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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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this is d.w. news last from berlin the young lives forced off course even cut short by war more than thirty million children are today forcibly displaced from their homes by conflict on this world refugee day we take a look at an often overlooked crisis the children dying day behind the lines of gammons civil war. also coming up children in cages america zero tolerance immigration policy in action the trumpet ministrations says it has no plan on how to reunite thousands of kids separated from their parents at the border. and it was
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another night to remember for the world cup hosts russia made life worth of egypt and all but secured their spot in the road sixteen we'll tell you how the lowest ranked team in the tournament is pushing through to the knockout stage. i'm sumi so misconduct good to have you with us it is world refugee day it comes as more children are fleeing conflict an estimated thirty million than at any time since the second world war that's according to unicef today we look at what's often seen as a forgotten crisis the civil war in yemen has stayed largely out of the spotlight but it is nothing short of a catastrophe fighting escalated in two thousand and fifteen between a shia rebel group known as the who are these and yemen's government which is backed by saudi arabia and the united states who these are supported by iran.
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caught in the middle of this conflict are millions of civilians forced from their homes and pushed to the brink of starvation two million men he said been displaced by the fighting and around twenty million to manny's are dependent on aid to survive and even more striking number every ten minutes a child under the age of five dies from preventable causes such as disease or hunger the united nations says it is the world's worst humanitarian crisis right now while the children hit so hard in yemen we want to talk to susanna kruger head of the children rights organization save the children here in germany she joins us in our studio susanna thank you very much for being with us you actually visited yemen very recently tell us what you had access to and what you experienced. as you've said yemen is the world's largest humanitarian crisis at the moment that has of course something to do as i was already as i also said that the war is in its fourth year two third and i visited many of them two thirds of the population is
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dependent on international aid so help that has come into the country or is also sometimes problematic to get in i saw many many families and children who are affected by that war and by that closure to humanitarian aid what does that mean for children and their families when bombs are falling bombs hit civilian infrastructure so for example electricity is gone i visited many. schools and hospitals who are actually don't have a light anymore doctors are operating without electricity but that means for the children it's unbearable and for their mothers of course. children cannot go to school anymore because they are internally displaced as if that two million people in the country are in flight and save the children for example does provide that schooling for internet displaced kids so that they can have a hope. and that they can have
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a future they are living with their parents in tents on the street and they can't go anywhere and also minority we also run clinics. which is actually by now and as of today approached by the saudi led coalition. my colleagues just told me that they are twenty kilometers in front of the data and we are very worried about the humanitarian catastrophe that is going to happen there so once this order coalition goes to a dire situation that you very rain here on the ground that you saw when you visited yemen did the people you spoke to have any hope of returning home and if they don't are we going to see another mass exodus of refugees of your many is leaving the country well actually yemenis cannot very cannot leave the country because in the north of saudi arabia they won't let them in and in the south you have the sea so although it's the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world right
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now we don't have so many refugees from yemen into other countries what you have is internally displaced person and when i spoke to the families i was struck by the power and the resistance they have and the children they just want to learn day set in front of the classroom and in front of me and just told me. i want to learn and thanks for being here and save the children and that's what they are doing in this crisis situation but also there is hopelessness in terms of the war and in terms of getting out so a people don't really believe that this with stop because they haven't seen stop in four years why do you think this conflict has been so forgotten in the international media for example well not many. not many refugees are coming to europe that's why people are forgetting this crisis and also because it's so complicated and so prolong. there are so many actors local and international that
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are being involved in that so people don't really understand what could and did although we for example ask the children a lobbying for an international political solution but it's very hard to really get to the to the ground and to understand what is going on there so complicated rights and a quicker from save the children here in germany thank you for sharing your experiences with us thanks for having me migration remains a hot button issue in the u.s. as well anger is growing on both sides of the political aisle there as president trump defends his border policy of separating migrant children from their parents more than two thousand miners have been separated from their parents at the border since early may many are being confined in sealed camps and have little or no contact with their families now the transparency group pro publica has released an audio recording that apparently features sopping central american children separated from their parents that has added fresh fuel to the debate.
