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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 28, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST

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and we're determined to do something new for the next generation the indios being barmen series of global three thousand on t.w. and online. is the date of your news live from berlin searching for common ground turkey's president and one meets with the german chancellor right here in berlin the tour deeply divided over turkey's human rights record did the two leaders manage to bridge the gap we'll have extensive coverage of the meeting. also coming up a u.s. supreme court nominee and his accuser testifying before a senate committee over sexual assault allegations for what degree you're sure you
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believe brit kerberos. one hundred percent one hundred percent. i am innocent of this charge i've spent most every joint drawn on in washington d.c. we'll take a look at what impact the testimony has had on the nomination. i'm so mean so much going to it is good to have you with us german chancellor angela merkel and turkish president i want to take and the first up and repairing their fractured relationship at a joint press conference in berlin just a short while ago merkel admitted that differences between the two countries remain but said she is hopeful they can find common ground and now addressing the issue of german nationals and prisoned in turkey the chancellor stated she hopes for a swift resolution i don't want to stress the importance of fiscal cooperation
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between germany and turkey. it is extremely important. to cooperate with germany primarily in field of economic affairs because we consider this to be a win win approach and it is indeed encouraging that our cooperation here has to be intensified in the future one of the most important specific feature of our relations concern the three and a half million people of turkish descent living in germany. these people who retain their roots but. we also encourage them and promote them to integrate into germany when it comes to education in particular they want to make sure they have equal opportunities and that this will further in the hands integration. we have our correspondents covering the story for us that i said are
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with us here in studio and our chief political editor we select if they're with us that at the chancery where that press conference took place a short while ago michelle out there with the president everyone talking there about intensifying cooperation but also addressing of the differences the two countries that the difficulties rather of integration for people of turkish origin here what did you make of his statement at this press conference. well there's a very two two very different issues i mean first of all the economic corporation which he describes as a win win situation well this is a president who's under pressure his own economy is under pressure the lira dropped forty percent since the beginning of the years now kind of stabilized and there's a looming conflict with the united states so certainly turkey needs and germany needs turkey too for strategic reasons and also because it simply cannot afford an unstable country of that size to be on the periphery of the european union
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particularly also in view to its role in syria so the german chancellor will want to help i would recommend watching out for potential guarantees that the german chancellor or the government might give to german business leaders who are due to meet the president next this afternoon to back up german investment in turkey i wouldn't expect any kind of straight support to be coming out of poland would want to avoid the appearance of encouraging and one in his increasingly. authoritarian style of governing turkey and the other one the other big issue of course is the cultural links more than three million germans of turkish descent turks both here in germany and that just highlights the fact that no matter how bad relations get essentially these two countries are family quite literally that have to make or find a way to cooperate with each other there we heard
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a new tone from president at one calling on the turks to integrate he said the opposite in the past germany is quite open about the fact that it's failed generations of turkish migrants here in germany but then again he's heading to turkey tomorrow and there are one who will open a mosque and very little german press. will be president so that's pretty much a closed shop affair some very mixed signals or a theater coming to you there we heard michelle let's say whether they like it or not these two countries are family perhaps a little bit of a dysfunctional family with some of the differences that they have there we do have a sound bite i believe from angela merkel talking about those differences let's listen to that everybody will have been aware our relationship particularly in recent years have seen some profound differences which still exist today mainly this has to do with the questions about the rule of law the
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freedom of the media. and we are very pleased that some concrete cases could be resolved that some people were released but there are still some german citizens who are imprisoned in turkey and i did and will continue to urge these cases to be resolved quickly. tomorrow over breakfast we will also discuss some of these issues in greater detail. that's not going to be an easy breakfast is that it's not going to be an easy break and i agree with you it is a dysfunctional family. chancellor merkel talked about the problems with the rule of law we've seen tens of thousands of arrests following the failed coup in twenty sixteen there are five german citizens that are imprisoned that's also what chancellor merkel touched upon so that's going to definitely be continue being
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a topic tomorrow as well we heard michelle talking about some of the big issues on the table and chancellor merkel saying there's some august we could make i mean what are the achievements that have been made here how they made any progress from what you could see from that press conference from what we could see from the press conference is that they're struggling they're struggling trying to find common ground they want to keep on talking with each other but the situation is making it extremely difficult and i believe the german government was also hoping a little bit more. from our go on side to to really make more effort we don't see that much of an effort we see a little bit of an effort from arrow on side but he is not giving up on his controversial art he is saying that he is happy to be here to be talking with the chancellor merkel he is going to be meeting with the german businessman while it's it's a very difficult meeting belief we heard him very squarely stand behind what he says is his country's rule of law and order that must be respected me said that very
