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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm CEST

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this is d.w. news live from bali and the ordeal is far from over in thailand warn it could take months to rescue twelve boys and the football coach from the flooded cave system rather have been trapped for ten day also on the program. germany's chancellor meets the government coalition partners tonight as she fights to keep the government afloat until a black hole's mission will be to sell the new deal on migration policy thrashed out with a hot line interior minister. takes
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a novel approach to covering social media you says it introduces a new task that it says will help stem the spread of fake news. also tonight he's keeping his job your came in love will stay on the us coach of germany's national football team despite the crushing arms of the world cup. on the narrow window of us what celeb sense wading through to the world cup quarter finals but i'll make the tonight's clash between england and colombia. i'm still going to welcome to the program. authorities in thailand attempting to rescue the twelve boys the next football coach trapped deep within a flooded cave complex a facing a dynamic monsoon rains could worsen conditions but extracting them would mean
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first teaching them to dive and then leading them along a dangerous underwater route the alternative would be to leave them on the precarious ledge where they have been found perhaps for several months until the floodwaters recede. for the moment that many are calling a miracle twelve boys and their soccer coach found alive after spending more than a week hundreds of meters underground they were trapped when heavy monsoon rain flooded the cave and cut off their exit route in the darkness the group lost track of time. for you to say most of the boys and good health they've now received medical
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supplies and food but might have to wait a while before they can return to the surface. outside their relatives could not contain their joy. they had been praying for days many had feared the worst. but today is the best day i have been waiting for my son for so many days i thought he only had a fifty percent chance of survival. but i mean. the cave complex stretches some ten kilometers into a mountain the boys are located near a chamber known as the tired beach four kilometers from the caves entrance. rescuers had to dive through a labyrinth of passage ways to reach the group a challenge even for expert divers. but diving could be the only way out for the young boy's rescue teams are now preparing to try out this option.
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if the water level in the cave is still very high so we have to teach the boys how to swim to come out will also give them diving masks but only the rescue teams can decide whether they can be brought out safely this way. and alternative would be to wait for the water levels in the cave to recede but the monsoon season has just begun and doesn't end until october. rescuers are doing everything they can to avoid this delay. it's unclear how long it'll take before the boys see daylight again more heavy rains are forecast in the coming days. the latest from date of your correspondent to florida and the thai capital bangkok welcome florence bring us up to date on the latest prospective rescue plans. but we still
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don't have any. the answer to the question that's on that that is on everyone's mind when we actually see the boys outside the cave the officials have given no indication whatsoever as to the timeline they have just been. going on record saying there's no rush what's paramount is to have them safe all the way out so we were not going to lose them on the homestretch that's basically what the officials say. so there has only been an official denial that it might take up to four months this number has been floating around you we have seen it on the internet so one officials actually went on record said it's not going to last four months that's rubbish but as to whether it's just a matter of days or weeks or maybe just a few months we don't know yet know rush what sort of condition the children as.
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well as we have seen on the video the boy seem to be pretty stable but officials the experts the medics that on site they actually say they're far too weak for any rescue mission so before they start anything they will have to regain strength so they're getting power gels they're getting nutrition. and from like you said in the report they are actually starting to teach them how to dive now what you have to keep in mind is that children in thailand usually they're not even they don't even know how to swim so teaching them how to dive is actually a step to need sounds like a huge challenge and something said anything yet about the ordeal they faced over the last ten days that they've been speaking. now we don't know anything as to what exactly happened. when exactly they went in
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how they they how. hard to reseed and further and further down into the cave that's just what we assume what happened. so we just know that the boys are all in stay in a stable condition no serious injuries so now they just have to regain strength we're hearing that they tried to install telephone lines so they might actually even be working by now so that the boys can talk to their parents so that will probably be a big boost for their morale for their health maybe even so now we'll just have to wait and see what rescue teams will come up with what kind of plan how to extract the boys we're talking to. in bangkok. german chancellor angela merkel is meeting her coalition partners and tonight as she seeks to resolve a crisis that has threatened to bring down her government forced
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a compromise over migration policy with a hard line interior minister jose hoffa the chancellor has agreed to a deal on the way asylum seekers a handle of the german austrian border at the moment only three border crossings operate sporadic border checks this agreement calls for the establishment of so-called transit sensors the border where asylum seekers would that be evaluated anyone who's already applied for asylum in another country would be sent back to that country if those countries refused to accept them be sent back to australia despite the conservative leaders who hailing the deal as a success it hasn't yet been signed off by the governing coalition junior partners the center left s p d it's also clear whether neighboring countries would be willing to accept returns asylum seekers. members of merkel see you and say whoa first serious you on their way to convinced a third party in germany is grand coalition the s.p.d.
