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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 16, 2018 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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at the age of fourteen while he was picking up big rocks. you know but you know you then and honestly to the politicians about what happened to them. don't come with it not at night straightforward come sneaking through the rooms with a flashlight looking for people who are still awake. sometimes they'd toss your outside in your pajamas. even in winter. if you've lost also take you to the garage. where you were in an old bus strap you drown in your for no reason. at all and you can go on but they treated us like dirt. just dick was not good i got so used to the beating was that it was like they were happening to someone else they beat the tire of me to the point where i couldn't feel anything eleanor it got a special good. morning come he did use a rubber trenchant and beat you until you bled. doubts they could do what
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ever they wanted to you. could i couldn't cry any more. i haven't cried in years if they could beat me bloody and they still couldn't cry sort of funny what i feel the same it is also the i can't cry and whine we left our tears each other we were cheated we cried so much you know what i'll do to stop. their own pay i just couldn't help it and the german states wouldn't help. but maybe that will change in a short order what does one shot by what i just heard for what happened to these people is beyond belief and i'm guitar involved in this. new so here in trade where compensation package looks like. these people did not live and work in germany. but we've got to see this through so that the victims can get the help they need.
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the from home because i believe that things have changed only when they see concrete proof i don't believe in their promises anymore thoughts often of intuition a fresh question on one blog. what does vanishment think about all this. other positive for this for the world the talks were encouraging. i was actually pretty nervous when i got into. this very is a lot of pressure along. oceans and it was all for god if you intervene we're not used to meeting with politicians. but i feel good about these meetings and i've developed a sense of trust to these people which is. that there's not much time to propose legislation parliamentary elections will be held in a few months the compensation bill could get lost in the shuffle. we returned to chile. after didn't
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feel tempted if colonia dignidad he earned a law degree and now represents some of the victims like it or watteau son. at the age of twelve in a suburb was treated in the colony hospital and was sexually abused there by paul shaffer. a man he's one of at least two hundred abuse victims. this is wish if i was able to live out his paedophile fantasies for more than thirty years without fear of arrest. today colonia dignidad has been transformed into the village of yetta but there infinites. part of the site caters to tourists the restaurant his spear and german cuisine the cologne. me as notorious past seems to have been forgotten. maybe
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what they are they are pretty good turds of the house for shame for abuse me out terrorists are enjoying themselves the places where people were raped and murdered . it's horrible the tourists bring their kids in free beer. i want all three of my court cases and compensation. you know but the colony officials who should pay still haven't and it's long overdue know when i'm submitting fences and wanting to answer your phone at your funeral of dealing with people that are but it's you know. there's been a lot of legal wrangling provincially temper this is one way for him to come to terms with his past to fight for justice against the system that abused him. the next day of infamy travels to the town of to move to me to other colonia
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victims. this is you are inside. he and his wife left the enclave and eventually moved to this farm in southern chile. you ask him was held prisoner and abused at colonia dignidad. it wasn't easy to start a new life you ask him found a job as a missile and the couple rented a small house. i believe in all of them. over you know he welcomes wife to his couldn't stand living at the vilonia any longer at least here they can lead normal lives. the tightness spent two years slaving away a colonia dignidad they weren't paid for their work and certainly didn't make contributions to a pension fund. and if you know my ploy to get
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out and steve you don't toss up with my company goes out of business i'm finished but i have to deal with that possibility every day. i supposed to find a new job and after start all over again on phone and made little house and everything we own so hot it seems like to find we live from month to month and my wages cover our expenses for a month and that's it is going to be awful if we couldn't afford to send our children to school i worry about that a lot i need an operation but we can't afford it and you are had a stroke. that was rough and in fact this one comes cause you didn't know tom or third i had a cerebral. stroke a stroke stopped design you couldn't speak and we can't pay our medical bills when i'm finished. that sadness and the children needed years of counseling to help them
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cope. i don't know no no no i go up without a mother and it wasn't easy. to have a she died young. she did in two thousand and twelve the time the system was collapsing did you know or don't. know why fortunately the people tell me she was very nice. it's difficult for you ask him and do this to talk about this but they are determined. they say that germany shares some of the blame for what happened to them. this includes in this medium and also not trying to rip anyone off we're not going to get rich off this but we need financial support just to make ends meet we want to pay for our children's education so that they can make something of themselves just a little help please this is important it's a new book.
