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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 26, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm CEST

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hello and welcome to deja vu musically us president donor trump is chairing the security council of the united nations today via seeing live pictures from the u.n. in new york where the session is about to start and you can see people milling around taking this seats and of course we'll take you there live as soon as donald trump stocks his opening remarks but meanwhile just have a look at the pictures for a bit soak in the atmosphere and see how people are gathering they would be taking their place assume their greeting for donald trump donald trump has already arrived
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at the building. a short while ago he talked to journalists when he came in he talked about a few questions and took in a few press shows made a few remarks about venezuela about palestine and various things but everyone is waiting to hear what he has to stay. at the united nations security council meeting. hello and welcome i'm touchy my great to have your company as you mentioned u.s. president dollar trump is about to chair the u.n. security council in new york people have started gathering there waiting for him to come in and start his remarks and be of course go there live as soon as he starts speaking you're looking at pictures coming from the u.n. security council chamber sitting with me in the same. new deal is nicole rendered
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she's from the german council on foreign relations welcome to you was sitting here yesterday listening to donald trump's remarks at the united nations general assembly what are you expecting him to say today where you will repeat most of what he said yesterday so there will be a heavy emphasis on america first so you will outline again his foreign policy agenda and most likely you will focus on iran and tough sanctions he's expecting not only from the u.s. to be carried out but also from friends and partners so he will call for support of u.s. policy towards iran ok so last year the focus was on north korea and this time you think it's going to be iran absolute this speech yesterday also you dedicated a long time on focusing on the evil iran and also on the fact that in the eyes of the current administration the iranian government is still supporting terrorism in the region and not be clear should not be trusted with respect to the iran nuclear
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deal so this will steer some reactions by the other security member. partners because they want to stick to the deal and so we see a little bit of a clash here going to get a nikki haley she's trump's ambassador to the u.n. and she said i'm sure this is going to be the most votes security council meeting ever well that might be because she is the president of the united states and he surprised us the world with a very new policy and very new ideas inside the united nations i mean basically he called against a global approach against cooperation on many issues which is interesting because it takes place at the at a place like the united nations which is symbol of international cooperation and looking out for ways to cooperate closely together so she might be right. well
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we'll watch this event do you usually these meetings are very very scripted yesterday donald trump stayed on script when he was addressing the general assembly do you think he'll do the same today is there be more off the cuff remarks coming from him by you know donald trump is always someone who likes to surprise his audience or even though this is a very scripted event and i'm pretty sure that his staff has prepared him for this very important meeting we might still hear few remarks said nobody expected so we would see what comes and it was only the third time u.s. president is chairing a security council meeting the other two on two previous occasions was barack obama and the badly his team spent months and months preparing for those sessions do you think the same amount of work has gone in by donald trump's team ahead of this session well i am very much hope so because again this is a very important meeting it's also an honor to be you know of chairing this meeting
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in this very important bound but there is so much trouble at home in the white house as so many domestic issues the white house staff is troubled with that i cannot be sure we cannot be sure how much time they really spent on this foreign policy talk. right you know just one of us be we've got live pictures coming from the u.n. security council there you are you can have a look at them you can see many of the leaders have taken their places just minutes ago i got a glimpse of terry's m a she is also there. plus all the other leaders waiting for donald trump to come in and make his opening remarks he has treated earlier today that he's going to be focusing a lot on iran and there was some questions being asked whether iran is actually on the agenda. now we can confirm the donald trump has arrived
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at the u.n. building. and will be shortly coming into this chamber of the u.n. security council. and you know he's only it's only the third time that a u.s. president is addressing the security council as i mentioned could how significant is that claim is pretty significant especially because there are many significant issues on the table even though the u.s. government yesterday indicated that iran will be the main topic there are other challenges lingering i mean syria is definitely a topic what should be addressed in this report could groovin this dishonors this group with having china and russia on the table the issue with russia maybe could be something that would be addressed and other challenges in the middle east that we're facing right now about again the main topic we all expect him to discuss is iran chairman of this meeting he will definitely lead the conversation towards the
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issue of iran what is significant to talk about russia yesterday at the general assembly he did not mention russia absolutely he didn't mention russia so it was more interesting what he didn't say than sometimes what he said and it was also important that the european partners didn't take place in the conversation. and russia didn't didn't play a role at all which is surprising being under such pressure as the president is with them all investigations and the connection off the trump team to russia as the going to mention that donald trump has arrived at the u.n. building now he was he talked to journalists as he came in and he was asked about various issues including his relationship with the north korean leader kim jong in here's what he said and i'm afraid the quality may not be that good but they take a listen to what he had to say. what are you. where i. wonder. you go you know.
