tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle September 27, 2018 4:00pm-4:59pm CEST
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we beat germany. put the european championships head back to german soil for the first time since one thousand nine hundred eighty eight the. competition from. president meanwhile arrives in berlin for a state visit he's aiming to defuse tensions between the uneasy allies. catching up on the stories that been vital then disappeared from the time lines did you hear interviews the victim of an anti semitic attack that was caught on camera. that's a spot of. what happened next. welcome to you i. cheema it's crunch time for brett kavanaugh the us supreme court
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nominee facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct an extraordinary hearing that could see the fate of his nomination began in washington just a few moments ago christine blousy ford who say scabbed not try to rape her when they were both teenage is her testimony comes a day after a third woman accused of sexual misconduct in his youth gavino who rejects the allegations will face senators questions after ford. job of the top u.s. court is at stake so far president donald trump has been standing by his pick although he said he could draw the nomination if the testimony against kavanaugh is convincing. and joining me in the studio is irvin calais he's a professor of economics at bard college in a by lynn welcome to you in obviously this is a lot at stake
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a lifelong position on the supreme court at the other side you have a woman accuses kavanaugh off sexual misconduct tell us more about what is going to happen in the next couple of hours in the next couple of hours there will be. you know really literally five minutes purrs senator twenty one senators asking questions a special person with experience in prosecution of sex crimes will represent the republicans a woman prosecutor from the state of arizona. it's basically a formalized he said she said is going to take place before our eyes and there will be little room no room for serious follow up or other related news that has come up look you know we're looking at life which is coming in from there we just
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had been looking at those pictures so you think it's a question of she said he said so but when these senators grill the two people and in a triage tell me what the truth was how do they go about it then. we haven't heard as much from the democratic side to how the division of labor is going to take place but we have we will we just saw there a very top a warrior michael bromwich who has great experience in governmental affairs is going to be one of the advisors of dr ford's but anyway they are very much going to just have statements and trying to establish who is more credible because they are saying opposite things there's no cut idea of a compromise there's no compromise possible they go with the one or the other and you see that they're looking at these live pictures coming from then dr christina bless you for what it is that she is preparing to give her testimony. how
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significant is this development that she's actually in the senate and she is going to testify against a man who has a huge recreation and was so strongly supported by the president for as a potential nominee for the supreme court well this is not unlike the need a hill story there was judge clarence thomas coming before the judiciary committee and. the accusations came relatively late in the game. what moved someone then to actually decide to put themselves in under public scrutiny after so many years i think there's a bit of there's a patriotism there is one thing ok let's have a listen i think we may be about to stop it or see warning. we continue our hearing on the nomination of judge barrett cavanaugh to serve associate justice on our supreme court. we will hear from two witnesses dr christine buys
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a ford and judge kavanaugh. thanks of course to dr ford judge kavanaugh for accepting our committee's invitation to testify and also thank them for their voluntary to testify before we even invited both dr ford and judge kavanagh i have been through a terrible couple weeks they have in their families have received files threats what they have endured are to be considered by all of us as an acceptable and a poor reflection on the state of civility in our democracy. so i want to apologize to you both for the way you've been treated and i intend hopefully for today's hearing to be safe comfortable and
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dignified for both of our witnesses i hope my colleagues will join me in this effort of a show of civility with that said i love man that this hearing how this hearing has come about. on july the ninth. twenty eight tain the president announced judge kavanagh's nomination to serve on the supreme court judge cavanagh is served on the most important federal appellate court for twelve years before that he held some of the most sensitive positions in the federal government the president had a judge kavanaugh it too was short list of supreme court more than nine months ago . in november twenty seventeen as part of judge kavanagh's nominations room court. the f.b.i.
