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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm CEST

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this is deja vu news live from burma the european union and japan defied protectionism that signed a huge trade deal the ambitious pact to create the world's biggest free trade area embracing a third of the global economy and more than six hundred million people will be large in brussels and french. also coming to you took the words of the k.g.b. . over the men and women of the c.r.u. outrage in the u.s.
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over president trump accepting president goodmans denial of meddling in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election. and a hero's welcome in paris for the world cup champion each member of the team will receive france's highest civilian honor. i'm sorry so much going to good to have you with us the european union and japan have signed a free trade deal that will create the world's biggest open economic area it will reduce terrorists to almost zero and create a combined market of more than six hundred million people you council president said the deal sent out a strong message against protectionism. together the e.u. and japan make up almost a third of global g.d.p. now after five years of negotiating the two sides have reached a deal that creates the world's largest open economic area addressing the press
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after a signing ceremony in tokyo european council president donald tools kept this to say. graphically we are far apart but politically economically recruit hard to be in the close. we both firmly believe open and live corp rules based international order and free trade the two blocks are ready have a pretty balanced trade relationship last year the e.u. exported goods and services worth seventy eight billion euros to japan and imports are just a little less that trade volume is expected to increase substantially as a result of the deal. the agreement will see the removal of a host of trade barriers enabling the e.u. to export products like milk nice and wine to japan without paying tariffs the e.u. in turn will no longer demand ten per cent tariffs on japanese cars
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a move that comes as good news for a well known japanese brands like toyota nissan and mitsubishi. the deal still needs to be ratified by the european parliament if all goes to plan the agreement will go into effect in the autumn of twenty nineteen. so a landmark free trade deal monika jones from the businesses here monica is there anything that could get in the way of this agreement being implemented next year of course i'm that always something could happen but this one looks pretty straightforward as we just heard it needs to be ratified by the e.u. parliament but not by all the european member states so something like what happened now with with italy threatening not to ratify the canada agreement that is something that we will probably not experience but why don't we ask our experts we have two terrific people out there one is our correspondent who is standing by for us in brussels and the other is our financial correspondent in frankfurt i would
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like to actually toss that question right actually there is this free trade agreement a done deal and if so how significant is it. it's not a done deal yet because still as you have mentioned the european parliament have to give its green light and also the european council in other words the member states but not the national governments and that's a big advantage when it comes of the significance of course it's usually significant not just economically with a big boost expected for the agricultural european sector but the significance really really lies in the strategic aspect that the european union shows that the world market is still open that there can still be a rule based system on the international realm and ironically donald trump has some part in it because the moment he became president he skipped he stepped back from a free trade deal with japan and that was the moment that exhilarated this deal
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which just took a form a mere four years and in the time that these deals take this was done at the speed of light all right so donald trump actually aided this particular free trade deal which as you say symbolically is there is significant but only how significant is it in terms of actual trade is it a well balanced deal. it is well balanced at the moment the trade is pretty even steven the japanese export about seventy seven billion euros worth of goods to the e.u. and the e.u. one billion more that is seventy eight billion so that's practically fifty fifty right there and when you slash ninety nine percent of tariffs that's practically everything so both sides are profiting and you mentioned that it's going to increase trade the e.u. estimates that it will increase the exports from the e.u. to japan by about one billion euros and in time the trade could go up by up to
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twenty five percent and read other commentary from experts who say that this deal will do more for growth in the european union than what of that deal with the united states which landed on the on the backburner that sounds very optimistic very promising however there has been in recent years growing public resistance to a variety of free trade agreements and in this case consumer advocates have warned about how drinking water prizes forced privatizations of public services is there anything to that. the european commission has rejected that critique they have said this deal will not lead to deregulate zation or to privatization of public enterprises quite the contrary they said it will be a boost for consumer rights it will have a lot of advantages some critics here have said it could be stronger on social standards so in times when the european union tries to provide
