tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle December 7, 2018 12:00pm-1:31pm CET
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that's. installed in this decisive historical moment that he had the courage. to stand. so far to trust germany and to trust then chancellor of germany. thanks i don't know it and shine it in victor doesn't because by doing that he paved the way to german unity in a unity. justice and freedom in footage of my fatherland image i had a sense of what it means if you have someone heading a country that you understand the job as serving the whole that in the greatest hour of trials of the west the victory of so i can even one liberty over the berlin wall and barbed wire. this was the overcoming of the cold war we
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as germans must always be grateful for me u.s. president george bush and. to helmut kohl who was the german chancellor of liberty. thank you one is the only here appointed to you that would be i managed without their policy we would not be the united states you do you generally from. but i am somebody i mean hamburg. north rhine-westphalia. saxena i. actually used to coach
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dime and boxing are long for eighteen years now from the tenth of april two thousand and one till today the seventh of december twenty eighth here in the city of my birth hamburg. where in one thousand nine hundred we had our unified party congress i was able to be share of this wonderful party christian democratic union and i'm germany this was a challenge that i gave my whole heart to i tried to give it my whole commitment i wasn't born a chancellor and i wasn't born a party chair i really wasn't like a bunch of form and i always wanted to be just about that and we tried to. pair these functions with dignity and one day to leave them with dignity because all of us are limited by time and the time has now come to open a new chaps and today if you this hour i'm going to this moment there is just one
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feeling. that i have and that is to feel his gratitude it was true joy it was a true honor thank you if. you want to thank you thank you. thank you to a conservative party for the last time as party leader. in emotional mark mark all their very visibly emotional unusual for this chancellor saying the challenge of leading this party with a challenge that you give a heart to and the truth is very thing. to the party for that opportunity to
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do. when you standing ovation for the time. she announced at the end of october that she's stepping down hard to go but would like to stay on as chancellor top twenty twenty one. and today for successful each . one. she also said that the matter of passing along the mantle to leadership was very important to her while maintaining stability. to do just wasn't about a possible future can bring in our correspondent on the young he's been listening to this each. time and if you can hear us. what did you make of what the
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chancellor had to say and as you said an emotional tension at the end of the pressure was that. she did seem to really take this moment to reflect upon what he would be very much probably drowned out by what that's about to be . one. we do have you know has them with us here in the studio you were just noting as well this is pretty unusual to see the transfer of the emotion. it's very me. going back you said that moment you will bring a sense of gratitude and that she said it was that it was an all modes in the past
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that she always had told herself that she wanted to leave and dignity and this is what she's doing right. people are appreciating this. determined decision that she took when she announced to step down she. is one of the only leaders to actually manage to use a controlled exit from politics she will stay on those chunks well. but this is the beginning of the end of an era that we're witnessing here and everybody is well aware that this is highly unusual that somebody is not pushed out but is leaving because they want to. stand up there again plus continuing. you know what did you make of her boards and reflecting upon her time eighteen years ahead of this party that it did feel a bit like a history lesson didn't she started off by reminding everybody what situation the
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c.d.u. the geminis biggest r.t. found itself in when she took over saying that the city was in deep crisis and i interpreted this as a hint. as sort of a hidden attack against. the who's now the president on the stock of the parliament because he was involved in the donation party donation scandal that she hinted at the beginning of this aids and both gun shy bill has of course come out in favor of one of the candidates who are likely to succeed on the macro's party chief diplomat so i'm actually has refrained from saying ah. but there were several. as they're down the see if we can bring in family young. i mean i hope you can hear i think yeah you're nodding off screen here that you are not if you can hear us we
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heard the chancellor there really appeal for unity and and bring the thing to you back to what she listed as value what you think about. thank you yeah that's right angle america was talking about values in saying that the c.d.u. stands for something that it supports the point. but it doesn't disrespect its enemies or its political rivals and that it's a party values and these are the kind of things we've heard before earlier in a speech she was. responding to critics that she's had down the years as party leader said you know she doesn't use these. words like future or germany or security in her party slogans she's responsible for the sort of slogan that is
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used each time the party comes together like this and she's chosen things that some people criticize and she said well you know i do it my way i'm i'm the i'm i'm my own person is what she was really saying i think through that whole speech still chancellor. and i'm still. she's i think she's trying to she's trying to take the audience down there but this is a very long abrasion that she's receiving. and i mean she was she was saying that the party has come a long way since she's been leading it but it was down and nearly out she said as a result of the party. ending scandal the end of the cold era when she came in and she had knowledge that it was. a bit of a risk that the party took choosing her as leader at that time. but she feels that the successes they've had electorally. around the country
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and the strength of the party organization as she sees it means that they very well placed to deal with all the challenges that she also mentions. migration such is the breakdown of the multilateral order to some extent as you even mentioned brics or forswear which political speech these days leaves that out but i'm going to medical really a broad view of her time as party leader and certainly. a good speech the beginning of the small song. because it's been playing out behind you as he said chancellor got up just to quite a crowd down and more than five minutes of a standing ovation here for her she's got enough several times to come back to the podium in time and we think people holding up signs for people who don't speak
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german to say in which means thanks boss the centrally the boss of this party for eighteen years in time when there is a lot of emotion in this room you know this is the chancellor has been very divisive for the party for the country but it is a moment to reflect and say thank you as she has to our party and them to her as well right. thank. you i mean i think the c.d.u. has got a lot to thank angle a miracle for she is. getting child. abuse repeatedly elected is joe and i she said the c.d.u. has now. how the role of john. a total of fifty years since the birth of the federal republic of germany after the second world war that's a remarkable number in itself and of course she's had a good chunk of that time and angela merkel is a. chancellor at any rate he is popular well beyond the confines