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conducted its sixth fall field background investigation of judge kavanagh sends one nine hundred ninety three twenty five years ago nowhere in any of these six f.b.i. reports which committee investigators have revealed on a bipartisan basis was area where if of any issue and he issue at all related in any way to inappropriate sexual behavior. dr former first raised your allegations in a secret letter. to the ranking member neary two months ago in july this letter was secret from july thirtieth september thirteenth. to no giant thirtieth until september thirteenth when i first heard about it. the
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ranking member took no action the latter wasn't shared with me or colleagues or my staff these ality the asians could have been investigated in a way that maintained the confidentiality that dr ford. requested before his hearing judge have cavanaugh met privately when sixty five senators including the ranking member but the ranking member didn't ask judge kavanaugh about the allegations when she met with him privately in august the senate judiciary committee held its four day public hearing from september fourth to september seventh. judge kavanaugh testified for more than thirty two hours in public. we held a close sation for members to x. sensitive questions on that. on the last evening i was so ranking member did not and can judge kavanaugh answer nearly thirteen hundred written questions submitted
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by senators after the hearing more than all prior supreme court nominees throughout this period we did not know about the ranking members secret evidence then only had an eleventh hour on the eve of judge kavanaugh his confirmation boy did the ranking member refer the allegations to the f.b.i. and then sadly the allegations were leaked to the press and that's where dr. ford was mistreated this is a shameful way to treat our witness who insisted on confidentiality and. and of course ted kavanaugh who was had to address these allegations in the midst of a media circus when i received dr ford's letter on september the thirteen my staff and i recognize the seriousness of these allegations and immediately began our
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committee's investigation consistent with the way the committee has handled such allegations in the past every step of the way the democratic side refused to participate in what should have been a bipartisan investigation as far as i know on all of our judgeships throughout at least the last four years or thirty years that's been the way it's been handled. after dr ford's identity became public my staff contacted all the individuals she. said attended the one nine hundred eighty two party described in the origin post article judge kavanaugh immediately submitted to an interview under penalty of felony for any knowingly false statements he denied the allegations categorically democratic staff was invited to participate and could have asked any questions he wanted to but the time which leads me then to wonder if they're
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really concerned with going to the truth why wouldn't you want to talk to the a-q. . the process and procedure is what the committee always does when we receive allegations of wrongdoing my staff reached out to other individuals allegedly at the party mark judge patrick smith legal and kaiser all three submitted statements to the senate under and under penalty of felony denying any knowledge of the events described by a doctor for dr ford's lifelong friend dr miscarries or. stated she doesn't know judge kavanaugh and doesn't recall ever attending a party with him my staff made repeated requests to interview dr ford during the past eleven days even voluntarily to fly to california to take her testimony but her attorneys refused to prevent present her allegations to congress i never i
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never in the last honored her request for a public hearing so dr ford today has the opportunity to prevent her allegations under oath. as you can see the judiciary committee was able to conduct thorough investigations into allegations of through all investigations into allegations some of my colleagues consistent with their stated desires to obstruct kavanagh's nomination by any means precisely. by any means necessary course for f.b.i. investigations into the allegations but i have no authority to force the executive branch agency to conduct an investigation into a matter he considers to be closed moreover once the allegations become became public it was easy to identify all the l.h. witnesses and conduct our own investigations contrary to what the public has been
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led to believe the f.b.i. doesn't perform any credibility assessments or verify the truth of any advance in these past background investigations i'll hold the end chairman joe joe biden during justice thomas' confirmation hearing this is what senator biden said quote the next person who refers to an f.b.i. report as being worth anything obviously doesn't understand anything the f.b.i. explicitly does not in this or any other case reach a conclusion period they say he he said she said they said period so when people waive an f.b.i. report before you understand they do not they do not they do not reach conclusions they do not make recommendations and of senator biden's