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a solution for globalization problems that could have helped but they didn't want to make it to a vicious agreement also with respect to the fact that ratification by a national parliaments could have complicated things so the idea of concern for off investor protection for instance has been left out of the equation because you could avoid going via national parliaments and so we have this ratification process which we have now the european parliament and the european council still to come and then things could enter into reality by two thousand and nineteen. reporting for us from brussels and what about in frankfurt at the frankfurt stock exchange thank you so much for this. well and i'll have much more business news coming up later in the show but i think sumi you've got something on exactly that man that helped this particular free trade deal to speed up as we've just learned
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that's right monica as the you in japan are forging a trade deal a president trump is actually triggered a wave of condemnation at home in the united states after appearing to favor the russian president over his own intelligence agencies after their first ever summit in helsinki yesterday let him and putin denied that russia had meddled in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. election trump accepted that assurance contradicting the findings of u.s. intelligence. touching down to a storm of criticism this was not the welcome home president trump would want but off to siding with the russian president over america's own intelligence services it was hardly a surprise and it even came from his own party today's press conference in helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president in memory blasted republican senator and former presidential candidate john mccain the president must appreciate that russia is not our ally rebuked republican house
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speaker paul ryan and democrats were also swift to condemn. me in hot tired history of our country americans have never seen a president of the united states support an adversary the way president roh supported president putin. for the president of the united states dangerous it's meet. the summit in helsinki between the two presidents was always going to raise eyebrows but it was donald trump's refusal to blame his russian counterpart vladimir putin for meddling in the twenty sixteen u.s. elections that sparked outrage certainly last friday u.s. prosecutors indicted twelve russian spies a hiking cheering that election lobel menace to president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today there was no collusion at all everybody
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knows it but that contradicts mounting evidence against russia the intelligence community that has confirmed russian intervention you've got the social media companies facebook twitter you tube confirming russian interference you have all of our partner countries for around europe confirming russian intervention. in an interview off to his meeting with trump putin said u.s. politics was to blame it's absolutely an interest i'm not interested in this issue that it will end this single bit it's the internal political games of the united states even to the mission we were talking of games and it was to football that the russian president turned to having trumped the full was in his court which is growing number of critics believe that it is the u.s. president who has dropped the ball. well let's talk about all of this with henning rica he's a transatlantic expert at the german council of foreign relations here in berlin
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that's a think tank thank you very much for joining us now we have seen donald trump brush off other controversy do you think though this press conference will give this investigation a new momentum of course his very soft and bling of putin. place in the hands of those who want to criticize him as being obliged to the russian president as if there were some some kind of. pressure that putin could could exert on trump but you can all this also explain this from trump's need to undermine these investigations to point. to make the indictment pointless to say that russia didn't didn't do anything because it diminishes his his victory in the election it's point positions him as a leader who needed external help actually to to win the election so. that might be his attempts by being so so smooth with putin but it backfired
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a lot because now people are thinking look does he have to hide something you know we've seen quite a backlash and he said both lattimer putin and donald trump i gave interviews to fox news after helsinki let's take a look at what trump said to john hannity i think it's a shame we're talking about nuclear proliferation we're talking about syria and humanitarian aid we're talking about all these different things and we get questions on the which aren't. ok heading we should say the witch hunt is of course what donald trump calls the russian destination but does he have a point isn't it good that these two leaders sit together especially with such pressing security issues like syria. usually a summit like this. would help to sign off of two enemy pows have moved closer if there is a period of reparation more and then you can start with new new things to handle but russia is still. very much opposing western western interests in any of these conflicts in europe of course in ukraine. in syria as well so there is no
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real reports more between the two sides only trump has moved closer to putin putin has won the summit because he had the meeting russia was suddenly again in the center of the world stage and an important player. the need to be outcomes actually did take a political risk and holding the summit with latimer put in do you think it then backfired it did because he stepped off a football of course he hasn't got much to take home there were no agreements that were visible and it's of course questionable how far putin could go i mean he could of course of a better cooperation and ukraine he should do this anyway so this is the real concession it could help along in syria if he could maybe bring assad not to attack israeli military or on this on the golan heights but that's basically all assad has already won what he wanted to have in syria nearly and iran has a very own mind in terms of its foreign policy it will not follow putin's lead so
