tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle December 15, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm CET
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i mean you know. our beauty. has it all. the feats in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly he's one for the ages. starts december twenty second w. hi everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of your max with me your host meghan lee as always we are making our way around to all the cultural in europe here's a look at what's coming up. riding the waves the portuguese resort of nazare is
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a surfers paradise. telling the tale a new film for traces on street lindgren younger years. and taking it to the top featuring an austrian patisserie high up in the alps. we start off the show on the water one of the best surf spots in the world is located off the portuguese coast in here top surfing athletes take to the water like fish and conquer mountain highways for a true adrenaline rush well this sport is not for amateurs the surfers wear special gear in case that the waves overtake them we went along to meet some of these adrenaline junkies and watch them in action. it's known as the beast of nasser
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a huge waves have pulled many fishermen to their death on this part of the portuguese coast. today those same way destroy the very best of the big waves surfers from all around the world surface like sebastian stroy neck from germany winter is his favorite time of year he's spent the last few months preparing for the surfing season. one of the one of the one of the months and months go by where nothing happens but every day you have to work towards your goal to be successful but the reason i do it is because i love it . sebastian is a professional surfer at the age of sixteen he moved to hawaii but he spends the winter months here in portugal on just a few days in winter between november and february the monster waves here on the coast can reach heights of up to twenty five meters when it was the answer to the first death my greatest fear isn't dying i don't worry about sustaining terrible
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injuries either. i think it's the competitor in me that worries. my greatest fear is missing out on the biggest wave of the mystical surveillance ocean just off the coast of nazareth this is shoojit undersea canyon that runs five thousand meters deep it causes the water to build up creating towering waves it's thanks to the canyon that nasser a has some of the biggest waves in the world and that has changed the town which is home to some fifteen thousand people it was once a place of pilgrimage now surfers and tourists from around the world flocked to the town making it an all year round attraction. so they're going to give us a obviously we do miss our old nestle way sometimes but only a bit because actually we're proud. i would tell me is known the world over.
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at the traditional restaurant. locals and surface come together to swap stories about the wild waves. when they really want to. use wasn't so when we first came here in two thousand and twelve they all thought we were crazy this is a fishing community and folks grew up hearing about all the fishermen who died when their boats capsized. about death beach and the waves that turn women into widows. now we servers have almost become local heroes and are treated as such. marina pariah is the second generation of her family to run the restaurant the place used to cater to fisherman now it's a fixed address to international surf as. sebastian is like a son to me i take care of the guys they turn up here frozen and i serve them hot soup they love it. up until i years ago no
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one who did to go surfing here it was pedro pisco the first realized that's a race whites could be a hit so he wrote to the big white surface around the world and invited them to come. to see what for the surface to see is something that we all tracked every single person will get better you see crazy. surfing you don't coming down a mountain of water that is sure you think finally the time has come for sebastian stork not to get out on to the water he can hardly wait to scan the tide of his now for the fun part there's no nerves or tension at all just pure pleasure for. wearing an airbag vest which would bore him up in an emergency he heads out to sea ten people are here to assist in doctors' lifesavers. away spotter and his jet ski drivers hutto him to the right position he glides easily down the fifteen meter
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wave as though it were effortless. in the woman the moment i actually surf the web it's all just instinct i don't think any more it just happens but. there are only around ten people worldwide who surf on waves of this size thousands come to watch for the small town of nazareth it's a gift that big wave surface have transformed the place and given it a new sense of pride. from on the water to in the water and fish in malta received a visit from santa claus more on that and other stories in the spirit of the christmas season coming up in today's express. it seems there's nothing santa con to do he's even dived into a giant aquarium to bring the fish a little holiday cheer he came bearing gifts of fish food for the fish and sharks
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that swim in the biggest tank of malta's national aquarium in kwara center in vis case is keeping alex rodriguez his job includes feeding the fish anyway whether or not the sea creatures recognized him in his disguise we'll probably never know. the sauna is a part of life in finland even if the christmas markets christmas shoppers can stop by to enjoy the high temperatures and to chat. and so you can be no party saw. you for the whole seven bodies as he so i mean it's very easy to use it nicole said. soreness in public places used to be commonplace in finland. but as more and more people installed them in their homes they disappeared from view. now the communal saunas are enjoying something for
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a bottle. sarah's and a bed of belgium has set up a christmas village in his yard and decorated it with thousands of lights and even features santa claus office. says the son of a leon plays the jolly elf listens to children's wishes the family's been working on the village since september. so john i bet it took a month off work to complete it. turning now to one of the most famous guitarists of all time mark no fleur former front man of dire straits since the band broke up in one nine hundred ninety five no floor has concentrated on a solo career he recently brought out a new album called down the road where ever which includes his typical rock n roll style but also brings in some soul and jazz you hear from him now about how this
