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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 27, 2018 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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this is. from berlin tonight a nod to human rights and a big win on the european pitch for germany's football fan. so do you little the host of the twenty four. will be germany. today germany turkey in the competition to host the twenty twenty four european football championships turkey's problematic record on human rights may have been the reason that it fell short also coming out turkey's president. heard that news
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while he was. he's in berlin on his first state visit aiming to diffuse recent tensions between the two countries and. dr short with what degree of certainty do you believe brett kavanaugh assault. one hundred percent one hundred years. christine blasi forward tells us senators that she was sexually assaulted by president trump's supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh kevin all denies the accusations and is delivering his testimony to lawmakers as we speak. it's good to have you with us we begin tonight with a winner and a loser in european football today germany clinched the right to host football's european champ. chips in twenty twenty four it will be the first time since the two
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thousand and six world cup that germany jose a major soccer event the announcement was made by european football's governing body you wave after germany won by a vote of twelve to four over turkey so that you will the host of the unit with twenty four. we beat germany german football association president reinhard grindle pumped his fist the relief for him was culpable germany's move to host the european championships was griddles project and he put his job on the line and graduations to germany now after a long drought of only disparaging he found good news. on the other side of the room the turkish delegation sat stone faced having failed for the fourth time to lure the tournament to turkey. the germans already have visions of repeating their success of hosting the twenty zero six world cup. the show. in the it's
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a nice thing is that we can have another huge party in germany everyone can look forward to it we want to take everyone along for the ride and we can all celebrate a tremendous football festival together in europe and that's something i think the sport can offer. people. into and those who experience the tournaments like i experienced it in my own country know what it means back then our people the germans were emotional as never before we got into a whole world was a guest on it was a huge party and we look forward to doing it again we're well prepared to because we've done it before but this. will be live love the twenty six world cup german still call it the summer fairytale so did a selection of folks just after the announcement in the munich pedestrian zone. as you have a good idea if. i just heard that germany has been chosen to host euro two thousand and twenty four that's great i have only remember the time fourteen years ago when we had a super summer here in germany we were all happy and then the world cup fever yeah
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maybe we'll have the same again. to dish toys for me of course i'm happy if we have guests i would have liked it if it was in turkey for political reasons so. yeah you know we can celebrate here in germany again and i think it'll be like the world cup in two thousand and six and it's got this been. i'll be very sick. was a repeat of a nationwide month long festival that's what germans are hoping for as they look ahead to twenty twenty four. here from our sport this is here to help us explain what happened today i mean germany are the host of euro twenty twenty four that's not a big surprise is it and it isn't i mean they were favorites to begin with but then near the end it did look like this was going to be a very close vote to me of course the safe choice i mean everything that you look for in
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a hole was germany had they have i mean the masters of organization you know they've hosted previous like would cup sporting events track and field events you know and cakes anything that they and of course don't have the infrastructure and the transportation they have the stadiums i mean germany they basically ready to even host tomorrow if they had to and politically and also politically politics and politically they're also not more stable the economy compared to turkey and the idea of human rights and human rights being respected that continues to be a problem in turkey and we've been hearing reports of that could have been the reason why the way for decided not to give it to turkey i mean this is obviously for you a for this was the first time that in their decision making process that human rights was going to play a role but still at the end i mean you a phase of business and as much as you would like to think it's sometimes wishful thinking to think that it really was human rights i honestly think it was it had more to do with the fact that i think the risk was just too big for far too that
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turkey host i mean the euro has dropped and i think. they its value has has dropped i think politically the situation there is so precarious and we don't know what's going to happen six years from now and also i think they were just afraid that maybe the few of investments and also turkey in the campaign they had made this promise. of tax breaks of allowing you a five to basically rent free let them use the stadiums and i think now that they see you know economically how they doing they probably knew that a lot of that was not going to happen so they got in also one of i mean turkey is so close to syria and one of the host cities was going to be close to syria and we don't know what's going to geopolitically we don't know right in that he says smith report on turkey i understand that was done by you wait for it was not made public right so we really don't know what's what the big risk factors were were just
