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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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she has to come from soup under the seats to be doing. a very kind of into active exercises i'm talking about a d w don't come to ash dungeon and on facebook in the app store. none gem and for a deafening. everyone welcome to today's special edition of euro max focused on extreme sports is what we'll be seeing today. dead evel deeds introducing french popcorn champion you are living. the prize before maya christians go from poland is a top indoor skydiver. and online sensation thrill seekers
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manpower a huge internet. now when you think of extreme sports it usually involves mountains rivers or even the skies as athletes battle nature to test their limits but that's not the case when you're an ace and pacu up the urban environment provides the obstacle course for free run as they run jump and climb their way over anything and everything and for frenchmen you wonder who the rooftops of paris of the perfect playground. you on the roof has only one chance to make this jump. there are no safety nets below the rooftops of paris park or is a kind of extreme sport the roos been doing it professionally since two thousand and nine. he's built a philosophy around. here. is the art of forward motion pushing
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limits it involves adapting yourself and your body to a certain environments often does becoming obstacles but mentally and physically is its that while. it also means being in continual motion. you want has found an ideal place in the center of paris to get in shape not far from the rusty a pedestrian bridge over the seven offers a wide range of opportunities to practice. viewers are advised against trying this at home no matter how easy it looks when you go on go strolling across the railings . i don't feel as if i'm in any kind of an unusual situation know that i have to be especially careful because ultimately just imagine i'm walking a straight line on the ground if i go by that principle i feel no stress. and there's no reason for me to fall as long as i can walk a straight line. but even the most experienced park or athlete slip up every once in
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a while. i was holding on at this very spot and went to make a three hundred sixty degree turn when i executed the move i slipped and fell in the water. this bridge is ten meters high fortunately i can swim and i got out of the water by climbing up a notch but i'll definitely remember that mishap forever only you can't afford that kind of mistake in this case i was lucky enough to land in the water. so when passers by see him in action how did they react. it is what you want to some people are curious and ask questions they're interested others don't want to hear anything about it they're scared of what they don't you know. i always try to communicate courage instead of fear. just say to. the park who are pro is always on the lookout for new locations to practice
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his passion there are plenty of rooftops in paris but it isn't always so easy to reach them. by a leash system so if the roofs of paris are a gray area in legal terms we're told by the people who live there that you aren't allowed to access the routes via private entrances and there's no way to avoid that really. day your aunt has once again found a way up. his concentration before a jump like this is ferocious one wrong move could kill him. he says he doesn't want to think about the dangers. try personally don't connect what i'm doing to death in any way for me that's a very negative concept and you have to be careful employing it. you can also die just trying to cross the street what extent are so many external factors that can
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be calculated and live with it but at what point i'm out here on the rooftops then it's just me and my body coping with potential dangers of what others view as dangerous lies at the root of my walk with. you one has taken part in many international competitions in two thousand and thirteen he won the world champion title in the discipline he's also founded a french park or team and set up an academy where he teaches others what he knows. to dance book on it's a sport that anyone can practice no matter how old you are or what. kind of shape here and there are no excuses excuses it's about the art of movement and locomotion we all have bodies that we should be using a combination of age or experience. but no one says you have to start by leaping across paris rooftops. next up is a sport that is uplifting to say the least indoor skydiving if like me you're not
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too sure about jumping out of a plane this is the perfect alternative it's just like real skydiving except there's no parachute and no risk of plummeting to sudden death when it malfunctions at all takes place in a vertical wind tunnel maya could since gust started skydiving in her early teens and showed us just how to dance with the wind. this floating dancer earned miles a place in sports history with a first ever title or junior world champion in indoor skydiving. the air in the wind tunnel blows at up to three hundred kilometers an hour every movement is perfect the wind storm doesn't bother the polish athlete she likes it.
