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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2018 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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the first time in the history. you're watching t w news still to come. is to what racing towards europe media reports say the american car maker is looking at building gigafactory in germany to produce batteries and call us. they will be with you for that story plus all that is business news coming up in just a minute. in form. and . language courses. video and audio. anytime anywhere. w.b.'s. happening. of the. tour linked to news from africa
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and the world. your link to inception stories and discussions pena one will come to student news after getting program tonight from the need to meet from the news of these events and i would say d. debit cards much africa joined us on facebook t w africa. heading into very different direction reports tesla could be racing towards germany to build its next gigafactory while b.m.w. heads to low wage hungry to produce it so they. will be soon see clone wars on factory floor was as robots take over on jobs will automation open a brave new world two buckets will ask an expert. and techs exalts why. the spanish
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government stalled as drivers continue to block main roads in some of spain's biggest cities. and been physically one let's do business the american economy tesla is planning on building a huge manufacturing center in europe talks are already underway with two german states as it explores building another gigafactory additional negotiations are taking place in the netherlands the facility will assemble batteries as well as be equals according to test whether they will reach a decision about the location by the end of the year just recently tesler announced plans to build a factory in china half a million cars will supposedly be produced there year the comic has recently struggled to meet delivery targets for its mass market model three. and we're going to pakistan but it's now in frankfurt our financial correspondent there why germany first of all paul. we are talking about germany because it didn't in the heart of europe because of the expertise or something else was behind these
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like subsidies. well definitely germany is a good place location wise and musk pointed this out in the original tweet where he he mentioned filling up on your factory in europe it is very close to the french border france is the biggest european market for electric vehicles it's also close to belgium netherlands and looks and works so strategically it is definitely a good choice and you know most could use some positive news expansion into europe would be a great one it would be great but will it even happen i mean is this realistic first of all because we find out a lot of this news via tweets someone else who likes tweeting the news is trump and i'm sure he's not to like it either. he's probably not going to like one
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tweets the other responds tweeting. in the same manner isn't likely well tesla is already in germany twenty sixteen. bought up a machine maker in the run up allotment where it might also be having its new factory and currently. terrorists for cars are off but should that come back on the table of course tesla would be in a good position because then it wouldn't have to ship its cars from the u.s. to germany. thank you very much for your analysis from franklin it's. a wild tesla miles producing in germany germany b.m.w. wants to build cars in hungary the premium come eight or is besting a billion euros in a new factory that a thousand workers will construct vehicles with combustion engines as well as electric and hybrids b.m.w. chose the location due to hungry infrastructure the proximity to many supplies and the highly skilled personnel that factories in germany are working at close to full
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capacity right now. and some say automation and digitisation present a horris an area the factories of the future could wipe out millions of jobs others say your sorts of new positions will pop up the try telling someone who's been working for the same firm for decades. here at german electronics giant polish workers are still operating the machines but those machines are capable of doing many tasks on their own how will it be in the future technology is developing at a rapid pace and that has a direct effect on the working world more and more jobs can be performed by robots especially in traditional manufacturing industries companies invest in robots because they save money money they can invest in other areas older employees between fifty and retirement age often get left by the wayside a study by consulting firm mercer says that's a worldwide phenomenon. especially in china where workers fifty years and older
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have a seventy nine percent chance of being replaced by automation technology in robot friendly japan the risk is actually lower and fifty nine percent right here in germany fifty seven percent of older employees are in danger of losing their jobs and fifty two percent of american workers over fifty are at risk employees without special skills could be in trouble if millions in asia become unemployed the economic and social consequences will be grave. at did the study because thanks for joining us here on the first of all your study is calling on companies to do more to involve older employees in in order mation and in this transition is that a realistic goal first of all. yes thank you for inviting me and you know we have some. support our companies to face those
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challenges and the future you know one of the most important things is already on the other hand tell unsought so if we do have a look and. evolution also look for us population we see that younger population is shrinking and on the other. on the other hand older population is increasing so the question is can we really afford to. to leave sauce for labor force just just behind. us they are being forced companies are going to be forced into having to use their older workers which is not a bad thing but how fast is this transition is this automation transition actually happening because of those workers if those companies invest in those workers today and those workers still going to be here tomorrow. if you ask us not enough yet
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that's what our study shows quite clearly you know i think this is something very crucial for the future to having yet to deal with those challenges us from business change to break them down having a look on what influence with automation have on the whole workforce we see in the approaches for example with our clients in insurance companies where they said. planning initiatives break a draw down to future drop pros and skin and then having a look on really talent target groups and this is then not so much a question off of age but about skill level you know what we have talking about is free placement or displacement low skill. management workplace by automation and this really is already happening and will happen in the future
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but it's not only a question of age so really we need to good stiff programs we need to get picked on what just changing and this can be very individual for every company or case or big changes coming our way and big challenges for competence you know today from nicole. he was involved in this study thank you very much thank you very much where right in the middle of the summer holidays it's hot no one's going to want to walk to where or it is that they've got to get to and spain's taxi drivers are on strike of a group of time to turn down work them a worried about the money they're losing out through right having services like a cab a fire. monday night passed without a resolution between the drivers and government strike leaders said they'll go on.
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today's decision is that we continue. hundreds of taxis have paralyzed barcelona and they're refusing to budge until they get results the strikes have since spread to madrid and smaller cities like. this is the first time the taxes have taken a decision where one hundred percent together on this it has to be thirty to one nothing else will do he means that in the future only one permit should be issued for every thirty normal taxi permits among those worst hit by the strike tourists trying to get from barcelona's airport to the city center extra bus services have been put on but they're still packed full. we're trying with the old band because the bass was forced to get it's is very difficult for us on the streets a tough day today especially with children six hours jetlag and then the airports are empty things are hot that i mean. if i if they're working here because this morning in barcelona they would jammed last option would be
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a train or think. thousands of taxi drivers across spain are now part of the strike they say ride sharing services like threaten their livelihoods as of now they continue to wait for a resolution. the ongoing he has caused fewer northern europeans to book last minute holidays to the confidence of beaches that's bad news for british travel company thomas cook it's posted lower than expected annual profits from runs both to operate a business and the airline it's reportedly considering splitting off its a line and selling its stake twenty best to internet tend to produce day. and holiday in the american brand known for its large loud chop of bikes will begin producing small of motorcycles by twenty twenty is concept based will launch a series of five hundred to twelve hundred fifty seats middleweight bikes and even smaller versions for the age of mom also plans to introduce an electric motorcycle next year the move comes amid flagging u.s.
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sales and an effort to expand in asia counter tariffs from the e.u. are also threatening how these bottom line. lies in business with.
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me. sliding down a forest flying holiday. by boat or by rail. peaceful tranquil. sailing with energy. you it's most beautiful really are as diverse as they are in. our series this week all in. the room next to the table.
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sis louis sarno just couldn't get this song out of his head. musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. and found that deep in the rain forest in central africa. the bike up people. that i hang a. thing out. and would like to believe likely to even be because. i am the one thing they. say he was so fascinated by their culture that he stayed. only a promise to a son was made son to leave the jungle and return to the concrete and glass jungle . the result reverse culture shock. ready for
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a comeback you realize how strange artificial is they collect into life. the prize winning documentary from the forest starts aug ninth d w. hi there welcome for your remarks here's what's coming up to kick off this week. some a sensation but the song that's on everybody's lips here in germany.


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