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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2018 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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in his stead and as michele a just said it would then become a personal defeat for course they hope for but not necessarily. bring the government down but of course we do not know yet whether he will resign and be whether his resignation would take place in the context of perhaps the c.-u. c.s.u. saying that they too stand on principle and can't be part of a government that is not willing to move ahead unilaterally to essentially prevent secondary migration to germany well michel you know one of the things that horse a ho for continue to say is that america ols a migration policies do not adequately accomplish what he is seeking. but will this if he does resign will this change or push americal to harden her stance on migration to save the government. well she has already hardened her
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stance of migration it's no secret that hosty who was against her migration policy from day one of that crisis that started in the perception the public at least in september and twenty fifteen now the big question here is how much how far the seas you would stand we know for a fact that the bit debate that went on for more than eight hours in the building behind me was very much about those who look at it from a more european perspective like monthly to be about the leader of the european peoples party in the european parliament to when he was coming in was publicly saying that the german chancellor chief mourner came home with more than expected from that brussels summit and then there was a camp around horse the whole for who quite clearly said no it was not enough and here is where it gets rather blood how much of that was pledging allegiance to the will for this overarching figure in this use you party and how much of it was still
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on a factual basis and this is at this current moment coming to a head behind me in the c.s.u. party headquarters and whatever we then get firmed up with whatever we hear horsy of office say will have implications for the government as a whole. now if you're just joining us a german interior minister horse they hold for who's also the leader of the bear variant c.s.u. party could be stepping down as a result of a disagreement with chancellor angela merkel over her migration policies the hope for has been saying the migration measures put forth by the chancellor after she struck a deal with the european union do not adequately accomplish what he is seeking. for also has said he wants to germany to turn away some asylum seekers at the country's borders but the chancellor has insisted on europe wide solutions now melinda
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could you perhaps take us back to what exactly merkel was able to agree on with her european partners at the summit in brussels that we're hearing is not satisfactory for as a whole for what is he rejecting exactly. well the first thing that they were able to agree on is something that also angle americans conservatives and mr c. ho for is very young party the c.s.u. do agree on namely a tightening of the external borders of europe both by creating new centers offshore in mostly northern african countries that would be so-called centers of disembarkation that means that people who attempted to go to the european union via . the sea would then theoretically be intercepted and taken back to these offshore processing centers and would have to apply for asylum
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from there that's point number one another thing that the european union leaders agreed on last week was that there should be closed control centers in european union countries in those first countries of registry that migrants would not be able to leave while their applications were being processed that is clearly an attempt to limit this so-called secondary migration by people who have applied for asylum but then try to move on to other european union countries like germany those are the migrants that horse they hope for would like to turn back unilaterally so that clearly would be a move to try to placate him and in fact that was one of the points that was commended here this evening by the leadership of the c.d.u. saying we have made real progress on that issue by getting agreement on the need for such control centers and then finally there is the issue as we have said of
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whether countries like germany should be permitted to turn back migrants who have applied for asylum somewhere else and the that is addressed in this european union agreement only in so far as it says the. countries should make more of an effort to limit secondary migration by taking internal measures that means measures in their own domestic political systems to try to make it harder for such migrants to move on those are not the kind of measures that mr c. hofer has in mind the chancellor tried to conclude additional bilateral agreements with some of the countries on european europe's southern perimeter to try to make sure that they would agree to take back migrants who had registered in those countries she achieved agreements with a number of different countries that are important including spain including greece
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where many migrants land she did not get bilateral agreement with italy or with austria two countries that are key to mr c. hope for so ultimately he is not satisfied with either result he says they don't go far enough tonight the leadership here said that they realize that these measures still need to be implemented and they would insist they need to be implemented quickly so that is a bit of a concession to mr c. hofer but as we have said there is a clear sense on the part of the leadership here that a good deal has been reached last week and that it should first be put into action . i mean we should remind our viewers that the c.s.u. is the conservative party in bavaria bavaria will be seeing regional elections coming up in the next couple of months they have made migration the main issue during this time in many ways to face off
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a challenge from the anti immigration deep party they'll turn to for germany party how much can we perceive of these moves to be just campaigning or have to do more with internal politics. well it no doubt has a lot to do with the regional politics here the alternative for german the far right anti migration party which is a single issue party moved from being a single issue party against the euro now a single issue party on migration got twelve point four percent in the last elections here the very end now that was a shock and a blow to the c.s.u. which traditionally strives for an absolute majority fifty percent plus well it's now about forty percent here and it has not been able really to gain ground against the far right through the standoff with angela merkel c.d.u. party so that of course raised a lot of questions internally here and this is also why we saw this use you taking a lot of credit for what the german chancellor was able to achieve in brussels but