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clearly denying well he believes that there is a rule of law in turkey but we see with the recent elections with the change of the constitution with the new presidential system a turkish style presidential system when we look at the cases that are happening in turkey we see that people that are in prison without indictments for a very very long time it's very difficult to talk about a functioning rule of law and ok all right set aside our covering of this visit for us and also our chief political correspondent michelle because there's been at the chancery covering this for us as well and thank you both very much for your insights thank you. are not some other. stories that are making news around the world all passengers and crew aboard an airliner have survived their crash landing off a remote pacific island the air plane hit the water after missing the runway in the western pacific state of micronesia a locals help survivors to safety no serious injuries will board them dutch police
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have arrested seven men suspected of planning a large scale terror attack heavily armed police carried out raids across the country after a month long investigation authorities say a thirty four year old iraq e-mail previously convicted for attempting to join the so-called islamic state headed the terror cell. and ancient maya pictographic text has gone on display in mexico city the calendar style text is nearly one thousand years old and depicts the astral movement of venus it was looted from a mexican cave in the one nine hundred sixty s. and taken to the united states it's the continent's oldest legible precocious panic document. in the u.s. republican members of a senate committee examining president donald trump's nomination for the supreme court are pushing for the vote to go ahead earlier the committee heard testimony from a woman who accuses nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were in school cavanaugh who also testified before the committee denies the accusation. that their
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sworn you're both senators questioned christine blousy forward and supreme court nominee kavanah in separate sessions over more than nine hours. and here today not because i want the i am terrified and here because they believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me well brett kavanaugh and i were in high school. brett groped me and tried to take off my clothes. i believe he was going to rape me i'm not questioning. that dr ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time but i have never done this to her or to anyone that's not who i am it is not who i was i am innocent of this charge dr ford with what degree of
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certainty do you believe brett kavanaugh assaulted her one hundred percent one hundred percent how are you so sure that it was. and the same way that i'm sure that i'm talking to you right now just basic memory functions so what you are telling us is this could not be a case of mistaken identity absolutely not the day of emotional testimony was not without an element so if these are and attempts at political point scoring across the aisle this is the most an ethical sham since i've been in politics and if you really wanted to know the truth you sure as hell would have done what you've done to this guy are you a gang right this. no this is not a job interview. this is hail this this is going to destroy the
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ability of good people to come forward because this crap your high school yearbook my friends and i spent the supreme court nominee appeared emotional straight his testimony often on the verge of tears. those are small some women. minutes after brett kavanaugh left the president took to twitter writing judge kavanah shoot america exactly why i know many to ten donald trump describe cavernous tends to me and spiritual honest and riveting he then called on the senators to vote. i let's get more on this with scott lucas he's a professor of american studies at the university of birmingham and the founder of the enduring america web site on u.s. politics a scott thanks for joining us what did you make of what we saw in those hearings why first of all you saw the very compelling testimony of professor ford she
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described her alleged encounter with kavana there were people in the audience and even of senators who were crying as they heard this and then in contrast you have a very different style of broad kavanah at sometimes very attacking almost shouting and then at other times portraying himself as the victim appearing to be close to tears but when he got into trouble with this when he couldn't answer for example whether there should be an f.b.i. investigation that's when you saw the republican senators jumping on and sort of try to cover for him including that extraordinary clip of lindsey graham trying to say this is all a conspiracy theory this is all democrats are trying to set you off the base of this is that one woman is saying she was such a list salted the base of this is that there are two others who have come forward by name to say they've been sexually assaulted but the republicans do not want this to have a full investigation they want to push through cabinet as confirmation so therefore
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they want to vote today without hearing the other women it's about whether he should proceed from committee and they want to vote tomorrow in the first the votes on the senate floor so which ones out these women having the chance to speak up or politics that's where we are scott after such a raw emotional day what do you think is going to happen do you think having a will be confirmed. i wouldn't want to predict at this point but what i would say is that in the short term what you saw even more is i think the damage that has been done to america this idea that people go into camps and either you're for or against donald trump you're for or against brought kavanah and you saw republicans trying to exploit that yesterday simply by using the language of donald trump it's all the fake media it's all the clintons it's hold the democrats but in the longer term i want to do a bit of hope to the not as if professor for coming forward does something to break down the wall of shame to break down the wall of fear over how women are treated
