of full force close i mean we didn't have this kind of cloth the old days we had this one here and this is really good
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to have here for a little too cold and. no leaks so i think if you used more and i want to teach people to fish people i can vote for us and what you could use it for the family moved to the loo in late twenty sixteen and nearly doubled the population little miles was the first baby to be born in the in forty three years. it's a life in touch with nature gisli who live in filth has a project of his own going to stay or occasional. icelandic. chickens. whatever you like to call them. very very old type of chicken they are small what they. call the chicken dish to make up arrow a chicken because the founder of people has lost their original chickens. are
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probably the same type of response because this is the type of wiking spoke with them from europe to highest month. of course also here. they have died out or clinics that way something like that so i'm just bringing him back. that's because. if he's project works out he's least linfield is also planning to breed back geese and mention grains. it would appear as the perfect place for residents to go back to their roots. and with that we come to the end of another show don't forget to keep up with the program on our facebook page or for me and the rest of us here euro max as always thanks for watching we'll see again tomorrow. next time on your own max a multi-sensory meal supplement on the spanish island of. believe is the world's
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son mocks and how it all relates to mozilla why. thirteen. how the germans came together in one nation from shall the money going to chancellor from bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped like great miller's. ice well always to bring my royal college of that to protect christendom and spread this line truth if you guys will learn to feel that this will. all lead to a call back to be called the enemy. and stand by courageous decisions made by the alcohols tell your master we have received the crown of our realm from god not from his presumptuous servants the romans just. soccer league. we must forge peace play. the
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germans every week. quarter feel fairly good. deal with going to school. and then fix bugs in the third book every book while he. was looking. in that you found or isn't a place to call the. old. people business with. the good old. this is the free mind for hookers who was looking for before the river.
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