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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 29, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm CET

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this is. the beginning of the end of the era germany's chancellor says she will not seek reelection. at the time. but as the chancellor and the chair of the christian democrats i do you know the responsibility the buck stops here the successes and. kind of america was also to resign as head of her conservative party. governing coalition in two recent
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elections of course the chancellor towards the exit after more than a decade in power also on the program brazil elects a new president's rio de janeiro celebrates into the night for. the man they call the tropical trump it's the first time in decades a right wing populist has taken brazil's top job result that leaves the country divided. no sign of survivors rescue workers in indonesia bringing a human remains but none of the one hundred eighty nine people on board the crashed line a flight. welcome to the program german chancellor angela merkel has announced she will relinquish the leadership of her party in december and step down as chancellor at the next election the move comes after disastrous results for conservatives in recent elections chancellor merkel has dominated german politics for more than
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a decade here's what she said as she signalled her intention to bow out. firstly in december at the studio party congress i will not be running again as chair of a cd. secondly this fourth parliamentary term will be my last parliamentary term as chancellor of germany in the national elections twenty twenty one i will not be running as a candidate for this edu again and i will also not be running as a candidate for the lower house of one of the bundestag and i'd also like to note i will not be taking on any other political positions either thirdly for the rest of this parliamentary term i'm prepared to continue to serve as chancellor and fourth league yes that means that to a large extent i am turning away from what i've always said which is that i believe that the chair of the party and the chancellorship should go together yes this is a bit of
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a risk but i believe having weighed things up very carefully it is. a risk that i ought to take and want to take and if i wanted to run. as chancellor again then i wouldn't have taken this decision so this is more than just news for a germany and indeed europe let's get more from your house at least parliamentary strangers welcome what are you hearing from the chancellor's party headquarters. well this is a move that uncle michael has thought about for a long time but in the end it did come as a surprise to many even within her own party and. when when she made the announcement it was met with tremendous respect by most sides i would say and of course lots of people also seized the opportunity and positioned themselves as successes so it will be an interesting time those coming days and weeks where the
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conservatives here in germany will have to choose the successor of uncle americal as party head and america has said that she wants to stay on and finish as chancellor which is her fourth term but she wouldn't stand again for reelection as chancellor nevertheless the big question is of course if she is not the party chairwoman can she get the support from our own party to remain chancellor so talk us through the reaction from johnson's from the chances a question that democrats are calling what they say. there was a press conference by essentially the leaders of the social democrats who have just emerged the biggest losers from two consecutive state elections in the very a two weeks ago and in hesse in the state of hester on sunday yesterday and after they already took a beating at the federal election and many people within the social democrats
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blamed that those huge losses on the fact that the social democrats were in the government with angle america and her conservatives so the reaction has been i would say two sided there is great respect for uncle michael as a person as a as a politician as a female politician who did remain in power for eighteen years as party chairwoman she took over the party when it was in from endless crisis that's what the s.p.d.m. chairwoman and the analysis. so she says the c.d.u. dolls oh uncle michael some gratitude yet at the same time of course the s.p.d. against the background of all those recent losses is facing the big question will they remain in the coalition and this will largely depend on who the conservatives will choose as a middle american successors party chairperson but also the s.p.d. youth wing that has been against this crime coalition from the very start well who
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are there but who are the runners and riders who is likely to replace i'm going to michael as party leader. there are a few names that are familiar at the moment there is there for example the party secretary general and that they'd come callandar who was chosen by anglo-american to be the first female second female party secretary general and left the state of zol and as a state premier earlier this year to take over as party secretary general she has already positioned herself but so she's a close ally but then of course there's also you who's currently health minister in the medical cabinet who's one of the most vocal critics of anglo-american and who belongs to the right wing of the conservatives here in germany then there is a blast from the past to him there's clearly for mets who is also positioned himself as a potential successor for uncle america holes and position as a party chair person and place they've met was ousted in fact as the leader of the
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parliamentary group of the conservatives in two thousand and two by anglo machall so this looks like he sees it as time for revenge ok nina stay with us if you would we're going to hear now from the leader of a chance was told in part as their knowledge of the s.p.d. . now. i was chair of the party for eighteen years she defined her party for eighteen years which is an incredible achievement when she took on the leadership of the c.d.u. when the party was in a very deep crisis oh she was the first woman to take on this function of electors in this function by many men. and many men in her party many journalists male journalists as well said she was too weak but she not only stood to this pressure but she also. had a different form of leadership for her party and she set the course for her party
