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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 16, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm CEST

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this is the news live for tonight journalists under fire. wrote for various international news outlets including the washington post it was a known critic of the saudi crown prince turki believes he was murdered inside. bring you the latest developments. just search of the saudi consulates residence also in the program it's been a year since best known investigative journalist was killed by. police three man with. murder but critics say the people who ordered the attack still. being
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protected. on the trot of german journalist a masonic told to resume in turkey on charges that critics say are politically motivated. by the controversial american. with the president. and in football struggling germany take hold world cup champions france tonight coach love is under pressure to deliver with germany still trying to rebound from a disastrous world cup. the program. turkish police are tonight searching the home of the saudi consul in istanbul where the man himself however is reported to have left the country the search is part of an investigation into the whereabouts of missing journalist jamal
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khashoggi who hasn't been seen since he entered the saudi consulate two weeks ago they develop when kerry was u.s. secretary of state a state mike pump held emergency talks with saudi leaders are because shocked use case saudi arabia has come under intense international pressure to explain what happened to the missing journalist. u.s. secretary of state mike pump aoe travel to riyadh for crisis talks with king solomon and other saudi leaders the kingdom faces mounting pressure to explain the fate of dissident journalist jamal khashoggi who was last seen walking into the saudi consulate in istanbul two weeks ago turkish officials believe he was murdered and dismembered by a hit team. turkish investigators were allowed to search the building on monday but only after saudi officials and a team of cleaners armed with mops had been let in. turkey's or president wretch
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of type air to one sent police were examining different types of evidence. you cannot my hope is that we can reach conclusions that will give us a reasonable opinion a soon as possible because the investigation is looking into many things such as toxic materials and those materials being removed by painting them over. turkish investigators say they'll continue their probe on tuesday expanding their search to include the residence of the saudi consul as well as consulate vehicles riyadh has been denying any involvement in the journalist disappearance but a number of u.s. media sources say the saudis are preparing to admit that died during an interrogation at the consulate that went wrong. door in jones joins us from istanbul welcome door to tell us more about the console's a sudden departure. well you know this is part of
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the party just ahead of this search of his residence in fact that search is still continuing police investigators along with forensic scientists and experts are believed to be part of the team investigating the residence now this is a very important part of turkey's investigation people linked to the investigation for some time have said that they suspected possibly that he dead or alive was transferred to the residence they had believe a van the black found that was used by the consul was used to transfer and that's why they've been very keen and for some time they have been pressing for access to the residence of the turkish foreign minister mevrouw child which will only today reiterated the call that the president has to be searched and the fact now that the consul general consul has left the country just ahead of the search will fuel suspicions of possible involvement and it comes at a time but there are growing calls for the lifting of diplomatic immunity of anyone involved in crucial ji's disappearance today is the second day of turkish searches
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of saudi territory what is emerged from those sergius. what it does appear that the vessel gators are making progress they say that there does appear to be a deliberate attempt to hide evidence that recent painting of walls has been repeated by the turkish president they believe this was a clear example of saudis trying to bury evidence but they believe they have recovered from the scraped away the paper they believe they still something that can be used as evidence against to support their case it was indeed killed on top of that there was also focus on what's called toxic materials now that some time leaks are coming from the talk investigation had said they suspected that krystal g.'s body could have been disposed of using materials like caustic soda to dissolve the body in some kind of now investigators will be focusing very closely on that all part of building a case to support a claim that indeed in the saudi journalist was indeed murdered and this will put
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greater pressure on reality of u.s. secretary of state mike palm. to travel to turkey from saudi arabia tomorrow what role is he likely to play in all of this. i think could be possibly seen efforts of some diplomatic corps graphy to create an out for riyadh this is the scoring ripon going reports that saudi arabia are ready to admit possibly to being involved in the death of a christian and a botched interrogation carried out by possibly rogue elements this is being repeated by president trump and incidentally interesting me by advisors close to the turkish president for several days to have been prepared putting forward this possible scenario is all points to efforts that they are possibly trying to create some for two way riyadh can get out of this crisis protecting possibly the top leadership over terms and conditions attached to that door in jersey mr both.