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of her own party she of course is accused by some here of having moved it to the left all moved into the center ground as she would see that's one of her big words that she's always chosen it these party events demeter the center ground of german politics that's where she believes she belongs and no doubt where she believes the party belongs in future because she didn't really address the point that's on most people's minds here today namely who is going to be chosen to succeed her it looks like the applause has finally died down time and we're taking a look here at the pictures of michael now seated there she did also say a lot of people have been wondering about what her future holds that she doesn't have to be the party to have high for the hard bit of the signal there find out what the future holds for her. well i don't know i mean
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she resolutely said that she remains chancellor of germany and as as we know her plan is to stay in that job for the next three years until the next general election and whether she's able to do that may partly depend on who is chosen to lead our party today and if that person is willing as indeed all the candidates say they are to make her life in the job easy and to support the chancellor. you know of course it's one thing to say very different we'll see how things play out and of course events outside germany could. could affect what angela merkel does in future as well there has been speculation in the past that she might want to go to the big international job in brussels or at the u.n. but she has in fact ruled those ideas out i think angle americal will of course
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stay committed to the c.d.u. but she she may in future seek a quieter life and you know a less prominent role because that's the sort of personality that she's always allowed to shine through she's always suggested she said today i wasn't born in a chance i wasn't born c.d.u. leader and she sees herself as a sort of normal person if you like and that may well be the life that she plans to go back to after she's finished the big job that would give us an idea of what happened now we did hear the chancellor say that the party has changed it's time to focus on the future and that you are welcomes the vote that will take place today and take us through what's going to happen. or so when we've determined exactly how many candidates there are finally to be and i'm not sure because i'm not here not been able to hear every order of business this morning whether that's
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taking place but i think it's going to come down to the three candidates that we've mentioned and when. that voting process starts first of all this will be a secret ballot so that is an interesting point that means that you know the even those who publicly declared could in the last in the last moment change their minds and go in different way. the members the members or rather the delegates here who have been chosen by various sections of the party to represent them a thousand and one of them there are. at they will make their choice if no one gets an absolute majority in that first round of voting the. candidate with the least votes will be knocked out and it will be a runoff between the top two or most people expect it to be either free surround a great car and bauer and that will be a key choice for party members to make because they really will be in a saint's determining the whole political philosophy and the direction for the
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country and to a certain extent they may be making a first choice about who might be chancellor in the future all right simon oh well we'll let you listen in to what's taking place there it's likely to be a very close race we'll check in back with you in just a little bit. you know we heard simon there talking about this race that's going to take place now and you touched upon this just as we heard chancellor merkel speak there that she didn't outright say who she supports but it is quite clear who she would like to to take on her legacy and a move the party forward in the future it was interesting i thought there were hints that were targeted at all three candidates and she made it quite clear through these comments hidden comments who she wants her to succeed as a party chief and that is on the come come on this was when she mentioned the successes in the state elections. is the house and of course on the
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come come one of these elections at a crucial time fungal america when she was under heavy criticism from within her own party for this decision in the migration krises infinity fifteen's on a lot on the come stood by her side and supported this policy the decision to keep the borders open and there were two attacks i found against the other two candidates didn't the one i mentioned already that they see started her speech off by saying that she took over as chief in the middle of an identity crisis for the c.d.u. because the seaview got into trouble and. party funding scandal that simon mentioned as well and of course. the president of the wanted to see if he was involved in that. time he has come out in favor of this race met so that was an attack against that so i thought and then there was an attack against biden when he reminded
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people of the christian values that the c.d.u. stands for and says we should stop navel gazing and attack each other we are. and of course he ends on is one of her most vocal critics especially when it comes to this decision in the twenty fifteen crisis number looking at pictures there from the speech that just took place and you know for viewers just joining us the reminder that we are covering this party conference and however today we're a chance on the michael successor as the chair of the christian democratic union her conservative party will be selected we saw the chance or speak now we're flexing upon her time leading the party and you know for some of our viewers who might not be familiar with what's been taking place in the last few months remind us how we got here how we got to the chancellor saying she no longer wants to leave this party she wants to stay on as chancellor i think she knows that this decision is specially this decision to keep the borders open in twenty fifteen was extremely crunch the refugee crisis or the refugee crisis when she kept germany's borders open and said this is a humanitarian potential humanitarian crisis we need to give these people
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a home and they need to be welcomed by a christian party and this is a decision that people in the cd you will probably have to talk about for the next years to come still that they have to find a way of dealing with this legacy of this decision at the time because it did when the see the year some voters this decision many people appreciated anglo machall for this decision in germany also from outside of the city but many also said she should have closed the borders and she should have she should have essentially not opened this rights were right wing space in the political landscape to the father. right if the anti immigration policy which is what she's done so this is why she then said i have always said that i will take i will try and do my play my part in helping to stabilize this party which was extremely divided of course after this
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decision and then she realized that there were losses in an important state election in head in october for the c.d.u. party that she had to take responsibility some sense of responsibility which is why she says might chapter is essentially closed and it's time to open a new chapter for the c.d.u. to reinvent itself to redefine the course because ultimately this is what the job of the party chief is to determine the political course for the party and there seems to be a strong yen and by some positive members to redefine what it means to be conservative which is why they have a plethora of conservatism on on the stage. personalized by the by the candidates who are up for election and so the party will have to decide where it wants to go in the future you know you mentioned migration being one of the defining issues of chancellor merkel's time in office in the last few years she did also touch on the many challenges that are facing the party and whoever
