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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] plate . this is d w news live from the land g seven leaders gather in canada and meet unprecedented tension the host nation had wanted to focus on issues like climate change and gender of quality but a trade war sparked by washington and now a new proposal from donald trump our sewing division among the allies also coming up germany and four other countries are elected to the united nations security council as nonpermanent members will the moves for linux sort of
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a bigger influence on world affairs plus schoolchildren in berlin fasting during ramadan opinions are divided over whether children should observe the virtual muslim students how they feel about avoiding seating a train between sunrise and sunset and germany head to the world cup with a win under their belts they defeated saudi arabia in their final warm up match before heading to russia but it wasn't all smooth sailing thanks. to the. players. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program thanks for joining us. the g. seven summit which brings together some of the world's most powerful industrialized countries has begun in the canadian province of quebec the summit was expected to focus on economic growth climate change gender equality and the ongoing dispute
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over trade and terrorists but before the meeting even got underway the u.s. president donald trump threw another spanner in the works with a shocking call for russia to be readmitted to this group now despite the show of unity as we can see here behind me as these leaders meet some officials are saying that they might not even manage to sign a final communique european leaders have firmly rejected the call which trump made before leaving for canada. russia should be in this meeting why are we having a meeting without russia being in the meeting i would recommend and it's up to them but russia should be in the me that you should be a part of it you know whether you like it or not and it may not be politically correct but we have a world to run at is the g seven which used to be the g eight they threw russia out
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they should let russia come back here because we should have russia to go here. for more let's bring in correspondent alexandra phenomena who is joining us now from quebec city so we just heard it there alexandra president trump wanting to have russia back at the big table what is he trying to achieve with this demand. i think it was quite it's telling that donald trump made this these remarks before even arriving here in canada and at the summit were some european allies openly questioning whether the you ass is a good fit for the club so he is clearly trying to you know distract the attention from the disputed issues that are going to be discussed here trade climate change he's also trying to send a signal to his allies here in canada and that at this g.
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seven summit is not as important as my might seem that it would be more important when russia would join the summits the group again and that here is the u.s. president has more more important issues to deal with like for example meeting with kim jong un in singapore ok so he sent a signal but they have already replied at the reply has been strong some other leaders the e.u. reacting to spawn shall announcement essentially very rejecting his bed how far will they go in opposing the u.s. . well at the moment especially the europeans seem to be determined to oppose this call for russia to join the group again and they're trying to show that they are we united at the moment they are working on joint strategy hold to deal with u.s.
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presidents and how to deal with his aggressive trade practices and policies they match here on the sidelines of the summit and seems to have agreed on a common strategy in this point and at this time we have to mention there are a lot of other contentious issues on the table for discussion including but not limited to trade sanctions on iran climate change gender equality the list is really long what are the chances of seeing a signed joint statement at the end of the summit. to be honest at the moment it doesn't look like there will be a joint statement at the end of for this g. seven summit the german chancellor was asked today were over she's things that it might be possible and she said she doesn't know before this summit she even had said that she wouldn't be surprise and she wouldn't be in favor of having and then
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agreement when this agreement would watered down the what the group has agreed on in the past so at the moment no one here can really say whether we are going to see a joint agreement in the and signed by all seven members of the g. seven so a lot of uncertainty there alexandra phenomena with the latest from the g. seven summit in canada thank you. the united nations general assembly in new york has voted for germany and four other nations to become nonpermanent members of the security council of the one hundred and ninety nations taking part one hundred eighty four voted in favor of germany's two year term along with belgium south africa the dominican republic and indonesia are many as nonpermanent members they have no veto unlike the five permanent members of the german foreign minister heikal moss welcomed the results you're going to have on the embargo we want to be
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a perceptible load voice for peace in the security council. but above all for the future of a multilateral world order it on the rule based order the goodbyes you have no ignore it mind we want to live up to the responsibility that comes with it and of all we want to make a contribution to results conflict and not even to a lesser crises to a marriage. that's come on from our now we're joined by barbara last b.l.s. she is in new york she is a member of the european parliament from the german green party and has been following events at the security council today first of all welcome to you and second of all i'd like to ask you do you see this result as something to celebrate well yes it's good ok should not have you ok soon it was a very quick result and i think it shows that the members of the general assembly have the trust in germany think they can do a good show which often negotiating in preventing who are just in deescalation and
