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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  July 28, 2018 1:15pm-1:30pm CEST

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single time trial stage and the perceptions of paris to go welshman thomas has a first tour de france title within his grasp. here watching video that is coming to you live from berlin we'll have more at the top of the hour and we'll leave you now with one of the lovely spectacular celestial events the longest in lunar eclipse this century that's right. what keeps us in shape what makes us see how do we stay calm. my name is dr carson the i talk to medical experts. watch them at work. and they discuss what you can do to improve your health. stay tuned and let's all
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try to stay in good shape. come d.w. . make your smart t.v. smarter with the d.w.p. first want to do. what you want when you want to. up to date extraordinary into you decide what's on sunday no more. cops more. on the brink of a trade war us president donnie trump and european commission president john claudio because they want to trade agreement until that same place they'll hold off on imposing new tariffs on each other. threaten to tease on european car imports are probably of the table for the time being. europe has also agreed to buy more liquefied natural gas and soybeans from the u.s.
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the latter being important for american farmers. u.s. president donald trump celebrated his latest trade deal in the farm state of iowa. every basically we opened up europe and that's going to be a great thing for europe and it's really going to be a great thing for us and it's going to be a really great thing for our farmers before trump and younker appeared before the press on wednesday business groups and members of trump's a republican party urged the president to avoid a trade war with success but it's a deal at the expense of others however trade flows will be rerouted meaning less purchased from china brazil or african countries that spot discussion at a w t o meeting on thursday evening the u.s. representative had a few things to explain to his chinese counterpart for now it seems economic peace has broken out between the e.u. and us but a single tweet could up and that all these steps is a stock that's
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a countess's and given the loss of trust over the past few months maybe even years we really hope that the agreement from yesterday will be adhered to. it's a chance for europe to catch its breath but the insecurity remains. amid the trade conflict the leaders of the brics nations have met for their summit in johannesburg the nations of brazil russia india china and south africa contain forty one percent of the world's population owns they account for nearly a quarter of the world's g.d.p. in the face of the u.s. government's trade policies these nations have signed a joint declaration that stresses the importance of well trade. you know. the leaders immortalized their hand prints in clay together a symbol of acting for the good of all nations that's the message of their declaration denouncing customs duties isolation and protectionism and promoting an
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open world economy. we must work together at the united nations the g twenty and the world trade organization to safeguard the rule based multilateral trading regime promote trade and investment globalization and facilitation and reject protectionism outright. this statement from china's head of state was met with a lot of approval but at the same time china itself has been accused of closing off its market to foreign goods it's known for copying products promoting its exports and giving preference to domestic companies when awarding contracts. on wednesday and thursday ryan asked stuff went on strike in several european countries to coincide with the summer holidays the airline has been forced to cancel around six hundred flights affecting tens of thousands of passengers were and i was hoping to avoid the scenes of frustrated passengers and the most caterers
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that they might have and we thought everyone whose flight was cancelled had been informed we never thought they tell us half an hour before we were supposed to fly . in england i was like i said a little way they counseled our flight to pisa we found out in the taxi have a lot of. ryanair had try to limit the disruption caused by the company pre-strike it even pressured many of its employees to cross the picket lines the company management failed to find common ground with the union representatives. from brian is a textbook example of what you shouldn't be at work relations union relations all management style they abuse their workers they humiliate them and you get all of the press the strikes are centered on working conditions rather the money i alice has been trying for brian after six years but despite the loyalty when he sick he says he's on his own. god if i get treatment i have i have to foot the bill myself and hope that the
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irish insurance system pacing back a little bit of a brawl that we also can't get loans for help so carl because we earn our income abroad. those are going to start coming out in foreign banks won't give loans in spain or. they're not backing down yet more strike action is planned for august as the dispute continues. folks welcome subsidiary l.t. is getting a new c.e.o. again from competitive b.m.w. the current v.w. c.e.o. habit days also from b.m.w. is the one who suggested markets. french car producer p.s. a german car brand opel from general motors last year now the acquisition is starting to pay off. during the first half of twenty eighteen opel returned to the block after almost twenty years of losses with profits of more than five hundred million euros. p.s.a. is free structuring pound for opel includes shutting
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a fifth of its former eighteen thousand staff. google's parent company alfabet has reported impressive second quarter earnings they trans to preface testament's boosted by strong growth and its advertising business. google ad revenues rise twenty four percent but the record trust fine from the e.u. is set to cost the internet giant billions european regulators accused of forcing my pal device makers to take its products when using android operating system alphabet says it will appeal. just three weeks ago china learned pakistan another one billion u.s. dollars a substantial part of the funds will go towards pakistan's infrastructure into the china pakistan economic corrido the project is part of beijing's plan to create a new silk road trade treaty. the key factor is access to the
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indian ocean to china that means pakistani ports beijing plans to invest around sixty billion dollars building roads and railways modernizing power problems and establishing special economic zones. the deep sea port of call at one end of the economic corey doll is now on a forty year lease to china. the details on the precise terms of the project remain unknown but china will benefit from the new shorter maritime route to africa western asia and europe pakistan is hoping their investments will translate into new jobs and economic growth while those dividends may take time to materialise each new installment from china does mean you. financial implications and there are in some quarters that pakistan could in the long term be undermining its own so for enmity.
