tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle December 8, 2018 10:00pm-10:16pm CET
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me and the constitution my name is on the top sheet on and i will akin to tell you . this is the wu slight problem but it is a new leader of japanese strongest and it's because he gets to work and make a comic on it gets a common power takes over from trying to i'm going after that terribly conservative c.d.u. casa de dia de w. has an exclusive interview with the new because she is also coming on. and growing the streets of the french capital as the sole weekend of yellow
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a festive protests rocked the country about one hundred thirty people have been injured more than i found some protesters have been to take police have used tear gas and gear to camp to control the crowd. and another stop change at the white house u.s. president donald trump says his chief of staff jonah carrying on kids in need within weeks following reports of a disagreement deal beating second man to leave the job on the troubled. me and. i'm going to home free glad you could join me off to a close leadership battle on a plate come about one has taken over from german chancellor angela merkel as leda all the c.d.u. all on her first day in charge the party is getting behind its new leader electing have proposed nominate to an important post on it come on. self is now
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a potential successor to replace chancellor. invited to meet the new boss and he could come cabin by were worked hard to get elected to lead the c.d.u. now she plans to broaden the conservatives appeal to win back voters from the right wing populist and the greens if possible before the european elections in may she merkel and monthly very valid candidate for the european conservatives are prepared to take on the right wingers of the alternative for germany if he's been elected it's a right wing party in part an extreme right party and therefore we will fight with everything we have against exerting great influence in our country but if he is the german breaks that party if you want a situation like that in london vote. but if you want stability peace and cooperation on this continent vote c.d.u. and support us in the next european election the next model by the european elections will be the first look must test for a crime karen barlow who may well be the next candidate for chancellor. she'll want
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to prove herself able to put together the right team and unite the party she'll need a loyal party secretary general happily for her the new one policy meowed was her choice to try to and q.'s younger voters. can propose the debates were passionate and more motions were submitted than the usual party setting out its future isn't. as we have come to the end of a party conference day which in every way was a very unusual one where the historic one in a good way that is above all down to us. yet so i didn't and then serves. to close tradition the national anthem that remains otherwise the city you is looking for when you will to retain its power in germany and in europe.
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all g.w. interviewed an excited about what a day at a party conference in hamburg is what she had to say. i'll come congo as you have missed come karen bar you won by a way for said majority many people in your party would have wanted to become more conservative what are you offering those who are feeling that down as. the title the party conference has indeed been polarized on an individual level. and that he would look to see it. but it was clear beforehand that the candidates also have similar views. to decide and switch in the country that means often but the it is for those of us for instance like free to fish mats and i believe the state needs to be able to enforce the rule of law i learned that during my time estates interior minister and it's something we want to get started on in discussions on migration and domestic security next spring. in public now do you have three
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important state elections in eastern germany where the right wing populist party is particularly successful how are you hoping to win back these orders. as a myth and with our own strength first we're not going to follow what the other parties are doing even if the state election campaigns are admittedly not going to be easy so instead we want to build our power there is the c.d.u. there are many regional topics many areas where we perform well in states where where the opposition there's a lot of justified criticism towards those governing there will certainly also be more general topics like social issues and pensions will have to organize ourselves well but like i said our main aim is to win people over with our strength and in such a way that voters come back to us what we call sound an awful let's look at europe because you said the city you is unique as the last mainstream party still in power in europe the mainstream parties are losing voters how can the c.d.u. survive as a india most of all by remaining true to ourselves it's not
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a movement that follows personalities but a strong policy based party that's why today we've started the process of revising our manifesto says that this will and one of the most important questions for us is going to be how we shape our european election campaign to support our joint candidates manfully to be about the mission and been given couldn't fuel in the minds i'm going to darton for months but we were in fine when he creates a burning in france and people there are demonstrating fighting against social injustice can germany learn something from this. as we cover the story and i think germany is in a different situation because through the social market economy and our system of social partnership we have a system where many issues and conflicts are always discussed and settled in orderly structures. and i very much hope that we in germany can preserve the peace social peace that we have because of this. evening the search of this interview. opens and it's unfair to women because whether it's in france or in other states
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you can see how problematic it is when agreed upon rules are broken and when conflicts even when they're justified to turn violent. the delicious of. that is going on in the boat. in recent months you've also positioned yourself in foreign policy for example with russia where you're calling for a stronger more far reaching sanctions why. so imo and swallow we have to remember especially with recent events in the coach straits that the unlawful onix ation of crimea that the interference in eastern ukraine was the beginning of the discussion and the conflict. we have to make very clear through existing sanctions and through our response to recent events that we do not and we cannot tolerate this kind of land seizure in europe. or the student of the student couldn't it's clear that the sea of as of is