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whether. children detained in cages calling for their parents this is the trumpet ministrations zero tolerance policy in action critics have likened the practice to torture opponents of the law interrupted a u.s. congressional hearing to demand an end to separating immigrant children from parents. this is a policy and i understand this this was a policy in very direct. and executed by president donald trump and i'm talking directly to my republican colleagues we need you to stand up the president quote from we need you to join us in telling him that we
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reject this meaning. president donald trump has blamed the separation of families on democrats saying they're at fault for refusing to pass new immigration laws yet the zero tolerance policy driving the separations was introduced under his own republican administration for employees a zero zero or policy or you know they know it's free on our sovereign borders if you draw from border of all the way there we will prosecute that so if you are somebody doing a trial then we will prosecute you are not sure maybe separated from you for our wall. as the sides trade blame in the debate over family separations the children in these detention centers are forced to cope with the new reality it could be months before they're reunited with their parents.
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their reactions have been coming in following the united states decision to withdraw from the human rights council with china saying the country's image is the defender of rights is now on the verge of collapse u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley announced a departure on tuesday haley criticized the council for what she called a chronic bias against israel and for including as members accused human rights abusers such as china it's the latest withdrawal by the trump administration from an international institution now to some other stories making news around the world divers and an underwater drone have joined the search for a ferry that sank in indonesia's lake toba on monday this as authorities race their estimate of the number of people missing to one hundred eighty the vessel did not have a passenger list and is thought to have been operating illegally. canada is on track to become the second country in the world to legalize cannabis the senate has approved a bill to permit the production and consumption of the drug for recreational use
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the bill had been a key campaign promise of prime minister justin trudeau it is expected to come into effect in the coming months and north korean media say the country's leader kim jong il ines thank to china for its support in last week's historic summit with the u.s. president donald trump kim is just wrapped up his two day trip to beijing it was his third visit since march a sign of beijing's influential role in the country's future you're watching d.w. news still to come the surprise team of the world cup is also the host team russia is flying high after two lopsided victories we'll bring you the story. german chancellor angela merkel is facing new anger from her conservative coalition partners this after she hammered out a proposal with french president emmanuel mccall which would see greater financial integration in the euro zone according to the deal the e.u.
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would set up a euro zone budget to boost investment in the bloc. also agree to plans to turn the european stability mechanism into a monetary fund to help isolate the euro from future crisis however merkel warned that moves toward greater integration can only occur when banks have reduced risk in the financial sector so this is what they were talking about and i would like to discuss this now with our european union correspondent bob these are who joins us in brussels and it's often entre market correspondent who joins us in frankfurt hello to both of you so bob but i'd like to start with you is this the kind of reform the euro zone needs and will the other seventeen euro zone members agree to that. it is probably monica a first step and it is largely we need to emphasize that symbolic step because i'm going market had to give something some sort of success to. who had really stayed
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a lot within france on this reform all for europe and particularly the eurozone so there had to be some sort of concession this is what she gave him and the question is what will it be filled with now the idea is that it will start out small there is talk about a smallish single digit billion some and that is something that can be found in some bodies crocodile fund somehow somewhere that will not draw the votes financially and so the excitement in berlin probably shouldn't be too high ok so you're talking about the famous baby steps. likes to take i made over to you really what's the view there from the financial world and also the business world do they think that this is the kind of reform the eurozone would need and makes it more stable. or there's some criticism but there's also some agreement and.
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none of the voices i've heard are totally in agreement with what has come out of our bridget's it's just said you can find those twenty billion in the crocodile fun but still the kind of agreement that the term reached is enough to lead claimants foods the president of the influence to children renowned economic institute here to say that you're increasing solidarity but you're reducing the conditions you're softening the conditions under which solidarity is going to be fine and so he sees a reason for criticism without another economist the chief economist at a private thank. you on track remains on track for reform but with baby steps yet these baby steps will lead to reform in the end and interestingly of the engineering industry which is hugely. porting it once more reform that once a deeper reform that says expands to migration policy to defense and to digitalisation and it's missing those elements in this agreement ok well. next week
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at the end of next week they'll be the e.u. summit and i'm sure that those topics that you just mentioned will certainly be on the table will this paris berlin agreement will that help to stay stabilize the unity within the e.u. or will it poor fuel into the fire. both in fact because we always know of paris and berlin embrace too tightly there will be resistance and people will run around and say we don't want to be dominated by them this for many countries is a win win situation politically for instance italy and so they should in the end agree and we know the european summit does all this horse trading everybody everything is being thrown on the table and then deals are being made and so i would think it is unlikely that america and mark can push through this your own budget which is just as you said it first step probably in the right direction