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of the heart fought deal the two conservative sister parties to create on a late night compromise after having minute arts over immigration for weeks but the social democrats leader method very clear that the party wouldn't be pressured check septa deal. c.d.u. c.s.u. damaged each other in recent weeks the bloc damaged the trust and confidence in our democracy. and over time we still have much need for consultation and for this we will take whatever time is necessary. or close to you and see if are serious you agree to establish so-called trance it centers on germany supporters with austria where asylum seekers would be evaluated those who already applied for protection in another country would be sent back but that would require a new agreements with those countries opposition parties criticize this compromise . here is this was not a question of policy these discussions were all about power and as we see it
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merkel went very far to lead to getting away with was it. because it is this i know it is not only a great disappointment for me but it is the denial to join european action mr c.e.o. for didn't when you miss america didn't win but democracy was damaged. the heated asylum debate has yet to pull off that if the s.p.d. is and willing to go along the crisis could continue. let's go to a concert from the chief political correspondent linda craters in front of the chancery then where the heads of the see the u.n. c.s.u. meeting to discuss the deal with the s.p.d. welcome melinda so is the german government crisis over or has it just switched to a different battleground. it has switched for now to this battle ground right here as you said the heads of the coalition partners are meeting in the
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chancellor behind me right now and the s.p.d. was saying today as they got their first look at this agreement that the two conservative parties put together that they feel it raises more questions that it answers than it answers and if you look at the content of the agreement that these so-called the transit centers that the c.d.u. and the c.s.u. are proposing to set up along the german border to austria this is using a term that the s.p.d. absolutely rejected three years ago during the mass influx of asylum seekers to germany at that time the s.p.d. saying we will not tolerate largely closed camps in germany now there were some members of the party saying today ok circumstances are different we have less migrants coming in now perhaps the processing of asylum applications would therefore occur more quickly so possibly open opening up some
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room for compromise but there's also a more fundamental issue here the c.s.u. the chancellor's bavarian sister party essentially has forced through agreement on a point that wasn't in the original coalition agreement in other words the s.p.d. never signed up to this idea the s.p.d. may well now say hey you know what we've got a few things we would also like to add to the coalition agreement so there's the potential here for this definitely to become a new conflict and an ongoing one i think it's doubtful that we're going to see agreement here this evening there is one thing after another who would be chancellor stay with us if you were what melinda because of course i'm michael faces opposition not from just within a coalition but also from neighboring countries is the austrian chance of us about in cause. of ideas to not we are prepared for all scenarios that we're ready to undertake any measures necessary to prevent harm to our republic and the people of
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austria. up to being there isn't that we're also prepared to respond to germany's national measures with similar measures of our own especially at our southern border. since it so melinda craney looks like a chancellor macko is going to have a hard job selling this deal to our european partners. well here's the interesting thing it's not going to fall mostly to the chancellor to sell the steel but in fact to her interior minister to the man who wanted it so badly so that there's a certain justice in that interestingly enough the first place that he's going to try to sell the deal is austria and you just heard those critical comments now that is particularly notable because just a couple of weeks ago mr as a whole for the interior minister stood up next to mr cortes the chancellor of austria and they talked about an axis of the willing in the area of tighter
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border controls for europe but now that that those tighter border controls are becoming more concrete in the form of this agreement which foresees sending pre-registered already registered asylum seekers back to austria suddenly the austrian seemed to have some doubts about the wisdom of this axis of the willing or at least about simply go and going along with germany so that could be a difficult thing to convince the austrians and then there's italy italy also supposedly going to be in that cone that axis of the willing but italy too has expressed some real reservations about this deal saying it may tighten its border as well so what we're looking at here is possibly the very kind of domino effect that the chancellor had wanted to avoid she had always said that unilateral
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measures to tighten the borders could wind up sparking such measures in other countries as well and thereby defy damaging the crucial principle of freedom of movement within europe and we may be seeing exactly that dynamic now starting to be set in motion. possible for i would how does the chancellor now work with an interior minister who has so publicly challenge her role thora to trigger all these problems with german its neighbors. it's very personal and it's been personal for weeks there was no factual urgency to this whole dispute in terms of a crisis in migration there is no crisis in migration there is no disorder at the border we have significantly lower my numbers of migrants coming into germany than even a year ago and certainly than in twenty fifteen this dispute was all about essentially a personal vendetta mr c.