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in a new way she had a stronger will and she had stronger nerves than most of the critics in her party so on this day when she has said that she's not going to run as party chair again that i think this is. the c.d.u. really owes her gratitude to now the long list of potential candidates for the position of c.d.u. party chairmen it's going to be a very exciting party congress which we will be watching with interest of course. but for us. this is the business of the c.d.u. and. so generous praise from under and others the leader of a party whose coalition with chancellor merkel conservatives has cost her own party so dearly the harder what did you make of that response. i thought that was interesting i thought and then alice essentially had three messages one like i said she congratulated uncle machall she commended her for
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a work as chairperson of the seaview and all the oh all these years and then she did say that and land alice did say that she does remain committed to the coalition and thirdly she also said that she wants to establish a road map so that they can get back to business if you will all that they can start doing proper politics and implement solutions that are so dearly are required by all the voters who have lost who have left the speedy in recent months and so she wants to establish this road map over the next few days and deliver it by. next week and this road map will include some of the social democrats key policy areas like investment like social welfare state also like climate change it's a trend and then alice it's says that it's high time that they can get back to business and that they can stop the in
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a party quarreling. thank you. so this is a momentous day for germany and indeed for your the day on which are chance of america has announced that she will step down as party chair december and will not run for reelection the chancellor let's get more on this from young tech out he's a political scientist and director of a europe program at the german marshall fund of the united states so welcome to d.w. thank you what is the problem that until americans resignation solves i think this is mostly meant to reassure a party held party that you know the developed a feeling over the last couple of years especially since the elections in september that the future was on this is a party that is no longer sure that it can win and what usually happens to chap parties is that once the party gets nervous about its prospects in the elections it looks at the leadership and it's clear that you know after thirteen years in the
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chancellorship eighteen years in the party. the political life cycle of angela merkel was you know bending towards the end and the party got so nervous now that the pressure got too big so this is mostly a move that is supposed to give the c.d.u. confidence again that a fresh face will perhaps improve its election chances for the upcoming elections next year and we'll get to the problems of it of course such disastrous. for both the coalition parties in just a second. let's this issue of the chancellorship the party. the chair the chair of the chair ship of the party so i'm going to step out for him but stay in the other can anyone force her out as chancellor well i mean you can force her out once you prepare in parliament you know a majority thing chancellor that's one of the lessons learned from the past you know stability is one of the ultimate goals of the of the constitution so whether one to two. would have to go through
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a formal process of no confidence vote and replace for immediately now this is not how this is going to be resolved. because that's just the formal way in reality it is mostly an affair that the c.d.u. has to sort out internally and this is exactly where the battle is going going on now and whoever is going to be elected in this chairman for you know the party in december will have to be chancellor material because it's quite clear that you can't lose time with a caretaker chairman in need somebody who could assume the chancellorship immediately now this is all come about because because of these last two regional elections in the end has been very. indecisive general election what message are the voters of the german voters sending that they are leaving the mainstream parties for the fringes both on the left and of the rights of it on the right and to the greens on the left i think this is mostly a situation that we're facing in germany now where people want to send a reminder to the ruling class you know that actually it's important to solve real
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problems and not to kind of you know circulate around yourselves this coalition coalition which came about very late after the last elections in september. created an impression that it was mostly concerned about its own internal affairs there was several to a coup attempt by the various conservatives on merkel you know the summer she survived them but she was unable to rein them in and instill discipline on her own side of the coalition and so the voters are sick of this to voters to voters don't want to vote for parties that look like they're only concerned about themselves that's the one big message here and then there's a deeper message and the deeper message is that the country has moved on the parliamentary system as we as we have it you know is a mirror image of the fault lines in society and society has got more fragmented the german political party system stayed very very stable for a long time and now it's adapting at rapid rapid speed we have more parties in parliament now governments you know will be more difficult to form it's basically a reminder that the country is no longer the country that it will for five or eight