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million euro reward for information about who ordered the. best journalist is still available a year after her death. was killed in a car bomb attack three hundred sixty five days ago. by a vigil at her side where she was killed in a car bomb in december police charged with her murder but critics believe that people who ordered the attack are still at large but they're being protected. reports from baltar. remembering her hero one year after her murder activist peers are meant to journalist stephanie curran. on the activities of the corrupt and criminal. why did she have to die she did not die because she lied she died because she told the truth and she was uncovering too many uncomfortable truths for too many people this is the spot where kara was
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assassinated just after three pm on the sixteenth of october twenty seventeen she was driving down this hill when a remote controlled bomb detonated under her seat the explosion threw her be off the road and into this field this memorial at the side of the nation pays tribute to the journalist who dared to ask the powerful of this country difficult questions questions laundering government corruption and the breakdown of the rule of law these questions haven't gone away and neither has the question over who wanted. that in the first place. police were quick to arrest three men suspected of planting the bomb. still no closer to finding the ringleaders those who ordered these hired to kill the journalist concerned are growing over the rule of law. visited the island on
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a fact finding mission for brussels after all what's happened i have of course no trust in the. us. and i have not been found and we learned during the delegation that some evidence. used for me to have made many powerful enemies some suspect that they are now storming the investigation into her death important leads have not been followed and in another setback the magistrate in charge of the investigation was promoted and taken off the case minister of justice insists that everything is being done. no no no do police is doing. to solve this. murder and i have to congratulate him for doing they are doing. outside the ministry of justice is one of many activists who say that there is
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a conspiracy of silence around the investigation we have brought over our lives and we have laid them at the symmetry of freedom of speech this is where freedom of speech has come to die the activists say that they will keep on fighting until those responsible for the matter. are found and brought to justice. yesterday journalists from the international press institute an advocacy group for press freedom met with prime minister joseph demanding a public inquiry into the. death that's a photo of the meeting you're seeing behind me right now scott griffin was about meeting he's the international press institute said deputy director he joins us from capitol. welcome to the prime minister respond to your demand for a public inquiry. well we had a very open and frank discussion with the prime minister he essentially you know
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agreed on principles open this inquiry but only after the criminal investigation is finished and that's where we really have serious doubts about the situation as you know of three individuals were arrested last december and these are believed to be those individuals who actually carried out the assassination but since then there has been no progress and we didn't receive any sign of progress here that the investigation into who actually ordered this crime has progressed any further so that was a very serious it's a very serious concern that we have and the other concern is that the scope of the investigation seems to be very limited we spoke with a number of individuals here who said it and some of them said that they and they themselves have not been interviewed it's a potential sources for the investigation colleagues of daphne's and we also know that many potential suspects those who are subjects of death is reporting have not been interviewed and this is really shows us that while it really calls into
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question the serious and seriousness of the investigation and certainly shows that there is a lack of progress on this theory that the people behind me kind of want to commit suicide not being protected what evidence is that for support. well look we're not involved in the investigation ourselves what we know and what we're seeing are signs that generate mistrust as i said there has not there has been no progress in finding the masterminds the scope of the investigation is extremely restricted we didn't receive any indication of a timeline something government about when the investigation can be can we expect to be concluded. and in general the climate here is very problematic in the sense that the government has continued to or officials close to the government have continued to for example file libel suits against staff continue no suits a memorial to death here in poland has been taken down
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a number of times so all of these things put together really raise suspicion that you know the investigation is not progressing and i think raises justifiable suspicion that the people you know close to the government could be involved and we don't know that what we want are answers in the end we want justice and again we don't see that the investigation is progressing toward those answers briefly what it doesn't kind of want to commit to do that made her so many animists briefly in mind. she covered a lot of different topics ranging from corruption in the government to oil smuggling to multiple golden passports scheme which is going to sell our sports her citizenship and indeed you know she just made a lot of enemies over the course of twenty twenty five years reporting on these topics and she faced a number of incidents of harassment over her career and again this is why the
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way the investigation has unfolded is of such great concern to us why have someone who has made so many enemies and those leads are just not being followed up on good talking to fact you joining us got griffin from the international press institute. german journalist i'm zala told resumed in turkey today she and her husband are facing charges of publishing terrorist propaganda and membership of a terrorist group they were amongst tens of thousands of people detained after turkey's failed coup attempt in twenty sixteen after spending seven months in a turkish prison was solid told it was allowed to return to germany but her husband had to stay in turkey michelle a tolu was relieved following the court proceeding the judge lifted the travel ban that prevented her husband from leaving the country she had come to turkey to advocate for him now the couple can travel to germany and be together with their three year old son gets the mind can be i now we can be safely together again in