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putting didn't really have a lot to offer and yet he stands here as somebody who who is world leader and important all these conflicts i want to ask you what this all means for europe because this comes off the heels of that very difficult nato summit where we saw donald trump parading his nato allies for not spending enough on defense he also called the european union a so when it. comes to trade how worried are europeans looking at the summit in helsinki of course they were afraid that he would give the ways things that he would make a special deal on ukraine. the crimea to be russian that he would offer to seize exercises in the baltic area where it's absolutely necessary that nato trains to be on the spot quickly on to the to russia so we are afraid of it and this didn't happen but it was also clear that there is a coziness between the two leaders that puts it in question with the trump is
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really the leader of the strong. the tearing position against russia a thing that he has demanded in brussels where he wanted to have payments and criticize the germans for doing this with russia so this contradiction is disturbing you do not know what will happen when the next meeting when he's in a positive mood again already heading reka from the german council of foreign relations thank you so much for joining us in our studio and. now some other stories making headlines around the world hundreds of demonstrators have taken to the streets of the nicaraguan capital funerals for help for the victims of a violent crackdown on protesters at least ten people were killed over the weekend police and gunmen loyal to the country's president attacked students holding anti-government protests japanese media say an extreme heat wave has killed more than a dozen people there in the last three days thousands more have been taken to the hospital for he related illness says the soaring temperatures are hampering recovery efforts in parts of the country hit by deadly floods last week in hawaii
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at least twenty three people have been injured after a chunk of mashed through the roof of a tour boat this video shows passengers watching the lava flow from callaway a volcano when an explosion sent the so-called crashing into the vessel began erupting on big island two months ago. libya's coast guard says it has intercepted some one hundred. sixty europe found african migrants including dozens of women and children in the mediterranean sea the authorities there say the migrants were given humanitarian and medical aid and were sent to a refugee camp as it is funny for char reports from neighboring tunisia many people who fail to make the crossing vow to try again but for others there is no second chance hardly anyone visits this place on the tunisian coast on their descent here are do remain so women children and young men they drowned in the mediterranean chasing an uncertain dream a dream off life in europe their stories lie buried with them in these makeshift
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graves no names no identities no headlines across from the sea over there in europe the focus has shifted from whole to help migrants too hard to keep migrants here. he wants to give them dignity shamsi dean is a fisherman here near to tourist hot spot of sadducees he has buried the remains of three hundred people to stop the crossings europe has proposed the creation of so-called disembarkation platforms in north africa they are migrants would be able to apply for asylum. isn't impressed. with him as this europe doesn't care about these people whether they're alive or dead building reception centers isn't a solution instead europe should give people the wealth that was stolen from them. to. a beach near december tree this is where fisherman discovered
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a washed up bodies. wants to find them before the local children do i'm on my way to a nearby migrant center where some of those rescued find temporary refuge there i meet the dash from the democratic republic of congo four months she was a sex slave in libya she tells me only so. when they discovered that i was pregnant they let me go. oh no i don't want to stay here engine in syria i want to go to europe. tunisia has no functioning asylum system and it has to not only deal with migrants passing through but also with increasing numbers of its own youth who dream of a brighter future these young men died trying to reach italy would in seven thousand tunisians try to cross the mediterranean last year while it was one of them he invites me to his home to share his story. and hurt them of
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a man there's no hope here. nor alive it's all the same we don't have any jobs future nothing in this country kills our dreams that's why i want to escape. the well survive several boat accidents in the mediterranean but he's undeterred he wants to try again. if i stay here in tunisia i have zero hope. in europe so i had least have a chance to hit the. but europe doesn't want to take on migrants like well so who exactly is responsible for those rescue at sea. we have to stop treaty migrants like hostages and using them as political leverage we have to stop treating them as a tool with which to get money from europe and we have to be humane with them and guarantee them no rights of freedom of movement. tunisia's
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government has repeatedly said it does not want to be the gate keeper for migrants trying to reach europe caught in limbo thousand see trying to lock on the mediterranean as the only option the spite the dangers. turning to football now and broke up winners france arrived in paris to a hero's welcome following sunday's four two win in the final over croatia the hundreds of thousands of fans lined the shankly say to greet them and to top off the celebrations each player will receive france's highest civilian award the legion of honor. the victorious france team touching down on home soil the world cup trophy in the secure hands of captain and goalkeeper hugo lloris on the famous song cell is a fence waited patiently for their heroes was