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them being held up by your parents and very much worse to you in. the area there were. what we were aware of robert says this time period. so that was donald trump talking about his relationship with north korea and he's setting this whole thing as a big success and we have to remind ourselves that last year he said kind of things like little dropkick man be disparaging and some such unkind comments about the north korean leader and now he's setting this whole thing as a huge success of his strategy but if you look at his foreign policy successes off the last year there is not so much to write home about one of the issues of course is that the meeting with not with the north korean leader took place and also that the relationship between the united states and south korea are now. resolved into an agreement between the two crowd and countries but this is about it any in
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a test and in its most softly all to allies not only to europeans but also friends and friends and allies like australia or like canada so he has to focus on. the success with with korea because there is not much else he can really talk about you know let's look at the pitches and they could you see that all the europeans a second ago all in one hundred of the french president money and mcchrystal is also there and yesterday at the u.n. general assembly mccraw took a very strong stand and talking about multilateralism in direct gunness contradiction to what to trumpet said earlier when what he said was reject the ideology of globalism and embrace the doctrine of picture does and that's what trump said and you know mccall took a completely different stance. talked about the virtues of working together in multilateralism expecting to have more of this in this session absolutely because we all saw or heard the secretary general of the united nations yesterday talking
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along the lines as the french president that working together on these very complex issue is basically key and not the isolation and the focus on one country alone on its picture tism the way tom about it and again he has or he took a very different pro approach to the united nations than all the other presidents we've heard before they begin looking at pitches that we see and to a good turkish receive money or money or mccraw want to resign may and they're all waiting for donald trump to arrive he is going to share this session of the u.n. security council only the third time that the u.s. president is doing that and as the good you said it is quite significant that he is doing that i mean there's a lot of focus on iran and yet on iran the u.s. and most european countries a very far apart on how to deal with a country absolutely but if you really look at the bottom of the deal it is between
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iran and the united states it's a good signal that europe sticks together on this question and tries to save at least parts of the iran deal but again at the end of the day they might have a big problem in really sticking to their promises and continuing for example business relationship with iran and it would be almost impossible for example for germany to really make a decision for iran against straight with the united states they won't happen and this is way it gets a good political signal but the implementation will be almost impossible for the europeans to all to hold on to the case while we wait for they are trying to do to address the united nations security council let's take a look at another question a journalist posed to donald trump as he came into the united nations and the question was about venezuela again just a reminder the quality of the on do is a bit poor but have a listen to what donald trump had to say. apparently. fire time
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will make you feel asleep to be. there for a while or you may believe people are suffering mentally and physically well there's no reason for this so i would certainly feel it would i believe that anybody if i could say i think if you want to buy cigarettes. for don't trump talking about venezuela and something be kind of a strong and confident that and why i'm here if you want to sustain waiting in the un security council chamber milling about waiting for dollar trump to. ok so he said that he was actually i was waiting for dura if you didn't get that the president of venezuela is waiting for and we are now seeing that people are coming together and you can see is a great occasion. there we see her shaking hands with. this it's
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a great kid and quite often for people to informally kind of dress flesh talk to each other catch up and it's for many people is a historic occasion to actually hear only for the third time a u.s. president addressed the security council talked earlier about the business interests with the whole iran issue yesterday again. foreign policy chief of the european union talked about looking at ways to circumvent sanctions that the u.s. plans to impose on iran surely that will drive a further wedge in relations between the u.s. and europe over iran absolutely i mean the idea is to create some kind of financial institution that would help especially medium and small companies to do business in iran. is certainly a ball move on the side of the european government about like i said i mean the