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germany for the first time and we might be able to process this two year ordeal as a family and strike out on a new path. it's knowing. this legal process has been going on for more than one and a half years we were both in pretrial custody for eight months being allowed to travel outside the country is long overdue but the couple could face up to fifteen years in jail the proceedings will continue in january the two are accused of being members of a terrorist organization but observers are skeptical. just input first all part all together the prosecution lacks any constitutional basis this relaxing of constraints is not an indication of due process. the german consul general was on hand to congratulate them but michelle a total who has not yet decided whether she will return for the next round of
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judicial proceedings. who else will be following that story as it progresses now business update from harvey get this starting with the downside of cheap clothing everything has a prize and it comes at a cost of human sometimes dozens of protesting women have been injured outside a textile factory in myanmar by an angry stone throwing mob the women were fired from the factory after striking for better working conditions one of the victims says they were attacked with sticks and stones by about forty men she says were hired to break up the demonstrations the factory makes items sold in germany's legal discounters supermarket chain little says it is investigating the incident many german companies especially fashion labels have been slammed for the bad working conditions of their supply chains in developing countries. european commission president john claude young cousin says italy must stick to its commitments ro managed to get its draft budget in on time by midnight last night
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along with the other eighteen euro zone members but the commission says italy's proposed deficit represents a significant deviation from its agreed economic path the populist government wants to stimulate the economy with an increase in public spending over thirty six billion euros next year almost two thirds of that will be funded by a higher deficit of two point four percent of the g.d.p. all the programs it wants to fund sound quite nice including raising the retirement age and a basic income for the poor the commission has until the end of november to give its very addict on whether the blocks and budgets are in line with e.u. rules. and european battery makers are about to get a welcome boost the e.u.'s competition watchdog has announced plans to inject nearly two hundred million euros into making the power cells that overturns a previous ban and subsidizing the industry behind it is the rise in electric vehicle production right now many car makers have to depend on battery cells made
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in asia for their electric vehicles in response a year ago several e.u. countries and economic experts found at the european battery alliance to encourage sustainable the average production in the block. the world's poorest areas are also the ones where population is growing the fastest that's especially the case in the african continent according to a recent report from goalkeepers an organization under the bill and melinda gates foundation that keeps track of and for progress towards the un sustainable development agenda it says that by twenty fifty almost ninety percent of the world's population is going to live in this area and subsaharan africa many of them are going to be in the democratic republic of congo and in nigeria violence political instability and discrimination against women prevent the region from achieving sustainability but the study also has some good news it claims that over one billion worldwide have been able to escape poverty over the last eighteen years
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and classifies anyone earning less than one dollar and ninety cents per day a suffering from extreme property. agriculture in the digital age these days technology enables some farmers to improve their yields and increase profits but many people in the industry are being left behind small farmers in particular continue to struggle a study by the world food program suggests that digitalization is even serving to widen the gap between poor farmers and large agricultural enterprises it's one of several findings including that tough of subsistence farmers suffer from hunger as do a fifth of those without land and ten percent of those with a nomadic lifestyle don't have enough food but hunger is also a problem in cities with twenty percent of the urban population suffering from
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hunger. the study points to large companies who collect data about whether soil and crops which they then analyze and. the aim of this so-called precipitation farming is to allow farmers to predict their watering and fertilizing needs more accurately . but that can also lead to agricultural monopolies as a result more traditional farmers who don't have access to this kind of information often get left behind. you already had to say goodbye to humans when you check in for a flight now it's time to say goodbye to the cashier at your local store to at least that's what's already happening in japan as a train station in tokyo tries out an unusual concept that's shaping up to become the norm. if you come here expecting a cushier you're in for a surprise at this station store in tokyo shoppers serve themselves dozens of
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cameras take to the store ceilings and shelves detect which items they choose. buyers pay with prepaid cards issued by transport companies automated shops are new u.s. retail giant amazon already operates a number of them and is planning on opening more in the future proponents say it's a winning business model so there was a little convenience stores had to close because of lack of workers and rising labor costs and i think this illusion could address those issues. because you're free storable initially open for a two month trial period enough time to find out whether the concept could be a hit in japan. and the business world is in mourning paul allen has died at the age of sixty five the microsoft co-founder was ranked among the globe's wealthiest people and he put that wealth to use from personal computers and conservation to rocket ships and american football. when the seattle seahawks won the super bowl for the first time in two thousand and fourteen paul
