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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 26, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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he starts october twenty seventh w. . news from berlin the police have arrested a man in the u.s. in connection with a syrian. official. into custody near miami florida the arrest comes after a suspicious package turned up in new york also addressed to a prominent critic of president bush from our correspondent also coming up. a german national on terrorism. six years behind bars for membership in a kurdish militia his family says he was in turkey on
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a hiking trip. says raise the kids from turkish president. irish voters decide whether time on the religious blasphemy law is known for a goal. that even the catholic church says is obsolete. i am glad you could join us shortly we're expecting president trump to speak on suspicious packages in the u.s. but police there have detained a suspect in connection with a series of explosive packages sent to high profile public figure investigators in the south and state of florida apprehended a man believed to be in his fifty's and seized. this white van from
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a parking lot two additional suspicious packages are found earlier today the bomb squad was called to a post office in new york where workers discovered one of the past their intended targets were a u.s. senator and former director of national security both prominent critics of president trump as we wait for president trying to address the country let's go to do correspondent my shrader who's in washington with the latest so miles what do we know about this suspect has been apprehended. well we know that he is a man in his fifty's and that he was arrested in a town north of miami called plantation florida where it's believed he had a business and he was taken into custody at his business beyond that we don't know much yet we don't know the reason for the arrest even whether the believe that he is actually the person who has been sending out these packages whether he was an
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accomplice or merely someone who may know something about the origin of all of these packages and these pipe bombs we're also looking for what his connection to new york me being given that there were so many packages sent to various new york political figures both in new york city and further upstate so not a whole lot known here although we are looking forward to this briefing that the f.b.i. is going to be giving in a few hours hopefully with more information but again we don't really know if this person worked alone or if he was part of a group of people and there have also been rumors this morning that not only have we seen this eleventh and twelve packages show up but also a thirteenth package that may have emerged in california addressed to senator a comma harris who is another progressive leftist senator a prominent figure on the left and a critic of president trump so my quite a few questions to answer but this suspect has been connected to
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a mill facility in florida as we understand how many of the devices a believed to have been sent from the. well even before this arrest was made the f.b.i. had pinpointed this facility as the origins of the very least most of the packages now it is also known that one of the packages that arrives at the c.n.n. headquarters in new york city may have actually been hand delivered and not sent through the mail that was why if we saw the images of the package the stamps on that were not actually used up but beyond that again there's still a lot of open questions as this investigation is ongoing so what we know right now is that someone has been arrested for some reason and we're not sure why there is definitely a florida connection and we're looking to see why so many people in new york were targeted as well obviously a man who might have some questions as u.s. president donald trump is expected to speak shortly in response to this the wrist but my a what's been the white house response so far. well we saw on wednesday at
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a campaign rally the president briefly called for unity. and expressed that he was trying to be very nice and then said that the media had a part to play in this and even early early early this morning local time around three am started tweeting out blaming the media for sowing the divisions in the country so the white house on the surface we've seen sarah huckabee sanders the press conference sorry excuse me the. the the spokesperson for the white house coming out and giving a statement saying these acts are despicable they need to be condemned but also still reinforcing this line that the media needs to accept responsibility for some of this political violence that's now going down that has been the line that the white house has been towing now we're going to wait and see as more information
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comes out how the white house may or may not change its line especially if there is some sort of connection between trump's supporters and the right and the person who has been sending out or people have been sending out these these packages right my own we've seen these bombs being discovered every morning since monday and you've actually just told that told us that there might be a thirteenth one can you give me a sense of how this story is shaping american politics i mean we're just days away from the midterm elections. indeed the midterms are sort of casting a pall over all of this result the president also risks for expressing regret that this incident had been slowing down he said the republican momentum leading up to the midterms our voters have been getting more excited as the election is on closer but that's also simply to do with the fact that the election is getting closer and people are getting revved up to vote and even the early voting has started in many
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many states the democrats can definitely use this as a line of attack and point the finger at the right and say look what's happened to our country look at what these people are doing and paint an us versus them there of which could be very advantageous for their base which definitely does not like the president and wants to see him and his supporters be taken out of power something like this can definitely work to their advantage in that sphere and the right is going to have a hard time. painting this in anything but a left wing conspiracy but we're going to have to see again as more facts come out we still don't know why this man was arrested we still don't know the exact motive for these packages being sent out other than that there is this connection that all the people who were sent these packages have been critics of the president in the past. in washington with the latest thank you
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a turkish court has sentenced a german man to six years in prison on to his charges patrick was arrested on the syrian border in much prosecutors accuse the twenty nine year old of being a member of a kurdish militia group known as white p g a group which classifies as terrorist. because a twenty nine year old carpenter from the south and german town of decent he claims he was just a tourist hiking near the syrian border it's an area in which the turkish military is fighting a war against kurdish militia groups turkish security police also say the cricut had written an e-mail offering his services as a fighter to the syrian kurdish militia y p g kike admitted writing the email but claims not to have known that turkey considers the y.p. g a terrorist organisation the news comes just as the german economy minister peter is in turkey trying to improve relations between the two countries the focus of the