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guessing there but when you talk about money the euro it had to play a big role didn't it i mean let's you know we can romanticize football all we want but at the end it does come down to money and even like the president if you a for has not shied away from that and if you look at it i mean they even said that if you look at the overall capacity of all of the stadiums in germany at the end they would have had around two hundred seventy to three hundred thousand more seats and seats of course equals more tickets equals more money and those people making the decision those people voting at the end all the member states so they know that however profitable this event is going to be at the end you know the money more money ends up in their own pockets so tiger is a survivor yeah that's right should be the money that everybody gets leaving the talking from our sports desk aleem as always they. will turkey's president richard telling everyone watch that announcement from a hotel room right here in berlin he's in germany on his first state visit as
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president mr everyone in german chancellor angela merkel are hoping to ease recent tensions between their two countries. reject type out of one's presidential plane touching down in berlin this is everyone's first state visit to germany as turkish president but it's not without controversy he faces heavy criticism and to learn about the rule of law in turkey and he hopes this visit will lead to closer cooperation between the two nations one received a mixed reception in the german capital many supporters waited on the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of his motorcade but there were signs of protest outside the turkish embassy the president's visit was hotly debated in parliament with criticism coming from all sides. to try the somewhat arbitrary imprisonment of german citizens has taken a heavy toll on bilateral relations german citizens remain behind bars on charges of a seemingly political nature you want to save your own life the government is rolling out the red carpet for even though he hasn't changed his ways since july twenty
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seventeen absolutely nothing has improved in turkey that's why i think holding a state visit now sends the wrong signal if that is what he had so much good. at one company had to one isn't here because he is suddenly rediscovered his love and affection for our country instead his economy is in tatters he needs money and investment from our businesses but those who suffer from inflation and economic disaster the ordinary people in turkey and the i phone mentioning that. no one will next travel to cologne with his shadow to open a mosque on saturday. or earlier we asked our political correspondent leader of old wine germany and turkey are now trying to turn a new page. in germany there are more than three million people off took his to send bout half of them even hold a german passport so that alone makes turkey very important problem for germany or
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then of course there's the role turkey plays in the middle east region the most volatile region we have here at all don't doorstep without tookie there won't be any solution in the crisis in syria all the crisis in iraq or even with iraq and of course we have to see that turkey is one of the most important partners in the refugee crisis without turkey we would see much more refugees coming from the middle east region so that alone makes turkey very important partner on president other one is here because he seeks help as we have seen already in the report for his crippled economy he's facing that the currency crisis his country has an enormous debt flowed and he wants help from france long ago so this is the setting in which this visit takes place. and that was reportedly devolved speaking with the earlier ones visit takes place against the backdrop of economic uncertainty back in his home country turkey bit has more on that it's not easy they are no good but as
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is so often the case where there's economic uncertainty there could be a profit to be made some investors they say it's a good time to invest in turkey as president had one visit lindy's countries in a currency crisis at a lower layer of course makes everything so much cheaper foreign investors just that many wherry of the political situation of course many investors are pulling out the economy could soon need a boost though despite impressive growth figures because the boom on the bus first is mostly date driven this year turkey's external debt ballooned to three hundred ninety eight billion euros reaching just over half the nations total course domestic product and that data is getting more expensive by the minute after washington imposed sanctions on. turkish metals the lira lost forty percent of its value against the dollar so i'm sure it will have to pay back a lot more to creditors than it barred that's hurting investor confidence the central bank has raised interest rates to fight inflation against the wishes of
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everyone who's afraid it cuts into growth turkey's economic health is on the table as everyone meets with the german ministers of finance and economy both countries have ruled out financial aid for ankara. they raced through the countryside it more than three hundred kilometers an hour high speed trains made by demons are already running on tracks in turkey siemens manager michel cup is hoping for more orders according to media reports on korea wants german support in setting up a high speed rail network worth thirty five billion euros so far no decision has been made that the latest siemens the laro model could play a part. in twenty thirteen we got an order to deliver seven high speed for laro type trains you to do three hundred kilometers an hour between uncorrupt kanya and discussion here. in april of this year we got a follow up order for ten more of these trains and they're under construction now
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what do you think is it gets involved. it's not only big german corporations that have business ties to turkey so do medium sized companies entrepreneur blend was in there from braman installs business software for instance for parking garage operators he employs one hundred twenty i.t. specialists in braman and istanbul and. apart from that we do a lot here in software development and software selection process is. we have various projects with which we ultimately help the company make its processes more efficient and save money. isn't there moved with his family to braman when he was a child he studied economics and worked for consulting companies before setting up his own business. he comes from a humble background his father was a welder and a shipyard his mother was a housewife. and i consider myself