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implementation of such a service is almost impossible if you look at the headlines now a lot of companies already decided that they will not do any business of iran anymore because say they have might be jeopardized by more pressure from the u.s. because u.s. clearly said you have to support our sanctions if you if you violate this you have a problem with us. and interesting kind of moment in yes to this piece to the united nations general assembly was when trump talked about talked up his achievements in the first two years and that was kind of laughter. in the general assembly you know we know that donald trump has is they thin skinned and obviously there was love to directed at him that first reaction was on his side while the positive because he said it's ok that people are now saying well he usually keeps this thing in mind and he makes people pay for this this was one of his worst
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nights me nightmares coming to that section and poured it poured an audience laughs at him he at the very beginning of his presidency said i don't want the president to be a lot of matter and this is exactly what happened to him he saved fate to a certainty about reacting to it and saying well that it's ok but he would take note of this i'm pretty sure exactly that is what is interesting to hear what he has to say today because he will take note of the fact that there was some laughter about his comments at him actually though you mentioned germany earlier yesterday when donald trump spoke to the united nations or assembly he singled out certain countries countries you favored in countries he didn't mention as you said that was like russia but he favored for countries it talked about poland you don't want india israel and saudi arabia and then he took aim at germany what do you make of that it's not a good sign i would say i mean germany is such a longstanding partner of the united states and again our security policy is completely dependent on the protection of the united states and by singling out
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germany and by you know making making germany looking bad and i'm pointing to the fact that if we have a deal in energy deal with russia we would be competing depending on the country first of all he didn't have to facts trade but second it signaled that you know we have to work really hard to have to u.s. administration still supporting germany on a larger scale and diplomats said iran would request to speak at this meeting do you think that's likely well yesterday after the speech i thought well you know i think if the iranians really. play along and say we still. to talk to you with it makes them look very good if. there might be a small chance that advisory team around to our evaded pushes for the offer to talk to the president because if the sanctions were implemented the way the us government or not if it's a disaster for iraq. yes ok listen you know yesterday
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donald trump kept everyone waiting for over an hour today again his skeptical waiting off for quite the as yet we're still waiting for him to come and while we wait let's have a listen to what donald trump had to say at the united nations general assembly yes the about iran we cannot allow the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. to possess the planet's most dangerous weapons. we cannot allow a regime that chance death to america and that threatens israel with annihilation. to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead. to any city on earth. just can't do it. we ask all nations to isolate iran's regime. as long as its aggression continues. and we have school nations to support the rands people as they struggle
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to reclaim. their religious and righteous destiny. so strong words on iran and the codes and then the president the offer iran responded based strongly he accused the united states of economic terrorism he also accused the u.s. administration of trying to go in for a regime change in tehran regulars see this all going if. if the sanctions will be implemented they will be very very harsh on iran and the results were not to be positive once neither for the iranian population who would suffer the most nor for the stability of the region because we know if iran will be further destabilized it will affect the entire order order in the middle east but you know let's also be ready for the interim to come let's have a look at that little scene from yesterday when you know donald trump talked about his achievements and there was some amount of laughter in the u.n.