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it's very good to hear from the german government also that they need to commit and meticulously to focus on strengthening human rights. order and the. justice system that's very good. and given those promises what do you want to see come out of germany's membership. well when they start to that next year in january i think they should focus that in on the conflict in programs and the prevention work women being included in the leadership competence and their difference which is the security council resolution thirty twenty five and following recent lucian's because we see it in very few occasions actually women in leadership positions in this piece of negotiations so i hope they will do these. and when they are on
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the ground in different countries they look to the leadership but they also reach out to women and she always who deal with women in war situations and also is children in the war situations and bring this back what they want to the negotiation table what will come out and book will be themselves asked you for the ok so i'm hearing a lot of hope from you but i'd just like to inject a bit of realism here for a minute because i mean what can germany really do as a nonpermanent member of the current situation the institution it can even manage to pass resolutions on some of the most basic human rights issues like for example on chemical weapons use in syria so can germany really change anything. when they cannot change the whole system that is clear but they cannot put the energy where there is. the other possibility is to find solutions for example we
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have the terrible situation mission in myanmar as being expelled many of them hundred pounds of them too. and what is the international community doing in helping those accountable for the situation so you can do within the security council you are very well connected when you out there also has an on time and member and you can try to find two percent of its members in the general assembly a solution perhaps a commission to investigate all such issues i think of course a membership it's such doesn't change everything but if you have a commitment and i think this i have heard that. the and you can really try to change to the better and i think it's not everything is related to if you decide to have a military intervention are not i think the main focus should be that you work on prevention on deescalation and on a decision when there conflicts are arising we know that russia for example it is
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often the one that is vetoing measures how far is germany willing to go is it going to take russia on where i think russia and china want the members in the. permanent members of the security council has to be discussed and have to be asked if in one or the other state if they contribute to a solution i think this is the heart of diplomacy if you don't do this and if you if you pull out you will not reach but and if not there's a to let other than discussing i mean you know we know for example that there are already sanctions on russia could we see further shame sanctions for example in concrete terms how high could the pressure go. well i think the sanctions on russia even have to relate to a space contract and this we have not debated today and i think generally that germany will be also ill advised if they do it step by step if new situations occur
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and not being so. we want to thank you very much barbara ocular joining us with the latest from new york as we mentioned you are a member of the european parliament from the german green party and you have been following events at the security council today we appreciate your insight. on now javier is here from our business desk with a look at the trade factor at the g. seven summit of course our top story today definitely sir we have been following it and we already know even though it just began that the main topic will be trade with a jew summit in canada focused on trade disputes it emerged at the same time that china's trade surplus with the united states jumped by almost twelve percent in may for the first five months of the year china surplus with the u.s. was more than one hundred billion dollars that figure may reinforce washington suspicion to move forward with new tariffs on tens of billions of dollars in chinese imports as early as next week beijing has warned those tariffs would void
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agreements made between the two world's largest economies over months of trade negotiations. and our financial correspondent at the new york stock exchange so fishermans key is standing by for us sophie what are the reactions where you are to this could it strengthen trumps hand and trade disputes. well there is the perception here i mean it gives him a way to justify his strict and some might even call that stubborn way of bargaining and he needs to bolster his view because he has many opponents even within his own party is obsessed with anything that concerns the trade balance trade deficit for him the source of all evil and all problems so he is a protectionist and they always complain about the united states trade deficit for good but forget about the surplus of foreign investment capital or trade the trade surplus and services trade is not