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new album came about. is the time i was going to pull through. this thing called good on you son is about being at peace with yourself and mark knopfler very much is. bridge a local i believe we visited him at his studio in london this is where he recorded his new album. for me i don't try to interfere with the mystery of it too much the soul is like a child you know in a way you you have to let it just grow and be itself to me to me to feel too much you know. it's a bit like choosing the best school if you know for you for your kid to soon as soon as. his. written. his was. his new songs always turn out best when time almost stands
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still like in matchstick man which takes a look back at his beginnings as a musician and what does he see i think guy in the middle of nowhere just a matchstick man. that statement. you spoke of if there was a sort of a broken functioning competition or something i promise you i would be lost i mean there's lots and lots of things that i seem to do slowly i mean walking down the street i get overtaken by old ladies going to the post office and so i don't seem to be able to do anything particularly. he was already twenty eight when he co-founded dire straits by that stage he played in countless bands and worked as a journalist and as an english teacher it was one nine hundred seventy seven a time when punk and disco were exploding in britain in dire straits it seemed
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almost old fashioned at first with their. cool blues rock sultans of swing was their first big hit song. then m.t.v. started out with their increasingly mainstream sound the band fit perfectly to the station's us american music profile. the slow mark not fleurs solo career has now lasted longer than his time with dire straits two very different chapters of his life. you can't really compare them i think both and a lot of ways because the first achieved so much of the dream stuff that you want to you know to actually get. it was very important you know that just it was
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brilliant it was great you know i mean i loved it. i loved the whole thing it until it became so big that i just stopped enjoying it. in the eighty's the band rose into the league of mega stars with the album brothers in arms the digitally produced album helped to make the compact disc popular dire straits was the first band to sell more c d's of the album than vinyl over a million and all until they split up in one thousand nine hundred five they played all the world's large stadiums. next year mark knopfler will go on tour again of course with his very own special guitar sound. good my name you know guitar teacher would say. you know i play
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guitar like a promise you know but it's too late for me to. to correct. those mistakes i'm afraid good. definitely worth a listen ok if swedish author astrid lindgren were alive today she'd probably be a spokesperson for single mothers not only that she penned the famous pippi longstocking stories she had to work hard to maintain custody of her illegitimate son and that was back in the one nine hundred twenty s. her personal story is full of intrigue and challenge and it's now been brought to the silver screen in the film becoming a straight danish director parent christianson per trey's the writer's lesser known side. of this line comes
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down concerns i. where did the famous children's book author get her exuberant attitude towards life the movie centers on the three years of young astrid's life that she only spoke about decades later and only very little she was wild non-conformist and downright rebellious much like her character pippi longstocking . she has i mean she is the most. amazing fantasy and i think that has a lot to do about her childhood to grow up in the countryside in kind of freedom where she could just play around and just. be free. to move to sweden astrid lingering grew up here in the one nine hundred twenty s. in a free but conservative society her father was a tenant farmer. her mother deeply devout. by the time she was eighteen she was eager to experience life. the local newspaper was looking for
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a trainee at it and she took the job that someone. so i tell ya don't interest us they started title side machine nothing least so coast. up truck and about to ask us. for her first assignment she boarded a train and discovered her passion for writing but then a young unmarried astrid became pregnant a scandal in sweden at the time. passes to a pickup truck that had not lost. on the old consume hotels that the scum adama. and he had stopped us got about undercutting and nothing it's about the nice guys who i know who. it better than an appliance. cursed me meant that it was
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a fun. block but i'm not going to hand dynamite. pennies to the side until. the next consumer. the editor who fathered the child persuaded astrid to leave her baby son last in the care of a boston mother indefinitely. she endured the ordeal of being forced to give up her child because of moral religious and personal constraints. the kind of thank you didn't mean a lesson by us but what i dislike. he said as attached to him in contempt. there were so many women that went through the same and there and some of them even worse things and it's just not been easy for those women and that's why it's so important to just remind people of
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these this history. in the making of one. last. two lessons. astrid visited last as often as she could but he clung to his foster mother and most muslims. based on what he can push tarnished there can't be. yes and in actual i mean yeah that's right after i. hit the mother august shines as lingering. after young astrid leaves the baby's father she plunges into a new life and tries to forget her despair. her sorrow at having to give up her son for a time may have been what drove her to write the stories which have been enjoyed by millions of children. being lost in the in those things has affected her. and her writing and she had said share empathy for