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general assembly let's take a look. in less than two years my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. america's so true. i didn't expect a reaction but that's ok. i think many people would have been surprised at the u.n. general assembly that he's stuck so to message he was obviously had a speech which is well crafted well written and he read it without trying any off the cuff remarks without any kind of things which could have. been misconstrued or construed as wives speak well but it still sounded pretty compas and i think that
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that made people you know. laugh about it he himself had to laugh for second because i think maybe even he realized it's a little bit over the top to be claiming this amazing success certainly he knows especially now in the forefront off the midterm elections that a lot of things he announced he hasn't achieved i mean starting with the relationship with mexico his in famous border and now that issue in eighty eight and still a das most of his allies so good and let me just interrupt you let's look at approaches as you see donald trump has arrived in the chamber of the u.n. security council nodding greeting various leaders who have gathered to listen to him speak. and of course to remind everyone this is only the third time that the u.s. president is chairing the u.n. security council the first two times it was but obama and now today in new york
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it's donald trump. so he's. with the u.n. secretary until you could ted a show has taken his chair. and the proceedings are going to start. soon as donald trump the press to make his opening remarks to the u.n. security council in new york let's listen it. is. really just you know this isn't. just. the
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president asking the insect region if he should thank you very much that it's the eight thousand three hundred and sixty second meeting of the security council is called to order. the agenda for this meeting is maintenance of international peace and security non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction the agenda is hereby adopted i am honored to be here today to chair this meeting of the united nations security council it is also my privilege to welcome the distinguished heads of state heads of government ministers and other leaders and representatives here with us thank you i also wish to warmly welcome secretary
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general antonio good terrorists for joining us thank you very much with the secretary general. the security council will now consider item two of the agenda i will make a statement in my capacity as president of the united states of america it is a great honor to be here today at this u.n. security council briefing to discuss a matter of urgent importance concerning and countering the proliferation of deadly chemical biological and nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them the nations of the world have long recognized that certain weapons are so dangerous and can inflict so much suffering that
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all of us have a vital interest in preventing their further development spread and use since my inauguration the united states has taken bold action to confront these sinister threats many of us are rightly focused on the dangers of nuclear weapons but we must never forget the risks posed by biological and chemical weapons the united states was one of the first nations to unilaterally renounce the use of biological weapons and since world war one we have led international efforts against the scorch of chemical warfare most recently in syria we have twice imposed severe consequences on the assad regime for using chemical weapons against innocent civilians i
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want to thank prime minister may and president mccrone. for their country's close partnership in those efforts last april the syrian regime's butchery is enabled by russia and iran the iranian regime exports violence terror and turmoil it illicitly procures sensitive items to advances politike missile program and proliferates these missiles all across the middle east the regime is the world's leading sponsor of terror and fuels conflict across the region and far beyond a regime with this track record must never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon for this reason i announced earlier this year that the united
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states would withdraw from the iran nuclear deal this horrible one sided deal allowed iran to continue its path towards a bomb and gave the regime a cash lifeline when they needed it the most they were in big big trouble they needed cash we gave it to him in the years since the deal was signed iran's aggression only increased the regime use new funds from the deal to support terrorism build nuclear capable missiles and foment chaos following america's withdraw all the united states began reimposing nuclear related sanctions on iran. all us nuclear related sanctions will be in full force by early november they will be in full force after
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that the united states will pursue additional sanctions tougher than ever before to counter the entire range of iran's malign conduct. any individual or entity who fails to comply with these sanctions will face severe consequences i ask all members of the security council to work with the united states to ensure the arabian regime changes its behavior and never acquires a nuclear bomb with all of this said i want to thank iran russia and syria for at my very strong urging and request substantially slowing down their attack on it glib province and the three million people who live there in order to get thirty five thousand targeted terrorists get the terrorists but i hope the restraint continues the world is watching
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thank you also to turkey for helping to negotiate restraint anything the usa can do to help resolve this problem in order to save perhaps even hundreds of thousands of lives maybe more we are willing and able we are available to help in my remarks yesterday to the united nations general assembly i laid out my administration's commitment to building a more just and peaceful future regrettably we found that china has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming twenty eight teen election coming up in november against my administration they do not want me
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or us to win because i am the first president ever to challenge china on trade and we are winning on trade we are winning at every level. we don't want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming election as i also mentioned yesterday we have seen the results of historic efforts to open new pathways to peace on the north korean peninsula on the korean peninsula and that's something we are extremely proud of i am pleased to say that north korea has not conducted a missile test since last november it has not conducted a nuclear test since last september and the hostages have been returned to us and very importantly the remains of american heroes are now returning