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a northern german that's how i behave in my business dealings that's how i was socialized here with descriptions like migrant child of immigrants only serve to marginalize and not reject them for myself and my children. among his customers are high tech companies across germany they include braman based space company oh-h. b. which builds satellites it's just opened up an office and i'm kyra. was in there says the economic crisis in turkey is a good opportunity for investment. if you can invest and cyclically now the lira has had a drastic decline the euro is strong so you can invest a lot in turkey for less money and that's what i'd recommend now. and despite the current strained political relations german and turkish companies share many interests. because they don't judge and joins us from our parliamentary stream goes
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first of all a political question for you everyone has come to berlin with a wish list warning support for his government's fight against kurdish militants in the golan movement which he blames for a failed coup considering what's gone down in tokyo over the past couple years and it wants consolidation of power what sort of position is he in to be making demands . quite frankly you know political can and do demand a lot of things but the reality is that turkey is still in the middle of a very difficult economic situation and the political political relations to the us are still difficult there is no alternative economic partner besides europe and germany in particular and the president in turkey has a negligence of taking the i.m.f. on board to tackle the problem so germany is historically has been the most important investor and trading partner and the reason why the president is here obviously is to find support and to improve political relations bought in the mid
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term also to have an improvement also in economic relations but neither country is keen on any sort of economic aid even though business ties are quite strong between the two nations. where does that leave ankara how reliant is it on europe now this is indeed a very difficult situation a political developments in turkey are from the european perspective difficult but there up options i know it's a kind of a conditionality which can be imposed and there is some rational support one can there infrastructure investments which are going to improve the economic conditions in turkey it is important to reduce for example turkey's dependency on an orgy which is the major driving force for inflation and here this is rational to do it to support turkey in the short term even with direct financial at the german company that would conduct this sort of investment turkey because it is stabilizing
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the economy that is an interest oriented policy economists and thanks for the analysis. italy's populist coalition government has released its budget earlier fears of an extended dispute between the party's leaders and the economy minister the budget aims for the deficit target of two point four percent of g.d.p. half a percent higher than economy minister giovanni's had wanted the coalition needed to find a way to fund tax and welfare election promises with some seventy five billion euros a year the central bank fees that increased deficit will stand if he's dead spiralling out of control. the world trade organization is downgrading its global trade forecast for the next couple years as thinks in part to the simmering trade conflicts around the globe the w t o expects world trade to expand by three point nine percent this year and around three point seven percent in twenty nineteen that's down half a percent from previous full costs in a statement the w t o's cited and he free trade measures is prompting the move
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evidently a critique of u.s. president don't trump straight policies. let's go to yes quarter the new york stock exchange. what is the growth outlook for the u.s. by the way it sounds like things are going quite well going to plan and we've got another interest rate another interest rate hike on its way. well i mean we're basically experiencing or we're approaching ten years of straight economic growth here in the united states and was that the u.s. is pretty much experiencing the longest expansion faces in its history we just got confirmation on thursday that the u.s. economy grew by four point two percent in the second quarter that is pretty remarkable at this stage we all sort heard on thursday that the trade
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deficit actually reached the highest level in six months so that could be a bit of a damper for growth looking forward and most economists believe that the grows raids won't remain as strong they will probably soft a bit tall words three percent but that is still pretty solid but one thing we shouldn't forget is that some of this expansion some of the grows is also borrowed from the future we saw those massive tax cuts early this years of that certainly got the economy growing but that is also money that is missing in the future especially for washington and then old saw debt levels are sky high debt for corporations for the government but also for private consumers but so far so good right now it does not seem that this growth story is over yet yes thank you. back to princeton and explosive day of testimony in the u.s. senate is exactly right been an extraordinary senate hearing is underway in
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washington d.c. that could seal the fate of president trump's nominee for the u.s. supreme court brett kavanaugh is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct his initial accuser christine blasi forward completed her four hours of testimony earlier today she gave an emotional account of the evening thirty six years ago and which she says cavanaugh tried to rape her at a party before the also repeatedly stated that she is one hundred percent certain that her attacker was brett kavanaugh and here's an excerpt from dr ford's testimony today. can you tell us what you don't forget about that night in the stairwell the living room the bedroom the bed on the right side of the room as you walk into the room there is that that to the right. the bathroom in close proximity. the
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laughter the uproarious laughter and the multiple attempts to escape and the final ability to do so. well that was followed by an angry kavanaugh denying the allegations labeling them this just he also called into question christine blasi ford's account of the alleged attack i'm not questioning that dr ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time but i have never done this to her or to anyone that's not who i am it is not who i was i am innocent of this charge. i don't i'm you know here the big table is bores foreman he's an expert on u.s. politics and policy from bard college here in berlin
