tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle November 1, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am CET
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laughs i see that violence is no longer in russia. where putin's petri arche groups today women's rights were already gaining traction hundred years ago. people here don't have a clue about salman ism but there are women who want to get sticky change in your free daily life for justice and equality. under the skin of russia's women starts nov thirteenth on d w. i want to welcome to another fun filled show with me your host meghan li as usual we are making our way to the most interesting places in berlin and beyond here's a look at what's coming up. teamwork meet
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a dutch artist and her german colleague. fishy business of berlin restaurant serves up tin sardines. home improvements of three d. run makes for a cozy accessory. we here euro max have a special reason to take a closer look at europe today because exactly twenty five years ago the treaty of maastricht came into force and with that the european union as we know it today will while britain negotiates an exit from the e.u. other countries within the european union are looking at how to work closely together especially in the fields of arts and culture well we want to take her close closer look now at one funded project between two artists from germany and the netherlands. victor budge from munster loves to draw
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preferably with colored markers and a calligraphy that. day dutch artist daniella sport enjoys working with colored pens acrylic painters and water colors. the two artists live in different countries but have found a way to work together they began their town democratic to spring the help of you and regional funding. instead of getting together for a chat we make out together having this creative dialogue with each other means we've gotten to know each other very well. there is a difference. between the netherlands and germany the language is different than the food is different and the housing is there for and. when you draw. then it's so funny because your life is mostly. takes the same path so everybody has this stuff in the kitchen and the mess in the bathroom and. so
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we're in the business we are the same so that's really nice. they post the results of their collaboration on a blog and on facebook their work tends to concentrate on images relating to ideas of home. the kitchen. the bathroom. in weighty images that see the artists gently poking fun at themselves. and dolls have also featured. part of the concept is that they add their own ideas to each other's work. in and sunday daniela's tweaks a drawing completed by her colleague in germany. it reminded me of various fun on the way to school and when you took them you
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could jump on them and they make this noise but what you always also did to make like like east blowing guns and we blew them through the open windows of our neighbors are not of course but the real fun. one million three hundred fifty thousand euros of funding has been earmarked in the next three years by the e.u. and regional bodies tandem project germany and the netherlands encounters between artists t.v. shows film projects and sound experiments. back to danielle a sportsman and. there are about to swap homes and spend a period working in each other's countries. recommends that daniela visits the harbor district of the dog and m's canal. for
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a long time it was my creative home i had a studio. jazz club is next door great location fantastic music so i definitely recommend it to. this lovely looking out of the water and summer it's a lovely place to hang out with a drink. a day on your last poor man recommends a visit to the old market square. this place is because it has all buildings a lot of cafes and also there are quite some culture spaces here space behind me. other side you have film house and so it's really nice place to hang around. until the time comes for them to trade places they'll continue their creative collaboration eventually they'll publish occur. and in march their work will be shown in an exhibition and then one step.
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and saying on the subject of art and cultural exchange we had to italy next for a special exhibition of works by the german artist paul clay that last counting seals in northern europe all coming up in today's express. a power play retrospective opens in the land it's only on wednesday the exhibition includes some one hundred works on the theme of primitivism. the german artist interest in prehistoric cultures was first awakened suring his first so sure and in italy between all some nice you know one and spring nineteen zero two when he discovered early christian art in rome many of the works of the splay are on loan from major museums and private collections.
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gemini's has to get hotter as tonight in fifteen signs prints fourth two hundred thousand euros to homelessness project including. one of the recipient is. a housing scheme that will see hundreds of people and students living together under one roof. many notable artists support the project by denying the work which can be bought from the organization's website. this is the seventh time look at what peta has contributed . more and more seals are being born in the north sea. censors fights over the title flaps off german. denmark and the netherlands have counted nine thousand three hundred civil cops gone just they see. that's two hundred more than last.
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time a population of around twenty seven thousand has remained constant since twenty twelve . and staying on the north sea we head to a world heritage site now you've probably heard of the wod and see this is an entertainer abel's zone in the south eastern part of the north sea it consists of salt marshes and title flats they dry out at low tide all the area isn't in this uncivil habitat for numerous plants and animal life or we met up with a park ranger who gave us an exploratory tour of the region. the nesting season finished a nor deny at the end of july. now the trails through the salt marsh meadows in the southeast of the island are open again in. the soil as such are rated with salt
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water but many plants thrive here. in the park ranger news beavers taking a group of visitors through the nature reserve. and you want to see anyone know what kind of plant this is. it is glassware that's right since i think these are the basics of how a salt meadow is structured. there are three different areas so tidal mt flats. if i might have flooded twice daily. kos weight is one of the main species that along with corn cross and. by further up you find the middle salt and the opposite. across the title for. lots of norden his a popular pastime. but there is also plenty to discover along the coast.