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years ago and that parties need to find me reflect that also in their actions and i think for that young to shuffle. you so much thank you. you're watching the deed only news live from berlin we turn to the rest of the day's news and we're just receiving reports that a female suicide bomber has blown himself up in tunisia capital the country's interior ministry says that nine people were injured the incident is reported to have taken place in central tunis outside the city's a landmark municipal fair to several ambulances and security personnel attended the scene police are not cordoning off the area. and other news from around the world the court in bangladesh was sentenced to jail the former prime minister to an additional seven years in prison for later seen here in file pictures was found guilty of abusing her power to raise money for a charity named after her late husband she's already serving a five year prison term in a separate corruption case. a man in honduras has been killed in clashes between
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a caravan of migrants and police in cross amala police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to hold fifteen hundred people trying to cross into mexico on durance a fleeing poverty and gang violence in their homeland on logic caravans already crossing through mexico towards the united states but its members hope to see asylum. dr brazil where far right candidate jaya volves a narrow has won a sweeping victory in the country's presidential election official results give him more than fifty five percent of the vote well ahead of the leftist candidate for fernando and that as the final results were announced there was grief and joy on the streets as a sign of brazil's division over its new leader. thousands of people gathered outside jaya bows and arrows home in rio de janeiro to celebrate. for his supporters the result marks a new beginning for brazil. with many shedding tears of joy as the news
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broke was election campaign was tough and particularly divisive i just sing the nation for the first time as the country's president elect from inside his own home also now a spark of unity when i was a little north of oh this is a country for us all brazilians by birth or heart of brazil of diverse opinions colors and orientations as a defender of freedom i will lead a government which defends and protects the rights of citizens who comply with their duties and respect the laws. there were some very different scenes in sao paulo amongst supporters of his leftist opponent fernando had. and out on the street there was anger towards the winner many protesters shouting not him. clark you i'm in mourning not for me but for brazil it doesn't deserve this it doesn't deserve this ignorance. all scenarios are highly
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polarizing figure in brazil critics charge him with repeatedly making with such a mistake homophobic and racist comments and defending torture he's also praised the military dictatorship which led the country from one thousand nine hundred sixty four to nine hundred eighty five many political analysts say his sudden popularity is a symptom of the multiple crises besetting brazil. all synonomous pledged to crack down on rampant corruption and to rescue an economy in turmoil. but the former captain's major promise has been to get tough on crime he says violence in brazil has reached epidemic levels in early september post and i was stabbed during a campaign rally possibly only proving his point and many people saw us. join campaigning both in our own painted himself as a man found removed from the country's political elite but now he's in power brazilians will be wondering what he's going to do with it. more on this from do
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you feel your home say in rio de janeiro welcome ophelia was a very divisive and polarizing campaign well joy a ball so now seem to unite the country over his presidency because divisive as the campaign well that's what he has promised in his speech last night the first thing he said he is that he will try to reunite the country that has indeed been very divided even within families supporters and opponents of the you both in our war fighting each other in recent months but this speech is very different to what he had been saying the weeks before the election and that was that he needed to cleanse all those voters of the workers' party that had to be rather incarcerated or had to leave the country he is a very unpredictable politician and that's why he has very much been compared to mr donald trump in the united states and so his politics might be as unpredictable as
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his campaign has been in the recent weeks and what ought to be his biggest priority is. well one of the first things he wants to do is to reform the ministries and that's by cutting the number of ministries into half he wants to also put technicians and experts in front of the ministries and that of politicians a very difficult position because he will have to made make. he will have to try to seek a majority in congress with other parties and normally in brazil you give ministries to those parties so we will see how he does that he also wants to privatized or eliminate about fifteen state owned companies and therefore fuel foreign investments and a very much needed reform which will be one of the first he needs to pass through congress is the pension reform in brazil that is causing a major deads and that has been very old and has been around for about thirty years already he talked about rooting out corruption so want to what are people expecting
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to see that well he has promised to finish corruption this is one of the major problems in brazil nowadays especially after the car scandal that has been also affecting all of those politicians within the workers' party and that's why former president mr lula da silva has been incarcerated himself we don't know exactly how he wants to fight corruption but he has said that he will end it and one of the actions is of putting technicians and not politicians in front of ministries that are also blamed to be laundering money with construction companies for example like. a few homes in rio de janeiro thank you. to get hot elbows now with a look at the business is reaction under merkel's announcement that she's to step
