tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle September 27, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm CEST
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this is d.w. news live from germany football fans get a big boost. so. the host a little twenty four. will be in germany germany takes turkey to the hosting of the european football championships germany's first time since nineteen eighteen. so he's president stretch of time. but while he was in germany he's in berlin on his first state visit hoping to diffuse recent tensions between the two countries and.
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for what degree of certainty do you believe brett kavanaugh short. one hundred percent one hundred percent paid professor christine place before that testifies and tells us senate says that she was attacked by president from supreme court nominee a judge brack denies the allegation. i'm still gail welcome to the program germany will host football's european championships in twenty twenty four the first time the country will host a major football tournament since the two thousand and six world cup you know as much was made by european football's governing body this afternoon. util the host of the twenty four. will be germany.
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seventeen members of us as executive committee decided that turkey's latest attempt to host the european championships would be no more successful than their last three germany will be hoping they can repeat the success of their world cup tournament which was praised for its organization. more or less from a sports correspondent jonathan crane who's at the u.n. for headquarters in neal in switzerland welcome jonathan tell us about the reaction . well fell like lake geneva but i mean the german reaction was pretty calm actually quite muted ask you how guess but no jumping up and down and i think that maybe reflected their worries that this race was going to be a lot closer than actually it ends out eventually reinhard grindle the head of the german football federation got on stage and he said he hopes the effects of germany winning this fight will be felt or the way through german football let's listen this is true and it's
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a wonderful day especially for the professional and amateur footballers in germany . and we also know that a tournament like pace can create an unbelievable sense of excitement among children and youth. they'll come to the clubs and that too is a beautiful perspective and the clubs will be ready to speak to you and all fans you will find. so that's a don't think crane jonathan turkey lost this vote to twelve for with one abstention how much did politics how much or how great a part of politics play in this. well i think the margin of the german victory suggests that actually politics did play quite a big profit this in the end the. report that was published last week highlighted quite a few issues about the tech notably human rights but also lack of infrastructure that's already in place concerns maybe there wouldn't be enough accommodation for visiting fans that's tacky so i think the executive committee obviously paid close
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attention to that reporter not bound by it but i think in the end to reflect that's reflected in the margin of victory but not to take anything away from the german i think this was a big vindication for the german if they prepared meticulously obviously they say that's one of the it could be hosted tomorrow because everything is already in place in or so of indication of sorts perhaps full grin tell him south he came under fire over the whole message as it was solid guy he was asked about that he said i'm not really for me i'm just relieved for the country as a whole doesn't create neal thank you so w has played out on the streets of new needs to find out what germans a making of this announcement is followed me supa this is great so i happily remembers the time fourteen years ago put some money in germany. all happy and in world cup fever maybe we'll have is a same again i told him. i would have liked it if it was in turkey for political
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reasons so i prefer it being in germany as. i'm looking forward to it it was a good decision against the policies of turkey and now the one and it will surely be another some affair we tell you. it is going to be a big event for us and we can celebrate here in germany again and i think it will be like the world cup in two thousand and six very cool. a turkish president meanwhile prototype actually watched and eyes but from a hotel room here in berlin is in germany on his first state visit since his election as president four years ago. and german chancellor angela merkel hoping to ease recent tensions between the two countries. the turkish president's plane touched down in berlin with the winds of protest already swirling on the ground richard tie a pair to one's first state visit to germany as president will he hopes mend a troubled relationship and lead to closer cooperation berlin would also like to
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get along better with ankara and has prepared a welcome which will include a state banquet in the presidential palace. but that does not mean all is harmony as everyone was arriving the german parliament was debating the rule of law in turkey criticism of the turkish president came from all parties. it was like you're all right the government is rolling out the red carpet for even though he hasn't changed his ways since july two thousand and seventeen absolutely nothing has improved in turkey that's why i think holding this state visit now sends a wrong signal. to one. everyone isn't here because he suddenly rediscovered his love and affection for our country instead his economy is in tatters he needs money and investment from business it's so that those who are suffering from inflation and economic disaster or the ordinary people in turkey if i mention it. on the
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streets supporters of the ready to show the strength of their feeling but they're likely to be outnumbered by critics of the president who say he has trampled on human rights five thousand police are being deployed around berlin for this visit and a large area of the city center is on lockdown the next three days promise moments of extraordinary strain for security officials in berlin and cologne where the world is due to open a mosque on saturday but also strain for the politicians and diplomats who want their message to be heard by the other side so mixed expectations here in germany but what are the turkish public hoping for the w.c. you johann in istanbul has been fighting us and america looks friendly yet aloof while rage of type arab on anxiously peers at the plummeting leader that's how cartoonist i can portrays the turkish president's visit to germany he says
