tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle June 7, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST
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odd. this is the w.'s coming to you live from berlin as gautam allah more time is running out to find survivors close to one hundred people who died in this massive volcanic eruption many others are still missing and their warnings of those kinna mice is on again in the days ahead also coming up. in volunteers as well and against the toughest president turkish citizens living in germany have begun costume battles in the country's election board in fact cook their books on
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the outcome. and with them was cup approaching a soccer fans i'm looking to get their design to support them national teams we had to nigeria correspondence trying to track down the box also object even one top jazzy. player. ive of the. time is running out in the search for survivors in guatemala a fire with warnings of imminent new eruptions the death still following some disruption has now risen to at least ninety nine with close to two hundred people still missing this doing criticism that only warnings of the deadly eruption and office of international aid what ignored meanwhile rescues a pressing ahead with efforts in devastated towns and villages. clearing the
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rubble after disaster struck. the biggest priority for crews is to find and remove bodies buried under volcanic ash. it's a grim task and dangerous the volcano could erupt again at any time. we're motivated to do our job with everything we have been assuming that whatever it takes no matter how difficult the conditions even if it means risking our lives something we're very aware of. harms is on the scene and says there is growing anger as hopes diminish of finding survivors. authorities say after seventy two hours in with the heat in the area it's almost impossible to find anyone alive anymore and the smell of dead bodies is becoming even more evident the president visited the area but refused talking to the press as his government is experiencing much pressure because of the late response he has shown during this catastrophe now
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the most important thing will be to help those who have lost it all people that fled their homes what they were worrying only and may never be able to return to where they lived their entire lives. in safer parts of us emergency shelters have been set up for the evacuees. those who made it here are the lucky ones. lucas had little as he was we had to leave we couldn't take anything with us. the ashes were coming after us but the people who stayed behind were buried underneath my own hands in mine and something better still we had a body of music of that on. it of the moving the lava came and took everything with it. which many people were killed. but now we have nothing left nothing at all. but the community has come together in
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a show of solidarity with people donating food and other items to help who've lost their homes. a makeshift memorial has been set up to remember loved ones who are unable to flee the volcano's dudly reach. let me bring you up to date with some of the stories making news around the bond an explosion at a weapons depo in the iraqi capital baghdad has killed at least sixty people officials say the last destroyed a nearby mosque in the mostly shia district and severely damaged other homes and buildings the government says it's launched an investigation into the cause of the explosion. written supreme court has said that northern ireland strict abortion law is incompatible with human rights but says it does not have the powers to challenge it and in force change the ruling comes after a constitutional ban on abortion was overturned by
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a referendum in the republic of ireland last week. turkish voters living abroad have started casting early ballots in the country snap elections on june the twenty fourth here in germany polling stations open this morning across the country off to more than three million turkish overseas voters nearly hoth of them live in germany . in the last election three years ago about sixty percent of turkish voters in germany supported president don and his party that's a much higher percentage than in turkey itself and the job views that it gives was out in berlin to test political temperature. tickets electing campaigning in a german capital is good advice and his friends are canvassing for two piece procurer. party this is what this is for the election in turkey were against terror the one they didn't get that was against terror one ok i'll take one i was.
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busy left because of president add on he's very concerned about politics in his home country. he's been. indicted and i've been in germany for six years and. many of my friends and my entire family are still there and they're dissatisfied and we have to change it or topple this government. and that's why we're working from germany to support those who stand for democracy in turkey. dr kay. but not everyone here is against and on these women are complaining for the turkish president and his a.k.p. party they don't like speaking to the german press and initially brushed me off is that we are campaigning for the a.k.p. if you want we can take a vote by card on the. party colleagues from the age c.p.c.
