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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2018 9:00am-9:16am CET

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this is. from. the streets of the french capital. one hundred thirty five. seven hundred protesters. push through his. strongest political.
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it's good to have you with us from prime minister believe has appeal for continue dialogue a day off the violent antigovernment protests in the capital one hundred thirty five people were injured in saturday's protests as the so-called yellow vests took to the streets for the fourth weekend in a row police detained almost two thousand demonstrators the movement will go over a planned increase in fuel taxes those have since been scrapped but protesters are calling for further reforms. the streets of paris rebellion i.
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vests in full voice. was. but they weren't in song for long pockets of anger soon fled across the city street battles with thousands of extra police outs and paris practically on lockdown it wasn't quite the chaos of last weekend still officials are dismayed at what played out the saturday. the escalation of violence has been stopped it has been certainly contained but it is totally unacceptable it would accept the. water cannons in the capital the government says it must bring the situation under control but those on the streets say that good reason to protest. i can make. i'm emotional today if not i wouldn't take into the streets i'm upset there are people who don't earn enough to make a living who earn a thousand euro a month. you know from what the government says it's listening to the demonstrators
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scrapping its plan to hike fuel taxes but president emanuel mccrone hasn't yet met with them that's made them even more angry their protests lasted into the evening the legendary shams elisei yet again a field of battle. the yellow first movement is less than a month old but it's already brought hundreds of thousands to demonstrations across the country their message the cost of living is too high for many ordinary people and they expect the government to be on their side. did have a correspondent lisa lowers is covering the protests for us in paris lisa morning good to see you you're covering the protests in a neighborhood which saw clashes yesterday what is the scene there this morning. absolutely life here is going back to normal now you can see the cleaning cars just behind me cleaning away the last hags from last night there were violent clashes
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here late into the evening last night between the police and demonstrators so obviously with lots of tear gas being dispersed here i was just talking to someone on a lady who lives here in the area i actually just live five hundred meters away from here and she told me you know we kind of used to these protests now but still she preferred to stay at home last night with her little daughter she said there was lots of the girls everywhere this is no point in getting out she said you know understand what these protesters are asking for however the violence sometimes goes a bit too far she said i understand when they attack you know luxury shops like the or something like that according to her because she said this is kind of a symbolic gesture they say there's something wrong with our system but at the same time when protesters attack cars and burn cars normal people have to pay for that
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so it's a bit less clear what that might lead to and it's actually it affects the people that they're defending now these protests initially. against a proposed hike in rates not the government rolled back this proposed hike what are the protesters demanding no. well they're asking for a lot more actually they said when the government finally reacted to their main demand you know to take away that huge tax hike that was one for next year they said that's too little too late now they are asking for more they are asking for a higher minimum wage asking for other taxes to go down there asking the government to tax the rich more because these people who are struggling to make ends meet to for example meet their costs to go to work and that's why this huge tax hike is so symbolic for them they are saying that they are shouldering they have to shoulder
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far too large share of the transition to would a more sustainable economy right now these are the message no appears to be that it's time to how does a plan to win back the yellow vests if you're. so the the government says you know we need to negotiate now president call is to place to make an announcement early this week tomorrow maybe on tuesday and it also talks kicking off across the territory between the government politically titian's and yellow vests protesters so we'll see what it was that was put on the table really did a correspondent covering the protests for us in this thank you very much. now to some of the other stories making news around the world thousands of activists have been demonstrating in poland for foster action against climate change the march. the un climate conference in the city of. delegates from nearly two hundred streets
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of they're discussing how to implement the goals set of the twenty fifteen summer. u.s. president donald trump has told reporters that his chief of staff john kelly will leave his job by the end of the they have been persistent reports for several days that mr kelly has been under pressure to leave trump said his successor could be announced in the coming. i mean go to the polls today in step three elections triggered by reformist prime minister nicola. he took office earlier this year after spearheading massive opposition protests that forced out leader. dubbed armenia's velvet revolution it was the most sweeping transformation in the landlocked southern caucasus country since its independence from the soviet union in one thousand nine hundred one parliamentary elections one should you have to be held on to twenty twenty two this now or is being seen as an attempt by partially to cement or to come apart of a head of a land reform drive. to his supporters he's