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allen could hardly contain his delight seven years earlier he brought up the american football team on behalf of his home city but the man estimated to be worth around twenty billion u.s. dollars wasn't just interested in sports teams and he also invested vast sums in medical and scientific research and set up among other things a foundation and an institute this was how allen made his fortune microsoft in one thousand nine hundred seventy five he convinced his school friend bill gates to drop out of harvard university and co-found the computer company while gates mainly focused on growing the business allen was the techie with the operating system m.s. dos and the text processing program word he helped bring the home computer into people's lives after eight years at microsoft paul allen left the company following a cancer diagnosis he went on to recover and continued to work for decades but
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recently he revealed the disease had returned he died from complications arising from it for a business i'm going to hand back to phil now for sports or for football thank you very much i have a job with germany's national football teams facing a big night against world cup champions france and paris germany have still not recovered from this year's disastrous world cup performance on saturday they lost a three mil so the netherlands piling pressure on coach york in love. it's no walk in the park for a coach these days germany trained inside to stop to france on monday after their debacle in amsterdam they need to bounce back against the world champions another heavy loss could spell the end of his tenure. task here is to put in a different kind executed well. everything else has to be blanked out of. course i have to take the criticism but i can handle it well and. the players also
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know that they're culpable for the poor performance against the netherlands countless chances were wasted and the defense looks vulnerable to counter attacks a few personnel changes will be made but goalkeeper manuel neuer will keep his place after a blunder. i know it will be hard against the world champions but we had a few chances when we drew against the new nick and so our aim here in paris was a winner and get three points. but they face a french team that won the world cup by combining discipline defending with fast pace counterattacks and title winning coaches kings of combat complacency. and you keep at it now and i'm certainly not expecting the german team to be passive quite the opposite considering the players and the experience there is in that team france versus germany matches are never easy but we have the same objective is them when the three points to bring us closer to our goal of finishing
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top of our group. for now germany's main objective is getting our goal they failed to score in their last three competitive matches. crane is outside the star de france in paris so welcome so a changes to the lineup were expected to what's been decided on. yes they were expected you can promise changes and he has at least kept that promise now whether that's in reaction to the very public criticism that's been thrown his way only he will now he is a very stubborn character five changes in total three coming into friends including tito kara he's well known to the french fans he was a big money signing for paris sandman in the summer but most notably she changes in attack as well legally sonny and gnabry very finally get their chance to start
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again they will add some pace on the wings so you can putting his faith in the young guns at this stage he probably feels he doesn't have that much to lose and what sort of pressure is he under. but if you believe everything you read in the newspapers and the knives has really been out for you he is under a loss of pressure coming into this case jammie of only one three of the last twelve matches as we had in the piece they failed to score in the last three competitive danes that actually is a record some fans are speaking to before the game really promotions that performance in the netherlands a humiliating three no defeat where stuck to the zero the players that won him the world cup in twenty fourteen the likes of. sand and thomas miller boats and is injured tonight miller is dropped to the bench so he will be hoping that the young guns deliver for him so germany is struggling at the moment another facing the best team in the world france so this looks like the worst possible time ie. yeah
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it's highly ideal as if to play the world champions now france haven't exactly been on fire since that world cup triumph but that's probably expected a bit of a world cup hangover interestingly their line up tonight only features one change from the side that did win the world cup in russia so that's already intimidating for germany killian and backpay is back in the starting line up for france he was on the bench to francis to a draw with iceland a few days ago he rescued in. she can't stop scoring at the moment four goals a thirteen minutes for his side paris. three can say these parents. are not expected to win so at least i can have that sat on his side but i think a humiliating defeat here we're all kinds of trouble felt some of the crowd in paris thank you. this is a w here's a reminder of our top stories at this hour turkish police are searching the home of
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the saudi called sol in istanbul as part of the investigation to ensure the whereabouts of the missing journalist are not. on the council has left the country you would expect election that he's fled so i can't believe she was murdered and they called for the two weeks ago. but right that's. right back when we go but right when we come back it's been a year since most of us best. life originates from and it is itself a living organism. but what happens in this world is exploited to feed in contempt. how long can this continue to feed humanity. will be soon be the last august.