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about their lives about sexual assault that may be a longer term positive that outweighs even the fate of this man who wants to spend his life on the supreme court but how do you think all of this will affect president trying to think he's going to stick by cabin on this is his candidate the man he supports o'donnell trump is now what we call all in on broad kavanah if he backs out now he appears that he hasn't won but more importantly you saw that almost every republican senator despite serious doubts about kevin the story even yesterday as he testified they are all in they are going to push through this vote no batter what the truth is about these accounts because politically they're invested in other words what should be the legal process what should be the question of a man for life on the supreme court at this point the g.o.p. sees his political future as being more important than them do you think he can be a credible supreme court justice after what we've seen. not for many people and
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that's for two reasons one is is that these claims are going to hang over him for the rest of his life but to his tone yesterday was not to be that of a prospective judge he was partisan he sided with the republicans that since the democrats he accused the clintons bill and hillary clinton of a conspiracy theory to do him down he attacked the media in other words brett kavanaugh is no longer a judge who wants to be confirmed he himself is now a politician a political figure and that does not bode well for the immediate future of what is supposed to be the neutral third branch of the us government scott lucas professor of american thirty's at the university of birmingham thank you very much for your analysis thank you and monica jones is here with business monica it has been a turbulent day on the market and it still is in a moment we'll go to the frankfurt stock exchange to me and turbulent why because italy's new government proposed a twenty nine thousand budget with
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a deficit three times bigger than the previous administration's target the decision has led to a clash with the european commission and it sparked a sell off of state bottoms the milan stock exchange plunged dropping by three percent at one point as jittery investors dumped shares. the new budget proposals are dominating the headlines across italy today the draft budget would push italy's overall deficit to one hundred thirty two percent of g.d.p. italy already has the second highest debt level in the euro zone the governing party say they will lower taxes and bring in income subsidies for the paul the decision has once again put italy on a collision course with the e.u. . we have no interest in triggering a crisis between the commission and italy italy is an important eurozone country but neither do we want rome to disrespect the rules and not reduce its debt which
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is explosive so the order of whether the truckers that i am very worried about what is happening in italy this economic maneuver is not for the people but against the people. it will create problems in the north without solving those of the south it will not increase employment but will put italian savings in trouble and will increasingly put our country in the hands of creditors not only internal but also external. because their. plans new debt of two point four percent of g.d.p. was pushed through by the leaders of the two governing parties while italy's more cautious finance minister found himself overruled he had pushed for a lower deficit to bring down the country's public debt. the mood on the streets of rome is mixed. because of it because i'm confident because i feel for the first time we're doing something new. i'm very concerned you just need to look at the
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market this morning it's losing nearly three percent banking stocks are down five percent. and stock exchange has certainly taken a beating and government bonds have also shot up. and to the jitters were also felt at the frankfurt stock exchange where our correspondent standing by a poll marketer tumbling the euro is down it is budget certainly causes havoc. yes it's been a bit of a shock moment just after noon you can see here behind me on the docks there was a sharp downturn or for about one point five percent and big question was what was happening. what happened was that in italy at the border some you know italian bank shares were suspended for some time because they had lost more than ten percent at the center of this or the worst of it was bunco c.p.m.
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which is the third largest bank and had also issued a statement that it had more debt that was previously expected where you have a deficit has has not been taken well by markets last time i checked the. index was at minus four percent bond yields also shot up you mentioned that which means. that it's going to be harder to refinance and indeed as you just mentioned the banks and their shares dropping i mean they're in a pretty fragile state already chalion back. could this budget and everything that it triggered now put the stability of the euro zone in jeopardy. you're asking are we seeing the crisis here or are we not. the voices of populism have drowned out the voices of reason this time namely the economy minister tria and it was previously said that the watershed level was about two percent of the deficit that
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markets would would handle. let's consider this a warning shot me the analysts aren't convinced that the debt crisis is quite here yet as long as italy can remain under a three percent of. deficit and keep its moderate growth we're not there yet ok well relief there from nice certainly in france this thank you so much. well more than two hundred dry air flights are grounded today amid a massive strike wryness staff in six european countries namely belgium portugal the netherlands spain italy and germany have walked off the job demanding more pay and better working conditions the budget airline has seen repeated strike action in recent months ryanair is continuing negotiations but the unions say the offer put forward by the airline is not acceptable with its low ticket prices ryanair has overtaken established carriers to become one of europe's biggest airlines but its