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home in june i held a historic summit with chairman kim jong un in singapore where he reaffirmed his commitment to complete denuclearization last week chairman kim reiterated that commitment to president moon at their third summit and to me in a very strong letter form i think we will make a deal but unfortunately to ensure this progress continues we must enforce existing u.n. security council resolutions until the nuclear ization occurs however we have detected that some nations are already violating these un sanctions this includes illegal ship to ship transfers which must end immediately the safety of the korean peninsula and the region and the world depends
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on full compliance with the u.n. security council resolutions very very important. but most importantly i believe that chairman kim jong un a man i have gotten to know and like wants peace and prosperity for north korea many things are happening behind the scenes away from the media which nobody know but they are happening nevertheless and they are happening in a very positive way so i think you will have some very good news coming from north korea in the coming months and years i also very much appreciate what president moon of south korea had to say about me last night in television interviews working with president moon has been my great honor
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and likewise working with president xi of china and prime minister of japan has been a pleasure and an honor each of us follows in the footsteps of countless world leaders diplomats and public servants who came here to the united nations with the same noble goal to build a future worthy of the patriots true true patriots who sacrificed their lives for our nation and for our future. to be successful we need a commitment of every nation represented in this chamber acting together we can replace the horrors of war with the blessings of safety and the beautiful promise of peace thank you very much i now resume my function as president of the security council and give the floor to the president of
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france. so there you are you just heard the president donald trump addressed us here in the country don't and we're just about the french president. addressed the security council let's take a listen to the distinguished ministers dear friends i would like to first of all a little thank you can be us the presidency of the security council thank you for having brought us here today to discuss the serious threats to the threats to international peace and security which are represented indeed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction they mean and their means of delivery i'd like to thank the secretary general for being present with us here today the first issue here that comes to my mind a more on a day when we consider the divisions frankly that we have had in the past year on
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such issues for example as a nuclear issue all of the chemical weapons used by the syrian regime is appalling question what is it that we member states of the security council can do together with the nonproliferation regime which organizers in control of new nuclear weapons in order to limit the danger of nuclear war which places an absolute ban on certain questions and does this to ensure that our people never experience the horrors of being gassed or bacteria bacteriological attacks this is a relatively recent construction and it came into maturity in the one nine hundred ninety s. and it was the result of the. tragedies of the twentieth century the friend determination of a bridge assessors of their vision of the good of humankind and their spirit of responsibility and this is edifice they construct it is. by mutual concessions interdependence and mutual trust that we build together in a word it is based on a multilateral approach to security responsibility and i believe in it very deeply
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today. because of that we owe this to. our people what we owe to them is to preserve and strengthen this regime at a time when it is being seriously tested and a member states of the council have to be exemplary in this regard and in my view on this issue and many others we have to stand together with the whole and we were together remarkably so on the issue of north korea and last time it was in december twenty seventeen when we passed resolution twenty three ninety seven the way of managing this is crisis and this was just revolving he recalled by the president of the united states has gone through a new stage of banks decision they should have to have a direct dialogue with the chairman of the workers' party of korea and we welcome and support these efforts as well as the efforts made in this regard to by the by south korea at it will do no good knowing to this unity council lose sight of the
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fact that it north korea continues or was ending and you can ballistic threats for the region and for the world and we expect for them hermia pyongyang regime specific actions showing that they genuinely. determined to dismantle their nuclear ballistic program and to do so in a way which is comprehensive very viable and a reversible as we await such a gestures of such actions our dialogue has to be accompanied by rigorous implementation of the sanctions decided upon by the council. and on this we are you know. we were also united on the issue of iran when we passed resolution twenty two thirty one but that wasn't twenty fifteen because since then they have always of over the signatories of the j.c.b. away has have diverged all but the hood and they may be needed here we still of all of us here i'm convinced retain the same objective in mind namely preventing
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iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and guaranteeing on a strict international can really control on the peaceful use of their nuclear program that. is imperfect but if you're going about it is a decisive step in that exact direction a serious crisis of confidence that was opened by every imposition of extraterritorial sanctions by the united states but around continues abiding by its nuclear allegations of well this situation has to be countered by if they don't respect of all of the provisions of j.c.b. away and its resolutions by all members of the u.n. and not just by france germany and the u.k. killing we also have to go further than the current framework and i've already stated the same a year ago and that is why are you going to reveal the goals that were covered by the president of the united states even if we can disagree on the methods as regards j.c.b. a way modernized think that we need to build together
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a long term strategy in order to manage this crisis and it cannot be boiled down to just sanctions and containment we need to have the basis for new negotiations get a limo created first by the framework recreate for the iranian nuclear issue beyond twenty twenty five and toward more thirty thirty and on the issue of the increase of iran by the size of the scope and the accuracy of their ballistic missiles so we have to frame their butt istic issues secondly and terribly the. if you're not regional stability is. not something it's all over the deck of the components that can be part of an international strategy in order to reduce the dangers for the region and also attain that goal that we all want namely that iran doesn't it does not ever end up to. so united on the issue of eliminating.
