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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  August 14, 2018 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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this is deja vu news live from berlin a car has crashed into security barriers outside the houses of parliament in london several people are reported to be injured and police have detained at the driver of the car we'll get more details from london also coming up more than three hundred people have been killed in a taliban attack on the key afghan city across many people fleeing saying bodies are lining the streets and some bribes events have been without food or electricity for days. and the turkish lira appears to be firming up as markets respond to new measures by the central bank and the government to contain the currency crisis.
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i'm sorry so much scott because i have you with us we start with some breaking news this hour from london a car has crashed into security barriers outside of the houses of parliament injuring a number of pedestrians now london metropolitan police say they have detained the car's male driver and that officers remain on the scene they say none of the pedestrians has incurred life threatening injuries the area around parliament square has been cordoned off and it is unclear if this incident is terror related or not let's get the very latest from london our correspondent kitty logan joins us on the line hi kitty bring us up to date tell us what is happens. well there's very little information coming through from the police at this stage the incident happened just after seven thirty local time many around and around
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a half ago now we do know is that no one is in a life threatening condition calling this incident police have confirmed that they have detained a male driver and social media showing images of that non-doing lead away from his vehicle now we understand that the vehicle crashed into barriers around the houses of parliament but we don't know whether or not this was intentional but just to give you some background that area is very heavily policed there are substantial barriers this goes back in march twenty fifth seen there with another incident outside parliament five people killed in that particular attack which was deliberate of course that new it is very much of one of nervousness but police have not yet confirmed whether this might be an intentional terrorist attack or not at this stage it's worth noting the parliament is at the moment off its summer recess but that there is a full time of day many tourists many people coming in going to work kitty as you said some images have come across social media and right now we're looking at these
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pictures of the area these are live pictures but as you said there are some images that have come across the police apprehending someone we have not been able to very find those and they have not been verified by the police yet but is there any information have they given an indication on what kind of incident this could be. no to this stage and i think the police will be cautious before they make any more announcements but what we can see is that the place of taking this incident extremely seriously back in itself is not surprising given the location given that this happened outside the houses of parliament we have seeing images of the police cordoning off the area pushing everyone back from four to the needs of underground stations close in that area now that police are investigating this already they are taking this incident extremely seriously but as this stage there is no confirmation about whether this incident was intentional whether there was any kind of more serious terrorist link into this particular incident judy we've heard that the
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several pedestrians have been injured can you give us any information on how many where they've been treated. well police in that statement have indicated a number of protests since were injured they have confirmed in the last hour that no one is in a life threatening condition that all reports and i must emphasize these unconfirmed reports on social media that a number of cyclists were caught up in this incident this is a very busy area at that time of day at seven thirty in the morning many people would be on their way to work it is a popular area obviously with visitors to london that perhaps about on there would be fewer tourists in the area than me if it ever took will that any kind of incident in that area on the road may have caught up and few men many members of the public at this stage as far as where where the match from lisa saying that no one is in a life threatening condition we do kitty have this tweet from metropolitan who
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police let's take a look at that them just a short while ago they tweeted out this update writing here at this stage officers do not believe that anybody is in a life threatening condition or cordons are in place to assist the investigation the westminister to station is a closed and kitty tell us more about the security on the ground right now that there is cordoned off and as we just saw the tube station has been closed as well. that's right this will be standard procedure that the area will go into lockdown we saw this in twenty seven seen with the westminster attack this is something that unfortunately london has experienced before not just that when less than seven also london bridge eight people were killed also in an incident involving a vehicle that was again at that particular uptick incident was also terror related so this is something that london police metropolitan police are suddenly very familiar with there will be procedures in place and number one on the list of procedures will be to lock down that area until we know more about what exactly has
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happened and who's behind it could be as you said police have responded quickly they're being very cautious here and one of the reasons as you also mentioned is that just last year this was a site of a terrorist attack that killed four pedestrians a police officer the perpetrator was also killed in that attack remind our viewers what happened there and you know how has security changed since then. yes that's right this was a terrifying incident involving and vehicle which throws through pedestrians as it crossed westminster bridge heading towards the house of the parliament that particular vehicle in march twenty seventeen crashed just before just outside the house the parliament the driver ran in with a knife tried to attack people as he went then he was then killed in that particular incident a state of the lost his life trying to prevent more lives being not. and since then police have stepped up security around the houses of parliament there were already