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ho for the interior minister wanted to see the chancellor bend he wanted to push through his nationalist populist approach to migration policy and he has seen her bed and he himself though is greatly discredited in the eyes of the population poll came out today showing sixty nine percent of germans think he absolutely should have stepped down and has lost his credibility but the true issue is abroad the credibility of the german government as a whole has been hurt the question of whether it's stable and reliable europe seldom needed strong leadership more than it does today with donald trump attacking the european union with donald trump a tactic attacking nato with general instability there has been such a need at the moment for a clear leadership on the part of germany and that looks much tougher going forward than it has in the past game of thrones and the crying thank you.
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let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world the main defendant in a germany or nazi murder trial has delivered a final statement as the five year trial comes to a close to shape but denied involvement in a series of racially motivated killings between two thousand and two thousand and seven the court in munich is set to deliver its verdict next week she faces life in prison if convicted. french president emmanuel macro has arrived in nigeria's capital of bhutto for a meeting with his counterpart muhammadu buhari with regional security on the fight against boko haram high on the agenda since his election the french president has made efforts to boost relations with france's former african colonies as well as some of the continent's english speaking nations in the. syrian rebel negotiators are reported to have begun a new round of talks with the russian military to end the fighting in southern syria at the weekend more than
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a dozen times in the region agreed to the regime takeover in return for an end to aggression on the syrian from bottles. heavy this is here where if a cow down to a full blown trade will that's right feel it seems like we're just sitting or standing here waiting for it to happen it's a giant clash this time between china and the us with almost no chance to be avoided asian stocks fell in tuesday as washington and beijing are ready to slap each other with thirty four billion dollars in tariffs on imports this friday on top of it all further restrictions for chinese companies doing business in the u.s. china mobile is the latest to encounter obstacles. seven years that's how long the united states has been mulling over whether to allow china mobile to enter its marcus' finally a decision is near and the answer most likely is no response from the chinese foreign ministry fiery by its standards at least. she
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urged the united states to abandon cold war thinking zero sum games and act of data concepts and to view the relevant issue correctly to stop guessing and posing unreasonable pressure on chinese companies here and instead to provide a good and fair environment for them to operate on to do more to increase mutual trust and cooperation between china and the u.s. this would be good for both countries people. but the u.s. commerce department maintains that china mobile which has around nine hundred million customers worldwide poses a national security threat it's applied the same term to other chinese telecoms firms including that which is accused of doing business with north korea and iran after already having violated sanctions and while way which the united states accuses of trying to spy on american people the backdrop to all of this at tit for tat terrorist spot between the united states and china that's showing no signs of letting up a far cry from the relationship of the world's top two economies hard when china
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mobile first applied to operate in the united states back in twenty eleven and trading's wrapped up early on wall street ahead of the fourth of july public holiday we asked our financial correspondent traders have to look forward to when they get back. investors on wall street certainly can take a breather on a fourth of july to get a ready for a big friday when all those tariffs than the united states and china supposed to kick off we already saw it on tuesday that in general we got really decent sales figures for the u.s. car industry but still stocks in the car industry headed south the reason that there's still a big question mark if china actually might start to impose tariffs on u.s. car imports starting friday we still don't know if that's really going to happen we also got news on tuesday that u.s.
