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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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plenty to talk about here monday don't. the monday is legal every weekend here on t.w. . green to me. not everyone who loves books has to go insane. w. literature list a hundred german must reads. i'm max merrill welcome to another week of the euro max is a preview of what's coming up in today's show. supersize ballet
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shanghaied ballet companies they just swan lake and live. inflatable spaces to build and base complex design portable roofs made of plastic. and fluffy delights and they have a yeah it's a sweet speciality from one of the frogs. we start on the big stage with what many regard as the epitome of classical ballet swan lake when it was first rehearsed an eight hundred seventy six its original choreographer felt the ballet was undone simple since then it has developed and found success all over the world but directed derek deane decided to make things a bit harder with the shanghai ballet company he brings forty eight instead of the usual sixteen songs onto the stage this sensational production is currently in berlin and we went by to see how the dancers afforded ruffling feathers on the crowded stage. first six then nine then
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twenty four in the end forty eight swann's downs did a press call in berlin's board of museum it's one lake on a scale never seen before staged by celebrated british choreographer derek dean. it is the biggest in the world i mean there hasn't been a swan lake of this size in a proceeding and theatre and not even you know the paris opera the wall ballet the kirov the bolshoi nobody has ever created something like this so be very interesting to see over here it's reaction to this i call it tsunami of swans the forty eight swans epitomize innocence and beauty but achieving their seeming ease requires perfect technique the smallest mistake would destroy the illusion. just how to really pick her up in a spotlight as soon as she starts to believe. the dances movements must be strong
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yet smooth and sensuous dean strives for perfection and that shanghai ballet will work very much on the emotional side of the dance not just forty eight girls being in line being in the precise place we very very much were on the quality of the movement and the emotion of the movement as well. for the two soloists in particular performing on a completely new stage requires a great deal of concentration they have to find their way through three times as many swans as usual yet make it look as easy as if they weren't there at all. i'm a bit nervous it's my first time on the stage and i'm still a little jet lagged or they were all really excited. but with derek dean there in the best of hands he's made his name choreographing productions performed in huge arena. as dean has studied stagings of swan lake
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throughout history from the primary nation seventy seven to modern day performances he says there have been major changes. no words well it was for us before it was a disaster i mean everybody booed at the performances everybody said the music was trying to dreadful the choreography was appalling and they had to put the production away for many years and then it was rethought redone with the same music and through the years it became this a legal trial the fairy tale about prince siegfried desperate attempt to save swan princess or dead from the spell cast by an evil sorcerer is a perennial favorite when derek dean first stage swan lake in one thousand nine hundred seven in london princess diana was among his most ardent admirers. she would come to us she would turn up unannounced she would come and have lunch
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she would just come and sit with outsiders and she was terribly easy and very comfortable and there was no sides to her she wasn't performing she was of being the princess of wales she was just being a person and it was wonderful to see that side of her but her connection with that it was tremendous these ballerinas hope to find such an enthusiastic response in milliners well at the press conference of the buddha museum they demonstrated their impressive talents the youngest dancer is just seventeen. that hard and this is my very first show i just graduated from dancing school bag says about the most challenging part for me is to dance in such a big group there's a big difference between twenty fourth's once in forty eight. but is it quantity over quality on the contrary derek dean and the shanghai ballet have performed swan lake repeatedly for international audiences two great. claim. still giving the
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classical ballet you're not changing the structure you're not changing the law you're giving them the best product you can give them it's just it's just this overwhelming sensation of people just bring something else to the back of the show lives up to its advertising slogan with more songs than you can count derek dean's version of swan lake is a great ballet there's won't be performing it's wrong song any time soon. this mammoth production will be in berlin till the sixteenth of december when it moves on to the austrian capital vienna now it's time to take a look at today's headlines around the continent express we make stops in helsinki . but first up we're in moscow. the weekend. red square professional figure skaters took to the ice at the foot of
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the kremlin for the opening. the rink can accommodate up to four hundred fifty skaters. muscovites and visitors alike flocked here every winter since two thousand and six freezing temperatures not necessary as the ice is kept cool by machines. on wednesday a new central library is opening in the finnish capital house thinking it will be named already the library is a present from the finns to themselves on one hundred thousand of us three of their independence from russia it rings out a year of celebration libraries in helsinki are the second highest rated public service after drinking water and we have around six point five million visits to our libraries every single year so libraries are really loved and feeling. the design is by architects based enhanced thinking many of the routine jobs are then you know every hour to be performed by robots.
