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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 18, 2018 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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sixteen forty. years starts october twenty fourth do you w. . this is the news live from burma the british prime minister under attack after conceding the u.k. may remain tied to e.u. whirls a loss for a longer than planned that would break the talks stalled theresa may says she is the sitter and your proposal to extend the u.k. transition out of the blocks critics at home say it's a betrayal and that maybe is losing the confidence of her party will get an update from london and for us. also coming up turkish police searched saudi consulate
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properties as the steady stream of my car broke lanes about the fate of distant saudi journalist john walker shocked or leaked to the press u.s. president donald trump says he expects to learn the truth by the end of the week. i'm sorry so much going to have you with us british prime minister theresa may is facing intense criticism at home that's after admitting that she's considering a european union proposal that would keep britain bound to the block's rules for several months longer than originally planned after a summit of e.u. leaders in brussels failed to make enough progress and reaching a divorce agreement the e.u. has now suggested more time for striking a trade deal that ensures a frictionless border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland with threats at the border between northern ireland and the republic is set to become the u.k.'s only land border the border within the e.u. . both sides want to avoid
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a physical border which many fear could reignite social tensions in northern ireland a key part of negotiations is a so-called backstop that's a guarantee the border will stay open should the u.k. leave the e.u. without a deal they you wants to keep northern ireland in the customs union and the common market britain's theresa may says that is not acceptable she spoke to reporters at the summit in brussels earlier on with your agreement there are issues remaining around the back story just to remind everybody the back story is what would become in place to ensure that there would be no hard border between north and if the future relationship is not in place by the end of the mentation period now the original proposal from the e.u. was one that we could not accept in the k. it would have created a customs border down the irish sea earlier in the year we put forward a proposal is to have to deal with this issue further idea that has emerged and it is an idea at this stage is to create an option to extend the implementation period
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for a few matter of months and it would only be for by the end of december twenty twenty let's bring in our reporters covering bracing negotiations for a scared does this in brussels and is in london good to see you both come to you first now theresa may there saying she is open to extending the brakes a transition period by a few months but she doesn't expect to have to do so we all know time is running out how does she expect to break the current deadlock. the hope of course is here for theresa may be that extra time in the negotiations that is something that the e.u. has now put on the table the head of the european parliament for instance has said if that helps we're willing to give extra time in the transition or as it's called in the u.k. the implementation phase that's already the time to find a new deal because and that would be the help that is offered it would make a backstop less likely and. backstop theresa may has particularly problems with her
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she has plenty of problems at home. coming to you now because teresa mayes really feeling the heat over this isn't she at home. yes for sure one prominent black city called this latest proposal frankly ridiculous and to handle critics all piling up the pressure on her like boris johnson like david davis former ministers and they say that she's giving too much ground to the but also this latest proposal some of the remaining aside in their own policies that don't suppose that they say well is this a matter of principle and will really one extra year helps and the logic behind it could be that there is speculation that the remaining in her own party you want to go agreed to the. european free trade agreement and have this off to the transition basically as a backs of and then for that to give the u.k. government and the e.u. more time to come together but clearly
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a lot of criticism especially with this latest plan so big it could she lose her job over this. that's the million dollar question there are many creation events in the next days and weeks to call me for the big very huge for a second referendum a story a big march for a second referendum coming up this we can sue people. to pop some people in the public trying to ask us to reason may to rethink our position and give this question back to the people and basically decide against whether britain really wants to leave the you all not then we've got a crucial varied on the budget do you expect to be propping up may's government in northern irish unionists they say that they might very against the government might not support her budget if this so-called pretrial they see it as a betrayal of northern ireland when's and the father so she is really in a very difficult with. but on the other hand to topple the prime minister in the
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middle of the specs of negotiations who really wants to be responsible for that in the end so it's in everybody's interest to get straight and to get in there graham and the question is whether to raise them they will be able to deliver that and just briefly you know how optimistic are you leaders that we could still see a deal. you twenty seven leaders basically they never wanted this they always regarded. it as a lose lose particularly if it come to a cliff. with with no deal involved so they are keen to get a deal done and there is still hope on the other hand they have made it clear today that they're not willing to risk everything they would not willing to risk the the internal market the success that europe has provided for the twenty eight countries so far they're not willing to give all of that up only to keep the u.k. on board. all right for us in brussels and reporting for us from london
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thank you both very much. not his mother stories making news around the world german authorities say this man from northern germany was involved in the planning of a major islamic state terrorist attack in germany in two thousand and sixteen the attack aimed to cause a large number of deaths at a music festival it was prevented after a year long undercover security operation reports at least one person has been killed and dozens injured during anti-corruption protests in the haitian capital port au prince thousands of people turned out across the caribbean country amid growing anger over the electorate misuse of funds from a government program sponsored by venezuelan. people in russian and x. crimea have been paying tribute to the victims of a school shooting that left at least one thousand people dead russian authorities in the black sea port of carriage say an eighteen year old man detonated explosives and shot his fellow students before killing himself the injured have been transferred for specialized treatment to moscow and other russian cities. and of