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not a russian sea and it's also in the european and in the international interest to make that evident that. you have said that you believe yourself capable of taking on the role of chancellor do you still think that chancellor merkel will see out the current term and continue as chancellor for another three years. well we has a federal government that's been elected for this legislative period angela merkel has said she's available to see it out on the party conference yesterday showed very clearly that's what members wish it's also my personal wish and i see it as my task as the leader of the ruling party to ensure this government has the stability it needs to fulfil its an actual mandate and i can count on a good come catherine power thank you very much for the interview. and now to some of the other stories making news around the walls six people including five teenagers have died and dozens are injured after a stampede in
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a nightclub media talian city of on kaurna police are investigating claims that the crash was triggered when a path a spray like substance was released into the crowd during a rap concert. thousands of activists have been demonstrating in poland just last action against climate change the march comes at the hof waymark of the un climate conference in the polluter shitty of cats of its delegates from nearly two hundred states to their discussing how to implement the goals set by the twenty fifteen paris climate summit. meeting russian human rights activists alexei you have a has studied she was ninety one and among the last soviet era dissidents still active in russia alexei yet was expelled from the communist party in one nine hundred sixty eight highlighting soviet human rights abuses and she continued to hold the kremlin to its rights obligations until the end. the french interior minister says one hundred thirty five people were injured as the so-called yellow vests took to the streets for the fourth weekend in
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a row the police detained over one thousand demonstrators and they were among some one hundred twenty five thousand people who turned out for protests in french towns and cities the movement was sparked by anger over a planned increase in fuel taxes and although those taxes have been scrapped protest is a calling for further reforms. the on the streets of paris rebellion is in the air once again yellow vests in full voice. i was. out but they weren't and so on for a long pockets of anger soon erupted across paris street battles with thousands of extra police out to go to city practically on lockdown. the up to triumph of pounds on a narrow side street a crowd tries to penetrate the barricade. police fire back with tear gas
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it takes just seconds to send them back gasping for air. elsewhere what to cannons those out on the streets are angry at the government and furious at the police's response. like an aching i'm emotional today if not i wouldn't have taken to the streets i'm upset because there are people who don't and enough to make a living who are a thousand euros a month. from. the government says it's listening scrapping its plan to hike fuel taxes but president emanuel mccrone hasn't addressed the protests this himself. francis interior minister met today not with protesters but with police also the violence is never a way of protesting the government has held out its hand made a number of proposals and made efforts now we have to sit down at the table and
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talk a little bit because we do. on the streets offices pluck demonstrators from the crowd officials say hundreds have been arrested so far as the government strains to bring another saturday of mayhem on the control. u.s. president donald trump's chief all softness in leave the white house off the two reportedly stopped speaking to each other in recent days general john kerry was high tech and calles at the white house but is now the latest member of the president and his uncle to leave off to difficult mid term elections that republicans those close to the president say that kennedy wasn't as politically savvy as trump would have liked but he's replacement has not yet been announced. and president trump announced his departure on the white house lawn before i had a cuppa so john kelly will be leaving for the end of the year at the end of the year. i appreciate his service very much thank you well let's go to washington now
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and my coat can make a joins us so michael john kelly now all his way out why is he being dismissed and why now. well the exit of john kelly and has been rumored and talked about for a very long time and in fact the last couple days there were media reports that kelly was was about to leave his post in the next few days and that has happened now and the reason is that the chemistry between the president and kelly had deteriorated for a long time and they had that initially a good relationship but it has gone sour in as as time moved on and so this this exit is just basically the last straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and when kelly started his his his tenure he was kind of deemed as one of the adults in the room so to speak to kind of try to curtail trump and try to bring order to the white house and as it turns out and people quickly learned trump doesn't really
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want to be controlled or knew by kill you or by no one else and so this was just a matter of time until a trump and kelly parted ways but it's not actually so unusual for a president to reshuffle his cabinet off to midterm elections and it seems that business thing sue an insider to take on the chief of staff job so is this a case of business as usual frankly and it kind of feels strange to say that it is normal it is almost normal it is almost business as usual because as you said presidents tend to reshuffle their cabinet after the midterms and two years in office and this is what trump has been doing in recent days having said that the the likely candidate nick ayers is also kind of a normal candidate he's a republican insider he is the current leave the chief of staff of vice president mike pence and he's from hails from georgia important state for the for the conservatives so it's kind of strange to say that but yes this is kind of business
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as usual a matter for trump these days michael can you can you get putting it all into perspective for us thanks a lot. you're watching news from a but plenty more coming up at the top of the hour was when i was given a test on our website that is e.w. dot com i'm home free in balance very easy. to. come up. with natural richardson on a precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called to ethiopia is going to go into the country as an abundant supply and leases it to international corporate giants.
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