tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle October 2, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST
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this is g w news live from bird land desperation deepens in indonesia as the death toll surges to more than twelve hundred following last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami people wait for news of their loved ones and relatives and recall the horror of the moment when that earthquake struck. where the ground started moving i went i'm sorry. long through the whole street rose up in the road it was like a wave of and we were swept away i mean it will have
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a special report from our correspondents on the ground also as labor shortages loom germany's coalition parties agree on a new immigration law to try and attract field workers from other countries and honor for their groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics three scientists from three different countries are awarded this year's nobel prize in physics and our correspondent explains how their work has opened up new revolutionary areas of research. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program indonesia has raised to more than twelve hundred the number of people who died in the earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of so levey's a island last week survivors need while are beginning to grow angry at the government's. response to the disaster they say authorities are being
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too slow to send aid to areas outside of the main town of pallu and that they are running short of food fuel and other essentials as hard to reports the government has begun airlifting some survivors to safety. all they want is to get out. some of them have been waiting four days at the airport to get on one of the planes that are bringing in the eight. indonesians on forces are constantly airlifting in relief goods things that people here need most water food medication most of all and on the way back they're taking those who are desperately waiting to leave old people people who are injured people who've lost their homes women and small children. and then let you know me a little along iran i'm over it and i'm about to give birth it absolutely did given my but i heard that it's difficult to still get treatment at the hospital
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here so i have to go into a bigger city. in the city rescue workers find new bodies every day. the earthquake has extinguished entire neighborhoods. this is the end of a landslide that's about two kilometers long and that was caused by the earthquake and to understand the sheer force that was unleashed you just have to look at that building up there because that previously wasn't here but some one hundred meters down in that direction it was swept here by the moving soil now there are still some five hundred people believed to be buried here and a lot of the people over here on this side have lost relatives right here and they're waiting for them to be found. irwin lost his mother his brother and his nephew when solid earth turned into a swirling board. that. when the ground started moving i went outside.
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ones and the whole street rose up and it was like a wave and we were swept away and we get a it was like a whole opening up and then slamming shut again. we would take you and its residents a long time to recover what was destroyed in just a matter of seconds. and some. may never see them. and we spoke earlier with a coordinator from the international red cross in jakarta and he gave us this description of the situation on the ground. there were no doubt this has not been easy at all i thin deface day from day international red cross we have been supporting and crying to bring. relief items to be affected but unfortunately the airport was closed and also in the land road was not
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easy and there was a lot of local i've lent blood going on and these bikes go we shipped in a lot of relief items yes they did and it might have it might be a right being in the next couple of days from jakarta we have new flooring more than two hundred volunteers on the ground no mobilized neighboring proficiency of knowing that. their air flight is not easy to team to are providing support on medical so we have had a medical. doctor know to date providing treatment to injured people and affected people on the ground and also our team gulf of providing water their drinking water to communities it effected area know by sending. water trucks to the f.a.q.