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we return to bill and this is the last session of parliament before the election it's just before midnight it's a breakthrough seems to be at work a bill has been submitted that would provide for a review of the colonia case and compensation for the victims. bendish with care and with him wagner observe the debate. who have come because in the german authorities have ignored the situation they must have been blighted children were kidnapped and abused their parents were like two people were murdered . and now the fact. is those in favor of these please raise your hurts. i don't see the center
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votes or abstentions of the third or none of the motion is approved i was doing this for the house as i didn't know. how to close as much tufnell the gives us hope. i don't want to get too excited but it looks like things are finally moving in the right direction. because there are a lot of politicians who support us and would listen to us if. that's something we never had before. she was honey off. i didn't expect this to. completely overwhelmed. this is a ray of hope. and. this is justice may finally be done after fifty seven years can i take a shit. but how will the government actually implement the compensation package legislation. that's what.
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back in chile. then for example meets with human rights activists there on their way to the village vieira the former colonia dignidad. are they going to put out the plan that they could have. back after the summer this is the very first memorial to those people if today is the national commemoration day and that's why we're here. and we got official permission to put up the plaque there were so many crimes took place. back here for i think a call to. do things to sites that she wants to go alone. to mind his own this is interesting i want to show my support for the victims i
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wouldn't normally do something like this i suffered neck injuries at the colonia and it still hurts so i'm a little nervous about all this been missing every society becomes a hellish. it's a forty kilometer drive to. many of polish a facility it's still live and work then. they close the door this gets to the village the more vivid him memories become. just me boy you can see the trees and the fences you couldn't escape it i tried eight times to escape in five minutes they'd send someone out to bring you back so it was hopeless to say here's where we go in most of langan's of the city put. a number of human rights activists are already here. this area used to be outfitted with security cameras and sealed off by barbed wire. this is the form
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of potatoes said when people were tortured to death with whips clubs and electric shocks. there's no indication that brutal crimes were ever committed here. it's an insult to the victims. outside when fleet attaches the plaque to the wall on the memorial was approved by a national income the director of the bavarian village and the daughter of a colleague of paul shaffer. zero zero zero why was nothing done until now to remember the victims of these crimes. this is going to yes that's a good question and i did ask our own former members of the colonial why all this was kept secret even from us and now why do we the younger residents have to make sure that the story is finally told you before why has nothing done been to
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remember the people who are tortured and murdered here why didn't people tell the truth. and why didn't they provide a proper memorial for all those who were murdered and secretly buried here where they get hurt it's and order of lizzie. borden isn't good thanks to you. it will be. the commemorative plaque was approved over. after human rights activists put pressure on the bavarian village. it took a long time to get results. to come here we came here five years ago for only got as far as the front line for another three years ago we made it this far before they sent us away again now the building is protected as a historical sites and that's why a realtor put up the placard like you're looking for it was unfortunate. experts
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estimate that more than one hundred torture victims probably killed by pinochet's police are buried on the grounds of the colony. only one u.s. grave has been found so far and relatives now gather at the site to remember the victims. dugas knew nothing about these graves even though she lived at colonia dignidad. i'm very close to tears this is a very emotional scene it's painful to remember what happened here. there's also a woman whose son was a student when he disappeared without a trace you know when you look at the name. for the well this is all i have is a picture of you know there are so many questions where are you what happened to you you know i spent years looking for you but i've never been able to find you
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they were sure you know that in may well. then this decides to speak to the group. so. my name is doris i used to live here. we were going to do a live concert so it hurts me to think about what happened here and i'm ashamed things are going to win some. but i mistook it up we got a status but i want to express my support for you because i know what it's like to feel that you're alone and. you are suffer.


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