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turkey's currency crisis is a huge problem for atlanta it's affecting everyone in the country he's had to reduce the size of his satirical magazine le monde because the price of paper has more than doubled in the last few months. just didn't you know that a. an examination of the was a dedication and self-sacrifice have always been a part of life in turkey. it was especially in our field other than pixels here is a look at the letter. but now it has become a real struggle to survive and i don't know if we'll be able to make it. many turks complain about the rising cost of living due to the currency crash and they worry about the future some are hoping germany and the e.u. might step in. but they should help us and others what we don't have a problem with germany over the germans. in germany is our oldest friend somebody
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to say it could be due to teach in the turkish shouldn't have gotten into the situation in the first place i hope everything improves we shall like you john. germans depend on each other in the last year relations between turkey and germany hits an all time low pro-government turkish newspapers repeatedly run front pages criticizing and even personally insulting chancellor merkel accusing her of nazi practices. now it seems the turkish government is looking for a fresh start and that the mission of turkey's film a e.u. affairs minister in one bausch is among those who want relations to improve the war in syria the unpredictable us president and the currency crisis provide plenty of reasons for turkey and germany to work together he says this is his wish list for the machal adlon meeting with. more understanding from chancellor merkel to turkey
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sensitivities cooperation with turkey in the fight against terror more business cooperation. and to be more. optimistic about turkey's european prospects and what can chancellor merkel expect from president add one thing. she can expect from turkey through friendship through cooperation and everyone who knows presenter than when they agree that if he makes a promise he keeps it so if she can. to make some promises in exchange of the promises that she will make of course then she knows she'll be delivered cartoonist akon will be watching the macula adwan meeting closely at the very least he says it should serve up enough material for some fresh set tired let's get more from the daily political correspondent rupert vader felt welcome rupert's
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relations between turkey and germany have been strained for years so why are they trying to change that now. well first of all we have to see that in germany there are more than three million people off took his to send bought half of them even hold a german passport so that alone makes turkey very important for germany or then of course there's the role turkey plays in the middle east region the most volatile region we have here at or don't doorstep without tookey that won't be any solution in the crisis in syria all the crisis in iraq or even with iraq and of course we have to see that turkey is one of the most important partners in the refugee crisis without turkey we would see much more refugees coming from the middle east region so that alone makes turkey very important vonna president other one is here because he seeks help as we have seen already in the report for his crippled economy he's
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facing that the currency crisis his country has an enormous depth load and he wants help from chancellor angela merkel so this is the setting in which this visit takes place and it does look as though this visit is going to be quite a low profile for president which is quite unusual for him why. well it is true other one will not hold a speech as he has done in two thousand and eight and two thousand and fourteen to his fellow countryman speeches which were more set some sort of a spec to take. where he addressed as to fellow countrymen the german turks. the one and only leader of the german took something which didn't really go down well with the german public and this will not happen this time but what will see is that he will attend the official opening of the great mosque of cologne and this mosque is run by the dea to balkanisation an organization which is the biggest
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organization islamic organization here in germany is directly linked to the turkish government something which is very critical the preachers of the tip get direct orders from the turkish government. and the turkish government has used this organization in the past. to spy on the german turks especially since the failed coupe de a tough. even the german secret service has started to monitor the deed to bargain ization on the deed to mosques because they think that the turkish government is trying to use data to fill in the german society and this is of course a big problem so if you the way you outline it that both sides need each other what's going to get in the way. well besides the already mentioned problem there's of course the very critical human rights situation in turkey since the failed coup d'etat in two thousand and sixteen and the other one government has jailed more
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than several thousand critics among them even german nationals and at least seven german nationals are still in jail in germany so while president out of one is in germany he he will but he's facing quite a lot of criticism and protest. even his host a man president func like i said to a german newspaper today that this visit is not a sign of normalization right ok. it's not what you'd want from your host but fair enough reason to really thank you. it could be a cold cold the dinner that well despite the political tensions between turkey and germany now could be a good time to invest into better facilities as well that's what some business people are saying today phil it's quite interesting it's of course as president had one visits berlin and his country in a currency crisis as you heard there the lira making everything so much cheaper for foreign investors as the argument. it's just that many