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quote. the f.b.i. provided us with the allegations now it's up to the senate to assess their credibility which brings us to this very tiny i don't forward to a fair and respectful hearing that's what we promise doctor for some of my colleagues have complained about the fact that an expert on this site is investigating sec scrying related felonies most recently rachel was a division chief of the spatial victims division maricopa county attorney's office felonies most recently rachel was a division chief of the spatial victims division maricopa county attorney's office which prosecutes sex crimes and fine family violence then democratic senator governor janet napolitano previously recognize her as the outstanding arizona the
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sexual assault prosecutor of the year and she has spent years instructing prosecutors detectives and child protection workers on how to properly interview victims of sexual assault abuse with her eight i look forward to a fair and productive hearing i understand that there are two other public allegations today's hearing was scheduled to. in close consultation with dr ford's attorneys and her testimony will be the subject of this hearing we have been trying to investigate other allegations at this time we have not had cooperation from attorneys representing other clients and they have made no attempt to substantiate their claims my staff is try to secure testimony and evidence from attorneys for both de burgh deborah room errors and generally sweating my
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staff made eight requests yes and eight requests for evidence from attorneys for ms ms ramirez and six requests for for evidence for attorneys for ms white me neither attorney has made their clients available for interview the committee can't do an investigation if her attorneys are stonewalling i hope you all understand that we have attempted to seek additional information as we do a lot of times when there are holes in what we call the b. i reports additionally all the witnesses should know. by when i say all the witnesses i mean dr ford and i mean. judge kavanagh all the witness should know that they have the right under senate rule twenty six point five to ask that the
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good maybe go into close asian if a question requires an answer that is a clear invasion of their right to privacy if these are dr ford or judge kevin all feel that it's senate rule twenty six five ought to be involved they should simply say so senator feinstein. and thank you very much mr chairman i'll make just a brief comment on your references to me yes i did receive a letter from dr ford it was conveyed to me by a member of congress will as to. the next day i called dr forward we spoke on the phone she reiterated that she wanted this held confidential and i held it confidential up to a point where the witness was willing to come forward and i think as i make my remarks perhaps you'll see why because how women are treated in the united
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states with this kind of concern is really wanting a lot of reform and i'll get to that for a minute but in the meantime good morning dr ford thank you for coming forward and being willing to share your story with us i know this wasn't easy for you but before you get to your testimony and the chairman chose not to do this i think it's important to make sure you're properly introduced by and i have to since my name or guns are but if you want to introduce or i'll be glad to have you do that but i want to know i didn't forget to do it because i would do that just as she was about to speak thank you i have to say when i saw yours. i was an extremely impressed you have a bachelor's degree from the university of north carolina chapel hill two masters degrees one from stanford and one from pepperdine and a ph d.
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from the university of southern california better known to senator harris and i as u.s.c. you are a professor affiliated with both stanford university and palo alto university you have published over sixty five peer reviewed articles and have received numerous awards for your work and research and as if that were not enough you are a wife a mother of two sons and a constituent from california so i am very grateful to you for your strength and your bravery and coming forward i know it's hard but before i turn it over i want to say something about what is to be discussed today and where we are as a country. sexual violence is a serious problem and one largely goes unseen in the united states it's estimated by the centers for disease disease control one and three women and one in
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six men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime according to the rape abuse and incest national network sixty percent of sexual assaults go on reported in addition when survivors do report their assaults it's often years later due to the trauma they suffered and hearing their stories will not be believed last week i received a letter from a sixty year old california constituent who told me that she survived in an attempt to break up at age seventeen she described as being terrified and embarrassed she never. to soul until much later in life the assault stayed with her for forty three years i think it's important to remember these realities as we hear from dr ford about her experience there's been
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a great deal of public discussion about the me too movement today versus the year of the woman almost twenty seven years ago but while young women are standing up and saying no more our institutions have not progressed and how they treat women who come forward too often women's memories and credibility come under assault in essence they are put on trial and force to defend themselves and often read victimized in the process twenty seven years ago i was walking through an airport when i saw a large group of people gathered around the t.v. to listen to anita hill tell her story what i saw was an attractive woman in a blue suit before an all male judiciary committee speaking of her experience of