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aria. let's get a quick check now of some other stories that have been making news around the world japanese prime minister shinzo abbay has reshuffled his cabinet but he left the key foreign finance economy and trade ministers in place the changes come as the country faces tough trade talks be united states there was only one woman appointed to the new cabinet. u.s. first lady maloney a trump has touched down in ghana at the beginning of a four nation trip to africa it is her first major international trip without the president and she will be promoting her the best initiative her tour will also take her to malawi kenya and egypt. soccer star christian or and aldo is being sued in the united states by a woman who claims that the portuguese player raped her nine years ago she says she was assaulted at the los vegas palms hotel and that she was tricked into keeping quiet were naldo has dismissed the allegation as fake news. british
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prime minister theresa may says that her country's immigration rules after brags it will favor of skilled migrants over low skilled migrants and that no preferential treatment will be given to e.u. citizens may was speaking on the fringes of the annual conservative party conference taking place in birmingham this week. germany's coalition government has reached an agreement on immigration reforms designed to make the country more attractive to skilled workers from around the world the government says that it is based on the canadian model and is a first step toward a more open migration law it will continue to treat asylum seekers and economic migrants differently but could allow greater flexibility for refugees to successfully integrate in germany. and germany's economy minister peter altmire told the brady more about the new law. mr out my what exactly is the german
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government proposing when it say's immigration based on the canadian model germany have a very pragmatic but modern immigration law the german economy is in an extremely dynamic state the labor market empty we need a qualified labor force this will be much easier on the future to recruit volley fight people in decent comando for german language with a good education and professional training is very important in order to to increase across potential of the german economy and to increase the welfare of our country and why is it so difficult for asylum seekers or rejected asylum seekers to stay here and what care if they've already integrated themselves well into german society we have made a very clear distinction between asylum seekers on the one hand. already i'm prepared to protect people in need for protection and people looking
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for integration in the labor market in germany and the basic principle that we bring we have however provided a possibility for people who have a very long history of integration in the labor market well integrated in the social environment to tuesday if certain conditions are met is that something that will be out in the process that's the station and it's a pragmatic. choice but in principle the distinction between the two ways of my creation will be maintained. and that was german economy minister peter altmire speaking earlier with kate brady. meantime conditions at the morea refugee camp on the greek island of lesbos have been
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described as appalling more than eight thousand people are crammed into a facility built to hold just three thousand violence and prostitution are commonplace but in recent months criminal activity is appear to have taken on a new quality people there say that they are being terrorized by militants from the islamic state who have begun to arrive from syria. did abuse bashir and mario muller went to the camp to investigate. a bloody attack in camp morea last may suspected isis members were apparently the driving force several were injured severely some attackers were arrested i did take their wives or so when they attack it's about twenty of them who gang up on you. stay with metal bars. the mercy of this little bit of the same slogans that isis members who are all those great isis will remain and expand. the.
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ashmont escape from iraq to lesbos he lived directing next to the presumed isis group before he fled the camp in fear for his life. many other residents of the camp tell us a similar story they are still frenetic. about stealing if you're not islam i care with you i cannot tell only what they have spies everywhere. we want to see what's really going on inside because one of us. thank you we are not allowed in so two former residents go in for us and take a hidden camera with them. morea is like a lawless slum eight thousand refugees live here and the inhumane conditions n.g.o.s say the campus increasingly being controlled by criminal gangs there stop a cafe run by apple and. he's one of the group's ring leaders hash crystal
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meth pills you can buy anything here our informants tell us the man behind the coffee machine is one of the henchmen. rader is one of our informants he leads us to level three of the camp apparently under isis control the group consists of about fifty men independent sources confirmed that fifty in a camp of eight thousand. traces of violence we recognize this window from the video footage showed us earlier. here isis graffitti on the wall apparently the group feels so safe that it claims an entire zone within the camp as its own. feared for his life here now he lives in safety inus own apartment was humble he choked me and prays to blind to my throat then he told his friends to come and he said hold him down so i can slit his throat. of the. other plans to export terror from inside the camp to europe the fact that they
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openly professed membership speaks against that meanwhile german security staff confirm they have information about isis affiliates in camp moria. but what are greek authorities and the police doing to stop the violence. the greek ministry for migration policy refused an interview they say they're too busy to provide a spokesperson the police to remain silent if the company list post closes down as the governor of the region recently stated it's uncertain what will happen to the violent gang sources say that some of the alleged isis leaders have already made it to athens. and if that report got your attention there is an in-depth version of it online just go to youtube and search for d w documentary or you can look for it in our media center at d.f.w. dot com. well this year's nobel prize for physics has just been announced by the royal swedish academy of sciences in stockholm it's been awarded in two parts with