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children also and that must have. to do with the loss i think. in other stories about this lonely kids. becoming astrid tells the highly emotional story of how astrid linger and uses her imagination and knack for storytelling to reconnect with her son and forge a new path for herself. yet the film never resorts to kids her path us rather it's an ode to courage inner strength and finding your own voice. when last as foster mother becomes gravely ill astrid brings her son back to stockholm slowly she wins him over with her love and her stories. and just pass. and stuff and down cat and then don't just that's just. specially really miss her
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today us says we need her today because she could say things outloud and she was not so scared i. want to know more about european my style and culture visit euro max on facebook. you'll find highlights from our programmes. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the programme is produced and follow us on facebook live. we'd love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d.w. euro max on facebook. time now for some dessert and kaiser schmoe on is one of australia's most popular sweets it's basically like a pancake that's been all cut up in a served with sugar and cherry sauce on the side now it's quite decadent but it
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manages to hit the spot on those chilly winter days and what better place to eat it then on a mountaintop. to pit called lazy it's austria's high a ski resort here at the ski season lasts until may three restaurants feed hungry winter sports enthusiasts one atop the glazier that's almost three thousand five hundred metres above sea level and the others at an elevation of almost three thousand metres. after a day on the slopes ski is can enjoy delicious helping all kinds of snow on the sweet days she's that's much a part of austrian identity as the alps. wonderful just like my grandma used to make it. nearby you'll find austria's highest patisserie stephany's is hard at work here paying pastries and kinds of smart.
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you put it everything is produced up here in the bakery because we make all the desserts for the two restaurants dish pizza and custom and we also supply cafe three for forty with fresh cake and students. every morning that is sent up by cable car to austria's highest coffee house cafe three full forty it lies six hundred meters about the bakery aside from the fantastic there's another treat for visitors at the so-called place yes no cake. on the coconut fine apple very fluffy very large but if you get it fresh it's quite magical and certainly recommended would put it in feet. but operating a sky high bakery has its pitiful its. position in these last three thousand four hundred forty meters the boiling point is different so if we know that the weather
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will change will produce the biscuit bases a day early because otherwise they might not be so fluffy and could fall apart on a side of sniffs ocean. milk eggs flour sugar that's all. kinds of smarm doesn't require any delicate preparation just mix the milk in flour then separate the eggs and beat the egg white with sugar until stiff. coming out now that it's nice and foamy will do the famous test. it should be like this. as the rest of the act to the mixture. then to give it its airy consistency gently fold in the egg whites nearly all men. on the pits todd glacier we don't use
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mineral water and. we prefer egg whites. than the kaiser stays moist longer but i didn't feel. used the shavings i. saw your come on you know now we can add some raisins on the glacier we put in raisins but you can leave them out if you wish. it were. up to four tons of man in the winter season that's one hundred fifty to two hundred portions a day. should be baked for five minutes on the outside and then it's ready. stephany's i'm also surprised the restaurants with viennese apple strudel and clips . monica said to get its name from a pancake that went wrong. the austrian emperor of france use if the dropped.
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but when a pancake fell apart during cooking people scrambled up and served. them proud loved it and empress scrambled all the smart. two from. now it's just missing the icing sugar on top and here we serve our crisis man with apples also ending on berries. because this man doesn't just a favorite he drawled it's one of austria's most popular design. and finally before we go we want to let you went on the winner of this week's draw we asked you to send us a photo of your best moment of two thousand and eighteen and we received some
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pictures which we'll share with you now they include sailing trip in pro way shot a first communion in el salvador a marriage proposal at the eiffel tower in paris and this lovely moment from a viewer from india with his children but there can only be one winner of our draw and that is in susanna ruffo from argentina with this photo of her grandchild in the first time he saw no. congrats and that you have won an exclusive euro max watch and with that we wrap up the show thanks for watching and we'll see you again tomorrow for the highlights physicians. next time on your own max the highlights show japanese italian artist thomas going to go updates classic masterpieces with modern day symbol. an annual festival of lights the eliminates the french city of leone and the top portuguese chef prepares
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her first day of school in the jungle. first clearly listen to this. band doris green the moment arrives. join during a tank on her journey back to freedom leak in our interactive documentary. the road to tame returns home on d w dot com orangutang. earth. home to millions of species a home worth saving. on those are big changes and most start with small steps global warming two years tell stories of creedence people and innovative projects around the world like to use the term the climate to green energy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and we're determined to build something
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here for the next generation was the one to use the multimedia environment series on t.w. . the world. lead . plane the a legislator . this is live from the u.n. climate change talks shoots into overtime and a little bit dead in the. last campaign is urged deadlock negotiating to get that to get that off negotiations go through the night there are still deep divisions of how to cut global warming also on the program and
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