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honestly it kind of feels like sticking your whole body out of a moving car leg it's just the same kind of like air pressure but you can control it so it's like sit with for years whatever you do your body does in that area but in the space you get. she takes her moves from other sports. fast dynamic twists come from figure skating. long stretches and figures from projects. where my options could combine some it looks like she's flying. her favorite figure is the pistol. she devises many of her moves in the tunnel cause she has a completely different sense of possibility when she's. like that i don't know on the ground. really. so we're flying it's not like you don't you catch translate anything from ground to fly
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there's no like skills that except things like flexibility she was inspired to take home a sport by her father a huge fan of extreme sports. meyer joined him for her first parachute jump when she was just ten years old. the father supported her from the beginning this sport isn't. exactly cheap fifteen minutes in the wind tunnel cost up to seventy euro's in poland maya has been training several times a week since she was thirteen indoor skydiving has become the focus of her family's life those of this is those of others that's why i do this sport too. but i'm sure so i try to accompany my every step of the way. i take care of the organizing i'm kind of like her manager. i look for sponsors who want to work with my mules about me because i think those of on the back into the back country knows about them
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that's my role in her career as well. my trains outside of the wind tunnel too and completely without professional coaching. i don't really need it any more i could come up with my own things the people who are at the top of the sport right now are at the top of the sport so we look at our own routines and we are the best judges so we know what's going. on it's interrupt. she has a type she rarely has time to stroll in town every weekday she's in school until three then she trains or has media appointments on weekends she often travels to competitions there's no time anymore for leisure pursuits. i do miss it sometimes but i think what i'm doing is worth it so. my kitchen because performance is in the wind tunnel of followed the world over she has numerous online fans. indoor skydiving is
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a fairly new sport the scene is small and maya wants to reach the top she combat defeat. goes up what i ask up as the come out i get you know every setback is like a little tragedy in god i always need a few hours to motivate her again and to make it clear to her that this isn't the end of the world it is. maya took second place in the indoor skydiving world championship in twenty seven teams but her ranking is uncommon interest i want to try to gravitate more dynamic type of flying i want to be able to show really beautiful moves but at the same time mix them up with like super dynamic fast just you know have like my own different style. is currently the star of european indoors kind i think sponsors are hiring her to appear and i thought it was nice.
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nonsense from becoming the face of indoor skydiving the well. now we're diving deep underwater usually snorkeling and scuba diving enthusiastic choose tropical locations for their underwater adventures but there are plenty of opportunities in colder climes for instance in iceland where tourists can explore a hidden oasis of lakes among the volcanic landscape reaching them involves quite a bit of hiking so it's best to be in good shape and wrapped up warm if you fancy going on one of these expeditions. so crystal clear that you can see more than one hundred meters throughout. iceland is home to some of europe's last remaining underwater sequences. from the
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commodore got to be as close as specializes in showing visitors icelandic diving highlights today an almost unknown place is on the agenda to help. unexpectedly it's located in iceland's highlands a diving paradise bought from the coast. states wine and guns presented and we're going to a very special diving site because only a handful of people have dived here before we didn't even discover it until recently and it's something very special saunders. to be as true as it has been the head of the dive organization in reykjavik for almost twelve years today it is iceland's best known diving company. its international clients include actors like the american ben stiller pierce second
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from the next. sweden's king called good stuff. and hollywood star tom cruise. easterners from the icelandic kinds are characterized by spas their detention and fast flowing streams just guessing here is an adventure and itself. after crossing a number of mountain ridges and rivers the drive has reached a plateau. this is a spar as they drive but there's still no body of water in sight. to b.s. instructs everyone to get their diving equipment together. the divers strapped. to their bodies. so. then c.b.s. confirms what they've begun to suspect the diving spots can't be reached by car they will have to continue on for.
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at least. you seem to be too strenuous but with all the efforts in the end they come to a mountain lake shaped like a tear. just this boy can cause tears is a volcanic crater lava one shot up and float him and then at some point the rate of filled up with water food you can see it here from the road it's completely hidden sophistic. you come on top for there are only a handful of people coming out today and only in the two or three months of summer to fall by i don't associate it with diving in this new top. shows and his colleagues have named the make. up to the god in north mythology. according to legend after the death of his beloved son paul to odin later tearful to
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containing all his son's beauty gentleness and goodness. the boss in this mountain lake has a temperature of two degrees celsius and comes from a glacial hyena. before it reaches the lake it is repeatedly filtered through the ken extends like chemists and. are. constantly fighting top gun you can even take out your mouthpiece and drink a few mouthfuls unsocial could think now if you must but i have to warn you this is a fountain of youth the tears abode in our intellects in school. i don't really drink and never age again he's taken from me and at the age of two hundred forty five this kind of what i'm talking about found out from fits in with. this of all ages however can enjoy the remote mountain. and sins against him it
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can't be found in any tourist guide or on the internet there's hope it's pristine beauty will remain under scrutiny for a long time to come. want to know more about european lifestyle and culture visit euro max on facebook. you'll find highlights from our programs. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the program is produced and follow us on facebook life. we'd love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d.w. euro max on facebook. now for some football a great passion of mine although i'm afraid i'm not all that skillful myself but kitty sauce is in fact she's probably better at juggling the ball than the top
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players here in europe even brazilian superstar neymar as praised her skills she's a football freestyle and performs at events around the world while football is a team sport she prefers to perform a routine solo and was never interested in actually playing on the pitch. whether she uses her head or her feet tongue gary and kitty shock can do pretty much anything with a soccer ball after all she is one of the world's top football freestylers. the sport involves performing tricks with a ball using most any part of the body coordination balance on ball control are vital the funny thing is that i haven't played football like never. i did cut out there for ten years it has nothing to do with big but i found how i like the traits just the traits not the running of the team play but but the small table trick.