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a wary of the political situation and the economy could soon need a boost despite impressive growth figures because the boom on the bosphorus has mostly been thanks to date this year turkey's external debt balloon to three hundred ninety eight billion euros reaching just over half the nation's total gross domestic product and that debt is getting more expensive by the minute after washington imposed sanctions on turkish metals the lira lost forty percent of its value against the dollar so agro will have to pay back a lot more to creditors than a bard that's hurting investor confidence the central bank has raised interest rates to fight inflation against the wishes of a one who's afraid it cuts into growth turkey's economic health is on the table as everyone meets with the german ministers of finance and economy both countries have ruled out financial aid for a corrupt. cool they raced through the countryside it more than three hundred
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kilometers an hour high speed trains made by siemens are already running on tracks in turkey siemens manager michel cup is hoping for more orders according to media reports and current wants german support in setting up a high speed rail network where thirty five billion euros so far no decision has been made that the latest siemens the laro model could play a part. in twenty thirteen we got an order to deliver seven high speed laro type trains you to do three hundred kilometers an hour between kanya and discussion here. in april of this year we got a follow up order for ten more of these trains and they're under construction now what do you think we can cause if it's a ball. it's not only big german corporations that have business ties to turkey so do medium sized companies entrepreneur blend was in there from braman installs business software for instance for parking garage operators he employs one hundred
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twenty i.t. specialists in braman and is stumble. on thousands of you apart from that we do a lot here in software development and software selection process is. we have various projects with which we ultimately help the company make its processes more efficient and save money. isn't there moved with his family to braman when he was a child he studied economics and worked for consulting companies before setting up his own business. he comes from a humble background his father was a welder in a shipyard his mother was a housewife. and i consider myself a northern german that's how i behave in my business dealings that's how i was socialized here with descriptions like migrant child of immigrants only serve to marginalize and i reject them for myself and my children. among his customers are high tech companies across germany they include braman based space company oh-h. b.
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which builds satellites it's just opened up an office in on korea. was in there says the economic crisis in turkey is a good opportunity for investment. you can invest and cyclically now the lira has had a drastic decline the euro is strong so you can invest a lot in turkey for less money and that's what i'd recommend now. and despite the current strange political relations german and turkish companies share many interests. because they don't judge and joins us from our parliamentary stream goes first of all a political question for you everyone has come to berlin with a wish list warning support for his government's fight against kurdish militants in the golan movement which he blames for a failed coup considering what's gone down in tokyo over the past couple years and once consolidation of power what sort of position is he in to be making demands.
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quite frankly you know political can and do demand a lot of things but the reality is that turkey is still in the middle of a very difficult economic situation and the political political relations to the us are still difficult there is no alternative economic partner besides europe and germany in particular and the president in turkey has does negligence of taking the i.m.f. on board in to tackle the problem so germany is historically has been the most important investor and trading partner and the reason why the president is here obviously is to find support and to improve political relations bought in the mid term also to have an improvement also in economic relations but neither country is keen on any sort of economic aid even though business ties are quite strong between the two nations where does that leave ankara how reliant is it on europe now
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this is indeed a very difficult situation the political developments in turkey are from the european perspective difficult but their up options you know it's a kind of a conditionality which can be imposed and there is some rational support one can their infrastructure investments which are going to improve the economic conditions in turkey it is important to reduce for example turkey's dependency on an energy which is a major driving force for inflation and here this is rational to do it to support turkey in the short term even with direct financial at the german companies that would conduct this sort of investment in turkey because it is stabilizing the economy that is an interest oriented policy how important is turkey for germany on the other hand. well economically the market is not that important but there are more political aspects and started to aspect just to mention the migration deal we have the so-called migration deal between europe and turkey and if they call me
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destabilize this further this will obviously create problems in turkey also potentially increasing migration again to europe and then we have and live this potential military conflict in the north of syria where turkey has been able to gain time but a weaker economy in turkey may change the situation finally there is also the financial dependency a lot of southern european banks are creditors of the turkish. economy if turkey is going to collapse its economy this will more have big problems for the european economy as such but for the banks in this southern countries of the european union and with italy just for example is already in a difficult situation and this can trigger already a heated debate which is already heated in europe can can be triggered because of turkey economists and yeah thanks for the analysis thank you
