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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2018 1:15pm-1:31pm CEST

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thank you ed this has been six football world cups going to go for america to join us out of mexico was chosen chosen a minutes ago by the fisa called press meeting in moscow. so i search for updates of the. great yourself with d w z interior design channel on. the side don't entice or impious came from jurors or dealing with any and i killed many civilians i mean. come on including my father says i was
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a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became alledge kind of solved. providing insight global news that matters d. w. made for mines. no profit for fifteen years now tesla is stepping on the brakes thousands of jobs to go in the biggest col in the company's history and nearly ten percent of. those is the model three the last chance to finally time the company around and actually make some money. on the biggest shake ups in the global media industry eighty and seat time warner will be eighty billion dollar deal give it. a digital
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rivals like netflix or. this is the business live from. electric amika tesla has to cut almost a tenth of its workforce needing more than three thousand people will lose their jobs in an e-mail to stop c.e.o. elon musk wrote what drives us is our mission to accelerate the world transition to sustainable clean energy but we will never achieve that mission unless we eventually demonstrate that we can be sustainably profitable. that's a lofty mission statement that's certainly come at a cost in its fifteen years of existence tesla has not has not once turned an annual profit but in recent times the situation has worsened the first quarter of this year the company posted more than seven hundred million dollars in losses its worst ever performance that along with other problems like the departure of
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senior staff and crashes involving electric cars and self driving mode has prompted the company to restructure key to efforts to finally drive a profit is this the top selling model of three cities the plan is to increase production from the current three thousand five hundred a week to five thousand a target is hoping to reach as soon as the end of june. now. we shall see about that the british departure from the e.u. the so-called brags it is far from a done deal the u.k. government was forced into a compromise late on tuesday when it had to agree to give parliament a greater role in briggs's negotiations rebels from all parties including tourism a's own conservatives want to avoid a hard break that and instead keep close each you time after britain leaves the bloc next year. we are used to the right age three hundred twenty four
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the no use to the left two hundred ninety eight so the arteries are a bit we are using a narrow victory for to raise and may made possible by some last minute concessions to pro european m.p.'s on the streets to those who oppose britain's departure from the e.u. continue to ensure their voices are being heard. the path towards brics it is still far from clear. and there are big questions looming over the future trade relationship with the e.u. after britain's planned exit from the union on the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen. there's a lot at stake for businesses on both sides germany is the most important of britain's e.u. trade partners and in two thousand and seventeen exported goods worth around eighty four billion euros to the island goods worth some thirty seven billion euros
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travelled in the opposite direction. meanwhile the e.u. sends goods worth a total of around two hundred ninety five billion euros to the u.k. british exports to europe are worth about one hundred eighty eight billion euros. so it's hardly surprising that companies a nervous breaks in negotiation period is more than half way through and businesses still don't know exactly what conditions they should be preparing themselves for their demands for answers by the day. let's bring in senior market analyst. joins us now from london it looks like a no deal breaker is. does that mean the exit from. i'm not entirely sure that no deal breaker is necessarily off the cards because what the concessions that the reason may has made is not entirely by nailing this idea
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that this she has switched from giving a meaningful vote on bragg's it to ports on breaks in the idea that they can push for her to to try and renegotiate the terms with the e.u. thames that the e.u. may reject we've seen already members of parliament suggesting that she should try and retain access to the single market in cost and union well that's just not available without accepting the all the terms of e.u. membership so there is still a number of grey areas and there's nothing massively binding about the concessions i think both sides will possibly see this as a slight victory i think the certainly still the potential for no to happen but i think it's going to be politically very difficult and it's going to take someone very bold to suggest that we could have another referendum and risk angering the people that voted brigs it last time. is the government really doing a good job of repairing the country for departure from the. i will inside student
