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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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freedom of expression. of value that always has to be defended in you. all over the world. of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d w dot com art of freedom. i want to welcome to another exciting edition of your own max i'm your host really from dining with a difference to finding beauty in strange places we've got a mixed bag on the show today here's
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a look at what's coming up. and building walls revisiting berlin's history of the venice architecture being out like. rear view reflections of a german artist creates images from dirty truck mirrors. and flowery fashion how a master tailor uses an age old method for modern clothes. to experience art some people go to museums gallery openings or special exhibitions or some people get the inside scoop to a private dinner created by artists and designers while recently in the netherlands to star french chef exalted a prepared avian menu for sixty guest for the experimental gastronomy series of events now not only was the food a work of art the cutlery and the table decorations were also special and of course we were on hand for the experience to.
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begin cuisine presented in an unusual way that's your idea behind experimental gastronomic. in amsterdam these guests get to see what awaits them. i'm hoping to get more inspiration maybe to put some more plant bases would help very nice fine dining i got a clue it's a big surprise to read about him but the biggest surprise of all of the dishes and cutlery they play a major role in the event ten artists have spent months creating them. one of them is you learn from the view if the artist were a superhero he'd be magnetic are many of his walk so made for my own feelings by the power of industrial magnets and their inspired by nature. rocks or. yeah parts of trees. and
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a process i use is. is faring. close related to true to gravity field goal of. this studio in amsterdam house is this machine he built himself he calls it his gravity tool. with the help of magnets and a paste comprised of plastic and i am fillings he's created a bread basket for the experimental gastronomy evening. the magnets do most of the work and he just makes a few improvements afterwards. while the finished product is both a dish and a work of art and one of a kind. of thing is one thing of course and then the visual thing is a very important thing i think if you see solving it it's a kind of aggressive it it it in my day is different do you see solving very softly
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or cute. and it's on the go team is responsible for the color nearly side of things even then the hand preparing the ravioli filled with seebach phone and p pureed the chef may have to michelin stars but preparing this week in menu was a challenge good year and his team spent a month trying out recipes like this one for mentored radishes. and the challenge is to get an explosion of tastes and colors we need to make sure that the colors don't fade green needs to be a noticeable green even greener after cooking on the inside there needs to be something enjoyable sometimes with being in cooking it's a little dry it's not so enjoyable because everything is just there to replace animal protein. at seven pm the guests arrive this evening will cost them one hundred fifty euros perhaps many of the guests are artists themselves others simply
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want to try something new the hosts have a clear mission my purpose was to make people more conscious while the real story i . your stance yes would be stimulated to even more aware by using cutlery and be sure that it is strange and unusual. behind the scenes head chef alexander just team of fourteen make the final preparations to the various courses this one spray stresses with god and sorrow them spelt surfed on stone slabs. yet dishonest utensils make eating it rather tricky the matter of these huge streams came from the former soviet union the guests around a journey beyond now and the only missing course is the dessert. it's chocolate made from the cocoa naturally without milk the response to the meal is largely positive. it was nice because. it added the piece of bread in
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it so it almost looked like it was rising out of growing out of the piece it also made me very aware of the cutlery. but yes it was very pure the food was very pure overall we thought it was just really creative and really special never had anything like this i do love. the great diversity and i do love the passion. and i do love the convincement but i don't like the fruits. to the team has fulfilled their mission and are rooted with a round of applause from the guests who flew over the horizon and learned a thing or two about bacon cuisine. well those are to certainly aren't starving it looks like it was a lively evening now is a good time to let you in on the winner of this week's draw now we had asked you in which atmosphere you like to dine the two most popular answers were dining with
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friends or family candlelight dinners came in third in the mean time the winner of our draw this. week is how kaufman from budapest in hungary so congratulations file you've won yourself an exclusive euro max watch moving on now to other stories making headlines on the culture saying. sweden's princes hadrian was baptized on friday she's princess madeline and christopher o'neill's youngest daughter. the ceremony was held in the chapel of dropping on palace. the prince as his full name is underway on josephine alice and she is king cargo staff and queen sylvia's seventh grandchild. spain's king philippe the sixth has officially sent off the spanish national soccer team the king visited