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business model is controversial tesla without elon musk at the wheel well that's hard to imagine but it is what u.s. regulators wants to see they've accused tesla c.e.o. you know musk of securities fraud with false statements about plans to take the company private and a complaint filed in manhattan federal court the f.c.c. said must quote knew or was reckless in not knowing that he was misleading investors in a series of tweets last months i'm considering taking tesla private at four hundred twenty dollars funding secured this is the message tesla see you know iran must tweeted to his twenty two million followers last month and here's the response of u.s. regulators who've charged him with fraud. musk statements misled members of the investing public to believe that it was virtually certain he could take tesla
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private at a price of four hundred twenty dollars per share which was a substantial premium over a share price at that time because funding for this proposed transaction had been secured and the only contingency remaining was a shareholder vote the market reacted to this information and tesla stock price quickly traded out we allege that most statements were false and misleading because they lack any basis in fact on the day of musts tweet last month testers shares shot up causing the nasdaq to suspend trading for an hour and a hop. that calls huge losses for so-called short sellers investors who borrow a company's stock betting that it will fall in a statement issued by tesla must call the allegations of fraud unjustified and said that he was taken action in the interests of his investors test shares fell nearly twelve percent after news of the fraud charges broke. well it's
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a bit like in sports sometimes you're up sometimes you're down the sunni i think you've got some good asli good news yeah of those who are at the very top monica around six minutes ago going to see a huge match up the first place by a new nick there in the german capital to take on a fourth place how to berlin buyers are undefeated this season had to have only lost one match and head coach paul di di says a win against biron would truly shake up the league. the capitol head to berlin his started off strong this season and sit fourth in the state's head coach cal gardai back when he played for hair to the store to the game winning goal against bahrain something handsome barely does. munich coach nico kobayashi also scored in that game for buyers but it wasn't enough by a win this time around for a haircut could change the natural order of the bundesliga but the whole side is realistic. the physio might have a real change a strong but half a city supported by are the other half are here to fans what can i say and this
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game even when i was a player no matter who scored a goal everyone jumped up it'd be nice if we scored first if we got the winning goal after so many years it would be very nice but we know what to expect and we need to prepare. biron had an unexpected draw last time out in munich mico kobayashi a burly native isn't taking their opponent like. the motion is and should be delish . i think i play very very well so i'm impressed. they're very technical save. they finish sixth in the league and they're very disciplined in winning the pullback. that's why i'll be very challenging at the olympic stadium thing with us because all of our opponents always give it their all when they go up against us but. we'll have to be one hundred percent up to the task just like we have been in so many games. and finished being the best. team led by two men who
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know each other all too well and both go in for the win the last three to byron fixtures have been d.d.b. by them both like to change. to golf and today's take off of the three day ryder cup tournament team america has not won the trans-atlantic trophy away from home in twenty five years now they're hoping that streak will end when they take on team europe at the golf course called the golf nets are now in france and with tiger woods back in top form the u.s. is expecting to mount a serious challenge only a few days ago woods won his first tournament in five years. to make bubba watson says expectations are high and the pressure of the ryder cup is unlike any other. this is bigger than any you know really because at the pride this is all about pride for us this is not about getting bigger check or this is just my pride and. you know the crowd over here has always been amazing. they understand tough shots
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they understand a thirty footer sometimes from two hundred yards is a great shot and so they've been appreciative of every time i've ever played in an event over here. all right our minder now of our top story here on d.w. turkey's president. has met with germany's chancellor angela merkel for talks everyone called on berlin to extradite what he said with the hundreds of supporters of the clerics residing in germany everyone blames good and free instigating the failed two thousand and sixteen coup in a turkey. thank you for watching to tell you don't forget to head to our website dot com for all the latest news and information around the clock you can also follow us at twitter handle their act. we'll be right back here at the news desk at the top the hour.
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my laundry international talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week so she's president of better on state visit to germany has been carefully choreographed to put sound would relations between brooklyn and i'm her back home truck blow it would be increasingly tearing into me to really be slow to find our.
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country go next w. walking wonderful feathers. extravagant feather costumes on stage at the moment. the outfits a made by a family run business his own head. against a theme the place don't want to be as fabulous cabaret costumers. your moment mean sixty minutes on d w. they make a commitment. they find. they can stronger. africa
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on the moon. stories of both people making a difference shaping their nation. and their continent africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. is a multimedia series for forgotten. d.w. dot com or go. along in a very warm welcome indeed to quadriga coming to you from bahamas a book later this week to focus on the controversial state visits of germany by turkey's president red chip tired at the one who is being given the full red culprits treatment and on the eve of his visit the turkish media said that he wants
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to put an end to recent tensions between ankara and berlin to vitriolic verbal attacks on germany the arrests of german citizens.


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