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a familiar face to our viewers good to see you again so we know the testimony for brit cavanaugh it's going on right now he's giving his side of the story and he has come out verbal the fighting what do you make of that or did he have a choice. to most observers that wasn't too much of a surprise he just read out his testimony which was printed of a front anyway so we were able to read it beforehand and know there are some but there's a back and forth between rachel mitchell was and was prosecuting even though that's a bit of an unlucky term for the republicans what has been surprising the was the tone of his of his testimony i mean it was came across from many as angry and perhaps also as a sort of speaking from a position of entitlement and self-pity so i think i'm going to i'm just i'm not a psychologist some of them and evaluate the sports symbolic aspect but i think it will have an effect well i mean this is not it's not a criminal investigation it's
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a hearing right and the vote is scheduled for tomorrow to confirm him so what are we seeing there i mean is this you know we see him crying for example are these true tears of anger or do you think there's just a theatrical here that he knows he has to deliver again i mean i'm not i may be the wrong person to ask this because i actually don't have a psychology degree yet but it's you know of course it's a highly symbolic event series of events it also is very much reflective of the politicization of the u.s. political system i think it reflects also a certain pressures that are mounting especially for the republican party as the congressional elections come closer so of course for the g.o.p. there's immediate interest in getting this thing done with as fast as possible but i think now the cost benefit analysis is. will this backfires soon and will it hurt
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us will what we heard today from christine blasi forward will that have any impact on the vote tomorrow. well if anything has an impact on the vote tomorrow that will be it i mean the question is basically if this investigation or if there will be some kind of an investigation this has been a contentious issue all along something that the democrats have been pointing out many times today and so the question is will they go forward and confirm and therefore let the senate decide maybe as soon as the weekend or will there be some reconsiderations meet when you look at this is so politicized we know that during the anita hill hearings many years ago one thousand nine hundred one we know that there was an f.b.i. investigation into three days and then it was done that did not happen this time and doesn't this show the power politics in action the republicans have the majority and majority in this committee they do what they want to and the democrats
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really have no recourse today yeah good point i mean the question of legitimacy at some point would be posed and the public attention right now is tremendous and people are watching this so there is of course a spotlight on these kinds of questions and the democrats have been well strategically moving in order to bring it to the attention of the viewers that you know this kind of investigation could have happened eleven days ago or a month ago and so they didn't tired to point this out. if brett kavanaugh if he is confirmed to the supreme court the u.s. supreme court what will that mean for the courts well regardless of all allegations and a cuban exiles ations of course it is and that's why the stakes are so high it will tip for a long time the balance. in favor of the g.o.p. is so it will have a long lasting is it about legitimacy that you mentioned earlier what about the legitimacy of the of the court being independent and not i mean this is certainly
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speculation but if there is if it turns out at some point that these allegations hold some truth this would be the second case where it came along that yes there would be legitimacy problem right boars form is always we appreciate your insights it is a. and here's a reminder of the top stories that we're following for you you a for his chosen germany to host the twenty twenty four european football championships germany so often composition from turkey to now the turn of the first time that it has who stated it since one thousand nine hundred eighty eight and the supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh has a really denying allegations that he sexually assaulted christine lacy ford when the pair were teenagers lazy for testifying to u.s. interviewers that she was one hundred percent certain that kavanagh had attacked her. you're watching the news live from berlin after a short break i'll be back to take you through the danger night expensive coverage all of those hearings in washington stick around we'll be right back.
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more intrigued by the international talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week so should president dredge up tired bad one state visit to germany has be carefully choreographed in support selwood relations between brooklyn and ankara back home from work to be increasingly authoritarian leaders with us to find out with. quadriga sixty minutes on t.w. .
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the contentious figure at home. he wrote in germany. from the fall of the early. german reunification. the end of the cold. war and chaucer is one of the bric universe of the twentieth century. gorbachev the last leader of the soviet union was an agent of change. quickly met his downfall. i have decided to resign my duties as president of the soviet union. lost. but she won historical battle i'm sure of one because of course. he continues to
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fight for world peace with the reminder by natur we have to comprehend when he says taken on sort of today there is a new arms race. the hour of time gorbachev any opportunity for peace wasted starts october third on d w. two versions of a shared past that has already altered their futures forever dr christine blasi forward and the trauma that she says has haunted her life judge brett kavanaugh and the smears standing between him and a seat on the highest court for life tonight a us citizen hearing that has the world listening in for the truth i'm bored golf in berlin this is the day.


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