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a one way street where one country loses and the other one wins and so economists for once pretty much agree that these terrorists are going to hurt american businesses and consumers and bet again to harm the economy and g.d.p. growth as well and that would be definitely a problem where you are now it's the end of the week so see how did the markets close and what's coming up next week. well this week it was all about trade and at the same time it was and it can be pretty confusing what the markets are making out of potentially consequential use investors have said simply have been good in creating their own buying opportunities they act concern the one day and then they simply jump back into the market the next day at lower prices of course one economist i talked to said right now markets are simply not a good indicator for the u.s. economy a trader told me investors have money that they want to invest and they do it now while the markets are still up and this is exactly what's going on right now and
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the focus next week is probably going to be on the meeting off the f. o. and c. and they're really likely to raise rates and other times so fishermans key for us in new york thank you very much and have a good weekend. and let's talk about one of the big players on wall street apple might be scaling back i phone production a memo in which apple alerted suppliers that it was liable to be ordering twenty percent fewer components in the next production cycle sparking rumors it's a particular problem for taiwan based foxconn one of apple's top suppliers foxconn has major factories in china and has to deal with the fallout from the china u.s. trade dispute the company is optimistic and says the dispute is not about trade but technology. fox conn's founder sees his company as caught between the world's top
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two economies and he believes there is opportunity there. for. i believe this is a critical turning point for a company especially because of the recent ongoing trade friction between china and united states i believe this is not a trade conflict rather a competition and a comparison of technology. china lags behind the u.s. goes says and that's why he wants foxconn to become a pioneer of china's smart manufacturing which leans on artificial intelligence and five g. telecommunications he has reason to look forward to the smartphone market is flattening out and top customer apple is ordering fewer parts. foxconn is building a new l.c.d. display plant in the u.s. state of wisconsin the move creates jobs in the u.s. and gives the company access to american technology. now if you're heading to tokyo and we're looking forward to your cheap but comfortable air b.n. b. accommodation you might be in for
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a nasty surprise the whole sharing giant says japan's government has forced its council thousands of booking bookings ahead of a new law on rentals in the country locals and more and more cities all over the world here in barcelona are angry about exploding costs and housing shortages which they say are fuels by platforms like air b.n. b. the california based company has more than four million private rentals on offer in one hundred ninety countries. it's all for business now inspectors are on a case that has stoked germany's migration of absolutely this is a bit of a sad one because a fugitive suspected of raping and murdering a fourteen year old german girl has been arrested in iraq this man the police are naming him only as al libi is a rejected asylum seeker who left germany for iraq with his family last week he's being held by kurdish authorities in the city of erbil the case has reignited
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germany's politically charged debate on immigration. they can't fathom what has happened. in this grieving over fourteen year old susanna lived there until she was murdered. the suspected murderer is a refugee from iraq. is the young man charged with the killing he came to visit but in two thousand and fifteen and had been living in a refugee center germany's right wing populist party the a if he called for parliament to on of the dead girl with a minute of silence they say her two thousand and fifteen refugee policy are to blame for this crime the other parties are outraged. the german parliament is a place for debate it is not a place to use the plight of a victim to further your own political cause you should be ashamed of yourselves. night see no reason to use this tragic case to reflect upon individual political
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decisions or decisions from twenty fifteen which society supports. susanna's body was found and has known wednesday by this time the murder suspect he was no longer in germany he and his anti family flew back to iraq and it is there that he was arrested friday morning. a suspected murder officer was arrested tonight eight twenty eighteen at two am by kurdish security authorities in northern iraq at the request of the german federal police work of the split. the case has inflamed the debate regarding germany's handling of refugees levy was denied asylum one and a half years ago he had lodged an appeal which had not yet been processed. site. this shows once again that rejected asylum seekers must be sent home urgently every individual who is required to leave but especially criminals. german police are
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investigating the murder of susanna but politicians are debating how to get rejected asylum applicants to leave germany more quickly. muslims around the world are observing the dawn to dusk fast which happens during the islamic holy month of ramadan but opinions of whether children should take part are divided at least here in germany he has been to a berlin elementary school where most of the children come from muslim families and found that some are stricter than others when it comes to the rituals of ramadan. it's lunch time but at this elementary school most of fire and north can't eat or drink water even though it's one of the hottest days all year because they are fasting. and i don't want to fix my mother week's me up at two in the morning that i'm allowed to the exact time changes there's an extra counter for that and i continue to. it's ok to eat at that time then i go back to sleep. and.