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last sunday liverpool experienced an invasion of santa claus's nearly seven thousand men and women took part in the santa dash a five kilometer run through the english city on the mercy. of. anyone fifteen years or older could participate the only requirement was the center suit. the rental was included in the twenty six year old booking fee not a very snappy christmas to one and all. this is how. our journey through europe continues here in berlin now with two architects who live in the capital they form a collective called plastique fantastic but mark o'connor that she and una young don't design buildings but rather plastic spaces they wrecked them at concerts festivals and clubs and we met them at the boleyn to find out how they work and
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which role low cost airlines play in their success. these giant inflated plastic shapes look like something out of a science fiction film plastic fantastic creates temporary venues for concerts and counters and theater performances architects marco kind of archie and yet a young are pitching up their inflatable spaces all around europe at their berlin studio they tell us how it all began. i was story runs parallel to the advent of budget airlines. and suddenly it was possible for both of us to fly anywhere it will in super league and want to get the fan and the other the plastic bubble as baggage on easyjet. so we started making everything to a twenty five kilos or less get back so we could travel with it. because i think you don't have it but i think. marco spent the early one nine hundred ninety s. in the eastern part of berlin in stark contrast to his native room anything seem to
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be possible here he squatted in apartment studied architecture and opened up a club together with some friends that's where he created his first spaces with plastic sheeting to keep the patrons warm. nowadays plastic fantastic has other aims the architecture altering perceptions of cities and their streets for instance here in spain's capital madrid. we couldn't afford it i think the biggest advantage is the lightweight the biggest disadvantage is the in compatibility with environmental consciousness come on they're going to have room for debate. we created an installation with a floor space of two hundred fifty square meters in a dutch forest and it all fit on one pallet if we were to build
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a space the same size made of wood and textiles it wouldn't necessarily be any more ecological. hooves. at this festival on an island in the norse seeing in the summer of twenty seventeen light sound and when constantly change the spaces. can go wrong. nature. we like the wind. but we have to take some precautions so whenever we have an installation outdoors we always have a team on site who decides when we need to adjust to the changing conditions. and the worst case the installation needs to be taken down. the structure can withstand gusts up to the wind force for anything stronger is risky and twenty sixteen the architects put up
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a kind of tent in the middle of the finish capital helsinki. it was quite popular with the four events or simply taking a lunch break. people aren't quite there for very. shy. but. having a small park and i think that's. their new project titled one hundred years of evolution is also designed to get people talking again a young meet the seating herself from plastic sheeting of course. it's time now for our ongoing extra chores series and today we take a trip to poland that's thanks to of your request from san salvador el salvador to
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see our lives there and told us it's her dream to travel to poland one day the time being we went there for her to the winter sports result of the opana in the south of the country. one thousand meters above sea level is poland's highest town located at the base of the high tops from out. a magical landscape of peaks around in the high touch it's the icy temperatures in the clear mountain near make the region of paper it with lovers of winter sports. around three million people visits upon it every year the town is called poland's winter capital old and its heart group of key street lined with stores and restaurants invites tourists to take a stroll. looking
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shoes on which we come here every year it's relaxing you can stroll around all the winter resorts don't have the office for the to do here. you must come go to i don't actually love the mountains in the summer but i wanted to come and see them in the winter and i'm bowled over out a great feeling it's wonderful. so pleasant way to view the cultural highlights of zac upon it is from a horse drawn carriage the typical architecture of the region is known as style. the small wooden chalet like houses feature high point to roofs eaves and decorations influenced by the art nouveau movement. one of the oldest buildings in the town is the villa khalifa built in the eight hundred ninety s. today it houses a museum of regional architecture tradition is taken very seriously in. the building to build houses are made entirely of wood no nails or screws were used