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ship my maker my current technology is actually was blocked for selling certain memory chips in china and that stock got under heavy selling pressure and took the entire market was it sold trade still is all the rage here on wall street and probably also across the globe. and speaking of car makers you'd think auto makers would be feeling a bit under the weather the diesel gate scandal continues to cast its plus manufacturers are struggling to overhaul their cars to comply with new e.u. emissions regulations and on top of all that a storm is brewing over america's punitive tariffs on the industry but the german lobby group vdare is still betting on clear skies ahead. the sunny burn in weather is putting a shine on the capital's cars german carmakers worldwide production is set to climb to sixteen point seven million vehicles this year the industry's top lobbyist down hard matters believes the companies are in good shape despite the diesel scandal
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but the trade dispute with the u.s. and the threat of tariffs could dampen the optimistic outlook. i'm very much concerned because tariffs and trade barriers are nothing that is really good for global trade we need open markets common standards and low tariffs and that's the. this is the fact of success that we with the automotive industry in germany had so far german car makers would struggle to compensate for losses in the u.s. which is not just an important export partner but a key production base eight hundred thousand german cars are made in the usa containing parts imported from the e.u. firms like diane let's send u.s. manufactured cars to china they'd be hit twice over if the u.s. put up barriers on trade with china to. we try to submit all of
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acts and to participate in conversations about this and as long as the decision has not been made we will fight for free trade trade bodies and manufacturers are hoping for an amicable settlement with the u.s. after all the last thing they need is yet another bump in the road. back with more business news later on now it's back to fill in another action packed day in russia. so sweden have booked their place in the world cup quarter finals after beating switzerland while millions of pieces by the winner of the battle between colombia and england which is taking place even as we speak. yes from deed of sports is here to talk us through today's action welcome let's start there with sweden something of a surprise is they look against switzerland and i roughly right i mean a lot of people are sort of had sweden written off before the tournament started
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which has happened many times in this tournament because the favorites don't seem to be doing so well in the teams of people don't think they're going to do so well are doing rather well sweden looked pretty good against switzerland once again they managed to where get through a game boy somehow managing to look a lot stronger and being a lot more organized than people expect but i think what we need to do before we chat about sweden is actually take a look at all the action from that much. in a match marked by stopping yes it was paps fitting into for specs decisive go came by or deflection my mike lucky man the ball coming we can easily into the far corner of the net. not that the noisy swedish fans would call that about that that's returned threw caution to the wind in the hope of getting an equaliser which never came gaps appeared in their defense martin also and brought down by my collab . lang given his marching orders sweden only given a free kick it was the last action of the game sweden or through to their first
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world cup quarter final in twenty four years. that is this a sweden team that can go all the way the same before i mean anything can happen at this world cup we're seeing teams that no one expected to be there like russia for example even the hosts everyone have them written off but of course we're looking at a team that's quite solid and under coach i understand he seems to have put together kind of a solid side they seem to know how to work well together and we've got you know big players like daniel forsberg who of course scored that goal that we saw in the report today and on their way to the quarter finals essentially apart from switzerland let's not forget the swiss and actually number six in the scene for ranking so you know they're one of the top teams in the world and of course we're seeing here they have incredible fans who've traveled in huge numbers to watch them play along now getting to this point they've actually they saw mexico and south korea let's not forget though and german fans will will want to remember this because this is one of the few highlights of them remember from this world cup as
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they actually germany beat sweden along the way but like i was saying we're dealing with a team that many people have written off but they are solid and i think you know you never know how far they can go. in other news going to coach your human love is staying old he is indeed and this may call me as a little bit of a surprise to many people considering that the german f.a. said that they were going to carry out an investigation into why. went wrong at the world cup of course for germany and before this even happened they have now extended they've reached an agreement with love and they've they're keeping a month but i think what we need to do is actually take a look at this report which gives us a little bit more detail. should he stay or should he go now you are human that has made the decision for himself. after receiving a vote of confidence from the german if a he has decided to continue as germany's head coach the defending champions crashed out of the group stage of this year's world cup. at first the coach was
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unsure about continuing in his role after coming back from russia. today. with their upsets and still haven't completely processed the pain and disappointment of the loss. it's going to take some time to come to terms with it this year those of us here we have to be honest with ourselves that we failed at this tournament but in the lives of those we support the sargon live had signed a new contract before the tournaments in russia it runs until the end of the twenty twenty two world cup in qatar where germany aims to be one of the top tournaments favorites again. so what then are the biggest challenges facing the vigil rescored i don't think facing your human love well there are many challenges because we saw at the world cup that they perhaps went into the tournament feeling a little bit overconfident i would say which tends to happen to the team we've seen now in the past three occasions including germany after winning the world cup of course twenty fourteen and so did italy they have to deal with the team make sure
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that they come together and of course make sure that he gains a little bit of credibility. thank you so much you're watching the d.w. news a live from but that you are a live from baghdad we'll have more in just a. dream for investors. to say the. cheap money is flooding the markets. lax regulation keeps gamblers turning. the losers ordinary citizens. and the money down how the rich get richer. in forty five minutes. we make up oh but we
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watch as often the undetected by. december so. and. every man woman in. their homeland is the enemy. which is. d.w. made four minds. clash of cultures in india.