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shot earns her living from these tricks ten years ago she saw a video on the web and tried the moves herself now she trains several hours a day. how if i were if i will be. made. to be on a constant thing in my life that i love them i do for. her and. she makes appearances around with global takes part in international tournaments and has won the world championship title four times. including here in tokyo in twenty thirteen. she's met famous athletes like four time formula one world champion sebastian fettle and a freestyle football idol. let it be the highlight of my of my respect carrier both me and i mark impressed you we played together for the economy. the show from three
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facts to him from trade and he said to me you have never seen. any car before that the kind of the ball so well like me. kid he shot shows off her ball handling skills in central budapest while her performance could rival any man's many still. her soccer to be on male sport women still earn far less money and public recognition in the freestyle scene knows that people take her seriously but in everyday life a woman who can kick a ball around like she can really stands out. and played when i was younger and it's a day for mother and i and the youth team and i was about twenty seven probably put on the. that i could never do. mays better. we'd be home because i like him a. indulge we also have
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a national football team. for the girls and also a support group. kitty shot keeps proving that freestyle football isn't strictly a male domain that's made her of role model for young girls around the world she is already looking forward to the next championships. benefits here so i have no idea how long i can do this. going on i can't compete. but i try to try to come back. to the tricks that i dreamed of becoming i'm going to be happy even if i mean one more time. once her active career is over shot she wants to work as a coach and hopes that one day freestyle football will become another limping discipline. well i hope to juggle the ball like that someday but i'll have to practice some more at home on
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next report features some activities you should definitely not try yourself the extreme sports enthusiasts mad cow pushed themselves to the limits and tried to invent a few new extreme sports along the way they've gone to a big following online getting millions of views for their videos we decided to follow them around for a few through. racing over grass on skis in the heart of france is over there in your region. taking a dip with the self-made counterpunch. just the thing for the french extreme athletes mad cow. good feeling when they're you off. in the air and. you're off thinking. that. consists of ten young extreme sports enthusiasts between the ages of twenty and twenty five today they're going to try
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something new. something involving jumping and watching. the guys head on to a disused railway bridge attached to steel cables normally used for cranks. they tie up bungee cord. at the age of twelve. where we all use the word to. try to make. the members of mad cow also built an eighty meter long waters line. the group is always causing us millions of same stunts like these on facebook. linked. in. ski runs through the
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forest provided an internet sensation. the philosophy behind mad cow extreme sports shouldn't be too serious it should be fun and communicative. we just bring originality and. no better type of things in the world type of thinking and yeah we try to do things they have that the bar never seen before we started with a video shall go say posted on the internet economy out of feedback and some when twenty fifteen he and some friends found it to take. the members who come from the town of the hack in the old venue and have known one another since grade school. they wanted journalists physiotherapists and businessmen. in their spare time to make videos most of them a filmed in their home region. before
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they start their latest stunt they check everything one last time. safety is even more important than fun. we took it rigorous when much i.r. each time and we will test everything we test everything we send bag first of all there is a cable we put things that resistor were really really bad station so there is no reason that. group tested whether fish lake was deep enough for the jumps by using a rope and to wait still you need to be a trained down flea to do stuff like this.
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like that trisha you have to be strong but they your was. very cold it's amazing aus the first time it was a bit scary because you don't know really what will happen but after you have a good feeling in. one thing is sure the french extreme athletes mad cow certainly know how to live life to the fullest the be. mocked oh. well that's all from us for today but we're back tomorrow with off final special edition of the week thanks for watching bob barr for now. in our next special edition. for andree explorer and his model of animals. away from home cameras can be found in northern
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norway. and canine capers special magic tricks that fascinate dogs and more in our next special edition of your own. good.
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because. some holiday simple just twenty two minutes is a ball for ninety minutes and at the end we have the top. four leads in europe clearly. influencing god. and c.d.'s. the latest updates on the top follows nationally cut.
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to. move. move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move. this is deja vu news live from berlin deadly floods hit southern india. more than one hundred sixty people have been killed as the state of karloff struggles with its worst monsoon season in a century and more heavy rain is expected we'll get the very latest from our correspondent also coming up barcelona remembers last year's terrorist attacks that killed sixteen and injured more than one hundred most of the victims died when the joggers go back into crowds on the city's famed last.


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