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visit is on business deals but i'd also raise the issue of german nationals and turkish presence thus far he hasn't commented on the kind of verdict and the german foreign ministry in berlin was tightlipped. this is a decision of latakia judiciary and of course our embassy is in contact as mr crocker and also we assured him that he will file an appeal under turkish law with the help of his legal counsel. this week the foreign ministry stepped up its travel warning for german nationals going to turkey since a failed coup d'etat in two thousand and sixteen the turkish government has imprisoned thousands of critics among them both several german nationals including journalists. and misawa told who both have since been released but at least five germans including caica are still in prison in turkey. but let's now have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world dozens of migrants
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and families if young children are still camping. with croatia this passage into the e.u. up to authorities to his previous routes to western europe police say they expect to persuade the migrants to leave the border area by the end of the day. india's opposition congress party has held a protest in the capital of delhi over allegations of corruption and bribery linked to the government the issue has plunged the country's chief investigative agency the c.b.i. into a collision course with the government india's supreme court has called for a swift investigation to resolve the dispute. british police have arrested a man suspected of trying to steal one of the four magna carta documents from salisbury cathedral the charter granted by england's king john in the year twelve fifteen is an enduring symbol of the rule of law police say the document was not harmed in the incident. nine i learned blasphemy is still
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a serious crime that carries heavy penalties but like many of the country's religious traditions that may change soon irish voters are heading to the polls today to elect a new president and they're also being asked to decide whether blasphemy laws should be removed from the constitution the issue is uniting both catholics and atheists here's one man who's been fighting the law for years. the christian god is an evil maniac for giving babies bone cancer jews are of there for the devil all i said was that peace of halliburton was good enough for jehovah blasphemous statements like peace could come at a high cost literally up to twenty five thousand euros to be precise michael nugent head of atheist island is complaining in dublin shopping zone he's informing irish voters about a longstanding law that could soon be history if you say anything that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by only religion and cause outrage by doing so then that's
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a criminal offense the need to dublin that has been fighting the paragraph and islands constitution for years. he thinks it should have been removed a long time ago. it's a mediæval crime it's been added into our constitution in nineteen thirty seven when i was a very catholic country. and it was programmed into our laws just ten years ago so it's a mess for any number of reasons and the sooner that we get rid of it the better. but since the law was implemented no one has ever been convicted of blasphemy even the catholic church called the law or data. an audience church in dublin sees one simple reason for that. there's no need for such a law called doesn't need to god is not mocked. not everyone agrees. of the islamic cultural center things throwing out the blasphemy class will threaten the freedom of all irish people. we have
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a wide diversity of various communities residing in. this kind of. references in our legislation is not to defend religion but it is to defend respect among people of all face and people of no face still it looks likely that my conclusion and his group will finally get their way recent polls show that just twenty percent of likely voters i favor of keeping island suppress free law. you're watching news still to come a very special auction of fine artist taking place here in berlin to raise money for a new museum of exile in the german capital we'll take a look at the man behind the initiative to review the heart of the city. which means that it's time for business and the world's strongest economy could be getting stronger it could be getting stronger but investors are really worried i'll
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tell you why the u.s. economy growing by more than expected in the third quarter thanks to the strongest consumer spending in delhi for years the commerce department said gross rest of product or the total value of goods and services produced increased by three and a half percent compared to a year earlier the shop rising consumer spending helps offset a big drop in trade companies spend more to increase their inventories which also helped to bolster growth analysts are expecting the economy to expand by around three percent this year. as. the preferred stock exchange about this because investors are a little jittery despite these robust numbers how do you read them. yeah the question is is the u.s. economy going to grow further on the surface it may look very good right now but if you go into deeper there's more to worry you mention trade has gone down also if you look at businesses they're investing in inventory but they're not investing
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long term they're not investing in machinery in plants and offices all of these have actually dropped to the lowest level since three years and that's because there's so much uncertainty about what's going to come also in the earnings that we saw the outlook the guidance from companies from a lot of them was negative because the effect of tax cuts is going to fizzle out and china is a big worry on their their agenda ok so you're a polling up while all of this is going on. europe has had a very very rough week all across europe the markets have lost the dax is nearing this psychological eleven thousand mark low but what's especially frustrating for people here is that when the u.s. is positive and optimistic then the u.s. market goes up but germany for example doesn't go up as much now when things are
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negative we just follow right on and the dax crash this week you have to see a bit of a good weekend. google is giving up on plans for a berlin campus for tech startups it has more than a dozen of these hubs around the world the idea to bring together potential employees start ups and investments but in this case locals were against it. this construction site was scheduled to be open for billions fast during startups in may twenty nineteen the tech giant had wanted to give the scene a massive boost with google campus free thousand square metres at a cost of fourteen million euros the company's decision came as a huge surprise. we certainly learned something from the many conversations we had this is actually the wrong place for pure startup campus
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what we are aware of the protests but we don't allow them to dictate our actions and wish them to. stick here in the us. however it certainly looks as if google threw the towel in since it unveiled the project two years ago there have been frequent protests local residents fear the campus would speed up the pace of gentrification in september activists occupied the construction side now the building is home to social projects google is still paying the bills but it's donated the office space to the better place internet platform as well as karuna a charity that helps children and teens in neat we would have like google to move in because we benefit greatly when organizations and businesses operate on social cooperatives like ours help connect young people from the streets and enterprises and we cannot do it alone we have to cooperate. with.