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succeeds her as head of the party let's listen to what she said about that and the times we find ourselves in today a challenge and without a doubt that if i expect my country. park to use for the cd unit in the sea and. i write a f.t. to write with a polarizing issue in society government even what's amounts but let me say with equal seriousness is caution when you enjoy it so you cannot say you know this is really the crossroads of the cd. what do you make of that you know she said this isn't necessarily a crossroads for the party yet for a lot of the delegates sitting in that room this really is a sea change for the party how do you square that. difficult to square isn't it but it could also mean that the party essentially confirms i'm gone michaels course but that they get the chance to do so by choosing a different candidate who could then give the party a fresh face and see uncle michael is clearly hoping that they come come about even
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though she hasn't said it will succeed or as a party chief and continue the call is going to bring the posse back together again because this is a chance for the party so once and for all say all right we've won they say forced to happen in the future and regardless of whether anglo-american law not this divisive figure for some people controversial even she is no longer at the home and we're still going for this course ahead that's my interpretation of what we should think that we mentioned this earlier since she announced that she's stepping down as the party leader her popularity numbers have actually been going up but before that her last year in particular has been especially difficult remind us what she's had to face well there were so many in the party struggles not just within the c.d.u. you have to say but also with the system party the varian conservatives and there
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was a rebellion almost from government also almost fell apart exactly one of the ministers from the very abroad the government to the brink of collapse several times then the coalition partner it was extremely difficult for her as a chancellor to find a coalition partner in the first place off to twenty seventeen elections there and seventy then she found the the s.p.d. agreed after a radio relaxed and process of agreeing to join the government again now this is an extremely fragile government coalition as well and so that pot. she struggles that was a struggle with her sister party and struggles with the coalition partners so she really hasn't had a an easy year to look back but she sees the bigger picture and says ok apparently it's time for me to go and just take my hat and i'm going to step down gradually but i'm going to be the one in control she is still chancellor we should say and remind everyone that you want to stay on as chancellor till the end of her term
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twenty twenty one she has forbes just reported still consider the most powerful woman in the world how do you think she has changed the country as chancellor and her party. as chancellor she has changed well she has helped germany remain a fairly stable country in extremely tight bulan times especially when you look at what's happened during the financial crisis two thousand and eight that there was a rise of populist parties in almost all the european countries and following that financial crisis angle america was and was chancellor already she became tough in two thousand and five we should remind viewers of course and she has maintained stability in germany in europe's biggest country somewhat so she is being appreciated for being this stubborn captain who's at the helm of this big country and taking expiring. castle
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decisions for her country analyzing the situation before jumping to conclusions for example and this is i think why people still appreciate her as chancellor and wanted to stay on we saw earlier we saw her poll that currently fifty seven percent of the german still want her to stay on so yeah indeed you know one of the signs that some of her power might be eroding was that the head of our parliamentary group. few months ago was actually voted down a new head of a parliamentary group was voted in and our simon young actually spoke to the new head of the parliamentary group ralph plank house let's listen to what he had to say. so with me is rough bring house the leader of the c.d.u. in parliament. is the big house everyone says this is going to be a close vote today how close do you think it's going to be i guess is the most exciting party convention we ever had in the city you and it's so close that nobody
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knows what will be the outcome in this afternoon ok a lot of people are saying it comes down to a choice between friedrichs mats and a great kemp karen bauer and there are camps within the party now do you think that the party is more divided as a result of this process of choosing a new leader i guess the party is excited but not to divided as a shadow will be after this. that everybody sticks together and that we will be close was in the next week and the next months but i am very optimistic that we get this because we have a new spirit of democracy was in our party because everybody know has the shorts you know you can't deny that there are camps there are people within the party was saying we need a free drink met somebody who's going to stir things up and change the course of the c.d.u. and others who are saying no we should stick with something a little more like angle americal here about us things that it's
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a competition we had and we have. the reasons that the party is moving so it's independently who wins us. the party is moving into a good direction into the direction of debating discussion of open discussion and to this is very good not only for our party but also for democracy in germany and finally after more than eighteen years angela merkel is leaving the leadership of the c.d.u. how sad do you think the people in this whole are about that. i guess at lunch time when her speech will be finished people will be very sad because it's a little bit saying goodbye but only saying goodbye was in the party was in government because she still remains chancellor and so we will walk with closely together even if she is not long on the needle for our party and just a chancellor for the next three is this is
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a plan thank you very much. you know what did you think i mean that's an important voice in the c.d.u. speaking there would you think of what he had to say when he was almost saying as one of her critics i mean she clearly wanted to continue working with his previous s.-a and then in a surprise move. past a group actually chose think house to succeed and go on medicals who had to come for carter who had become americans ally so this is important that he says essentially what we just discussed it's important for the c.d.u. to open up this debate about policies and about the course of the policy and regardless of who leads the party they need to have a proper debate about where they want to go in the future and she's essentially freed the way for this process as ungrammatical have bring us back to the point because we are running out of time what is at stake in this vote today well the c.d.u. gemini's biggest party is about to elect calls successor as party chief which is an
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important vote because of course this person could then one day become either the chancellor candidate or potentially even the chance and which means that the city you has an important decision to take and usually party chiefs within the city you stay on for decades so this determines the course of the conservatives in germany potentially for decades all right and there are three candidates as we said nina who are the front runners today will be looking very closely what happens there are political correspondent you know with us here in studio and we have of course also been talking to simon young there in hamburg nina thank you very much. you're watching t.v. news will continue updating you on the story at the top of the hour thank you for watching.