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down as party leader that's right the euro briefly weakened on monday after america after the merge to go back will not seek reelection as party chair when the euro fell briefly by zero point four percent to hit a day's low of one dollar but we covered quickly and done your co-presenting buy in frankfurt. the dax is up this afternoon german investors seem to be applauding merkel's announcement why is that. yeah exactly get hard when the news was breaking we saw the blue chip index stocks here actually making a jump of two per cent a true level of eleven thousand and four hundred points it seems that investors have been really frustrated rather with the performance of the grand coalition in berlin they're hoping now for a change to happen and yes we have to remember that she will give up her position as the leader of the c.d.u. in december but it will be still
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a matter of some years that most likely she will be in office so it's a slow good bye if we would have the scenario today that she would have resigned also from the position of chancellor i'm sure that we would have seen a shares here really dropping but yes we are also getting some critical voices here at the moment some are fearing that this could now also mean that also within europe she would not have any more this very strong position and there's so much on the european agenda or that needs to be discussed let's talk for example about italy a very strong german voice is also required in this situation so some are fearing that because of this those reforms could be maybe a little bit slow in the future dunnit hope in frankfurt sank you. well one country did change their leader this weekend and that was brazil brazilian linked stocks got a live today boosted by the country's presidential election which saw the victory
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of controversial far right kind of balls and the he announced economic reform in particular an overhaul of brazil's costly pension system and privatization of its state and state owned enterprises now his supporters expect both sonera to deliver on his campaign promises. brazil sun samba and fun. the south american countries a symbol for parties and celebration that's the one sign. but the other side looks different millions of brazilians live in poverty thirteen million of them are unemployed a rate of twelve percent the second highest in latin america and they're struggling with the ever increasing cost of living then there are the extremely high taxes which are supposed to flush money into the coffers of the state. but that's obviously not enough over the past five years the national debt has
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risen from around sixty percent of g.d.p. to a current level of almost ninety percent the reality which is already slipped by around twenty percent this year recently hit a two year low after years of recession the economy is beginning to pick up again but only very slightly. the incoming president has promised many things. he plans on selling state owned companies and using that money to pay off the state debt but the most important state owned corporations such as petro bonds and banker to brazil remain exempt. in addition he's declared war on massive corruption. i'm not alone in the studio by vanessa fisher from the business who grew up in brazil so as a brazilian passport and covers the country quite regularly when asked what were the main economic issues that my brazilians vote for was in our what if we repeated
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case here brazilians and specially from middle class income families is that they feel robbed and basically on a system where you pay a higher amount of taxes and you basically get nothing in return so they argument that you have to pay in to a public health system just to give you an example you have to do that everybody has to contribute and at the same time you pay double because you have to pay into private one because the service is in the public. it's like there is no law that it's not enough if you can put a little bit of money aside he will put your children into a private school because the public school the level of education is so bad that your children will not compete on the market and at the same time you will pipe a high and high amount of for measures security measures for example because you have the risk of getting robbed every day on the streets so this is this makes
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people are so fed up and so enraged about theirs that they have the feeling all their taxes their their financing corruption basically and also now was very his election was he was very successful in channeling this anger with corruption. the business community seems to be quite happy about his elections the reaal is our best was talking in their lives is jumped to a record high today why this is very interesting because both so narrow himself he doesn't have a very defined economic agenda i would say but he has a. political economic adviser and he's quite famous and he's outspoken and he's also the designated finance and economic minister his name is paul get his he's a market liberal and he comes from the university of chicago and yesterday night just to give you an example here already say we're going to change the social democratic economic model and these changes are going to be sweeping so. we have to
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expect a serious cut in in social benefits for poor families what was implemented under losing non-citizen what with the former president and the working party we have to expect privatization program that was already mentioned he had already missed the get is already has one hundred fifty state owned companies on his list that remains to be seen how many of those will be privatized and more in the old liberal course and economy definitely but as official thank you very much. and that's it for the moment there's more business later in the show it's back to phil now. i was indeed i believe that new year's live from the still to come barreling based argentinian artist thomas assad a say no to study so why have a lot of spiders to do the site of the play to tokyo contemporary art museum in iris i'm not a show for you she counts times five or so. i will have found
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vos on the ball after this. from the. same. system. says. the suspect. was a surprise. to some.