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sexual harris meant she was treated badly accused of lying attacked and her credibility put to the test throughout the process today dr christine blasi forward has come forward to tell her story of being assaulted and fearing for her life when she was a teenager initially as i said dr ford did not want to make her story public then within thirty six hours of coming forward republican scheduled a hearing without talking to her or even inviting her to testify she was told she had to show up for the or the committee would move forward with a vote. it took a public outcry for them from the majority excuse me for the majority to back down and give her even a few days to come before the committee republicans also scheduled this hearing
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with dr ford with out having her allegations investigated by the f.b.i. in one thousand nine hundred ninety one anita hill's allegations were reviewed by the f.b.i. as is the normal process and squarely within its jurisdiction however despite repeated requests president trump and the republicans have refused to take this routine step and direct the f.b.i. to conduct an impartial investigation this would clearly be the best way to ensure a fair process to both judge kavanaugh and to dr ford in one thousand nine hundred ninety one the senate heard from twenty two witnesses over three days today while rejecting an f.b.i. investigation republicans are refusing to hear testimony from any other witness
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including mark judge who dr ford identified as being in the room when the attack took place and we believe judge should be subpoenaed so the committee can hear from him directly republicans have also refused to call anyone who could speak to the evidence that would support or refute dr forts claim and not one witness. who could address credibility and character of either ford or cavanaugh has been called what i find most inexcusable is this rush to judgment. the unwillingness to take these kinds of allegations at face value and look at them for what they are a real question of character for someone who is asking for
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a lifetime appointment on the supreme court. in one thousand nine hundred ninety one republicans believe professor hill's experience saying and i quote it won't make a bit of difference in the outcome and quote and the burden of proof was on professor hill today our republican colleagues are saying this is a hick up dr ford is mixed up and declaring i'll listen to the lady but we're going to bring this to a close what's worse many of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle have also made it clear that no matter what happens today the senate will plow right through and ensure judge kavanaugh would be elevated within a week in fact on tuesday the majority went ahead and scheduled a vote on the nomination before we heard one word of testimony regarding
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allegations of sexual assault and misconduct by brett kavanaugh republican leadership even told senators they should plan to be in over this weekend so the nomination can be pushed through without delay this is despite the fact that in the last few days two more women have come forward with their own serious allegations of sexual assault involving brett kavanaugh this past sunday we learned about debbie rowe mira's who was a student at yale with brett kavanaugh she too didn't want to come forward but after being approached by reporters she told her. story she was at a college party where cavanaugh exposed himself to her she recalls pushing him away and then seeing him laughing and pulling his pants up then yesterday judy sweat
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nick came forward to say that she had experiences of being at house parties with brett kavanaugh and mark judge she recounted seeing kavanaugh engage and i quote in abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls and quote including attempts to quote remove or shift girls clothing and quote not taking quote no for an answer grabbing girls quote without their consent and quote and targeting quote particular girls so that they could be taken advantage of and quote each of these stories are troubling on their own and each of these allegations should be investigated by the f.b.i. all three women have said they would like the f.b.i. to investigate please do so all three have said they have other witnesses
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and evidence to corroborate their accounts and yet republicans continue to blindly push forward so today we're moving forward with a hearing and being asked to assess the credibility of brett kavanaugh he's made several statements about how his focus was on school basketball service projects and going to church he declared that he quote never and quote drank so much he couldn't remember what happened and he has quote always treated women with dignity and respect and quote and while he is. made these declarations more and more people have come forward challenging his characterization of events and behaviors james roche his freshman roommate yale stated kavanagh