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nicole piece in germany to learn german. and lived in the. why not learn with him online on the mobile and free to suffer from the w e learning course you can speak . more female candidates than ever before. women are striving for power in the u.s. midterm elections. that are carried out under allen. why is that and what do these women want. we report on this pink wave and meet some of the candidates. this week on the. endless all consuming conflict force of over power. thirty years it turned out a year old. but candidates failed to
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determine its outcome. in negotiations lasting many years mediators succeeded in reaching agreement. it was the birth of modern diplomacy. sixteen forty eight. peace starts october twenty fourth and d w. visited every new spot live from dublin coming up in the next fifteen minutes africa's youngest billionaire is still missing will bring an update from tanzania on the kidnapping of the popular businessman mohamed due to. music helps a homeless young people start over in the democratic republic of congo we meet there showing talent the young talents. now do the following names that ring any bells. and kemi geisha.
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well apparently these are the new ugandan names for american rapper kanye west indies wife reality t.v. star kim cardassian bestowed upon them by uganda's president kanye security means i trust in a local ugandan language and kemi gisha i means the one with blessings from god the couples caused quite a stir on social media in uganda on monday they met with the country's president yoweri museveni the rap star presented the president whether the signature white sneakers or to graft of course the couple arrived in the country on friday the state of the jurists a far larger than national party is recording material for his next album. president museveni his office released photos of kanye meeting the president at state house was a very also welcome them via twitter saying i held fruitful discussions with the deo on how to promote uganda's tourism and the i thank county for the gift of white
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sneakers enjoy your time in uganda it is a true pro africa the reactions from twitter users have been mixed some saw it as a not to can use african roots and a potential boost for uganda's tourism sector like this person who tweeted how sweet of kanye west he's learning to be respectful like the african he is starting with respecting elders and then his own people the ancestors have indeed intervened at touching african soil cannot leave you the say another tweeted the stars have a heavy following on their stay in uganda is a big tourism boost came car daschle and alone has fifty nine point four million followers. some saw this as an opportunity to voice a criticism of uganda's alleged mistreatment of local pop star turned opposition lawmaker bobby wine who says he was tortured by security forces is an example in which you are persecuting another ugandan musician and sabotaging his concerts if
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only you would be this welcoming to everyone uganda would be a really good place to visit everyone. ugandan government of course denies any mistreatment of the why. stuff this one is the missing billionaire muhammad do you gee he's from tanzania his family have just posted a reward of more than four hundred thousand u.s. dollars for information leading to his safe return after he was kidnapped last week do you see is also known as most was snatched in broad daylight in the towns in the capital dar es salaam he parked his car in front of the hotel where he did his daily workout on thursday morning he was then dragged away by masked and armed man police have made numerous arrests but there's still no information about his whereabouts. and journalist don who a key judge orders from dar es salaam welcome to day so what is the latest on this kidnapping. thank you phil the latest is that the police commander there
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i was out there released a statement this morning saying that all of the twenty six people that were killed or quest. to that don't you know is that what he has released nineteen once thought that they were not in any way out west so certain people are still being held you also update the search will continue as the manhunt continues but still no stronger . so who is likely to be behind this. there's a lot of theories and a lot of speculation around east africa's richest man manage the dutch and what of course of dutch now we know he has serious political links with a member of parliament for ten years or so you know in the district region we also know that he runs in e.t.l. which is a mega company across ten african countries so i was speculating big business you weren't bad but so far all these are theory there is no clear direction on who is
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behind this this kidnapping service or tell us more about him because he's famous across tanzania yes years the youngest bill and now one of the youngest dylan is in africa the only dylan in tanzania forbes last year valued him at one point five billion dollars he is responsible for his father's company t.l. from standard alteration to pan african empire he deals his company deals in logistics transporting oils in telecommunications in energy drinks and much much more so he's a man who will also be very cool to the people you know used to be a member of parliament he is very approachable and very likeable so it is it is a big loss that people are always to find not the outcomes of this search so as a kid nothing like this common. in recent years they have been reports of kidnappings happening maybe not is necessarily high value terms of money
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but sometimes members of parliament to complain to some of their members have disappeared except instead of going to meetings that it continues to search for these people lost some of it recovered but is nowhere near as of use some places in africa and in tanzania thank you so much. so much for the. turnout in the democratic republic of congo where young people living on the streets of stars are getting a chance to start over. the young talents. because of the harsh life on the streets of the capital kinshasa. they found help in the sense of the uses music and theater to help. us and they become. the young talents this is the brass band of this class must. a congolese