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of us are schumi tricks of. the first global disaster of the twentieth century. the war to end all wars cost millions of lives. during the florida. home. summer marks the hundredth anniversary of its. what is humankind learned from the great more. as it learned anything of. its real impossibilities.
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nineteen years not forgotten to w.'s november focus. this is g.w. news live from above and on top story at this hour germany's chancellor angela merkel has announced she will not stand for another term as the country's leader elections in twenty twenty one she also said she would stand down a conservative democrat party in december as follows heavy losses for her conservatives in recent state elections. so let us take a look at some of the online reaction to chancellor merkel's announcements today with social media as a general read welcome to talk us through some of what you can see or one line that we've heard repeated on this show and that we've seen on social media is that this is the beginning of the end and i guess that's true because merkel is taking what
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is her first step towards her exit but a question we have been seeing a lot online is people are asking well why isn't the end coming a little bit quicker why is i'm going to medical i'm not giving up the party leadership later this year and not actually the chancellorship as well and someone asking that question is now he is the head of the liberal f.t.p. all free democrats he writes here it might be good for the c.d.u. to have a new party leader for our country it would be good if we had a new head of government he says merkel is giving up the wrong office and what is a reaction without the power of in my. this is a little song recent by beatrix fun stories from the f.t. alternative to germany not going to translate everything she's written and basically she's saying merkel must go it should be all or nothing and not just a little b.s. now germany of course is famous for its political consensus but people like young david stood off from the german huffington post since it's probably
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a good thing that things have been shaken up a bit he writes some life is arriving to build in politics the fact this finally some competition again can only have a positive effect on the country's mood and of course not cause announcement today and these poor state election results are raising questions about her alliance with the social democrats the s.p. day and ball what better way to do that than with his famous mame of a dog sitting in the burning house saying that everything is ok so of course people in social media never passing up an opportunity to tell important stories rhythm oh jeez and maimed dogs this is all these people looking for excitement in politics america has recently politics britain has exciting politics up there with the g.o.p. need to be careful what you wish will generate thank you so much ok something's going to happen soon dogs are over i can always guarantee it now let us
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move you all to take a look at the rest of the day's news officials in indonesia have announced that all one hundred eighty nine people on board a plane that crashed into the sea are likely to be dead but lie their domestic flight lost contact with air traffic control ten minutes after takeoff from the capital jakarta emergency crews are still looking for the plane's wreckage was of so far located only bits of debris and human remains. as darkness fell in indonesia rescuers started the grim task of carrying the bodies of those killed to shore. they had initially been talk of finding people alive but as the divers began locating human remains they ruled out the chance of anyone surviving the impact of the crash. my prediction is no one has survived because we only managed to retrieve body parts that are incomplete. and it has been hours since the crash so it is possible all one
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hundred eighty nine people were killed. three people are still waiting for answers as to why the plane went down one specialist aviation website checked its progress minutes after takeoff the pilot reported a problem and requested to be allowed to return to the airport the request was granted but then the plane made a sudden sharp dive into the sea. for the families and loved ones waiting at the destination the region about one hour north of jakarta the news could not have been worse. i waited until after eight am but there was still no word so i asked an official then he said the flight to lost contact. with. the crash is also a blow to indonesia safety record the plane a boeing seven three seven max eight was just a few months old the airline said
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a recent technical problem had been repaired now the pressure is on for the country to get to the bottom of what caused this tragedy. let's go to jakarta haven't got the latest from journalist and more so welcome to day w. now i understand the relatives of those on board have gathered at jakarta airport to wait for news what's happening. so the contacts i've spoken with just said that all for all families all day have been gathered not only at the airport. where the plane left but also to hollywood the other airport in jakarta and as the reporter said they were just waiting there for a lot of news but the only news that they could get was watching the t.v. and i mean the reports coming out from from the t.v. news which is devastating and i can imagine they would have been for family members because they were bringing back body bags but they were then being told that in the
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body bags were not even full bodies. and then after learning that the search and rescue team doesn't expect to find any survivors most of the families when who or to the hospital and police station to see if their loved one could have been counted or identified i've been speaking to friends of people who lost. both tell us about how bad days unfolded yeah unfortunately in some context i haven't lost some friends in a plane crash. one friend told me that their office hasn't really done any work today and it's just become a place for a collective prayer he said that everyone at the same time just didn't believe it monday morning and come back to work like not everyone is going back to work that day in a week. and then another friend also. said to his office i'm just waiting for a miracle to happen waiting for some news to come out to say that not everyone died
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of a plane but i don't know if that will ever come out. the rest of the families waiting at the airport in the young intern in night for news no plane passengers and they were tents set up from national ministries to help out but. yeah. tell us about. this as this is quite a big low cost off with all the mixed safety record. yeah. i can tell you i've flown there a bunch of times and i mean flown the flight. that crashed today. the i think the big point is there is the low cost operator and that means a lot of people need to use it to get between into these islands and that's of the same time where there are ferries that go into an island but that's even even more dangerous so lyon air becomes the cheaper option to get quickly between places and . i lying there in my city where i'm based in indonesia i'm in jakarta now.