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was and i quote again frequently incoherently drunk and quote and that was when quote he became aggressive and belligerent and when he was drunk liz swisher a friend of his from yale said and i quote there's no medical way i can say that he was blacked out but it's not credible for him to say that he has no memory lapses in the night that he drank to excess and quote brooks you've been listening to it live coverage coming to you from this senate hearing in which christine does the ford is due to testify shortly and we're monitoring the situation then we have you can see a monitor box but you can see what is happening there listening to dianne feinstein she is the leading democrat in the senate committee and before that because chuck grassley he's the chairman of the judiciary committee with me is
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a professor of economics of bard college watching those developments closely because the two systems that to say the senate members have to say very different versions is what break their necks let's stop it chuck grassley what do you make of what he said just crassly wanted to establish that any delays were the fault of other people that there has not been a systematic blocking of candidates or a rigorous investigation or a willingness to push to have an f.b.i. investigation he wanted to create a counter narrative the narrative of it's basically a blame the victims side that the democrats. i have been stonewalling the entire process that was basically what he wanted to establish. ok not correspondent is standing by for us in. the senate hearing my own tell
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us more about what you are hearing in the lead up to this senate hearing what was the mood there like how significant is the senate hearing from people there when rita it's no small thing that this senate hearing is being described as just finding a moment of a generation and that's very apt that i'm here to a similar hearing that happened twenty five years ago when the other three of my i just may just want to jump you ruefully i'm still going to do company b.p. but we just about the year before that christine does he want is taking the oath in front and next to him listening to what she's well thank you very much for use when you stated before you give your statement i want to say. to everybody that she has asked. for any time you ask for break you get a break any time there's something that you need you don't have just to ask us. you can have as much time for your opening statement if you want to. just
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generally let us know if there's any issues. proceed please. i think thank you senator grassley i think after i read my opening statement i anticipate needing some caffeine if that is available on the new page microphone just a little bit closer to you please. turn the whole box go a little bit cold i'm trying senator you know ok well then they're not really in forward thank you i could thank you but. is this good you know ok. thank you sir chairman grassley and rank ranking member feinstein members of the committee my name is christine bloggs the ford i am a professor of psychology at palo alto university and a research psychologist at the stanford university school of medicine. i won't
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detail my educational background since it has already been summarized i have been married to russell for since two thousand and two and we have two children. i am here today not because i want to be i am terrified i am here because i believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while brett kavanaugh and i were in high school i have described the events publicly before i summarized them in my letter to ranking member feinstein and again in a letter to chairman grassley i understand and appreciate the importance of your hearing from me directly about what happened to me and the impact that it has had on my life and on my family. i grew up in the suburbs of washington d.c. i attended the holton arms school in that says to maryland from nine hundred seventy eight to nine hundred eighty four. holton arms is an all girl school that
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opened in one thousand nine hundred one. during my time at the school girls at home arms frequently met and became friendly with boys from all boys schools in the area including the land school georgetown prep. school. as well as our country clubs and other places where kids and families socialize this is how i met brett kavanaugh the boy who sexually assaulted me. during my freshman and sophomore school years when i was fourteen and fifteen years old my group of friends intersected with brett and his friends for a short period of time i had been friendly with a classmate of brett's for a short time during my freshman and sophomore year and it was through that connection that i attended a number of parties that brett also attended we did not know each other well but i knew him and he knew me. in the summer of one nine hundred eighty two like most
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summers i spent most every day at the columbia country club in chevy chase maryland swimming and practicing diving. one evening that summer after a day of diving at the club i attended a small gathering at a house in the says the area. there were four boys i remember specifically being at the house brett kavanaugh mark judge a boy named p.j. and one other boy whose name i cannot recall. i also remember my friend leland attending. i do not remember all of the details of how that gathering came together but like many that summer it was almost surely a spur of the moment gathering. i truly wish i could be more helpful with more detailed answers to all of the questions that have and will be asked about how i got to the party and where it took place and so forth i don't have all the answers