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the team at that training facility now madrid. persons prince william met the english national squad on thursday to wish them good luck and much success. and german chancellor angela merkel dropped in on germany's national team and south to rome the twenty eighteen world cup will kick off on june the fourteenth in russia. former one direction singer harry styles is the new face of the current men's fashion ad campaign for tell you in luxury brand gucci british fashion photographer can watch her took the twenty four year old pop star for a photo shoot at a fish and chip shop north of london paris styles was joined in the frames by some chickens and dogs and the first photos harry styles were as are classical three piece suit jackets embroidered with flowers a prince tribal in suit and a stylish bathrobe. february fifth two
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thousand and eighteen marked a special day in german history the ruling wall was down for as many years as it stood twenty eight to be exact and this fact is being highlighted at this year's architectural be an alley in venice now under the title unbuilding walls the curators of the german pavilion have taken the opportunity to research the effects of german division and the process of healing after reunification. a black and unwelcoming wall only when visitors move around to they realize there are gaps in the first impression of the display at the german pavilion entitled unbuilt in malls is quite dramatic for me east german civil rights activist money and a better worked with the architects of graft to explore the free space left behind by the fall of the wall between for my east and west germany. the death strip that
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divided the city of berlin measured a stunning one hundred fifty five kilometers. its removal left a vacuum a gaping wound that needed to be healed initially at a very practical level. it's got kind of there was no overall strategy or master plan but there were obvious questions that needed to be answered bridges that needed rebuilding train lines that needed connecting and then there was the question of what to do with particularly sensitive areas and space to move. different space gave way to a new party culture many left discourses an empty buildings full and often virtually unparalleled freedoms in the one nine hundred ninety s. the city became a hit. very few of the free spaces from back then are still let today precious lotzen prime locations were quickly snapped up by developers a building being followed the former death street was quietly transformed giving
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way to offices shopping malls and luxury apartments. only a few traces of the berlin wall remain. the memorial site at band i wish to answer is the last drop of war where visitors can get a sense of the full extent of the border fortifications that once stood here. the german pavilion un building walls celebrates twenty eight years since the fall of the berlin wall by showcasing twenty eight different projects. the most recent one is still a building site is the new headquarters of the spring a media group that will stand opposite the original building which scrambled fifty years ago right next to the berlin wall quite a political statement at the time. the new building designed by him called house stands directly on the form of death strip. the design traces the course of the berlin wall diagonally through the building leaving the area void and
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creating a large interior. the nerve center of the new spring a campus will be the digital newsroom. the force of music of every like an empty theater with multiple levels it'll be loud full of energy and journalists so here on what was once the death strip you'll have a place full of life probably the liveliest place in berlin or in building. but i'm building malls is not only about germany. at the venice biennale are people from six different countries talk on video about me their experiences with border walls from mexico and cyprus to israel. and i know what idea and when asked about their hopes a number of those interviewed talked about the fall of the berlin wall inside what we experienced in germany seems to resonate with many around the world and offers
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them a ray of hope and yet it made but walls can cast long shadows. decades after the fall of the berlin wall and political arena for cation the german pavilion in venice makes clear that war was still being on belt. next up a german artist who has a passion for truck rearview mirrors but the interesting part is that they have to be coated in dust and dirt before he will photograph them using an image editing program nicolo vigen are then turns the images into a colorful shots that almost look like paintings while seeing is believing so we went along on a shoot for a glimpse of his mirror images. can lend us a sneak peek into a specializes in taking pictures of trucks specifically those with dizzying there is a windows and the desk here the best set. is
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a good candidates. on the road if i take a picture of your mirror. this. lucky today on his first try i. know he can get to work. in the dirt is perfect it's beautiful really sharp edges. there's a lot of dirt on the edges here in a runs down to the end of the mirror. it's super. is it do you know yet what it's going to look like in the end no idea. all running through the
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software and decide which colors look best and how to make the contours really stand out a. nickel or experiments with different shades of colors and with various levels of sharpness until he gets the result he wants. he got the idea for all this when he was on vacation and pulled over at a truck stop. i looked at the mirror on one truck and it was white with these great bands of dirt on it and i thought it looked like someone had painted it . or some artist would have to work for weeks to get the same effect but there it was on the mirror of a truck after a two or three day drive. but it was like that and stung as.
