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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  October 16, 2018 12:30am-1:00am CEST

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as conflicts intensify i'll be meeting with keep players on the ground in the sense of. cutting through the rhetoric holding the powerful to account from. conflict zone to sebastian. d.w. . today making his posing for stuff the talk of her blank and he has invited you to join him in his studio in london came to town district. however why welcome to this special edition of your own max i'm your host amazingly
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and co-hosting with me since day is our very special guest world famous for hire for rankin but i thank you so much for having us in your studios here in london this pleasure our well you name it from the rolling stones david boy madonna the queen even miss piggy you pretty much filmed and photographed them all so i guess it's fair to ask you for my first question what is a day in the life of lincoln like oh it's quite long because i'll be very early or probably wake up about five maybe five thirty i get i'll check my emails very quickly i then take my dogs for a walk for about an hour and a half i come by about six thirty seven emails to about nine thirty and then i come and say generally no go sheet which is very rare all to meetings and then i'll probably finish about it was have a lunch at one and also the meeting never. have
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a lunch and then probably finish by seven and then have me. ok so it sounds pretty ordinary even though you're surrounded by celebrities when you do actually do a shoot yeah i'm pretty much a workaholic so so everybody thinks i'm a photographer direct. i have a publishing company i have an advertising agency director wrecked. i have managed to you know the studio which. yes some kind of place and is really is a rank in help us put the show today together we're going to be talking a little bit more in-depth about your publishing company will come to that later on but you know your subject very differently from superstar athletes like le bron james the basketball star to actresses to singers walk me through the creative process of how you start a shoot it's all differ it's always different you know sometimes it would be mean it's come up with the idea the idea sometimes an agency sometimes it's
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a client sometimes it's a celebrity that comes out with a basically start with a brief which is like a treatment. of pre-production that gets all the stuff that you need to shoot together. with the celebrity all the model the subject going to hair makeup if it's goal kind of concept behind it might be like a makeup will spend ages to in the can so i call it glam prism which means i'm waiting for glam and then we go on set and we shoot digitally which means that everything is seen by everybody and it's a very open forum so everybody can comment on it and sometimes that doesn't work for you because maybe the steps he's not in a really good place that day so you have to persuade can be very difficult most of time is pretty good because it's very collaborative ok i really want to take him.
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look at the work and life so far. frank traits are world famous he manages to do what most photographers can only dream of capture unforgettable moments with stars like. david bowie and politicians like mikhail gorbachev or. many of his works have become iconic. like this official portrait of the queen's marker golden jubilee. the british photographer is in demand worldwide and shoots photos and creates ad campaigns for international labels rankin has even made a name for himself as a film director. born in wattle in scotland in nine hundred sixty six he demonstrated a good sense of humor early on in his cell phone. when he was in his early twenty's rankin decided to make photography his career and moved to london.
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this is where he got his big break back in the early nine hundred ninety s. together with his college friend jefferson hack he founded youth culture magazine dazed and confused. stars like you two from. model kate moss. actress kirsten dunst and pop star justin timberlake graced the covers rankin now publishes for fashion and lifestyle magazines and has issued more than forty books of photographs he has his own studio publishing house and ad agency. his latest print project is hunger magazine which appears twice a year. and with his ambitious project rankin live the photographer shows that he can make anyone look like a cover model since two thousand and nine he shot pictures of thousands of ordinary people like here in berlin it's an all knowing. venture which takes him around the
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globe. sometimes even famous faces arms immediately recognizable in rankin's protests like icelandic singer or top model heidi klum whether it's his celebrity portray it's all for trying or free rankin has created many iconic images including some that will go down in history. so you have done so much and curb what would you say was perhaps the breakthrough will not not one thing but a couple of things probably photographing björk was a big thing set setting up days starting days magazine and then photographing the queen ok i will tell us about that of course. i've done a little research on the queen and found that she had her sense of humor so i was really focused on getting a photograph of her with that sense of humor and also she. a part of my camera fell
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off and she started laughing so once i'd seen now i was like that's all going to get and i just got to kay mom can you small please mom can you smile mom can have small until she smiled and then i got it now you've also worked with ordinary people what are the challenges there the challenges of working real people. are pretty much the same is working with celebrities just to make people feel comfortable and and i think the thing is it was more difficult for people because they go to their face their way of being show and to get them out of that it's more complicated whereas real people it's more about just making them feel good you know making the film comparable yeah so what is your preferred medium for working film photography print i think that probably fits over fees where are happiest because his wife's kind you know i picked up a camera was twenty one and it was a big big. deal for me because