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you're right a baby step you're of reform there in the making but obviously in brussels and early votes in front foot thank you to both of you. and of course the issue that's triggered just disunity in europe is the refugee crisis is germany's decision to open its borders back in twenty fifteen is still harshly criticized by many and it led to the current turmoil in german domestic politics but what happened to those refugees who entered germany some three years ago while quite a few manage to enter the german labor market others however found it was difficult to handle all the red tape in bolton finding a job among those two syrian program s. who created a search engine for other migrants. computer programmers are in high demand in germany these two syrian refugees assumed that meant they would find work easily but getting settled took longer than expected and entire year to keep themselves busy the pair develops their own search engine one that cases to the needs of other
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refugees new arrivals it's hard for information in. the beginning so that's why we. bought this information should be. maybe in. a few months after coming to germany they discovered ready school a nonprofit organization in berlin that helps refugees refresh their programming skills according to the founder around eighty percent of participants go on to study or get a foothold in germany's job market but the demand for courses like this one outstrips availability. what i would like to see a lot more it's just to close a public private partnership we have mostly been supported by the private industry because they're really looking five to tell you that willing to invest but it's
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been a lot harder to work with the german democracy i think both sectors have a lot to gain from working with each other really having to stick together both to integrate to german refugees but also to be more party to truly patient your. mother is male and. don't make enough money to leave off their rap but they've been working at other firms which means they no longer rely on state support if you were rivals managed to achieve the sort of financial independence. from my point of view the newcomers need some more support in the language sector and also is the better for the language sector we need the english and also the german for business. or we need support for. planning the business plan and also the financial part. only one in ten refugees is able to find work in their
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first year in germany luckily with their skills in high demand these two software developers have a bright professional future ahead of them. from syria to neighboring turkey which is holding key parliamentary and presidential elections this sunday that's right monica and better taper to one in turkey he's held power there for more than fifteen years first as prime minister then as president many young voters have grown up under a one his authoritarian style is the only kind of leadership they know in national elections four days from now they'll be able to decide for themselves if they want to keep or to want to help our correspondent yulia hunt reports. when the ferry docks at the pier in this good hour and the passengers disembark i mean sorry olo is there waiting he's complaining here in istanbul for the a.k.p. president justice and development party surfaced a mean is twenty eight and studied sports management he's admired the president for as long as he can remember. he was going to.
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say that our president is tired but it's not true where he has so much energy or emergency there to young people and that's a very motivating you was great he isn't tired of the young folks shouldn't be either. gets married you have this role was going it's always oh you don't love what you do you don't get tired we love this country this nation and will fight for it or you can resolve it you'll be going we will be saying no to this one man regime on june twenty third when you're still going to be very good in the neighboring district of. callandar is drumming up support for the pro kurdish peoples democratic party. its presidential candidates. has been in custody for nineteen months on terrorism related charges xanga gratian it's time for a change people are being detained without reason and nobody asks why this is
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happening in the run up to this photo on the nineteen year old john suit trained as a legal assistant like many young people in turkey she come from member a time when out on wasn't turkey's leader but unlike a k.p. campaigners she's had enough of him in a thread very he invests in rather than in education he behaves like a racist a warmonger or a nationalist he doesn't care about the people that's why we say it's enough to end one he and his people say we build roads and bridges for you but in fact so many people don't have hope. or anything to eat. turkey is a youthful country roughly fifty percent of those alledged to vote are under thirty an entire generation that's grown up with add and the religious conservatism of his justice and development party. everything has an expiry date an error one is
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already out of date done done talk. in a new i want more freedom we should be able to think freely to suit you that is the kind of turkey i want to live in. all to sixteen years is a long time for a government in the same mentality the same person to our that's not good. for the upcoming elections in turkey will be decided by young people one point seven million of them are eligible to vote for the first time the country's future is in and then head. to the. world cup time hosts russia are all but through to the knockout round we have a limited from date of use forts with us to tell us more about the salema russia is celebrating seems like the entire country how did it happen the lowest ranked team is likely to end up at the top of their group i think the probie got it all wrong i don't think russia is as bad as people make them out to be i mean if hyphen
