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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 1, 2018 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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i have both here at the top all feel yeah i'll get how alphas will behave if you're not business updates in just a moment michel which i mean there's always of course the website that's t w dot com have a good day six. going to hug. they make a commitment. they find solutions. based in stronger.
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africa on the most. stories of both people in a different state shaping their nation eleven and their continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands again double using multimedia series from africa. d.w.m. dot com click on the most. thousands of google's employees it around the world have gone to strike in protest at the company's treatment of women the walkout comes off the news of sexual harassment at google emerged implicating several top managers. and the main sticking point in briggs it talks remain unsolved to keep the sense to five hundred
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kilometer long border between the u.k.'s northern ireland and the republic of ireland free of control. also on the show how a bunch of times school kids are busy cussing a powerful themselves towards future business. as in berlin. thousands of stuff google offices around the world have staged an unprecedented series of walkouts employees are demanding several key changes in how sexual misconduct allegations are dealt with the phone last week the chiefs on the pitch i disclosed that the company had fired forty eight employees including thirteen thirteen senior executives for sexual harassment in recent years in one case the culprit had received a multi-million dollar payout despite his misconduct organizers of walkout for real change have hit out at what they say is a culture of complicity dismissiveness and support for cooper traders of sexual
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harassment and misconduct at the company at the tech giant e u headquarters in dublin hundreds of employees took part in the hour long walk out. i decided to coordinate open bothering one of the many google fights that are walking out today in the products are. very in any form. or miss. similar protests were organized at google offices around the world last week the company disclosed that it had fired forty eight employees including thirteen senior executives for sexual harassment in recent years in london bad weather kept most of the demonstrators inside but some braved the elements to take the protests to the public. so we walking out to support fully any workplace that suffered arrest and to ensure that the right is protected. google employees
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in singapore and tokyo also worked out and protests were planned in the united states one of the key demands of the walkout is an end to for stab attraction which is used to stop complainants from suing or going public demonstrations come after a new york times report alleged that google is still paying a ninety million dollar golden parachute to a senior employee who was dismissed for sexual misconduct in twenty fourteen business leaders from ireland demanding clarity over trade post breaks it because free trade has been a matter of war and peace in northern ireland the irish border region has been a focal point for sectarian tension for decades but now it's become a place of prosperity. the border running through the tiny irish community of muff is hardly recognizable anymore to drive the few miles to derry has become something
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quite normal in recent years derry is in northern ireland which is part of the united kingdom before the border was heavily guarded if you look for them you can still find relics from that time most people here don't want to go back to that the open border has brought many people jobs and a steady income it's also made the region attractive to tourists. one hears a similar story everywhere along the five hundred kilometer border between northern island and the republic of ireland. but bricks it is making people here nervous for a long time now tradesmen have worked on both sides of the border up businesses have branches in both countries and if hours long border controls were reintroduced the tourists who have brought the region modest prosperity would also stay away. more joined by author sullivan who's a d w reporter d.w.
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business reporter who's just come back from there are you also grew up there know the area quite well and you've just reported on how business businesses are dealing with the prospect of bragg's it what's the mood in the border region i would say the mood is one primarily of worry and concern and also a lot of uncertainty. the main thing that it's thrown up is at the moment on the present owners is that they don't know what's going to happen obviously we don't even know at the moment if there's going to be an e.u. summit in november or not we don't know when the next one's going to be because the such uncertainty over the negotiations are going on as one business owner said to me when i was there politicians can make decisions at the last minute and be hailed as a hero but if a businessman leaves it to last to make a decision it can be catastrophic for the business so it's worry and concern primarily prompted by the ongoing uncertainty over what would be the final or. went on the island of ireland today and brags that what our business is fearing most specially business is in that area that the border area between northern ireland
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and the republic of ireland their biggest fear would be a change in the current costanza arrangements that exist so obviously at the moment for the last twenty five years you can i wouldn't have both existed in the e.u. single market and their customs union which means that there's no coast of checks or any sort of difference in the trading of goods or supply chains across the border any change to the us arrangement could mean substantial changes for multiple sectors from agriculture manufacturing freight transport and so on and so forth so they're worried about any changes that could either increase their costs in terms of production or that could scare off consumers and force them to either lay off staff or make any substantial changes to the business because when you close the border and you introduce customs posts everything in your business has to be started start again describe to me how what was that border like before the good friday agreement before. everything was as open as it is now but to tell you very quickly so the border was originally imposed in the one hundred twenty s.