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so when i see you when i saw you play i was really proud of you because what i've seen in the first. was perfect but this is a team would if you want to win in life in football you must to work as a team everybody must do his best for the jeep and not for himself because this is not about to show you what i can it's about i gave to the team
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what the team needs to win. points. to. addiction i'm a football club some poly tests undertaking an ambitious mission in c.c.u. . it's like we're not completely marlene's. when stuffy comes and the italians are pulled for a border if you look at the save lives of the lot of my gosh. and migrants. from the people you sent in the book that they need to get there at the bank and give you things. i don't know what it is for all these things and people forget and. all you need to avoid the digital public you just wonder
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what you're going to trial the lawyer for you know can they overcome their differences everybody must do this best will keep enough for themselves to bring their belonged to a future that was legally going for the. plague for all i can them all for putting together people from such different cultures. the attorney has got to be sure to have the right to the server you want to turn your reply to my current body i'll. feel free to contact him diplomatically difficult time in mediterranean politics back to you with nothing to go before like bring me the rugby. league at least. look at. what.
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i am and see see me at one of the saddam board that's of the world for many migrants this is the first gateway into you would have a gateway that many politicians would love to have closed this anti migration mentality as in many european countries but then he had in sudoku is a timid somebody who swims against us to the. big chair my second division club some polish why do you recognise but it's a cause and crossbones smuggled direct maybe. the hamburg lipstick you can bet on evelyn and. the swan of some powerless officials here in c.c. . for one whole week she will train people who live in the same place up until now have had little contact with each other. migrants from africa and luckily italians . everybody seem by some tell you once to organize
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a mixed team together to create connections. but of the first three participants only five out italians from sudoku is a ridiculous thought it would only help if this is what i want to read it was almost it was going all going really well the wallabies all sort of played it with only a few got enough for a. long while a day or. out of style passed by about. some work together with the chairman and. to organize their project that's all they need patrick caddell the priest from the local church tabs with the my dance as he has been looking after them for a long time and. i'm going to. africa. was talking about that you know about some power he was. born into.
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some polity has a cult like status in the food bank world because of eat less clean politics the stuff you call that afternoon from a business you go play you ever lean on embodies the slops identity position the second guy back to that back. they're called dr. patel and given a commission of inquiry into the twenty definitely. before for some of that was when obama was for this other bit. mentioned for them so bring him. ivette it's a form of. sport. from sex which would go to the body which would seem to control the sport and we buy a home from training often who have a. lot of competence in this report it is part of your competence and how that is
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essential to your staff and by giving in because you're going to the corner of the . field that's why he was on the lead and mentioned on the program fellow. reporters started looking where the rooms were heard on the. day of rest of their lives to get to europe but their future is uncertain. offers them a much needed destruction from their situation. today they took that meat they break. for sound like it's become a place they call home. you. would. really like. i was a good player but i know now many of my good was have not been to the inside field
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for many years and. what if i have the possibility to dream again to again yes. i would like to be. shot if i slipped on the grounds of church for forty years when he first arrived. at residence time which meant he had to live on the streets but the cardinal gave him a place to stay but it is a person that is helping everybody not only me but everybody not of people we are all right now we haven't been in number here but before we are fifty four. fourth sixty. four everybody just. drinking we are. not fine because we have not gone home and that is the problem. with the. last. three.
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years but you know. when you're given a list. that i guess we want to. see in call on the level of gen they give. you a lot. better than. normal so i'm on a navy make it out the door you know norma. really pretty good you begin to see fun the nation. depending on the nobody. and. they load all personally. one of. many migrants have to remain living in the camps until they receive death as it in spanish for some it takes years and even then some might never get on to their mission. we hope that we have the chance to to and would prefer to announce the
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most. these past four days it is food we need to learn a lot from people not from our colleagues but people like people from see and they are great we love it we would like to have this opportunity again and again and again. like should if some nice old song from down here a county leading with political and polish for many priests k.p. stone only hope. for me it's difficult to quickly tell you when you speak just. want to read them so that. musically but here we don't have that. this is the main reason we want to do and would send so that we can be in. the water we know a level best to be a normal human being because it's like we are not complete human beings and we have less common sense we have. we have to do. but
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still. we have. we are doing domestic walks every day. we just be. and. that's how he knew for. many migrants share santa situation but few long day at a sponsibility to make any change only people like patrick ottman has shared his apartment with refugees for the past twenty years that many more today than there went in the past. reporter up or if you're ready for this or that a lot of agazzi not a bit of gentle approach not a lot of tittle it develops or it was heaven defies it it damn well about the worst of the quest i'm missing about that i'm always going to have a little considered just. sort of a joke and you vote for the primo bus or. some us government on the on the lookout
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started off on the bench and from the sidelines they watch a very hard fought friendly match. things that. might go but you know what he's done. he did do it with the sheen you. know not any better be a. really good. look at me. but how does that come to us anyway are you playing like him when you live far from a family member or someone with the billion oh my god what are your arguments again i fumble i'm no no no no you please for the book bag i want
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a felon out of what was one hundred thousand player instead he tries to have the some organized team from the sidelines but with thirty players on the team it's not an easy task. but then got them out of the fuck you only. see. you. if you'll shoot. you live. live. live. live. live. with. the better. yeah are you the. ability to
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unfortunately the match and abruptly after a few too many provocative files on the pitch a coach takes home play instead of the peach there are two us in the some poly jerseys can't understand why the below savill are there for the grief is it every day. professional or you won't do a good. still be a professional you have to do good while there where you don't have to tell your players still leave the pitch and it is not a suspect all of us is new to this full coach should not go in said absolutely until his players. are up without after everyone has scan talent ever lenient office display in some important advice because so what i see you when i saw you play i was really proud of you because we're seen in the first of it was perfect you lose this game in the end ok because the coaches wanted everybody to take part
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but this is a team work if you want to win in life and in football you must to work as a team everybody must do his best for the team and not for himself because this is not about to show what i can it's about i can give to the team what the team needs to win i don't know why you didn't score four goals i don't know fuck off.