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a win against saudi arabia wasn't a fluke they did it again and again versus egypt it started off with an own goal but at the end it opened the floodgates and denise cherry shafts for his fair tournaments gold that ties him with christiane overhauled or egypt's most had of course the good of the penalty in his world cup debut but russia won this three on i mean it's unbelievable eight golds through in two games and now all russian need is basically for europe right to win not draw against saudi arabia and then on to the knockout stages all right well they're not the only team that are impressed yesterday at. senegal defeated poland yes finally a win for the african continent and senegal they rather bet a side they had pace they create a country of chances they counted so well they really took the game to poland and they capitalized on holden's mistakes and own goal squabs and this was at the end it is you have two one win and i think all of africa is happy and i think that they
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might even go really hard they want to commit one of the surprised me and be the only. me not. the right guy there's a lot of support behind him not only not only their own friends they seem to have captured a lot of hearts in russia yet in russia and get this germany defender to rome boy tang so he caused a lot of confusion because he treated support for senegal if we can show it right there of course afterwards you know he ended up explaining himself he said it's nothing personal against his by and munich teammate rob it may have been dos he and it turns out that his best friend is from senegal but it's easy to see sumi why people fall off falling in love with this team i mean not only can they sing and dance but they fancy even help to clean up the stadium after a match i mean what is there not to like is that the perfect guest i'm convinced i'm going to senegal. ok so let's look ahead to today's action as well what are you
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tracking as i'll have my eyes on saudi arabia versus europe right but it one of the biggest matches happening today will be of course morocco against portugal and our correspondent jonathan crane is in moscow and he will be all over that let's hear his take. well the reason he stadium behind me plays host to the first match of today between port hugo and morocco portugal the reigning european champions will be boys going into this one off of the three or four against spain last time out christiane there are now that i remember with a hat trick including a sublime late free kick to level the match reports you know you really get the impression morocco will have their work cut out they're playing catch up in the group after losing their opening day to iran they'll certainly need to stop their knowledge there if that's a have any chance one thing there if you're america to hold on to these sides it only met once before that was back in one thousand nine hundred eighty six at the world cup in mexico and on that occasion morocco won three one very very unlikely
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that i would say what about spain and iran today i say no way for iran i mean they are lucky to have won against for rocco because of an own goal and there's no chance against favorites no one at all or it is a no chance against but i want to ask you about the defending champs germany as well they're off until saturday they have been regrouping what if they've been up to it so these a lot of reflection happening at the germany camp i mean and is even talk of a rift between some of the established players and the new players and our correspondent peter hosking of course he is at the camp and he has more on that story let's take a walk. over fifteen minutes late germany gold keeper and captain manuel neuer kept journalists waiting germany have been hiding from the press since their shock opening game defeat to mexico as well so we firstly apologies for my delay we've been talking a lot even on the bus after the match at meal times we've been talking about our game and looking at elements obviously and giving our honest opinion.
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it appears the combination of experienced world champions and young players who won the confederations cup last year isn't jelling as well as expected it's right i don't get is there's no split we're one team and we've been talking about that fact of course we speak with the younger players about what to do now because they don't have as much experience as us. but the more experienced players aren't used to losing another defeat would mean a record early exit from the world cup the uncertainty of the situation has rattled the normally cool captain. we have to show everyone what has made us so strong in the past we're convinced we can do that. from. the germany team has made their way to sochi for their next game against sweden fans hope the sierra can help the squad to overcome their early world cup crisis. after germany basically they have to win the next two matches but very well all right
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hope they're up to it only matter from the sports thank you very much. and we do have some breaking news coming into us now the e.u. commission president jean-claude juncker has announced several e.u. leaders will hold a mini migration summit the sunday in brussels greece italy ball garia austria malta france and germany are expected to attend key e.u. back her german chancellor angela merkel has less than two weeks to get support for a europe wide solution to increase migration or risk a split in her three month old ruling coalition government we'll have more on that story for you at the top of the hour thank you for watching. long.
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take about seven thousand dollars a barrel in the. meticulous planning a higher profile of the change. and same song. you've got a major crumpled up the list. christie his latest monumental loss were in london's hyde park. your.
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dream destination was majestic mountain scenery. the various turns. knew christina showmance is back on the scales the feet. thanks love the makes. and indulgences person for the angels custom. in sixty minutes long t.w. . crimes against humanity civilians become witnesses and for. their recorded images travel around the globe yes social media. but what is profit can the fiction and what is fact of digital investigators comb through the flood of
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images they combine sources try to reconstruct what happened and substantiate claims of crimes and. forensics between france and parts of. truth detectives starts june thirtieth on d w. i they're welcome to today's edition of the euro max we've got plenty fantastic stories to share today is a little taste of what's coming up. impressive ups christo and his huge sculpture made from oil drum set.


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