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several thousand animals and plants species are at home in the salt meadows and half of them can only survive in this habitat. loss when it is actually dependent on someone and the others aren't. if you took some sea lavender home with you which on current planted it in a party will grow far taller than thirty centimeters it will be a metre tall and have much larger flowers and. better. but snacking on glass weed is permitted. it's really tasty and it's fresh i soaking up a not too salty. on. there was an ships have also discovered salt meadow flora. for example uses either wrong or
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fried glass we had at his restaurant fischbeck to give dishes of crispy finish. this is a bite on its rich an idea in potassium calcium concentrate in many antioxidants and consume us which are really of interest to the ladies because they slow the skin's aging process using less face cream and eating more grass weed is great guns for the. meadow plants that and the frontier know backgrounds from parents are from north. west to import them from friends or israel because the island salt numbers are strictly protect. the biologists of the scabbard something surprising about sea lavender. sea having to actively expel salt from the underside of its leaves the rest small salt crimes here but you can put the leaves under
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a microscope and see the glands and teeny tiny salt crystals. of the. researchers still have a great deal to learn about the floor of the salt meadows. for example glass weed and other plants survive in salt water the role they play in preventing coastal erosion and which healthy nutrients they can take. continuing on a subject we turn our attention now to germany's first sardine bar that's right fans of sardines can now enjoy them straight out of the can but in ambient atmosphere in a burlington bistro now to tell you the truth. this sounds like the kind of restaurant my two cats would love and on that note now pretty.
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well into germany's first canned fish restaurant looks different to a restaurant owner thomas fetta treats them like works of art. the designs are usually fishing themed some are treated like collector's items complete with date provenance just like a fine wine. does in the law basically what's most important is what's inside and only the best quality fish and oil you see i've got more than seventy different cans. thomas first opened in two thousand and sixteen he previously worked as head chef at various high end restaurants in germany and island but then he discovered his passion for especially vintage ones. vintage sardines at the luxury version of good ol sardines they can only be a halt at certain times of the year mid to late september which is when they're up
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to many well fed and at their plumpest you can see from fair distance and. unopened can be stored much like wind the fish soak up the oil and become darker. if you can recognize them from that color this is a sardine from twenty sixteen and this is from twenty to twelve and the oil has changed color over time the fish and all sort of melt together with the oil works its way into the fish and makes it very tender so it melts in your mouth like a batter. can sardines are the only thing on the menu and these are ship owners stop babies quit and that owning the internet there's also other types of seafood of course. forgotten how babies are smoked can't always. oh lab and. thomas reiter serves the fish right from the tim.
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comes from the salad and crusty baguette to dunk in the oil. that's how sardines eaten in portugal spain and france. places where it can suddenly enter a traditional speciality. and it isn't i was on holiday in lisbon when i first came up with the idea of opening a sardine bar there's a little cafe that are sold. you can order these fabulous canned sardines and you eat them with bread and solid very purist i just really love the idea of a toy. tom especially has made it his mission to improve the image of canned fish and prove how good it can be. he's always developing new recipes such as this dish of sardines with homemade potato salad and red beat. the chef is happy to advise guests on the order sardines go surprisingly well with
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cheese and cold cuts for example. the upper teeth. of course this isn't the sort of canned fish you can buy in supermarkets there are over one hundred thirty years on the menu the card is the menu is a bit like a wine menu you decide what sort of flavors you're after and you can work up towards the very extravagant strong body varieties in pecan. dining from a catch. the guests enjoy it too much focus on usual idea. as let's look to it's not typical current food you can tell it's really good quality to looked up to i really like the office. it's delicious it's good fun i really like your idea i love the individually designed can scare you to fold it over the nice concept finish test which even. when they get to finish the cans
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a claim to be given to them to take home and if they like they can find them on the walls just like in the restaurant. now in spanish that means hope it's also the name of the musical ensemble with which has just been awarded the opus classic german music honor now esperanza is comprised of young musicians from the music academy in this change time they've only been performing together since two thousand and fifteen but as they have proven practice makes perfect. their young talented and come from fourteen different countries they all make music together with their concertmaster.