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a light bulb moments. photography is definitely my first love but i think film is so difficult to do and get roy says my challenge in my life and i don't think i've nailed to particularly yet with drama in quite well with commercials and rise of video games and in two thousand and seven you started yet another magazine hunger yes why is it called hunger. a star i don't know because i left as a creative director in a mist that kind of. it's one of the team aspect of it because he gets so much information for you from and ideas for from working a team and i was still hungry so congress enough to get me now the subject of our next report is media artist m. cole tell me a little bit about how you discovered her on net through my agent sophie who works me wrapped in photography and she said i want to meet some new surprises and she
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said oh check the skull and color she's really interesting and i saw her work and some things i'm familiar with so i asked if i could meet her and she came in and the first question i asked her was you know what was your interest in and sort of obsession with technology because most people your age are more about analog in that kind of looking backwards and she said well it's around the industry and it was full of middle age white men no offense to me and those are. your amazing and then she told me his story and it was such an. intense and her way of dealing with what's happened to her was a for her. i was very taken by her well in saying on the subject then of coal and her work i want to take a closer look now in our next report. works by british multimedia artist m. cole provocative and often unconventional photos and videos are her preferred mode
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of creative expressions my whole. line between some of this and something that's entice a. film is a plot medium so i want to bring out the sensory feeling from it so if i can get people to feel something through the texture of the color. them studied information experience design at london's royal college of art there she discovered her passion for photography and video art. i ended up just kind of playing around and. i found the photography is so much more rewarding than spending twenty four hours on a sewing machine trying to make. you know i can just throw stuff in the show and three people in the show and get the pitch and i. know works predominantly as a platonic friend director much of her work is inspired by surrealism an artist
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like salvador dali. like her short film on your venus. is poking fun at a female idea during connections from the pos. who are nice to see the most. and connecting it to. themselves and get this. out in the wilds so i kind of recreated. a new. kind of an avatar. much of em's work revolves around the stereotypical presentation of women as a team she too fell victim to digital abuse when pictures of her were distributed on pornographic websites. on the plug in for a few years she's back on line with fresh confidence. you know if you've been bullied out of a space you shouldn't you shouldn't be ashamed to be in that space you just have to
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be those much sunny video i mean i get new to some of my work sometimes i'm pushing like stuff. i've got control of that you know i'm not going to let somebody else take control of my online image if it's going to be that is going to be mine. humor and irony are too important stylistic devices i am cold likes to employ regardless of whether the topic is serious or not like in her video sloppy seconds. to buy anything serious or specially problematic social problems but humaneness is a universal tool to say that people can relax and then once people are relaxed that's so much more likely to get an understanding feel well. them coal certainly can't complain about not getting enough commissions and the british media are just as confident that her career will continue to blossom. and now rankin
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has invited meghan to take a short bull through this area of north london where he lives and works. and calls not only a media artist you've also featured her on online and in your latest edition or upcoming edition of your magazine tell me a little bit more about this collaboration well i met cole through my agent as i said and she she is somebody that i sing people should be aware of so i was very very keen to care speeches on law and i adore seachtain days as well i think that when you get you know when you meet someone you really think it's brilliant what they do you really really want to get them as much p.r. of the season. or we're standing right here in the middle of london you're from. scotland why i came to town one can unlock all i moved here because. this is kentish town and say ok. when i mean here it was pretty much the only place
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in north london that i could afford to move. really around the corner and i moved here in ninety six just over there and i lived here and in north london since about ninety six well you know moving from style in to london i mean i'm just guessing but it must've felt like you were a small fish in a big pond yeah i didn't know anybody in the industry when i moved to london i was very much from a kind of known commercial photography no not no not since i was in background say it was a very strange experience and that's why it was great to meet jefferson at college because we were by from the same boat and we confuse yes and they confuse and we both we both ended up kind of you know china kind of make a mark here without any support from anybody really and why here why not hollywood for example i mean you work with so many of these levers famous faces i think then