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german industrial johnson called his set to split its holdings into two separate companies company management confirmed the plans today indicating specifics will be announced on the weekend one of the future holdings will focus on industrial goods and construction materials production the other will continue to single elevator and automotive production unit for months now typical has been under pressure from its investors to speed up the restructuring its stock rose seven percent on the news. and european stocks slumped today over fears the italian government will delay presenting its first budget that's down to a standoff between the two coalition partners and the minister for economics populist five star movement on the far right league want to increase spending to deliver on campaign promises of lower taxes more generous pensions a basic income subsidies for the pole but economy minister giovanni says his goal is to further cut italy's deficit he's denied reports he threatened to resign under
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coalition pressure to loosen the purse strings economy minister gilani trio wants to bring the deficit down to below two percent of g.d.p. both the five star movement and the league are pushing for a looser target the government has threatened to sack tria if he doesn't bend to their will italy has been gradually bringing its budget deficit under control the country was hit hard in the global financial crisis in two thousand and eight within a year its deficit ballooned to five point two percent of g.d.p. but by twenty fifteen it was below the euro zone's three percent benchmark and last year the deficit was down to two point three percent of g.d.p. . the central bank fears that even a minor spike in the deficit would send italy's did out of control italy has the second highest public debt in the eurozone after greece and analysts believe that italy's debt figures are underestimated because they don't adequately factor in the
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cost of supporting the country's ailing banks. back to phil thank you. both extraordinary senate hearings underway in washington d.c. that could seal the fate of president trump's nominee for the u.s. supreme court brett kavanaugh is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct his first accuser christine blazing forward has now ended her testimony she gave an emotional account of the men on which she says he tried to rape her when they were both teenagers dr ford also repeatedly stated that she is one hundred percent certain that her attacker was judge capital. testimony comes a day after a third woman accuse the judge of sexual misconduct in his youth brett kavanaugh rejects the allegations and these two to testify softly is an excerpt from dr ford's testimony can you tell us what you don't forget about that night
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the stairwell the living room the bedroom the bed on the right side of the room as you walk into the room there is that bed to the right. the bathroom in close proximity to. the laughter the uproarious laughter and then multiple attempts to escape and the final ability to do so. deadly correspondent by schrader is following the story from washington i asked her about dr ford's performance and questioning. well as we can see in that clip we just played it's been extremely tense and emotional for her and for everyone watching and i imagine that for anyone of any gender who's been through something like what she describes this is extremely hard to witness we've got this is just really the first part of what's going to happen today because we're going to hear they're on
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a recess right now this hearing we're going to hear more from her later and then judge kavanaugh himself is going to get a chance to speak and answer some questions of his own so this is going to be here and all day hearing happening here in washington d.c. and a lot more motions i'm sure are going to come pouring out so in the run up to this is all seem very partisan that is today's testimony likely to change the minds of republicans who have stood by camilo this. is none of the been partisan in the run up to this has been partisan in the questioning we can see the line of questioning that this prosecutor who the republicans have brought in is trying to get at she's very much trying to to paint dr ford as a pawn of the democrats or just something that dr ford has pushed back against really what we've been hearing from republicans this whole time is that their minds are made up and they're standing by this nominee and there are many reasons why they're standing by this nominee but there are three republicans who even before
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these accusations came out that their minds were not made up those were jeff flake of arizona susan collins of maine and lisa murkowski of alaska and they all have different reasons for being where all eyes after this hearing is over today are going to be on them what they say and eventually how they vote so the judge at the center of this bread company will take the stand. for the. well we've been hearing from him up until now is categorical denials and nothing else he has been very much trying to paint himself as sort of a boy scout in high school he was a very very good boy he was a very focused student he was very in just sports and he denies knowing any of the women including dr ford have come forward to accuse him of this he has made a point of saying that he was virgin and that he did not engage in any sort of sexual activity and what we are expecting to hear from him today is
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a very aggressive defense and a reiteration of these points saying that he wants to clear his name and that all of this that has been coming out now is completely false but surely washington thank you still to come here on the w a raised in sweden google's birthday and its barnstorming. comes on the way. it's a game that seemingly without barriers global free trade. but the. story of winners losers and. the deceptive promise ring. w. e colby's in germany to learn german. clues police.