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happened you. have young people from croatia ukraine russia japan china you know england france germany switzerland and stein and it's extremely international and i think bringing all these young people together to make music is a very beautiful symbol. they met in liechtenstein at the international academy of music studying with globally renowned professors. fifteen playing together for three years and the ensemble esperanza. all had scholarships that are all still doing as high as that means we take master courses there regularly so we already know each other to a certain extent from dive beneath the ice in these two men to. the best training for an sample work is getting the special sound of esperanza just right. far from the destructions of city life took away and scenic
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mountainous lichtenstein the intensive rehearsal sessions are a bonding experience. if you spend two three or even four weeks together then let's put it this way you don't have a choice and suck a football team a good football team also has a good team spirit and the good amounts of top it with a whole team spirit peace studies suburbans university of the arts a number of foundations and private individuals provide financial support for the work of the music academy and the ensemble esperanza. i was stylin the radiance of these young people inspires and motivates the audience me and the sponsors to me on the good in that on the thought of. in october the ensemble esperanza received germany's opus classical war for youth development these young musicians are set to be the stars of tomorrow.
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and now something for all you do it yourself is out there i hand made car sometimes your. house or apartment might just be in need of a splash of color if so then our resident d.i.y. expert times sharon has just the right idea for you with a geometric rug but pay close attention as her tutorial grows quite quickly but if you miss something that's ok because you can always see it again on our youtube page here's more. hi there is tension most folks a rectangle of the square or round if you think that's boring how about a different shape our show you how to make a rock out of different you know metric elements. unique three john mattes in
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different colors. duct tape you can get that in the home improvement store a box cutter. a cutting mat. a triangle ruler a sex class. a ruler cop forward. and japan i got the idea for this kind of cut from a couple of you know if it would get first of all i think a template as a guide for cutting the batch draw a line on the cardboard minus fourteen centimeters long that measured sixty degrees with a set square at both ends and draw two more lines to form and equal letter o. triangle. turn it around and draw the same lines again to form a giant shape a rumpus. and then cut that out with a box cutter. now put the doormats first i removed it like edges of the mats that makes the cutting
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easier now turn it around and place the couple templates on top. with the help of a ruler and a box cutter cut out as many rumbles shapes as possible i managed to cut a pieces out of each mat. now pieces three rum b. of different colors together and stick the edges with duct tape. you can assign both of the trucks in various ways to three d. in fact it's pretty amazing how. small rocks can be dangerous because you can see easily on them might sit this cup that he says type and stick them to the floor then no one can pull the rug from under your feet. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail the interior
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design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration will take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out see you on you tube. here in germany there are thousands of castles palaces and fortresses some of which are still in very good condition especially in southern germany now for the one hundred fiftieth anniversary celebrating the technical university in munich and the exhibition now highlights some of the architectural achievements made between eight hundred sixty four and eight hundred eighty six during king live vig the second time the exhibition provides a complete overview of the buildings are wrecked and under his direction as well as the projects that were not realized due to his untimely death.
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so. having teams there in the horse pumps and noise. all commissioned by the take the second of bavaria. but in fact his legacy comprised much more than these fairy tale residences for example he introduced educational reform commission the building of the munich academy of fine arts and the original building of the new polytechnic school which later became unix technical university one of the most prestigious universities in europe. whole new districts emerged in munich during his reign the city became increasingly attractive the exhibition at the architecture museum in the pinnacle take them on down or shows a different side of the legendary king and takes the focus away from his famous palaces you think that in the i think ernie son though that wasn't just the fairy
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tale king he also massively improved infrastructure and the very next he extended the railway network and he also introduced a surge system in munich and other the variances he is in then he and. some five hundred exhibit show that the king promoted trade and industry with new breweries and avatars for example some of the buildings he commissioned have survived to this day. halls and theatres were also built during his reign a great fan of wagner originally commissioned the building of the wagner festival to arthur on the banks of the river. but later valve no went to buy a point and the theatre was built there instead. and with that it's time to say goodbye as always thanks for tuning in and we'll see you again tomorrow for more from the world of culture and entertainment.
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letter we were. when we were. in the percent of americans at some point in our lives will experience hardship listen up. it's. climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for good. to go in africa people and projects that are changing the lens are meant for the better it's up to us to make a difference people would. be w o.
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more. when i am. this. the world's oceans a warming much faster than previously thought that's the conclusion of a major new study released this week by the un is warming due to man make climate change is killing a wide array of marine life it's also quickly melting the ice sheets the findings were published in the scientific journal nature. divers in indonesia
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