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half going to the u.s. scientists arthur ashkan and the other half to a team of two physicists the frenchman gerard maule room and canadian donna strickland the three were honored for their research in the field of laser physics . and derek williams joins us here in the studio to tell us a little bit more about the nobel committee's decision and why exactly they've received this prize tell us a little bit more about laser physics and what they've accomplished these are two fairly widely divergent fields but what they do have in common is laser physics ashton's work involved what are called optical tweezers so they allowed us on a magnet he created a tool that allowed us on a microscopic level to to push around things like bacteria and viruses without actually killing them before them we had to actually kill them and fix them place in order to observe them so it allowed us to begin to observing these living systems which obviously had huge ramifications for fields like biology. on on the
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other hand the work done by more rules and and by strickland is it's about high intensity compact laser system so when you're creating a laser you have this problem with your amplifier the certain point the laser just gets so hot and so intense that it it destroys. they figured out a work around or on that called chirked holes with occasion i'll only say that one that allows you that allows us to create ever more powerful lasers to do things like powerful enough to do things like cut metals so to widely divergent areas but what they have in common is laser physics fascinating stuff and we see the practical application as you mentioned also some of the accomplishments of their work something that was quite interesting though is the fact that donna strickland apparently is the first woman to winning this prize in physics for fifty five years in fact only only three women in total i understand have won the prize and she's joining us and it's really it's really i mean it's hard to believe she's joining
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she's joining a pretty exclusive club in a good includes marie curie the the nobel prizes in general women are dramatically under-represented across the three for science prizes that are awarded by physics is really kind of the worst of the lot and i think. talking about that would go way beyond the scope of this particular conversation is gushing as we're limited by time but i think it is changing and i think that we see it. in things like this in the award with the awarding of this particular prize because she really deserves it and i think it's going to we're going to see a trend in that direction more in the coming years especially because gender parity we know a conversation not only around the world but also within the nobel committee itself very well but i don't think that they just gave her the prize because she's a woman her work really has vast merit and she did it back when she was a ph d. student in the late seventy's and early eighty's so it's fits in with actually the scheme of what the nobel prize is about which is awarding prizes to researchers who
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have done seminal work in their particular fields fascinating stuff derek williams breaking it all down for us thank you so much. the united nations has praised india for steps that it has taken to reduce the number of people who are deficit in the open the un secretary general antonio good test said that the program known as clean india would be a model for developing countries it has involved the building of nearly eighty six million toilets in rural areas in the last four years but for some groups of indians especially women trying to find a toilet is still fraught with problems. these schoolchildren are dressed as mahatma gandhi to honor the one hundred forty ninth birthday of india's independence leader october second is also recognized as international nonviolence day but as this year kicks off two years of celebrations to honor gandhi and his commitment to nonviolence women and children across india face constant threats to their safety in part because they don't have toilets they can trust. are out there
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that women need their own space to do their business there are always men at the public toilets where should we women go we just keep running from one place to another that's the biggest issue that. many women say they don't feel safe sending their children or going to the public bathrooms themselves where they could face harassment or even rape. deficit in the open remains common in india despite an aggressive campaign to change people's behavior and install more than eighty million new public toilets. despite the program many among india's poor say the public toilets remain out of reach for their family. law a lot of us are going to the bathroom is a huge problem for us but we have to pay for it and i have four children they charge six cents per visit if we go twice that's twelve cents how long can you bear that it's very troubling. the sock puppet or clean india campaign appears to
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be showing some signs of success. prime minister narendra modi launched the program four years ago at an international sanitation convention in delhi on tuesday the un praised india's efforts. an estimated two point three billion people worldwide still do not have basics any occasion facilities i believe that what's happening in india is quickly changing is that these leaks wage trick i've got sixty four years ago in the accounted for sixty percent of the people worldwide deficit american. now today there has declined to less than twenty percent. modi says the initiative seeks to fulfill gandhi's dream of a clean and sanitary nation for all the initiative hopes to present
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a cleaner continent just in time for gandhi's one hundred fiftieth birthday next year. as of tuesday organizers have one year left to get it together. for now a bit of surfing news and a big wave in fact because there is a new entry in the guinness book of world records you should be able to see why check this out this is incredible. just trying there and locate mary beta on this enormous wave off the coast of portugal it's almost twenty one meters high making it the biggest wave ever surfed by a woman bravo her record ride dates back to january but it was finally recognized on monday. that as one brave woman. writes helen i know sort of late at it i could hardly take my eyes so we're going from that to the future of diesel now we are afraid not quite as exciting but very important the