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a clash between those who believe in arranged marriage those who want to marry. the clash that shaking families and society to the core. of those starts july eighth. this is news live from berlin i feel the top stories at this hour in thailand have warned that it could take months to extract the twelve boys and their football coach from the flooded cave complex where they've been trapped for ten days. means rescuers were sighted teach the children to swim on to scuba dive or leave them until the end of the monsoon season. german chancellor going to interior minister jose hoffa result of the spirit of migration that threatened the
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government say that he would resign should stay but merkel's junior coalition partners they pass p.t. still have to sign off on the. imagine if you had to pay to access to social media websites like facebook and you choose well apparently that is not the case in uganda where the government has introduced a social media it says will help reduce the national debt and combat online human rights groups say it is an attack on free speech w social media editor i read it here welcome so tell us what this tax is all about well it's a levy that came into force on the weekend and basically it affects the forty percent of ugandans who use social media and from now want to have to pay a levy to access things like face. book and you tube the tax is one way the government says it can raise money to pay off debt and there are estimates it could raise as much as one hundred million dollars this financial year through the tax
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but human rights activists say the government has invented the tax as a way to stifle free speech because you remember back in two thousand and sixteen the government of president yoweri missed seventy blocked social media during the presidential campaign and he ended up winning the presidential election now the president has taken to twitter to explain why he has introduced the tax he says it's to combat criminality. we're going to acquire the capacity to quickly locate criminals of using social media he goes on to say the government doesn't want to block these sides but he says we'll pick out the jiggers or fleas we will not cut the entire force so it's an interesting way of explaining i guess not everyone is buy that explanation or everyone is fully understanding it i wonder if you paid to post that so how would it work so basically on top of what ugandans
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already paid to do that. now they'll have to pay an extra two hundred shillings every single day that works out to be about four year old cents to pay for what the government and telcos described as over the top services and i mean access to these various social media platforms and another thing when they pay these tax that transaction is also tax so they're being he said get in where at the point of transaction and it might not sound like a lot of money four cents a day plus the extra tax on top but it's what says twenty seven percent of ugandans live on around a euro a day and you know this this adds up and it could mean that people who are getting used to voicing their activism and mobilizing on social media which ugandans a doing more and more on social. media these could be less excess of all of them so this this tax came into effect on sunday are people reacting there are unhappy and
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you have to keep in mind those who use social media to voice their dissatisfaction since sunday have actually paid for the privilege to do sorry lawyers are challenging the tax at uganda's constitutional court and people are mobilizing we can see them here they've turned out to protest in front of the chief magistrates court in the capital one uses solomon king summed up the attitude he's criticized the principle behind taxing every little thing from an already suffering economy so a corrupt government can get even more money to steal it's still early days the tax is only a couple of days old and we have to see how this constitutional court challenge turns up but we'll be tracking mash very interesting jerry thank you. in just over a month a symbolic faces a historic presidential election the most on the thirtieth of july will be the first in the southern african country since robert mugabe was removed from power in november but his legacy is far from over decades of violent land seizures of
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crippled the economy the two main candidates for the top job say they will repair this damage one of them is incumbent on gagra the man who watched it is already brought in some changes including reversing the land policy the land policy and one high profile case this report from last rafah one hundred miles east of the capital harare. for you over there for the destructive very very beginning. life is slowly returning to normal for roberts marsh and his family in june last year they will forcefully evicted from their farm by the government of then president robert mugabe came from fearful of some bullets and cracked everybody up here are people who are compound us in the houses that's at the office here and we're away six or seven months. during the time they were away lucius took equipment and personal belongings the smart family had spent he is accumulating
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what had been left behind was destroyed then in november when emerson then dug what took office off to ousting mugabe with the help of the military he ordered that the smarts whose story had been widely reported in the media be given their farm back. i think that when we do that covers like this if you go back and say that's true obviously we're quite frightened to come back off to be shot at and they said we will make sure that you're safe which led to the military came out and they cleared everybody off and they they did it made sure that it would not just us all but the community and the workers that will say. this is the welcome robin derren received from the community on the day they returned home. we are only eight and he was a community that was gaining the flu mist just might be over. as soon as they reached the farm the father and son duo got to planting this