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barriers in place as barriers have become more substantial the procedures have the common tight to the evidently that has prevented completely prevented an incident of this nature although i must emphasize that in this particular instance we do not yet know what was behind it and obviously the driver was not able to bring the vehicle any closer to the house the parliament than the moon would be seen in the images but i think this will be of concern to police in london that despite those additional measures that were brought in since the march twenty seventeen attack something of this nature is still potentially possible and diggity and as you said we should emphasize once more that we don't know the nature of incidence event but for our viewers just joining us a car crash and security barriers outside the houses of parliament a number of pedestrians injured the metropolitan police saying they have detained the male driver of that car but that pedestrians there are none of them are and suffering from life threatening injuries and they have cordoned off the area kitty
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thank you so much for that update we're going to come back to you a little bit later in the program thank you. moving on to some other news now afghan officials say over one hundred security forces have been killed as they battle with the taliban for control of the key city of grozny taliban forces launched a surprise attack last friday on the city which is just one hundred twenty kilometers from the capital kabul afghan defense officials say some two hundred taliban fighters have been killed in the fighting elapse. let's bring in our correspondent founder of pictures man in studio with us she spent years covering afghanistan said i want to ask you what you're hearing from your sources in russia and what's happening there it's very sketchy information because the telecommunication networks are down so to contact people has become rather difficult but what we do see from everything that i hear is a fifth day of fighting skirmishes especially on the outskirts of the city but also there are some fighters obviously holed up still inside the city center and this is
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like a pattern that we have seen before in other bigger cities like for instance two thousand and fifteen two thousand and sixteen and it's a propaganda kind of success for the taliban the longer they manage to hold on to something like biggest city in afghanistan a pattern as you said sandra we also heard this morning that a military base in the north of the country has all four also been overrun by taliban militants and we've seen fighting intensify in recent weeks what does that mean that the taliban is that essentially research and the government can't do anything about it. obviously i mean. the government really looks a bit stupid at the moment you know they have been emphasizing that you know we are getting to the point of having direct talks with the taliban we have seen a u.s. envoy traveling to qatar having preliminary talks with the taliban it's talks about talks about talks but what we see on the battlefield is a research entirely. you know an insurgency that just gaining momentum and
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everything to me shows that the taliban want to negotiate from a position of strength and yes they can as they show in hearts and at the moment as they show up north where you know there are skirmishes and even better which is the northern province also we hear that they have been you know a military outpost over in auckland which is next to us and if cost is going on if they manage to cut off this supply route it basically means that they can manage to cut off the south of the country which is the top. from the north and that would be a major success and that's why everybody like you and me now reporting on this are in a kind of propaganda trip because the government and also nato are to downplay what setting on the ground while the taliban obviously are doing the opposite i want to take a look at downplaying that violence that you just said there sandra and part of the security situation because despite the violence the german government actually says that afghanistan is a safe country that means that rejected asylum seekers can be sent back there and
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each month a group of afghans who no longer have the right to stay here in germany are deported and yet he did follow the fortunes of one asylum seeker who was sent back and then he seemed to disappear without a trace. he had fled to germany from afghanistan after his request for asylum was rejected in twenty seventeen he was deported back to kabul. i don't remember how but i remember the policeman saying if you want to kill yourself or try anything else we'll drop you and still put you on the plane to afghanistan. shon says one of over two hundred thirty afghans who were deported from germany on charter flights between december twenty sixth teen and may twenty eighth. german doctors had attested to the young man's severe depression and acute risk of suicide he had no family or friends in kabul his only contact at the time was. who heads
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a relief organization for deportees. for a long time the support. at some point to blurred photo appeared on social media was shams living on the street chums left afghanistan is he like so many other deportees already on his way back to europe. at their with the german foreign office issued a new report on the situation in afghanistan to provide a basis for reassessment of deportation for seizures the publication coincided with the first anniversary of the terrorist attack that killed and injured hundreds at the german embassy in kabul germany had temporarily halted the deportation flights
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after the attacks the new report paints a disastrous picture of this situation in afghanistan but the deportation of afghans has been resumed. it's a decision abdul got for can't understand given the frequency of attacks in kabul. but the recent one was on police district thirteen which is a disorder or right side of me so my perception of today's kabul is like. a war started it was like a year ago but none of the afghans in this cafe wants to leave afghanistan even if everyone complains about the security situation. does a merry see who is with her mother samira has just returned from canada where she was trained as a pilot. people all around the world beating that it's all about the war and fights and everything but it's not about death because we are humans like we live
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like other people around the world but we have cafes we have ristorante we have it within zimbabwe cares and everything we have ever into thin mints i mean they're very good i'll come back to you in this i want to build my life here and i want to build afghanistan here. it's a different story for shams ahmadi he could not be traced for about two months then a message came from abdul gulf war who said he had contacted him. ahmadi wanted to go to iran go for said but was arrested and deported the story of shams amani shows that many asylum seekers deported from europe leave home again as soon as they get the chance. to sunder we hear very different voices their differing narratives what our return is facing when they go back to afghanistan if we look at the parties i think the point is that none of them really wants to go home if it is their home because