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to present after take a piece of porthos as a provocation then shout added one is that terrorist agha one is a murderer. a heated answer comes right back the passer by says you are the real murderer of us she's doing the right thing with you you do so if it i'm happy that type i go on make this a little. little bit. is who tries to diffuse deceit to a certain he doesn't like these public disputes with the a.k.p. supporters these guys they shouldn't insult but did you hear what they said if you decide that you. know they are insulting you. try to stay cool don't do the same thing as they do. as the elections in turkey are tensions are running high here ambulance german turkish community people are divided by one simple question are you for or against bridget type two on. belief in germany but they are
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more fired up about politics in turkey to take a piece of poor to say it's only natural this is the internally is our real homeland our families live there and we're doing this work here for them with god's help. those here is convinced there's more to it than that. if you don't have an identity problem because they've heard a lot of bad experiences. yeah that's why they want to vote for turkey and why so many support the a k p. but not everybody does. and it still is who don't support. is hoping to mobilize by canvassing for the h d p campaigning in berlin against a turkish president but. joining me now is the chief political editor chris not a parliamentary studious nisha germany has a large ethnic turkish minority of this election in turkey comes as relations
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between turkey and germany have been strained over the several issues how's that played into the campaigning. well the attempt on the german side was to try and keep those bad bilateral relations out of this election campaign which is largely been banned in terms of turkish politicians appearing in germany from german soil they simply won't and as we saw in that report that there are attempts to narrow down the question in these elections on pro or anti kurdish we saw a kurdish campaign that at the same time out of one is trying to frame this in either being for or against him him of course being very popular having won this past referendum on empowering his role and if there are tensions here on german soil particularly also between pro kurdish campaign is that could once again increase those tensions between berlin and anchor of course you mentioned that
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referendum last to in that more than sixty percent of turkish voters in germany supported john spence to expand this is that an indication that edge one has considerable support among the turkish voters here. absolutely he is without question highly popular but of course there are several factors that play into this first of all the european union has actually reprimanded or at least criticized developments in turkey in terms of press freedom and vol of law on this referendum and this these changes in the constitution certainly are a part of what is being criticized at the same time you have outlined here being seen as a representative for turkey and if you ask talks too often have been failed by the german states here in terms of integration here in germany whether to vote for or against their country this is pretty much how out of one frame this in the past
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this probably explains part of his success but this time he can expect a much tougher contest was by no means certain that with the full of the lira by twenty percent against the dollar this economic figures going down there will be more of a challenge for on in these elections enough time to make it a coup for political editor thank you. monica joins me now and as we heard me talk about the four ling leave in an election the economy is a crucial issue well there has been falling for quite some time but of course it doesn't help right now and the interesting thing is a return that the turkish central bank is knitting today only two weeks after an emergency interest rate hike so these definitely are difficult times for the turkish economy a growing number of foreign investors are pulling their capital out off turkey since the beginning of the year the lira has shed twenty percent of its value
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against the u.s. dollar some major foreign companies are simply afraid to invest in turkey and its foreign currency is a huge problem turkish firms a foreign currency debt totaling over two hundred twenty billion dollars and the weak era makes it more difficult to repay the loans so a lot to think about for the members of the turkish central bank today earlier i asked and soon professor of international economics at constance university of applied science what action he believes the bank will take. well the meeting is definitely very decisive today because turkey is confronted with a choice either the central bank today clearly indicates it is going to tackle the weekly euro and inflation in order to prevent a default or the large turkish companies and therefore prevent a potential recession that is looming in the background but of course if you do is
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increasing interest rates with that that would be a clear signal at the same time this has a negative impact on the domestic growth and she becomes the second choice the government clearly indicated given the elections in particular it is not interested in high interest rates it is wilt basically to support companies which are in the low end problems and postponing basically. a solution of this economic problems in turkey so the economic rationale is very clear the central bank should react and should not postpone problems because the solution will be increasingly difficult well meanwhile of course we heard about the two hundred twenty billion euros debt that needs to be repaid and the creditors include the bags within europe also italy if that state concert be would paint with repercussions with that tough on the e.u. . this is a very important aspect in italy it's spain and these are exactly the countries