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organization which helps former street children. based in kinshasa the center works with children and young people and train them in music and the arts. all of these band members once lived on the streets they left their homes because they were abused or their families couldn't take care of them. i said. i am an artist a musician. is in my blood. when i was a child living at home i had to. believed in different centers until i came to espouse. and here they walk in exemptions that provide shelter. well ms ignace music is something that helps me when i think about things when i play music it helps me clear my mind it also shows music and theatre to be my work
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so i can make some money to live off. started by three local artists and is open to children of all ages mundo has been here for ten years he even spent two months in belgium to learn his trade today he not only plays music he also money repairing instruments. musicians they bring their instruments here but they don't have money so they bring them to me and they keep them until they can pay. apart from music especially my solo has another major focus theater with giant puppets made by the young people themselves. just. to show how he's dressed with precious. the people around him. but he's rich because of what you where's. bought. with the
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masks and costumes the artists tell the stories of their homeland stories of the mineral riches stories about sorcery and spirits. but what's most important is that the project gives youngsters new perspectives a much. entirely different youngsters today more like. a new study out university some of going into business trade. has changed their lives they love to see. this interim launch have performed around the d r c but they've also to belgium france and germany but they get support from partner organizations. life on the street and at least while they play their troubles are a little further away. we
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wish them well i discovered later policy employed by the northern italian city of no d. as for some foreign children out of the school canteen the city's demanding extra proof from families that they need reduced price lunch and that's not going down well with lots of people and it's really a fabric of budget from v.w. social media that is here with more welcome fredricka where is this policy come from so the mayor of the largest town of milan she's called cytokines and although she's a member of the far right league party one of the two parties in italy's governing coalition and she passed a resolution that essentially that in effect barred children of foreign parents from the school canteen so this is being seen as a tangible consequence of the fire write and say migrants policy is that politics that her party stands for and that it's been campaigning on now reduced price lunch
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as are available for families in the who can prove financial need but this policy tries to expand on that and demands that families from outside the e.u. not only prove. their financial situation in italy but also they prove they did they don't own any assets any property and homes in their country of origin and you can imagine that it is a very difficult if not impossible task for many of these people many of these foreigners who come from some of them come from conflict zones from countries that have far less transparency than you and so alternately the policy has led about three hundred children in this town to being forced to either eat at home or eat a sandwich or something they could bring from home in a separate room and that's because the price the full price for the lunch is five years which is too expensive for most of them and this has now gone from a story in a small city you know this week to it's generating
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a nationwide bugs absolutely and there was one media report in particular that went viral on social media as well it caused a heated debate there and we've seen also international organizations they have also coming down hard on the policy for example you know they tweeted out this statement saying for children the country is not just the place where they get food it's where they socialize and integrate so say no to discrimination stemming from bureaucracy and a local aid group called accordion ation of equal duty is also managed to raise sixty thousand euros in less than forty eight hours with a crowd funding campaign to help the affected families pay for school lunches and this has also turned into a political debate and we've seen that even. was the leader of the populist five star movement the other party in the governing coalition even he has come out against this kind of discrimination so one of them
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a supporter say well we've seen this far right interior minister of the. party he has gone back and forth on this issue at first he posted. facebook that a self certification of assets would be enough for the children of foreign families to receive reduced price move but then just yesterday he appeared to be doubling down on that policy and framing it as an economic issue and he wrote how many people where he means foreigners have access to council housing in italy even while owning a house in their home country enough it's not racism it's just common sense so he looks like he's not. not he's backing this policy after all and. the mayor. also isn't backing down and we've seen more protests today in front of the city hall the group behind the crowdfunding campaign has sued the city council over does