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and i don't remember as much as i would like to but the details about that night that bring me here today are the ones i will never forget they have been seared into my memory and it haunted me episodically as an adult. when i got to the small gathering people were drinking beer in a small living room family at room type area on the first floor of the house i drank one beer. brett and mark were visibly drunk early in the evening i went up a very narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the restroom. when i got to the top of the stairs i was pushed from behind into a bedroom across from the bathroom i couldn't see who pushed me. brett and mark came into the bedroom and locked the door behind them. there was music playing in
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the bedroom. it was turned up louder by either brett or mark once we were in the room. i was pushed onto the bed and brett got on top of me. he began running his hands over my body and grinding into me. i yelled hoping that someone downstairs might hear me and i tried to get away from him but his weight was heavy. brett groped me and tried to take off my clothes he had a hard time because he was very angry very aided and because i was wearing a one piece bathing suit underneath my clothing. i believed he was going to rape me . i tried to yell for help when i did brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling this is what terrified me the most and this had the most lasting impact on my life it was hard for me to grieve and i thought that brett was
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accidentally going to kill me. both brett mark were drunkenly laughing during the attack they seemed to be having a very good time. mark seemed but will it times urging bret on and at times telling him to stop a couple of times i made eye contact with mark and thought he might try to help me but he did not. during this assault marc came over and jumped on the bed twice while brett was on top of me and the last time that he did this we toppled over and brett was no longer on top. i was able to get up and run out of the room. to rectally across from the bedroom with a small bathroom. i ran inside the bathroom unlock the door. it waited until i heard brett and mark leave the bedroom laughing and loudly walk down the narrow
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stairway pin bowling off the walls on the way down. i waited. and when i did not hear them come back up the stairs i left the bathroom went down the same stairwell through the living room and left the house i remember being on the street and feeling of enormous sense of relief that i escaped that house and that brett and mark were not coming outside after me. brett's assault on me drastically altered my life for a very long time i was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone these details i did not want to tell my parents that i age fifteen was in the house and the parents present drinking beer with boys. i convinced myself that because brett did not rape me i should just move on and just pretend that it didn't happen.
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over the years i told very very few friends that i had this traumatic experience. i told my husband before we were married that i had experienced a sexual assault i had never told the details to anyone specific details until may two thousand and twelve during a couples counseling session. the reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and i had completed a very extensive very long remodel of our home and i insisted on a second front door an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. in explaining why i wanted a second front door i begin to describe the assault in detail i recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the u.s. supreme court and spoke a bit about his background at an elitist all boys school in bethesda maryland. my
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husband recalls that i named my attacker. after that may two thousand and twelve therapy session i did my best to ignore the memories of the assault because recounting them caused me to relive the experience and cause panic and anxiety. occasionally i would discuss the assault in an individual therapy session but talking about it caused more reliving of the trauma so i tried not to think about it or discuss it. but over the years i went through periods where i thought about the attack. i had confided in some close friends that i had had an experience with sexual assault. occasionally i stated that my assailant was a prominent lawyer or a judge but i did not use his name. i do not recall each person i spoke to about salt and some friends have reminded me of these conversations since the publication
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of the washington post story on september sixteenth two thousand and eighteen. but until july two thousand and eighteen i had never named mr cavanaugh as my attacker outside of there he. this changed in early july two thousand and eighteen i saw a press report stating that brett kavanaugh was on the short list of a list of very well qualified supreme court nominees. i thought it was my civic duty to relieve the information i had about mr cavanagh's conduct so that those considering his nomination would know about the salt. until i fix i had a sense of urgency to relay the information to the senate and the president as soon as possible before a nominee was selected i did not know how specifically to do this. i called my congressional representative and let her receptionist know that someone