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german government has outlined its plan for getting rid of dirty these old powered vehicles getting them off the country's various not according to the transport ministry drivers like living in and around the fourteen most polluted cities in germany can take advantage of trade in incentives and retrofits for diesel cars that exceed european commission that fills the kamani factories are expected to pay for most of the costs of the retrofits the german government is hoping to avoid court ordered driving bans for diesel cars which were widely discussed in the wake of the ongoing diesel a mission's standard. and then it's aspect my colleague. who's at the paris motor show and i asked if the latest developments here in germany regarding diesel so. it's. oh yes definitely and as he said details are said to emerge but the expectation around here is that the plan will be composed of trade in schemes of four buyers and of course. finance retrofits but really the conversations around
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this theme here are already quite interesting now you had for example the likes of car discussing the french of maker saying about saying that he thought it was interesting that governments have now basically condemned these all to death when in the past they were the ones who have only incentivize the use of diesel because of their a perceived efficiency advantage over petrol so the line being there that policymakers giveth and policymakers taketh away and the perception around car makers around here at the paris motor show seems to be that it's up to them now to chase policy makers with fixes and new tech despite the fact that you were diesels are supposed to be reasonably clean now of course what that argument doesn't really take into consideration is that the sea change was caused by an emissions cheating scandal and really it's hard to find anyone else but the manufacturers to blame for that sort of event now clearly the industry wide reckoning that was caused by the
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scandal is still ongoing and is still being hashed out for example here at the paris motor show among other venues and indeed those comments from the head over they know a french call maker all very interesting with that in mind what are the european countries doing like france for example ginnell to tackle the problem. you know it's very interesting that the paris motor show is taking place in the french capital the french capital of course being one of the first cities to announce an upcoming ban on diesel and petrol vehicles in the city center and the paris motor show is actually taking place for the one hundredth time here in the capital but really what everybody here is looking towards is a watch mandated rules across the european union could look like everybody is looking off towards the important to emissions reduction vote happening tomorrow no m.e.p. is could mandated reductions of up to forty five percent by twenty thirty compared to previous proposals of thirty percent and compared to what the industry wants
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which is to twenty now this is obviously causing a lot of tension here at the paris motor show now carmakers are saying this could negatively impact jobs and cause major disruptions while. those a favor of those aggressive cuts saying about anything less would be a token gesture you know do much alone at the paris motor show thank you. and meanwhile german manufacturers the showing off their electric cars the paris motor show dynasty. have presented the city they call make his first all electric vehicle it goes on sale next year manufacturers have invested billions in new battery production as regulators come down on vehicle emissions but analysts worry consumers aren't willing to pay more for electric cars with concerns about range and the lack of challenging networks. well germany says it wants to see one million electric cars on its roads but it's still
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a long way off target just over the border there the dutch a ditching the diesel in their droves that one hundred twenty thousand cars a cruising through the netherlands all thanks to cheaper electricity and a better network of charging stations. if your battery runs out in amsterdam you're never far from a charging station. there are already two and a half thousand in the city and that figure is set to continue rising these two women work for a dutch utility company new on energy which has installed a significant proportion of the stations with subsidies from local authorities. first of all the dutch government. benefits and. local governments have charging infrastructure right from the beginning so. you have to make this market. unlike in many other cities the locations of new charging
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stations are determined by where residents say they need them. car owners also benefit from substantial tax incentives for electric vehicles as a result say the authorities residents are being won over to the idea of each. eindhoven a ninety minute drive away already has forty three electrically powered city busses they have a range of a wild one hundred kilometers on a full battery which needs around half an hour to charge the buses were retrofitted by the bus builders order books are currently full thanks also to the dutch government's ambitious commitments more. than twenty twenty five all new vehicles should be zero emission another big part of that. will be all done in zero emission twenty five looks. at me while technical university now boasts
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a special course in electro mobility where students build more efficient batteries but even the netherlands has some catching up to do says this professor especially compared to china where there are currently sixteen thousand electric buses on the road. and just reminded out the top story we're following for you indonesia has raised the death toll from last week's more than one one thousand two hundred survivors meanwhile have begun looting the shops for food often not eating for several days people. have criticized the government's response as being too slow. you're watching news from plenty more coming up at the top of the hour the latest is always available on our website that. thanks for your company i'll see you very soon.
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