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the next day. and they meeting up with a towel young dance training with imagined they grew up here in both community the same neighborhood aspire to come. here the only playground is the small football peach next to the church. well i think there's a lot of wind out of a piece going over to joy of all the annoying fun of the people you spent a lot of you have to lead charlie. to do what you. sit there with the phone and get the thing on because a as on the in the dial tone of the site every step beyond that what do you. even most parties you know cooter it is the first time he has real contact with my grand. parents always here and you know there's a lot of joy to
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a lot of them lying about oh i don't know and i can wish somebody that a lot in together to where i can you know decision with you know i don't want to. join to go into a lot of but here i don't my trivial particular game and. i don't know where it is or what all is you know cause and people forget i don't know so we don't even have tellers to talk me down how come you play with them so we with germany people here they are helping us a lot. to do a job or some real clear requests don't come back to new jordan or similar general more well we did that she did give a lot of jolo in that there was a report when dying in the mirror asked him. to training camp today to warn closer to gather. all you need. just under one to
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a crush on the left and you know i win. in less. class to win the ball than the now anyhow and it was a pretty efficient rose. wrong lot of. me off. and on for. a month at the. board for old legend legend the. view there is no medal d. even the get out the. it is ponder saw it and they were lost but. it was leaning over c.c.
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so the only pitch to play on. next to the church. with the. where we only when we are waiting for the final. to give a shit. ok i will look. after the about the ball. keep it all better better and. and even then one has them but they were seen job on it and this kid. was going this will be political as you go to john i said some of the use of one of them both country cattle does not expect much to come from
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italian politics at the moment. they get face to face does a doubt would become a out i can't see bill it looks at the seven. ok we don't much of them they are still. the legal. and illegal. silly. and you love to tell. me more than i. ever give a stupid you still don't know then. you critics have been known to see something wrong when you don't want to tell you don't want to run off and often give easy mark on the fortieth anniversary younger funhouse.
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thank you. thank you. it's the final day off to football camp and time for the final match i'll talk and to believe first was the same boat that took off marks among some folks all shy but did you see from our next door to the concert you're. thinking has to wait on the display here. is what they don't see it's. us to yours. as none of the players have that idea that it's time for me to ask the coach what the africans foot ski lift was as their mother used to be and it's never kind of
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formal or kind of clicks or so. that's why as i'm also sure that. you've. been on the street someone who is in thailand. it's always first on the single and it will be progressing through fear your receipts yours and. your on and off they're going to feel so numbers and also if and when some of the last month that is. in there and they all make it of cars. and they actually can get lost for this match. would you. would you have to agree because you. do italian when gambia. so when you don't know and we want to start the one italian year understeer going to live in we start going to be another oh. if it was
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a different sports why one was young so my focus being the floppy one of the women of the soul and the sea i got six and so on this is often difficult for me walk to use and that's enough for been interesting because you mentioned american the snow was i'll follow the scene i mean i mustn't mention reborn. in all this one with on that side. connecting with each other despite the lack of help from the government's policies some holly and other catalog showed that east possible to make a difference if you make the effort. the highlight of the week for everyone the night of the final three teams to match the special teams. about. this somebody team came out of the finals with two proud wins.
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i came across two wards that have been living next to each other for a long time but have had little to do with one another. danish a little sort of visions a mutual mistrust that was they didn't before the football camp began appears to have gotten their way. and now some not east sun and not just a number without any weather. granted the president the mission still remains to be seen. everybody would like to continue this project and say yes i sent the rules for the would. see him for five fold leave the church but of their
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crazy man here though i don't think i know they will have to continue with this project did you play football in that you are a team up to the game i was disappointed because this was not the correct way to put to introduce central defenders to quick for the opponent this was not fair. to project the stephan into a big step into hype that actually put all the people is a continuation of the project is a big challenge. especially because at least for the moment they must go on without politicos who part. of. what is football. for us
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spot on three. hundred. thirty min on. eighty percent of americans or someplace and i live well experienced hardship out there listening. to. the mountains call follow their voice. visit the place which is covered with snow for half the year. the place where ancient and modern greek. where beauty is natural
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and nature creates beauty. go there and hear the words of the mountains each small step. but the threshold. too would shine please. go to a place where the borders are covered with snow. feel a moment of happiness. a moment which lasts for ever. allow herself to be welcomed and comforted by the best toasts. remember that memories full of smiles never end. those
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are the mountains of georgia that's good it see. the city give you news live from berlin and emotional farewell front of michael as she addressed this first cd you party at a final time assembly. and song i mean you can't sing. thank you all for party unity and if you don't like the bendigo big labor party delegates will vote on the successor to be deceiving you now and who
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could become germany's new chancellor one never gives up that. also coming up the eiffel tower and other parisian landmarks for her to close as french authorities brace for more violence this weekend yellow basque protesters are planning more rallies despite the government's u. turn on a controversial few. days investors put on a brave face that the arrest of a top executive at the chinese telecommunications giant weiwei threatens to torpedo efforts to ease the u.s. by no trade tension. the owner. i'm sumi so much going to thank you for joining us on the american has been an emotional farewell to delegates as she steps down as leader of germany c.d.u. party in her speech she defends the core values of her christian democratic party after appealing for unity within the party there was a long standing ovation for the federal politician at times miracle of