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a lot of the people that get deported from germany never really lifted in kabul because that's the city where they get deported to they might have lived in different parts of afghanistan and many of them actually were raised in neighboring countries like pakistan and iran so that's where maybe the rest of their family still are they're just where they were raised where they you know grew up before they had before they made that decision to go to germany so to them in many respects afghanistan is an alien country but as you have seen there is also the other side of kabul it's not a black and white story there's lots of shades of gray and yes you do have to live joy in kabul but you also have and this is something we have to emphasize taro you have seen dozens of terror attacks in this year alone yeah so there is a great sense of insecurity and you have fighting in most of the provinces in the country with this upsurge of violence how is the german government justifying sending people back i mean there are both sides is the story but still that
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violence appears to be increasing whether united nations keyset is a war torn country so the question here is do we send people back to war torn country i think for germany it's more of a national issue because migration and asylum are such contest that issue is in germany and also in the end it's a question of how do we see this intervention that we are part of ever since it started after the september eleventh attacks in two thousand and one if we agree that everybody who lives of can stay in germany and we then saying that this intervention has been an utter failure or an important question there our correspondent sandra pictures man following this story for us thank you so much sandra. all right though let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world in india flash floods triggered by annual monsoon rains have left at least thirty nine people dead in the southern state of kate a lot more than thirty thousand people have been evacuated from villages in low
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lying areas of heavy rains have ravaged farmlands and are expected to continue for the next two days. and australian court has ordered a former catholic archbishop convicted of covering up child sex abuse to serve his one year sentence at home rather than in jail philip wilson the most senior catholic cleric to be convicted on such charges was spared jail time due to health problems and soul music legend aretha franklin is seriously ill and receiving care in a hospice for the seventy six year old singer had cancelled planned concerts earlier this year due to health issues that after she announced last year that she would retire from performing. our time for business with have you have now and we have turkeys currency is really struggling to recover it is struggling and no one knows how it's going to recover or if it's going to happen any time soon turkey is actually trying to avoid an economic collapse the government has reacted with investments with threats and liquidity injections while president continues to assert that turkey is a victim of economic term ism and yet despite
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a slight recovery the lira remains under pressure last week let's not forget the turkish currency had a record low against the dollar and it has lost more than forty percent of its value since the start of the year the fallout from the liras plunge and the euro to a new thirteen months low and is hammering emerging market currencies as investors worry about contagion ever since that failed coup attempt in twenty sixteen turkey's central bankers have resisted raising interest rates despite a double digit inflation problem that is now hitting the people on the streets where it hurts most. new stock at last for pharmacy owner who then has to do the relief a month off if palpable. loss in value against the dollar has made some products like this medication to fight high blood pressure hard to come by. the truckload was the first sign that something was wrong was that we were no longer getting discounts on large orders right around one hundred types of medication you can no
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longer get the lira is plunging practically by the minute. leaving the people of turkey to watch in despair as their currency nosedives president matter of tayyip erdogan holds the united states responsible his talk of a trade war albeit one he says turkey will win the mood on the streets though is left to find. this in the ticket i need to find is my child's education i don't know how i'm supposed to manage my pension is worth one thousand five hundred lire that's around two hundred dollars. ticket we don't own any property we live from our pensions and increasingly we're asking ourselves if we're going to have to go hungry god help us closed shops like this one have become common places across many parts of istanbul finding a new tenant will not be easy despair is mounting as turks wait for their government to introduce confidence building measures and stabilise the currency in
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freefall rumors instead making the rounds that ankara will put the brakes on currency exchanges of freeze private assets uncertainty looms over the streets here and panic isn't so far away. economists mistah fossum as thinks the government should step in immediately and increase interest rates. the country has to pay two hundred thirty billion dollars in foreign debt over the next two months. be able to raise this much money with low interest rates if anyone at all wants to invest in such a fragile system right now in the end turkey will have to look for help from the i.m.f. he. took. in the meantime things could get worse for people like to give. the. customer has been looking for an imported drug all morning
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he's been told it's not available because of the dollar exchange race and here they can't help them either. the delicate situation in turkey is being closely followed by the whole financial world let's go to germany's financial capital frankfurt respondent standing by to see you again we know that european banks are big creditors so the turkish businesses so there must be a big interest here in stabilizing the current situation in turkey what's the word in frankfurt what could be done. well the e.c.v. can stabilize banks that could get into trouble talking to analysts a lot of people don't think it's quite that bad for the banks that have been under discussion be b.v.a. of madrid unicredit of the lander b.n.p. parivar in paris and e.c.b. could provide some some help and also the national governments for individual banks for turkey itself. turkey is not in the euro zone and the e.u.
