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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 5, 2018 11:00am-11:31am CEST

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hello i'm terry march and welcome to the program we're bringing you live coverage of the announcement of the winner of this year's nobel peace prize in all slow covering the sabbat with me is our senior correspondent peter craven right now we are waiting for barrett's rice anderson the chair of the norwegian nobel committee to emerge from the through that door there in all the low that we saw just a moment ago there we're looking in the room now and she is expected to make the announcement any second now with me is peter craven as i mentioned to peter the nominations for the peace prize are kept secret than what about the doors opening this is right before we can even begin to talk about. the announcement of the nobel peace prize for twenty eight. good
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morning. nobel. hasn't decided to award the nobel peace prize for twenty eight team two dennis macwhich yeah and. for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and conflict. both laureates have made a crucial contribution to focusing attention on and combating such war crimes. dennis macwhich it is to him who has devoted his life to defending these victims. the rod is the witness who tales of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others each of them in their own will. has hill to give greater visibility
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to wartime sexual violence so that the perpetrators can be held accountable for their actions. the physician denis macwhich has spent a large part of his life helping victims of sexual violence in the democratic republic of congo since the pouncey hospital was established in the cargo in two thousand and eight dr mccoy and his staff have treated thousands of patients who have four victims to such assaults. most of the abuses have been committed in the context of a long lasting civil war that has cost the lives of more than six million congolese. dennis machir is the foremost most
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unifying symbol both nationally and internationally of the struggle to end sexual violence in war and armed conflicts his basic principle is that justice is everyone's business men and women officers and soldiers local national and international authorities ally all have a shared responsibility for reporting and combat this type of war crime. the importance of denis mccririck is and during dedicated and selfless efforts in this field cannot be overrated he has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticized the congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to
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stop the use of sexual violence against women as a strategy and weapon of war. rod is herself a victim of war crimes she refused to accept the social codes that require women to remain silent and the shame of the abuses to which they have been subjected she has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own suffering and speaking up on behalf of the victims. nadia mourad is a member of the yes cd minority in north an iraq where she lived with her family in the remote village of course. in august twenty fourth in the
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islamic state isis launched a brutal systematic attack on the villages of the same char region aimed at exterminating the population in the. village several hundred people were massacred. the younger women including under-age children were abducted and held as sex slaves. while the captive of the isis nadia on the rug was repeatedly subjected to rape and other abuses her assault has flourished and to execute her if she did not convert to their hateful in human version of islam. nadia murat is just one of an estimated three thousand.
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women who were victims of rape and other abuses by the isis army. the abuses were systematic and part of a military strategy. thus they served as a weapon in the fight against your cds and other religious minorities. after a three month nightmare. managed to flee following her escape she chose to speak openly about what she had endured and in twenty sixteen at the age of just twenty three she was named the un's first goodwill ambassador for the dignity of survivors of human trafficking. this year marks educate since the un secretary council. un security council adopted resolution eight hundred twenty which determined that the
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use of sexual violence as a weapon of war an armed conflict constitutes both a war crime and a threat to international peace and security this is also set out in the rome statute of nineteen ninety eight which governs the work of the international criminal court the statue establishes that sexual violence in war in armed conflict is a grave violation of international law. a more peaceful world can only be achieved if women and their fundamental rights and security are recognized protected in war. this year is noble
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prize peace prize is firmly embedded in the criteria spelled out in our. fred nobel's will dennis mcveigh go. the route both could their personal security at risk by courageously combating war crimes and seeking justice for victims they have thereby promoted the fraternity of nations through the application of principles of international law. thank you very much. for the most important message you want to still go to the world bar this year's nobel peace prize. we want to send a message of awareness that women constitute half of the population and most communities. are used as a weapon of war and that they need protection and that the perpetrators.