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it's not that bad because i don't get that hungry. most of the children in this berlin school come from muslim families not all of them are strict when it comes to obeying the rules of ramadan. and they're not statement only in the middle of the night you wake up and eat as much as you can then your stomach stretches because it's full and the next day it constricts and that's bad for your health that's why i think fasting is not a good idea. it's happened i fasted at school in the past but my mum told me if it's too hot and the sun is shining brightly then i should stop fasting stacked sensations past. my only fast on the weekends because if i do it while i'm at school i can't concentrate fall asleep i. school principal i was told sabina blows a serves that in the last few years an increasing number of very young students take the muslim rule of fasting very seriously can it kind i don't know of any other religious community that considers itself so important that the school has to
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change its schedule to suit them for me this is a no go religion is something very private. we have religious freedom in germany but we can reorganize the school system to enable. the school isn't the berlin district of no it couldn't where a lot of muslims live here opinion on whether children should fast is divided. burns's five if it's voluntary it's fine but if they're forced to do it no you finished was it a follow up if they're convinced then it's ok kids are entitled to an opinion too. it would be better for cho's. if they stayed at home during ramadan. in germany staying home is not an option because schooling is mandatory and nor and most if i have to perform the same tasks as their classmates who are not fasting. i don't have any problems with those i'm just there is to sometimes. suck to murder my mother always says if i can't go on then it's ok to drink or eat something but i
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just have to break my fast on the first no. booze to fall is lucky he can fast without being put under pressure there are no clear rules in islam concerning at what age children must begin fasting. germany played their final warm up match ahead of russia's world cup disposing of minnows saudi arabia on friday evening as expected the world champions got off to a sharp start wunderkind to the other rivalry game from close range in the eighth minute and demand shaft as the team was so their lead before half time saudi arabia's omar. holding the ball in his own net instead of been kicking himself without one it wasn't all smooth sailing though for the germans they conceded. if you missed but just on the rebound the match finished two one and germany's five
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game winless. and with the match over let's bring in our sports correspondent oliver moody who is watching the match in laver couzin so ali how was the atmosphere during the game it can germany fans can they be happy with this performance. well the atmosphere was for the most part very good the fans here in live accusing clearly wanted to give the team a good send off as they head off to russia to defend their title. was helped very much in the first half of course by germany taking a two nil lead very good mood around the ground at that point at half time in the second half it wasn't quite such plain sailing it was a bit frustrating at times germany creating lots of good chances but not able to finish them off and then of course saudi arabia scoring as well so very good first off the fans not quite so good in the second but still most of the fans i spoke to were very happy to see their team win their final game before the world cup gets underway absolutely ali because you know a win is
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a win at the end of the day especially leading into the world cup a lot of people very excited what were the positives from this match i think the positives have to be the comeback kings for germany the players who returned from injury to make the world cup manuel neuer had a very composed forty five minutes and go he looked very focused looked a little bit rusty but we can give him that one given that it was his first start after coming back from injury so i'm sure he'll get better over the next week or so before the first world cup and the high point for me there really was marco royce i thought he was the best player on the pitch he had a very good assist in his opening goal post as well generally just look very very sharp and a player like him a player of his quality hitting form at the right time out of world cup for germany that could make all the difference when it comes down to the big games. there but what do they need to change do you think in order to ensure that they defend their world cup title. well i think one change that will just come
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automatically is the mentality germany is known as a tournament team they always up their game for the big tournament and i think over the next week or so we'll see a bit of a change in mindset when they take the pitch against mexico in their first world cup game i think we'll see a more focused a more composed germany team that perhaps finishes off a few more of those chances that they can create they definitely do need to improve their finishing though because if they finish like they did today against a big it same way they won't be able to create so many opportunities that could be decisive so i think that is the big thing for me just tightening up in front of goal and finishing more chances but i do say i do think as i say that mentality will just come naturally to oliver moody life from leverkusen in the run up to the world cup thank you it's a huge. now to the international space station to be precise where the new crew has arrived here's the moment that german astronaut alexander gas and his colleagues
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were greeted by astronauts on the board on board the i access to applause from staff and family members at the european space agency back on earth and dr garcia is accompanied by an american and a russian colleague and he will take command of the i assassin a few months a five month mission will see the crew carry out hundreds of experiments that are not possible on earth. and we wish them the best of luck you're up to date now and news i'm sarah kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching out to see you again soon have
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the church clothes all by. cars with. design highlights you can make yourself. known stoops in tricks that will turn your home into something special. a great yourself with v.w. interior design channel on youtube. if the u.s. won't cooperate we will go it alone that is the message heading into the g. seven summit in canada where a trade war sparked by washington barbs on twitter and donald trump's support for rush hour overshadowing talks it is six against one and trump is the self-styled outcast among our allies i'm sorry kelly in berlin this is the day.


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