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at the same time seeing those figures in the polls not rise significantly only about one percentage point so the c.d.u. is struggling it knows it has a tough challenge from the f.t. but i just came back from the f.t. party conference which was yesterday and today and i know that they are adjusting their campaign by basically using a slogan which says vote for the original so this doesn't really seem to take that terribly far and haasil far has been under criticism for quite a while there are internal fights on who really has a say and who has the future leadership claim here so a lot of internal politics at play with a lot of repercussions for the whole of germany i dare say the whole of europe because germany is perceived to be the beacon of stability in the european union and the former foreign minister from the social democrats said if germany. trembles
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the whole of the e.u. shakes so a lot of stake here in the various tonight. if you're just joining us reports are coming in the german interior minister has a hole for who's also the leader of the bavarian c.s.u. party has offered his resignation to his party this fall is a meeting in which the party leadership discussed whether to accept or reject a deal struck by chancellor angela merkel with the european union on migration policy the whole four say over had reportedly said he was unhappy with the agreement and felt it did not go far enough and there are wants germany to turn away some asylum seekers at the country's borders but german chancellor angela merkel has insisted on europe wide solutions we're expecting an announcement from the c.s.u. shortly and we will be bringing you that live. do we still have our correspondents michelle and melinda crane there they are there
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you are so. as we've said these are only reports that are coming in do you have any further information can these reports be confirmed. not as yet but certainly we're seeing some quite say quite dramatic scenes of clear exasperate from some of the delegates saw it and what's we expect is taking place right now is a lot of debate on whether this is really something that can be firmed up or about whether that is something wholesome for really wants to do so really this is in the making this is a fluid prose and we need to really wait to hear it from the man concerned horsy will fall on which line he wants to take and whether this might be his exit from politics all right and milind if these reports are confirmed that they hope for has
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indeed handed in his resignation what would be chancellor merkel's next step. her next step assuming that he didn't take his entire party with him and leave the coalition government which most likely would then bring the coalition government down there are a few less plausible scenarios where uncle americal might try to govern in a minority government but with the s.p.d. but that is unlikely assuming he didn't take his party out of the government but in fact simply stepped down himself and actually he cannot resign he would have to ask the chancellor to essentially let him go if he were to do that her next step would be to look for a replacement and that would be a replacement presumably from his party from the bavarian conservative party there are a couple of possible candidates who might be considered for that position but
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again all of this is speculation we simply don't know right now what i think we can say is that this bitter fight that reach sometimes a level of near hysteria because we have to remind our viewers of the fact that the refugees that mr say hope for wants to send back we're talking about a couple of hundred people a month at most there is no great disorder on the border there is no great pressure for a solution immediately right now this is very much a conflict that was brought to a head for opportunistic reasons with an eye to that very in a state election in october and to potential gains by the far right party as you heard from a shiela so all of that being said certainly this bitter bitter conflict that was not necessarily something that was called for by the facts on the ground has
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left this government damage it has hurt the credibility of this government not only of mr say hope for himself but of the chance. there as well and she essentially or she is reported to have said today in her discussions with her party leadership here in this building that if she were to allow mr c. hofer to go ahead with his ultimatum to unilaterally turn back refugees that she would essentially be stelling her e.u. partners the her other european union leaders that she met with this week that those relations didn't matter and she said basically i wouldn't have to show my face in brussels again. melinda crane reporting for us from berlin and mission occurred in munich many thanks to both of you. if you're just joining us reports are coming in the german interior minister a horse they hope for also the leader of the bavarian c.s.u.
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party has offered his resignation to his party this follows a meeting in which the party leadership discussed whether to accept or reject a deal struck by chance or america with a new on migration policy they hoped for had reportedly said he was unhappy with the agreement and felt it did not go far enough they hope for want germany to turn away some asylum seekers at the country's borders of the chancellor has insisted on europe wide solutions we're expecting an official announcement from the sea if you shortly and when it comes will be bringing you that live. well turning now to some other news and in mexico voters are going to the polls in a presidential election that has been overshadowed by violence at least one hundred forty five politicians and activists have been killed since campaigning began last year twenty seven thousand was the most violent here in mexico's recent history a fragmented criminal landscape has enabled powerful drug cartels to tighten their
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grip and create a culture of fear presidential candidate and former mexico city mayor on the bench manuel lopez obrador has vowed to end violence stamp out corruption and transform the country he was among the first to cast his vote well for the very latest we're joined now by our correspondent a few harms rooty who is in mexico city so if you're the frontrunner lopez obrador has already run twice for the presidency so how good are his chances this time around becoming the next mexican president. while he has a lead of twenty five points on top of his nearest challenger which is only got about najaf from a call ition led by the conservative.


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