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on the president's sort list had attacked me. i also sent a message to the encrypted washington post confidential tip line i did not use my name but i provided the names of brett kavanaugh and mark judge they stated that mr cavanagh had assaulted me in the one nine hundred eighty s. in maryland. this was an extremely hard thing for me to do. but i felt that it could it not do it. over the next two days i told a couple of close friends on the beach in up tough california that mr cavanaugh had sexually assaulted me i was very conflicted this to whether to speak out. on july ninth i received a return phone call from the office of congresswoman and sue after mr cavanaugh had become the nominee. i met with her staff on july eighteenth and with her on july
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twentieth describing the assault and discussing my fears about coming forward. later we discussed the possibility of sending a letter to ranking member feinstein who is one of my state senators describing what occurred. my understanding is that representative eschews office delivered a copy of my letter to senator feinstein's office on july thirtieth. the letter included my name but also a request that it be kept confidential. my hope was that providing the information confidentially would be sufficient to allow the senate to consider mr cavanaugh serious misconduct without having to make myself my family or anyone's family vulnerable to the personal attacks and invasions of privacy that we have since my name became public. in a letter dated august thirty first senator feinstein wrote that she would not share
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the letter without my explicit consent and i appreciated this commitment. sexual assault victims should be able to decide for themselves when and whether their private experience made public. as the hearing date got closer i struggled with a terrible choice do i share the facts with the senate and put myself and my family in the public spotlight or do i preserve our privacy and allow the senate to make its decision without knowing the full truth of his past behaviors. i agonized daily with this decision throughout august and september two thousand and eighteen. the sense of duty that originally motivate motivated me to reach out confidentially to the washington post and choose office when there was still a list of extremely qualified candidates and senator feinstein was always
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there but my fears of the consequences of speaking out started to exponentially increase. during august two thousand and eighteen the press reported that mr cavanaugh his confirmation was virtually certain. persons painted him as a champion of women's rights and empowerment and i believe that if i came forward my single voice would be drowned out by a chorus of powerful supporters by the time of the confirmation hearings i had resigned myself to remaining quiet and letting the committee and the senate make their decision without knowing what mr cavanagh had done to me. once the press started reporting on the existence of the letter i had sent to senator feinstein i faced mounting pressure reporters appeared at my home and at my workplace demanding information about the letter in the presence of my graduate students.
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they called my bosses and coworkers and left me many messages making it clear that my name would inevitably be released the media i decided to speak out publicly to a journalist who had originally responded to the tip i had sent to the washington post and who had gained my trust it was important for me to describe the details of the assault in my own words. since september sixteenth the date of the washington post story. i have experienced an outpouring of support from people in every state of this country thousands and thousands of people who have had their lives for about a cli altered by sexual violence have reached out to share their experience and have thanked me for coming forward. we have received tremendous support from our friends at our community. at the same time my greatest fears have been realized and
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the reality has been far worse than what i expected my family and you've been listening to live coverage from professor christine blazin ford speaking at a senate hearing in washington she's been talking about her claims of sexual assault by the supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh she talked about an episode which took place in the summer of one thousand nine hundred eighty two she talked about how the the episode was seared in a memory she's been haunted by what happened on that fateful night and that it dramatically altered her life now the hearing is still continuing with of course bring you more details on that later in the program but first let's move on to some other news germany will host football's european championships in two thousand and twenty for the false time to host a major football tournament since two thousand and six while the world cup and they want to vote by the sport's european governing body in switzerland this afternoon
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have a listen the whole slew of twenty four will be germany. to self in france executive can see go to the end of the bannister germany taking a clear majority over the underdogs turkey it was the fourth time dickey lost the right to close the euros and germany will be hoping they can deplete the success of two thousand and six world cup which was praised for its organization and celebrated joyously in the country itself. let me now a doing a sports correspondent in new york that's in the headquarters of you e-file that and jonathan crane from the sports desk is right there and listen to that announcement jonathan tell us some of the reactions both the immediate reactions when that announcement was made and later when you had a chance to hear from the main plans yes you are a face headquarters on the banks of lake geneva looking very calm at the moment and i think you can say the same thing about the german reaction to winning this bid it