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the venezuelan government is planning to slash five zeros from its currency a new bank notes will be issued but that's just a cosmetic improvement they can't do much to reverse the rapid inflation the country with the biggest oil reserves in the world is. the capital city caracas is going hungry conditions are already bad and it's supposed to be worse in the countryside retirees a taking to the streets to demonstrate they can't live off the state pension on paper that million as but there is million as a worth next to nothing. though the president promised four million two hundred believe us but they're not paying us off or pensions they're only paying us two million which isn't even a for half a carton of eggs that way. the international monetary fund has made a prediction that venezuela will reach a million percent inflation by the end of the year. the economic collapse affects all walks of life even state employees who work for the state's energy company call
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pauillac workers that have gone on indefinite strike. my bread even in my position after so many years working for the company is because i can't even buy my daughter an ice cream to give her a bit of joy while i can't afford it or you accomplish it i mean. management and corruption have driven the downward spiral the country desperately needs foreign aid but the venezuelan government won't allow humanitarian aid into the country. these are sections of decommissioned turbines and to wind park in northern germany . a group of local environmentalists satisfied. too much of the base is still in the ground they want the whole thing to be removed. the concrete bases can be crushed and used in road construction but the rotor blades contain glass and carbon
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fibers bending them isn't a viable disposal option i still do paul bremer they give off a ducks to a toxic gases and it's difficult to dispose of them until the dust clogs the filters. and if they find us conduct electricity they cause short circuit some fires in the philips has been. penned in food that's why incinerators won't accept them all they charge exorbitant prices. of the thirty thousand turbines in germany a very large number and due to be decommissioned over the next few years and replaced by larger units environmentally friendly disposal methods need to be developed before the wave of demolition gets underway near comp is a company that recycles modern composite materials and there are plenty of them about glass of five a reinforced plastic used them right as many other products but it's not easy to separate these materials back out. when to cool the bucket when you've back to kate and yet there's no technology in the world that lets you separate it back into eggs
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baking powder flour and milk the image thing applies to these materials g.r.p. and see all of the constituent parts are so tightly bound together they can't really be separated since all of all the dust leakage from them for to turn could. the company has developed a procedure to tackle a problem it shreds the material the resulting stuff is long since easy to handle and while it can be banned as a substitute for fossil fuels in the manufacture of cement it can also be mixed with paper production residue and turned into granular it not granular it can be used as a component of cement as a substitute for sound. so. a lot of tissues roaches could well turn up in the cement in the foundations of the next generation of wind turbines. and that was all we can review.
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the new audi a one is a small compact we. still. can't be as good as it looks. no falls a little compact with great dot. com still want to. try to. practice constructive all turn call free and then off to shop around for some final . and more middle class african-american women all stocking up on gobs out of fear
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of growing racism or a. firearms give them self confidence as they have lost faith that the government will protect others. three thousand sixty minutes. great yourself with d. w.'s interior design channel on. every journey begins with the first step and every language the first word american could be coaxing. why not permit him. to stuff it simple on your mobile and free. course. german made
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easy. drive it the d w motor magazine coming up psy-ops crossover then you are wrong. breezes in the field five hundred convertible. and a spacious seven seater from likes of st already l. . car just.


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