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all gary and suspect has been charged over the rape and killing of television journalist victoria maher in nova after his extradition from germany he denies he raped and intentionally killed but authorities say his d.n.a. matches evidence at the crime scene. u.s. president donald trump has asked turkish authorities to hand over an audio recording that a said to prove that missing journalist amal kushal was tortured and killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul turkey chavez the gators have conducted new searches that consular properties in the city. a columnist for the washington post who was highly critical of the saudi government vanished more than two weeks ago his disappearance has led high level business and political representatives to pull out of a saudi investment conference next week including the u.k.'s trade minister. as the world looks on investigators search for clues on walks happened to jamal
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khashoggi. they were finally allowed to scour the home of the saudi consul in istanbul turkey believes the journalists body was disposed don't hear. a critic of the saudi leadership was last seen entering the nearby consulate turkish officials claim they have an ordeal recording of his much inside. a tape the u.s. president who's been accused of covering up for the saudis says he hasn't heard we've asked for if it exists drive it over nope i'm not sure yet that it exists probably does possibly they're an important ally but i want to find out what happened where is the fault and we will probably know that by the end of the week but my company is coming back we're going to walled off the top u.s. diplomat has been traveling to meet with saudi then turkish leaders. gave
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little away about what he'd learned about the probe on the plane home but he was recorded saying deserve more time. i keep hearing that we're giving them some benefit of the doubt they're going to do an investigation. and when the investigation comes out will a value weighted it's not about benefit of the doubt it's that it is reasonable it's reasonable to give them a handful of days more to complete a so they get it right. police have carried out a second sweep of the saudi consulate in the early hours they left taking evidence with them. that will lead to official oncet of which few have emerged in the sixteen days since she vanished. are turkey correspondent yulia han is tracking the story for us hi yulia what is the latest on the investigation. now the official investigation
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is still ongoing there have been overnight searches here at the saudi consulate the building right behind me as well as the saudi consuls residence just a walking distance away from where we are right now. turkish authorities have been actually pressing for access to the consul's home for days yesterday it finally happened they went in with the saudi investigators detection vest a gator's crime scene investigators came to white jumpsuits with a forensics acquit him and they have reportedly surged of rooms and the garden as well and later a source familiar with the investigation who talked to us on the condition of the norman anon limits he told us that they found further evidence at the residence suggesting that mr bush was killed he did not elaborate further on the kind of evidence possibly d.n.a. but he said it matches what they found earlier here at the consulate now this sets
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to the bigger picture turkish investigators apparently believe that mr bush was murdered shortly after he entered the saudi consulate on october second and his body was then taken to the saudi consuls a residence and they also believe that a fifteen member killing team from saudia a saudi arabia was involved in his murder you know you understand that the pro-government newspaper there has published stills of a man that it says is linked to the saudi crown prince mohammed bin fama what more can you tell us about that. well he apparently is one of the the fifteen suspects of this fifteen member killing team from saudi arabia that i have just mentioned now the turkish authorities have leaked security camera footage identifying these fifteen people the new york times is also says says that it has independently confirm that at least nine of these fifteen men are linked to the
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saudi government military and security services and one of them is the man you are mentioning there his name is a moderate abdul aziz he was a diplomat assigned to the saudi embassy in london in two thousand and seven and he is said to be someone who has frequently traveled with the saudi crown prince mohammed bin months to someone who seems to know him very closely and now this pro-government newspaper report shows pictures of him here at the saudi consulate at the saudi consuls residence at as well and at a hotel nearby with a large suitcase now this if true would undercut any argument that we hear from saudi arabia right now that they don't know anything about what happened to mr because it would link this man directly to the crown prince and it would undercut any argument that this murder up alleged murder was you know committed by some kind of rogue elements without the saudi leadership knowing of that all right with the very latest from the investigation there thank you very much
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sports now and mexican boxer sal canelo alvarez has announced that he has signed a quote historic contract after agreeing to a three hundred sixty five million dollars deal to broadcast the sights on the streaming service does own the world middleweight champion has signed a five year old eleven fight deal that could be the most lucrative in sports history the twenty eight year old beat john r.t. to love him in september and one of the fights of the year that he was humbled to be selected for the contract. russian wakeboard or nikita marciano has performed the latest in a long line of stunts this time riding on and around icebergs in southwest greenland he said the high salt content made the water sticky and meant it was much more difficult to execute certain charms he also revealed that falling into the water was not a lot of fun a freezing conditions were one problem with the many ice needles floating around made it extra. you're watching news still to come
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brags it threatens to disrupt supply chains across europe we'll take a look at what could be at stake. that's coming right up with business. sometimes more exciting than a real life. to. see. what if there's no ski. patrollers. during the street. female candidates and then it's a free for. women all striving for power.


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