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resolution there will be an appeal a court appeal in december. meanwhile at least until december did children are allowed back to contain thanks to the money that was raised through describe funding campaign for the budget thank you so much. first take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world european council president donald towards cars demanded british prime minister theresa may make what he called co-create proposals for ending the president impasse with his mates cabinet has been meeting in london for the two day summit a used twenty eight leaders which begins on wednesday in brussels and. french police are very to the headquarters of the far left party france and bowed down the apartment of its leader shoulder milledgeville abbas is being investigated for alleged misuse of your parliamentary fighters and its presidential campaign accounts speaking on facebook during the rates men are shown condemned as politically motivated. officials in morocco say at least six people have been
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killed and dozens more injured in a train derailment near the capital robot the train was traveling on the p.c. coast line connecting the capital to the town off a commuter course of the incident is being investigated as. a new study suggests that female lawmakers in the europe experience widespread sexual harassment the independent into parliamentary union said nearly half of more than one hundred twenty women interviewed in forty five countries reported being threatened with sexual and physical violence most all sorts of comments have been made about their appearance. the united nations says the number of yemenis on the brink of famine because of the ongoing conflict could rise to twelve million that's forty percent of the population more than eight million already need emergency food assistance for many though it's already too late.
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she's only eight years old and one of millions of victims of the war that seemingly unending. and is a has been taken to hospital in aden doctors say he waits is that of a two year old and they're not optimistic about her future. would hold war would he see one vision thing i have found yet he out of his fifty four subsists and what led you to that decision and what like you to that do you think asian ten point one because you do not need fifteen. anissa and her mother are among the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled the fighting around the city of her data. just a few days ago at least fifteen people fleeing the escalating conflict were killed when a sound led coalition air strike hit two buses near a security checkpoint. potato has become the center of yemen's conflict the port city is the entry point for seventy percent of
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the country's food imports sounded led coalition forces and i ground troops are fighting to do three rebels controlling it some and ace getting through but the distribution centers are filled with people desperate for food and there isn't enough for everyone the u.n. is calling it the world's worst humanitarian crisis that as of late twenty seventeen there were eight point four million severely food insecure people who need emergency food assistance every month to survive juda economic decline including depreciation of the currency humanitarian partners estimate that this population could rise up to five million people the un's world food program says it's scaling up its efforts for many it will be too late but for some of the children who've made it to hospital there might still be some hope.
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we would actually you know look at spontaneous photos or for. that rank and that's not so usually the kind of thing that's happened to be w. employees but it's happened so you're about to present to me it was taken time for making faces of people to join me here in the studio welcome strike a pose not. that we know that you're used to being in front of a cab or because you've been telling me you didn't feel like telling me you are a scout to be very careful what you tell those men but this was something completely different something what was it all about well let me tell you let me tell you fellow what this is all about your mags are taking this so to another level and it started with rankin you know the famous person. you know who he discovered no i didn't more or less kate moss ok but any of anyone who's anyone has been photographed by him and what we did at euro back to me well because you know work for your max yet. anyway what we did this summer is he does major
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brainstorming session we wanted to create a series where we had prominent faces from the world of culture and lifestyle not just be on the show but create the show so rank and not only interviewed with me he co-hosted he picked all the reports we did that with andre. we did it with a bunch of other ones and so i don't want to give too much away but. i will say this is a pretty special thing that we created this summer and before i say any more way to give you a teaser as to what you can expect. hello everybody and let me know if your doc can row high mileage right in time are so wrong there's two of our david chipperfield york city durham match your next edition someone with your max is being co-hosted by famous europeans for this special euro max edition the team traveled all over europe. in london they met star photographer brian kidd. michelin
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starred chef tim of our show them his prelim. and designer must have done just his amsterdam they met on the you can you quote such as castle master fashion designer love any of jati in her apartment in rome and star architect david scheffer field in berlin. michelin starred chef to macau reveals why he always travels with his own wine glasses he also shows viewers where he buys art in berlin then takes us to his favorite shops. by the almighty and it's all meant to much all of the year max edition was top shelf tim howard was optimal for me first because i love berlin second because i love it so i want to start chef guides you through the city gives you tips and shows you little shops you never knew existed even though you live here it doesn't get better than that. subsidies six shoots six prominent guest co-hosts. for both the v.i.p.'s and the euro max team making the your next