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included i'm so happy to be part of this celebration i was lucky enough to experience it already in one nine hundred ninety eight in two thousand and six when we reached the final now entrenched it's great. the band finally the moment they've all been waiting for. the twenty eight say world cup champions their champions lapping up the a jewel ation were of if so we have been waiting for like the whole day and we skate that we should get word here he said of us wasn't happy i don't think we did it because they wanted me yet here i. was already you were fans celebrating under a tri color sky united by the beautiful game the ball did easily mottaki was in paris for the homecoming party witnessing the moment when the french team
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bus and it's the tourists passengers drove past. thank you for the morning thank you every no waiting for their wait as being one thank you thank you for that was you are i was just trying to get a nice article yes lord thank you thank you thanks to steve thanks christine just reading a resounding answer we love you leading this country thank you lord i want you actually trying to get us back strong and just to bring glory to believing and that's what thank you to believe that if you go back to florida. there is a limited talking there in paris now two of the four protesters who invaded the pitch at the world cup final in moscow have been sentenced to fifteen days in jail the pitch of vader's members of the russian protest group pussy riot ran on to the
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pitch dressed as police officers in a later statement they called for the release of russian political prisoners and a more open political process as well as a prison sentence older could achieve and veronica negotiate or banned from attending sporting events for three years the other two members are yet to be sentenced. argentinian football legend diego maradona has eight a three year deal to be president of dynamo best first division team in belarus the one nine hundred eighty six world cup winner was given a rousing reception ahead of washing his first match but i don't i promise fancy a critic team that will battle for the title and he hopes his presence and help in football country but i don't also expressed a desire to meet authoritarian belorussian president alexander lukashenko. monica's back with business now and breaks it overshadowing britain's biggest airshow monica not flying high on the last one sumi bank of england governor mark
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carney said that a no deal breaks it would have big economic consequences prompt a review of interest rates and leave many bankers idle britain and the e.u. have of course negotiated a transition deal that would effectively keep britain in the block until the end of twenty twenty but it has not been ratified to get meaning the united kingdom could crash out and have to rely on w t o trading terms conny made those comments speaking to nor makers of the farnborough airshow where breaks it worries take center stage. aircraft makers have been flying high for almost a decade now pushed up by rising demand now they're showcasing the u.s. shyness informed. but a change in political landscape could spell turbulence ahead this. actor depends heavily on cross border trade in plane parts so a break that related disruption in the movement of goods and services would be costly. british prime minister to resign may sought to sue the industry fears that
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the air show she offered more than four hundred fifty million dollars in new funding for the industry and she announced plans to build a new fighter jet dot the tempus place the eurofighter that speculation brags it could upset cooperation in this field too i want to ensure that the u.k. remains one of the best places in the world for aerospace companies to do business to continue as world leaders in innovation to make the most of the huge opportunities that exist because this is an incredibly exciting time for aerospace not only is the huge growth potential but many of the developments taking place have the potential to transform the way we fly. arab spring one has announced seventeen billion dollars worth of deals so far at the farm bureau airshow just last month it could quit the u.k. overprice it but since the release of may's proposal to try and keep a free trade area between the e.u. and the u.k.
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airbus says it's cautiously optimistic. the u.k.'s main aviation industry group echoes the sentiment but insists much is still up in the air. well ahead all the telltale signs of a sure fire blockbuster well that is why china's three main film production houses hopped on board but instead of busting the block the fantasy film has just been a big bust the one hundred twelve million dollars film only raked in a humbling seven and a half million dollars on its weekend a film tells the story of a ship heard predicting a heavenly realm it reaches the name chinese actors and it's loaded with special effects producers are planning on reworking the film has been using it at a later date to hopefully recruit the one hundred in five million dollars they lost . and here's a reminder now all of the top stories we're following for you. the european union
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and japan have signed a landmark free trade deal it will cover a third of the global economy and create a combined market of more than six hundred million people talk you pay it it has a strong message against protection. and u.s. president donald trump has returned home to a storm of criticism after with losing to blame russian president vladimir putin for meddling in the twenty sixteenth u.s. and action instead strumpet seemed to reject the findings of his own intelligence agency. you're watching the news in good men you can always find more online at w dot com we come back with the latest at the top of the hour.
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as i live with the fractures if you slip only holding on to them to end of the where religion is. part of it find us on facebook and on t w dot com. welcome to tomorrow today here's what's coming up. dancing the hard cold workout for the brave. exploring the moon but nasa is the latest you know probe. and how children's toys shape gender identity and what to do about it.


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