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morning because of the timing of everything they senshi missed the maize and tobacco season and that meant that they that they could only grow potatoes now they've already brought in some six tons from the patch of land that i'm standing on and they're hoping that by the end of the season after they've ripped everything and that includes the fields behind me will the green that you see that they'll bring in some one hundred and twenty tons to take to markets. that maybe a considerable amount but it comes no way near to what they could have harvested had they not been forced off their land. even before this ordeal the smarts were downscaled from eight thousand hits his to seven hundred hits his of land during mugabe's controversial land reform policy in the early two thousand but they say leaving zimbabwe has never been an option for them even though the hardships to read through. we've lived to say that we're afraid of living in the actually
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a lot of people with that they say come across but they think if we. come to america we said no no we stay home we've got to fight for her we're going to make sure we try to get back. now they have their home back and they say they are looking forward to a bright future for zimbabwe kenya's renowned nairobi national park is a major tourist attraction it's also home to the world's largest concentration of black rhinos but the park's fragile ecosystem could be under threat from a new. welcome to nairobi national park the only national park in the world that directly borders the city. if you're lucky you'll spot the beasts giraffes and even the every loose of pride of lions. but
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looking at the land from the air you'll notice a different kind of creature the standard gauge railway. authorities say out of seven possible routes this was the best option what we established was that all those other possible route one we're going to have a lot more impact on the park because we're going to acquire more land from the national park in excess of one hundred fifty. but what the option that we took was an option of building a bridge across the national we're building a bridge one hundred meter to pass. a bridge or five point eight kilometers the amount of land that bridge on the national park is zero point one zero point five one of a nickel that is half an acre of land. but environmentalist accuse the kenyan government of not following due process before construction began. well it's really a sequence of very unfortunate events starting off really with the free corn
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planted executive. branch for the federal standard is really continue. at the current at the moment ridden. railway he's being built through the nairobi national quote unquote intervention of who is stopping you. and the reasons why companies such as ourselves and other concerned the divisions went to court to stop it was because we feel the rights of the flooding was not considered. executive when to about this project it's very mean and those again the particular environment laws while the train will offer passengers a view of the life time while passing through the national park conservationists are concerned that this construction will affect the ecosystem and the wildlife that live here choked i'm sure he would be and you talk also because he seemed to be lost in the fall because you know for the foundation for the pillars for the
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railway except for the so yes the temporary barriers the plastic waste all have in fact and the like. but again none of that has been studied previously none of it has been heated so we need to get in measures. the project has been a controversial topic in kenya even before construction four years ago the first phase which runs from kenya's coastal city of mumbai to nairobi has already been completed. the second phase is what you see here. at nearly five million euros a kilometer construction has cost the country two point eight billion euros in loans from the chinese government report suggests that more than eight million euros has been lost in dubious land compensation deals. and with the railway running through a national heritage site many kenyans are concerned the country isn't getting value for money. the government says it will rehab the land once construction is finished
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the for wildlife populations it may already be too late. watching the news live from still to come a special report on the buildup of syrian refugees at the heights of jordan closes its borders to thousands trying to escape fresh fighting. culture editor robin metal will also be here with news of a stunning new best hope to brand. is proving to be a bank hits with audiences at the munich film festival. you know i guess it's hit with a bad news for a mining giant a big one there a film we're talking about glencore which has received a subpoena from the u.s. department of justice as part of a corruption probe the news sent the company's stock diving more than ten percent the money laundering investigation is linked to grand course business in nigeria in a swim and the democratic republic of congo glencore is based in switzerland but is listed on the london stock exchange the company may face a british fraud probe over its operations in congo to.
