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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  October 3, 2018 1:15pm-1:31pm CEST

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occident i believe this is the crew poor the crux of the socialist state principle this applies to citizens who are vulnerable and who listen to people who come to our shores in order to seek refuge but we have limited possibilities because we want to. protect the asylum rights we need to tell my friends come to our shores for other motives that we can only accept. as far as this doesn't engender the future of our country we want to protect people from drowning but we on the other hand we want to approach prevent human trafficking across the seas and this is something this is a conundrum a contradiction that we need to face and tolerate as a human as a society and everybody needs to find their own compromise because as you anyway member trick and keep up the political flexibility to take take action it's not
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a recipe for cynicism and it's by no means a license for an ethical action no quite on the contrary you need an ethical tenet you need an ethic a benchmark which becomes the lighthouse. but we also need to face the fact that things are fallible that human beings human societies are fallible because you never be able to come up with perfection if you try to aspire to perfection and that's the temptation to become. we think mostly your most nearly all are in politics does not always need to come up with an ambiguous and fast answers politics can also openly face the fact that it's incapable of resolving and reconciling or differences this it is the only way in which we can prevent aspiration sec cannot be forfeit which otherwise we use in this. and of course this doesn't mean that we can remain complacent and idle and we
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are used to the fact that we describe our presence as a crisis and that's not wrong because experience goes to show that we become active i'm in my head in crisis but we should not focus on what we should fend off what we can look lose but we should also look at the things that we can change things that we want to achieve instead of focusing on the young easy feeling and at the moment and modernity we should expand our horizons and focus on things which we can do better to try. to prove this over four years or so nobody knows what the future holds nobody has kristen crystal ball the citizens who took to the streets in one thousand nine hundred ninety know what the future nobody knew that on the night of november the war could come down. and back in the night. when nobody
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would have expected that within less than one year we would have been able to reach german unification but we rose to the task as germans back then are we really aware of how people who were. never in our history have as germans been able to live over such a long period in peace peace and freedom and at least it is likely speaking in increasing affluence and more is the conclusion which we draw from that although objectively speaking our country is better off than ever before and most people who see. this many of us are concerned that maybe one day our children our grandchildren are going to be worse off so pessimistic with regard to the future so apparently economic affluence doesn't create any confidence but rather that creates fear of relegation and many other talk about. longing for permanent presence because are
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you seeing the future oh it's going to go down here but i mean this is a lot of trust in our own computers architecture yes we can work you know development successfully but we don't talk enough about our success stories so many surprises want people. to know general humans where surprised when people turn around scientists turn around and say that absolute poverty across the globe is declining that never before in the history of mankind people the so little people have become victims of violence and war like in recent years that many diseases have been eradicated that the standard of living constantly increases none of these developments is just something that. can't happen automatically everything is the result of wise decisions taken by human beings i mean if you're optimistic with regard to the
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future if you don't turn a blind eye on that you need to change something but i mean it does give you the impression that you can change believing in the fact that you can shape your own destiny means that you can harm muster the courage to face the tasks and respect those people who rise to the ok i mean. those out of october nine hundred ninety was a difficult task but i mean maybe one hundred years ago the changes were more difficult but back then people didn't resign and they didn't become pessimistic the the future is open but the gratian in the open society is something that we should never lose sized. and if we can. always link individual freedom. then we will be able to protect the underpinnings of the way of being of a country and of ourselves i mean being selfish sure being. relaxed and optimistic
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i think this is the trinity all for timely patriotism patriotism. for a self-confident nation in the best sense of the word and for the best name which we have the privilege to live in making it even better place i will not know to look forward to a wonderful celebration of. german reunification here in berlin and everywhere where people get together thank you. just joining us germany is marking twenty eight years since the reification of a country c sixty six taking place across roland today we've been watching a central part of its facilities the president of the point to start. delivering a speech at the state opera where the chancellor of the president were also gathered he said german reunification is a mosaic