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which have been going through a very difficult financial period and the central bank in europe had an eye on this loan positions with respect to turkey but in particular you mention it this country is in a political unstable situation and the link it should turkey will force european politicians to think about the potential bailout off turkey fire italy but i'm afraid that the german politicians in particular are not going to be happy about these kind of into linkages and dependencies just remember the discussions in germany that bailouts basically why should germans pay for mismanagement in other countries and given the rhetoric between germany and turkey over the postes years that will be a very very difficult situation also for the european banks and european politicians i might marry if you want so now before the e.u. bails out key there is another alternative for one has asked the international
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monetary fund for aid could do the same and what the i.m.f. stepping. well there is a major difference in the i.m.f. is a lender of last resort basically comes in if there is a potential to restructure governmental deputy particularly in turkey we have a large commercial plane with death which creates this friction some problems and besides that i have my doubts that the political will in turkey is existing to take in foreign international organizations i just want to. remind you that i don't himself was always boasting we as a as adept a country became now a credit to country within the i am after that will be not very hollow right in times of the election ok that sense i know you think so. professor of international economics at constans university of applied science thank you so much. i think you. and german industry is beginning to
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slowdown in april demand for industrial products dropped for the fourth month in a row germany's federal economic ministry figures show that germany recorded two point five percent less factory orders than the month before due to declining demand from within the euro zone economists had expected growth of more two point eight percent the reason given for the receding orders is the general insecurity caused by international trade disputes and with that it's over to our financial market correspondent all the parts of the frankfurt stock exchange really how is this latest data going down where you are. not that great shares equities here are going down that also has to do with the euro the year also went down initially when the news came i was in on some unpleasant surprise for everyone concerned but since then the euro has climbed and it's now being traded at well
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over a dollar eighteen and i think that has less to do with the industrial order side but more to do with the expectancy the discussion developing what the e.c.b. will say about reducing monetary support for the economy next week but the industrial order side is of course a very serious question because as you said four months in a row ouch that hurts is what response of one economist was he talked of a nosedive and he said that it's time to stop to try explaining. the numbers receding with one off factors like vacations or the weather or a pandemic flu is so clearly people are are worried about this development comparing it to the situation in two thousand and twelve when the euro debt crisis was going on as well luckily it's a twenty eighteen right now and maybe maybe there is something around us that could boost optimists and do you see anything. well at the moment it's hard to imagine i
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mean you mentioned the worry over trade wars was behind this well that was back in april when these numbers were coming in and now we have may and june and the worries over that have increased as they have over the stability of the kind of confidence in the euro zone over the development in italy but you know economists are still pointing out that look this is complaining or worry at a very high level the order books in germany are still chalk a block full companies are still frantically looking for qualified people to work for them saying it's an impediment that they don't have enough people and the production is still humming along at quite a good pace all right so no reason to panic just yet that's good news in frankfurt thank you so much. well a lot of top politicians around the world these days of very media savvy and one in particular knows how to use the media exactly and i think you're talking about russia that's where we go now and an event that has become
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a staple in the to me. it's the annual nationwide q. any session where the russian president takes questions from members of the public listing two and sometimes even solving problems live on television the session has been criticized in the process of being stage managed this is the usual studio audience is gone in favor of text messages and video questions. let me join our moscow correspondent emily show when emily the q. and a i believe is well underway what's been happening. well this is the sixteenth q. and a that putin has done in his career of this type and we've seen questions coming in from people around round russia voicing their concerns usually this question and answer session very much focuses on the questions that are closest to people's hearts local concerns konami issues for example we saw
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a truck driver who sent in a video message about the rising oil prices a mother of many children who wants to buy land who called in on a video call this is really a place emerita where people can kind of in a controlled fashion voice their concerns and have those addressed by putin as they were looking at live pictures of the q. and a which is underway deaths in the so much as i mentioned earlier the event has changed to see it's no journalist no studio audience is seeing even most stage than before. because you look at well this event has always been very meticulously stage managed even before the audience was hand-picked the questions were hand-picked in this case people can actually call in so it seems somewhat more spontaneous if you think about it but it certainly feels very staged particularly when it comes to a new element as well this year where putin addresses some of the questions that