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two thousand and eight rwanda completely banned single use plastic bags and since then two other countries in the east african community have followed suit kenya and twenty seventeen and uganda this year but while bags may be gone there's plenty of plastic items that are still used and distribute it every day by people and businesses turning recycling and wanda into a whole new industry. this recycling company in kigali shreds washes and produces around a ton of plastic every day. professional recycling has become big business here in rwanda. after the plastic has been liquefied it is made into k. like strads which are then chopped into pieces these would later be mixed with all the materials wants me to start and cycling company and plastics.
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because run the. initiative to protect the environment that's why we ban plastic bags and some of the people so it threads i say doesn't paternity. the company's recycling process produces reusable bags tops and packaging for the construction industry and for agriculture. when the ban plastic bags ten years ago plastic waste is still everywhere here who wonders environment agency recovers tons of interim landfills a lot can also be found along the borders with neighboring countries. as a country in africa where countries as to using plastics we can say we have proof of plastics one hundred percent maybe our success is at a nine to five because we are here exchanging goods. when this recycling industry
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is also creating jobs this alteration for instance has ninety three full time employees and another sixty seven season to work is the general manager understands the importance of a very mentality not just as a business model the business is going to be that they're going to be there but what we're fighting for is for the future which is growing that we need the green a future we need a future which is we need the panama to be protected enough. despite the fact that this event on single use plastic guard seems a new and companies like this one needn't worry about going out of business anytime soon. prices for u.s. crude have jumped to over seventy five dollars a barrel for the first time since twenty four team that's after iran's president hassan rohani suggested oil shipments from neighboring countries could be disrupted
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it washington forces all of its allies from buying a rainy an oil saudi arabia pledge to fire up its spare production capacity though and coordinate delivery deliveries with other producers to balance the market opec and non opec producers agreed to last month to boost output after reducing production last year to ease a global government. facebook shares dropped over two percent on tuesday following reports of an expanding investigation into the social network's role in the data sharing scandal involving british company cambridge analytic according to the washington post to the widening probe now includes the securities and exchange commission the f.b.i. and the federal trade commission facebook has come under pressure after a whistleblower revealed that british company can bridge analytical and collected personally identifiable information of up to eighty seven million facebook users without their consent the data could have been used to influence voters in several
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countries. and the french banks so see if the asian in aisle is buying the equity markets and commodities this is of germany's specked the acquisition still needs regulatory approval and would enable the french institution to expand its operations in europe's largest economy the news comes after rumors that germany's largest and most troubled lender deutsche bank had been considering a merger with comments like. that's all for business it's back to fill a former world news thank you for syria's neighbor jordan has refused to open its borders to any more refugees from the country despite a new offensive to retake daraa province in the south by russian backed government forces the fighting has cost tens of thousands of people to flee to w.'s tinier crime a report from the golan heights where the build up of displaced people is growing.
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more and more tense and makeshift homes are being set up near this village on the syrian side of the golan heights over eleven thousand syrians are said to have reached the area near the fence to the israeli occupied golan heights the assad regime has norms to massive offensive in nearby province shown here on unverified social media footage thousands of syrians have been driven out of their homes since mid june the area in syria's south west is one of the few remaining opposition strongholds it's a sensitive area because of its proximity to. right behind me on the syrian side syrians fleeing the violence have put up their tents jordan has closed its border they have nowhere else to go israel has never accepted refugees since the fighting began in syria seven years ago however it has provided humanitarian aid to civilians on friday the israeli army published a video showing soldiers delivering humanitarian aid across the golan heights fence
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in just southern syria as more refugees arrived the military said to deliver three hundred tents medical supplies tons of food and clothes since two thousand and thirteen several thousand syrians have also been treated in israeli hospitals it's just let go and we will continue protecting our borders and provide humanitarian aid to the full extent possible will not allow entry into our territory and we will demonstrably terance to the nine hundred seventy four disengagement of the syrian army. and. the dire situation across the fence has put the spotlight again on israel's policy towards syrian refugees is very manes officially at war with its neighbor in the nearby settlement of cuts mean people have mixed feelings any personally i think it's not just israel's problem it's a problem of the world's nations to get help to the syrian. it's very hard to know
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who's a terrorist who's not so if we can help them medically and give them assistance in their in their situation then i think that's the safest way israel's military has raised its alert level and reinforced its troops it is expected that more syrians will have to flee they have a bombardment. an uprising is considered to be the most important german language literature prize in this year's when it was announced this morning it's the hunt getting born or the threats here more writes about the migration and loss of the homeland so this is very topical. so congratulations to two more seafield in a ceremony later this year. to move on now to the munich film festival which started last week robin merrill from occulted ask you welcome robin on the film that opened the festival is about to bertold to
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breasts it is indeed it's called macchi meso which should english will be the now it's the famous song i think most people know from the threatening offer written by breast and music by cole. it's the movie is actually about breasts trying to make a movie of his fears of peace which he actually did try to do in the early ninety's so says before he fled europe to america and. in it in this film he argues with the producers who are just interested in making money but he wants to make art which is interesting because this repartee offers a sort of an anti capitalist seems to it anyway this is a much wasted film here in germany because it started lots of german top parties including laws i don't know who plays brash himself.
