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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 21, 2018 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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but there is business news in just a moment so i'll be back at the top of the hour with the rest of the day's world news good. night. i'm not laughing at the gym i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whip that mistakes deep into the german culture of looking at stereotypes a question that anyone thinks he's a country that i not. needed to take his grandmother day out to me it's all about ok. i might show join me to meet the gentleman from d.w. post make your store t.v.
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smarter. force more to. what you want when you want it up to date extraordinary. to decide what's old son don't mourn that comes more cheesy. going to. the budget brawl between brussels and rome gets brutal the european commission once italy could face legal action for overspending but there are no new song crisis deepens caus golems constant is extended over places him a c.e.o. and she reports he was working on a mojo that you're coming up. i guess by germany's dirty diesels and up let's just say it won't solve the problems of the day of pollution here once the wind blows it just right. i'm going for one let's to business
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italy is on a collision course with the e.u. it's insisting on high deficit spending saying it's the only way to stimulate growth and bring down debt european commission says wrong needs to rein in spending to cut it. if push comes to shove and brussels begins an excessive deficit procedure. then italy could face a fine as high as three point five billion euros brussels is insisting the southern european country it hears to e.u. budget rules and it's turning up the pressure. makes it even more. but so far italy is not changing course the government wants to deliver on campaign promises which include early retirement and increased spending on social services
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the problem is italy's debt as high as one hundred thirty percent of gross domestic product only greece has an even higher debt level e.u. regulations cap any country's debt at sixty percent of annual economic output financial markets are alarmed front pages warn of rising interest rates and banks are worried there are powerful players in any budget debate as they can close the spigot at any time and dry up the government spending on the streets the mood is tense. bitter because of the think they were discussing this with the appropriate seriousness we should brace for the worst. i think we're on the wrong track with the government's made promises that can't you kept and now we're moving in the wrong direction and you're right. on wednesday both the government statistics office and the o.e.c.d. lowered their growth outlook. meanwhile consumption is down and people hold on to their money as do companies who seem unwilling to make any new investments all that
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hampers growth leading to falling tax revenues higher taxes and in the end even higher debt. a sharp drop in the price of oil is sending ripples through the global economy a financial correspondent had need to buy is tracking the story from frankfurt we've seen this downward trend for a number of weeks now have we. yes we have seen that down the trend for a week ever since october third. friends has oil has lost some twenty five percent in value and that's because investor all of the sudden realized wait a moment next yeah the economy's going to cool down and bad also will mean that oil demand will slow down and that the same time we have record supply from the law itself saudi arabia but also the united states and russia so that mix has added to a huge concerns over the high price of oil which at the beginning of october was
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still at the four year high but having said that they've seen a slump late yesterday today is a bit more of a benign market reaction all of us up by one percent. what are opec's chances of a supply busiest time. it is a tricky one it's a very political opec meeting in this which will take place in december sixth because clearly everybody has a wide hill interest to support prices meaning they are malls likely will announce a production caught analysts expect the production cut off up to one point four million barrels per day but at the same time we are now u.s. president from backing saudi arabia somewhat and we all know that the president has a widely and first off keeping the oil price pretty low because that is helping him
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politically at the home fraud so now analysts are saying with saudi arabia being backed by the united states they supply could actually be a little lower than previously expected about all matters most likely opec will announce a cuts in supply at that meeting on december sixth oil production and politics thank you and it's a rare. french coming to reno has appointed a temporary c following the arrest of congo he's accused of financial misconduct japanese authorities extending his attention by ten days chief operating officer will leave will take over from going to those who serve as chairman and it's a busy which are in a three way alliance with he's taking the reins at a difficult time there are reports going was planning a merger between renault and nissan but the japanese company was opposed to it you know she's going to remain says will remain as chief executive and sees him as
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a really can pass to take it. and this would be in under a hang our correspondent in singapore we know a new sun have a long standing formal partnership but a. yes in fact just before his downfall go on was responsible he was even though i must have mine or the glue that held everything together between the sound of the knot and even if it's this she coincidentally mitsubishi c e o c even said he couldn't find anyone else better in the wild and go on to have kept this to be all to make and it's to give the. now gone is all alone in a cell far removed from his flashy lifestyle watching on as the share prices of these companies go up in smoke they did take a very very hard hit the tumble of the love mostly in the european markets as well
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as the japanese markets now this obviously goes to show just how important a figure go is how critical he is to the auto industry and one and has even put it put it as him being a critical critical tool value i'm not sure when all she has suffered the first cause is that second the goes to show if one make an effect will bring the whole stock market he has quite the reputation is his reputation ruined the. not just bunch of mutation will be real bit of cause. as the japanese quotes all but to take him to task for what's happened unfortunately nissan when all and maybe even mitsubishi's reputations are also at stake. this is a fairly severe education as of the other misconduct and it will bring almost the
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whole house down so to speak i'm driving thank you very much for your analysis from singapore. the market for diesel cars in germany has hit the wall emissions scandal as for the spotlight on air pollution more and more cities are banning diesels from their centers but the unwanted vehicles finding a new home just east of here. diesels are highly popular in ukraine this fox has just arrived from germany it meets euro five emission standards some mechanics take a close look at it they know it will need adapting to ukrainian standards within a few months at the latest that's when they'll have to remove its catalytic converter. at their quality converters and the particle filters often cause problems they get clogged up very quickly and stop working the diesel quality is too low here. without emissions control systems the diesels pump unfiltered toxic
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gases and particles straight into the air and because regular inspections for cars are not legally required in ukraine the exhaust systems can be manipulated without fear of detection experienced mechanics can easily remove emissions control units and replace them with a section of straight pipe this one comes from around zero diesel if a converter is clogged up the vehicle won't start. we hook it up with a diagnostic computer the problem is very often a clogged up catalytic converter sometimes we cut the converter out sometimes we can repair it mostly is that a. ukrainian city of lots has a population of two hundred forty thousand the air is foul and eighty two percent of the pollution comes from cars and trucks. there's an autumn market here twice a week trading mostly diesels private operators import the cars mostly from germany . diesels meeting older emission standards which are registered in poland or
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lithuania are treated as transit vehicles for up to a year only the later euro five standard cars are actually allowed to be imported. you know germany worries about the environment and that's why the price of diesel is falling. germany understands its people and spends a lot of money on environmental protection computers for macor use vertically. throughout the city a number of stations are constantly measuring air quality the results show that only two of the ukrainian cities have filthy air than here and now let's just filling up with substandard german diesels. as in china we did there's a little bit in the the air will most certainly become dirtier and diesel the fuel that was so bad for the environment. diesels have become hard to sell in germany and now the flooding into eastern european markets the germans have simply
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outsourced that diesel emissions problem. and just updating our top stories for you they're european commission ones italy could face legal action for overspending and reports was working on a budget of and his song before being arrested over financial mismanagement i didn't dismiss if you.
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look. more. like culture. by hair. superfood stylish dialogue come on don't let o's. life style during. the moment. on.
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your first communion listen to the grand moment arrives. to join your ring in spain on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary tour of an orang utan returns home on t w don't come to tang's. fake hair and real story. where i come from a lot of women who like me have fake hair sometimes the hair style takes up to two a day. it's a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about what's happening in their lives. i became a journalist to be a storyteller and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. with others i must find at the salon i know i'm
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good quality hair when i see it's and the good story when i hear it. my name is elizabeth saul and i work at steve's. are there welcome to your remarks your daily dose of european lifestyle and culture is what we've got coming up feud today. extreme adventure filmmaker t.n.t. do not catch his breath taking moments in extreme sport. mine is a tire fashion label gloomy has new designs clothes using big.


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