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chemical syrian chemical weapons this was the resolution twenty one eighteen but out it was and twenty thirty and since then the threats will be of the credibility of the ban have accumulated in the reappearance of chemical weapons during the offensives by the syrian regime at the time went to mass because had a terror to the conventional banning that and declared as their program did not encounter they need a determination from the council to diet as far as they're concerned have used those weapons in syria and iraq off illegally in february twenty seventh in malaysia a member of the north korea leaders family was assassinated with the use of a over in europe talks in v.x. and this year that it was it was on the united kingdom territory and therefore in the european union they're not they knew or talks and was used and this resulted in a death and injury for four other people who france records here that we share the
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british analysis according to which there is no other plausible explanation here here other than they've ever sponsibility is with russia and it's up to russia to take all the necessary measures in order to make cease the threat we've launched on the twenty third general twenty eight and international partnership against the impunity of using chemical weapons and all of the states are invited to join this initiative we have to act on some and i would like to thank here president trump the prime minister may you know we have to act there together with the e.u. the u.s. and the u.k. against this syrian chemical capacity we work towards strengthening of a organization on the prohibition of chemical weapons. eighteen and new mechanism for inquiry and tribulations which is an indispensable tool mr president. we will work to see cicely for the unity of this council on the issues of nonproliferation we have. to remain united because in the recent years every time when we were not
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united it was to the detriment of our principles and i will collect effective effectiveness it's an issue of our legitimacy as president and nonpermanent members we also have to be united because the dissemination of technologies can lead to new threats to peace and this concerns us directly the development of intercontinental missiles by north korea something that we need to worry about up until now it was only a very few states who had these kinds of weapons and this placed on them very special responsibility not in future if we do not have sufficient control of that and if north korea proliferate how many other countries will have this weapon in the middle east the ballistic systems provided to hezbollah into movies is a new and alarming development if it has to starve before of they further destabilize a region which is already tense fighting dying kind of permanently that the
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terrorist groups are interested in the weapons of mass destruction the threat of nuclear or radiological terrorism has not disappear despite the leadership has that has been shown by the united states here with the summit conducted on nuclear security fronts calls that we continue to meet international cooperation here it's necessary more necessary now than ever mr president we will continue strictly abiding by our commitments under the international nonproliferation regime and will continue strengthening the various institutions which warm its back on when particular we will continue to support the efforts made by the united nations and experts and will bring the issue of commenting nuclear chemical biological and ballistic labs proliferation during our presidency of g. seven and twenty one thousand and for this is a call for the power eternity. and the spirit of responsibility because it
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nonproliferation regime good is the backbone of our system of collective security we kept building a decade after decade in its still young aide requires our mobilization to be i was spared of responsibility and our unity i thank you and i thank the president of france for his statement thank you very much i now call on the president of poland thank you. thank you very much. you been watching live coverage from the united nations security council you're watching the w.b. news coming to you from we just heard president emanuel mccraw from france speaking at the u.n. security council and before that president donald trump made opening remarks with me in the studio listening to those addresses was nicole richie's from the german council on foreign relations he called we listened to both these leaders talk and
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we got way to a different narratives the main thing on the agenda is peace and security in the world through denuclearization as well as the elimination of nuclear weapons and biological weapons and chemical weapons that was the on the agenda at this session and we got two very different visions you had a month of mcchrystal focusing on unity cooperation and working together and he had donald trump talking about his agenda and the u.s. agenda what do you make of the visions you couldn't have more different visions and also our visions of how they see the world and what is striking is said a man when i call rightly put on the table that in order for example to. rise iran you need to have footwork you need to prepare instruments and organization have to strengthen the apparatus in order to really mourn and toys to any progress on not and by doing so he somehow made it the president look