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in the last years had actually two crashes they've never had their they've had once a fatal crash and it was in two thousand and four but since then they haven't had any fatal injuries that have happened on the plane but a lot of mishaps and safety regulations that haven't been met. and most enjoy the fact. that. i think the. british finance minister philip hammond will be presenting his out of budget inside the next hour or so he's expected to spell out how he plans to on a promise of tourism as promised that all star team is over after eight consecutive years of spending cuts it's thought that he'll announce extra cash for rose the national health service social and broadband internet spot spread states could souls homines. in the southern english city of portsmouth residents
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are fed up with spending cuts. some schools in the city have asked parents to support their running costs the pledge of british prime minister to resign made that the era of austerity is now over has been met with disbelief people here don't have high hopes for the new and bigger budget. and all that means how special they say cut back all the classrooms assistance now the costs to pay. to get to the doctor is now you thought that it's ok chess is being. destroyed. takes a resource just takes one down there's no one even thing is there were several in london finance minister philip hammond is expected to announce a budget today that includes higher spending. two billion extra pounds are expected to go to mental health services trading more than twenty eight billion pounds to be
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invested in major roads over the next five years but here in portsmouth many people are wary of broken promises. so. i mean often on this planet fifty five years and obviously one thing fact. they all are whatever help you for your doorstep he's going to do with something where he's going to do something demanding history is never backed. fifty eight percent of the people here in portsmouth voted for brags that the government says the new budget depends on the outcome of brics new goshi asians with brussels in the event of a new deal britain would have to tear up its larger annual budget returning to an still ready measures all over again. and we stay in britain where banking giant has busy said on monday that there pretax profits rose twenty eight percent to five point nine two billion dollars u.s. dollars in the third quarter of the year the bank cited strong revenue growth in
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its name global businesses shares in the bank are up three point eight eight percent after a wide ranging cutbacks that saw fifty thousand jobs axed and overall announced in twenty fifteen the bank is now planning to hire again as it seeks new growth areas . in the u.s. tech giant i.b.m. has purchased red hat software for thirty four billion dollars aiming to better compete with cloud computing companies like amazon google and microsoft its i.b.m.'s largest acquisition ever cloud computing enables people and organizations to perform digital tasks on devices without housing servers locally seo genuine mess here soon as they market for cloud computing to be worth one trillion dollars according to i.b.m. only twenty percent of applications transitions to cloud services so far eighty percent are still. board locally. that's all your business is back to further fastest man on four wheels indeed we're talking about lewis hamilton rather than
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may in formula one he has stalled to a fifth world championship win and the mexican grand prix on sunday he went into the race needing to finish in seventh or seventh place or better in order to clinch the championship he doesn't certainly created made an early bid for the elite red bulls match for stepan edged him aside and went on to win that race but it was horrible to this day he claimed the fourth spot handing him his fifth world title. so only one driver in the history of the sport has ever want more world championships and lewis hamilton has retired at racing legend michael schumacher who had seven but the brit is closing in having secured that fifth crown on sunday here's the story of this season's title defense. lewis hamilton champion again his fifth formula one world title has arguably been his toughest the mercedes driver expected and initially got
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a big challenge from ferrari before he was able to streak away to overall victory i think it's just really about been consistently been the most consistent so far. but says it seen it started off a little bit up and down and begin the season initially the briton struggled to keep up with title rival sebastian fettle at the mid-season break the ferrari driver was in the lead with four wins and eight podium finishes defending champion hamilton was trailing sat in a technically inferior car. but the team and their star driver didn't pan. spirit within the team is trying to get at them and these experiences that we've been having and how we've been handling them have really united us more than any of the year the teams engineers showed their worth they moved quickly to modify a few parts and make technical changes which got rid of the traction issues that had slowed the car down they were ruthless his mercedes teammate valtteri bottas