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why not learn with him online on your mobile and free from the w.c. learning course because big. and unusual friendship. this is the story of paul and. one is a student from cameroon. the other a filmmaker from germany is rather one now likely never be able to say whether he chose me or i chose him whatever the case this is the story of how many. on europe's most dangerous quarter. up up up. up. up. would be is a documentary. my parents sacrificed everything for me i can't go back and be
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counted. became a story about those six. and those ready to help. when paul came over the seat from to berlin and starts october fourth on t w. this is d.w. news live from above and i'm phil taylor these are on top stories of this way from has chosen just a little hosting titles for you know european football championships b.c. golf competition from twenty twenty fourth will be the first time he's hosting the event since. dr christine very fluid has testified to u.s. senate says that she was sexually assaulted by supreme court nominee. judge confidant denies the allegations and to stoop to testify children. tensions between china and
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sweden have been asking eighteen following the publication of us to recall video last week a swedish t.v. program playing on crude stereotypes about chinese people's eating and hygiene habits spread quickly on chinese social media drawing thousands of angry comments call not deja vu social media can tell us more welcome call what is this video about so this was a video that was barred cast by sweden's political satire show it's called yet which simply means swedish news it was meant to be tongue in cheek this was kind of a guide for chinese tourists that are visiting sweden the problem was not many people in china thought it was very funny we have actually a short clip from that video here it is take a look. bad coleman have seen the if it's got pretty. common on optics for victor. but. he's still the skeptic not that. long but also the whole fault by heaven are so.
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bad and. one of the c. are known for the women who sit in the felt the same village. really cringe worthy stuff the movie both just kind of an uncountable these are very offensive stereotypes obviously it's not very funny the video also. calls chinese people racist that ends with that same host implying that sweden welcomes chinese tourists but that they would be beaten if they misbehave a little bit of context here this was just part of a larger ten minute segment from this show that was basically analyzing sweden and china relations it did a very good job of breaking that down also kind of bashing sweden for prioritizing trade with china over human rights issues you know the show went on to say hey for our swedish audience this was clearly a joke but you know people in china were not laughing in what world is any of that
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not racist what reaction has there been in china pretty much the reaction to that tourist video was actually uploaded by the broadcaster and translated into mandarin and put on to basically china's version of you tube where it receives millions of views and thousands of angry comments and we have a few of those here for you from way below that china's version of twitter here's just a little bit of what people in china are saying one user here writes this is not some friendly advice for chinese people to consider their actions it's insulting but i'm sure there are also fellow chinese people who don't think sweden did anything wrong here they believe that chinese people in the west aren't subject to the same standards another person here is saying you know there's people in every country who behave badly no matter how progressive the country is that's just a fact and we have to counter that but we just television is a public platform be can't accept it if it's full of prejudice arrogance ignorance and insults philby actually reached out to the swedish broadcaster responsible for that video and then they sent us
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a statement explaining essentially what was going on there here's what they told us in part it was it was a long statement we clipped out a bit of it for you here it reads our intention with last week's debate episode was anti-racist we wanted to address an anomaly in sweden where racist comments and actions towards chinese people are for some reason often allowed to pass by without comment when it comes to this. segments at the very end of the program we were insensitive to how would be would be received and we were wrong edited out of its context for this reason i offer my sincere apology to the individuals who have been offended by our statement ok so they they seem to have got that message but this is not the only incident straining relations between sweden and china yeah there's really a lot going on here in fact a couple of weeks ago a viral video emerged showing a couple of chinese two wrists in stockholm being thrown out of a hotel late at night that didn't go over well there's a bigger issues as well the dalai lama who was of course a controversial contentious figure in china he visited sweden recently and