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a good job in preparing people but at the same time i think it's an extremely difficult position the part the whole thing of these negotiations is that they have their idea what it looks like the there by the what breaks it looks like and a compromise must be found it's extremely difficult to provide assurances to business when they can't guarantee what businesses want them to guarantee so while they are trying their best it's very difficult especially again when there's so much division within the cabinets on what the e.u. exit looks like so i'd have to say no but i'd also have to say that it's a very difficult position to be in. london thank you very much for this another says. it is the marriage of two true media giants teased takeover of time warner was supposed to conceal last also it was to gain control of a popular programming like game of thrones but then the u.s. government stepped in to block it now
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a judge has put an end to the deadlock on the prove that for c.n.n. has long been a thorn in donald trump signed according to the u.s. president the broadcaster part of media colossus time warner is a push of fake news critics say that's what's driven him to fight tooth and nail to prevent an eighty billion dollar merger between time warner and a t.n.t. trump says he's worried about antitrust regulations but the federal court in washington dismissed those concerns. the judge found that none of those concerns had any merit in rejecting any conditions or any position of regulations upon the merger going forward or resolving victory for the company the huge setback for the apartment of justice after months of deadlock the two companies plan to drive home in them by the twentieth of june there i am to bring the production and transmission of media content under one roof the case is stands as
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a testament. to the wisdom of this combination of these two great companies and how it will benefit consumers for generations to come. were disappointed that it took eighteen months to get here but we are relieved that it's finally behind us the judge's decision is being hailed as one of the most important and she trusts rulings for years and one with wide reaching significance for future u.s. marriages and take. germany's seabeds digital trade fair used to be the world's biggest of its kind but his numbers have fallen from what they were in the heyday of the dot com boom now organizers are trying to revive the brand to date from jilly marched in summary june and tried to make it feel more like a cool startup festival than a stale old strength with mixed results surf's up it see that the standing wave is
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definitely the main attraction and anyone who wants to can hop on a board and have a go this is how a chip maker intel is trying to draw attention to its foray into out official intelligence the whole thing is broadcast via three hundred sixty degree camera and the surface can be viewed with virtual reality technology that you can go where laden down in a tide the visitors can have a real time window into the surfing experience with a three hundred sixty degree field of vision out official intelligence is what's behind it software that can recognize which image data can be compressed and which is necessary for quality in an efficient video stream. it's all part of a new groundswell it's a bit to try to attract a younger public. here a robot serves juices mixed from six different ingredients and tailored to each customer's wish. the startup behind the idea wants to demonstrate how one can organize a distribution chain using block chain technology. the
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advantages actually that there's no middleman that means that there's no uncertainty in the supply chain anymore the process has been largely digitalized through block chain technology. should i need affect my to protest. but there's also an analog component here food trucks and deck chairs have added a relaxed vibe to see bit but how's the fairs reincarnation being received among the visiting public. i really like it i enjoy it there's a lot of places we can go there's a lot of new technologies and everything is really special to me something i i actually hoped for a bit more i find it a bit boring it feels like the old sea bit but just with the ferris wheel and feel and look here and any impressions affecting us today but in any case we plan to come again we've just discovered the fun part and we still have a bit to see. but the real fun begins in the
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evening when bands like compressor heads rock the stage. quick recap of our top stories tesla is going to call nearly ten percent of its staff and eighty n.t. has won approval to take over time. and that's all here for me and the business team and then i'll have an update for you in the next i'll ask you to. thank you very much for watching p w because it's.
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's new lies at the heart of a former industrial region which means it is difficult for the city as a tourist destination to compete against other places the past summer houses castles or palaces in a city like as and you have to know what you're looking for before you can discover the real gems on offer. as the pretty face up the german must have felt. next d.w. . the tumble of technology.
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the result of a market. for . your business magazine in sixty minutes on. germany which. any time any place. we have the benefit of. songs to sing along to download to see this to come
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from soup. to do such. a varied course is kind of into active exercise is the hard thing about that deep down you don't come slashdot atlanta on facebook in the uk still. geminids afraid devaney. jen you guess where i am today. i'm in the third green.


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