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editions was a huge adventure. and i am very excited to introduce our hero makes a nice welcome to round. super have you brought you part of the structure of this with your wife please take you see my upset if your next edition will be the. what the world. big name you know her from her mother our of years. to share the those for the person whom now the thing about. when she walks into a room it just lights up she's just a beautiful beautiful person and she's also got a lot of responsibility on her shoulders her mother died suddenly in may of two thousand and seventeen i may have heard it in the news it was one of those sudden death cases she was fine the day before and then she called her daughter and was like i'm feeling really great and she just she just don't know why she just died
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and then lavinia age think of the time she was thirty eight she had to take over the massive fashion house that her grandmother started so she shared some personal stories with me. as we were sitting off to the side and then she you know she didn't have to tell me these things and what i noticed with her is that we absolutely had a real connection to each other and that makes it as a presenter you know super easy when someone is easy to interview. so we should be able to it was a really really well whatever was that really does stand out with me in amsterdam with marcel sees a dutch product in the interior designer and quite well known for two things one is the so-called not a chair which we don't have a picture of there but we do have his one minute sculptures and he literally creates these brass cultures and one minute but the thing that stood out for me personally was we filmed with him on the hottest day in amsterdam so marcel had to change his shirt four times because he wouldn't stop sweating and we didn't have
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air conditioning because you know in northern europe usually doesn't get that hot but let me just say it was quite hot with him and we also had quite a bit very early. so the time. just arrived at all your all of our viewers this is a very special series on euro max and you can always see it deeds of you dot com slash lives. just google will be happy to take you on this journey with us struck the pose well i learned from rankin this close look of your song. i don't think it's there that's the first thing right you said it's all yours then there's my cabin. thanks to you ok. thank you so much good. supply. of our top stories this hour here on t.w. turkish police are searching the home of the saudi. role as part of the
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investigation interesting term mr jamal to show. the left country fueling speculation that he's actually fled so he believes i'm sick of shops he was murdered in the saudi consulate two weeks ago. i differ from rapper kanye west and his wife reality t.v. star kim kardashian are in uganda but they're causing quite a stir of response on the couple have met with the country's president yoweri museveni a kind of. yankee games in their uganda to record material for his next to. the united nations since twelve million people india could soon be on the brink of famine that's forty percent of the population the crisis has been triggered by fighting between saturday night coalition forces and who think by their own. guess you can always get the w. news on the go just download from google play. i think if you access to all the
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latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use it to send us photos and videos. that's it you will today so a more at the top of the hour don't forget you can always go to start news information around the clock you don't have on our web site that's d.w. dot com good today. some of. them are. the most of. the lot of them. from the from. the members.
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of the from. the most. of them. are feel. for me.
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to feel. feel. all my life originates from and it is itself a living organism. but what happens when the soil is exploiting defeated and contentment. how long can this earth continue to feed humanity. will be soon be the last harvest. just.
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climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing no one's are meant for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's inspire others to. be good for the environment magazine. on d w would have been fighting for the place taking seriously in the world of what here's what's come out women strong tuckered . superheroes smart women smart cars smart station allegedly frank recently dangerous time the fuck w. me for my. own forces are under pressure they're battling recruiting
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problems outdated and broken down equipment and limited budgets. dissent is a huge listener in us enough playing soccer enough enough transport helicopters are not enough tanks have tank divisions that don't have tanks. so own sourcing and privatization are the border of the day in all areas. but not composed dangers. to sleazy close finish the ones risk of becoming too dependent on private contractors who may not provide the services they promised a slice them every day that walkers on the private sector businesses make more money with everything from reconnaissance drones to laundry facilities firms are cubicle treating the forces in france and germany. is here industrial complex starts october twentieth on g.w.
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. this is. from berlin tonight the endangered journalist around the world reporters being targeted and taken out for daring to dissent the soul of the journalist as your mall koncz of sheen was a known critic of these salty ground friends turkey believes he was murdered inside the soldi consulate turkish investigators are now searching these all the consul's residence possibly looking for a body it has been a year since malta is best known investigative journalist was killed by a car bomb police.


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