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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2018 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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you're watching the day of use coming up ahead a bleak day for one trade u.s. president dr frank slaps and billions in talents in china and beijing promises to retaliate. that and more coming up with then president was standing by for business the use of just a they did i mean is it get. this long. managers through the day nothing would change you know the banks. and so was the language of the bank. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines. a museum's mistake she's guilty the unsub
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still. holds a so-called changes out to his kind soon to boost science but it's mostly. people who put big dreams on the big screen. t.v. and movie magazines on d.w. . after. the german chancellor hints at a new fronts in the trade route with the united states beijing also promises to immediately hit back as the us president announces billions of dollars more in our lives. and drowning in debt how to save a caribbean island from sinking just call christine. and ben fizzling let's do business the globe's trade dispute just. moved up
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a few notches all at once donald trump hitting china hard beijing saying it will retaliate and berlin adding fuel to the fire the heat though coming from washington today with trump and mounting twenty five percent tariffs on some thirteen hundred chinese products valued at around fifty billion dollars as of next month over what mr trump calls unfair trade practices the european union is hitting back against u.s. tariffs on steel and alum indian by imposing levies on american goods worth about three point three billion dollars including on its tariff hit list blue jeans motorcycles and whiskey e.u. maybe united on that matter but on other issues of trade cracks beginning to show italy's new government is threatening not to ratify the used trade deal with canada the italians say the agreement doesn't protect certain regional products like johnno and pursuit and uncle mikel is threatening a tougher stance as we'll hear in
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a moment so from blue jeans to blue cheese kale so wound. hit us with tariffs and we'll hit you back that was china's response to the latest twist in a dispute pitting the world's two biggest economies against each other. if the united states imposes unilateral protectionist measures that harm china's interests we'll react quickly and take the necessary steps to resolutely say all guards are fair. right. a clear statement of intent just a day after us secretary of state mike pompei you met his chinese counterpart in beijing but those diplomatic efforts didn't stop the united states from imposing twenty five percent tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods. meanwhile on the other side of the world another country is vowing to fight back against trump's protectionist measures speaking at an event in berlin chancellor
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angela merkel had this to say. well as addressing the issue of tariffs on steel and dahlia many i'm the e.u.'s retaliatory measures economy minister will also tackle the question of the strategic importance of the car industry for us security. starting from the newly cause must. believe we should consider the strategic significance of the car industry for the european union in the same way so that we can prepare for an exchange with the united states was. really. an exchange is one way to put it but as the war of words heats up it's becoming clear that the white house is aggressive stance on trade it's leaving the united states increasingly isolated from its allies. let's go live to our financial
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correspondent frank but how's this going down with investors i see the dax is. going down. indeed the picture paints a thousand words ben what you're looking at is the biggest decline in the docs in about a week and it's mirrored by similar declines and other european markets so barely an hour after that announcement came from the white house we have the chinese immediately vowing taxation measures of quote the same scale and the same strength as the u.s. tariffs which basically is the same thing as saying to for tat now the u.s. already said before that it would slap on more terrorists if china decides to retaliate and investors are failing to retain their cool despite of the relatively high expectations that this would happen but of course there is this perception that with every round of tit for tat tariffs the next round could be likely and that can be especially helpful especially given germany's heavy dependence on exports we're talking about the next round what about medicals comments is that
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a new front in this war of words. indeed it could be and it's an important one the car industry is the most important industry for germany cars are the most traded products in the world and there are those here who are saying that retaliation of this kind might actually make things worse what would be more pragmatic would be to engage trump he wants lower car import tariffs in the e.u. while they are higher here than maybe he should give them and that and do in so doing create goodwill in the in future negotiations but there are those again who argue that that's exactly what the chinese tried to do remember that they did offer to lower their own car import tariffs and look at where we are now that's clearly not helped the situation from escalating and thus it only remains to be seen what will happen from there whether the chinese will even hold on to that concession you know here's someone who's trying to ease tensions the head of the international monetary fund's christine legarde is increasingly concerned about the developments here's what she had to say sue called trade war. driven by reciprocal
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increases in import tariff gives no winner and we find generally loses on both sides the negative impact on the global economy would be serious not only the united states takes action but especially if other countries as a result were to retaliate notably those that would be most affected such as canada such as germany and other european countries. she's got a point there especially considering the us economy is so growth us right now i mean these sanctions aren't going to hurt the u.s. . well the point of the e.u. countermeasures for example really isn't to knock off points off the us is g.d.p. but rather to make a political statement by highlighting american iconic products and products tied into republican constituencies and as we know the chinese are set to set to do the
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same they're going to impose they're probably going to impose tariffs on products coming from the states that make up trumps voter base so no country is in grave economic danger just yet but again the problem is this if it is whether this escalates and. in confidence and rules based trade is then eroded and that creates a free for all and everyone loses something so like are does have a point there. for us in frankfurt. ok we don't get to go to the caribbean that often but it's time to go to barbados a place drowning in debt right now the world's fourth highest debt to g.d.p. ratio behind japan greece and sudan now the i.m.f. is stepping in to get back in the black and you prime minister mia mostly recently announcing the country had undisclosed liabilities raising its overall debt from one hundred thirty seven percent of gross domestic product to one hundred seventy five they had no choice but to contact the financial life gods at the international monetary fund the i.m.f.