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had a tough time supporting greece remember when greece was in a crisis there was so-called trio there that came in the european commission the e.c.b. and the i.m.f. and they impose strict conditions and it doesn't look likely as of president everyone is going to accept conditions from anyone at the moment so that's unlikely i.m.f. basically same story and there you have the u.s. donald trump as the main factor behind i.m.f. funding that looks very unlikely either at present at least a difficult situation there now looking at the broader picture all the markets are recovering today and fresh data coming from germany is this enough to ease the fears. was really bright data. zero point five percent g.d.p. growth in the second quarter and that's more than expected and that's means that germany is steaming along one economist said it's
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a golden decade that's keeping on track but another guy warns another expert says you know even if the trade looming trade war with the u.s. is not yet visible in the data it's already a burden on the economy here in germany because you have businesses headed hesitating on investment decisions you data to come later on coverage probably they're also on track of all that very shortly with you thank you very much lisa potts in frankfurt. it's more good news but for the austrian capital of vienna which has been ranked by the economist as the world's most livable city it is the first time a european city has let the annual survey by the economist intelligence unit vienna secured an almost perfect score of ninety nine points out of one hundred each year one hundred forty cities are ranked by living standards crime transport and stability this year's ranking sees melbourne and australia dropping to second place
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after being voted the most livable city for seven years in a row and that's all for business expect assume you know of course following the breaking news situation that we're having right now that's right have your we've been following this story for the past hour a car has the crashed it's into security barriers outside the houses of parliament that is injured a number of pedestrians now london's metropolitan police say they have detained the car's male driver and that officers are still on the scene as you can see there they say none of the pedestrians has incurred life threatening injuries the area around parliament square has been cordoned off and it is unclear if this incident is terror related or not let's go back to correspondent kitty logan she is on the phone in london right now for a sec kitty bring us up to date what's been happening. right it looks like we're having some trouble getting kitty back on the phone there
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but if you are still just joining us we are tracking this story a car crashing as we said into security barriers outside the houses of parliament a number of pedestrians have been injured a london metropolitan police say they have detained a male driver they haven't given any more information on the driver of a silver car as you see there's a big security presence officers on the scene there in the aftermath of the crash the area in parliament completely cordoned off we know now that the tube station there has also been closed and we are monitoring the situation and the metropolitan police did send out a tweet a little while ago saying at this stage officers do not believe that anybody is in a life threatening condition cordons are in place to assisted vest again it was we said that the westminster tube station has been closed and this of course is a very high security presence at the moment london police rushing to the scene there very quick to respond that's what our correspondent kate logan told us
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a little while ago and i do think we have her on the line now if you can hear us can you bring us up to date on what has been happening any new information coming in. well we understand now from the metropolitan police that a counterterrorism kron this meeting this investigation obviously suspicions are strong then that this incident was intentional and that entire area where the incident happened is now in the lockdown while police conduct that investigation the public has been pushed out of the area we've also in the last few moments from the london ambulance service they have confirmed that they responded to this incident at seven forty this morning they sent a number of ambulance crews to st they have confirmed that they have treated two people at the scene four entries that are not believed to be serious that those two people have been taken to hospital and earlier of course the metropolitan police did confirm that no one had been seriously injured or no one had
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a life threatening injuries in this particular incident this morning kitty just very briefly if you can a counterterrorism police you said are looking at this do we know anything about the medicine arrested. it's a little that he could say oh we know is that male pride that the code was there for the warning in the video and then there are images don't read it on facial media which i have no by that stage. all right corresponding to the logan on the phone for us from lynn london a kitty thank you so much. and thank you for watching t w we will update you on the story at the top the hour. long.
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poverty has many faces. the gap between the poorest and the wealthiest keeps growing. the increasing inequality is dividing the world on the floor in a rich society and our focus on the few. on g.w. . but when you need to work you don't know if you'll come back because you're a mess and then a swelling crisis if you knobs on assessing nation's robberies knocked me out he
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was my everything going for millions and it's no longer as about making ends meet it's about survival of. the last three miners where lives are dying of starvation. venezuela escaped from a failed state in forty five minutes on t.w. . earth. home to millions of species a home worth saving. on those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the term the climate used to green energy solutions and reforestation. they created interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and were determined to build something here for the next
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generation the idea is the multimedia environment series on d. w. . this week on global three thousand we also see means to be poor in a rich country in a single night in two thousand and seventeen there were more than a half a million homeless people in the u.s. house to come to this if you only work hard enough and are willing to keep learning you can achieve anything so says the american dream. into.


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