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a chinese born swedish citizen was allegedly kidnapped recently by chinese authorities he has still not been released this was back in january so these two governments also kind of clashing right now this video this satirical video adding some fuel to the fire colas but social media just thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world the city of brussels us name to square after the british labor m.p. was murdered in her constituency adjoining the british referendum jo cox visited the area frequently when she were to brussels for seven years the family labor party leader gerry coleman attended the unveiling of. thousands of drivers for driving services and cabbie five have been protesting in madrid against government plans to tighten regulations a proposed law is expected to restrict the activities of years of protests by conventional taxi drivers against based services. the lower house of russia's
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parliament has adopted a controversial bill to raise the state's pension age by five years the measure proposed by president vladimir putin would mean that men would retire at sixty five and women at sixty move has sparked widespread protests across the country but is progressing regardless. a macedonia will hold a referendum on the country's name on sunday the voters will be asked how they feel about changing the country's name to the republic of north macedonia if accepted the change could end that decades long dispute with neighboring greece which says that the name macedonia implies territorial claims to a greek province of the same name both sides assigned a preliminary agreement on the change back in june the deal would see a greece lift its very veto on macedonia joining nato and improve the country's chances of joining the e.u. but it still needs formal approval first by voters in macedonia the debate has been
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there to gauge the mood. you. i cheering for europe cheering for benny and slot co the two musicians are campaigning to change their country's name from macedonia to north macedonia under firing up the crowd for prime minister zoran south. i. was just. this is a big chance for our generation and we have the historic duty to our children and grandchildren to seize it for european macedonia what they're going to. do for it on one side of the debate. on the other. those opposed to the proposed name change that gathered here in this church. among the young called by chase the leader of the pro russian party. what starts as
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a regular mass turns quickly into a fierce sermon directed against their opponents. even their grandchildren shall be slabbed when people discover that their grandfather changed our name from macedonia to north macedonia. i am the uncle batches agrees. he didn't go over the field it was a strong speech with lots of emotion from the bishop we asked for god's help to make the referendum fail we have been campaigning nonstop for twenty days message on ian's will boycott the referendum. why don't the muslim look at. to make sure they do yank a batch of and his followers have been touring the entire country. there are unwilling to make any concessions towards greece which is claiming the name us a donia for its own northern region. and they're willing to accept. that athens
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will keep blocking their country from joining the european union. it's about to but at the bottom they are asking us to change everything for something that is totally uncertain maybe e.u. accession might happen in ten to fifteen years' time but who knows whether the e.u. will even exist by then. binion's a lot go have also been on tour for them an agreement with greece is the only way forward. in your stance to see if we are lacking a european education system a european media environment and a european health service even the should we used to be part of a community yugoslavia for all of its flaws its still functioning better than what we have right now to sit up. and that's why they're fighting for every vote they can barely wait for sunday's referendum. i will get
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up early which is not something i usually do he said i'll trust up in my best clothes and i will go and vote for my country and my people so that we can finally move towards europe. for defense phenolic binion's not core playing the anthem they composed for the campaign a new road towards a bright future goes the course for them this future means only one thing north macedonia inside europe. a friend says bond mobile phones and tablets from school classrooms and playground and now the ideas being discussed in germany the national teachers association has proposed a phone ban for students under fourteen the state of bavaria has already passed a law against phones in the classrooms and actually vote is from the max planck high school in western germany a school that has found a compromise that keeps the teachers and students happy.