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signaling it would assist the ailing economy with an emergency debt restructuring plan abate us then suspended payments to external creditors to regroup the island owes two thirds of its day to local investors and banks some tough debt restructuring measures are required without endangering its domestic financial system now molly says her government wants to protect his most vulnerable citizens as well as business sector is critical to the nation's growth let's get some analysis on this from great miners he's a journalist from the region great when we hear bob vega as we think about yachts champagne of course rich people what about regular people oh i'll ask you about that in a moment but first the economy itself let's give people a picture of where this economy has come from one of the better fiscal fiscally run countries in the region to drowning in that well to be fair you know prime minister mali was voted in just last month and i think that the issues that we're seeing in
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barbados now point to gross inadequacy from the previous government or previous leaders. you know she's taking on a lot of burden of socially economically politically culturally even and you know like you said a lot of people do think that barbados is champagne it's beaches it's beach front property as you know but regular people are impacted as well as how's this local restructuring going to affect local banks and the financial sector and is a going to work. to be fair it's up in the air right now. prime minister motley is looking at you know raising the taxes on water bills for commercial entities to fifty percent by fifty percent now how's that going to impact local residents that have local businesses. good question will it what's going to happen to the residence that that was my first idea i mean we're talking about. the richen and
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all these financial problems but what about regular people in barbados why i think that the economy is definitely a vulnerable state right now and that vulnerability is taken on by the people when you know you see the same thing happening in jamaica which is second for g.d.p. to debt ratio in the caribbean at a distant second but still second place you see it in the british virgin islands you see it in bermuda the cayman islands you know so that instability has become a part of the political and social landscape and i think that people are doing the best they can to cope you know prime minister motley rallied people they said you know our grandfathers and our forefathers went through worse and we're going to pull together to get through this but talking about the rich i thought the panama papers was trying to help clarify the situation and get things back on track i believe that the panama papers brought the issue to the world stage you know to shine to close relied on the financial institutions based in caribbean countries but what you have to understand is that business will go on as usual as per usual you know so while barbados may be under closer scrutiny by the e.u.
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by the us by international bodies it still has to conduct business as it did and it's a problem that's also affecting other islands in the region both of course to for example you know has been falling in and out of favor with the european union because of the panel papers and businesses not being openly listed british virgin islands cayman islands as well so it is a kind of a shared burden that all these islands do face and i think moving forward we can have to face them together they might as thank you very much for coming in to clarify the situation it's sad you're from but view to and you know this region going through all these problems it's must be nice for you which must be nice thank you very much for coming in today and i study business with you i'll see you again very soon here on the daily. cut.
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cut cut cut. cut. cut. cut cut. cut cut cut. cut. cut cut cut. from the and. move i can get no satisfaction and mostly come get a knock on the rolling stone. there michigan strategy or i see. just how one of the biggest collections of stones memorabilia in the little.
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moments new g.w. . goal on. entering the conflict zone with tim sebastian i'll be challenging those in cars asking tough questions demanding. as conflicts intensify i'll be meeting with keep players on the ground in the sun zones of. cutting through the rhetoric holding the powerful to account facts of the conflict zone. conflict zone with tim sebastian on t.w. . clash of cultures in india. the clash between those who believe in arranged marriage those who want to marry for love.
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but clash that's shaking families and society to the cold. war my father will be angry sometimes i think i'm already dead. commandos starched it on t w. hi everyone and welcome to a new episode of you max before we get started let's have a look at what's coming up today. grab doom's richard fisher and his photos of extraordinary flowers. that expand medley collects anything and.


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