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the world demi monde abortion was easy everybody doing business with everyone according to brett's famous motto first comes a full stomach then comes ethics a society on the brink directs you a can lang tells the story with a new sense of urgency the parallels to germany today are striking. needs. brecht couldn't prevent the things he predicted about national socialism. and today although we see some connections between capitalism and fascism we are powerless to do anything about it and that makes me sad so you can dismiss. his bio pic musical and theater adaptation in one statically lang spans a wide are unusual but very much in the spirit of told correct it is
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perhaps over a long and somewhat complicated lang tells the story of brecht's attempts to bring his opera to the big screen which failed due to disputes with the producers. and this. is accepted as free zoners most of the words spoken by brackets are taken from letters he wrote at the time putting the convoluted subplot aside there is of course plenty of song and dance together with the often opulent pictures and a truly star cast this will perhaps prevent cinema goes from becoming too alienated . ok other stuff going on the munich film festival english actress emma thompson picking up an award yeah i mean a stranger should give her full title because she's just being almost with the title of dame by the queen dame emma thompson and she picked up as you said and all
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the. music for a film festival and she was actually given a lifetime achievement award she was also there to promote her latest film which is this one it's called the children act it's told some plays and the judge who has to decide whether a teenager's life should be saved by a blood transfusion which is just over witness parents don't want him to have it's a great performance by tom so bob would say that because i said i have to say and we talked with at the festival i asked him how she felt about receiving the program . i think it suits my faith almost my first lifetime achievement it's made me think about my life and i've been thinking about my connections with gemini and my admiration for gemini actually in this extraordinary. welcome that you gave to so many refugee. myra's say much because
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my son's a refugee so i feel a really intimate connection with the generosity of spirit i found here. instead you have a adopted son is a former. rwandan child soldier who had a terrible time escape to england and she when he was about sixteen i think she had him a couple of years later. also at the film festival a premise for some big new t.v. series yeah well t.v. series are now part and parcel of film festivals indeed and there's two to look out for first of all puffy which is based on the patrick siskind book which was filmed by dustin hoffman about ten years ago is now a series set in the present day rather than the eighteenth century. netflix will be showing that so that's going to be all around the world for people to see and also sky have done a series based on the very famous german film of reason is does bullet so two things to look forward to that run in metal thank you more about this on the
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website no doubt indeed d.w. dot com slash culture but it could. so. there yes you're up to date so i will have more here at the top of the hour or indeed on the website. of the day.
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w z learning course. german may be easy. they live to surf the. danger lurks in the earth we were there all year long surfing waste and polluted water. basically this case has the listing back up a little in a field goal other people. between east and saturn or somewhere every day i'm seeing more and more probably shoeshine in there to see me everything the layers of the wind have to give something back to trying to tell a lie inched closer. to white waves surfers fighting against unseen pollution in the sea torch july fourteenth on d. w. .
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this is will get a lot from the ordeal is far from over authorities in taiwan thwarted could take months to rescue twelve boys from the football coach in the flooded cave system where they've been tracking the attendance but also on the program. germany's chancellor meets for coalition partners as she fights to keep her government afloat but they say they want more time to.


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