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a cure posted here unusual for the german leader who's been better known for her unflappable manner because that's down from the party's leadership after eighteen years at the seduce held. today in this hour in front of this moment i guess is just one feeling funding the food at dunk that i have and that is to feel his gratitude it was true joy it wasn't true on him thank you both all right well we have our team of reporters on the story we have our political correspondent nina hasa with us here in our studio and simon young over at the c.d.u. party conference in humber as well some let's start with you as we said this is a pretty emotional farewell from machall and emotion is not something we usually connect with this particular chance to start. her style her speech really did give us a sense that this is the end of an era isn't it. well that's true i would say it was a personal tone that she she tried to strike and as you say at the end there
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particularly saying that really the overwhelming feeling from all these years of service is one of gratitude that she's been able to do this important job leading at the c.d.u. but she looked back to her whole time saying that when she came in eighteen years ago the c.d.u. was down it was almost out she said as a result of the party funding scandal in the wake of cole's ten year. and she said that we had kept a cool head at that time we've shown the rest of the country and the world that the c.d.u. is able to renew itself and she said at that point you know we know where division leads i think that was a hint to some of the people who are going to be voting here for a need leader later you know that they should make sure the church knew divisions
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don't tell you an opposite result of a search for a new leader in the c.d.u. but angela merkel talking about the challenges that the country faces such as migration such as international division and she said that she feels she's left her party better able to deal with such challenges than it has been for many years before you know what did you make of what the chancellor had to say as we heard from simon she touched on a number of issues also looked at the past and looked ahead to the future as well i thought it was interesting how see made it clear that she would like the party to stay on the course that she has set for for it and that see gave examples of how the c.d.u. is better now than it was when she took over eighteen years ago and of course this is a hidden attack against the place mats. very much represents that old style that west german male dominated for saturday we should just say is one of the candidates who might replace actions around one of the potential candidates who is one of the one
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of the most likely successes fungal machall and she would very much like the cd not moved too far to the to the right wing and many people say that if the mets becomes a success that would happen she's often been criticized for not really having a vision for the future what would her successor has to do have to overcome to really appeal to voters and people within the party of course that is a very important question that the c.d.u. has to answer for itself because of course i'm glad machall during that eighteen years that she has been at the helm of the c.d.u. party lost some two hundred thousand members all over all but it also appealed to different photo groups than they did before uncle michael took over and so now the c.v. you will have to face they say this was how lynch of defining what conservatism actually is where they want to be and whether they want to snatch away voters from the far
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right if the like for that matter suggesting or whether they want to stay on course that i'm going mackerel of course that the macula set and that will be very much for presented by that come come about and the other favorite is the run up or you mentioned two of the candidates there are there are three front runners at this point vying to succeed machall as a party leader let's take a look at who those candidates are now. lisa other three candidates want to replace uncle america less c.d.u. party leader they've been crisscrossing the country making their pitch for the leading role migration and the european union have been big issues where do the candidates stand first up the comeback kid replacements twenty years ago he was the rising star of the party until markel snatched away a key post for self he ended up leaving politics now he's back and as tough words
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for germany's asylum laws he's been shown that. it's long been my opinion that we should be ready to discuss openly the right to silence where they can really stay this way if we are serious about a european refugees and migration policy. politike. he softened his stance in the face of intense criticism but matts remains a migration hardliner party members wanting a younger face for conservative values may go for the new kid on the block in spawn the thirty eight year old has given me a healthy dose of grief blaming the party's bad poll numbers on the refugee policy at times in the party is for rule of law and domestic security we are for public safety in the parks on the street and also on the borders we are the party for europe a europe that protects and protects itself protects its citizens that defends its values a europe that helps us because germany alone is too small. but not everyone is out
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to bury the past those looking for continuity could lean towards the favorite daughter and a great come come power position she shares with merkel relying less on the us for germany's defense. steep side than there are now to view the days when we would say to nato and the us so whoever sends the materials or the people and we as germany look on from outside or do little things those days are over. in the us i. we have to take more responsibility for our security and that also means spending more money for it to. predict melts. and agreed to come on they've staked out where they stand another party gets to choose at its conference where every place as i know was party chair may replace the dead for future elections until then the two will have to work together. all
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right so we saw there are the three main candidates in the running to replace chancellor merkel's ahead of the c.d.u. and ask you both about that but first you need we start them speak at various regional conferences speaking to the media you have an idea what what's different to what makes them different these three candidates it's been extremely interesting to watch this this democratic process in which the city years trying to find a. successor it's the first time that so many candidates are actually out on stage debating the future course of the party and i think what's important for viewers abroad probably to know is that they're all pro european they don't differ that much when it comes to foreign politics but they do differ when it comes to leadership style when it comes to just how they impact what conservatism actually means how conservative conservative you need to be in the traditional sense or you
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know what liberalism is so this is where they differ and then flip med's of course stands for a much more pro-business course since he was out of politics for just some ten years and made millions in various business activities and he. is not really seen as a potential successor quite yet but he is out there to help steer the debate he has been extremely vocal as a critic against criticizing her refugee policy the way she's been dealing with that big challenge in twenty fifteen when she decided to keep these borders open and i'm like come catherine is much more similar to i'm going actual in demeanor but also when it comes to policies and to underline that ari is salmon look that brings us to you know you know you've been speaking to delegates there on the floor of who do you see there as the favorite. well i think there's one thing that people