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a little bit too focused on the results of his possible to be implemented sanctions and not really look at the long term effects not only for iran but for the whole region and by pointing out all by and by it would add to the fact that. if you impose sanctions on iran but you don't really have an idea of what do you want to get out of them at the end of the day it make the president look he doesn't have a vision. and for iran on the long run and not for the region and here you could see there are very different ways of looking at you know possible mechanisms that my happened in the region as you had predicted donald trump focused a lot on iran to begin with he talked harsh words for the country describing it as exports of violence terror and turmoil leading sponsor of terrorism and he talked about new sanctions being imposed in iraq as early as november this is not new the
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november sanctions were already discussed by him and he mentioned them before but he said they will be even tougher sanctions after the november second which somehow put another dimension of pressure to the whole debate interesting part about his speech was that she also made a little come pain speech in him pointing to the fact that he is tough on china and he will impose even tougher regulations on china as he already did and two sentences later he things the chinese government for their support and so a lot of inconsistency is we saw already yesterday in his speech where you don't really know what to make out of it you see it today again in his speech at the security council and the french president wanted mcroy to challenge him on many of the points that donald trump raised but one issue that he. brought up which donald
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trump didn't mention it was russia so i thought was also quite convey just to point to the fact that the involvement of russia in many of the. texts and even small acts of terrorism vasher place a decisive role placid places certain and quite tricky role in syria still something we didn't hear about yesterday in the speech by trump but my call put you know to put the whole picture together and here basically needs to respond but he didn't. ok so that you mention challenges some because he said i'm the first president ever to impose such tough sanctions on china let's take a listen to exactly what donald trump had to say regrettably we found that china has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming twenty eight teen election
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coming up in november against my administration they do not want me or us to win because i am the first president ever to challenge china on trade and we are winning on trade we are winning at every level we don't want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming election. to the chinese will they surprised the chinese leaders by those comments but he did mention midterm elections coming up in the venda so how much of this what he said in the u.n. security council the home of multilateralism is actually directed to his own domestic audience for this part certainly was only a mainly directed to his audience basically in at home and the fact that he already you know alludes to the fact that there might be some mingling with the results in
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the midterm election shows the fear that the republicans might lose their majority and their directions were not turn out the way they should in his favor but it's quite fascinating there's a mention china now meddling in elections and not draw show which is where the investigation in the u.s. is going on this all take a look at north korea of course donald trump once again touted his huge success in dealing with north korean leader he said someone i've got to know and like that i'm sure would have also kind of some amount of consternation among some of the people listening to his speech but again you had the money come back and warn the denuclearization was there when they're happening in north korea is it absolutely and. in this respect the president also has his own story out because the some office said vies us they asked for caution with respect to the success he achieved so far with north korea because the result still missing and
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here are my call rocky pointed to the fact that there are so many steps ahead if there's really something which we call a success was north korea it's not only one single meeting between the president and the north korean leader that really sealed the deal its many many issues and many things the north korea koreans still have to deliver where we're not sure they were this point going to go listen have another listen to what donald trump had to say about iran he spent a fair bit of his initial comments on it on let's listen to what he said. the syrian regime's butchery is enabled by russia and iran the iranian regime exports violence terror and turmoil. illicitly procures sensitive items to a drabs as ballistic missile program and proliferates these missiles all across
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the middle east the regime is the world's leading sponsor of terror and fuels conflict across the region and far beyond. what do you think nicole these comments what kind of impact will it have on iran iran is obviously good powerful allies in the region as well unlike north korea which is pretty isolated so will there be a blowback when it's not the first time they hurt this because yesterday he basically said to work by worth the same thing about iran and the vani and so far have been very careful and be acting directly through actions to his provocations even though if a tough tough talk yesterday he left the door open for negotiations at some point and i think at this point iran knows that they will not make any mistakes to further provoke the u.s. presidents or to damage their image they want this deal and they want to be seen as