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the business friendly free democrats say the failure of the google campus is a disastrous signal for bell and as an investment location. it sends the wrong message to the world that companies are not welcome here so there will be no new jobs which we urgently need in the capital. activists disagree and call it a victory for the neighborhood. that's cause it's terrific that the company's reputation has been tarnished we hope the message spreads to other companies thinking about coming here to invest and create start up pops a local population doesn't benefit at all. it's google has promised to pay for the lease and utilities for the next five years so the controversial start could eventually end up boosting the tech giant's image. and i'd love to be able to afford his bathroom. i can't unfortunately put these next guys could the world's
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billionaires who are now twenty percent richer than they were just last year as according to a report by swiss bank u.b.s. and orders p w c the number of billionaires is also rising two thousand one hundred fifty eight people around the world of managed to accumulate over a billion dollars of personal wealth. for some billionaires the only way is truly up. japanese tycoon you sucker mizar will become the first private passenger on a trip around the moon. set to take off in twenty twenty three on board a space x. a rocket developed by iran musk while the price of the ticket has yet to be revealed it is assumed to be astronomical meanwhile the number of billionaires with the spare cash to follow minds our way into space continues to grow according to u.b.s. is a new report on the super rich they hold an average of four point one billion dollars in wealth north america remains the global leader in the number of
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billionaires six hundred thirty one but western europe slipped to third place. second spot now belongs to the greater china region which includes hong kong and taiwan china proper is home to more than three hundred billionaires most of them self-made. at the turn of the millennium china had only one billionaire but u.b.s. now expects the country to overtake the u.s. in the near future the country's billionaire boom has been fueled in particular by its mushrooming tech sector. jack ma was still working as a teacher when he founded barbara nine hundred ninety nine. in twenty fourteen the online retail company claimed the title of the world's biggest ever i.p.o. . ma. if i think we should be starting a startup you know what i really want to know what i need to do to be one of the two thousand one hundred fifty a lot of work well we'll discuss that later but right japan's prime minister shinzo is in china on the first state visit by
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a japanese leader in nearly seven years but after sometimes difficult relations in the past the leaders of asia's two biggest economies of bowing closer cooperation in the future. chinese president xi jinping we affirmed their commitment to free and fair trade and a scoring the new spirit of partnership. it's an unlikely friendship born out of a change to the status quo shinzo abbé and she's in pain two rivals coming together at a time when global alliances are shifting as trade tensions with washington heat up the leaders of asia's two largest economies and nouns to shift in their bilateral relations. users under the new situation our interdependence has been deepening. your thought we should take this historic opportunity and make it the new direction of our relationship. with. abyei
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talked of taking trade with china to a new level and hinted at resolving their longstanding differences out there as. japan and china need to work together and contribute to what the world expects of us. in to the toward the peace and the stability of the region and that as the world is getting. ties between the two nations deteriorated over a territorial dispute in the east china sea and the series of military confrontations but now they're putting on a united front signing two point six billion dollars in business deals. this is about more than money though japan and china also want to tackle a range of issues including north korea's denuclearization. has invited to japan right next year. three years ago more than
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a million refugees traveled along the so-called balkan route as they sought to reach a safe haven on the u.s. in the european union the route was mostly closed off in twenty sixteen by border fences and guards but many are still managing to cross the borders illegally recent days have seen friction at the border between bosnia and croatia hundreds of refugees have been trying to cross from village. a bosnian town into neighboring croatia and therefore bypass the e.u.'s external border. these refugees are pleading for the bosnian croatian border crossing to be opened several hundred migrants from pakistan afghanistan iraq and iran are camped out at delhi. where bosnia borders croatia and e.u. country as autumn sets in these makeshift shelters in bosnia are in danger of sinking into the mud and hygenic conditions are disastrous the bosnian police used force to restrain these people in recent days both refugees and border officials