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we had no clue that we'd ever be working with all the would we were very much focused on you know we were by for college when we met and we started the magazine days if he's at college and he was really just a way of us kind of document ing in creating culture that was around hollywood wasn't even on a radar all right i want to pull a little bit back to social media again i mean you started out in classic publishing now we live in the digital age you're also really active on social media . it's a classic photographer but also someone who uses social media to promote your work what is your responsibility when it comes to teenagers and image in these images of beauty online well i think everybody that picks up a camera professionally has a responsibility to this. subject matter to who you'll fight your graphing to while you're photographing them but i think nowadays what i've i've kind of love
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myself for free for process for knowing you know when you push the boundaries you have to really know why you're doing and what your intention is to you know to get to the problem is that now people have got no idea of that responsibility and using it kind of where they nearly say i think that actually now i've got more responsibilities pillai or not want to put some sort focus on ok well side art for our next report which rain can also help to choose today we're going to take a look at teenagers social media and social media obsession our teenagers winning or losing in this digital age. these days you can do much more with a phone than just make telephone calls and send text messages. to news apps help you keep up with what's going on in the world twenty four seven. or you can play games to your heart's content. and if you need
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a train ticket you can buy it with your smartphone. thanks to streaming you can always access your favorite music. social media platforms such as snap chat facebook and instagram allow you to communicate with friends nonstop. the possibilities are endless what do young people use their phones for the most. by menus to find out when the next bus is coming from music audio books everything phallus i think mostly to interact with over people and also to take some good photos i use it mainly for. to you know to discover the city on my own listen music a lot and obviously social media i use a tool surfing the internet to make. victor assume so to speak with. people. is one of his particularly popular at the moment instagram and instagram mr
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instagram you say prompted him to shock other users can upload pictures and videos using various filters and share them with others and like entries instagram already has more than a billion users double the figure two years ago. people share their favorite experiences vacation snaps are particularly popular as are pictures of animals. and tasty looking true. it's a perfect platform for showing off and users love it. especially as it offers than the possibility to present their life in a different way. definitely it's not the real world i added stuff everyone edits things instagram is going now because this is really what is really happening in our lives a lot of so there are reports everywhere that things are always being edited out
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there's definitely a lot of them on instagram i think a lot of people edit their photos. you can even change the way you look with some apps and undergo a digital operation but this is not without problems studies have shown the digitally enhanced versions of the ideal body are having an impact on people's perception of themselves. you can even change the shape of your eyes in one click this it says it really makes a difference. make it easy to have plumped up lips troll that's when you became comfortable doing that changing my physical if you got used to doing that all the time when you would like yourself with a dish or you can have a narrower nose if you like. soldiers like this one says if we were surrounded by perfect people but that's nonsense it's not the case at all nobody's perfect. and this new stage teaches school children and their parents how to deal with social media. some children already have smartphones at the age of eight. where they such
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must have excessive fees. social recognition it's a need that we all have of the social networks tap into this need very simply literally at the click i can upload a picture after buying a new pair of sunglasses to share with my friends and get instant feedback on what made it fun this just wants to ensure that young people use their phones and computers responsibly. in other words continue to use them but not excessively. others have a right to question is whether you can do something with arms are small are you still able to it's important to teach children they can survive without their phones that they can get through a day without them and he can talk. phones and social networks can beat addictive. so sometimes the only answer is to switch them off. there's
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a lot to see in rankin studio. meghan especially liked his rank a masterpiece have. now you wanted to talk about the subject of out the issues of teenagers in social media addiction why is this topic important to you well photography as a medium has become very democratic lots of people using because a small and i found myself on different social media platforms kind of wanting to go back to the mint check them a lot and i suddenly realized for about three years ago that i was addicted i was addicted to walk people would think you. were late since it was it being light and i thought well if this is me being addicted to it then if you're a ten twelve year old kid how's that affecting you how's that influencing you i started to talk to people about it and i just got this overwhelming. you know