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a true man of the people a former journalist turned politician nicole passion jaan has a way with words and an unassuming style that has won the hearts and minds of many armenians passing on was elected prime minister by parliament in may after galvanizing a civil disobedience movement to protest a power grab by the country's prime minister sasha sarkozy on donning his trademark backpack and baseball cap pushing the onside weeks of mass protests that ultimately forced sarkozy answer resignation. but the longer willing republican party retained its majority in parliament in october passion on step down as prime minister to trigger early elections during his campaign he blasted the old elitist corrupt and pledged to revive the economy in a country where a third of the population lives in poverty principally some live love in the economic agenda is a priority. so we have a very important and ambitious plan to transform a media grammarian into and just roll country. into
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a technological and just real state is a city void strongly. passion young remains popular few doubt that his my stuff alliance will come out on top of the race among eleven parties and political blocs . is a will power vote for nicole passion on his virtue as an honest during his seven months in office his hands were tied because the former ruling party still dominated parliament. until he gets rid of all the corrupt thieving politicians from the previous government he won't be able to do any good news. the capitol. in december fog but on the street there is real hope among armenians that this election could mark the advent of real democratic change. after three candidates battled it out in their bid to replace and you know america lurch out of the c.d.u. party and a group out of about a mountaintop she secured the support of city your members of their congress and
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humbug and has now taken over the reins of the party leadership on our first jobs or to unify the party ahead of crucial regional your opinion actions next year and the cd you got behind its new leader appointing her big to a key to shoot position. vital to meet the new boss and he could come cabin by worked hard to get elected to lead the c.d.u. now she plans to broaden the conservatives appeal to win back voters from the right wing populist and the greens if possible before the european elections in may she merkel and months would be a valid candidate for the european conservatives are prepared to take on the right wingers of the alternative for germany if d. is the next but it's a right wing party in part an extreme right party and therefore we will fight with everything we have against exerting great influence in our country so if he is the german breaks that party if you want a situation like that in london vote a.f.d.c.
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but if you want stability peace and cooperation on this continent vote c.d.u. and support us in the next european election the next nobody. here pm the elections will be the first litmus test for crime karrenbauer who may well be the next candidate for chancellor. she'll want to prove herself able to put together the right team and unite the party she'll need a loyal party secretary general happily for her the new one policy meowed was her choice to try to end cues younger voters. and compose the debates were passionate and more emotions resubmitted than usual a party setting out its future isn't. in the as we have come to the end of a party conference day which in every way was a very unusual one whether historic run in a good way that is above all down to us. and you can unsay. to close tradition the national anthem that remains otherwise the c.d.u.
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is looking for renewal to retain its power in germany and in europe. as the new city you need a other group. is now in pole position to also become a party's candidate for johnson and angular markedly eventually steps down a german leader. head of politics. or. about some of our foreign policy positions among other issues the new security does signal that he will be taking a harder line on migration and jobs in america i believe the state needs to be able to enforce the rule of law i learned that during my time as states interior minister and it's something we want to get started on in discussions on migration and domestic security next spring. if i spent as greets a burning in france people there are demonstrating fighting against social injustice can germany learn something from this. as we cover the story and i think
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germany is in a different situation because through the social market economy and our system of social partnership we have a system where many issues and conflicts are always discussed and settled in orderly structures. and i very much hope that we in germany can preserve the peace social peace that we have because of this. in recent months you've also positioned yourself in foreign policy for example with russia where you're calling for stronger more far reaching sanctions why. so imo and swallow we have to remember especially with recent events in the coach strait that the unlawful onix ation of crimea that the interference in eastern ukraine was the beginning of the discussion and the conflict was. we have to make very clear through existing sanctions and through our response to recent events that we do not and we cannot tolerate this kind of land seizure in
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europe. but the student of the student couldn't it's clear that the sea of as of is not a russian sea and it's also in the european and in the international interest to make that evident that. you have said that you believe yourself capable of taking on the role of chancellor do you still think that chancellor merkel will see out the current term and continue as chancellor for another three years. well we has a federal government that's been elected for this legislative period angela merkel has said she's available to see it out on the party conference yesterday showed very clearly that's what members wish it's also my personal wish. and i see it as my task as the leader of the voting party to ensure this government has the stability it needs to fulfill its side that troll mandates and i can count on a good come cut in power thank you very much for the interview. i had in mind of the top story of your following for your right now the yellow best focus of bento
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there for. at least two hundred thirty people were injured and almost two hours of the rest and as the demonstrations dawn violent on saturday. we'll have more news of the top of the os stay with you and don't forget to check out our web site the devil docs call me back again the company all of them but. with the different languages we fight for different things that's fine but we all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters w made for minds. a news analyst literally just what's the answer to. the. old.


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