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come in from around russia to the relevant ministers and the governors that feels rather awkward but we do get to kind of see it seems the government government in action in russia but the focus here is very much still on putin kind of waving his wand to solve people's problems around the country write him as you go on and see the rest of the q. and a with president blood in the putin thank you very much for being us the latest from moscow. as russia prepares to host the world a ukrainian that's a business trying to turn the one's attention to the plight of political prisoners in the country or leg sense yards was detained in crimea in two thousand and fourteen after criticizing russia's annexation of the peninsula the ukrainian filmmaker is now serving twenty years in a high security penal connerly after being convicted on charges of terrorism that kiev has condemned the case as politically motivated since yard has now been on
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hunger strike for over three needs he's calling on moscow to release over sixty four ukrainians being held in jail artists and journalists around the world have joined the campaign demanding his release the digital correspondent john m. salva has spoken with sense of natalia she told us about the conditions he is facing in prison as he continues his hunger strike take a listen. to put it mildly only like sense of is not in good health in one of his letters he wrote that his hair was falling out his teeth were crumbling now he is receiving injections of fishermen b. and glucose every day but that's it he doesn't eat he drinks only warm water you should understand these four years of let's be frank of prison camps are destroying his health that he was born in the site and he's serving his prison term in a penal colony located in the russian arctic he is not used to this climate to tour he has also suffered
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a heart disorder and joint pain since childhood. but you should understand that in the last four years the situation of ukrainian practical prisoners hasn't changed we have seen no progress moreover the number of ukrainian political prisoners has risen and it keeps going up oh like is aware of the problem i'm jess when it comes to him personally people are fighting for him but without success. it seems he could not see any other option at this point. terminate the hunger strike if he's released. i really hope that he will find some other ways of fighting if he is released he'll be able to give speeches and campaign proactively. that was the cop on speaking to us about a cousin the jailed ukrainian filmmaker. who is on hunger strike in russia and she was talking to do. not news in the world of sports and with the world cup for just over
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a week away fans around the world are gearing up to support their teams in nigeria so many fans of snap of the teens striking new jersey this hour shortage in the shops the correspondents in lagos made it den mission to try and track down the must have kit. the beginning of the world cup is coming but people here are saying it is not possible anymore to get a jersey of the nigerian national team flourish do you think that is true well one time i head over. to see if i can get one myself all right then i'll go to lagos island to the market and see who of us will be the lucky one. i must one of the big malls. i'm going to see. today.
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oh it looks like we still have a ship and she was really nice. soon. i do see any on the shelves. i think we have the old ones. like. my wooden. chairs but much of the wood on the front page says he just told me he still wanted shit. he goes full monty. on this not the first time how silly the stock so. this is lego i love the business how. can i make capital lagos and i'm pretty sure that i have a good chance to find a jersey here. looking for just the nigerian jersey why are people so crazy about it. i love
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you so you very nice. thank you for. who said they are sold out which. i can see you're selling t. shirts how is the sale. going we're making a lot of sounds. and i just love the shirts very very well. the greats. how many of the jerseys have you sold already. i couldn't comment i couldn't converts many. many more demand for each. flourish where you are jerseys. well unfortunately i wasn't able to get a new also a dollar from the official store. that for you but i'll give you one because i got
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plenty i doubt though that they have the real ones because they sold them for three thousand barrel in the market which is about eight euros only but anyways the most important question is do you think that jury as a good chance to perform well during the walk up where. any. response to who we are i think we do have a chance and i'm sure you know the nigerian team is here also tearing down the team we've got we've got the jersey where we're looking forward to all performance and hopefully he meets me and without without jerseys so let's hope for the best. good luck to them thank you very much for the company you were watching the news on the back. of that.
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the superhero on a mission such as how to smart women smart smart strange alleging they should by no means missed out on creasing doing dangerous stuff. i want to welcome to another exciting edition of your own max from building blocks to dining with a difference we are embarking on a cultural journey in today's show here's a look at what's coming up.
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