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have to be prosecuted and held responsible for their actions we believe that this is a fundamental. for lasting peace to also include their rights and their willingness of women. congratulations you're supposed to give the prize to the ones who have contributed the most to peace in the last year why this prize this year. this year. rob has spoken up all abuses against women it is a prize where one cannot single out that it is one particular event this year it has been a continuous development. in efforts from the united nations efforts by brave individuals and as we stand here in the year of
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twenty eighteen. we see that dr dennis mcqueary. cadre of this message in the most efficient way in the previous year. was the committee and they were in directly being inspired also by the media. assaults on women in general. well i believe there is that me too and war crimes is not quite the same thing but they do have. in common that it is important for to see the suffering of women to see the abuses and to achieve it is also important that women. leave the concept of shame and speak out how you've been in contact with any of the winners and what were their reaction we have tried to contact the windows we
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haven't managed to get through on the phone if they are watching this my heartfelt congratulations. is my name is b.b. and m.p. and i represent a norwegian news agency. denis mccuaig that has been on the nobel shortlist for about ten years what is the reason he made the time and in choosing been between three hundred and thirty one candidates almost record high number what were the main challenges in finding a unified this issue. well first of all i cannot comment on who has been on the committees shortlist we are instructed by the will of alfred nobel not to speak about our deliberations we only communicate to you who has actually been found worth of receiving the prize each year. then i can really
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just reply your question by stating again that. taking this subject into consideration highlighting the poor of the subject we found that these two individuals in a most significant way have actually been vocal on this subject that is of course not to say that there are other individuals other efforts who also address this subject and they also need they deserve. recognition with this prize we recognize the two individuals that we believe have been in front of this course. madam chair and then time i work for a general way or another not again. sexual violence has been debated a lot of the past year how important has been in your decision. was sexual violence
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has been debated the last in the past year in the context of what should we say civil society and how men and women interact in our society and particularly in the workplace because this is i understand moralists in me to question but as i have highlighted in the reasons i already have given already in the rome start use of nine hundred ninety eight. both genocide and crimes against humanity is defined can take place by using. women and sexual abuse or for that matter sexual abuse against men as an instrument so this is not a new concept in international thinking however and not so very open with. the u.n. security the u.n. has followed up by several resolutions on they say every time one can say it has
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been a development to. abuse against women sexual abuse against women at war time is a well known phenomenon. it's not a phenomenon of our time but it has been a development to make it an issue of politics and the business of the international community to recognize it and take responsibility for the issue. not to have it out is a member of the of the and if you're just joining us we've been watching live coverage from oslo norway we've been listening to barrett rice anderson the chair of the norwegian nobel committee she's just announced the winners of this year's nobel peace prize the award has been given jointly to denis mccuaig and not the more rod for there for raising greater visibility wartime violence
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so that the perpetrators can sexual violence wartime sexual violence so that the perpetrators can be held to account with me in the studio as our senior correspondent peter craven peter not a huge surprise what can you tell us about these two winners not a great surprise you're right terry knew that had been a lot of speculation about whether the the award would go to the korean peninsula somehow the two korean leaders having forged a breakthrough as it's been seen in recent times also with the help in inverted commas of donald trump a lot of speculation that he would go and that are. action but i must say that i personally was hoping that there was mccuaig and not him or her out would get this award as they have because it sends out the message we've heard it here sexual violence is a grave infringement on the rights of women and it is a crime against humanity women make up fifty percent of humanity and that this is
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a very important part of the peace agenda that's the message here well tell us something if you can something about these two individuals and why they were awarded this probably had a lot about it dennis mccuaig is it going to college who works in the democratic republic of congo which is a war torn country six million lives have been lost that he's been he's been at the head of a. hospital that he set up specially to treat women who have been victims of abominable crimes gang rape of the worst kind who have been maimed and who've been wounded tens of thousands of women down the years he's been very very committed to helping those women to developing a program a program so that they can be brought back into society because they can be helped with a troll so it's a it's a holistic approach he's also very committed to witness being bones of the crimes and crimes not going on punished and not you moron is a very interesting woman as well unbelievably courageous because as we heard the isis forces in twenty fourteen days they invaded her village in the s.c.d.