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here are convinced of and they're unified in that is that that this is going to be a very close vote it will be a secret ballot and that makes it more exciting than the choice of c.d.u. leader has sometimes been in the past you've got you've got a clear choice of direction as nina was saying between you know two rather different figures it's most people think that spawn is is really aiming just to get a good result so that he can go forward for future days but the vote between mets income many people see as as close i spoke earlier to the city use leader in parliament rough brink house and i asked him just how thought just how close he thinks it's going to be. i guess is the most exciting party convention we ever had in the city you and it's so close that nobody knows what will be the outcome and this afternoon ok a lot of people are saying it comes down to
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a choice between free rich man and a great kemp career and bauer and there are camps within the party now do you think that the party is more divided as a result of this process of choosing a new leader i guess the party is excited but not too divided and the shadow will be after this. that everybody sticks together and that we will be close was in the next week and the next month but i'm very optimistic that we get to this because we have a new spirit of democracy was in our party because everybody know has the shorts you know you can't deny that there are camps there are people within the party was saying we need a freeze met somebody is going to stir things up and change the course of the c.d.u. and others who are saying no we should stick with something a little more like angle americal about us things that it's a competition we had and we have. is the reasons that the party is moving
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so it's independent of the who wins us vote as a party is moving into a good direction into the direction of debating discussion of open discussion and to this is very good not only for our party but also for democracy in germany. all right simon some interesting words there from the city you parliamentary leader certainly feels like there's a lot of excitement there on the floor floor the first time in eighteen years they're voting for a new party leader take us through what happens next how is the new leader going to be chosen. or so when it's been finally determined and i think they're doing that now exactly how many candidates there will be because there's been a last minute opportunity to small warning for names to be put forward as long as they're nominated by significant groups within the party once we've got all that sort of doubts and it'll be whittled down to those last few candidates who go into a secret ballot one thousand and one delegates who have been chosen from different organizations and sections of the party. will have their say and it will be
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a secret ballot as i say what emerges from that if there's no clear majority for any one candidate then they'll be a runoff between the two leading candidates and as i say most people expect it will be free to mess around a great crime. and that will be the crunch moment when we will discover who will lead this party forwards in the coming days and who will have to work together with angle americal as she remains chancellor all right a lot of action so they're ahead in hamburg our correspondents watching everything for us very closely nina has a here in the studio and simon young in hamburg thank you both very much. ok let's catch up on some other stories that and making news around the world yemen's government and rebels traded accusations as they sat down for peace talks
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in sweden one key issue is expected to be the fate of the rebel held port city data it's a key entry point for food aid to the country the u.n. brokered talks are the first since two thousand and sixteen. the aquarius migrant rescue ship has ended its operation the charity that ran the vessel blames a smear campaign by european governments to get various was the last to charity run rescue ship operating off of libya and save tens of thousands of migrants from drowning in the mediterranean and. the u.s. state department spokesperson heather nauert is expected to be president donald trump's nominee for u.s. ambassador to the u.s. now it would replace nikki haley who steps down at the end of the year and we now we're joined state department last april after spending more than twenty years as a television journalist united states government has taken a very strong the eiffel tower and the lure of museum are among the landmarks that will be closed in paris this weekend as france braces for a repeat of last week's violence and rioting but police efforts to control the violence have also prompted criticism of this video here shows high school students
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being arrested in a town near paris hundreds of students were arrested around the country after protests disrupted or closed many schools closed. now across french cities and towns students walked out of their classrooms in anger at government reforms to university fees and entrance requirements looks like a city at war rioting vandalism car set on fire and tear gas. lead to fifty kilometers northwest of paris cars were burning here too and one hundred forty six people were taken into custody and fires in bordeaux in the south of the country and marches this banner reach a high school is angry. wherever you look in france the scene a similar high school and university students who've joined the yellow vests demonstrations to protest against the rising cost of living and against the government many are also demanding the country's president to resign. also we
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support the yellow vests we have a common cause it's about our future so it's obvious that will take to the streets the citizens we're here to support this movement and for people to pay more attention to us and what do the teachers say if there's no more security than your taking the risk in the past few days there's been rioting i saw a bus stop shelters being manned liason a car windshield smashed with a mother and three children inside the car these are things we've never seen before and are difficult to control and. there's no sign that high school and university students or the yellow vests are planning to stop their protests however not all the french think that should include violence when he's got a solution that is not a solution there solution a two you can demonstrate without being violent just like the law states he pleaded boller will. the government wants to show it's ready to negotiate however the
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concessions it's willing to make don't satisfy the yellow vests in the upper house of the french parliament the prime minister appealed to the demonstrators in the middle of one of the news with the minister of the interior asked those who were planning to come to paris on saturday to demonstrate not to do that they should distance themselves from the violence this is not about prohibiting freedom of expression it's simply good advice so that you don't get swept up in the violence thousands of security personnel will be deployed this weekend across the country the prime minister said that those who take part in writing will be arrested and brought to trial the government wants to show it won't put up with any more violence but that's not likely to stop the protests. sports now and in football news a glimpse premier league its first austrian manager after southampton hired former rb lights if boss doesn't hit the fifty one year old is the fourth former bundesliga coach currently i his trade in england's top tier is a tough job with southampton one of the early season favorites for relegation.