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for beautiful buildings made of natural wood your healthy and ecologically friendly house. is known throughout europe as. sports venue it regularly hosts skiing competitions. the mountain cup give yoshi's just under two thousand meters high with a spectacular panoramic view of the area. a ride on the popular cable car reveals the wild landscape of the high touch us. back down on corporate key street people are lining up to buy a local specialty a seebeck a smoke cheese made from salted sheep's milk. that's the decorative shape is typical of the tigris. the saleswoman explains how it's eaten in. like my stuff cheeses very aromatic it tastes best on slices of bread but you can
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fry it in a panic as much now must open up like that. on the outskirts of the town local handicrafts are on offer. the artistic carvings are known throughout poland and are on display in many churches and museums would is the typical material of the region . and i think you've got to see because it's part of our tradition and i use lots of wooden boards when i cook ok you have to replace them fairly often but it's a natural product not some kind of plastic like silicone stuff that's the trick of city con though. as night falls the bars and restaurants on her public street are great places to warm up one hot spot is kartchner the polish word for tavern it offers not only hearty food but folk music. it's the perfect place to experience authentic polish hospitality.
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oh yes i come from the mountains this is our life well use it it. was the greatest but a lot of people come here for the muse. sick and when it stops the day ends here and stark upon it like obama. but there's always the next day to look forward to especially in the winter with plenty of snow and fun on the slopes. we continue now with this week's series sweet delights them every year is a moroccan concoction originally best known in northern france and belgium and it was long regarded as old fashioned and provincial but the french confection a friend i think will call has made it his life's work to improve its image and it worked as a bakery specializing in the delicacy has branches all over the world we pay them a visit in little to get a taste of the marvelous method here. a
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little nerang a little chocolate and lots and lots of whipped cream it's pretty rich but that hasn't stopped this delicacy with roots in northern france and belgium from conquering the well french chef even recall conley's the man who made his own version of the speciality famous apparel is the all of the service or get towards a pretty feel there are several things that set this cake apart first of all it's very very light of why because the membrane is very airy and then shows it to them because i've changed a key component to fit the thirty is mere b.-o. were made with butter cream cheese i use whipped cream a very light with korea results and so the ring is light the cream is light and the result is a pastry that looks impressive but weighs less than one hundred grams is in all the best to memphis on the. vocals home base is the city of green in
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northern france the city center was renowned for its splendid the rock architecture until the rise of man of a year. the cake has become a. marriageable city trademark it's so popular that customers queue up in long lines on saturdays just to buy some. they can even watch met with a human being made inside the shop that's important to kong who says anyone can make them he's even glad to share his recipes. let's take a look. makes egg whites and sugar to make them around. former rang spirals and bake some for an hour at one hundred degrees celsius. meanwhile with the cream and that is much chocolate as desired. then fill whipped cream between two bakes marang and roll the cake in chopped nuts or chocolate shavings and one on the map where you're already. off with
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a tip less shows up in the pot on the most important thing is the amount of cream you use between the two or announce it needs to have enough to make a ring melt episodes like that but not too much you can use too much of the meringue will disintegrate to striking the right balance more do it for them. at all mails a huge afraid there's a cake to please every palate. the classic version is covered in dark chocolate but who calls recipe for success came when he refined the traditional formula to create his a repertoire with new flavors such as cherry discussion though and not because personal favorite is coated with crystallized marang a history buff he named it after the supporters of the french revolution the sunken lot customers adore his melvin year. she bethought him
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i actually don't like cream cakes but these are extra light the meringue is delicate but maintains its shape. and i love the flavors my favorites white chocolate and spiced almond cookies sit through a series. they're delicious i love them who believe in. mail for a year and now finding fans the world over to come on now has twenty shops in cities that include london brussels parings geneva new york and. book was relaxed about his marang burgeoning popularity the point he's not on read to new york opening a new branch he's most happy working in his shop in central lean. on the offices of the would need for the i just love my product that's why i like to be here on these things he was unfortunately possibly lucky it was and i'm on the road a lot then i miss being in my store at the office whenever i have the time i'm here