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it's quiet and orderly in christian schmidt's classroom mobile phones are off limits they're not allowed on desks and have to be put into silent mode but the students don't want to do without them all together and how do you feel something's missing you always want to know what's going on. you should too so you can join the conversation. at this high school in the western german city of korea the use of mobile phones is not allowed but they're only checked before exams cheating with your phone is strictly forbidden but have you always think you could try it in the end you don't actually do it when it comes to it you don't have the courage. those who do try it and get caught a given a bad mark many parents back school principal i mean who was moved to restrict phones. that's you as well proven by going without
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aids concentration tensions bonnets you and communication amongst themselves and that doesn't mean the teachers are completely against mobile phones if people use them as a learning device then that's fine i've seen that the more it becomes a work tool the less conflict i have in the classroom and the less i have to say put your phone away. christianity schmidt allows his pupils to look at their phones when they need to research particular topics. they think it's very socially compatible and all in all the peoples aren't missing out it's a compromise the younger generation also appreciates. nothing works about the internet and technology anymore and also need their mobile phones as you did offend. only the older pupils at this school in korea are allowed to chat and surf on their phones to their heart's content but there's
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a special room for that. and it's down in the basement. as be all it's google's birthday today the most popular search engine in the world is twenty years old robin merrill from a culture desk is here to tell us more welcome now that does seem to be some confusion about the exact date of google's birth as it were perhaps you'd like to explain well i thought you might ask me not so guess what i did a good one and the truth is that google's birthday since two thousand and six has been on this day before two thousand and six they said it was on september the twenty sixth but actually they were incorporated as a company on september the for. now google as you know is in the business of providing answers but actually we don't talk to them they can't really prove why it's on september the twenty seven but for millions i should say even billions
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who've gone online today they would have seen that there is a new google doodle really perhaps or perhaps you can't read flame to us what a google doodle is what those it's when they also the logo on their page to ken memory special occasions and they've actually got a celebrity celebrates three video group that's the one from today that's the original what is terribly different is it and there's all sorts of things. a humorous look basically in the video at some of the doodles over the years of course in different languages and you can cry and guess what some of them are not football world cup of course this is the hundredth is what i can see that i had no that's it right here that's a leap frog the leap yeah i have a clue what that what it is but this one's pluto a planet do you remember that controversy whether pluto is going to apply since i
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was a school boy cats because there's all these cats they were the internet be without the drunk this is now this is where people were finding out what love is inside and i was one of the biggest searches you see that was and there's also things this is the role wedding which royal wedding is it harry and mega no residual even kate we can't tell anyway it is google's twentieth anniversary let's find out more about google which incidentally is now a verb in the english language and in most other languages as well. for many people the day games for the photos from the android phone. which runs on google's mobile operating system found on more than ninety percent. of smartphones across the world the tech giant now offers hundreds of services these are the most popular with more than one billion users each their very practical answer seem
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free of charge but users with their data. with a quick check of the news and mail services and the map to find the quickest route to work the tech giant services are certainly useful but it all comes at a price googleplex use of data to sell targeted pants its parent company alphabet reportedly ninety five billion euros in revenue last year but critics say google's data gathering is excessive and want to diminish its market power. response to five point five billion search requests google wasn't the first search engine on the market when it launched two decades ago competitors like excite yahoo and out of if there weren't pure online search engines they emphasized carefully curated lists of websites organized by category and google dot com went online in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight it makes search queries its core business.
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search window hasn't changed to this day google also had a novel approach to banking websites founders larry page and brin assume that when many web sites link to one site this signals its relevance. to get the most relevant results at the top. of the really fast efficient interface what we really measure. take from when you have. critics worry about google's data gathering but fans love the free services meanwhile the company thinks spending into ever more aspects of life including self driving cars. look at how google has pretty much changed our world well it hasn't i mean when i started in this business for research you had to go to books called encyclopedias and other well yes today the world is literally at our
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fingertips but as we heard that there are many critics of google as well and it's all about of course the use of on data google of is free but of course it's not claimed it doesn't actually sell your data but it sells access to use of profiles so ads appear that they're connected to what you are searching for i mean it's also criticised a bit for being big brother there's also a recent criticism of china that they get they want to go back into china they came out in two thousand and ten they want to go back into china and they're prepared to be censored by the government having been thrown out of china wants but accepting censorship a company that prides itself on access to information and free expression i mean there's they're backtracking on it now a bit and there's still a lot of controversy about that personally i wonder if it actually restricts our intelligence and our memories for instance if you're at a dinner party and somebody says. who is the star of hitchcock film the birds