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he was leaving us down here you can see that one side of the mirror wasn't dirty at all. just begin with you this is the part that had some stickers on it looks like a watercolor and i quote the. every picture documents a journey time spent to liberate that's why i need to learn includes information about the driver and way he was headed. so you don't get enough credit and it's a tough job and sometimes they're on the road for days. long nicklas work starts at sixteen hundred year and then if i sell a picture you will make money too. ok ok ok ok. we'll keep rounding the truckstops finding new inspiration.
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to turn our attention now on to a woman who is clearly at the helm and her job. is the first german captain on a cruise ship well she got her start on a container ship and quickly moved up the not a whole ladder and now it thirty four she bears responsibility for around three thousand people and crew on board. pulling into port on the canary island of. the two hundred fifty meter creates ship gently glide close to the peak . nobody of the greats has time to enjoy the scenery everyone is concentrating hard on their jobs. it's the first time nicole language has had so c'mon. you see to this is just to make sure not an easy job but i think if you can do it you can do it. it would be doable with a car but this is something else all together. she made it this ship is securely
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mood at the dock. a very good morning to you dear passengers or awareness day is as they say here in santa cruz the parma my name's nicole and i'm a captain. this is a first for the cruise industry the first german woman to achieve the rank of captain. my heart skipped a few beats but i have to say i'm aware that i've got a team behind me the entire team on the bridge that operates the ship one person can't do it alone. cruise ships are offering attractive opportunities to women in leadership positions during the last ten years nicole long us has taken several steps up the career ladder at sea. of course you shoulder the overall responsibility you have to be everywhere on board the ship it's not just running the ship you also have to represent it and you have to make preparations for a voyage foreign advance. planning courses and looking ahead are some of what she learned from her mentor captain courts he's also come along on this voyage he gives
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a last second tips before handing over the helm kept in long hours studied never gave she loves plotting the course. all she needs now is the cap and with it captain quits hands over command officially. and i'd like to present this captain's captor you know and we all wish you the best of all. best wishes and by your guests always be satisfied. now captain long us has taken on responsibility for some two thousand passengers always having to deal with many different people at once was one of the things that made her go for the job at the top now the offices daily briefings are in a woman's hands the bridge crew discuss all the north dakota and weather data for the next call at an island ports her mentor mostly keeps his mouth shut the officers expectations are clear. just the same as with any other captain you expect
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that you have to have trust captain longish always keeps his mobile phone on her even when she goes jogging still a bit of time away from the job does her good. seeing the ship from this perspective you can clear your mind to let your thoughts run free now all the ports in the world are her home and feel an awful problem topic we travel around europe a lot and i'm sure we'll travel around the world but of course when i only stay at my home address in germany for a few months a year i feel more like a european if yes all appear that. the day draws to a close in santa cruz de la palma. when the harbor pilot comes aboard it can't be long before the ship pulls out again he's an experienced seaman who secam the hands of thousands of captains from the world over but so far there's only been one other
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woman for the five not six not so if we manage for the kwan at will have a really good speed with the driver. carefully inches who join cruise ship away from the dock. so if you have fifty thousand horsepower it's up to training and practice it will. work i can. to the congress has made his dream a profession others had best in the world as far as she's concerned. well ships aren't exactly known for being good for the environment so luckily there are plenty of other people who are doing their part to help the planet and one of them is master taylor which check instead of using toxic dyes she colors her fabrics with petals and leaves from plants now her method revives the ancient art