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area and it's in the north of iraq. the elderly women in the in the village were raped and killed young men were killed six of her brothers were killed she was then taken into sex slavery and suffered a terribly she then she managed to escape she's written a book about it she appears power in public demanding the right for women to be heard and women to be protected and men to be punished and she's a very impressive individual and i was just reading a little bit of the copy is coming through from the agencies right now about the two new nobel peace prize laureates not even has a connection to to germany. turns out and twenty fifteen she apparently benefited from a refugee program that was put together by the government of the state of bob burton back so she has connections to germany as well but this is this is quite a statement for the nobel committee putting a spotlight on sexual violence as
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a weapon of war yeah i mean after all the alfred nobel when he dedicates the prize way back when and before he his death in eighteen or after it was in his will when he died in one thousand nine hundred five he talks about disarmament brotherhood and peace settlements it was a very conventional piece gender as it were. as you would say that now i think this is this is resetting the agenda this is rewriting the agenda and saying that violence is a weapon of war violence against women is completely unacceptable and is now the focus of our attention it will be punished it will be viewed as a crime against humanity and this will be this will give a basis for international agencies to operate much more thoroughly against crimes against women i'm sure so this could could at least serve as as an incentive to some degree for those who are trying to address the problem of sexual violence as a weapon of war for dennis mccoy himself it'll be an incredibly encouraging because he's been he's been involved in what he's been doing for twenty years more than two
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decades it wasn't that long ago that there was an attempt on his life in the life of his family for what he's been doing here his bodyguard to mistry very very close friend of him was actually shot in that attack and he left the country for a while he came back when women. i made an effort to get the funds for him to come to be able to come back and he said this was just such a magnificent just your how to come back so he continued with his good work as a result of that ok so what about those who are looking at the nobel prize this year speculating a lot as you said at the beginning about perhaps the north korean south korean leaders being jointly awarded do you think there's going to be disappointment among those. no i don't because i think the people who would be most interested in potentially most interested in the nobel prize going to the korean peninsula would be the korean people but they've seen it all before. the award went in two thousand to kim dae jung who was. his sunshine policy at the time and it was hoped that that
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would have bring massive and significant change to the peninsula but what he brought was a transfer of funds to the no funds that were then used missile develop a nuclear weapons development and for. the north korean leader kim mr kim to to oppress his people peter thank you so much our senior correspondent peter craven and if you want more information about this year's nobel peace prize of course you will find it on our website just quickly recapping the nobel peace prize for twenty eight thousand has been awarded jointly to dennis mccuaig and more rod for their work in raising visibility of wartime sexual bylane so that the perpetrators can be held to account you're watching. now let's catch up on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today a week after a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit indonesia's super ways the island the death toll there has now risen to over fifteen hundred the search for survivors is
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continuing but hopes of finding any more people alive are fading tens of thousands still need help but supplies are arriving now at the port in the stricken city pollo. russian president vladimir putin is in new delhi for annual talks with indian prime minister new render a modi officials say they'll sign a raft of agreements including a deal to buy air defense systems worth five billion dollars this despite u.s. sanctions on russian defense expert. and former south korean president lee myung bok has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison a court found the seventy six year old guilty on several charges including bribery and embezzlement he is the second former south korean president to be jailed in the past six months the u.s. senate is a step closer to confirming president trump's nominee for the supreme court brett kavanaugh this after the f.b.i.