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was relegated to a supporting role fassel didn't have that type of support from his teammate and while the ferrari driver faltered hamilton cruised through the second half of the season with aplomb michelle schumacher is record of seven world titles may now be in sight for a dominant. in baseball the boston red sox have won the world series after basically the los angeles dodgers in game five the red sox have been the dominant team all season and carried that form into baseball's showpiece event they captured the series four one thanks to a superb display of batting and pitching the victory sparked wild celebrations that extended to the streets of boston with the red sox for. world series title in fifteen years. now let's take a look at sunday's blunders league football action better braman had been in fierce for so far this season and a win against leverkusen would have seen them climb to second place the guests on
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the other hand have been struggling this season but managed to shock when brandon's backyard. braman were flying high on the floor and co felt before this game and the win would have sent them by in munich but the absence of injured center back nicholas more hurt the hosts and after just eight minutes curry better robbie took advantage of some disorganised defending to set up kevin folland playbook using continue to find themselves with acres of space going forward and in the thirty eighth minute they made braman pay once more brands with the emphatic final touch to this move. next to explore the gaping holes in braman back line was carrying better robbie a fine chip over keeper you repaired lenka to make it three nil at the break in the second half the hosts finally seem to wake up and it was local legend cloudy zero point zero who brought braman back into the game the oldest player in the league bringing his side fresh hope. comeback really seemed to be on the cards when you're
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a psycho turned scrappy corner in just two minutes later but braman continued to offer their guests space in behind the defense at this time it was caught i have a spook capitalized the nineteen year old with his second league goal of the season . and still there were more goals to come later cusins alexander drag of which nipping in front of sebastian lang camp to save the braman center back from knocking into his our next. still seem determined to score no goal but this effort five minutes later was officially awarded to cry have a six to the final score on a disastrous evening for braman laver cruiser meanwhile celebrate their first away win of the season in style. early on sunday high flying eintracht frankfurt rescued a point with a late goal of the away against nuremberg at the host took the lead in the seventy
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eight minutes home fans thinking they had snatched the win right now adam strella nodded in an easy finish there for the survive but frankfurt get back sebastian stretching to reach pinpoint damage or costa cross into injury time final score. and leicester city football club in england have confirmed the death of its own vision for a valid one a problem following the helicopter crash on saturday there midweek fixture against southampton has been cancelled trayvon had a problem made his fortune with a fast duty free empire before buying leicester in twenty ten to transform the club culminating in an against the odds league title in twenty sixty. tributes being laid out at lest as king power stadium near where the helicopter carrying on a problem crashed killing him and four others on saturday night. on sunday before
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the deaths were confirmed clubs in the english premier league were already mourning the loss. and. move. this. visiting manchester united with a tie football team rescued from a flooded cave in july players of all teams in action will black armbands to mark the tragic death of an owner who had india himself to fans by giving his all to the city. which is something i would say i know for what he's trying to marshal with a. very difficult tracks run. right for many nights rescued because of the typing is right on. the whole from rio just such a part of leicester city that make this football team dream the impossible. vision shriven a probably less the city in two thousand and ten but did not fit the stereotype of
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the billionaire overseas owner a constant presence at home games under his stewardship leicester city achieved one of the greatest sporting fairy tales just one year after narrowly escaping relegation leicester were crowned premier league champions in twenty sixteen with pre-season odds raising their chances five thousand to one known for kind gestures he donated millions of pounds to local charities and handed out sixty free season tickets to fans to mark his sixtieth birthday. and a probable be fondly remembered as a shining light in the city of leicester and beyond. the building based argentinean artist thomas to say no has just taken over the entire exhibition space palaces palette in tokyo contemporary art museum all thirteen thousand square meters of it of a metal desk is here to tell us what welcome robin so this exhibition is called on
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and not one for arachnophobe. it is really as sarah saying i was fascinated by spiders and indeed their webs you see and these installations there are mostly based on and he even does use some spiders behind glass i have to say in his installations as well. he says the spider's web strew spiders are bees trying to illustrate a difficult relationship with the cosmos with the universe and instead is to put any a rock and a to rest sarah say no is not the first modern artist to fall foul of the cleaners because the was one spider in the entrance hall that was allowed to roam free ok cletus. over the other spiders that are volved of. the way let's have a look at the rest of the exhibition. to tokyo in the shadow of the eiffel