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pozen hopes all enjoyed a big reputation in german football the austrian guiding abi like seat to a second place finish in their first ever been his league campaign his is an unfamiliar names are many premier league supporters those who minces the small heart. so. this is more hard for a bit when you want. ralph rabbit hutch as the name translates will have his work cut out a new club southampton who currently light eighteenth in the league winless in eleven games he wasted no time getting to grips with his squad taking his first training session on thursday to form a boom as league coaches are all the rage in the premier league right now. asked while prosy of dortmund unbind coaches yogen club and pick quality ola doing battle at the top of the premier league with liverpool and manchester city while cops former right hand man at dortmund wagner won plaudits last season by keeping an on
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fancied huddersfield side in the division in the short term doesn't hurt will hopes to emulate wagner's achievements with southampton. i know that no guarantees for winning so the only chance we have is to work on on chances to keep to rise if we want to have guarantees you have to buy a washing machine. not not in football there are no guarantees anymore pozen hurtles high intensity coaching style and a passion for developing young players could make him a good fit at struggling southampton who boast one of the country's best you to cademy as. now it's one of ice hockey best loved fest of traditions and now the sports oldest team with a new record for it we're talking of course about the teddy bear toss when riley bayer barber story of the hershey bears fired in the team's first goal of the night and showered the ice for thousands of cuddly toys nearly thirty five thousand of them bring down total smashing the previous record by almost six thousand its all
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for a good hospital toys are collected up and donated to children to charities. for. ok time for business now chris office area with warnings about the risks kristoff of using chinese technology that's right assuming the european union should be worried about who are why and other chinese technology companies because of the risk they pose to the box industry and security that's the word from technology commissioner and i'm said today japan is the day this country reportedly planning to ban government purchases of telecoms equipment from hallway and another chinese company is that over security concerns meanwhile might want joe the who or why your fellow who was arrested on saturday is to appear in court later today. in a few hours time and one jew will find out whether she'll be extradited to the united states or set free canada as arrest of one of the highest ranking executives that huawei has placed the country in the middle of
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a complicated dispute between the u.s. and china. i think you assure everyone that we are a country. the appropriate. to. this case. must be the case but politics isn't ready at the very center of this case man was arrested on charges of helping huawei to violate u.s. sanctions on iran allegations beijing to nani's. as one of the permanent members of the un security council china over strictly and earnestly implements the resolutions that pos is. china also opposes any country imposing unilateral sanctions on others outside of the un ses framework. this isn't the first time huawei has come under scrutiny from abroad in the past u.s. lawmakers have described the tech giant as
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a threat to national security saying its technology could be used for spying other countries including australia new zealand and japan appear to share those concerns addressed banned or are mulling bans on huawei products but the timing of this case is especially sensitive just last week chinese leader xi jinping and u.s. president donald trump agreed to a ninety day truce in their months long trade dispute it's now looking on shakier ground than ever. financial markets are anxiously awaiting a decision on whether or not opec will cut oil output the cartel of oil producing nations has been resuming its latest bi annual meeting in vienna the main obstacle seems to be iran insisting on an exemption from possible production cuts until it comic sanctions are removed also opec is trying to convince nonmember russia to commit to significant reductions u.s. president donald trump had urged saudi arabia to refrain from lowering output in
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order to keep oil prices low. now the slump in oil prices mismanagement and hyper inflation have ruined venezuela's finances two million people have already fled the country president maduro now says he has signed deals worth billions of dollars with russia he announced a move on social media. this is the video venezuelan president nicolas maduro posted online. signed contracts today to guarantee investments of more than five billion dollars with our russian partners and joint ventures to raise oil production. we are also guaranteeing an investment of more than one billion dollars for mining mostly in gold all russian investments we also have signed a contract to guarantee all the wheat six hundred thousand tons of wheat for the people of when it is all guaranteed for twenty one thousand and beyond. you must.
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we contracts are as important to the venezuelan people as any economic deal food shortages half left people hungry with shelves empty and stores closed the has been on rest in the streets and many have fled to neighboring colombia. the crisis in oil rich minnesota ala once one of the wealthiest countries in south america started with falling oil prices mismanagement and u.s. sanctions intensified the problems the international monetary fund is expecting inflation to hit ten million percent next year. when israel has long enjoyed close ties with russia moscow is now a key lender for the cash strapped country but murderous government is struggling to repay its debt the meeting in moscow was the second in the month in november the head of russian oil company rosneft was in qatar cust to press module over delayed
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oil shipments aimed at repaying loans. china and portugal have signed an agreement to make the portuguese port of scene ish part of china's new silk road global trade route for to go has to go has a long tradition of trade with china they bring back to when the territory of macau was a portuguese call. now as special administrative region macau also signed up to the project beijing says it will support macau setting up a financial services platform to link china and portuguese speaking countries like soit be exported brazil and oil rich angola. top story we are following for you at this hour he. has addressed the c.d.u. party for the final time as its leader urged the party to remain on the course she had set and received in lengthy standing ovation later delegates will hold a successor to take over from mrs merkel s.e.q.
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party leader andrew close one day come join us. and forget you can always get the news on the go just download our out from google play or from the app store give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use. to send us photos and videos you think we might find interesting. watching the news coming to you live from berlin we have more coming up at the top of the hour in the meantime don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that's dot com for now thanks for joining thanks for watching.
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greg. allen. more intrigued the international talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week. nations is warning of climate chaos with millions of dad and refugees coming climate conference and proud of each other find a way out of this dire scenario that's our topic this week with me brian thomas
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spot on. quadriga next on d w. this really. is it's. just about us or santa claus is how. a man must be. christmas stuff. i'll do it yourself expert shows you how to make. your romance in sixty minutes on g.w. . a continent is reinventing itself. as africa's tech scene discovers it's true potential. inventors entrepreneurs and high tech professionals talk about their
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vision successes and day to day business difference. it's. history in the everyone knows. now for tradition but i was trying to. digital africa starts december twelfth on t.w. . hello and welcome to quadriga the international talk show coming to you from berlin i'm brian toms with the world seeing more and more extreme drought supercharge hurricanes and catastrophic floods millions around the world want to see action on coping with climate change among them of course the protesters are taking to the
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