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response from people that they were having the same feelings start to do some research on it and it was really obvious it was a lot of statistics coming out that actually people were addicted and a lot of the platforms we designed to be addictive and i just felt we have a responsibility because it's photography that they're using the using them as a way of talking to each other photos are way not about capturing a moment their way of conveying a moment because that is something that i do i just felt responsible and i felt that we should do something about it ok it wasn't you said you felt responsible what have you done i mean have you taken any action or anything yeah well funnily enough i am actually taking quite an interesting action of trying to set up a symposium in november with my publishing company days media to actually discuss all these things and i've been writing what we call white papers
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which i like to keep like i say on and trying to get a group of people together to write an essay a series of essays on it ok so you're saying that you did become addicted to social and seeing what people were saying about you do you still use social media and i do but i'm also looking into other kind of more ethical ways of using social media because the problem with it is that it's not necessarily the people that are running the companies the problem is the algorithms that they've created are just constantly feeding out desire. is something that i mean it's something that we need to investigate and discuss and of been charmed really hard to look for alternatives but yes i still use it it's impossible for me not to use it because it's part of my business as a life as a harvard bodies life and also i don't think even change anything from the outside i think you need to be from the with the inside changing and creating content that's a little bit different or trying to challenge people or even having fun with it
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because on move see somebody that lives take the mick. things. going on but on a lighter note now with selfies you know some guys are meant to be fine. in their very very tight dress if you do what do you think why do you think they're doing the best i think we could create is a modernise the people are perpetuating through the same type of imagery and i really think the problem is is that if this is what you are putting out is your kind of happy life you can as online life it's like what's your actual life like and also people are looking at these images of people and they're thinking it's real or that thing even if it's fabricated they have a better life than them and i think that sets people up against each other and back in the day when photoshop came along all of the media especially the magazines got really criticized for using photoshop celebrities are role models now you can go and buy some equal face chewed and you see people he's not alone on on social media
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and not inherently is one of the worst things you can be doing because not only are you creating a fantasy version of yourself that's going to mess with other people's heads as well so you're messing with heads and both ways well i'm glad to hear that you're trying to do something positive in that direction but unfortunately we are out of time for today yes we're ranking thank you so much for having us here in our studios and for co-hosting our show i hope we made you feel comfortable as co host and co editor in chief today thank you did thank you all right and with that we are out of time on this special edition of euro max with our special guests today for how refer rankin for me and of the rest of the crew here from london as always thanks for tuning in to see.
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closer. to. the fast pace of life in the digital globe shift that's the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information about the which is finds and interviews with makers and users. should submit fifteen minutes the be. because the book. in the bundesliga two members of france's world cup winning swat knocking germany's
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first division and there's a lot. more talent where they came from. we take a close look at the french imports plane from german clubs to from day. to day thirteen w. . this is the only use lie from her let's also bring in our correspondent of the homs already some joins us from rio de janeiro now we have you to find out what happened with me if you go because fun has some graphics it's not a very and we do have some of breaking news that's coming into us now about the perspective closer to w. news thank you for joining us here and that is how. many is right and plenty of good documentaries are so long there's. this week on here max
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everything's different. celebrities calling the shots. in colorado but they're creating. your own outside india shut. this week on to talk. to. me on forces are under pressure they're battling recruiting problems don't dated and broken down equipment and limited budgets. in just a huge lesson are enough enough plainspoken enough enough transport helicopters are not enough tanks have televisions that don't have tanks. so don't sourcing and privatization are the order of the day in all areas but not compose dangers. systematically is finished we won the risk of becoming too dependent on private contractors who may not provide the services they promised a slice to every day the more goes on the private sector businesses make more money
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. with everything from recognizance drones to laundry facilities firms argue culture and forces france against germany. terry industrial complex starts october twentieth on t.w. . police in germany have not ruled out the possibility that a hostage taking incidents in a pharmacy at colognes main train station on monday was motivated by terrorism police stormed the shop and freed a female hostage two hours after the incident began the woman sustained injuries a suspect is being treated in a hospital.


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