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of flower printing making her garments not only unique but also sustainable. unassigned regime is a tailor who uses local flowers and lee use to give natural colors to her from race . there's so much for rioting in nature but you can almost always find what she wants. influencing to the leaves of a different color in the spring than autumn i'm going to try these flower buds today for the first time. ana has been using natural materials like these just not tree leaves to die or fabrics for some time now the process is ecologically sustainable and environmentally friendly. and as out of a shark as a tailor shop in broad support when the weather is nice she prefers to work outside in the garden last the cost side of the leaves helps bring out the color. sometimes
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ana and her assistant to add some exotic materials to the mix like turmeric or the blossoms of log wood trees. because time you go to the chestnut leaves will turn brown but the buds will stay yellow the onion skins are red a mess local it will turn out a nice dot blue should get. in line about every batch is different so it's always a surprise and i can't wait to see the finished product but it does take some patience. this is actually an ancient method today it's called eco print the leaves not only provide color but also leave an imprint on the fabric . to make sure there aren't any creases. for this part of the process ana and her assistant use old bed sheets tablecloths or drapes. soft touch and figure it's
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a lot of fun i've travelled around a loss and i've seen how people in other countries waste resources i think it's great that on is recycling these materials you can make something new out of something old. here they're using magnolia blossoms beet roots and rhubarb leaves the materials have been soaked for two hours in a solution of iron and copper sulphate. solution helps to lock in the colors so they don't wash out afterwards in her shop on a has lots of material that she's dyed herself she uses the materials to make skirts dresses and even handbags. and is always coming up with new ideas. each item is unique and there's a lot of customer demand for on his creations. and after two hours it's time to one day old the final product. it's like opening
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a birthday present. the turmeric has left behind some beautiful yellow shades. and the rhubarb leaves made an indelible impression on the fabric now they'll just hang it out to dry for sure and that's just gorgeous the colors have such depth if you're not going to get that with chemical based. if it is quick will make you mission. it's a new and sustainable way to breathe new life into old fabrics. hanging out to dry is not the idea that we come to the end of another show but don't forget to keep up with the program on our social media pages for me and the rest of us here on max as always thanks for joining us bye for now but we will see you again soon. next time on your own.
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for thirty consecutive years now gathered dressed all in white for the annual do now old brawl. the original lego land theme park in denmark turns fifty. camera croatians japan corkage has been looking after an injury story played into the last twenty five years and more on the next episode of euro max highlights.
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and calling cattle of uganda. they're an important food resource and better for the environment than other cattle. but now the indigenous right is being replaced by more productive but less resilient holsteins. environmentalists and nutritionists are joining forces. to go after africa
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thirty medical. school exercise book filled with stories of war atrocities written by brave people who want justice a flea come. in this picture was taken in bunk he announced it in an exercise book i don't find many other fame changes being a little more abuse rape of women and girls who is goes to one wanted children. a flick of the award winning documentary starting june fourteenth on d w. germany street by street. the most colorful. past. the most traditional. find it all at any time.
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check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d. w. dot com. how the germans came together in one nation from showing the monument to chancellor also from bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped by great rulers. i swell always to bring my royal college of that to protect christendom and spread this line truth. but even those will learn to feel good so. i'll reach a call back to be called the enemy. and stand by courageous decisions placed above them alcohol's tozer masters we have received the crown of our room from god not from his presumptuous servant to the romans because he's stuck at a soccer game playing we must forge peace.
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the germans every week to double. place. blame . this is deja vu news live from berlin u.s. president donald trump clashes with his allies which are behind the smiles the tents g. seven summit in canada as leaders gather for their family photo trump says that someone is missing from the picture. also coming up the suspects in the rape and murder of a german teenager good return to germany as soon as today to face trial just after
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he reportedly confessed six to four years in karate kurdistan.


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