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a multi-faceted picture and there's a need to create a new consensus on what unites us and we have our political correspondent simon young with us here in studio and hans branches in central berlin though where some of the festivities have been taking place as well as i want to start with you what did you make of what i had to say a long and wide ranging speech there. yes indeed he started off with a historical perspective looking back at the importance of this day at the end of the first world war in nineteen eighteen in other words one hundred years ago. the significance of this day and throughout german history. in the end i think he then turned to the importance of the social order and the constitutional order that germany has established today i think in the end you can say that it was a searching kind of speech thoughtful speech at times a philosophical speech and i think you could hear from what he had to say that there is this doctor in german society at the moment
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a box called the future is going to shape itself about all the challenges that the country is facing at the moment and also all the rather. heated protests the chairman has been experiencing is especially from the side of right wing populist such as the alternative for germany party and simon he did indeed touch on a lot of those complex issues that germany is facing at the moment but said you know this is something that our democracy is strong enough to sustain yeah i think he sort of the name checked all the all the big ones you know migration was always the in there he talked about europe as a force because he's in the challenge of globalization but then his hands was mentioning he bedded it all down in a rather academic philosophical discourse even about the constitution and the state so this is not a speech that will perhaps penetrate through to you know the ordinary man on the street as it were. a woman on the street and indeed he does i should also say
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thought he and none the less he said all the right things you know he said that. the ideas that unite us are stronger than the ones that divide us but the some old certainties are now being questioned you know that he's a sort of a stay. from a man he's a towering figure of german politics he's you know he's been around for a long time he holds the second highest office in the german state after the german president so he's officially above angle americal in the pecking order and i think he's somebody who because he's been around for so long as a senior christian democrat he holds a certain moral authority and people will listen to him but this was a very sort of thoughtful and profound speech in which all these central concepts in the problems of. germany today politically were mentioned and he said you know we don't talk enough about our success story simon and yet it is something
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that we've been discussing a lot also what hons the fact that people still believe something they say in german that made people still have this mentality of having a wall the wall that divided former east and west still in their head how deep is that divide still today well i think it's something that affects people that as i was saying earlier they the people. you know refer to when they need to. when people want to feel the are you know that it's important to them to define themselves in terms of east to west then they do so it comes out on a day like today and as lord cheerleading and encouragement of people to say we are all united but then people remember for instance the fact that many of those who suffered under the communist regime in east germany have still not received any compensation and as both can show above mentioned in that speech are compensation has always been a sort of divisive concept so you know there are even been people who were involved
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in nazi crimes in the past. then because they also suffered under the east german communist regime they should be compensated for that and so these are complicated questions that come up but nonetheless you know there is that sense that we were mentioning earlier of some people in the east they've lost out. the things of their opportunities and their perspectives for the future have diminished and the only way they can get over that was a sort of go west and look for opportunities elsewhere even outside germany as well and. also like to mention was mentioning some recent survey saying that you know young germans in particular are incredibly pessimistic despite the fact that the german economy is doing so well that's a surprising feature of germany as you said simon the underlying message there what unites us is more than what divides us on a very important day for the viewers just joining us we are watching the celebrations following the celebrations today for germany's celebrating twenty
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eight years since reunification and our correspondent some young has been with us hans front also in central berlin will continue to follow this story for you over the course of the day.
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don the danger man is hop into the ladle it's october this time in i'm looking forward to the fun rides and party time and of course i want to try a typical october first beer journey into the festival's history. and see what it's like to where i come on the map quest says that. she is.
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i just thought. that. what if these borders came back. what does it mean for the people who live and work here. brags of look at all shabana northern ireland from lizard and the republic of ireland it's bringing back memories of painful times what happens in customs barriers come down again. to me in germany in sixty minutes on d w. like i learned german with t.w. any time any place. names video novellas.
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they have the benefit of the. songs to sing along to download it is the combo from super. to be a good time. and very to cause this kind of into active exercise is the hard thing about the. when you don't come a slashdot on facebook in the. glen german phrase with w. o.


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