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a country that sticks to the rule it's in this is you know the only tool they can use right now that they are the ones that they obey the rewards via the president even if you obey the rule it's you will be punished and this is the small you know chance iran has to really convince those advising the president to say look if we really take a close look at you know what's happening in iran they follow some of the rules and you don't. and what did business mccraw he also talked about hootie rebels in the yemen and the kind of geopolitics of that conflict what did you make of his comments that well yesterday the. us president praised saudi arabia very much for their humanitarian support in the people in yemen and they are you know. supporting. humanitarian off efforts to help the people but they were also part of
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the of the conflict in the area and they play a decisive role and so. what my condo does is he shows the complexity of the process and he shows the different involvement a different party set off and trump has a very simplistic view on very complex issues especially when it comes to the middle east and i call really show same that there are so many different for sects to the spect to the to the conflict zone and to the conflict area that should be considered that there are no simple solutions and they will both the both leaders were talking at the united nations security council fifteen members there will listing all of them are going to be holding addresses to the security council at the end where does it or leave us be as i mentioned we have two very different narratives on issues which are international issues where does it leave us now listing to do these day different visions very often with slightly confused after
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after such a long and often concise talk of the u.s. president and most surprised last year that after he called him john in little rock a man on a mission and announced a possible destruction of korea he's still with him and tries to find some diplomatic solution so. again we are left with a big question mark will the president be as tough on iran as last year and now it's you would be on. korea the difference here is that this is a long term topic office national security advisor on barton so yes we would see sanctions to be implemented and we are not sure how the iranians react and that might again be a complete black box at this point how would this what effect of each and on the long run and just a final comment in the cold now at the end of these two visions that we've heard to not a tibbs we've heard do you think the europeans and the us closer together or for the
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rip up well if you look at the president then of course you see that people are reacting to him in a very strong and often negative way and the thing that is most at stake is the soft power off the united states which the president puts at risk like how much damage does he do to their reputation also you know knighted states as a partner as a country who cooperates so here we will see a development that some off the people working closer with the united states would stick to their friendship but they will continue to isolate the president. calderon which from the german constant foreign relations thank you very much for your insights and for your analysis of the president and the united states and all fronts and the conversation and the address and remarks of the u.n. security council you're watching news coming to you live from berlin just a quick recap of the top story that we're following for you u.s. drone dollar trump has told the united nations security council that china is
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attempting to interfere in november's u.s. congress elections he said it's because china is opposed to its trade policy which involves putting tariffs on chinese exports to the u.s. . and here more news coming up for you in just in a few minutes we'll hear up to standing by so to say we did i mean you see if you can.
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crypto currencies. millions of people world over and now pay in vision going to come how does the system work odd what are the risks. and will it really herald the tension revolution comes the game is everything about cryptocurrency response to a bank made in germany moscow thirty minutes d.w. . cold or.
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that kind of the only. honest coming listening to. the fight against illegal logging. against goldwater called time for me to tell everyone what's going on the fight courageous activists codd the chance to come. my geo current. boss is mad because the lead boss has a gun. but who will move. the borneo case starts october ninth on t.w. . the contentious figure at home. he wrote in germany. from the phone all the way. to
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german reunification. and the end of the cold. war charles was one of the brick fumes of the twentieth century. because the gorbachev of the last leader of the soviet union was an agent of change. quickly miss downfall. i have decided to resign my duties as president of the soviet union. most. but she is one historical but i'm sure one doesn't personally. she continues to fight for world peace with the reminder by natural we have to comprehend where peace has taken our search but today there is a new arms race. our time gorbachev and the opportunity for peace wasted starts october third on t w.
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f. this is due to readers live from berlin is china meddling in u.s. elections. president at all times says it is because china doesn't like his trade policy which involves slapping terrorists on chinese exports to the u.s. we'll have coverage of trump's address to the u.n. security council also coming up a chance on the americal suffers an unexpected blow to her.


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