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and up until the one nine hundred fifty s. there were calls to his posts but there was quite a lot of smoking went on it was quite taken quite seriously but it was simply a cost in the border and people could still get a cross relatively easily then once the trouble started in the late one nine hundred sixty s. gradually that became a militarized border with a heavy british army presence and substantial security checks and became quite a dangerous zone it was probably one of the most dangerous places in europe at the time however even shared e.u. membership and then the master treaty meant that the cost of post gradually came down and obviously then over the years the peace camp in northern ireland so by the time did it i mean i remember as a child and as a teenager in the ninety's there were substantial checks at that border but by one thousand nine hundred the border was essentially invisible it was gone and that's been the case for the last twenty years very briefly people aboard could return absolutely when you want to borders there and then it suddenly disappears i don't think it's very smart to put it back there again as people in germany will know as well as anyone thank you very much author sullivan of his. here in germany
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a new law has come into effect today class action lawsuits for the first time in german legal history consume organization made use of it on the very first day filing a lawsuit against folks. say the comic or deliberately cheated its customers with manipulated software twenty six thousand customers have signed up already. or one from hamburg is an unhappy v.w. customer like many others she couldn't sue fox wagon until now she's joined the class action lawsuit against the comic. they'll be called to account now even people like me who don't have legal insurance have the opportunity to sue a big company. a new german law makes it possible for plaintiffs to file a lawsuit together in this case against a b w so instead of thousands of individual cases as of today
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a legal representative can file an action on behalf of several plaintiffs the german consumer association has filed a lawsuit against folks for going for its cheating software on diesel emissions. lost considerable value and they possibly have higher operating costs above all there is of course a considerable loss of trust that's why we think the vehicle purchase price should be refunded in full. full sargon says no damage has been done to the customers the cars are registered safe and ready to drive but that might be up to germany's federal supreme court to decide if the class action is successful customers like you. will have to claim the exact amount of damages themselves the legal dispute would then go to a second round. how old were you when you got your first job in thailand a group of primary school students already picking up a useful trade cutting have self ronde barber shop gives kids a leg up on
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a future profession and students a discount. a quick trim here will run you between fifteen and thirty cents depending on your age the barber himself he's looking forward to his thirteenth birthday no this isn't your typical barber shop bump and boom barber is put on by a primary school in the china province of central thailand the three barbers received a six week training course from a volunteer now they're giving discount cuts for fellow students a trim out side the school would cost five times as much those who don't have the money can do some small volunteer tasks in exchange that saves parents money and it gives students a leg up for a future profession. the shop is run like a business revenue is ploughed back into operations the barbers take home a small cut as do three staff members hygiene is also an important part of the business as is upkeep of equipment and customer satisfaction it seems pretty high.
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what a great idea and great idea is the first smartphone with a full screen has long been seen as the next big thing in the tech industry a little known chinese company called royalty has now upstaged the likes of apple and samsung and presented its first device wide open the phone has a display measuring seven point eight inches bigger than many tomblin it's some software glitches still have to be ironed out before first orders are going to be shipped in december competition is just around the corner foldable small phone by some so is set to make an appearance next at next week's some songs i will develop a conference. and that's it for me of the business team. full of an update for you in the next hour in the meantime check out global markets at this hour thanks for watching by the.
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international talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week the announcement sent shock waves across germany and of americans preparing to leave politics after eighteen year she's stepping down as leader conceding a few hundred twenty twenty one chancellorship. will it be a bumpy transition. and who might succeed or that's our topic on patrika. quadriga
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next d.w. . in january twenty eighth teen we met a chinese mother looking for her son after he was sold by human smugglers. and now we're back with tan changing and she's still ok. we accompany her to police stations courtrooms orphanages will touching jane ever see her son again. the whole story in recorder on t.w. . earth. home to millions of species a home worth saving. here's what's on those are big changes and most start with
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small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the term climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and we're determined to build something here for the next generation globalized years the multimedia environment series on d.w. . out of the. plough come to quadriga following a dismal show way into the recent state elections here in germany the conservative party woke up to dramatic news this past monday chancellor angela merkel is preparing to leave politics after eighteen years she's stepping down as leader of the c.d.u.
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and in twenty twenty one up the latest her chancellorship will end will it be a bumpy transition and what will the change mean for german politics at.


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