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was rather muted response and i think really that reflected the fact that they had maybe realized that beach was tightening the race for winning this this tournament the rights to host this tournament was tightening over the last few weeks and no jumping up in the air we were trying to do a kind of read that body language before the vote was announced they did a very nervous but then reinhart gringo the head of the german football federation got on stage and he said the fact that germany has won the right to host you're a twenty twenty four should be felt or three. with and this is true and it's a wonderful day you pulled especially for the professional footballers in germany and first of to and we also know that a tournament like pace can create an unbelievable sense of excitement among children and youths they'll come safely clubs and that too is a beautiful perspective and the clubs will be ready ho understood the president he
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will dolphins you will find for button. so that was a run out and german football federation expressing his happiness and joy that germany has been selected to host the european championships in two thousand and twenty four the only other competitor was the turkey and it was very much the underdog in this race and maybe it was it was of a close call but in the end it was quite a decisive victory for germany from what i've been seeing the twelve votes were in favor of germany four and one abstention there were trade votes for and four for turkey ok let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the one china has hit back at u.s. president dollars from party cues the country of trying to meddle in the upcoming u.s. midterm elections a foreign ministry spokesman said beijing did not interfere in other country's internal affairs trump maybe allegation on wednesday saying beijing wanted to sway
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the elections against his republican party due to his tough stance on trade. lashes have been have erupted between and to india protesters and police in indian controlled kashmir protesters threw stones while police fired tear gas and shotgun pellets the protesters are angry about the death of a young man killed by indian troops last week rebel groups in indian controlled kashmir have been fighting for independence or a merger with pakistan or one nine hundred eighty nine. police in slovakia have detained suspects in the killing of a journalist and his feel see a young and the rule of both twenty seven was shot dead at their home outside in february the death sparked public outrage in the central european country could chad had investigated fraud cases involving businessmen with ties to leading slovak politicians. a british online investigative group says
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a russian man accuse. of poisoning a former russian spy and his daughter in seoul is very is a military officer who received an honor from president vladimir putin in two thousand and fourteen the website belling can't say as the suspect who sponsible name was ruth's long bushy it all was in fact on a tally sheet being russia's foreign ministry has dismissed the claim. and a russian member off the anti kremlin activist group pussy riot has been discharged from a hospital and button and thought it best to love says he was poisoned by russia's secret service for investigating the deaths off of russian journalists and german doctors say quote it's highly plausible he was poisoned but they said they've gone determine how it happened or who might have been responsible. gay watching news coming to you live from berlin i'm going to leave you now but
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i'm going to. touch some good. the world's most powerful intelligence agencies. working together on climate research. the end of the cold war made that possible. the united states and russia seized the opportunity former phone a speech in collaborator seemed even batman day could see the disaster stone ages
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come on. the morning i'm going to submit some detail on home. i'm not laughing at well because sometimes i am but most end up in with that haven't been thinking even for gemma culture a. new to ridiculous drama day oh you cuss it's all out who they know i'm right so join me for me to get a bunch of holes. the first thing at school in the. first clinton was. gore's grand moment to run and join during a ten on journey been to freedom you know we're going to return to mention. the running time returns home. the contentious figure at
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home. in germany. from the fall of the. german reunification. the end of the cold. warm charges from the great heroes of the twentieth century. because gorbachev the last leader of the soviet union was an agent of change. that quickly measures downfall. i have decided to resign my duties as president of the soviet union. lost. but she's the one historical but i'm sure of one because. he continues to fight for world peace with the reminder by next year we have to comprehend where peace has taken our search for today there is a new arms race. our time gorbachev and the opportunity for
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peace wasted starts oct third on t w. this is the w.'s lie from a historic hearing and the fight for a decisive us to pray in court said professor christine place before testifies to the u.s. senate about an alleged sexual assault by judge brack top of the analysis for tells lawmakers she's doing her civic duty also on the program. for you all the host alluded to twenty four will be.
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