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sustained injuries but first the croatian border police had acted halting the migrants and sending them back. to try to police we've been negotiating to end this crisis for days trying to convince the refugees to leave the border crossing but these talks a difficult many don't have anywhere else to go on. besides the worsening weather the refugees are distraught about a dispute over money the bosnian government in sarajevo is supposed to distribute funds for humane accommodations but the border localities are being left in the cold. the refugees have been sent from place to place in bosnia for months this after many were stranded on a greek island for more than a year here too they are pawns in a political game while any aid is provided almost exclusively by private citizens. here in berlin and is parting with his most precious works to raise money for an idea that's near and dear to his heart. has been auctioning off some prized
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paintings to help fund a new museum in memory of germans who fled their homeland during the nazi regime so far the today auction has raised more than one and a half million euros. so how much is the old fritz worth when it's a new original adult mental. fifty six thousand for frederick the great going want going twice last chance. the painting had a reserve price of thirty thousand but raised almost twice that sum the passion moniker is just one of three hundred pictures under the hammer from the private collection of bent shots for the collector it's not easy to say goodbye five hundred years of art history are on sale from brehm brandt's to pick has so. much and culverts to. the collection is
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burnt short life work and it's being sacrificed for a new idea the future museum of exile in berlin a place to remember the hof a million germans forced to flee from the nazis. door closes another opens and i believe the museum of exile project is even more exciting than my sixty years of collecting. russia after the museum will be erected on a vacant lot behind the former and bahnhof railway station it will cost an estimated thirty to forty million euros and be financed through private contributions of all goes to plan it will be finished in twenty twenty four writers hein richman and alfre durban were among the many whose journey into exile began here at and how to bahnhof they were the fortunate ones nine thousand six hundred people also left from platform one in transports to the terezín concentration camp and almost certain death. this tree when it happens happens very slowly
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the more we get to know about these wonderful heroic great people who lost everything and some who won everything nobel prizes and international impact one can only understand them if we look at them very closely. this is why a museum of exile is of utmost importance for all refugees schultz hopes that his was send a signal and inspire others to help up hold the legacy of those forced to flee their homelands. german chancellor angela merkel's conservatives are bracing for yet more punishment of the ballot box this weekend that's when voters in the state of has whose capital is front for to elect a new legislature big losses are forecast for both merkel c.d.u. and the opposition social democrats now two weeks ago the variant the c.s.u. well they slumped to their west election result in decades. frankfurt
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germany financial hope an economic powerhouse and the biggest city in has the southwest and german state governed by angler merkel's conservative c.d.u. and the green party after twenty years in power the conservatives are bracing for huge losses as has heads to the polls. but this time around the state election isn't only about local politics how hesse's four million voters cast their ballots on sunday could have huge repercussions in berlin not least of all for german chancellor angela merkel despite projecting an image of stability on the campaign trail and has a marker has every reason to be concerned conservatives are at a record low the worst case scenario would be if her close ally and has a say premier focus were pushed out of office months of squabbling and debates over
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migration and personnel it federal level have overshadowed the has a state election it's built on sunday the vote is about has. then we'll talk about berlin. i think this is important because the has the state government and this is credited for a couple few showed how one can achieve great results without quarrels and claim a. lot this despite a good feeling. even in hesse's catholic conservative stronghold of fulda disenchanted voters are leaving germany's traditional take home parties to find political pastures new both at local and national level germany's green party and the far right alternative for germany party or a f t a cashing in on forma c.d.u. voters. is really voting a f.t. because they really present an alternative to the power obsessed politics of america who put saving the euro before the interests of. ordinary germans did turn
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the moment talk on i'm inclined at the moment to vote for the greens because they say what they want and what they don't want. i'm a classic c.d.u. voter but i'm rethinking that now i'm thinking about voting for the greens. has a state primary a folk a goofy a is all too aware of the exodus from germany's traditional centrist party on sunday that could cost him his job. to be honest the parties that make up the grand coalition and this goes for the social democrats as well as the conservative c.d.u. they've got a difficult job in this campaign fighting off this feeling of discontent which actually has nothing to do with us. but has this state election could indeed have everything to do with the future of germany's federal government the question then is how long it can last if they get a.


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