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submitted its report on allegations of sexual misconduct against judge kavanaugh republicans say it contains the report here nothing to substantiate claims but democrats and protesters say the probe was incomplete comedian amy schumer was among three hundred people arrested at a rally inside a senate office building they were detained after refusing to leave the site. senators could hold the first vote on judge kevin l's nomination later today and the f.b.i. report has done little to ease tensions over the controversial cabinet had how i mean i was. outside to see priem course in washington d.c. protesters called on senators to vote against bretz cavanagh's consummation the rally coincided with the completion of an f.b.i. investigation into the allegations against the judge democrat and republican senators had very different takes on the findings democrats dianne feinstein said
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the most notable parts of the report was what was not in it the f.b.i. did not interview brett kavanaugh nor did the f.b.i. interviewed dr blasi for what we've heard from numerous people over the last few days seeking to provide information to the f.b.i. we have seen even more press reports of witnesses who wanted to speak with the f.b.i. but were not interviewed the absence of witness testimony had a different reason according to republican in senate majority leader mitch mcconnell senator chairman grassley fight of this morning knew that the judiciary committee nor the f.b.i. could locate any third party if they're going to trust to any of these allegations no back up for any witnesses. including those specifically. as i witness is by the people who brought the
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allegations on first place. the report which opens the way to something these protesters have so to avoid of the time cavanagh's consummation in the food senate where republicans hold the seat majority that could now take place as any as saturday. or crystal share with business news and say this is a special anniversary going on in germany's financial capital that's right terry and every anniversary that investors have their eyes on whether stocks are rising or dipping there's money to be made investors talk about a bull or a bear market so there are two years ago frankfurt city officials felt a visual depiction of the ups and downs on the market would be a good idea and revealed bull and bear sculptures outside the frankfurt stock exchange and that's where we're going right now with our reporter paul chris paul well that doesn't seem like your usual set up what's going on there. yes chris
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of i'm here to say happy birthday happy thirtieth because these two iconic statues the ball and the bear they are turning thirty years and they're still young compared to the stock exchange here in frankfurt they were built for the four hundredth anniversary of the frankfurt stock exchange the bull and the bear why are they the symbols off the stock exchange they mark the up and the down now if you look at their fighting strategies the bear would kind of be a downward movement if it attacks. its opponent whereas the bull would raise its head to bring to bring it up so markets is the bull market down as the bear historically important bear markets were the great depression in the one nine hundred thirty s. and in two thousand when the dot com bubble burst bear markets were seeing one right now another significant one of them was the post-war boom after the end of
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world war two in the one hundred fifty s. so little markets one o one there paul and other news investors are eyeing at the asian summit in hamburg today what are they expecting. yeah there were trouble in the skies this summer all summer pretty much lots of delays and cancellations a lot of strike action and the difficulties at airports these are some of the issues they're going to try and tackle today at this summit another maybe not so great news for education is that they are reportedly plans by the german government to move some of the more short haul flights to railways and this is especially hard for ryan air which is already having a very very troublesome year and is operating a lot of these short term flights the stock has lost about thirty percent this year it's also being hit just as the rest of the industry with high oil prices that have an influence on the kerosene prices. companies like. air france
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they're also suffering from this paul christine brit's on top of a bull reporting from outside the frankfurt stock exchange paul get down safely and think it's a mobile market. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you this hour twenty eight nobel peace prize has been announced it goes to two activists working to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war they are. a gynecologist treating victims of sexual violence in the democratic republic of congo and morag a human rights activists and survivor of sexual slavery by islamic state in iraq. watching the news coming to you live from berlin we've got a fresh bulletin coming up at the top of the hour meanwhile thanks for watching.
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claiming. a tiny beautiful and some solar energy. eco friendly washing. thanks to come with company. we find out how they're doing. business.
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w. . play and curiosity combine. the computer game brings action to unstick me oh. oh oh oh oh its creators it brought to life the fifth century b.c. . close living players venture into another blow. your romance in sixty minutes w. gold. kind of blew my latest discovery listening to. the fight against illegal logging. of. david. against goliath.
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and for me to tell everyone what's going on the funny courageous activity. against my going and. wants is because a life long gun. but who will miss. the borneo case starts october ninth on w. hello and welcome to the new show of africa our environmental legacy brought to you by do chattels t.v. and. my name is felicia and it's b.
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and i'm here in johannesburg and my colleague neil to ed by joins me from nigeria hi n.t. . hi there felipe.


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