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somebody get smart phone instead of thinking about it and it is it's and they began with an h. well yes yeah hippie heads if they had to which by the way i looked it up on google because i couldn't remember it's shame on you. sites yes go to our website don't go to google. dot com slash. go to robin thank you so much. well the bonus they got wrapped up it's mid week slate of matches with bruce your dog looking to jump from fourth to second place in the standings they hosted nuremberg who didn't present much of a challenge. dortmund was in a festive mood and even coach lucianne far was all smiles and was expecting to extend its perfect home record against newly promoted nuremberg. and accordingly it
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took dortmund just nine minutes to open the scoring through the broom larson. to meet flicks the first from provider christian the second to finish off the move and give dortmund an early lead. which marco royce should have doubled a minute later only to be denied by norm bird's fabienne brave. but shortly after the half hour mark dortmund's captain made up for his wasted chance. to milk a well deserved lead coming through royce whose shot took a slight deflection through the onrushing georg mark reiter. in the second half the already one sided affair became even more humiliating for the visitors first the team made it three years after forty nine minutes the on loan player from rail madrid scoring on his goodness lead to j.p. . parish where playing cat and mouse with nuremberg markel royce with his second of the evening making it for now. by this point the dortmund players were
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taking turns at trying to score against their hapless opposition man well ican she make it five nil after seventy four minutes. and it wasn't over yet jaden sensual scoring the sixth of evening and he later turned provider for julieann vital two rounded off the scoring at seven now dortmund's biggest bundesliga win in more than thirty years. by laver who is meanwhile had the worst starts when you see instance nineteen eighty two with three defeats and just won't win but last week's fix race seems to have given them a boost and a ryan revived dobby they tested both. it was last season's second division champions who started this one on the front foot and they would have taken the lead after just five minutes if you can spread it he hadn't spread himself to deny benito demand. after another smartly worked attack by the hosts the next chance
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felt a groove in headings but once again later cusins finished stop up refused to be beaten up. continued to produce some fine attacking combinations in the first half but couldn't take their chances on thirty three minutes it was once more demand net play the fusion off. still things looked good for the home side at half time. but just five minutes after the restart four two no were punished for their failure to school kevin fall and left alone at the post after a corner poked his side in front last season's top scorer for later crews in with his first of the campaign. the guests were on fire in the second half and again failed to follow and to exploit their dominance the twenty six year old battled his way through the defenders challenges before converting a beautifully weighted truss from kind of s. . deep into at the time going to gave away
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a penalty with this foul on me cokie so much. but few home fans would have hoped for much more than a consolation which riven henning's duly provided i still at full time it was the away fans cheering heiko hellish men go into saturday's clash with dortmund in high spirits. i. take a look at all of last matches as we saw dog will move into second place with an easy win over. leverkusen edge past leipzig big store gas and mind played out a goal a strong bloodbath. russia's athletic traffic direction has appealed to the court of arbitration for sports to remove the three year doping bad i put on it by the i.w.a. after the world athletics governing body it comes after the world anti-doping agency decided to reinstate russia's anti doping authours risotto olive branch in the form
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of three bomb was imposed to due to state sponsored doping unclear russia's case when russia's case we heard. that rivera nagell a video that's gone viral is the moment a seal slapped in the face with perspire. i don't want. to get in slow motion it's. linda it was probably off the coast of korea and new zealand he said he could feel the full impact of the octopus on a space that's learned i never got in the way of a seal having it's such. a splendid just time to remind you of our top stories a new i phone has chosen germany to host the twenty go to the european football championships in germany so of competition germany say that take the tour look the first time it's posted it seems like it's good. for christiane plays recourses
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testified to the u.s. census that she was sexually assaulted by supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh not just denies the allegations and used to testify before a moment because soon. a secure up to date more of the top of the hour will leave you with pictures now from the fascinating world wingsuit pilots competing until the man mountain in the chinese province of could. have a good day so. the . game. seems. to. be.
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the be. blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah. blah. blah more. it's a game that seemingly without barriers global free trade. the book who makes the best story of winners and losers going to the small suburban decepticon the smoke from the bus ha d. w. . more.
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they make the commitment. they follow. the basic and stronger. africa on the. stories of both people making a difference shaping their nation. and the continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series for africa. d w dot com africa. the contentious figure at home. he wrote in germany. from the fall of the berlin. to german reunification.
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and band of the cold. war charles was one of the bric fumes of the twentieth century. the gorbachev the last leader of the soviet union was an agent of change. who quickly measures downfall. i have decided to resign my duties as president of the soviet union. lost. but she won historical but for some sort of one as of course. she continues to fight for world peace with the reminder by units which we have to comprehend where peace has taken us or for today there is a new arms race. be our time gorbachev and the opportunity for peace we still starts october third on t w.
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this is d w news live from berlin tonight a no one to human wrongs and a big win on the european pitch for germany's football fan. so beautiful the host alluded to twenty four. will be germany. they germany beat on shirky of the competition to host the twenty twenty four european football championships turkey's problematic red.
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