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to get my new eat this little in the room all i find it reassuring to take my own paper. but maybe coupon doesn't have long to lingen he's coaching for new locations in amsterdam and just after thirty seven years he still happy to share his passion for modernise. we'd like you to share your favorite suite with us at euro max on our website didn't we don't call him slash lifestyle you can get in touch with us and reveal what your guilty pleasure is around christmas time i most enjoy the typical german roasted almonds that you can get at any christmas markets take part and you can win a custom duramax wrist watch while we round off today's show with a visit to a place that's better than new york city at least that's what photography fun i've been slaving thinks when he was offered a job in the big apple he turned it down to stay in the northern german state of
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start at age seventy seven he's still working there and we visit him at his latest exhibition. has been christian. passion for more than sixty years. i only do what i like what's fun. the photographer is a star on the international scene and has won more than for his work. his current exhibition. in time also shows pictures from the start of his career. in the south of france in one nine hundred sixty he took pictures of german writer who and other people he met he was just eighteen at the time. taking pictures at school for the school newspaper and had a notion that i wanted to be a photographer. some fifty years later he captured these images and called the serious. here as in his early photos he focuses on the power of nature archaic
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things. for example greeks taking part in a traditional annual spring festival. moved by primal natural things by the essence of things. and since two thousand and six he is worked exclusively on his own project. but prior to that here in his living mainly as a commercial and fashion photographer. he worked out of his studio in the northern german state. for clients in europe. including vogue magazine. the editor in chief came to germany and visited mean. i was told that she was coming that she wanted to see me and find out what i'm like and what i do. and then
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she made me an offer. and she said it would be fantastic if i'd come to new york and work for american vogue would contradict what i considered it for a short time and said to myself clearly i've got to turn it down. whoa stein's nicer than upstate new york truth should not upstate new york not. the state in germany and has never regretted it but he's traveled widely. these waves in portugal for his series sought the light. the current exhibition is on show at rhinebeck castle until early january. that's all from us for today i'll see you again tomorrow for more european lifestyle and culture here on the double and if you don't want to wait that long you can find us on instagram and facebook at euro max plenty more content. next time on your. paintings like this they usually exhibit in museums but spanish
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artist to you and i are cutting is taking them to the streets he copies masterpieces from our history and displays the paintings outdoors so they look as if someone has just hung them there and then on instagram he posts pictures of his works which often can't easily be spotted in the real world to join us as we try to do so next time on your own. good.
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the fast pace of life in the digital globe comes just as the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information on the wittiest finds and interviews with makers and users. in fifteen minutes on the.
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odd odd league dissolve flying super sub outcomes such help stood overcome five bucks something that i'm not the rank of. the reigning champions take off again a response there's konami help by ensign down brain i'm going. to come in thirty minutes on the. continent is reinventing itself. as africa's tech scene discovers it's true potential. inventors entrepreneurs and high tech professionals talk about their vision successes and day to day business the difference comes. it's.
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history you know everyone stops. says that mathematician. digital africa starts december twelfth on w. t some argue five keys to say for food. keep clean to prevent contamination. draw and cook foods to avoid cross contamination. cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms. keep food it safe temperatures. to prevent bacterial growth.
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use safe water and safe raw materials to avoid kentucky. food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and along by planning the five keys to see for to use them you also have a role to play. as the think the u.n. chief has said the world is way off course in the fight against climate change i'm tony harris made the comments at the cup twenty four conference in the polish city of kut of its he said mankind must trust the cli reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to avert runaway clo bill warming sick and.


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