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tower once a year and extensive exhibition space is completely handed over to a single artist and so you know it's his biggest the most ambitious show so far to find webs that he has constructed throughout the space and generate acoustic signals just like those of the real spiders that inspire him. spy there's a blind and deaf because they hear a much more range of what we can hear very low frequency and this is me what is happening sometimes when you touch some of these think you can hear but many of these things are what it produces a kind of a vibration which is below the human range. only five visitors are allowed in the large where at any one time they become part of the sound generated by the threads it's an interactive spider symphony sound so you know started by collecting hundreds of spiders from the museum and then taking them with him to his studio in
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berlin there they were allowed to spin the webs that are now part of the exhibition for the return journey the spiders were packed in class vitrines but the glass broke fortunately the spider webs survived. it is. by design our museum very used to aunts or even better many others and they will remain part of our community of artists in the future. but it took your spine is without web starve to death even if insects are placed right in front of them your own where as an extension of your senses and self the same applies to humans says the artist without our web consisting of our environment and planets we could not live. the well being of the planet is the artist's concern in many of his projects this huge balloon made out of plastic bags
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designed to transport people with energy here self generating pictures are drawn with pollution concentrated into pens. sarah say no as long legged distance however contribute the greater. the exhibition is worth while just to become fully aware of the beauty of these natural works it's. quite a dangerous life for the spiders so by the sound of things they start a sort of say no he didn't start off life as an author you know he studied architecture and actually when he was in studied architecture here in germany university and when he was studying he spent time in the department of the collaboration with students then he went to nasa america's space agency and studied them and indeed for some time now he's been working with scientists on
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a project called arrowsmith which aims to separate flying from fossil fuels and in fact we see here this in twenty fifteen cents and it was involved in setting the record for the longest manned solar powered balloon flight this balloon hovered above the earth just. with one passenger nearly three hours now without any few whatsoever and i presume the the solar panels got heat inside made the the air inside the balloon but i have to say i've been reading about this going outside is there i'm not a physicist and i think it has to do with quantum physics which is even. for completely foreign language to me but it does it is very interesting i must say because we've got to get away from fossil fuels some time down the line and this is . the scientists i'm with nasa about this and they're working on that sort of constantly to see how they can do this is fascinating stuff so he's
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a very talented artist but a lot. more on the web site is embodied d.w. dot com slash culture maybe explain it better than i can you know you know do you know it's like the physics of all right let me explain quantum physics to your other perhaps we'll do it after the program thank you robyn meryl just time to recap our top two stories for you here. germany's chancellor angela merkel has announced she will not stand for another term as the country's leader at elections in twenty twenty one shots also said she will stand out as chair of her conservative democratic party a lot of comes after heavy losses for the conservatives in recent state elections. and supporters of far right president elect joe have also not have been celebrating in brazil the man they call the tropical trump comfortably fended off a moderate left wing challenger after still also small protests after the polarizing election. that's it you're up to date more at the top of the hour after
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around the clock of course on the website that's d.w. dot com have a good day. i'm . going to. move on. i'm going to.
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go. into. an award winning film cuts both so controversial and nine m. and in france in this most obese then marion jones maria brown. most of the origins of this film the untalented has influenced the discussion of jimmy's nonsense monster mob. film and it. was going to make him in france. just a good. movie more or.
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nothing kept the jet well i guess sometimes i am but i say laughing when the german thinks deep into the german culture of looking up the stereotype classics put in here thinks he's a country guy and i'm playing the piano new. it's a big take this grandmother day off to meet us it's all about a new play by my show join me on the agenda sunday w. . post. look closely. church police. soon to be is to begin to. discover who.
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subscribe to the documentary on you tube. scars cover don't forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression a lot of the same and violence is no my brush on. where putin's patriarchy rooms today women's rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. people any of them have a teen love that feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. under the skin of russia's women starts nov thirteenth on t.w. .
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plane. plane. was a day when it was live from both. governing coalition into regional elections. after more than a decade in power also on the program brazil president. taken by.


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